ConformU - Release Candidate 1
Functional and appearance changes
- An Alpaca device can now be manually configured on the Device Selection page
- A machine readable JSON test summary file summarising the number of issues and providing text details of each issue found is now provided.
- by default this appears in the log file folder as a file:
- the name and path to the summary file can be set through a command line option
- The log format is now consistent between console, screen and log file
- Safety interlocks have been added to prevent more than one activity being undertaken at a time
- Setup dialogues have coloured titles
- Device lists are now consistently sorted alphabetically
- The conformance test screen log now resizes to fill available screen area as the browser window size changes
- ConformU now behaves in a much more responsive manner to display size changes.
- It now reformats and is usable on a phone sized portrait UI when browsing from the phone to a running ConformU instance.
- Camera properties are now reset to legal values at the end of a conformance test.
- Dome and slew tests will now raise issues if reported locations are more than a configurable distance from the requested location.
- Error and Issue reporting.
- For consistency, all interface conformance deviations are now reported as ISSUES.
- ERRORS are reserved for unrecoverable or unhandled problems within the Conform application itself that, in theory, should never occur.
Bug fixes
- Ability to interrupt some running long running processes restored
- Video devices can no longer be selected on the Alpaca device select screen
- COM devices now shut down properly at the end of a test
- Fixed bugs in some Telescope and Dome slew tests that terminated waits for completion too early
Infrastructure changes
- Extensive code tidying and checks on correct migration from VB
- Now uses Daniel's COM client v18