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Marcin Ufniarz edited this page May 19, 2023 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the Ascend Co-op Platform Project

Welcome to the AscendCoopPlatform project, an open-source initiative aimed at revolutionizing the way non-profit organizations and cooperatives work and interact. This project is a labor of love by the team at ASCENDynamics, a non-profit organization with a mission to make a positive difference in society. We're thrilled to have you here!

About ASCENDynamics NFP

ASCENDynamics is an incubator for worker-owned cooperatives. Our mission is to offer technical, networking, and other resources to various entities, especially startups, to help them succeed. We are particularly focused on assisting entrepreneurs who are keen on creating worker-owned cooperative startups by providing them with technical, marketing, development, funding, and networking resources.

In addition, ASCENDynamics is developing a platform to foster collaboration among non-profit organizations, helping them increase their outreach and amplify their impact. Through this platform, we aim to bring together NGOs, customers, and entrepreneurs, facilitating a seamless exchange of ideas and resources.

ASCENDynamics also envisions serving as a think tank for a utopian society, where the power of collaboration and mutual support can lead to profound social change.

Mission Statement

ASCENDynamics, a non-for-profit organization, is an incubator for worker-owned cooperatives providing technical, networking, and other resources to various entities, especially startups, to help them succeed. We aim to assist entrepreneurs in creating worker-owned cooperative startups by providing them with technical, marketing, development, funding, and networking resources. ASCENDynamics will also create a platform for nonprofit organizations to collaborate, increase their outreach, and improve their impact, while working towards a utopian society.


Our target demographic includes NGOs looking to connect with other NGOs and entrepreneurs interested in creating worker-owned cooperatives.


We provide various networking resources to optimize the way that NGOs collaborate amongst themselves, their customers, and entrepreneurs.


We're creating a platform that allows for networking and collaboration between NGOs, customers, and entrepreneurs, designed to transform the way these entities connect and work together.

We're excited to embark on this journey with you! Your contributions and ideas are valuable to us. Together, we can create something extraordinary.


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