If you have run into difficulties with the standard PhiloLogic installation guide, below is a step-by-step list of instructions that seem to generally work on a RedHat-flavored Linux+Apache setup.
NOTE: These instructions are for users who know their way around the command line and have sudo privileges on a machine. If you are not yourself the sys admin for your machine, you may want to consult with them before proceeding.
- It goes wihout saying that usual development stuff like Make and GCC should already be installed on your system, as well as Apache and Python3. If you do not know what these things are, consult with your system administrator.
- gdbm may or may not be installed, so:
sudo yum install gdbm gdbm-devel
- Since PhiloLogic 4.6 is using Python3, make sure that you have python3-devel installed as well.
sudo yum install python3-devel
- Now some Python stuff:
sudo pip3 install scikit-build
- Download PhiloLogic 4.6 from github here.
- Unzip the archive in some covenient place on your system.
- cd to the directory and
sudo ./install.sh
- If you run into build errors with CMake, you may need to update pip, followed by deleting the new config file and running the install again:
sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip
sudo rm /etc/philologic/philologic4.cfg
sudo ./install.sh
- In your Apache config file (probably /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf) add the following:
<Directory "/var/www/html/philologic4">
Options FollowSymLinks Multiviews
MultiviewsMatch Any
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
- Restart Apache
sudo apachectl restart
- Download Philo4Classics from here and unzip in a convenient location.
- cd to the Philo4Classics load directory.
- Modify Classics_load_config.py options as necessary.
- If you have a custom AngularJS theme.css, then modify the theme path in /etc/philologic/philologic4.cfg. If you want to use the ARTFL theme, the css file is located in the extras directory in the Philo4Classics repository. This must be done before you do a load.
- Install a new load:
philoload4 -l Classics_load_config.py My_Load_Name /path/to/my/*.xml
- Make sure to open the PhiloLogic4.6 load in a browser before the next step.
- Now run the classicize.py script (you should already be in the load directory in the Philo4Classics directory). By default, the fix "type" is "text", which is valid for almost all types of PhiloLogic 4.6 loads, except for dictionaries.
./classicize.py My_Load_Name