DB Password reset tool is super simple self-service web interface to allow user reset his/her own DB user password on database.
It consist of single web form as shown below:
And it does following:
- It authenticates user against Active Directory using "Username" and "Windows Password" fields. In this example AD Username is amoseyev.
- If authentication is successful it connect to database ("proddb" in this example). It connects to DB with password_reset_user user credentials. User has to have ALTER USER privilege.
- It resets password for DB user amoseyev to whatever is specified in "New DB Password" field in the form.
Note 1: AD username must match DB username.
Note 2: DB user (amoseyev) has to be created explicitly. The tool does not create it.
Installation steps for any linux environment
- On target database create user password_reset_user with permissions to change password for other users:
SQL> create user password_reset_user identified by "*****";
SQL> grant alter user to password_reset_user;
SQL> grant connect to password_reset_user;
Install Oracle client software. (Instant client is good enough)
Create env file:
cat > ~/.profile_password_reset_tool <<EOF
export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/product/
export PATH=${ORACLE_HOME}/bin:$PATH
- Install oracle-db-password-reset tool
git clone https://github.com/AVM-Consulting/oracle-db-password-reset.git
cd oracle-db-password-reset
Adjust config.json to your environment
Adjust login.gtpl to your environment (need to modify lines 22-23. These are TNS names of databases where tool need to work on. Add more lines if needed)
Create SSL self signed certificate (needed for https). or use legit certificates if available.
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 1000 -nodes
- Start the tool
. ~/.profile_password_reset_tool
- Login to https://toolhost:9090/login and use it!
Optionaly, Add lines to sqlnet.ora, so SSL connection from the SQL client is enforced, so passwords do not fly over net un-encrypted.
cat > $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora <<EOF
# require encryption from client as password reset tool runs from this host.
Current version of the tool is designed to reset passwords on Oracle DB. But functionality can be easily extended to change password on any other stack. Contact us info@avmconsulting.net for extension requests.
For any support questions please contact us: info@avmconsulting.net