mine - Mine a project for Sonar warnings.
mine [-hV] [--handled-rules] [--stats-on-git-repos] [--git-repos-list=<reposList>] [--miner-output-file=<minerOutputFile>] [--resolve-classpath-from=<resolveClasspathFrom>] [--rule-parameters=<ruleParameters>] [--source=<source>] [--stats-output-file=<statsOutputFile>] [--target=<target>] [--temp-dir=<tempDir>] [--rule-types=<ruleTypes>[,<ruleTypes>…]]… [--rule-keys=<ruleKeys>[,<ruleKeys>…]…]…
- --git-repos-list=<reposList>
The path to the repos list.
- -h, --help
Show this help message and exit.
- --handled-rules
When this argument is used, Sorald only mines violations of the rules that can be fixed by Sorald.
- --miner-output-file=<minerOutputFile>
The path to the output file.
- --resolve-classpath-from=<resolveClasspathFrom>
Path to the root of a project to resolve the classpath from. Currently only works for Maven projects.
- --rule-keys=<ruleKeys>[,<ruleKeys>…]…
One or more rules to check for (use ',' to separate multiple types). Usage of this argument voids values of other rule filters - handled rules and rule types.
- --rule-parameters=<ruleParameters>
Configuration for SonarJava rules.
Format of JSON file: {
"<RULE_KEY>": {
- --rule-types=<ruleTypes>[,<ruleTypes>…]
One or more types of rules to check for (use ',' to separate multiple types). Choices: BUG, VULNERABILITY, CODE_SMELL, SECURITY_HOTSPOT
- --source=<source>
The path to the file or folder to be analyzed and possibly repaired.
- --stats-on-git-repos
If the stats should be computed on git repos.
- --stats-output-file=<statsOutputFile>
Path to a file to store execution statistics in (in JSON format). If left unspecified, Sorald does not gather statistics.
- --target=<target>
The target of this execution (ex. sorald/92d377). This will be included in the json report.
- --temp-dir=<tempDir>
The path to the temp directory.
- -V, --version
Print version information and exit.