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Tobias Absmann edited this page Nov 3, 2015
1 revision
object CAP_Class([array $post, bool $class])
/* Eigenschaften */
str $output = "CAP"; // CAP / XML
str $cap
str $destination = "source/cap";
str $debug
// alert
str $identifier // WMO Organisation ID green -> Your Country ISO Code -> Your File Date/Time "YYMMDDHHMMSS" -> your warning ID (CHAR max Len: 20 / special characters are not allowed only a-Z 0-9 and "_") ->
str $sender // link to Homepage Guaranteed by assigner to be unique globally
str $sent // <yyyy>-<MM>-T<HH>:<mm>:<ss>+<hour>:<min> Offset to UTC (e.g. CET: +01:00; CEST: +02:00) -> 2014-07-15T06:03:02+01:00
str $status // Actual / Test / Exercise / System / Test / Draft
str $msgType // Alert / Update / Cancel / Ack / Error
array $references // web / identifier / sent [from the older Cap (only fore Update and Cancel)] -> http://www.zamg.ac.at/warnsys/public/aus_all.html,,2015-01-08T10:05:02+01:00
str $scope // Public / Restricted / Private
// info
array $language // language-COUNTRY Format RFC 3066 Specification: de-DE -> German
array $category // Geo / Met / Safety / Security / Rescue / Fire / Health / Env / Transport / Infra / CBRNE / Other
array $event // The text denoting the type of the subject event of the alert message
array $responseType // Shelter / Evacuate / Prepare / Execute / Avoid / Monitor / Assess / AllClear / None
array $urgency // Immediate / Expected / Future / Past
array $severity // Extreme / Severe / Moderate / Minor / Unknown
array $certainty // Observed / Likely / Possible/ Unlikely / Unknown
array $audience // The text describing the intended audience of the alert message
array $eventCode // <eventCode> <valueName>valueName</valuename> <value>value</value></eventcode>
array $effective // The effective time / Form: <yyyy>-<MM>-T<HH>:<mm>:<ss>+<hour>:<min> Offset to UTC -> 2015-01-08T10:05:02+01:00
array $onset // The expected time of the beginning of the subject event of the alert message / Form: <yyyy>-<MM>-T<HH>:<mm>:<ss>+<hour>:<min> Offset to UTC -> 2015-01-08T10:05:02+01:00
array $expires // The expiry time of the information of the alert message / Form: <yyyy>-<MM>-T<HH>:<mm>:<ss>+<hour>:<min> Offset to UTC -> 2015-01-08T15:00:13+01:00
array $senderName // The text naming the originator of the alert message (The human-readable name of the agency or authority issuing this alert.) -> ZAMG Österreich
array $headline // The text headline of the alert message
array $description // The text describing the subject event of the alert message
array $instruction // The text describing the recommended action to be taken by recipients of the alert message
array $web // The identifier of the hyperlink associating additional information with the alert message
array $contact // The text describing the contact for follow-up and confirmation of the alert message
array $parameter // A system-specific additional parameter associated with the alert message (as example meteoalarm.eu using it as specific warnings identifier) <parameter> <valueName>valueName</valuename> <value>value</value></parameter>
// area
array $area // The container for all component parts of the area sub-element of the info sub-element of the alert message
array $areaDesc // A text description of the affected area. -> Niederösterreich
array $polygon // The paired values of points defining a polygon that delineates the affected area of the alert message
array $circle // The paired values of a point and radius delineating the affected area of the alert message
array $geocode // <geocode><valueName>valueName</valuename> <value>value</value></geocode> -> valueName: NUTS2 value: AT12
/* Methoden */
none buildCap()
none buildCap_from_read($cap)
str createFile()
array Debug()
Special ... with additional meteoalarm.eu webservice functions (www.meteoalarm.eu)