diff --git a/.buildinfo b/.buildinfo new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0b9075ae --- /dev/null +++ b/.buildinfo @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# Sphinx build info version 1 +# This file hashes the configuration used when building these files. When it is not found, a full rebuild will be done. +config: 561015c04587085d1ef695fb505b3604 +tags: 645f666f9bcd5a90fca523b33c5a78b7 diff --git a/.nojekyll b/.nojekyll new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e69de29b diff --git a/API Reference/agents/genetic_algorithm.html b/API Reference/agents/genetic_algorithm.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..54a31947 --- /dev/null +++ b/API Reference/agents/genetic_algorithm.html @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ + + + + + + + genetic_algorithm — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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+class env2opt_problem(env_name, initial_conditions=None)[source]

Bases: object


This class provides a generic interface for recasting a gymnasium environment as a +total reward maximization problem.

+__init__(env_name, initial_conditions=None)[source]
+ +

Evaluates a full run of the environment given a list of actions.

+ +
+ +
+mutUniformIntList(individual, num_samples=2, low=0, up=5, indpb=0.3)[source]

This function is designed to mutate a list of integers, rather than a single +integer. +:param individual: The individual to be mutated +:param num_samples: The number of samples to be mutated +:param low: The lower bound for the mutation +:param up: The upper bound for the mutation +:param indpb: The probability of mutation +:returns: A list of a single individual.

+ +
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+ +




+class MCTS(c=1.0, num_sims=10, max_length=270.0, max_steps=45, rollout_policy=None, backup_type='max')[source]

Bases: object


This provides and MCTS class for deterministic environments.


To use as UCT, set the rollout type to either ‘heuristic’ or ‘random’ +If a heuristic rollout type is used, create the policy using the following two +lines of code:

stateMachineMCTS = state_machine.StateMachine()
+rollout_policy = AgileEOSRolloutPolicy(env=env, state_machine=stateMachineMCTS)

Then, load the policy as the rollout_policy during initialization:

MCTS_Agent = MCTS(c=c, num_sims=num_sims, rollout_policy=rollout_policy)

The env and initial conditions must be loaded in after initialization. The +algorithm will automatically restart the sim and step it forward to the last +state. This is due to limitations in copying Basilisk:

+    env_name, env.initial_conditions, max_steps=num_steps, max_length=t_final
  • c – scaling of the exploration bonus

  • +
  • num_sims – number of simulations per call of selectAction()

  • +
+__init__(c=1.0, num_sims=10, max_length=270.0, max_steps=45, rollout_policy=None, backup_type='max')[source]
+ +

Backs up the value along the main tree once the sim has terminated

+ +
+rollout(s, d)[source]

Executes a rollout to the desired depth or end of the environment

+ +
+selectAction(s, d, actHist)[source]

Selects the next action for the true environment to step through

+ +
+setEnv(envType, initial_conditions, max_steps=30, max_length=90)[source]

Sets the environment and initial conditions MCTS will step through

+ +
+simulate(s, d)[source]

Simulates a trajectory through the environment and updates Q_search

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/API Reference/agents/state_machine.html b/API Reference/agents/state_machine.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d3d38021 --- /dev/null +++ b/API Reference/agents/state_machine.html @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ + + + + + + + state_machine — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
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+ +




+class AgileEOS(failure_penalty=1, image_component=0.1, downlink_component=0.9)[source]

Bases: Env


This Gymnasium environment is designed to simulate an agile EOS scheduling problem +in which a satellite in low-Earth orbit attempts to maximize the number of targets +imaged and downlinked while avoiding resource constraint violations. Resource +constraint include:

  1. Power: The spacecraft must keep its battery charge above zero

  2. +
  3. +
    Reaction Wheel Saturation: The spacecraft must keep its reaction wheels within

    their speed limits

  4. +
  5. +
    Data Buffer: The spacecraft must keep its data buffer from overflowing (i.e.

    exceeding or meeting the maximum buffer size)

  6. +

The spacecraft must decide between pointing at any one of J number of ground targets +for imaging, pointing at the sun to charge, desaturating reaction wheels, or +downlinking data. This is referred to as the AgileEOS environment.


Action Space (Discrete): +0 - Charging mode +1 - Downlink mode +2 - Desat mode +3:J+3 - Image target j


Observation Space: +ECEF position and velocity - indices 0-5 +Attitude error and attitude rate - indices 6-7 +Reaction wheel speeds - indices 8-11 +Battery charge - indices 12 +Eclipse indicator - indices 13 +Stored data onboard spacecraft - indices 14 +Data transmitted over interval - indices 15 +Amount of time ground stations were accessible (s) - 16-22 +Target Tuples (4 values each) - priority and Hill frame pos


Reward Function: +r = +A/priority for for each tgt downlinked for first time +r = +B/priority for for each tgt imaged for first time +r = -C if failure

+__init__(failure_penalty=1, image_component=0.1, downlink_component=0.9)[source]
+ +
+reset(seed=None, options=None)[source]

Reset the state of the environment and returns an initial observation. +:returns: observation (object) +:rtype: the initial observation of the space.

+ +

The agent takes a step in the environment. +:param action: +:type action: int


ob, reward, episode_over, info

ob (object) :

an environment-specific object representing your observation of +the environment.

reward (float) :

amount of reward achieved by the previous action. The scale +varies between environments, but the goal is always to increase +your total reward.

episode_over (bool) :

whether it’s time to reset the environment again. Most (but not +all) tasks are divided up into well-defined episodes, and done +being True indicates the episode has terminated. (For example, +perhaps the pole tipped too far, or you lost your last life.)

info (dict) :

diagnostic information useful for debugging. It can sometimes +be useful for learning (for example, it might contain the raw +probabilities behind the environment’s last state change). +However, official evaluations of your agent are not allowed to +use this for learning.


Return type:


+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
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+ + +
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+ +





General Satellite Tasking is a framework for satellite tasking RL environments.

+class GeneralSatelliteTasking(satellites: Satellite | list[Satellite], env_type: type[EnvironmentModel], env_features: EnvironmentFeatures, data_manager: DataManager, env_args: dict[str, Any] | None = None, communicator: CommunicationMethod | None = None, sim_rate: float = 1.0, max_step_duration: float = 600.0, failure_penalty: float = -100, time_limit: float = inf, terminate_on_time_limit: bool = False, log_level: int | str = 30, log_dir: str | None = None, render_mode=None)[source]

Bases: Env, Generic[SatObs, SatAct]


A Gymnasium environment adaptable to a wide range satellite tasking problems.


These problems involve satellite(s) being tasked to complete tasks and maintain +aliveness. These tasks often include rewards for data collection. The environment +can be configured for any collection of satellites, including heterogenous +constellations. Other configurable aspects are environment features (e.g. +imaging targets), data collection and recording, and intersatellite +communication of data.


The state space is a tuple containing the state of each satellite. Actions are +assigned as a tuple of actions, one per satellite.


The preferred method of instantiating this environment is to make the +“GeneralSatelliteTasking-v1” environment and pass a kwargs dict with the +environment configuration. In some cases (e.g. the multiprocessed Gymnasium +vector environment), it is necessary for compatibility to instead register a new +environment using the GeneralSatelliteTasking class and a kwargs dict. See +examples/general_satellite_tasking for examples of environment configuration.


New environments should be built using this framework.

+__init__(satellites: Satellite | list[Satellite], env_type: type[EnvironmentModel], env_features: EnvironmentFeatures, data_manager: DataManager, env_args: dict[str, Any] | None = None, communicator: CommunicationMethod | None = None, sim_rate: float = 1.0, max_step_duration: float = 600.0, failure_penalty: float = -100, time_limit: float = inf, terminate_on_time_limit: bool = False, log_level: int | str = 30, log_dir: str | None = None, render_mode=None) None[source]

Construct the GeneralSatelliteTasking environment.

  • satellites – Satellites(s) to be simulated.

  • +
  • env_type – Type of environment model to be constructed.

  • +
  • env_args – Arguments for environment model construction. {key: value or key: +function}, where function is called at reset to set the value (used for +randomization).

  • +
  • env_features – Information about the environment.

  • +
  • data_manager – Object to record and reward data collection.

  • +
  • communicator – Object to manage communication between satellites

  • +
  • sim_rate – Rate for model simulation [s].

  • +
  • max_step_duration – Maximum time to propagate sim at a step [s].

  • +
  • failure_penalty – Reward for satellite failure. Should be nonpositive.

  • +
  • time_limit – Time at which to truncate the simulation [s].

  • +
  • terminate_on_time_limit – Send terminations signal time_limit instead of just +truncation.

  • +
  • log_level – Logging level for the environment. Default is WARNING.

  • +
  • log_dir – Directory to write logs to in addition to the console.

  • +
  • render_mode – Unused.

  • +
+ +
+property action_space: Space[Iterable[SatAct]]

Compose satellite action spaces.


Joint action space

+ +
+close() None[source]

Try to cleanly delete everything.

+ +

Delete Basilisk objects.


Only self.simulator contains strong references to BSK models, so deleting it +will delete all Basilisk objects. Enable debug-level logging to verify that the +simulator, FSW, dynamics, and environment models are all deleted on reset.

+ +
+property observation_space: Space[tuple[SatObs, ...]]

Compose satellite observation spaces.


Note: calls reset(), which can be expensive, to determine observation size.


Joint observation space

+ +
+render() None[source]

No rendering implemented.

+ +
+reset(seed: int | None = None, options=None) tuple[tuple[SatObs, ...], dict[str, Any]][source]

Reconstruct the simulator and wipe data records.

  • seed – Gymnasium environment seed.

  • +
  • options – Unused.

  • +

observation, info

+ +
+step(actions: Iterable[SatAct]) tuple[tuple[SatObs, ...], float, bool, bool, dict[str, Any]][source]

Propagate the simulation, update information, and get rewards.


actions – Joint action for satellites


observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info

+ +
+ +
+class MultiagentSatelliteTasking(satellites: Satellite | list[Satellite], env_type: type[EnvironmentModel], env_features: EnvironmentFeatures, data_manager: DataManager, env_args: dict[str, Any] | None = None, communicator: CommunicationMethod | None = None, sim_rate: float = 1.0, max_step_duration: float = 600.0, failure_penalty: float = -100, time_limit: float = inf, terminate_on_time_limit: bool = False, log_level: int | str = 30, log_dir: str | None = None, render_mode=None)[source]

Bases: GeneralSatelliteTasking, ParallelEnv, Generic[SatObs, SatAct, AgentID]


Implements the environment with the PettingZoo parallel API.

+action_space(agent: AgentID) Space[SatAct][source]

Return the action space for a certain agent.

+ +
+property action_spaces: dict[AgentID, Space[SatAct]]

Return the action space for each agent.

+ +
+property agents: list[AgentID]

Agents currently in the environment.

+ +
+property max_num_agents: int

Maximum number of agents possible in the environment.

+ +
+property num_agents: int

Number of agents currently in the environment.

+ +
+observation_space(agent: AgentID) Space[SatObs][source]

Return the observation space for a certain agent.

+ +
+property observation_spaces: dict[AgentID, Box]

Return the observation space for each agent.

+ +
+property possible_agents: list[AgentID]

Return the list of all possible agents.

+ +
+property previously_dead: list[AgentID]

Return the list of agents that died at least one step ago.

+ +
+reset(seed: int | None = None, options=None) tuple[tuple[SatObs, ...], dict[str, Any]][source]

Reset the environment and return PettingZoo Parallel API format.

+ +
+step(actions: dict[AgentID, SatAct]) tuple[dict[AgentID, SatObs], dict[AgentID, float], dict[AgentID, bool], dict[AgentID, bool], dict[AgentID, dict]][source]

Step the environment and return PettingZoo Parallel API format.

+ +
+ +
+class SingleSatelliteTasking(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: GeneralSatelliteTasking, Generic[SatObs, SatAct]


A special case of the GeneralSatelliteTasking for one satellite.


For compatibility with standard training APIs, actions and observations are directly +exposed for the single satellite and are not wrapped in a tuple.

+__init__(*args, **kwargs) None[source]

Construct the SingleSatelliteTasking environment.

+ +
+property action_space: Space[SatAct]

Return the single satellite action space.

+ +
+property observation_space: Box

Return the single satellite observation space.

+ +
+property satellite: Satellite

Satellite being tasked.

+ +
+step(action) tuple[Any, float, bool, bool, dict[str, Any]][source]

Task the satellite with a single action.

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/index.html b/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..547779f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ + + + + + + + general_satellite_tasking — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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+ +


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Communication of data between satellites.

+class CommunicationMethod(satellites: list[Satellite] | None = None)[source]

Bases: ABC


Base class for defining data sharing between satellites.

+__init__(satellites: list[Satellite] | None = None) None[source]

Construct base communication class.


Subclasses implement a way of determining which pairs of satellites share data.

+ +
+communicate() None[source]

Share data between paired satellites.

+ +
+reset() None[source]

Reset communication after simulator initialization.

+ +
+ +
+class FreeCommunication(satellites: list[Satellite] | None = None)[source]

Bases: CommunicationMethod


Implements communication between satellites at every step.

+ +
+class LOSCommunication(satellites: list[Satellite])[source]

Bases: CommunicationMethod


Implements communication between satellites with a direct line-of-sight.


# TODO only communicate data from before latest LOS time

+__init__(satellites: list[Satellite]) None[source]

Construct line-of-sigh communication management.


satellites – List of satellites to communicate between.

+ +
+communicate() None[source]

Clear line-of-sight communication logs once communicated.

+ +
+reset() None[source]

Add loggers to satellites to track line-of-sight communication.

+ +
+ +
+class LOSMultiCommunication(satellites: list[Satellite])[source]

Bases: MultiDegreeCommunication, LOSCommunication


Multidegree line of sight communication.


Composes MultiDegreeCommunication with LOSCommunication.

+ +
+class MultiDegreeCommunication(satellites: list[Satellite] | None = None)[source]

Bases: CommunicationMethod


Compose with another type to use multi-degree communications.


For example, if a <-> b and b <-> c, multidegree communication will also communicate +between a <-> c.

+ +
+class NoCommunication(satellites: list[Satellite] | None = None)[source]

Bases: CommunicationMethod


Implements no communication between satellite.

+ +
+ + +
+ +
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Data logging, management, and reward calculation.

+class DataManager(env_features: EnvironmentFeatures | None = None)[source]

Bases: ABC


Base class for simulation-wide data management.

+__init__(env_features: EnvironmentFeatures | None = None) None[source]

Construct base class to handle data recording and rewarding.


TODO: allow for creation/composition of multiple managers.


env_features – Information about the environment that can be collected as +data

+ +
+create_data_store(satellite: Satellite) None[source]

Create a data store for a satellite.

+ +
+reset() None[source]

Refresh data and cumulative reward for a new episode.

+ +
+reward(new_data_dict: dict[str, DataType]) dict[str, float][source]

Call _calc_reward and log cumulative reward.

+ +
+ +
+class DataStore(data_manager: DataManager, satellite: Satellite)[source]

Bases: ABC


Base class for satellite data logging.


One DataStore is created per satellite.

+__init__(data_manager: DataManager, satellite: Satellite) None[source]

Construct a DataStore base class.

  • data_manager – Simulation data manager to report back to

  • +
  • satellite – Satellite’s data being stored

  • +
+ +
+communication_update() None[source]

Update the data store from staged data.


external_data (DataType) – Data collected by another satellite

+ +
+internal_update() DataType[source]

Update the data store based on collected information.


New data from the previous step

+ +
+stage_communicated_data(external_data: DataType) None[source]

Prepare data to be added from another source, but don’t add it yet.


external_data – Data from another satellite to be added

+ +
+ +
+class DataType[source]

Bases: ABC


Base class for units of satellite data.

+ +
+class NadirScanningManager(env_features: EnvironmentFeatures | None = None, reward_fn: Callable | None = None)[source]

Bases: DataManager


DataManager for rewarding time spent scanning nadir.


alias of ScanningNadirTimeStore

+ +
+__init__(env_features: EnvironmentFeatures | None = None, reward_fn: Callable | None = None) None[source]

Construct a data manager for nadir scanning.

  • env_features – Information about the environment that can be collected as +data

  • +
  • reward_fn – Reward as function of time spend pointing nadir.

  • +
+ +
+ +
+class NadirScanningTimeData(scanning_time: float = 0.0)[source]

Bases: DataType


DataType for time spent scanning nadir.

+__init__(scanning_time: float = 0.0) None[source]

DataType to log data generated scanning nadir.


scanning_time – Time spent scanning nadir

+ +
+ +
+class NoData[source]

Bases: DataType


DataType for no data.

+ +
+class NoDataManager(env_features: EnvironmentFeatures | None = None)[source]

Bases: DataManager


DataManager for no data.


alias of NoDataStore

+ +
+ +
+class NoDataStore(data_manager: DataManager, satellite: Satellite)[source]

Bases: DataStore


DataStore for no data.


alias of NoData

+ +
+ +
+class ScanningNadirTimeStore(data_manager: DataManager, satellite: Satellite)[source]

Bases: DataStore


DataStore for time spent scanning nadir.


alias of NadirScanningTimeData

+ +
+ +
+class UniqueImageData(imaged: list[Target] | None = None, duplicates: int = 0)[source]

Bases: DataType


DataType for unique images of targets.

+__init__(imaged: list[Target] | None = None, duplicates: int = 0) None[source]

Construct unit of data to record unique images.

  • imaged – List of targets that are known to be imaged.

  • +
  • duplicates – Count of target imaging duplication.

  • +
+ +
+ +
+class UniqueImageStore(data_manager: DataManager, satellite: Satellite)[source]

Bases: DataStore


DataStore for unique images of targets.


alias of UniqueImageData

+ +
+ +
+class UniqueImagingManager(env_features: EnvironmentFeatures | None = None, reward_fn: ~typing.Callable = <function UniqueImagingManager.<lambda>>)[source]

Bases: DataManager


DataManager for rewarding unique images.


alias of UniqueImageStore

+ +
+__init__(env_features: EnvironmentFeatures | None = None, reward_fn: ~typing.Callable = <function UniqueImagingManager.<lambda>>) None[source]

DataManager for rewarding unique images.

  • env_features – DataManager.env_features

  • +
  • reward_fn – Reward as function of priority.

  • +
+ +
+ +
+ + +
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+ +





Environment features define data available for satellites to collect.

+class CityTargets(n_targets: int | tuple[int, int], n_select_from: int = 9223372036854775807, location_offset: float = 0, priority_distribution: ~typing.Callable | None = None, radius: float = <MagicMock name='mock.orbitalMotion.REQ_EARTH.__mul__()' id='140255136257776'>)[source]

Bases: StaticTargets


Environment with targets distributed around population centers.

+__init__(n_targets: int | tuple[int, int], n_select_from: int = 9223372036854775807, location_offset: float = 0, priority_distribution: ~typing.Callable | None = None, radius: float = <MagicMock name='mock.orbitalMotion.REQ_EARTH.__mul__()' id='140255136257776'>) None[source]

Construct environment with of static targets around population centers.

  • n_targets – Number of targets to generate

  • +
  • n_select_from – Generate targets from the top n most populous.

  • +
  • location_offset – Offset targets randomly from the city center [m].

  • +
  • priority_distribution – Function for generating target priority.

  • +
  • radius – Radius to place targets from body center.

  • +
+ +
+regenerate_targets() None[source]

Regenerate targets based on cities.

+ +
+ +
+class EnvironmentFeatures[source]

Bases: ABC


Base environment feature class.

+reset() None[source]

Reset environment features.

+ +
+ +
+class StaticTargets(n_targets: int | tuple[int, int], priority_distribution: ~typing.Callable | None = None, radius: float = <MagicMock name='mock.orbitalMotion.REQ_EARTH.__mul__()' id='140255136257776'>)[source]

Bases: EnvironmentFeatures


Environment with targets distributed uniformly.

+__init__(n_targets: int | tuple[int, int], priority_distribution: ~typing.Callable | None = None, radius: float = <MagicMock name='mock.orbitalMotion.REQ_EARTH.__mul__()' id='140255136257776'>) None[source]

Construct an environment with evenly-distributed static targets.

  • n_targets – Number (or range) of targets to generate

  • +
  • priority_distribution – Function for generating target priority.

  • +
  • radius – Radius to place targets from body center.

  • +
+ +
+regenerate_targets() None[source]

Regenerate targets uniformly.

+ +
+reset() None[source]

Regenerate target set for new episode.

+ +
+ +
+class Target(name: str, location: Iterable[float], priority: float)[source]

Bases: object


Ground target with associated value.

+__init__(name: str, location: Iterable[float], priority: float) None[source]

Construct a Target.

  • name – Identifier; does not need to be unique

  • +
  • location – PCPF location [m]

  • +
  • priority – Value metric.

  • +
+ +
+property id: str

Get unique human-readable identifier.


Unique human-readable identifier.

+ +
+ +
+class UniformNadirFeature(value_per_second: float = 1.0)[source]

Bases: EnvironmentFeatures


Defines a nadir target center at the center of the planet.

+__init__(value_per_second: float = 1.0) None[source]

Construct uniform data over the surface of the planet.


value_per_second – Amount of reward per second imaging nadir.

+ +
+ +
+lla2ecef(lat: float, long: float, radius: float)[source]

Project LLA to Earth Centered, Earth Fixed location.

  • lat – [deg]

  • +
  • long – [deg]

  • +
  • radius – [any]

  • +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
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+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +




+ +
+ + +
+ +
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+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +





Satellite action types can be used to add actions to the agents.


alias of FSWAction

+ +

alias of FSWAction

+ +
+class DiscreteSatAction(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SatAction


Base satellite subclass for composing discrete actions.

+__init__(*args, **kwargs) None[source]

Construct satellite with discrete actions.


Actions are added to the satellite for each DiscreteSatAction subclass, and can +be accessed by index in order added.

+ +
+property action_space: Discrete

Infer action space.

+ +
+add_action(act_fn, act_name: str | None = None, n_actions: int | None = None)[source]

Add an action to the action map.

  • act_fn – Function to call when selecting action. Takes as a keyword +prev_action_key, used to avoid retasking of BSK models. Can accept an +integer argument.

  • +
  • act_name – String to refer to action.

  • +
  • n_actions – If not none, add action n_actions times, calling it with an +increasing integer argument for each subsequent action.

  • +
+ +
+generate_indexed_action(act_fn, index: int)[source]

Create an indexed action function.


Makes an indexed action function from an action function that takes an index +as an argument.

  • act_fn – Action function to index.

  • +
  • index – Index to pass to act_fn.

  • +
+ +
+set_action(action: int)[source]

Call action function my index.

+ +
+ +

alias of FSWAction

+ +

alias of FSWAction

+ +
+class ImagingActions(*args, n_ahead_act=10, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: DiscreteSatAction, ImagingSatellite


Satellite subclass to add upcoming target imaging to action space.

+__init__(*args, n_ahead_act=10, **kwargs) None[source]

Discrete action to image upcoming targets.

  • n_ahead_act – Number of actions to include in action space.

  • +
  • args – Passed through to satellite

  • +
  • kwargs – Passed through to satellite

  • +
+ +
+image(target: int | Target | str, prev_action_key=None) str[source]

Activate imaging action.

  • target – Target, in terms of upcoming index, Target, or ID,

  • +
  • prev_action_key – Previous action key

  • +

Target ID

+ +
+set_action(action: int | Target | str)[source]

Allow the satellite to be tasked by Target or target id.


Allows for additional tasking modes in addition to action index-based tasking.

+ +
+ +

alias of FSWAction

+ +
+class SatAction(name: str, sat_args: dict[str, Any] | None, variable_interval: bool = True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Satellite


Base satellite subclass for composing actions.

+ +
+fsw_action_gen(fsw_action: str, action_duration: float = 1000000000.0) type[source]

Generate an action class for a FSW @action.

  • fsw_action – Function name of FSW action.

  • +
  • action_duration – Time to task action for.

  • +

Satellite action class with fsw_action action.

+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/sat_observations.html b/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/sat_observations.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..82916a2c --- /dev/null +++ b/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/sat_observations.html @@ -0,0 +1,407 @@ + + + + + + + sat_observations — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +





Satellite observation types can be used to add information to the observation.

+class EclipseState(*args, orbit_period=5700, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SatObservation


Satellite subclass to add upcoming eclipse information to the observation.

+__init__(*args, orbit_period=5700, **kwargs)[source]

Add a tuple of the orbit-normalized next orbit start and end.

  • orbit_period – Normalization factor for eclipse time.

  • +
  • args – Passed through to satellite

  • +
  • kwargs – Passed through to satellite

  • +
+ +

Return tuple of normalized next eclipse start and end.

+ +
+ +
+class GroundStationState(*args, n_ahead_observe_downlinks: int = 1, downlink_window_properties: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SatObservation, AccessSatellite


Satellite subclass to add ground station information to the observation.

+__init__(*args, n_ahead_observe_downlinks: int = 1, downlink_window_properties: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Add information about downlink opportunities to the observation state.

  • n_ahead_observe_downlinks – Number of upcoming downlink opportunities to +consider.

  • +
  • downlink_window_properties – List of properties to include in the observation +in the format [dict(prop=”prop_name”, norm=norm)]. If norm is not +specified, it is set to 1.0 (no normalization). Properties to choose +from: +* location +* window_open +* window_mid +* window_close

  • +
  • args – Passed through to satellite

  • +
  • kwargs – Passed through to satellite

  • +
+ +
+ground_station_obs_generator(downlink_window_properties: list[dict[str, Any]], n_ahead_observe_downlinks: int) None[source]

Generate the ground_station_obs function.


Generates an obs function from the downlink_window_properties spec and adds it +to the observation.

+ +
+reset_post_sim() None[source]

Add downlink ground stations to be considered by the access checker.

+ +
+ +
+class NormdPropertyState(*args, obs_properties: list[dict[str, Any]] = [], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SatObservation


Satellite subclass to add satellites properties to the observation.

+__init__(*args, obs_properties: list[dict[str, Any]] = [], **kwargs) None[source]

Add a list of properties to the satellite observation.

  • obs_properties

    List of properties that can be found in fsw or dynamics that +are to be appended to the the observation. Properties are optionally +normalized by some factor. Specified in the form




    [dict(prop=”prop_name”, module=”fsw”/”dynamics”/None, norm=1.0)]


    If module is not specified or None, the source of the property is +inferred. If norm is not specified, it is set to 1.0 (no normalization).


  • +
  • args – Passed through to satellite

  • +
  • kwargs – Passed through to satellite

  • +
+ +
+add_prop_function(prop: str, module: str | None = None, norm: float = 1.0)[source]

Add a property to the observation.

  • prop – Property to query

  • +
  • module – Module (dynamics or fsw) that holds the property. Can be inferred.

  • +
  • norm – Value to normalize property by. Defaults to 1.0.

  • +
+ +
+ +
+class SatObservation(*args, obs_type: type = <class 'numpy.ndarray'>, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Satellite


Base satellite subclass for composing observations.

+__init__(*args, obs_type: type = <class 'numpy.ndarray'>, **kwargs) None[source]

Satellite subclass for composing observations.

  • obs_type – Datatype of satellite’s returned observation

  • +
  • args – Passed through to satellite

  • +
  • kwargs – Passed through to satellite

  • +
+ +
+add_to_observation(obs_element: Callable) None[source]

Add a function to be called when constructing observations.


obs_element – Callable to be observed

+ +
+get_obs() dict | ndarray | list[source]

Update the observation.

+ +
+property obs_dict

Human-readable observation format.


Cached so only computed once per timestep.

+ +
+property obs_list

List observation format.

+ +
+property obs_ndarray

Numpy vector observation format.

+ +
+ +
+class TargetState(*args, n_ahead_observe: int = 1, target_properties: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SatObservation, ImagingSatellite


Satellite subclass to add upcoming target information to the observation.

+__init__(*args, n_ahead_observe: int = 1, target_properties: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Add information about upcoming targets to the observation state.

  • n_ahead_observe – Number of upcoming targets to consider.

  • +
  • target_properties – List of properties to include in the observation in the +format [dict(prop=”prop_name”, norm=norm)]. If norm is not specified, it +is set to 1.0 (no normalization). Properties to choose from: +* priority +* location +* window_open +* window_mid +* window_close

  • +
  • args – Passed through to satellite

  • +
  • kwargs – Passed through to satellite

  • +
+ +

Generate the target_obs function.


Generates the observation function from the target_properties spec and add it +to the observation.

+ +
+ +
+class TimeState(*args, normalization_time: float | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SatObservation


Satellite subclass to add simulation time to the observation.

+__init__(*args, normalization_time: float | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Add the sim time to the observation state.


Automatically normalizes to the sim duration.

  • normalization_time – Time to normalize by. If None, is set to simulation +duration

  • +
  • args – Passed through to satellite

  • +
  • kwargs – Passed through to satellite

  • +
+ +

Return time normalized by normalization_time.

+ +

Autodetect normalization time.

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
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+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +





Satellites are the agents in the environment.

+class AccessSatellite(*args, generation_duration: float = 5700, initial_generation_duration: float | None = None, access_dist_threshold: float = 4000000.0, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Satellite


Satellite that can detect access opportunities for ground locations.

+__init__(*args, generation_duration: float = 5700, initial_generation_duration: float | None = None, access_dist_threshold: float = 4000000.0, **kwargs) None[source]

Construct an AccessSatellite.

  • generation_duration – Duration to calculate additional imaging windows for +when windows are exhausted. If None, generate for the simulation +time_limit unless the simulation is infinite. [s]

  • +
  • initial_generation_duration – Duration to initially calculate imaging windows +[s]

  • +
  • access_dist_threshold – Distance bound [m] for evaluating imaging windows +more exactly. 4e6 will capture >10 elevation windows for a 500 km orbit.

  • +
  • args – Passed through to Satellite constructor

  • +
  • kwargs – Passed through to Satellite constructor

  • +
+ +
+add_location_for_access_checking(object: Any, location: ndarray, min_elev: float, type: str) None[source]

Add a location to be included in window calculations.


Note that this location will only be included in future calls to +calculate_additional_windows.

  • object – Object to add window for

  • +
  • location – Objects PCPF location [m]

  • +
  • min_elev – Minimum elevation angle for access [rad]

  • +
  • type – Category of windows to add location to

  • +
+ +
+calculate_additional_windows(duration: float) None[source]

Use a multiroot finding method to evaluate imaging windows for each location.


duration – Time to calculate windows from end of previous window.

+ +
+find_next_opportunities(n: int, pad: bool = True, max_lookahead: int = 100, types: str | list[str] | None = None, filter: list = []) list[dict][source]

Find the n nearest opportunities, sorted by window close time.

  • n – Number of opportunities to attempt to include.

  • +
  • pad – If true, duplicates the last target if the number of opportunities +found is less than n.

  • +
  • max_lookahead – Maximum times to call calculate_additional_windows.

  • +
  • types – Types of opportunities to include. If None, include all types.

  • +
  • filter – Objects to exclude from the dictionary.

  • +

n nearest opportunities, ordered

Return type:


+ +
+next_opportunities_dict(types: str | list[str] | None = None, filter: list = []) dict[Any, tuple[float, float]][source]

Make dictionary of opportunities that maps objects to the next open windows.

  • types – Types of opportunities to include. If None, include all types.

  • +
  • filter – Objects to exclude from the dictionary.

  • +

objects -> next window

Return type:


+ +
+opportunities_dict(types: str | list[str] | None = None, filter: list = []) dict[Any, list[tuple[float, float]]][source]

Make dictionary of opportunities that maps objects to lists of windows.

  • types – Types of opportunities to include. If None, include all types.

  • +
  • filter – Objects to exclude from the dictionary.

  • +

objects -> windows list

Return type:


+ +
+reset_post_sim() None[source]

Handle initial window calculations for new simulation.

+ +
+reset_pre_sim() None[source]

Reset satellite window calculations and lists.

+ +
+property upcoming_opportunities: list[dict]

Ordered list of opportunities that have not yet closed.


list of upcoming opportunities

Return type:


+ +
+upcoming_opportunities_dict(types: str | list[str] | None = None, filter: list = []) dict[Any, list[tuple[float, float]]][source]

Get dictionary of opportunities.


Maps objects to lists of windows that have not yet closed.

  • types – Types of opportunities to include. If None, include all types.

  • +
  • filter – Objects to exclude from the dictionary.

  • +

objects -> windows list (upcoming only)

Return type:


+ +
+ +
+class DoNothingSatellite(*args, action_duration: float = 1000000000.0, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: FSWAction, TimeState


Convenience type for a satellite that does nothing.


alias of BasicDynamicsModel

+ +

alias of BasicFSWModel

+ +
+ +
+class FBImagerSatellite(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ImagingSatellite


Convenience type for an imaging satellite with feedback control.


alias of FullFeaturedDynModel

+ +

alias of ImagingFSWModel

+ +
+ +
+class FullFeaturedSatellite(*args, n_ahead_act=10, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ImagingActions, FSWAction, FSWAction, TimeState, Configurable, Configurable, SteeringImagerSatellite


Convenience type for a satellite with common features enabled.

+ +
+class ImageAheadSatellite(*args, n_ahead_act=10, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ImagingActions, TimeState, Configurable, Configurable, SteeringImagerSatellite


Convenience type for a satellite with common features enabled.

+ +
+class ImagingSatellite(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: AccessSatellite


Satellite with agile imaging capabilities.

+__init__(*args, **kwargs) None[source]

Construct an ImagingSatellite.


Can stop the simulation when a target is imaged or missed.

+ +

alias of ImagingDynModel

+ +
+enable_target_window(target: Target)[source]

Enable the next window close event for target.

+ +

alias of ImagingFSWModel

+ +
+property next_windows: dict[Target, tuple[float, float]]

Soonest window for each target.


first non-closed window for each target

Return type:


+ +
+parse_target_selection(target_query: int | Target | str)[source]

Identify a target from a query.


Parses an upcoming target index, Target object, or target id.


target_query – Taret upcoming index, object, or id.

+ +
+reset_post_sim() None[source]

Handle initial_generation_duration setting and calculate windows.

+ +
+reset_pre_sim() None[source]

Set the buffer parameters based on computed windows.

+ +
+task_target_for_imaging(target: Target)[source]

Task the satellite to image a target.


target – Selected target

+ +
+upcoming_targets(n: int, pad: bool = True, max_lookahead: int = 100) list[Target][source]

Find the n nearest targets.


Targets are sorted by window close time; currently open windows are included.

  • n – number of windows to look ahead

  • +
  • pad – if true, duplicates the last target if the number of targets found is +less than n

  • +
  • max_lookahead – maximum times to call calculate_additional_windows

  • +

n nearest targets, ordered

Return type:


+ +
+property upcoming_windows: dict[Target, list[tuple[float, float]]]

Access upcoming windows in a dict of targets -> list of windows.

+ +
+property windows: dict[Target, list[tuple[float, float]]]

Access windows via dict of targets -> list of windows.

+ +
+ +
+class Satellite(name: str, sat_args: dict[str, Any] | None, variable_interval: bool = True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ABC


Abstract base class for satellites.

+__init__(name: str, sat_args: dict[str, Any] | None, variable_interval: bool = True, **kwargs) None[source]

Construct base satellite.

  • name – identifier for satellite; does not need to be unique

  • +
  • sat_args – arguments for FSW and dynamic model construction. {key: value or +key: function}, where function is called at reset to set the value (used +for randomization).

  • +
  • variable_interval – Stop simulation at terminal events

  • +
  • kwargs – Ignored

  • +
+ +
+abstract property action_space: Space

Action space for single satellite.


gymanisium action space

+ +
+classmethod default_sat_args(**kwargs) dict[str, Any][source]

Compile default arguments for FSW and dynamics models.


default arguments for satellite models

+ +
+abstract get_obs() Any[source]

Construct the satellite’s observation.


satellite observation

+ +
+property id: str

Unique human-readable identifier.

+ +
+is_alive(log_failure=False) bool[source]

Check if the satellite is violating any aliveness requirements.


Checkes aliveness checkers in dynamics and FSW models.



+ +
+log_info(info: Any) None[source]

Record information at the current time.


info – Information to log

+ +
+property observation_space: Box

Observation space for single satellite, determined from observation.


gymanisium observation space

+ +
+reset_post_sim() None[source]

Reset in environment reset, after simulator initialization.

+ +
+reset_pre_sim() None[source]

Reset during environment reset, before simulator initialization.

+ +
+abstract set_action(action: int) None[source]

Enable certain processes in the simulator to command the satellite task.


Should call an @action from FSW, among other things.


action – action index

+ +
+set_dynamics(dyn_rate: float) DynamicsModel[source]

Create dynamics model; called during simulator initialization.


dyn_rate – rate for dynamics simulation [s]


Satellite’s dynamics model

+ +
+set_fsw(fsw_rate: float) FSWModel[source]

Create flight software model; called during simulator initialization.


fsw_rate – rate for FSW simulation [s]


Satellite’s FSW model

+ +
+set_simulator(simulator: Simulator)[source]

Set the simulator for models.


Called during simulator initialization.


simulator – Basilisk simulator

+ +
+ +
+class SteeringImagerSatellite(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ImagingSatellite


Convenience type for an imaging satellite with MRP steering.


alias of FullFeaturedDynModel

+ +

alias of SteeringImagerFSWModel

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/dynamics.html b/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/dynamics.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0a21d6e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/dynamics.html @@ -0,0 +1,346 @@ + + + + + + + dynamics — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +





Basilisk dynamics models.

+class BasicDynamicsModel(satellite: Satellite, dyn_rate: float, priority: int = 200, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: DynamicsModel


Basic Dynamics model with minimum necessary Basilisk components.

+property BN

Body relative to inertial frame rotation matrix.

+ +
+property BP

Body relative to planet freame rotation matrix.

+ +
+property battery_charge

Battery charge [W*s].

+ +
+property battery_charge_fraction

Battery charge as a fraction of capacity.

+ +
+property omega_BN_B

Body rate relative to inertial frame in body frame [rad/s].

+ +
+property omega_BP_P

Body angular velocity relative to planet frame in plant frame [rad/s].

+ +
+property r_BN_N

Body position relative to inertial origin in inertial frame [m].

+ +
+property r_BN_P

Body position relative to inertial origin in planet frame [m].

+ +
+property sigma_BN

Body attitude MRP relative to inertial frame.

+ +
+property v_BN_N

Body velocity relative to inertial origin in inertial frame [m/s].

+ +
+property v_BN_P

P-frame derivative of r_BN.

+ +
+property wheel_speeds

Wheel speeds [rad/s].

+ +
+property wheel_speeds_fraction

Wheel speeds normalized by maximum.

+ +
+ +
+class ContinuousImagingDynModel(satellite: Satellite, dyn_rate: float, priority: int = 200, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ImagingDynModel


Equips the satellite for continuous nadir imaging.


Equips satellite with an instrument, storage unit, and transmitter +for continuous nadir imaging.

+ +
+class DynamicsModel(satellite: Satellite, dyn_rate: float, priority: int = 200, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ABC


Abstract Basilisk dynamics model.


One DynamicsModel is instantiated for each satellite in the environment each time a +new simulator is created.

+__init__(satellite: Satellite, dyn_rate: float, priority: int = 200, **kwargs) None[source]

Construct a base dynamics model.

  • satellite – Satellite modelled by this model

  • +
  • dyn_rate – Rate of dynamics simulation [s]

  • +
  • priority – Model priority.

  • +
  • kwargs – Ignored

  • +
+ +
+property environment: EnvironmentModel

Reference to the episode environment model.

+ +
+is_alive(log_failure=False) bool[source]

Check if the dynamics model has failed any aliveness requirements.


If the satellite dynamics are still alive

+ +
+reset_for_action() None[source]

Reset whenever a FSW @action is called.

+ +
+property simulator: Simulator

Reference to the episode simulator.

+ +
+ +
+class FullFeaturedDynModel(satellite: Satellite, dyn_rate: float, priority: int = 200, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: GroundStationDynModel, LOSCommDynModel


Convenience class for a satellite with ground station and line-of-sight comms.

+ +
+class GroundStationDynModel(satellite: Satellite, dyn_rate: float, priority: int = 200, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ImagingDynModel


Model that connects satellite to environment ground stations.

+ +
+class ImagingDynModel(satellite: Satellite, dyn_rate: float, priority: int = 200, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BasicDynamicsModel


Equips the satellite with an instrument, storage unit, and transmitter.

+reset_for_action() None[source]

Shut off power sinks.

+ +
+property storage_level

Storage level [bits].

+ +
+property storage_level_fraction

Storage level as a fraction of capacity.

+ +
+ +
+class LOSCommDynModel(satellite: Satellite, dyn_rate: float, priority: int = 200, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BasicDynamicsModel


For evaluating line-of-sight connections between satellites for communication.

+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/environment.html b/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/environment.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fba37496 --- /dev/null +++ b/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/environment.html @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ + + + + + + + environment — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +





Basilisk environment models.

+class BasicEnvironmentModel(simulator: Simulator, env_rate: float, priority: int = 300, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: EnvironmentModel


Basic Environment with minimum necessary Basilisk environment components.

+property PN

Planet relative to inertial frame rotation matrix.

+ +
+property omega_PN_N

Planet angular velocity in inertial frame [rad/s].

+ +
+ +
+class EnvironmentModel(simulator: Simulator, env_rate: float, priority: int = 300, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ABC


Abstract Basilisk environment model.


One EnvironmentModel is instantiated for the environment each time a new simulator +is created.

+__init__(simulator: Simulator, env_rate: float, priority: int = 300, **kwargs) None[source]

Construct base environment model.

  • simulator – Simulator using this model

  • +
  • env_rate – Rate of environment simulation [s]

  • +
  • priority – Model priority.

  • +
  • kwargs – Ignored

  • +
+ +
+classmethod default_env_args(**kwargs) dict[str, Any][source]

Compile default argments for the environment model.

+ +
+ +
+class GroundStationEnvModel(simulator: Simulator, env_rate: float, priority: int = 300, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BasicEnvironmentModel


Model that includes downlink ground stations.

+ +
+ + +
+ +
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+ +





Basilisk flight software models.

+class BasicFSWModel(satellite: Satellite, fsw_rate: float, priority: int = 100, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: FSWModel


Basic FSW model with minimum necessary Basilisk components.

+class MRPControlTask(fsw, priority=80)[source]

Bases: Task


Task to control the satellite with reaction wheels.

+__init__(fsw, priority=80) None[source]

Template class for defining FSW processes.

  • fsw – FSW model task contributes to

  • +
  • priority – Task priority

  • +
+ +
+reset_for_action() None[source]

MRP control enabled by default for all tasks.

+ +
+ +
+class NadirPointTask(fsw, priority=98)[source]

Bases: Task


Task to generate nadir-pointing reference.

+__init__(fsw, priority=98) None[source]

Template class for defining FSW processes.

  • fsw – FSW model task contributes to

  • +
  • priority – Task priority

  • +
+ +
+ +
+class RWDesatTask(fsw, priority=97)[source]

Bases: Task


Task to desaturate reaction wheels.

+__init__(fsw, priority=97) None[source]

Template class for defining FSW processes.

  • fsw – FSW model task contributes to

  • +
  • priority – Task priority

  • +
+ +
+reset_for_action() None[source]

Disable power draw for thrusters.

+ +
+ +
+class SunPointTask(fsw, priority=99)[source]

Bases: Task


Task to generate sun-pointing reference.

+__init__(fsw, priority=99) None[source]

Template class for defining FSW processes.

  • fsw – FSW model task contributes to

  • +
  • priority – Task priority

  • +
+ +
+ +
+class TrackingErrorTask(fsw, priority=90)[source]

Bases: Task


Task to convert an attitude reference to guidance.

+__init__(fsw, priority=90) None[source]

Template class for defining FSW processes.

  • fsw – FSW model task contributes to

  • +
  • priority – Task priority

  • +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+class ContinuousImagingFSWModel(satellite: Satellite, fsw_rate: float, priority: int = 100, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ImagingFSWModel


FSW model for continuous nadir scanning.

+class LocPointTask(fsw, priority=96)[source]

Bases: LocPointTask


Task to point at targets and trigger the instrument.

+reset_for_action() None[source]

Reset scanning controller.

+ +
+ +
+ +
+class FSWModel(satellite: Satellite, fsw_rate: float, priority: int = 100, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ABC


Abstract Basilisk flight software model.


One FSWModel is instantiated for each satellite in the environment each time a +new simulator is created.

+__init__(satellite: Satellite, fsw_rate: float, priority: int = 100, **kwargs) None[source]

Construct a base flight software model.

  • satellite – Satellite modelled by this model

  • +
  • fsw_rate – Rate of FSW simulation [s]

  • +
  • priority – Model priority.

  • +
  • kwargs – Passed to task creation functions

  • +
+ +
+property dynamics: DynamicsModel

Reference to the satellite dynamics model for the episode.

+ +
+property environment: EnvironmentModel

Reference to the episode environment model.

+ +
+is_alive(log_failure=False) bool[source]

Check if the fsw model has failed any aliveness requirements.


If the satellite fsw is still alive

+ +
+property simulator: Simulator

Reference to the episode simulator.

+ +
+ +
+class ImagingFSWModel(satellite: Satellite, fsw_rate: float, priority: int = 100, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BasicFSWModel


Extend FSW with instrument pointing and triggering control.

+class LocPointTask(fsw, priority=96)[source]

Bases: Task


Task to point at targets and trigger the instrument.

+__init__(fsw, priority=96) None[source]

Template class for defining FSW processes.

  • fsw – FSW model task contributes to

  • +
  • priority – Task priority

  • +
+ +
+reset_for_action() None[source]

Reset pointing controller.

+ +
+ +
+property c_hat_P

Instrument pointing direction in the planet frame.

+ +
+ +
+class SteeringFSWModel(satellite: Satellite, fsw_rate: float, priority: int = 100, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BasicFSWModel


FSW extending MRP control to use MRP steering instead of MRP feedback.

+class MRPControlTask(fsw, priority=80)[source]

Bases: Task


Task that uses MRP steering to control reaction wheels.

+__init__(fsw, priority=80) None[source]

Template class for defining FSW processes.

  • fsw – FSW model task contributes to

  • +
  • priority – Task priority

  • +
+ +
+reset_for_action() None[source]

Keep MRP control enabled on action calls.

+ +
+ +
+ +
+class SteeringImagerFSWModel(satellite: Satellite, fsw_rate: float, priority: int = 100, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SteeringFSWModel, ImagingFSWModel


Convenience type for ImagingFSWModel with MRP steering.

+ +
+class Task(fsw: FSWModel, priority: int)[source]

Bases: ABC


Abstract class for defining FSW tasks.

+__init__(fsw: FSWModel, priority: int) None[source]

Template class for defining FSW processes.

  • fsw – FSW model task contributes to

  • +
  • priority – Task priority

  • +
+ +
+create_task() None[source]

Add task to FSW with a unique name.

+ +
+reset_for_action() None[source]

Housekeeping for task when a new action is called.


Disables task by default, can be overridden by subclasses.

+ +
+ +
+action(func: Callable[[...], None]) Callable[[Callable[[...], None]], Callable[[...], None]][source]

Decorate to run housekeeping for action functions called by the satellite.

+ +
+ + +
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+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +





Extended Basilisk SimBaseClass for GeneralSatelliteTasking environments.

+ + +
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+ +





General utility functions.

+aliveness_checker(func: Callable[[...], bool]) Callable[[...], bool][source]

Decorate function to evaluate when checking for satellite aliveness.

+ +
+bind(instance, func, as_name=None)[source]

Bind the function func to instance.


Uses either provided name as_name or the existing name of func. The provided +func should accept the instance as the first argument, i.e. “self”.

+ +
+check_aliveness_checkers(model: Any, log_failure=False) bool[source]

Evaluate all functions with @aliveness_checker in a model.

  • model – Model to search for checkers in

  • +
  • log_failure – Whether to log on checker failure

  • +

Model aliveness status

Return type:


+ +
+collect_default_args(object: object) dict[str, Any][source]

Collect all function @default_args in an object.


object – object with @default_args decorated functions


dict of keyword-value pairs of default arguments

Return type:


+ +

Class decorator to create class with different init defaults.

+ +
+default_args(**defaults) Callable[source]

Decorate function to enumerate default arguments for collection.

+ +
+is_property(obj: Any, attr_name: str) bool[source]

Check if obj has an @property attr_name without calling it.

+ +
+safe_dict_merge(updates: dict, base: dict) dict[source]

Merge a dict with another dict, warning for conflicts.

  • updates – dictionary to be added to base

  • +
  • base – base dictionary to be modified

  • +

updated base

Return type:


+ +
+valid_func_name(name: str) str[source]

Convert a string into a valid function name.


name – desired function name


sanitized function name

+ +
+vectorize_nested_dict(dictionary: dict) ndarray[source]

Flattens a dictionary of dicts, arrays, and scalars into a single vector.

+ +
+ + +
+ +
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+ + +
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+ +




+class ContextFilter(name: str = '', env=None, proc_id=None)[source]

Bases: Filter

+__init__(name: str = '', env=None, proc_id=None) None[source]

Initialize a filter.


Initialize with the name of the logger which, together with its +children, will have its events allowed through the filter. If no +name is specified, allow every event.

+ +

Determine if the specified record is to be logged.


Returns True if the record should be logged, or False otherwise. +If deemed appropriate, the record may be modified in-place.

+ +
+ +
+class SimFormatter(*args, color_output=True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Formatter

+__init__(*args, color_output=True, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize the formatter with specified format strings.


Initialize the formatter either with the specified format string, or a +default as described above. Allow for specialized date formatting with +the optional datefmt argument. If datefmt is omitted, you get an +ISO8601-like (or RFC 3339-like) format.


Use a style parameter of ‘%’, ‘{’ or ‘$’ to specify that you want to +use one of %-formatting, str.format() ({}) formatting or +string.Template formatting in your format string.


Changed in version 3.2: Added the style parameter.

+ +

Format the specified record as text.


The record’s attribute dictionary is used as the operand to a +string formatting operation which yields the returned string. +Before formatting the dictionary, a couple of preparatory steps +are carried out. The message attribute of the record is computed +using LogRecord.getMessage(). If the formatting string uses the +time (as determined by a call to usesTime(), formatTime() is +called to format the event time. If there is exception information, +it is formatted using formatException() and appended to the message.

+ +
+ +
+ + +
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+ + +
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+ +





Utilities for computing orbital events.

+elevation(r_sat: ndarray, r_target: ndarray) ndarray[source]

Find the elevation angle from a target to a satellite.

  • r_sat – Satellite position(s)

  • +
  • r_target – Target position

  • +

Elevation angle(s)

+ +
+random_epoch(start: int = 2000, end: int = 2022)[source]

Generate a random epoch in a year range.


Date will always be in the first 28 days of the month.

  • start – Initial year.

  • +
  • end – Final year.

  • +

Epoch in YYYY MMM DD HH:MM:SS.SSS (UTC) format

+ +
+random_orbit(i: float | None = 45.0, alt: float = 500, r_body: float = 6371, e: float = 0, Omega: float | None = None, omega: float | None = 0, f: float | None = None) <MagicMock name='mock.ClassicElements' id='140255387338736'>[source]

Create a set of orbit elements.


Parameters are fixed if specified and randomized if None.

  • i – inclination [deg], randomized in [-pi, pi]

  • +
  • alt – altitude above r_body [km]

  • +
  • r_body – body radius [km]

  • +
  • e – eccentricity

  • +
  • Omega – LAN [deg], randomized in [0, 2pi]

  • +
  • omega – Argument of periapsis [deg], randomized in [0, 2pi]

  • +
  • f – true anomaly [deg], randomized in [0, 2pi]

  • +

orbital elements

Return type:


+ +
+ + +
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+class DynamicModel(SimBase, dynRate, spacecraftIndex, singleSat=False)[source]

Bases: object


Defines the Dynamics class.


Initializes all dynamic objects.

+ +

Sets up the battery with all the power components

+ +

Attaches the density model effector to the spacecraft

+ +

Attach the disturbance torque to the spacecraft object

+ +

Set the drag effector

+ +

Adds the spacecraft to the eclipse module.

+ +

Specify what gravitational bodies to include in the simulation

+ +

Adds the spacecraft to the ground location modules.

+ +

Create the instrument

+ +

Defines the instrument power sink parameters

+ +

Defines the RW state effector.

+ +

Defines the reaction wheel power draw

+ +

Defines the navigation module.

+ +

Sets the solar panel

+ +

Defines the spacecraft object properties.

+ +

Defines the thruster state effector.

+ +

Create the transmitter

+ +

Defines the trasmitter power sink parameters

+ +
+__init__(SimBase, dynRate, spacecraftIndex, singleSat=False)[source]
+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/environment.html b/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/environment.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b0e6a9b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/environment.html @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ + + + + + + + environment — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
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+ +
+ +




+class EnvironmentModel(SimBase, envRate)[source]

Bases: object


Defines the Earth Environment.


Specify what celestial object is causing an eclipse message.

+ +

Add the ephemeris object to use with the SPICE library.

+ +

Specify what gravitational bodies to include in the simulation.

+ +

Specify which ground locations are of interest.

+ +
+__init__(SimBase, envRate)[source]
+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
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+ +




+class FSWModel(SimBase, fswRate, spacecraftIndex)[source]

Bases: object


Defines the FSW class


Initializes all FSW objects.

+ +

Defines the module that converts a reference message into a guidance message.

+ +

Defines the instrument controller.

+ +

Defines the Earth location pointing guidance module.

+ +

Defines the control properties.

+ +

Defines the momentum dumping configuration.

+ +

Defines the nadir pointing guidance module.

+ +

Imports the RWs configuration information.

+ +

Defines the motor torque from the control law.

+ +

Defines the Sun pointing guidance module.

+ +

Defines the thrusters mapping.

+ +

Imports the thrusters configuration information.

+ +

Set the vehicle configuration message.

+ +
+__init__(SimBase, fswRate, spacecraftIndex)[source]
+ +

create C-wrapped gateway messages such that different modules can write to +this message and provide a common input msg for down-stream modules

+ +

Zero all the FSW gateway message payloads

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/fsw_steering.html b/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/fsw_steering.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dd958ec6 --- /dev/null +++ b/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/fsw_steering.html @@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ + + + + + + + fsw_steering — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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+ +




+class FSWModel(SimBase, fswRate, spacecraftIndex)[source]

Bases: object


Defines the FSW class


Initializes all FSW objects.

+ +

Defines the module that converts a reference message into a guidance message.

+ +

Defines the instrument controller.

+ +

Defines the Earth location pointing guidance module.

+ +

Defines the control properties.

+ +

Defines the momentum dumping configuration.

+ +

Defines the nadir pointing guidance module.

+ +

Imports the RWs configuration information.

+ +

Defines the motor torque from the control law.

+ +

Defines the Sun pointing guidance module.

+ +

Defines the thrusters mapping.

+ +

Imports the thrusters configuration information.

+ +

Set the vehicle configuration message.

+ +
+__init__(SimBase, fswRate, spacecraftIndex)[source]
+ +

create C-wrapped gateway messages such that different modules can write to +this message and provide a common input msg for down-stream modules

+ +

Zero all the FSW gateway message payloads

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
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+ +




+class MultiSatAgileEOS[source]

Bases: Env


This Gymnasium environment is designed to simulate the multi-satellite agile EOS +scheduling problem in which K satellites in a low-Earth orbit Walker-delta formation +attempt to maximize the number of targets imaged and downlinked while avoiding +resource constraint violations. Satellites update their local target lists through +communication with one another. Resource constraint violations include:

  1. Power: The spacecraft must keep its battery charge above zero

  2. +
  3. +
    Reaction Wheel Saturation: The spacecraft must keep its reaction wheels within

    their speed limits

  4. +
  5. +
    Data Buffer: The spacecraft must keep its data buffer from overflowing (i.e.

    exceeding or meeting the maximum buffer size)

  6. +

Each spacecraft must decide between pointing at any one of J number of ground +targets for imaging, pointing at the sun to charge, desaturating reaction wheels, +or downlinking data. This is referred to as the MultiSatAgileEOS environment.

Action Space (MultiDiscrete):
For each spacecraft:

0 - Charging mode +1 - Downlink mode +2 - Desat mode +3:J+3 - Image target j

Observation Space:

For each spacecraft: +ECEF position and velocity - indices 0-5 +Attitude error and attitude rate - indices 6-7 +Reaction wheel speeds - indices 8-11 +Battery charge - indices 12 +Eclipse indicator - indices 13 +Stored data onboard spacecraft - indices 14 +Data transmitted over interval - indices 15 +Amount of time ground stations were accessible (s) - 16-22 +Target Tuples (4 values each) - priority and Hill frame pos

Reward Function:

r = +A/priority for for each tgt downlinked for first time +r = +B/priority for for each tgt imaged for first time +r = -C if failure


No reward is given for imaging or downlinking the same target twice

+ +
+reset(seed=None, options=None)[source]

Reset the state of the environment and returns an initial observation. +:return ob: n_spacecraft x dim_obs nparray of observations

+ +

Set arbitrary environment variables. Can be used to override simulator defaults.

+ +
+set_params(n_spacecraft, n_planes, rel_phasing, inc, global_tgts, priorities, comm_method, **kwargs)[source]

Updates the constellation and target parameters in the environment. Environment +must be reset afterwards. Reset is not called within this function so user can +choose between reset and reset_init.

+ +

Creates keyword arguments for instantiating the simulator. If an attribute is +present that matches a simulatormkeyword, pass it in.

+ +
+step(action, return_obs=True)[source]
  • action – 1 x n_spacecraft list of actions

  • +
  • return_obs – whether or not to return observations

  • +
Return ob:

n_spacecraft x dim_obs nparray of observations

Return reward:

1 x (n_spacecraft + 1) nparray of rewards, last index is global +reward, other are local rewards

Return episode over:

True/False if episode is over

Return info:

dictionary of info for debugging purposes

+ +

Updates the size of action and observation spaces and preallocations.

+ +
+ +
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+exception invalid_action[source]

Bases: Exception

+ +
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+class Settings[source]

Bases: object


To be used as settings for the MultiSensorEOS gymnasium environment and bsk sim.

+ +
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+class MultiSensorEOS[source]

Bases: Env


Earth observation environment - simulates a spacecraft with variable imager modes +attempting to image a ground location. +Agent must choose between charging, desaturating, and image type(s); also needs to +choose an appropriate imaging type. +Taking the image type corresponding to the ground location’s required sensor type +results in full reward, other image types results in no reward.


Action Space (discrete):

  • 0 - Points solar panels at the sun.

  • +
  • 1 - Desaturates the reaction wheels.

  • +
  • >1 - Orients the s/c towards the earth; takes image of type _.

  • +

Observation Space:

  • r_sc_I - float[3,] - spacecraft position.

  • +
  • v_sc - float[3,] - spacecraft velocity in PCPF.

  • +
  • sigma_RB - float [0,1] - norm of the spacecraft error MRP with respect to the +last reference frame specified.

  • +
  • omega_BN - float - norm of the total spacecraft bus rotational velocity with +respect to the inertial frame.

  • +
  • omega_RW - float - norm of the reaction wheel rotational velocities.

  • +
  • storedCharge - float [0,batCapacity] - indicates the s/c battery charge level in +W-s.

  • +
  • sun_indicator - float [0, 1] - indicates the flux mitigator due to eclipse.

  • +
  • access indicator - access to the next target

  • +
  • img_mode norm - float [0,1] - indicates the required imaging mode.

  • +

Reward Function: +r = 1/(1+ | sigma_RB|) if correct sensor


Intended to provide a rich reward in action 1 when the spacecraft is pointed +towards the earth, decaying as sigma^2 as the pointing error increases.

+ +
+reset(seed=None, options=None)[source]

Reset the state of the environment and returns an initial observation. +:returns: observation (object) +:rtype: the initial observation of the space.

+ +

The agent takes a step in the environment. Note that the simulator must be +initialized


action – int



  • ob (object): an environment-specific object representing your observation of +the environment.

  • +
  • reward (float): amount of reward achieved by the previous action. The scale +varies between environments, but the goal is always to increase +your total reward.

  • +
  • episode_over (bool): whether it’s time to reset the environment again. Most (but not +all) tasks are divided up into well-defined episodes, and done +being True indicates the episode has terminated. (For example, +perhaps the pole tipped too far, or you lost your last life.)

  • +
  • truncated (truncated): set to false. Gymnasium requirement.

  • +
  • info (dict): diagnostic information useful for debugging. It can sometimes +be useful for learning (for example, it might contain the raw +probabilities behind the environment’s last state change). +However, official evaluations of your agent are not allowed to +use this for learning.

  • +
+ +
+ +
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+class SimpleEOS[source]

Bases: Env


The spacecraft must decide between pointing at the ground to collect science data, +pointing at the sun to charge, desaturating reaction wheels, and downlinking data. +This is referred to as the “simple” simulator as science data is simply collected +by nadir pointing. Specific imaging targets are not considered.


Action Space (discrete, 0 or 1): +* 0 - Imaging mode +* 1 - Charging mode +* 2 - Desat mode +* 3 - Downlink mode


Observation Space: +* Inertial position and velocity - indices 0-5 +* Attitude error and attitude rate - indices 6-7 +* Reaction wheel speeds - indices 8-11 +* Battery charge - indices 12 +* Eclipse indicator - indices 13 +* Stored data onboard spacecraft - indices 14 +* Data transmitted over interval - indices 15 +* Amount of time ground stations were accessible (s) - 16-22 +* Percent through planning interval - 23


Reward Function: +r = +1 for each MB downlinked and no failure +r = +1 for each MB downlinked and no failure and +1 if t > t_max +r = - 1000 if failure (battery drained, buffer overflow, reaction wheel speeds over max)

+ +
+reset(seed=None, options=None)[source]

Reset the state of the environment and returns an initial observation. +:returns: observation (object) +:rtype: the initial observation of the space.

+ +

The agent takes a step in the environment. +:param action: +:type action: int


ob, reward, episode_over, info

ob (object) :

an environment-specific object representing your observation of +the environment.

reward (float) :

amount of reward achieved by the previous action. The scale +varies between environments, but the goal is always to increase +your total reward.

episode_over (bool) :

whether it’s time to reset the environment again. Most (but not +all) tasks are divided up into well-defined episodes, and done +being True indicates the episode has terminated. (For example, +perhaps the pole tipped too far, or you lost your last life.)

info (dict) :

diagnostic information useful for debugging. It can sometimes +be useful for learning (for example, it might contain the raw +probabilities behind the environment’s last state change). +However, official evaluations of your agent are not allowed to +use this for learning.


Return type:


+ +
+ +
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+class SmallBodyScience(failure_penalty=1, target_component=0.25, target_downlink_component=0.25, map_component=0.25, map_downlink_component=0.25)[source]

Bases: Env


Small body gym environment where an agent can transition between different +waypoints defined in the sun anti-momentum frame to image candidate landing sites +or collect spectroscopy map data while avoiding resource constraint violations. +Resource constraint violations include: +* Fuel +* Power +* Data storage +* Collision with the body (not necessarilly a resource, but considered a +failure condition)


Action Space (Discrete): +* 0 - Charging Mode +* 1 - 8 - Transition to waypoint 1-8 +* 9 - Map +* 10 - Downlink +* 11 - Image


Observation Space (Box): +* 0-2: Hill-frame position +* 3-5: Hill-frame velocity +* 6: Eclipse +* 7: Data buffer storage +* 8: Battery level +* 9: dV consumed +* 10: Downlink availability +* 11-13: Current waypoint +* 14-16: Last waypoint +* 17: Imaged targets +* 18: Downlinked targets +* 19-21: Next closest unimaged target position in Hill frame +* 22-30: Map regions collected


Reward Function: +* r = +A each tgt downlinked for first time +* r = +B for each tgt imaged for first time +* r = +C for each map region downlinked for first time +* r = +D for each map region collected for first time +* r = -E for failure

+__init__(failure_penalty=1, target_component=0.25, target_downlink_component=0.25, map_component=0.25, map_downlink_component=0.25)[source]
+ +
+reset(seed=None, options=None)[source]

Reset the state of the environment and returns an initial observation. +:returns: observation (object) +:rtype: the initial observation of the space.

+ +

The agent takes a step in the environment. +:param action: +:type action: int


ob, reward, episode_over, truncated, info

ob (object) :

an environment-specific object representing your observation of +the environment.

reward (float) :

amount of reward achieved by the previous action. The scale +varies between environments, but the goal is always to increase +your total reward.

episode_over (bool) :

whether it’s time to reset the environment again. Most (but not +all) tasks are divided up into well-defined episodes, and done +being True indicates the episode has terminated. (For example, +perhaps the pole tipped too far, or you lost your last life.)


Return type:


+ +
+ +
+ + +
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+class SmallBodySciencePOMDP[source]

Bases: SmallBodyScience


Small body gym environment where an agent can transition between different +waypoints defined in the sun anti-momentum frame to image candidate landing sites +or collect spectroscopy map data while avoiding resource constraint violations. As +opposed to the SmallBodyScience environment, this environment is utilizes an EKF +filter for the observation space to simulate a POMDP, which provides a belief state +for the POMDP.


Resource constraint violations include: +* Fuel +* Power +* Data storage +* Collision with the body (not necessarily a resource, but considered a +failure condition)


Action Space (Discrete): +* 0 - Charging Mode +* 1 - 8 - Transition to waypoint 1-8 +* 9 - Map +* 10 - Downlink +* 11 - Image +* 12 - Navigation Mode


Observation Space (Box): +* 0-2: Hill-frame position +* 3-5: Hill-frame velocity +* 6: Eclipse +* 7: Data buffer storage +* 8: Battery level +* 9: dV consumed +* 10: Downlink availability +* 11-13: Current waypoint +* 14-16: Last waypoint +* 17-20: Location of the next target for imaging +* 20-26: Filter covariance diagonals


Reward Function: +* r = +A each tgt downlinked for first time +* r = +B for each tgt imaged for first time +* r = +C for each map region downlinked for first time +* r = +D for each map region collected for first time +* r = -E for failure

+ +

Modifies the observation of the MDP such that it conforms to the POMDP +specification. +:param ob: +:return:

+ +
+reset(seed=None, options=None)[source]

Reset the state of the environment and returns an initial observation. +:returns: observation (object) +:rtype: the initial observation of the space.

+ +
+step(action, return_obs=True)[source]

The agent takes a step in the environment. +:param action: +:type action: int


ob, reward, episode_over, truncated, info

ob (object) :

an environment-specific object representing your observation of +the environment.

reward (float) :

amount of reward achieved by the previous action. The scale +varies between environments, but the goal is always to increase +your total reward.

episode_over (bool) :

whether it’s time to reset the environment again. Most (but not +all) tasks are divided up into well-defined episodes, and done +being True indicates the episode has terminated. (For example, +perhaps the pole tipped too far, or you lost your last life.)


Return type:


+ +
+ +
+ + +
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API Reference





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+create_model(hidden_layer_num, net_size, activation, num_states, dropout, alpha, num_actions)[source]

Creates a feedforward neural network subject to various hyperparameters. +:param hidden_layer_num: Number of hidden layers +:param net_size: Widths of hidden layers +:param activation: activation function, either Leaky ReLU or tanh +:param num_states: Number of states +:param dropout: Dropout rate +:param alpha: alpha-parameter for Leaky ReLU activation function +:param num_actions: number of actions +:return: model

+ +

Splits the data indicator string to return the data number +:param x: data indicator string +:return: data number

+ +
+load_and_modify_data(data_directory, modified_states=[])[source]

Loads AND modifies the training data +:param data_directory: data directory to load data from +:param modified_states: modified states. First entry is a list of indices to keep. Next entries are dictionary keys +for info. +:return: train-test split of data

+ +

Loads the data to train with. +:param data_directory: Data directory to load data from. +:return: train-test split of training data.

+ +
+mcts_batch(data_directory, data_indicator, c=50, num_sims=50, initial_conditions=None, result_list=None, render=False, env_name='SimpleEOS-v0', num_steps=45, t_final=270.0)[source]

The function performs a single run of MCTS over a planning horizon, generating performance and training data +:param data_directory: Data directory to store training data +:param data_indicator: Data indicator to append to filename +:param c: MCTS exploration constant +:param num_sims: number of simulations-per-step +:param initial_conditions: Dictionary of initial conditions +:param result_list: Results list +:param render: T/F to render BSK sim using Vizard +:param env_name: environment name +:return: N/A

+ +
+run_episode(env, num_steps, t_final, c, num_sims, initial_conditions, env_name)[source]

Runs an episode of MCTS. +:param env: Gym environment +:param num_steps: number of steps to take +:param t_final: Final time +:param c: Exploration constant +:param num_sims: Number of simulations-per-step +:param initial_conditions: Dictionary of initial conditions +:param env_name: environment name +:return Q: state-action value estimates +:return N: Number of times the state-action pairs were visited +:return reward: Reward sum +:return actHist: history of actions +:return exec_time: execution time +:return final_info: final infor from env

+ +
+run_experiment(data_directory, parameters, modified_states=[], batch_sizes=None)[source]

Runs a hyperparameter search over neural network hyperparameters +:param data_directory: Data directory to load data from and save networks, training plots. +:param parameters: dictionary of network hyperparameters. +:param modified_states (optional): Modified states +:return:

+ +
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+a2c_experiment(agent_dir, policy_kwargs, learning_rate=0.0007, ent_coef=0.01, idx=0, n_its=10, base_steps=1020, env_name='MultiSensorEOS-v0', max_steps=90, n_steps=45, num_cores=4)[source]

Run an A2C experiment with the given hyperparameters +:param policy_kwargs: (dict) Policy kwargs +:param learning_rate: (float) Learning rate +:param ent_coef: (float) Entropy coefficient +:param idx: (int) Index of the experiment +:param agent_dir: (str) Directory where to save the agent +:param n_its: (int) Number of iterations +:param env_name: (str) Name of the environment +:param max_steps: (int) Maximum number of steps in the environment +:param n_steps: (int) Number of steps before update +:param num_cores: (int) Number of cores

+ +
+ppo_experiment(policy_kwargs, learning_rate, clip_range, ent_coef, batch_size, epoch, max_grad_norm, idx, agent_dir, n_its=10, base_steps=1020, shielded=False, env_name='MultiSensorEOS-v0', n_steps=90, num_cores=4)[source]

Run a PPO experiment with the given hyperparameters +:param policy_kwargs: (dict) Policy kwargs +:param learning_rate: (float) Learning rate +:param clip_range: (float) Clip range +:param ent_coef: (float) Entropy coefficient +:param batch_size: (int) Batch size +:param epoch: (int) Number of epochs +:param idx: (int) Index of the experiment +:param agent_dir: (str) Directory where to save the agent +:param n_its: (int) Number of iterations +:param shielded: (bool) Whether to use the shielded policy +:param env_name: (str) Name of the environment +:param n_steps: (int) Number of steps

+ +
+run_ppo_experiments(agent_dir, kwargs_list, n_its=10, base_steps=1020, index=None, env_name='MultiSensorEOS-v0', n_steps=45, num_cores=4, shielded=False)[source]

Run PPO experiments with the given hyperparameters +:param agent_dir: (str) Directory where to save the agent +:param n_its: (int) Number of iterations +:param kwargs_list: (list) List of dictionaries containing hyperparameters +:param index: (int) Index of the hyperparameter dictionary to use +:param env_name: (str) Name of the environment +:param n_steps: (int) Number of steps +:param num_cores: (int) Number of cores +:param shielded: (bool) Whether to use shielded policy]

+ +
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+balancedHR16Triad(useRandom=False, randomBounds=(-400, 400), wheelSpeeds=[500, 500, 500])[source]

Creates a set of three HR16 reaction wheels. +Returns a set of thrusters and thrusterFac instance to add thrusters to a +spacecraft. +:return thrusterSet: thruster dynamic effector instance +:return thrusterFac: factory containing defined thrusters

+ +

Creates a set of eight ADCS thrusters using MOOG Monarc-1 attributes. +Returns a set of thrusters and thrusterFac instance to add thrusters to a +spacecraft. +:return thrusterSet: thruster dynamic effector instance +:return thrusterFac: factory containing defined thrusters

+ +
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+ + +
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+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +




+run_ga_hp_experiment(ga_dir, ga_kwargs, index=None, num_cores=4, env_name='AgileEOS-v0')[source]

Runs a genetic algorithm experiment hyperparameter search experiment over the +number of generations and population size.

+ +
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+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/API Reference/utilities/genetic_algorithm/index.html b/API Reference/utilities/genetic_algorithm/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f1318de1 --- /dev/null +++ b/API Reference/utilities/genetic_algorithm/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ + + + + + + + genetic_algorithm — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
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+ + +
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+ + +
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+ + +
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+ +




+create_ground_tgts(n_targets, rN, vN, sim_length, utc_init)[source]

Returns a set of targets based on the orbital parameters by running a simplified +BSK scenario +:param n_targets: number of targets to generate +:param rN: Initial inertial position +:param vN: Initial inertial velocity +:param sim_length: simulation length +:param uct_init: time initialization string +:return targets:

+ +
+distribute_tgts(rN, vN, sim_length, utc_init, global_tgts, dt=60.0)[source]
  • rN

  • +
  • vN

  • +
  • sim_length – [m]

  • +
  • utc_init

  • +
  • global_tgts – np.array of global tgts in ECEF coordinates

  • +
  • dt – [s]

  • +
Return local_tgts:

list of indexes into global tgts

Return local_tgt_times:

local time each global tgt in local_tgts is encountered

+ +
+elrange_req(sc_pos, tgt_pos)[source]

Determines if the spacecraft is within the elevation and range requirements of +a target

  • sc_pos – spacecraft position expressed in the ECEF frame

  • +
  • tgt_pos – tgt_pos expressed in the ECEF frame

  • +

T/F - within el, range requirements or not

+ +

Returns an elliptical, prograde LEO orbit with an SMA of 400km. +:return:

+ +

Returns an inclined, circular LEO orbit. +:return:

+ +

Returns an inclined, circular LEO orbit. +:return:

+ +

Returns an elliptical, prograde LEO orbit with an SMA of 400km. +:return:

+ +

Returns an elliptical, prograde LEO orbit with an SMA of 500km. +Inclination is bounded so the spacecraft can communicate with Boulder. +:return:

+ +

Returns an elliptical, prograde LEO orbit with an SMA of 500km. +Inclination is bounded so the spacecraft can communicate with Boulder. +:return:

+ +
+walker_delta(n_spacecraft, n_planes, rel_phasing, altitude, inc, clustersize=1, clusterspacing=0)[source]

Computes the initial orbit conditions of a constellation of spacecraft in the +walker delta pattern +:param n_spacecraft: number of spacecraft in the constellation +:param n_planes: number of orbital planes +:param rel_phasing: relative phasing between the planes [0, 1) +:param altitude: Altitude of the s/c (m) +:param inc: Inclination of the orbit (deg) +:param clustersize: Size of satellite groups +:param clusterspacing: True anomaly spacing within cluster (deg) +:return oe_all: n_spacecraft x 1 list of BSK oe elements

+ +
+ + +
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+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/sc_attitudes.html b/API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/sc_attitudes.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cc7e8a36 --- /dev/null +++ b/API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/sc_attitudes.html @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ + + + + + + + sc_attitudes — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +





Simulates a spacecraft in a random tumble with uniformly sampled initial conditions. +:return: sigma_bn +:return: omega_bn

+ +

Simulates a spacecraft in a sidereal stare fixed to the inertial origin. +:return:

+ +
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+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/small_body.html b/API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/small_body.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..06831de4 --- /dev/null +++ b/API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/small_body.html @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ + + + + + + + small_body — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +




+generate_imaging_points(num_points, radius)[source]

Generates a number of random imaging points on the surface of the body

+ +
+generate_mapping_points(num_points, radius)[source]

Generates a number of mapping points on the surface of the body using a +Fibonnaci sphere Algorithm from: +https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9600801/evenly-distributing-n-points-on-a-sphere

+ +
+generate_waypoints(num_spheres, num_lat, num_lon, radius)[source]

Generates a number of spheres of waypoints, each sphere is at [1…n]*radius, +where n is the num_spheres

+ +
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+ + +
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+class CustomActorCriticPolicy(observation_space: ~gymnasium.spaces.space.Space, action_space: ~gymnasium.spaces.space.Space, lr_schedule: ~typing.Callable[[float], float], net_arch: ~typing.Dict | None = None, activation_fn: ~typing.Type[~torch.nn.modules.module.Module] = <class 'torch.nn.modules.activation.Tanh'>, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ActorCriticPolicy

+__init__(observation_space: ~gymnasium.spaces.space.Space, action_space: ~gymnasium.spaces.space.Space, lr_schedule: ~typing.Callable[[float], float], net_arch: ~typing.Dict | None = None, activation_fn: ~typing.Type[~torch.nn.modules.module.Module] = <class 'torch.nn.modules.activation.Tanh'>, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

+ +
+ +
+class CustomNetwork(num_states=12, num_actions=4, width=100, depth=1, dropout=None, activation_function=<class 'torch.nn.modules.activation.LeakyReLU'>, alpha=None)[source]

Bases: Module


Custom network for policy and value function. +It receives as input the features extracted by the feature extractor.

  • feature_dim – dimension of the features extracted with the features_extractor +(e.g. features from a CNN)

  • +
  • last_layer_dim_pi – (int) number of units for the last layer of the policy +network

  • +
  • last_layer_dim_vf – (int) number of units for the last layer of the value +network

  • +
+__init__(num_states=12, num_actions=4, width=100, depth=1, dropout=None, activation_function=<class 'torch.nn.modules.activation.LeakyReLU'>, alpha=None)[source]

Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

+ +
+forward(features: Tensor) Tuple[Tensor, Tensor][source]

(th.Tensor, th.Tensor) latent_policy, latent_value of the specified +network. +If all layers are shared, then latent_policy == latent_value

+ +
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+ + +
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+ +




+class CustomActorCriticShieldedAgileEOSPolicy(observation_space: ~gymnasium.spaces.space.Space, action_space: ~gymnasium.spaces.space.Space, lr_schedule: ~typing.Callable[[float], float], net_arch: ~typing.Dict | None = None, activation_fn: ~typing.Type[~torch.nn.modules.module.Module] = <class 'torch.nn.modules.activation.Tanh'>, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: CustomActorCriticShieldedPolicy

+__init__(observation_space: ~gymnasium.spaces.space.Space, action_space: ~gymnasium.spaces.space.Space, lr_schedule: ~typing.Callable[[float], float], net_arch: ~typing.Dict | None = None, activation_fn: ~typing.Type[~torch.nn.modules.module.Module] = <class 'torch.nn.modules.activation.Tanh'>, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

+ +
+ +
+class CustomActorCriticShieldedMultiSensorEOSPolicy(observation_space: ~gymnasium.spaces.space.Space, action_space: ~gymnasium.spaces.space.Space, lr_schedule: ~typing.Callable[[float], float], net_arch: ~typing.Dict | None = None, activation_fn: ~typing.Type[~torch.nn.modules.module.Module] = <class 'torch.nn.modules.activation.Tanh'>, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: CustomActorCriticShieldedPolicy

+__init__(observation_space: ~gymnasium.spaces.space.Space, action_space: ~gymnasium.spaces.space.Space, lr_schedule: ~typing.Callable[[float], float], net_arch: ~typing.Dict | None = None, activation_fn: ~typing.Type[~torch.nn.modules.module.Module] = <class 'torch.nn.modules.activation.Tanh'>, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

+ +
+ +
+class CustomActorCriticShieldedPolicy(observation_space: ~gymnasium.spaces.space.Space, action_space: ~gymnasium.spaces.space.Space, lr_schedule: ~typing.Callable[[float], float], net_arch: ~typing.Dict | None = None, activation_fn: ~typing.Type[~torch.nn.modules.module.Module] = <class 'torch.nn.modules.activation.Tanh'>, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ActorCriticPolicy


Custom actor critic policy with a shield. Made for AgileEOS environment.

+__init__(observation_space: ~gymnasium.spaces.space.Space, action_space: ~gymnasium.spaces.space.Space, lr_schedule: ~typing.Callable[[float], float], net_arch: ~typing.Dict | None = None, activation_fn: ~typing.Type[~torch.nn.modules.module.Module] = <class 'torch.nn.modules.activation.Tanh'>, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

+ +
+forward(obs: Tensor, deterministic: bool = False) Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor][source]

Forward pass in all the networks (actor and critic)

  • obs – Observation

  • +
  • deterministic – Whether to sample or use deterministic actions

  • +

action, value and log probability of the action

+ +
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+ +




+class AgileEOSShield[source]

Bases: object


Custom shield layer +:param: size_in -> input size, should be equal to the number of actions +:param: size_out -> output size, should be equal to the number of actions

+ +
+ +
+class MultiSensorEOSShield[source]

Bases: object


Custom shield layer +:param: size_in -> input size, should be equal to the number of actions +:param: size_out -> output size, should be equal to the number of actions

+ +
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+ +





Multisat AEOS


some text here


Demonstrate the configuration of an environment with multiple imaging satellites.

+ +
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+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Examples/general_satellite_tasking/satellite_customization.html b/Examples/general_satellite_tasking/satellite_customization.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f4187b34 --- /dev/null +++ b/Examples/general_satellite_tasking/satellite_customization.html @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ + + + + + + + satellite_customization — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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+modify_observation(obs, info, modified_states)[source]

This function modifies the observation from the environment if this is required. +:param obs: environment observation +:param info: info that may be add to the observation +:param modified states: a list of state indices to keep and dictionary keys +:return obs: modified observation

+ +
+run_simulator(network, reward_specific, success_specific, downlink_util_specific, exec_time_specific, imaged_specific, downlinked_specific, modified_states, ic)[source]

This function is utilized to a.) load the network, b.) run the network in the +environment, and c.) update performance metrics +:param network: File name of neural network +:param reward_specific: List of reward metrics +:param success_specific: List of success metrics +:param downlink_util_specific: List of downlink utilization metrics +:param exec_time_specific: List of execution time metrics +:param imaged_specific: List of image metric +:param downlinked_specific: List of downlinked metric +:param modified_states: List containing indices of states to keep and entries of +the info dictionary +:param ic: initial conditions

+ +
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+ + +
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+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Examples/plotting_tools/plot_a2c_hyperparams.html b/Examples/plotting_tools/plot_a2c_hyperparams.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..38a2b70b --- /dev/null +++ b/Examples/plotting_tools/plot_a2c_hyperparams.html @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ + + + + + + + plot_a2c_hyperparams — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
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+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Examples/plotting_tools/plot_dqn_hyperparams.html b/Examples/plotting_tools/plot_dqn_hyperparams.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0aa6bb69 --- /dev/null +++ b/Examples/plotting_tools/plot_dqn_hyperparams.html @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ + + + + + + + plot_dqn_hyperparams — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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+process_ga_curve(run_dir, env_name)[source]

Generates plots of GA convergence, performance, and final population vector behavior +:param checkpoint_names: list of checkpoint names, assumed to be pickle files. +:return:

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Source code for bsk_rl.agents.genetic_algorithm

+import multiprocessing
+import os
+import pickle
+import random
+from datetime import datetime
+from os import sep as SEP
+import gymnasium as gym
+import numpy as np
+from deap import algorithms, base, creator, tools
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+This file is designed to provide generitc interfaces to a DEAP-based genetic algorithm
+for solving arbitrary gymnasium environments. It does a few things:
+1. Includes the ability to cast arbitrary gymnasium environments with a max_length
+    parameter as many-input, single-output optimzation problems
+2. Allows a genetic algorithm to be called to optimize said environments in a parellel
+    way
+creator.create("FitnessMax", base.Fitness, weights=(1.0,))
+creator.create("Individual", list, fitness=creator.FitnessMax)
+[docs] +def mutUniformIntList(individual, num_samples=2, low=0, up=5, indpb=0.3): + """ + This function is designed to mutate a list of integers, rather than a single + integer. + :param individual: The individual to be mutated + :param num_samples: The number of samples to be mutated + :param low: The lower bound for the mutation + :param up: The upper bound for the mutation + :param indpb: The probability of mutation + :returns: A list of a single individual. + """ + + size = len(individual) + for i in range(size): + for j in range(num_samples): + if random.random() < indpb: + individual[i][j] = random.randint(low, up) + + return (individual,)
+ + + +
+[docs] +class env2opt_problem(object): + """ + This class provides a generic interface for recasting a gymnasium environment as a + total reward maximization problem. + """ + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, env_name, initial_conditions=None): + self.env_name = env_name + tmp_env = gym.make(env_name) + if initial_conditions is None: + tmp_env.reset() + self.initial_conditions = tmp_env.simulator.initial_conditions + else: + self.initial_conditions = initial_conditions + + try: + self.n_actions = tmp_env.max_steps + except AttributeError: + print("Error - environment must have max_steps attribute.") + return + + self.action_space = tmp_env.action_space
+ + +
+[docs] + def evaluate(self, action_set): + """ + Evaluates a full run of the environment given a list of actions. + """ + total_reward = 0 + + self.env = gym.make(self.env_name) + self.env.reset(options={"initial_conditions": self.initial_conditions}) + + for ind in range(0, self.n_actions): + _, r, ep_over, _, info = self.env.step(action_set[ind]) + total_reward = total_reward + r + if ep_over: + break + + # Initialize a metrics dictionary + metrics = {} + # Add the total reward to the metrics dictionary + metrics["total_reward"] = total_reward + # Add the number of steps taken to the metrics dictionary + metrics["steps"] = ind + 1 + if self.env_name == "AgileEOS-v0" or self.env_name == "MultiSatAgileEOS-v0": + metrics["imaged_targets"] = np.sum(self.env.simulator.imaged_targets) + metrics["downlinked_targets"] = np.sum( + self.env.simulator.downlinked_targets + ) + elif self.env_name == "MultiSensorEOS-v0": + metrics["imaged_targets"] = np.sum(self.env.simulator.imaged_targets) + elif self.env_name == "SmallBodyScience-v0": + metrics["imaged_targets"] = np.sum(self.env.simulator.imaged_targets) + metrics["downlinked_targets"] = np.sum( + self.env.simulator.downlinked_targets + ) + metrics["imaged_maps"] = self.env.simulator.imaged_maps + metrics["downlinked_maps"] = self.env.simulator.downlinked_maps + elif self.env_name == "SimpleEOS-v0": + metrics["downlinked"] = self.env.simulator.downlinked + metrics["total_access"] = self.env.simulator.total_access + metrics["utilized_access"] = self.env.simulator.utilized_access + + if self.env_name == "MultiSatAgileEOS-v0": + return (total_reward[0, -1], metrics) + else: + return (total_reward, metrics)
+ + + +class ga_env_solver(object): + def __init__( + self, + env_name, + n_gens, + gen_size, + cx_prob=0.25, + mut_prob=0.25, + num_cores=4, + ga_dir="ga_results" + SEP, + ): + self.env_name = env_name + self.n_gens = n_gens + self.gen_size = gen_size + self.ga_dir = ga_dir + self.num_cores = num_cores + + problem = env2opt_problem(env_name) + + # Define some problem-specific parameters + IND_SIZE = ( + problem.n_actions + ) # Each individual is a list of actions to take at each env.step() + + creator.create("FitnessMax", base.Fitness, weights=(1.0,)) + creator.create("Individual", list, fitness=creator.FitnessMax) + + self.toolbox = base.Toolbox() + + # Check to see whether the env takes integer, list of integer, or float inputs + if type(problem.action_space) == gym.spaces.discrete.Discrete: + act_min = 0 + act_max = problem.action_space.n - 1 + self.toolbox.register("attr_action", random.randint, act_min, act_max) + self.toolbox.register( + "mutate", tools.mutUniformInt, low=act_min, up=act_max, indpb=0.3 + ) + elif type(problem.action_space) == gym.spaces.multi_discrete.MultiDiscrete: + num_agents = len(problem.action_space.nvec) + act_min = 0 + act_max = problem.action_space.nvec[0] - 1 + self.toolbox.register( + "attr_action", random.sample, range(act_min, act_max + 1), num_agents + ) + self.toolbox.register( + "mutate", + mutUniformIntList, + num_samples=num_agents, + low=act_min, + up=act_max, + indpb=0.3, + ) + + self.MU = gen_size # Number of individuals per generation + self.NGEN = n_gens # Number of generations + self.CXPB = cx_prob # Crossover probability. + self.MUTPB = mut_prob # Mutation probability. + + # generation functions + self.toolbox.register( + "individual", + tools.initRepeat, + creator.Individual, + (self.toolbox.attr_action), + n=IND_SIZE, + ) + self.toolbox.register( + "population", tools.initRepeat, list, self.toolbox.individual + ) + + # evolutionary ops + self.toolbox.register("mate", tools.cxOnePoint) + self.toolbox.register("select", tools.selTournament, tournsize=3) + + # Evaluation ops + self.toolbox.register("evaluate", problem.evaluate) + + def optimize(self, seed=datetime.now(), checkpoint_freq=1, checkpoint=None): + if not os.path.exists(self.ga_dir): + os.makedirs(self.ga_dir) + + pool = multiprocessing.Pool(min(self.num_cores, self.MU)) + self.toolbox.register("map", pool.map) + stats = tools.Statistics(lambda ind: ind.fitness.values) + stats.register("avg", np.mean, axis=0) + stats.register("std", np.std, axis=0) + stats.register("min", np.min, axis=0) + stats.register("max", np.max, axis=0) + + print("Multiprocessing start method: ", multiprocessing.get_start_method()) + + if checkpoint is not None: + with open(checkpoint, "rb") as checkpoint_file: + check_dict = pickle.load(checkpoint_file) + pop = check_dict["population"] + start_gen = check_dict["generation"] + logbook = check_dict["logbook"] + else: + logbook = tools.Logbook() + logbook.header = "gen", "evals", "std", "min", "avg", "max" + pop = self.toolbox.population(n=self.MU) + + invalid_ind = [ind for ind in pop if not ind.fitness.valid] + fitnesses = self.toolbox.map(self.toolbox.evaluate, invalid_ind) + fitness_list = [list(fitness) for fitness in fitnesses] + + for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitnesses): + ind.fitness.values = (fit[0],) + + record = stats.compile(pop) + logbook.record(gen=0, evals=len(invalid_ind), **record) + print(logbook.stream) + start_gen = 1 + + for gen in range(start_gen, start_gen + self.NGEN): + offspring = algorithms.varAnd(pop, self.toolbox, self.CXPB, self.MUTPB) + + invalid_ind = [ind for ind in offspring if not ind.fitness.valid] + fitnesses = self.toolbox.map(self.toolbox.evaluate, invalid_ind) + for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitnesses): + ind.fitness.values = (fit[0],) + + fitness_list.extend([list(fitness) for fitness in fitnesses]) + + pop = self.toolbox.select(pop + offspring, self.MU) + + record = stats.compile(pop) + logbook.record(gen=gen, evals=len(invalid_ind), **record) + print(logbook.stream) + + if gen % checkpoint_freq == 0: + chkpnt = dict( + population=pop, + generation=gen, + logbook=logbook, + rndstate=random.getstate(), + ) + pickle.dump( + chkpnt, open(self.ga_dir + self.env_name + f"_{gen}.pkl", "wb") + ) + + fitness_list = np.array(fitness_list) + index = np.where(fitness_list[:, 0] == np.max(fitness_list[:, 0]))[0] + max_reward = fitness_list[index[0], 0] + metrics = fitness_list[index[0], 1] + + results = (max_reward, metrics) + + return results + + def plot_results(self): + """ + Generates plots of GA convergence, performance, and final population vector + behavior + :param checkpoint_names: list of checkpoint names, assumed to be pickle files. + :return: + """ + # Pull data out of the pickles + gen_list = [] + min_reward = [] + max_reward = [] + mean_reward = [] + + checkpoint_names = [ + self.ga_dir + self.env_name + f"_{gen}.pkl" for gen in range(1, self.n_gens) + ] + + for name in checkpoint_names: + with open(name, "rb") as file: + result = pickle.load(file) + gen_list.append(result["generation"]) + tmp_log = result["logbook"] + mean_reward.append(tmp_log[-1]["avg"]) + min_reward.append(tmp_log[-1]["min"]) + max_reward.append(tmp_log[-1]["max"]) + + fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 5)) + plt.plot(gen_list, mean_reward, label="Mean Reward") + plt.plot(gen_list, max_reward, "--", label="Max Reward") + plt.plot(gen_list, min_reward, "--", label="Min Reward") + plt.grid() + plt.ylabel("Total Reward", fontsize=16) + plt.xlabel("Training Generation", fontsize=16) + plt.xticks(fontsize=12) + plt.yticks(fontsize=12) + plt.legend(fontsize=12) + plt.savefig( + self.ga_dir + self.env_name + "_training.png", + dpi=300, + pad_inches=0.1, + bbox_inches="tight", + transparent=True, + ) + + plt.show() +
+ +
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Source code for bsk_rl.agents.mcts

+import math
+import gymnasium as gym
+import numpy as np
+from bsk_rl.utilities.mcts.rollout_policies import SmallBodyRolloutPolicy
+[docs] +class MCTS: + """ + This provides and MCTS class for deterministic environments. + + To use as UCT, set the rollout type to either 'heuristic' or 'random' + If a heuristic rollout type is used, create the policy using the following two + lines of code: + + .. code-block:: python + + stateMachineMCTS = state_machine.StateMachine() + stateMachineMCTS.loadTransferConditions("agile_eos_ops.adv") + rollout_policy = AgileEOSRolloutPolicy(env=env, state_machine=stateMachineMCTS) + + Then, load the policy as the rollout_policy during initialization: + + .. code-block:: python + + MCTS_Agent = MCTS(c=c, num_sims=num_sims, rollout_policy=rollout_policy) + + The env and initial conditions must be loaded in after initialization. The + algorithm will automatically restart the sim and step it forward to the last + state. This is due to limitations in copying Basilisk: + + .. code-block:: python + + MCTS_Agent.setEnv( + env_name, env.initial_conditions, max_steps=num_steps, max_length=t_final + ) + + Args: + c: scaling of the exploration bonus + num_sims: number of simulations per call of selectAction() + """ + +
+[docs] + def __init__( + self, + c=1.0, + num_sims=10, + max_length=270.0, + max_steps=45, + rollout_policy=None, + backup_type="max", + ): + # Set the env to none + self.env = None + # Set the initial conditions to none + self.initial_conditions = None + # Initialize Q and N as empty dicts + self.Q = {} + self.N = {} + # Initialize Q, N, and the trajectory along the main tree + self.Q_main = {} + self.N_main = {} + self.info = {} + self.trajectory = [] # Make into a list so order is preserved + # Initialize T as empty (visited states) + self.T = [] + # Initialize C + self.c = c + # Rollout policy initialization + self.rollout_policy = rollout_policy + # Number of simulations + self.num_sims = num_sims + # set env type + self.envType = None + # set max length and max steps + self.max_length = max_length + self.max_steps = max_steps + self.action_history = None + # Set the backup type + self.backup_type = backup_type
+ + + # Define the environment +
+[docs] + def setEnv(self, envType, initial_conditions, max_steps=30, max_length=90): + """Sets the environment and initial conditions MCTS will step through""" + # Create the environment + self.envType = envType + self.env = gym.make(envType) + self.env.max_steps = max_steps + self.env.max_length = max_length + print(max_steps) + print(max_length) + # Set the initial conditions for MCTS + self.initial_conditions = initial_conditions + # initialize the environment with the initial conditions + self.env.reset(options={"initial_conditions": self.initial_conditions})
+ + + # @profiler.profile +
+[docs] + def selectAction(self, s, d, actHist): + """Selects the next action for the true environment to step through""" + # We make a tuple out of s so it an be used as a dictionary key + s_tuple = tuple(s.reshape(1, -1)[0]) + + # Run simulate for the specified number, defaults to 10 + for i in range(self.num_sims): + # Before calling simulate each time, reset env and take it to current place + # initialize the environment with the initial conditions + ob, info = self.env.reset( + options={"initial_conditions": self.initial_conditions} + ) + + # Step through env to take it to current place + self.env.return_obs = False + for index, act in enumerate(actHist): + if index != (len(actHist) - 1): + _, _, _, _, _ = self.env.step(act) + else: + s_temp, _, _, _, _ = self.env.step(act) + self.env.return_obs = True + + if actHist != []: + try: + if tuple(s_temp.reshape(1, -1)[0]) != s_tuple: + raise Exception("Environment is not deterministic") + except Exception: + self.rewind_sim(actHist) + print("Rewound state: ", tuple(s_temp.reshape(1, -1)[0])) + print("Passed state: ", s_tuple) + + # Reset the rollout policy + if self.rollout_policy is type(SmallBodyRolloutPolicy): + self.rollout_policy.state_machine.setupSmallBodyScience() + + self.action_history = np.copy(actHist).tolist() + self.simulate(s, d) + + # Copy Q[s] to Q_main + self.Q_main[s_tuple] = self.Q[s_tuple].copy() + self.N_main[s_tuple] = self.N[s_tuple].copy() + + # Return the action associated with the max Q at the current state + try: + print("Q(s): ", self.Q[s_tuple]) + print("N(s): ", self.N[s_tuple]) + except KeyError: + print("Raw s: ", s) + print("Tuple s: ", s_tuple) + + print("s: ", s_tuple) + return max(self.Q[s_tuple], key=self.Q[s_tuple].get)
+ + +
+[docs] + def simulate(self, s, d): + """Simulates a trajectory through the environment and updates Q_search""" + # We make a tuple out of s so it an be used as a dictionary key + try: + s_tuple = tuple(s.reshape(1, -1)[0]) + if np.isnan(np.sum(s_tuple)): + raise Exception("State is NaN") + except Exception: + s = self.rewind_sim(self.action_history) + self.simulate(s, d) + + # If depth is zero, return 0 + if d == 0: + return 0.0 + + # If s is not in T + if s_tuple not in self.T: + # Initialize empty dicts inside of Q and N + self.Q[s_tuple] = {} + self.N[s_tuple] = {} + # Loop through actions + for a in range(self.env.action_space.n): + # Initialize Q and N for action and state to zero + self.Q[s_tuple][a] = -self.env.failure_penalty + self.N[s_tuple][a] = 0.0 + # Add s to visited set + self.T.append(s_tuple) + # Roll it out + return self.rollout(s, d) + + function_max = {} + for action in self.Q[s_tuple]: + function_max[action] = self.Q[s_tuple][action] + self.c * math.sqrt( + sum(self.N[s_tuple].values()) + ) / (1 + self.N[s_tuple][action]) + + # Get action + a = max(function_max, key=function_max.get) + + # Take our new action! + sp, reward, episode_over, _, _ = self.env.step(a) + self.action_history.append(a) + + # If the episode is over, don't call simulate recursively. Sim is over. + if episode_over: + q = reward + # Otherwise, call simulate recursively using new action history and add to q + else: + q = reward + self.simulate(sp, d - 1) + + # Update N + self.N[s_tuple][a] = self.N[s_tuple][a] + 1 + + # Update Q + if self.backup_type == "incremental_avg": + self.Q[s_tuple][a] = ( + self.Q[s_tuple][a] + (q - self.Q[s_tuple][a]) / self.N[s_tuple][a] + ) + elif self.backup_type == "max": + # Max-q + if self.Q[s_tuple][a] < q: + self.Q[s_tuple][a] = q + else: + raise Exception("Invalid backup type") + + return q
+ + +
+[docs] + def rollout(self, s, d): + """Executes a rollout to the desired depth or end of the environment""" + # If we have reached max depth, just return 0 + if d == 0: + return 0.0 + # If we have not reached max depth, select action using rollout policy + else: + # Select action using rollout policy + act = self.rollout_policy.act(s) + + # Take a step in the environment + sp, reward, episode_over, _, _ = self.env.step(act) + + # If the episode is over, return the penalty reward only + if episode_over: + return reward + + # Recursively call rollout + return reward + self.rollout(sp, d - 1)
+ + +
+[docs] + def backup_tree(self): + """Backs up the value along the main tree once the sim has terminated""" + # 'Anti-Sum' is added to at each node to subtract from r_sum at last node + r_anti_sum = 0 + # Grab the total reward from the last node + r_sum = self.trajectory[-1][3] + for idx, node in enumerate(self.trajectory): + # If we're at the first node + if idx == 0: + # Update the state-action value at that node with r_sum + self.Q_main[node[0]][node[1]] = r_sum + # Add the reward at the node to r_anti_sum + r_anti_sum += node[2] + else: + self.Q_main[node[0]][node[1]] = r_sum - r_anti_sum + r_anti_sum += node[2] + # Add the info + self.info[node[0]] = node[4]
+ + + def rewind_sim(self, action_history): + self.env.reset(options={"initial_conditions": self.initial_conditions}) + for action in action_history: + s, _, _, _, _ = self.env.step(action) + + # Check to make sure it isn't nan again + try: + s_tuple = tuple(s.reshape(1, -1)[0]) + if np.isnan(np.sum(s_tuple)): + raise Exception("State is NaN inside of rewind_sim") + except Exception: + print("State is NaN inside of rewind_sim") + return self.rewind_sim(self.action_history) + + return s
+ +
+ +
+ +
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Source code for bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.gym_env

+import gymnasium as gym
+import numpy as np
+from Basilisk.utilities import macros as mc
+from gymnasium import spaces
+from bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.bsk_sim import AgileEOSSimulator
+[docs] +class AgileEOS(gym.Env): + """ + This Gymnasium environment is designed to simulate an agile EOS scheduling problem + in which a satellite in low-Earth orbit attempts to maximize the number of targets + imaged and downlinked while avoiding resource constraint violations. Resource + constraint include: + + 1. Power: The spacecraft must keep its battery charge above zero + 2. Reaction Wheel Saturation: The spacecraft must keep its reaction wheels within + their speed limits + 3. Data Buffer: The spacecraft must keep its data buffer from overflowing (i.e. + exceeding or meeting the maximum buffer size) + + The spacecraft must decide between pointing at any one of J number of ground targets + for imaging, pointing at the sun to charge, desaturating reaction wheels, or + downlinking data. This is referred to as the AgileEOS environment. + + Action Space (Discrete): + 0 - Charging mode + 1 - Downlink mode + 2 - Desat mode + 3:J+3 - Image target j + + Observation Space: + ECEF position and velocity - indices 0-5 + Attitude error and attitude rate - indices 6-7 + Reaction wheel speeds - indices 8-11 + Battery charge - indices 12 + Eclipse indicator - indices 13 + Stored data onboard spacecraft - indices 14 + Data transmitted over interval - indices 15 + Amount of time ground stations were accessible (s) - 16-22 + Target Tuples (4 values each) - priority and Hill frame pos + + Reward Function: + r = +A/priority for for each tgt downlinked for first time + r = +B/priority for for each tgt imaged for first time + r = -C if failure + """ + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, failure_penalty=1, image_component=0.1, downlink_component=0.9): + self.__version__ = "0.0.1" + print("AgileEOS Environment - Version {}".format(self.__version__)) + + # General variables defining the environment + self.max_length = float(270.0) # Specify the maximum number of minutes + self.max_steps = 45 + self.render = False + + # Tell the environment that it doesn't have a sim attribute... + self.simulator_init = 0 + self.simulator = None + self.reward_total = 0 + + # Set initial conditions to none (gets assigned in reset) + self.initial_conditions = None + + # Set the dynRate for the env, which is passed into the simulator + self.dynRate = 1.0 + self.fswRate = 1.0 + + # Set up options, constants for this environment + self.step_duration = 6 * 60.0 # seconds, tune as desired + self.reward_mult = 1.0 + + # Set the reward components + self.failure_penalty = failure_penalty + self.image_component = image_component + self.downlink_component = downlink_component + + # Set up targets and action, observation spaces + self.n_targets = ( + 3 # Assumes 100 targets, three other actions (charge, desat, downlink) + ) + self.target_tuple_size = 4 + self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(3 + self.n_targets) + low = -1e16 + high = 1e16 + self.observation_space = spaces.Box( + low, + high, + shape=(22 + self.n_targets * self.target_tuple_size,), + dtype=np.float64, + ) + self.obs = np.zeros(22 + self.n_targets * self.target_tuple_size) + self.obs_full = np.zeros(22 + self.n_targets * self.target_tuple_size) + + # Store what the agent tried + self.curr_episode = -1 + self.action_episode_memory = [] + self.curr_step = 0 + self.episode_over = False + self.failure = False + + self.dvc_cmd = 0 + self.act_hold = None + + self.return_obs = True
+ + +
+[docs] + def step(self, action): + """ + The agent takes a step in the environment. + Parameters + ---------- + action : int + Returns + ------- + ob, reward, episode_over, info : tuple + ob (object) : + an environment-specific object representing your observation of + the environment. + reward (float) : + amount of reward achieved by the previous action. The scale + varies between environments, but the goal is always to increase + your total reward. + episode_over (bool) : + whether it's time to reset the environment again. Most (but not + all) tasks are divided up into well-defined episodes, and done + being True indicates the episode has terminated. (For example, + perhaps the pole tipped too far, or you lost your last life.) + info (dict) : + diagnostic information useful for debugging. It can sometimes + be useful for learning (for example, it might contain the raw + probabilities behind the environment's last state change). + However, official evaluations of your agent are not allowed to + use this for learning. + """ + + # If the simTime in minutes is greater than the planning interval in minutes, + # end the sim + if (self.simulator.simTime / 60.0) >= self.max_length: + print("End of simulation reached", self.simulator.simTime / 60) + self.episode_over = True + + downlinked, imaged, info = self._take_action(action) + + # If we want to return observations, do the following + if self.return_obs: + reward = 0 + ob = self._get_state() + self.prev_dvc_cmd = self.dvc_cmd + self.dvc_cmd = ( + self.simulator.simpleInsControlConfig.deviceCmdOutMsg.read().deviceCmd + ) + + # If the wheel speeds get too large, end the episode. + if any( + speeds > self.simulator.initial_conditions["maxSpeed"] * mc.RPM + for speeds in self.obs_full[8:11] + ): + self.episode_over = True + self.failure = True + print( + "Died from wheel explosion. RPMs were: " + + str(self.obs_full[8:11] / mc.RPM) + + ", limit is " + + str(self.simulator.initial_conditions["maxSpeed"]) + + ", body rate was " + + str(self.obs_full[7]) + + ", action taken was " + + str(action) + + ", env step " + + str(self.curr_step) + ) + # If we run out of power, end the episode. + elif self.obs_full[11] == 0: + self.failure = True + self.episode_over = True + print( + "Ran out of power. Battery level at: " + + str(self.obs_full[11]) + + ", env step " + + str(self.curr_step) + + ", action taken was " + + str(action) + ) + # If we overflow the buffer, end the episode. + elif self.obs_full[13] >= self.simulator.storageUnit.storageCapacity: + self.failure = True + self.episode_over = True + print( + "Data buffer overflow. Data storage level at:" + + str(self.obs_full[13]) + + ", env step, " + + str(self.curr_step) + + ", action taken was " + + str(action) + ) + elif self.sim_over: + self.episode_over = True + print("Orbit decayed - no penalty, but this one is over.") + else: + self.failure = False + + reward = self._get_reward(downlinked, imaged) + self.reward_total += reward + + # Otherwise, return nothing + else: + ob = [] + reward = 0 + + num_imaged, num_downlinked = self._get_imaged_downlinked() + + # Update the info with the metrics + info["metrics"] = { + "downlinked": self.simulator.total_downlinked, + "sim_length": self.simulator.simTime / 60, + "total_access": self.simulator.total_access, + "utilized_access": self.simulator.utilized_access, + "num_imaged": num_imaged, + "num_downlinked": num_downlinked, + } + + self.act_hold = action + + self.curr_step += 1 + return ob.flatten(), reward, self.episode_over, False, info
+ + + def _take_action(self, action): + """ + Interfaces with the simulator to + :param action: + :return: + """ + + self.action_episode_memory[self.curr_episode].append(action) + ( + self.obs, + self.sim_over, + self.obs_full, + downlinked, + imaged, + info, + ) = self.simulator.run_sim(action, self.return_obs) + + return downlinked, imaged, info + + def _get_reward(self, downlinked, imaged): + """ + Reward is based on the total number of imaged and downlinked targets, failure i + f it occurs + """ + reward = 0 + if self.failure: + reward = -self.failure_penalty + else: + for idx in downlinked: + reward += ( + self.downlink_component + / float( + self.simulator.initial_conditions.get("targetPriorities")[idx] + ) + / self.max_steps + ) + for idx in imaged: + reward += ( + self.image_component + / float( + self.simulator.initial_conditions.get("targetPriorities")[idx] + ) + / self.max_steps + ) + + return reward + +
+[docs] + def reset(self, seed=None, options=None): + """ + Reset the state of the environment and returns an initial observation. + Returns + ------- + observation (object): the initial observation of the space. + """ + super().reset(seed=seed) + self.action_episode_memory.append([]) + self.episode_over = False + self.failure = False + self.curr_step = 0 + self.reward_total = 0 + + if self.simulator is not None: + del self.simulator + + if options is not None: + if "initial_conditions" in options: + self.initial_conditions = options["initial_conditions"] + + # Create the simulator + self.simulator = AgileEOSSimulator( + self.dynRate, + self.fswRate, + self.step_duration, + initial_conditions=self.initial_conditions, + render=self.render, + n_targets=self.n_targets, + max_length=self.max_length, + target_tuple_size=self.target_tuple_size, + ) + + # Extract initial conditions from instantiation of simulator + self.initial_conditions = self.simulator.initial_conditions + self.simulator.max_steps = self.max_steps + self.simulator_init = 1 + + return self.simulator.obs.flatten(), self.simulator.info
+ + + def _render(self, mode="human", close=False): + return + + def _get_state(self): + """Return the non-normalized observation to the environment""" + + return self.simulator.obs + + def _get_imaged_downlinked(self): + num_imaged = 0 + num_downlinked = 0 + for idx in range(len(self.simulator.imaged_targets)): + if self.simulator.imaged_targets[idx] >= 1.0: + num_imaged += 1 + + if self.simulator.downlinked_targets[idx] >= 1.0: + num_downlinked += 1 + + return num_imaged, num_downlinked + + def update_tgt_count(self, n_targets): + self.n_targets = n_targets + self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(3 + self.n_targets) + low = -1e16 + high = 1e16 + self.observation_space = spaces.Box( + low, high, shape=(22 + self.n_targets * self.target_tuple_size,) + ) + self.obs = np.zeros(22 + self.n_targets * self.target_tuple_size) + self.obs_full = np.zeros(22 + self.n_targets * self.target_tuple_size)
+ + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + env = gym.make("AgileEOS-v0") + + env.reset() + + reward_sum = 0 + for idx in range(0, env.max_steps): + action = env.action_space.sample() + ob, reward, episode_over, truncated, info = env.step(action) + reward_sum += reward + + if episode_over: + print("Episode over at step " + str(idx)) + break + + print("Reward total: " + str(reward_sum)) +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/gym_env.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/gym_env.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..49c5be2b --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/gym_env.html @@ -0,0 +1,710 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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Source code for bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env

+"""General Satellite Tasking is a framework for satellite tasking RL environments."""
+import functools
+import logging
+import os
+from copy import deepcopy
+from time import time_ns
+from typing import Any, Generic, Iterable, Optional, TypeVar, Union
+import numpy as np
+from gymnasium import Env, spaces
+from pettingzoo.utils.env import AgentID, ParallelEnv
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication import NoCommunication
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.simulator import Simulator
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.types import (
+    CommunicationMethod,
+    DataManager,
+    EnvironmentFeatures,
+    EnvironmentModel,
+    Satellite,
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils import logging_config
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+SatObs = TypeVar("SatObs")
+SatAct = TypeVar("SatAct")
+MultiSatObs = tuple[SatObs, ...]
+MultiSatAct = Iterable[SatAct]
+[docs] +class GeneralSatelliteTasking(Env, Generic[SatObs, SatAct]): + """A Gymnasium environment adaptable to a wide range satellite tasking problems. + + These problems involve satellite(s) being tasked to complete tasks and maintain + aliveness. These tasks often include rewards for data collection. The environment + can be configured for any collection of satellites, including heterogenous + constellations. Other configurable aspects are environment features (e.g. + imaging targets), data collection and recording, and intersatellite + communication of data. + + The state space is a tuple containing the state of each satellite. Actions are + assigned as a tuple of actions, one per satellite. + + The preferred method of instantiating this environment is to make the + "GeneralSatelliteTasking-v1" environment and pass a kwargs dict with the + environment configuration. In some cases (e.g. the multiprocessed Gymnasium + vector environment), it is necessary for compatibility to instead register a new + environment using the GeneralSatelliteTasking class and a kwargs dict. See + examples/general_satellite_tasking for examples of environment configuration. + + New environments should be built using this framework. + """ + +
+[docs] + def __init__( + self, + satellites: Union[Satellite, list[Satellite]], + env_type: type[EnvironmentModel], + env_features: EnvironmentFeatures, + data_manager: DataManager, + env_args: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, + communicator: Optional[CommunicationMethod] = None, + sim_rate: float = 1.0, + max_step_duration: float = 600.0, + failure_penalty: float = -100, + time_limit: float = float("inf"), + terminate_on_time_limit: bool = False, + log_level: Union[int, str] = logging.WARNING, + log_dir: Optional[str] = None, + render_mode=None, + ) -> None: + """Construct the GeneralSatelliteTasking environment. + + Args: + satellites: Satellites(s) to be simulated. + env_type: Type of environment model to be constructed. + env_args: Arguments for environment model construction. {key: value or key: + function}, where function is called at reset to set the value (used for + randomization). + env_features: Information about the environment. + data_manager: Object to record and reward data collection. + communicator: Object to manage communication between satellites + sim_rate: Rate for model simulation [s]. + max_step_duration: Maximum time to propagate sim at a step [s]. + failure_penalty: Reward for satellite failure. Should be nonpositive. + time_limit: Time at which to truncate the simulation [s]. + terminate_on_time_limit: Send terminations signal time_limit instead of just + truncation. + log_level: Logging level for the environment. Default is WARNING. + log_dir: Directory to write logs to in addition to the console. + render_mode: Unused. + """ + self.seed = None + self._configure_logging(log_level, log_dir) + if isinstance(satellites, Satellite): + satellites = [satellites] + self.satellites = satellites + self.simulator: Simulator + self.env_type = env_type + if env_args is None: + env_args = self.env_type.default_env_args() + self.env_args_generator = self.env_type.default_env_args(**env_args) + self.env_features = env_features + self.data_manager = data_manager + if self.data_manager.env_features is None: + self.data_manager.env_features = self.env_features + + if communicator is None: + communicator = NoCommunication() + self.communicator = communicator + if self.communicator.satellites is None: + self.communicator.satellites = self.satellites + + self.sim_rate = sim_rate + self.max_step_duration = max_step_duration + self.failure_penalty = failure_penalty + self.time_limit = time_limit + self.terminate_on_time_limit = terminate_on_time_limit + self.latest_step_duration = 0 + self.render_mode = render_mode
+ + + def _configure_logging(self, log_level, log_dir=None): + if isinstance(log_level, str): + log_level = log_level.upper() + logger = logging.getLogger("bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking") + logger.setLevel(log_level) + + # Ensure each process has its own logger to avoid conflicts when printing + # sim timestamps. Running multiple environments in the same process in + # parallel will cause logging times to be incorrectly reported. + warn_new_env = False + for handler in logger.handlers: + if handler.filters[0].proc_id == os.getpid(): + logger.handlers.remove(handler) + warn_new_env = True + + ch = logging.StreamHandler() + ch.setFormatter(logging_config.SimFormatter(color_output=True)) + ch.addFilter(logging_config.ContextFilter(env=self, proc_id=os.getpid())) + logger.addHandler(ch) + if warn_new_env: + logger.warning( + f"Creating logger for new env on PID={os.getpid()}. " + "Old environments in process may now log times incorrectly." + ) + + if log_dir is not None: + fh = logging.FileHandler(log_dir) + fh.setFormatter(logging_config.SimFormatter(color_output=False)) + fh.addFilter(logging_config.ContextFilter(env=self, proc_id=os.getpid())) + logger.addHandler(fh) + + def _generate_env_args(self) -> None: + """Instantiate env_args from any randomizers in provided env_args.""" + self.env_args = { + k: v if not callable(v) else v() for k, v in self.env_args_generator.items() + } + +
+[docs] + def reset( + self, + seed: Optional[int] = None, + options=None, + ) -> tuple[MultiSatObs, dict[str, Any]]: + """Reconstruct the simulator and wipe data records. + + Args: + seed: Gymnasium environment seed. + options: Unused. + + Returns: + observation, info + """ + # Explicitly delete the Basilisk simulation before creating a new one. + self.delete_simulator() + + if seed is None: + seed = time_ns() % 2**32 + logger.info(f"Resetting environment with seed={seed}") + self.seed = seed + super().reset(seed=self.seed) + np.random.seed(self.seed) + self._generate_env_args() + + self.env_features.reset() + self.data_manager.reset() + + for satellite in self.satellites: + self.data_manager.create_data_store(satellite) + satellite.sat_args_generator["utc_init"] = self.env_args["utc_init"] + satellite.reset_pre_sim() + + self.simulator = Simulator( + self.satellites, + self.env_type, + self.env_args, + sim_rate=self.sim_rate, + max_step_duration=self.max_step_duration, + time_limit=self.time_limit, + ) + + self.communicator.reset() + + for satellite in self.satellites: + satellite.reset_post_sim() + satellite.data_store.internal_update() + + observation = self._get_obs() + info = self._get_info() + logger.info("Environment reset") + return observation, info
+ + +
+[docs] + def delete_simulator(self): + """Delete Basilisk objects. + + Only self.simulator contains strong references to BSK models, so deleting it + will delete all Basilisk objects. Enable debug-level logging to verify that the + simulator, FSW, dynamics, and environment models are all deleted on reset. + """ + try: + del self.simulator + except AttributeError: + pass
+ + + def _get_obs(self) -> MultiSatObs: + """Compose satellite observations into a single observation. + + Returns: + tuple: Joint observation + """ + return tuple(satellite.get_obs() for satellite in self.satellites) + + def _get_info(self) -> dict[str, Any]: + """Compose satellite info into a single info dict. + + Returns: + tuple: Joint info + """ + info: dict[str, Any] = { + satellite.id: deepcopy(satellite.info) for satellite in self.satellites + } + info["d_ts"] = self.latest_step_duration + info["requires_retasking"] = [ + satellite.id + for satellite in self.satellites + if satellite.requires_retasking and satellite.is_alive() + ] + if len(info["requires_retasking"]) > 0: + logger.info(f"Satellites requiring retasking: {info['requires_retasking']}") + return info + + def _get_reward(self): + """Return a scalar reward for the step.""" + reward = sum(self.reward_dict.values()) + for satellite in self.satellites: + if not satellite.is_alive(log_failure=True): + reward += self.failure_penalty + return reward + + def _get_terminated(self) -> bool: + """Return the terminated flag for the step.""" + if self.terminate_on_time_limit and self._get_truncated(): + return True + else: + return not all(satellite.is_alive() for satellite in self.satellites) + + def _get_truncated(self) -> bool: + """Return the truncated flag for the step.""" + return self.simulator.sim_time >= self.time_limit + + @property + def action_space(self) -> spaces.Space[MultiSatAct]: + """Compose satellite action spaces. + + Returns: + Joint action space + """ + return spaces.Tuple((satellite.action_space for satellite in self.satellites)) + + @property + def observation_space(self) -> spaces.Space[MultiSatObs]: + """Compose satellite observation spaces. + + Note: calls reset(), which can be expensive, to determine observation size. + + Returns: + Joint observation space + """ + try: + self.simulator + except AttributeError: + logger.info("Calling env.reset() to get observation space") + self.reset(seed=self.seed) + return spaces.Tuple( + [satellite.observation_space for satellite in self.satellites] + ) + + def _step(self, actions: MultiSatAct) -> None: + logger.debug(f"Stepping environment with actions: {actions}") + if len(actions) != len(self.satellites): + raise ValueError("There must be the same number of actions and satellites") + for satellite, action in zip(self.satellites, actions): + satellite.info = [] # reset satellite info log + if action is not None: + satellite.requires_retasking = False + satellite.set_action(action) + else: + if satellite.requires_retasking: + logger.warning( + f"Satellite {satellite.id} requires retasking " + "but received no task." + ) + + previous_time = self.simulator.sim_time # should these be recorded in simulator + self.simulator.run() + self.latest_step_duration = self.simulator.sim_time - previous_time + + new_data = { + satellite.id: satellite.data_store.internal_update() + for satellite in self.satellites + } + self.reward_dict = self.data_manager.reward(new_data) + + self.communicator.communicate() + +
+[docs] + def step( + self, actions: MultiSatAct + ) -> tuple[MultiSatObs, float, bool, bool, dict[str, Any]]: + """Propagate the simulation, update information, and get rewards. + + Args: + actions: Joint action for satellites + + Returns: + observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info + """ + logger.info("=== STARTING STEP ===") + self._step(actions) + + observation = self._get_obs() + reward = self._get_reward() + terminated = self._get_terminated() + truncated = self._get_truncated() + info = self._get_info() + logger.info(f"Step reward: {reward}") + logger.info(f"Episode terminated: {terminated}") + logger.info(f"Episode truncated: {truncated}") + logger.debug(f"Step info: {info}") + logger.debug(f"Step observation: {observation}") + return observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info
+ + +
+[docs] + def render(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover + """No rendering implemented.""" + return None
+ + +
+[docs] + def close(self) -> None: + """Try to cleanly delete everything.""" + if self.simulator is not None: + del self.simulator
+ + + +
+[docs] +class SingleSatelliteTasking(GeneralSatelliteTasking, Generic[SatObs, SatAct]): + """A special case of the GeneralSatelliteTasking for one satellite. + + For compatibility with standard training APIs, actions and observations are directly + exposed for the single satellite and are not wrapped in a tuple. + """ + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: + """Construct the SingleSatelliteTasking environment.""" + super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) + if not len(self.satellites) == 1: + raise ValueError( + "SingleSatelliteTasking must be initialized with a single satellite." + )
+ + + @property + def action_space(self) -> spaces.Space[SatAct]: + """Return the single satellite action space.""" + return self.satellite.action_space + + @property + def observation_space(self) -> spaces.Box: + """Return the single satellite observation space.""" + super().observation_space + return self.satellite.observation_space + + @property + def satellite(self) -> Satellite: + """Satellite being tasked.""" + return self.satellites[0] + +
+[docs] + def step(self, action) -> tuple[Any, float, bool, bool, dict[str, Any]]: + """Task the satellite with a single action.""" + return super().step([action])
+ + + def _get_obs(self) -> Any: + return self.satellite.get_obs()
+ + + +
+[docs] +class MultiagentSatelliteTasking( + GeneralSatelliteTasking, ParallelEnv, Generic[SatObs, SatAct, AgentID] +): + """Implements the environment with the PettingZoo parallel API.""" + +
+[docs] + def reset( + self, seed: int | None = None, options=None + ) -> tuple[MultiSatObs, dict[str, Any]]: + """Reset the environment and return PettingZoo Parallel API format.""" + self.newly_dead = [] + return super().reset(seed, options)
+ + + @property + def agents(self) -> list[AgentID]: + """Agents currently in the environment.""" + truncated = super()._get_truncated() + return [ + satellite.id + for satellite in self.satellites + if (satellite.is_alive() and not truncated) + ] + + @property + def num_agents(self) -> int: + """Number of agents currently in the environment.""" + return len(self.agents) + + @property + def possible_agents(self) -> list[AgentID]: + """Return the list of all possible agents.""" + return [satellite.id for satellite in self.satellites] + + @property + def max_num_agents(self) -> int: + """Maximum number of agents possible in the environment.""" + return len(self.possible_agents) + + @property + def previously_dead(self) -> list[AgentID]: + """Return the list of agents that died at least one step ago.""" + return list(set(self.possible_agents) - set(self.agents) - set(self.newly_dead)) + + @property + def observation_spaces(self) -> dict[AgentID, spaces.Box]: + """Return the observation space for each agent.""" + return { + agent: obs_space + for agent, obs_space in zip(self.possible_agents, super().observation_space) + } + +
+[docs] + @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) + def observation_space(self, agent: AgentID) -> spaces.Space[SatObs]: + """Return the observation space for a certain agent.""" + return self.observation_spaces[agent]
+ + + @property + def action_spaces(self) -> dict[AgentID, spaces.Space[SatAct]]: + """Return the action space for each agent.""" + return { + agent: act_space + for agent, act_space in zip(self.possible_agents, super().action_space) + } + +
+[docs] + @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) + def action_space(self, agent: AgentID) -> spaces.Space[SatAct]: + """Return the action space for a certain agent.""" + return self.action_spaces[agent]
+ + + def _get_obs(self) -> dict[AgentID, SatObs]: + """Format the observation per the PettingZoo Parallel API.""" + return { + agent: satellite.get_obs() + for agent, satellite in zip(self.possible_agents, self.satellites) + if agent not in self.previously_dead + } + + def _get_reward(self) -> dict[AgentID, float]: + """Format the reward per the PettingZoo Parallel API.""" + reward = deepcopy(self.reward_dict) + for agent, satellite in zip(self.possible_agents, self.satellites): + if not satellite.is_alive(): + reward[agent] += self.failure_penalty + + reward_keys = list(reward.keys()) + for agent in reward_keys: + if agent in self.previously_dead: + del reward[agent] + + return reward + + def _get_terminated(self) -> dict[AgentID, bool]: + """Format terminations per the PettingZoo Parallel API.""" + if self.terminate_on_time_limit and super()._get_truncated(): + return { + agent: True + for agent in self.possible_agents + if agent not in self.previously_dead + } + else: + return { + agent: not satellite.is_alive() + for agent, satellite in zip(self.possible_agents, self.satellites) + if agent not in self.previously_dead + } + + def _get_truncated(self) -> dict[AgentID, bool]: + """Format truncations per the PettingZoo Parallel API.""" + truncated = super()._get_truncated() + return { + agent: truncated + for agent in self.possible_agents + if agent not in self.previously_dead + } + + def _get_info(self) -> dict[AgentID, dict]: + """Format info per the PettingZoo Parallel API.""" + info = super()._get_info() + for agent in self.possible_agents: + if agent in self.previously_dead: + del info[agent] + return info + +
+[docs] + def step( + self, + actions: dict[AgentID, SatAct], + ) -> tuple[ + dict[AgentID, SatObs], + dict[AgentID, float], + dict[AgentID, bool], + dict[AgentID, bool], + dict[AgentID, dict], + ]: + """Step the environment and return PettingZoo Parallel API format.""" + logger.info("=== STARTING STEP ===") + + previous_alive = self.agents + + action_vector = [] + for agent in self.possible_agents: + if agent in actions.keys(): + action_vector.append(actions[agent]) + else: + action_vector.append(None) + self._step(action_vector) + + self.newly_dead = list(set(previous_alive) - set(self.agents)) + + observation = self._get_obs() + reward = self._get_reward() + terminated = self._get_terminated() + truncated = self._get_truncated() + info = self._get_info() + logger.info(f"Step reward: {reward}") + logger.info(f"Episode terminated: {terminated}") + logger.info(f"Episode truncated: {truncated}") + logger.debug(f"Step info: {info}") + logger.debug(f"Step observation: {observation}") + return observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/communication.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/communication.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..df1301c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/communication.html @@ -0,0 +1,286 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
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  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication

+"""Communication of data between satellites."""
+import logging
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from itertools import combinations
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
+if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
+    from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.types import Satellite
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.sparse.csgraph import connected_components
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics import LOSCommDynModel
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+[docs] +class CommunicationMethod(ABC): + """Base class for defining data sharing between satellites.""" + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, satellites: Optional[list["Satellite"]] = None) -> None: + """Construct base communication class. + + Subclasses implement a way of determining which pairs of satellites share data. + """ + self.satellites = satellites
+ + +
+[docs] + def reset(self) -> None: + """Reset communication after simulator initialization.""" + pass
+ + + @abstractmethod # pragma: no cover + def _communication_pairs(self) -> list[tuple["Satellite", "Satellite"]]: + """List pair of satellite that should share data.""" + pass + +
+[docs] + def communicate(self) -> None: + """Share data between paired satellites.""" + for sat_1, sat_2 in self._communication_pairs(): + sat_1.data_store.stage_communicated_data(sat_2.data_store.data) + sat_2.data_store.stage_communicated_data(sat_1.data_store.data) + for satellite in self.satellites: + satellite.data_store.communication_update()
+ + + +
+[docs] +class NoCommunication(CommunicationMethod): + """Implements no communication between satellite.""" + + def _communication_pairs(self) -> list[tuple["Satellite", "Satellite"]]: + return []
+ + + +
+[docs] +class FreeCommunication(CommunicationMethod): + """Implements communication between satellites at every step.""" + + def _communication_pairs(self) -> list[tuple["Satellite", "Satellite"]]: + return list(combinations(self.satellites, 2))
+ + + +
+[docs] +class LOSCommunication(CommunicationMethod): + """Implements communication between satellites with a direct line-of-sight. + + # TODO only communicate data from before latest LOS time + """ + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, satellites: list["Satellite"]) -> None: + """Construct line-of-sigh communication management. + + Args: + satellites: List of satellites to communicate between. + """ + super().__init__(satellites) + for satellite in self.satellites: + if not issubclass(satellite.dyn_type, LOSCommDynModel): + raise TypeError( + f"Satellite dynamics type {satellite.dyn_type} must be a subclass " + + "of LOSCommDynModel to use LOSCommunication" + )
+ + +
+[docs] + def reset(self) -> None: + """Add loggers to satellites to track line-of-sight communication.""" + super().reset() + + self.los_logs = {} + for sat_1 in self.satellites: + assert isinstance(sat_1.dynamics, LOSCommDynModel) + for sat_2 in self.satellites: + if sat_1 is not sat_2: + if sat_1 not in self.los_logs: + self.los_logs[sat_1] = {} + + msg_index = sat_1.dynamics.los_comms_ids.index(sat_2.id) + logger = self.los_logs[sat_1][ + sat_2 + ] = sat_1.dynamics.losComms.accessOutMsgs[msg_index].recorder() + + sat_1.simulator.AddModelToTask( + sat_1.dynamics.task_name, logger, ModelPriority=586 + )
+ + + def _communication_pairs(self) -> list[tuple["Satellite", "Satellite"]]: + pairs = [] + for sat_1, logs in self.los_logs.items(): + for sat_2, logger in logs.items(): + if any(logger.hasAccess): + pairs.append((sat_1, sat_2)) + return pairs + +
+[docs] + def communicate(self) -> None: + """Clear line-of-sight communication logs once communicated.""" + super().communicate() + for sat_1, logs in self.los_logs.items(): + for sat_2, logger in logs.items(): + logger.clear()
+ + + +
+[docs] +class MultiDegreeCommunication(CommunicationMethod): + """Compose with another type to use multi-degree communications. + + For example, if a <-> b and b <-> c, multidegree communication will also communicate + between a <-> c. + """ + + def _communication_pairs(self) -> list[tuple["Satellite", "Satellite"]]: + graph = np.zeros((len(self.satellites), len(self.satellites)), dtype=bool) + for sat_1, sat_2 in super()._communication_pairs(): + graph[self.satellites.index(sat_1), self.satellites.index(sat_2)] = True + + pairs = [] + n_components, labels = connected_components(graph, directed=False) + for comp in range(n_components): + for i_sat_1, i_sat_2 in combinations(np.where(labels == comp)[0], 2): + pairs.append((self.satellites[i_sat_1], self.satellites[i_sat_2])) + return pairs
+ + + +
+[docs] +class LOSMultiCommunication(MultiDegreeCommunication, LOSCommunication): + """Multidegree line of sight communication. + + Composes MultiDegreeCommunication with LOSCommunication. + """ + + pass
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/data.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/data.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2c4715b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/data.html @@ -0,0 +1,705 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data

+"""Data logging, management, and reward calculation."""
+import logging
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Optional
+if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
+    from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features import (
+        Target,
+    )
+    from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.types import (
+        EnvironmentFeatures,
+        Satellite,
+    )
+import numpy as np
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+LogStateType = Any
+[docs] +class DataType(ABC): + """Base class for units of satellite data.""" + + @abstractmethod # pragma: no cover + def __add__(self, other: "DataType") -> "DataType": + """Define the combination of two units of data.""" + pass
+ + + +
+[docs] +class DataStore(ABC): + """Base class for satellite data logging. + + One DataStore is created per satellite. + """ + + DataType: type[DataType] # Define the unit of data used by the DataStore + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, data_manager: "DataManager", satellite: "Satellite") -> None: + """Construct a DataStore base class. + + Args: + data_manager: Simulation data manager to report back to + satellite: Satellite's data being stored + """ + self.satellite = satellite + self.is_fresh = True + self.staged_data = [] + + self._initialize_knowledge(data_manager.env_features) + self.data = self.DataType() + self.new_data = self.DataType()
+ + + def _initialize_knowledge(self, env_features: "EnvironmentFeatures") -> None: + """Establish knowledge about the world known to the satellite. + + Defaults to knowing everything about the environment. + """ + self.env_knowledge = env_features + + def _clear_logs(self) -> None: + """If necessary, clear any loggers.""" + pass + + def _get_log_state(self) -> LogStateType: + """Pull information for current data contribution e.g. sensor readings.""" + pass + + @abstractmethod # pragma: no cover + def _compare_log_states( + self, old_state: LogStateType, new_state: LogStateType + ) -> "DataType": + """Generate a unit of data based on previous step and current step logs. + + Args: + old_state: A previous result of _get_log_state() + new_state: A newer result of _get_log_state() + + Returns: + DataType: Data generated + """ + pass + +
+[docs] + def internal_update(self) -> "DataType": + """Update the data store based on collected information. + + Returns: + New data from the previous step + """ + if not hasattr(self, "log_state"): + self.log_state = self._get_log_state() + self._clear_logs() + return self.DataType() + old_log_state = self.log_state + self.log_state = self._get_log_state() + self._clear_logs() + new_data = self._compare_log_states(old_log_state, self.log_state) + self.data += new_data + self.new_data = new_data + return new_data
+ + +
+[docs] + def stage_communicated_data(self, external_data: "DataType") -> None: + """Prepare data to be added from another source, but don't add it yet. + + Args: + external_data: Data from another satellite to be added + """ + self.staged_data.append(external_data)
+ + +
+[docs] + def communication_update(self) -> None: + """Update the data store from staged data. + + Args: + external_data (DataType): Data collected by another satellite + """ + for staged in self.staged_data: + self.data += staged + self.staged_data = []
+ + + +
+[docs] +class DataManager(ABC): + """Base class for simulation-wide data management.""" + + DataStore: type[DataStore] # type of DataStore managed by the DataManager + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, env_features: Optional["EnvironmentFeatures"] = None) -> None: + """Construct base class to handle data recording and rewarding. + + TODO: allow for creation/composition of multiple managers. + + Args: + env_features: Information about the environment that can be collected as + data + """ + self.env_features = env_features + self.DataType = self.DataStore.DataType
+ + +
+[docs] + def reset(self) -> None: + """Refresh data and cumulative reward for a new episode.""" + self.data = self.DataType() + self.cum_reward = {}
+ + +
+[docs] + def create_data_store(self, satellite: "Satellite") -> None: + """Create a data store for a satellite.""" + satellite.data_store = self.DataStore(self, satellite) + self.cum_reward[satellite.id] = 0.0
+ + + @abstractmethod # pragma: no cover + def _calc_reward(self, new_data_dict: dict[str, DataType]) -> dict[str, float]: + """Calculate step reward based on all satellite data from a step. + + Args: + new_data_dict: Satellite-DataType pairs of new data from a step + + Returns: + Step reward for each satellite + """ + pass + +
+[docs] + def reward(self, new_data_dict: dict[str, DataType]) -> dict[str, float]: + """Call _calc_reward and log cumulative reward.""" + reward = self._calc_reward(new_data_dict) + for satellite_id, sat_reward in reward.items(): + self.cum_reward[satellite_id] += sat_reward + logger.info(f"Data reward: {reward}") + return reward
+ + + +########### +# No Data # +########### +
+[docs] +class NoData(DataType): + """DataType for no data.""" + + def __add__(self, other): + """Add nothing to nothing.""" + return self.__class__()
+ + + +
+[docs] +class NoDataStore(DataStore): + """DataStore for no data.""" + + DataType = NoData + + def _compare_log_states(self, old_state, new_state): + return self.DataType()
+ + + +
+[docs] +class NoDataManager(DataManager): + """DataManager for no data.""" + + DataStore = NoDataStore + + def _calc_reward(self, new_data_dict): + """Reward nothing.""" + return {sat: 0.0 for sat in new_data_dict.keys()}
+ + + +####################################### +# Unique Targets with Constant Values # +####################################### + + +
+[docs] +class UniqueImageData(DataType): + """DataType for unique images of targets.""" + +
+[docs] + def __init__( + self, imaged: Optional[list["Target"]] = None, duplicates: int = 0 + ) -> None: + """Construct unit of data to record unique images. + + Args: + imaged: List of targets that are known to be imaged. + duplicates: Count of target imaging duplication. + """ + if imaged is None: + imaged = [] + + self.imaged = list(set(imaged)) + self.duplicates = duplicates + len(imaged) - len(self.imaged)
+ + + def __add__(self, other: "UniqueImageData") -> "UniqueImageData": + """Combine two units of data. + + Args: + other: Another unit of data to combine with this one. + + Returns: + Combined unit of data. + """ + imaged = list(set(self.imaged + other.imaged)) + duplicates = ( + self.duplicates + + other.duplicates + + len(self.imaged) + + len(other.imaged) + - len(imaged) + ) + return self.__class__(imaged=imaged, duplicates=duplicates)
+ + + +
+[docs] +class UniqueImageStore(DataStore): + """DataStore for unique images of targets.""" + + DataType = UniqueImageData + + def _get_log_state(self) -> np.ndarray: + """Log the instantaneous storage unit state at the end of each step. + + Returns: + array: storedData from satellite storage unit + """ + return np.array( + self.satellite.dynamics.storageUnit.storageUnitDataOutMsg.read().storedData + ) + + def _compare_log_states( + self, old_state: np.ndarray, new_state: np.ndarray + ) -> UniqueImageData: + """Check for an increase in logged data to identify new images. + + Args: + old_state: older storedData from satellite storage unit + new_state: newer storedData from satellite storage unit + + Returns: + list: Targets imaged at new_state that were unimaged at old_state + """ + update_idx = np.where(new_state - old_state > 0)[0] + imaged = [] + for idx in update_idx: + message = self.satellite.dynamics.storageUnit.storageUnitDataOutMsg + target_id = message.read().storedDataName[int(idx)] + imaged.append( + [ + target + for target in self.env_knowledge.targets + if target.id == target_id + ][0] + ) + return UniqueImageData(imaged=imaged)
+ + + +
+[docs] +class UniqueImagingManager(DataManager): + """DataManager for rewarding unique images.""" + + DataStore = UniqueImageStore + +
+[docs] + def __init__( + self, + env_features: Optional["EnvironmentFeatures"] = None, + reward_fn: Callable = lambda p: p, + ) -> None: + """DataManager for rewarding unique images. + + Args: + env_features: DataManager.env_features + reward_fn: Reward as function of priority. + """ + super().__init__(env_features) + self.reward_fn = reward_fn
+ + + def _calc_reward( + self, new_data_dict: dict[str, UniqueImageData] + ) -> dict[str, float]: + """Reward new each unique image once using self.reward_fn(). + + Args: + new_data_dict: Record of new images for each satellite + + Returns: + reward: Cumulative reward across satellites for one step + """ + reward = {} + imaged_targets = sum( + [new_data.imaged for new_data in new_data_dict.values()], [] + ) + for sat_id, new_data in new_data_dict.items(): + reward[sat_id] = 0.0 + for target in new_data.imaged: + if target not in self.data.imaged: + reward[sat_id] += self.reward_fn( + target.priority + ) / imaged_targets.count(target) + + for new_data in new_data_dict.values(): + self.data += new_data + return reward
+ + + +"""Targets with Time-Dependent Rewards""" + + +# class TimeDepImageData(DataType): +# def __init__(self, rewards=None) -> None: +# """DataType to log scalar imaging + +# Args: +# imaged (dict, optional): Reward obtained from each target. +# """ +# if rewards is None: +# rewards = {} +# self.rewards = rewards + +# def __add__(self, other) -> "TimeDepImageData": +# rewards = copy(self.rewards) +# for target, reward in other.rewards.items(): +# if target in rewards: +# rewards[target] = max(rewards[target], reward) +# else: +# rewards[target] = reward +# return self.__class__(rewards=rewards) + + +# class TimeDepImageStore(DataStore): +# DataType = TimeDepImageData + +# def _get_log_state(self) -> Iterable[float]: +# """Log the instaneous storage unit state at the end of each step + +# Returns: +# array: storedData from satellite storage unit +# """ +# return np.array( +# self.satellite.dynamics.storageUnit.storageUnitDataOutMsg.read().storedData +# ) + +# def _compare_log_states(self, old_state, new_state) -> TimeDepImageData: +# """Checks two storage unit logs for an increase in logged data to identify new +# images + +# Args: +# old_state (array): older storedData from satellite storage unit +# new_state (array): newer storedData from satellite storage unit + +# Returns: +# list: Targets imaged at new_state that were unimaged at old_state +# """ +# update_idx = np.where(new_state - old_state > 0)[0] +# imaged = [] +# for idx in update_idx: +# message = self.satellite.dynamics.storageUnit.storageUnitDataOutMsg +# target_id = message.read().storedDataName[int(idx)] +# imaged.append( +# [ +# target +# for target in self.env_knowledge.targets +# if target.id == target_id +# ][0] +# ) +# return self.DataType(imaged=imaged) + + +# class TimeDepImagingManager(DataManager): +# DataStore = TimeDepImageStore + +# # def __init__(self, env_features): +# # """DataManager for rewarding time-dependent images. Will only give marginal +# # reward for reimaging at higher value + +# # Args: +# # env_features (EnvironmentFeatures): DataManager.env_features +# # reward_fn (function, optional): Reward as function of priority. +# # """ +# # super().__init__(env_features) + +# def _calc_reward(self, new_data_dict): +# """Reward each image for additional reward from higher quality images + +# Args: +# new_data_dict (dict): Record of new images for each satellite + +# Returns: +# float: Cumulative new reward +# """ +# reward = 0.0 +# for new_data in new_data_dict.values(): +# for target, reward in new_data.rewards.items(): +# if target not in self.data.rewards: +# reward += reward +# elif reward > self.data.rewards[target]: +# reward += reward - self.data.rewards[target] +# self.data += new_data +# return reward + +################## +# Nadir Pointing # +################## + + +
+[docs] +class NadirScanningTimeData(DataType): + """DataType for time spent scanning nadir.""" + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, scanning_time: float = 0.0) -> None: + """DataType to log data generated scanning nadir. + + Args: + scanning_time: Time spent scanning nadir + """ + self.scanning_time = scanning_time
+ + + def __add__(self, other: "NadirScanningTimeData") -> "NadirScanningTimeData": + """Define the combination of two units of data.""" + scanning_time = self.scanning_time + other.scanning_time + + return self.__class__(scanning_time)
+ + + +
+[docs] +class ScanningNadirTimeStore(DataStore): + """DataStore for time spent scanning nadir.""" + + DataType = NadirScanningTimeData + + def _get_log_state(self) -> LogStateType: + """Return the amount of data stored in the storage unit.""" + storage_unit = self.satellite.dynamics.storageUnit.storageUnitDataOutMsg.read() + stored_amount = storage_unit.storageLevel + + # return amount of data stored + return stored_amount + + def _compare_log_states( + self, old_state: float, new_state: float + ) -> "NadirScanningTimeData": + """Generate a unit of data based on change in stored data amount. + + Args: + old_state: Previous amount of data in the storage unit + new_state: Current amount of data in the storage unit + + Returns: + DataType: Data generated + """ + instrument_baudrate = self.satellite.dynamics.instrument.nodeBaudRate + + if new_state > old_state: + data_generated = (new_state - old_state) / instrument_baudrate + else: + data_generated = 0.0 + + return NadirScanningTimeData(data_generated)
+ + + +
+[docs] +class NadirScanningManager(DataManager): + """DataManager for rewarding time spent scanning nadir.""" + + DataStore = ScanningNadirTimeStore # type of DataStore managed by the DataManager + +
+[docs] + def __init__( + self, + env_features: Optional["EnvironmentFeatures"] = None, + reward_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, + ) -> None: + """Construct a data manager for nadir scanning. + + Args: + env_features: Information about the environment that can be collected as + data + reward_fn: Reward as function of time spend pointing nadir. + """ + super().__init__(env_features) + if reward_fn is None: + + def reward_fn(p): + # Reward as a function of time send pointing nadir (p) and value + # per second + return p * self.env_features.value_per_second + + self.reward_fn = reward_fn
+ + + def _calc_reward( + self, new_data_dict: dict[str, "NadirScanningTimeData"] + ) -> dict[str, float]: + """Calculate step reward based on all satellite data from a step. + + Args: + new_data_dict (dict): Satellite-DataType of new data from a step + + Returns: + Step reward + """ + reward = {} + for sat, scanning_time in new_data_dict.items(): + reward[sat] = self.reward_fn(scanning_time.scanning_time) + + return reward
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/environment_features.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/environment_features.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f808bb04 --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/environment_features.html @@ -0,0 +1,342 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
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  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features

+"""Environment features define data available for satellites to collect."""
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+from abc import ABC
+from typing import Callable, Iterable, Optional, Union
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from Basilisk.utilities import orbitalMotion
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+[docs] +class EnvironmentFeatures(ABC): + """Base environment feature class.""" + +
+[docs] + def reset(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover + """Reset environment features.""" + pass
+ + + +
+[docs] +class Target: + """Ground target with associated value.""" + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, name: str, location: Iterable[float], priority: float) -> None: + """Construct a Target. + + Args: + name: Identifier; does not need to be unique + location: PCPF location [m] + priority: Value metric. + """ + self.name = name + self.location = np.array(location) + self.priority = priority
+ + + @property + def id(self) -> str: + """Get unique human-readable identifier. + + Returns: + Unique human-readable identifier. + """ + try: + return self._id + except AttributeError: + self._id = f"{self.name}_{id(self)}" + return self._id + + def __hash__(self) -> int: + """Hash target by unique id.""" + return hash((self.id)) + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + """Get string representation of target. + + Use target.id for a unique string identifier. + + Returns: + Target string + """ + return f"Target({self.name})"
+ + + +
+[docs] +class StaticTargets(EnvironmentFeatures): + """Environment with targets distributed uniformly.""" + +
+[docs] + def __init__( + self, + n_targets: Union[int, tuple[int, int]], + priority_distribution: Optional[Callable] = None, + radius: float = orbitalMotion.REQ_EARTH * 1e3, + ) -> None: + """Construct an environment with evenly-distributed static targets. + + Args: + n_targets: Number (or range) of targets to generate + priority_distribution: Function for generating target priority. + radius: Radius to place targets from body center. + """ + self._n_targets = n_targets + if priority_distribution is None: + priority_distribution = lambda: np.random.rand() # noqa: E731 + self.priority_distribution = priority_distribution + self.radius = radius + self.targets = []
+ + +
+[docs] + def reset(self) -> None: + """Regenerate target set for new episode.""" + if isinstance(self._n_targets, int): + self.n_targets = self._n_targets + else: + self.n_targets = np.random.randint(self._n_targets[0], self._n_targets[1]) + logger.info(f"Generating {self.n_targets} targets") + self.regenerate_targets()
+ + +
+[docs] + def regenerate_targets(self) -> None: + """Regenerate targets uniformly.""" + self.targets = [] + for i in range(self.n_targets): + x = np.random.normal(size=3) + x *= self.radius / np.linalg.norm(x) + self.targets.append( + Target( + name=f"tgt-{i}", location=x, priority=self.priority_distribution() + ) + )
+ + + +
+[docs] +def lla2ecef(lat: float, long: float, radius: float): + """Project LLA to Earth Centered, Earth Fixed location. + + Args: + lat: [deg] + long: [deg] + radius: [any] + """ + lat = np.radians(lat) + long = np.radians(long) + return radius * np.array( + [np.cos(lat) * np.cos(long), np.cos(lat) * np.sin(long), np.sin(lat)] + )
+ + + +
+[docs] +class CityTargets(StaticTargets): + """Environment with targets distributed around population centers.""" + +
+[docs] + def __init__( + self, + n_targets: Union[int, tuple[int, int]], + n_select_from: int = sys.maxsize, + location_offset: float = 0, + priority_distribution: Optional[Callable] = None, + radius: float = orbitalMotion.REQ_EARTH * 1e3, + ) -> None: + """Construct environment with of static targets around population centers. + + Args: + n_targets: Number of targets to generate + n_select_from: Generate targets from the top n most populous. + location_offset: Offset targets randomly from the city center [m]. + priority_distribution: Function for generating target priority. + radius: Radius to place targets from body center. + """ + super().__init__(n_targets, priority_distribution, radius) + if n_select_from == "all": + n_select_from = sys.maxsize + self.n_select_from = n_select_from + self.location_offset = location_offset
+ + +
+[docs] + def regenerate_targets(self) -> None: + """Regenerate targets based on cities.""" + self.targets = [] + cities = pd.read_csv( + os.path.join( + os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), + "simplemaps_worldcities", + "worldcities.csv", + ) + ) + if self.n_select_from > len(cities): + self.n_select_from = len(cities) + + for i in np.random.choice(self.n_select_from, self.n_targets, replace=False): + city = cities.iloc[i] + location = lla2ecef(city["lat"], city["lng"], self.radius) + offset = np.random.normal(size=3) + offset /= np.linalg.norm(offset) + offset *= self.location_offset + location += offset + location /= np.linalg.norm(location) + location *= self.radius + self.targets.append( + Target( + name=city["city"].replace("'", ""), + location=location, + priority=self.priority_distribution(), + ) + )
+ + + +
+[docs] +class UniformNadirFeature(EnvironmentFeatures): + """Defines a nadir target center at the center of the planet.""" + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, value_per_second: float = 1.0) -> None: + """Construct uniform data over the surface of the planet. + + Args: + value_per_second: Amount of reward per second imaging nadir. + """ + self.name = "NadirFeature" + self.value_per_second = value_per_second
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/sat_actions.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/sat_actions.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..17e99d9d --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/sat_actions.html @@ -0,0 +1,351 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
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  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions

+"""Satellite action types can be used to add actions to the agents."""
+from copy import deepcopy
+from typing import Any, Optional, Union
+import numpy as np
+from gymnasium import spaces
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features import Target
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites import (
+    ImagingSatellite,
+    Satellite,
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional import bind, configurable
+[docs] +class SatAction(Satellite): + """Base satellite subclass for composing actions.""" + + pass
+ + + +
+[docs] +class DiscreteSatAction(SatAction): + """Base satellite subclass for composing discrete actions.""" + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: + """Construct satellite with discrete actions. + + Actions are added to the satellite for each DiscreteSatAction subclass, and can + be accessed by index in order added. + """ + super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) + self.action_list = [] + self.action_map = {} + self.prev_action_key = None # Used to avoid retasking of BSK tasks
+ + +
+[docs] + def add_action( + self, act_fn, act_name: Optional[str] = None, n_actions: Optional[int] = None + ): + """Add an action to the action map. + + Args: + act_fn: Function to call when selecting action. Takes as a keyword + prev_action_key, used to avoid retasking of BSK models. Can accept an + integer argument. + act_name: String to refer to action. + n_actions: If not none, add action n_actions times, calling it with an + increasing integer argument for each subsequent action. + """ + if act_name is None: + act_name = act_fn.__name__ + + if n_actions is None: + self.action_map[f"{len(self.action_list)}"] = act_name + self.action_list.append(act_fn) + else: + self.action_map[ + f"{len(self.action_list)}-{len(self.action_list)+n_actions-1}" + ] = act_name + for i in range(n_actions): + act_i = self.generate_indexed_action(act_fn, i) + act_i.__name__ = f"act_{act_fn.__name__}_{i}" + self.action_list.append(bind(self, deepcopy(act_i)))
+ + +
+[docs] + def generate_indexed_action(self, act_fn, index: int): + """Create an indexed action function. + + Makes an indexed action function from an action function that takes an index + as an argument. + + Args: + act_fn: Action function to index. + index: Index to pass to act_fn. + """ + + def act_i(self, prev_action_key=None) -> Any: + return getattr(self, act_fn.__name__)( + index, prev_action_key=prev_action_key + ) + + return act_i
+ + +
+[docs] + def set_action(self, action: int): + """Call action function my index.""" + self._disable_timed_terminal_event() + self.prev_action_key = self.action_list[action]( + prev_action_key=self.prev_action_key + ) # Update prev action data to avoid retasking
+ + + @property + def action_space(self) -> spaces.Discrete: + """Infer action space.""" + return spaces.Discrete(len(self.action_list))
+ + + +
+[docs] +def fsw_action_gen(fsw_action: str, action_duration: float = 1e9) -> type: + """Generate an action class for a FSW @action. + + Args: + fsw_action: Function name of FSW action. + action_duration: Time to task action for. + + Returns: + Satellite action class with fsw_action action. + """ + + @configurable + class FSWAction(DiscreteSatAction): + def __init__( + self, *args, action_duration: float = action_duration, **kwargs + ) -> None: + """Discrete action to perform a fsw action. + + Typically this is includes a function decorated by @action. + + Args: + action_duration: Time to act when action selected. [s] + args: Passed through to satellite + kwargs: Passed through to satellite + + """ + super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) + setattr(self, fsw_action + "_duration", action_duration) + + def act(self, prev_action_key=None) -> str: + """Activate action. + + Returns: + action key + """ + duration = getattr(self, fsw_action + "_duration") + self.log_info(f"{fsw_action} tasked for {duration} seconds") + self._disable_timed_terminal_event() + self._update_timed_terminal_event( + self.simulator.sim_time + duration, info=f"for {fsw_action}" + ) + if prev_action_key != fsw_action: + getattr(self.fsw, fsw_action)() + return fsw_action + + act.__name__ = f"act_{fsw_action}" + + self.add_action( + bind(self, act), + act_name=fsw_action, + ) + + return FSWAction
+ + + +# Charges the satellite +ChargingAction = fsw_action_gen("action_charge") + +# Disables all actuators and control +DriftAction = fsw_action_gen("action_drift") + +# Points in a specified direction while firing desat thrusters and desaturating wheels +DesatAction = fsw_action_gen("action_desat") + +# Points nadir while downlinking data +DownlinkAction = fsw_action_gen("action_downlink") + + +
+[docs] +@configurable +class ImagingActions(DiscreteSatAction, ImagingSatellite): + """Satellite subclass to add upcoming target imaging to action space.""" + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, *args, n_ahead_act=10, **kwargs) -> None: + """Discrete action to image upcoming targets. + + Args: + n_ahead_act: Number of actions to include in action space. + args: Passed through to satellite + kwargs: Passed through to satellite + """ + super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) + self.add_action(self.image, n_actions=n_ahead_act, act_name="image")
+ + +
+[docs] + def image(self, target: Union[int, Target, str], prev_action_key=None) -> str: + """Activate imaging action. + + Args: + target: Target, in terms of upcoming index, Target, or ID, + prev_action_key: Previous action key + + Returns: + Target ID + """ + if np.issubdtype(type(target), np.integer): + self.log_info(f"target index {target} tasked") + + target = self.parse_target_selection(target) + if target.id != prev_action_key: + self.task_target_for_imaging(target) + else: + self.enable_target_window(target) + + return target.id
+ + +
+[docs] + def set_action(self, action: Union[int, Target, str]): + """Allow the satellite to be tasked by Target or target id. + + Allows for additional tasking modes in addition to action index-based tasking. + """ + self._disable_image_event() + if isinstance(action, (Target, str)): + self.prev_action_key = self.image(action, self.prev_action_key) + else: + super().set_action(action)
+ + + +NadirImagingAction = fsw_action_gen("action_nadir_scan") +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/sat_observations.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/sat_observations.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7be93137 --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/sat_observations.html @@ -0,0 +1,539 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations

+"""Satellite observation types can be used to add information to the observation."""
+from copy import deepcopy
+from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Union
+import numpy as np
+from Basilisk.utilities import orbitalMotion
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites import (
+    AccessSatellite,
+    ImagingSatellite,
+    Satellite,
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional import (
+    bind,
+    configurable,
+    vectorize_nested_dict,
+[docs] +@configurable +class SatObservation(Satellite): + """Base satellite subclass for composing observations.""" + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, *args, obs_type: type = np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> None: + """Satellite subclass for composing observations. + + Args: + obs_type: Datatype of satellite's returned observation + args: Passed through to satellite + kwargs: Passed through to satellite + """ + super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) + self.obs_type = obs_type + self.obs_fn_list = [] + self.obs_dict_cache = None + self.obs_cache_time = 0.0
+ + + @property + def obs_dict(self): + """Human-readable observation format. + + Cached so only computed once per timestep. + """ + if ( + self.obs_dict_cache is None + or self.simulator.sim_time != self.obs_cache_time + ): + self.obs_dict_cache = {obs.__name__: obs() for obs in self.obs_fn_list} + self.obs_cache_time = self.simulator.sim_time + return deepcopy(self.obs_dict_cache) + + @property + def obs_ndarray(self): + """Numpy vector observation format.""" + return vectorize_nested_dict(self.obs_dict) + + @property + def obs_list(self): + """List observation format.""" + return list(self.obs_ndarray) + +
+[docs] + def get_obs(self) -> Union[dict, np.ndarray, list]: + """Update the observation.""" + if self.obs_type is dict: + return self.obs_dict + elif self.obs_type is np.ndarray: + return self.obs_ndarray + elif self.obs_type is list: + return self.obs_list + else: + raise ValueError(f"Invalid observation type: {self.obs_type}")
+ + +
+[docs] + def add_to_observation(self, obs_element: Callable) -> None: + """Add a function to be called when constructing observations. + + Args: + obs_element: Callable to be observed + """ + self.obs_fn_list.append(obs_element)
+ + + +
+[docs] +@configurable +class NormdPropertyState(SatObservation): + """Satellite subclass to add satellites properties to the observation.""" + +
+[docs] + def __init__( + self, *args, obs_properties: list[dict[str, Any]] = [], **kwargs + ) -> None: + """Add a list of properties to the satellite observation. + + Args: + obs_properties: List of properties that can be found in fsw or dynamics that + are to be appended to the the observation. Properties are optionally + normalized by some factor. Specified in the form + + :code-block: python + + [dict(prop="prop_name", module="fsw"/"dynamics"/None, norm=1.0)] + + If module is not specified or None, the source of the property is + inferred. If norm is not specified, it is set to 1.0 (no normalization). + args: Passed through to satellite + kwargs: Passed through to satellite + """ + super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) + + for obs_prop in obs_properties: + self.add_prop_function(**obs_prop)
+ + +
+[docs] + def add_prop_function( + self, prop: str, module: Optional[str] = None, norm: float = 1.0 + ): + """Add a property to the observation. + + Args: + prop: Property to query + module: Module (dynamics or fsw) that holds the property. Can be inferred. + norm: Value to normalize property by. Defaults to 1.0. + """ + if module is not None: + + def prop_fn(self): + return np.array(getattr(getattr(self, module), prop)) / norm + + else: + + def prop_fn(self): + for module in ["dynamics", "fsw"]: + if hasattr(getattr(self, module), prop): + return np.array(getattr(getattr(self, module), prop)) / norm + else: + raise AttributeError(f"Property {prop} not found") + + prop_fn.__name__ = prop + if norm != 1: + prop_fn.__name__ += "_normd" + + self.add_to_observation(bind(self, prop_fn, prop_fn.__name__ + "_bound"))
+ + + +
+[docs] +@configurable +class TimeState(SatObservation): + """Satellite subclass to add simulation time to the observation.""" + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, *args, normalization_time: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs): + """Add the sim time to the observation state. + + Automatically normalizes to the sim duration. + + Args: + normalization_time: Time to normalize by. If None, is set to simulation + duration + args: Passed through to satellite + kwargs: Passed through to satellite + """ + super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) + self.normalization_time = normalization_time + self.add_to_observation(self.normalized_time)
+ + +
+[docs] + def reset_post_sim(self): + """Autodetect normalization time.""" + super().reset_post_sim() + if self.normalization_time is None: + self.normalization_time = self.simulator.time_limit
+ + +
+[docs] + def normalized_time(self): + """Return time normalized by normalization_time.""" + assert self.normalization_time is not None + return self.simulator.sim_time / self.normalization_time
+ + + +
+[docs] +@configurable +class TargetState(SatObservation, ImagingSatellite): + """Satellite subclass to add upcoming target information to the observation.""" + +
+[docs] + def __init__( + self, + *args, + n_ahead_observe: int = 1, + target_properties: Optional[list[dict[str, Any]]] = None, + **kwargs, + ): + """Add information about upcoming targets to the observation state. + + Args: + n_ahead_observe: Number of upcoming targets to consider. + target_properties: List of properties to include in the observation in the + format [dict(prop="prop_name", norm=norm)]. If norm is not specified, it + is set to 1.0 (no normalization). Properties to choose from: + * priority + * location + * window_open + * window_mid + * window_close + args: Passed through to satellite + kwargs: Passed through to satellite + """ + super().__init__(*args, n_ahead_observe=n_ahead_observe, **kwargs) + if target_properties is None: + target_properties = [ + dict(prop="priority"), + dict(prop="location", norm=orbitalMotion.REQ_EARTH * 1e3), + ] + if "location_norm" in kwargs: + self.logger.warning( + "location_norm is ignored and should be specified in target_properties" + ) # pragma: no cover + self.n_ahead_observe = int(n_ahead_observe) + self.target_obs_generator(target_properties)
+ + +
+[docs] + def target_obs_generator(self, target_properties): + """Generate the target_obs function. + + Generates the observation function from the target_properties spec and add it + to the observation. + """ + + def target_obs(self): + obs = {} + for i, opportunity in enumerate( + self.find_next_opportunities( + n=self.n_ahead_observe, + filter=self._get_imaged_filter(), + types="target", + ) + ): + props = {} + for prop_spec in target_properties: + name = prop_spec["prop"] + norm = prop_spec.get("norm", 1.0) + if name == "priority": + value = opportunity["target"].priority + elif name == "location": + value = opportunity["target"].location + elif name == "window_open": + value = opportunity["window"][0] - self.simulator.sim_time + elif name == "window_mid": + value = sum(opportunity["window"]) / 2 - self.simulator.sim_time + elif name == "window_close": + value = opportunity["window"][1] - self.simulator.sim_time + else: + raise ValueError( + f"Invalid target property: {prop_spec['prop']}" + ) + if norm != 1.0: + name += "_normd" + props[name] = value / norm + obs[f"target_{i}"] = props + return obs + + self.add_to_observation(bind(self, target_obs, "target_obs"))
+ + + +
+[docs] +@configurable +class EclipseState(SatObservation): + """Satellite subclass to add upcoming eclipse information to the observation.""" + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, *args, orbit_period=5700, **kwargs): + """Add a tuple of the orbit-normalized next orbit start and end. + + Args: + orbit_period: Normalization factor for eclipse time. + args: Passed through to satellite + kwargs: Passed through to satellite + """ + super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) + self.orbit_period_eclipse_norm = orbit_period + self.add_to_observation(self.eclipse_state)
+ + +
+[docs] + def eclipse_state(self): + """Return tuple of normalized next eclipse start and end.""" + eclipse_start, eclipse_end = self.trajectory.next_eclipse( + self.simulator.sim_time + ) + return [ + (eclipse_start - self.simulator.sim_time) / self.orbit_period_eclipse_norm, + (eclipse_end - self.simulator.sim_time) / self.orbit_period_eclipse_norm, + ]
+ + + +
+[docs] +@configurable +class GroundStationState(SatObservation, AccessSatellite): + """Satellite subclass to add ground station information to the observation.""" + +
+[docs] + def __init__( + self, + *args, + n_ahead_observe_downlinks: int = 1, + downlink_window_properties: Optional[list[dict[str, Any]]] = None, + **kwargs, + ): + """Add information about downlink opportunities to the observation state. + + Args: + n_ahead_observe_downlinks: Number of upcoming downlink opportunities to + consider. + downlink_window_properties: List of properties to include in the observation + in the format [dict(prop="prop_name", norm=norm)]. If norm is not + specified, it is set to 1.0 (no normalization). Properties to choose + from: + * location + * window_open + * window_mid + * window_close + args: Passed through to satellite + kwargs: Passed through to satellite + """ + super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) + if downlink_window_properties is None: + downlink_window_properties = [ + dict(prop="window_open", norm=5700), + dict(prop="window_close", norm=5700), + ] + self.ground_station_obs_generator( + downlink_window_properties, n_ahead_observe_downlinks + )
+ + +
+[docs] + def reset_post_sim(self) -> None: + """Add downlink ground stations to be considered by the access checker.""" + for ground_station in self.simulator.environment.groundStations: + self.add_location_for_access_checking( + object=ground_station.ModelTag, + location=np.array(ground_station.r_LP_P_Init).flatten(), + min_elev=ground_station.minimumElevation, + type="ground_station", + ) + super().reset_post_sim()
+ + +
+[docs] + def ground_station_obs_generator( + self, + downlink_window_properties: list[dict[str, Any]], + n_ahead_observe_downlinks: int, + ) -> None: + """Generate the ground_station_obs function. + + Generates an obs function from the downlink_window_properties spec and adds it + to the observation. + """ + + def ground_station_obs(self): + obs = {} + for i, opportunity in enumerate( + self.find_next_opportunities( + n=n_ahead_observe_downlinks, types="ground_station" + ) + ): + props = {} + for prop_spec in downlink_window_properties: + name = prop_spec["prop"] + norm = prop_spec.get("norm", 1.0) + if name == "location": + value = opportunity["location"] + elif name == "window_open": + value = opportunity["window"][0] - self.simulator.sim_time + elif name == "window_mid": + value = sum(opportunity["window"]) / 2 - self.simulator.sim_time + elif name == "window_close": + value = opportunity["window"][1] - self.simulator.sim_time + else: + raise ValueError( + f"Invalid ground station property: {prop_spec['prop']}" + ) + if norm != 1.0: + name += "_normd" + props[name] = value / norm + obs[f"ground_station_{i}"] = props + return obs + + self.add_to_observation(bind(self, ground_station_obs, "ground_station_obs"))
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/satellites.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/satellites.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fd91b43d --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/satellites.html @@ -0,0 +1,1144 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites

+"""Satellites are the agents in the environment."""
+import bisect
+import inspect
+import logging
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Iterable, Optional, Union
+from weakref import proxy
+if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
+    from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.types import (
+        DynamicsModel,
+        FSWModel,
+        Simulator,
+    )
+import chebpy
+import numpy as np
+from Basilisk.utilities import macros
+from gymnasium import spaces
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data import (
+    DataStore,
+    UniqueImageStore,
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features import Target
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation import dynamics, fsw
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional import (
+    collect_default_args,
+    safe_dict_merge,
+    valid_func_name,
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.orbital import (
+    TrajectorySimulator,
+    elevation,
+SatObs = Any
+SatAct = Any
+[docs] +class Satellite(ABC): + """Abstract base class for satellites.""" + + dyn_type: type["DynamicsModel"] # Type of dynamics model used by this satellite + fsw_type: type["FSWModel"] # Type of FSW model used by this satellite + +
+[docs] + @classmethod + def default_sat_args(cls, **kwargs) -> dict[str, Any]: + """Compile default arguments for FSW and dynamics models. + + Returns: + default arguments for satellite models + """ + defaults = collect_default_args(cls.dyn_type) + defaults = safe_dict_merge(defaults, collect_default_args(cls.fsw_type)) + for name in dir(cls.fsw_type): + if inspect.isclass(getattr(cls.fsw_type, name)) and issubclass( + getattr(cls.fsw_type, name), fsw.Task + ): + defaults = safe_dict_merge( + defaults, collect_default_args(getattr(cls.fsw_type, name)) + ) + + for k, v in kwargs.items(): + if k not in defaults: + raise KeyError(f"{k} not a valid key for sat_args") + defaults[k] = v + return defaults
+ + +
+[docs] + def __init__( + self, + name: str, + sat_args: Optional[dict[str, Any]], + variable_interval: bool = True, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Construct base satellite. + + Args: + name: identifier for satellite; does not need to be unique + sat_args: arguments for FSW and dynamic model construction. {key: value or + key: function}, where function is called at reset to set the value (used + for randomization). + variable_interval: Stop simulation at terminal events + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.name = name + self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__).getChild(self.name) + if sat_args is None: + sat_args = self.default_sat_args() + self.sat_args_generator = self.default_sat_args(**sat_args) + self.simulator: Simulator + self.fsw: "FSWModel" + self.dynamics: "DynamicsModel" + self.data_store: DataStore + self.requires_retasking: bool + self.variable_interval = variable_interval + self._timed_terminal_event_name = None
+ + + @property + def id(self) -> str: + """Unique human-readable identifier.""" + return f"{self.name}_{id(self)}" + + def _generate_sat_args(self) -> None: + """Instantiate sat_args from any randomizers in provided sat_args.""" + self.sat_args = { + k: v if not callable(v) else v() for k, v in self.sat_args_generator.items() + } + self.logger.debug(f"Satellite initialized with {self.sat_args}") + +
+[docs] + def reset_pre_sim(self) -> None: + """Reset during environment reset, before simulator initialization.""" + self.info = [] + self.requires_retasking = True + self._generate_sat_args() + assert self.data_store.is_fresh + self.data_store.is_fresh = False + + self.trajectory = TrajectorySimulator( + utc_init=self.sat_args["utc_init"], + rN=self.sat_args["rN"], + vN=self.sat_args["vN"], + oe=self.sat_args["oe"], + mu=self.sat_args["mu"], + ) + self._timed_terminal_event_name = None
+ + +
+[docs] + def set_simulator(self, simulator: "Simulator"): + """Set the simulator for models. + + Called during simulator initialization. + + Args: + simulator: Basilisk simulator + """ + self.simulator = proxy(simulator)
+ + +
+[docs] + def set_dynamics(self, dyn_rate: float) -> "DynamicsModel": + """Create dynamics model; called during simulator initialization. + + Args: + dyn_rate: rate for dynamics simulation [s] + + Returns: + Satellite's dynamics model + """ + dynamics = self.dyn_type(self, dyn_rate, **self.sat_args) + self.dynamics = proxy(dynamics) + return dynamics
+ + +
+[docs] + def set_fsw(self, fsw_rate: float) -> "FSWModel": + """Create flight software model; called during simulator initialization. + + Args: + fsw_rate: rate for FSW simulation [s] + + Returns: + Satellite's FSW model + """ + fsw = self.fsw_type(self, fsw_rate, **self.sat_args) + self.fsw = proxy(fsw) + return fsw
+ + +
+[docs] + def reset_post_sim(self) -> None: + """Reset in environment reset, after simulator initialization.""" + pass
+ + + @property + def observation_space(self) -> spaces.Box: + """Observation space for single satellite, determined from observation. + + Returns: + gymanisium observation space + """ + return spaces.Box( + low=-1e16, high=1e16, shape=self.get_obs().shape, dtype=np.float64 + ) + + @property + @abstractmethod # pragma: no cover + def action_space(self) -> spaces.Space: + """Action space for single satellite. + + Returns: + gymanisium action space + """ + pass + +
+[docs] + def is_alive(self, log_failure=False) -> bool: + """Check if the satellite is violating any aliveness requirements. + + Checkes aliveness checkers in dynamics and FSW models. + + Returns: + is_alive + """ + return self.dynamics.is_alive(log_failure=log_failure) and self.fsw.is_alive( + log_failure=log_failure + )
+ + + @property + def _satellite_command(self) -> str: + """Generate string that refers to self in simBase.""" + return ( + "[satellite for satellite in self.satellites " + + f"if satellite.id=='{self.id}'][0]" + ) + + def _info_command(self, info: str) -> str: + """Generate command to log to info from an event. + + Args: + info: information to log; cannot include `'` or `"` + + Returns: + actionList action for simBase.createNewEvent + """ + return self._satellite_command + f".log_info('{info}')" + +
+[docs] + def log_info(self, info: Any) -> None: + """Record information at the current time. + + Args: + info: Information to log + """ + self.info.append((self.simulator.sim_time, info)) + self.logger.info(f"{info}")
+ + + def _update_timed_terminal_event( + self, t_close: float, info: str = "", extra_actions: list[str] = [] + ) -> None: + """Create a simulator event that stops the simulation a certain time. + + Args: + t_close: Termination time [s] + info: Additional identifying info to log at terminal time + extra_actions: Additional actions to perform at terminal time + """ + self._disable_timed_terminal_event() + self.log_info(f"setting timed terminal event at {t_close:.1f}") + + # Create new timed terminal event + self._timed_terminal_event_name = valid_func_name( + f"timed_terminal_{t_close}_{self.id}" + ) + self.simulator.createNewEvent( + self._timed_terminal_event_name, + macros.sec2nano(self.simulator.sim_rate), + True, + [f"self.TotalSim.CurrentNanos * {macros.NANO2SEC} >= {t_close}"], + [ + self._info_command(f"timed termination at {t_close:.1f} " + info), + self._satellite_command + ".requires_retasking = True", + ] + + extra_actions, + terminal=self.variable_interval, + ) + self.simulator.eventMap[self._timed_terminal_event_name].eventActive = True + + def _disable_timed_terminal_event(self) -> None: + """Turn off simulator termination due to window close checker.""" + if ( + self._timed_terminal_event_name is not None + and self._timed_terminal_event_name in self.simulator.eventMap + ): + self.simulator.delete_event(self._timed_terminal_event_name) + +
+[docs] + @abstractmethod # pragma: no cover + def get_obs(self) -> SatObs: + """Construct the satellite's observation. + + Returns: + satellite observation + """ + pass
+ + +
+[docs] + @abstractmethod # pragma: no cover + def set_action(self, action: int) -> None: + """Enable certain processes in the simulator to command the satellite task. + + Should call an @action from FSW, among other things. + + Args: + action: action index + """ + pass
+ + + +
+[docs] +class AccessSatellite(Satellite): + """Satellite that can detect access opportunities for ground locations.""" + +
+[docs] + def __init__( + self, + *args, + generation_duration: float = 60 * 95, + initial_generation_duration: Optional[float] = None, + access_dist_threshold: float = 4e6, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Construct an AccessSatellite. + + Args: + generation_duration: Duration to calculate additional imaging windows for + when windows are exhausted. If `None`, generate for the simulation + `time_limit` unless the simulation is infinite. [s] + initial_generation_duration: Duration to initially calculate imaging windows + [s] + access_dist_threshold: Distance bound [m] for evaluating imaging windows + more exactly. 4e6 will capture >10 elevation windows for a 500 km orbit. + args: Passed through to Satellite constructor + kwargs: Passed through to Satellite constructor + """ + super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) + self.generation_duration = generation_duration + self.initial_generation_duration = initial_generation_duration + self.access_dist_threshold = access_dist_threshold
+ + +
+[docs] + def reset_pre_sim(self) -> None: + """Reset satellite window calculations and lists.""" + super().reset_pre_sim() + self.opportunities: list[dict] = [] + self.window_calculation_time = 0 + self.locations_for_access_checking: list[dict[str, Any]] = []
+ + +
+[docs] + def add_location_for_access_checking( + self, + object: Any, + location: np.ndarray, + min_elev: float, + type: str, + ) -> None: + """Add a location to be included in window calculations. + + Note that this location will only be included in future calls to + calculate_additional_windows. + + Args: + object: Object to add window for + location: Objects PCPF location [m] + min_elev: Minimum elevation angle for access [rad] + type: Category of windows to add location to + """ + location_dict = dict(location=location, min_elev=min_elev, type=type) + location_dict[type] = object + self.locations_for_access_checking.append(location_dict)
+ + +
+[docs] + def reset_post_sim(self) -> None: + """Handle initial window calculations for new simulation.""" + super().reset_post_sim() + if self.initial_generation_duration is None: + if self.simulator.time_limit == float("inf"): + self.initial_generation_duration = 0 + else: + self.initial_generation_duration = self.simulator.time_limit + self.calculate_additional_windows(self.initial_generation_duration)
+ + +
+[docs] + def calculate_additional_windows(self, duration: float) -> None: + """Use a multiroot finding method to evaluate imaging windows for each location. + + Args: + duration: Time to calculate windows from end of previous window. + """ + if duration <= 0: + return + + self.logger.info( + "Finding opportunity windows from " + f"{self.window_calculation_time:.2f} to " + f"{self.window_calculation_time + duration:.2f} seconds" + ) + calculation_start = self.window_calculation_time + calculation_end = self.window_calculation_time + max( + duration, self.trajectory.dt * 2, self.generation_duration + ) + calculation_end = self.generation_duration * np.ceil( + calculation_end / self.generation_duration + ) + + # Get discrete times and positions for next trajectory segment + self.trajectory.extend_to(calculation_end) + r_BP_P_interp = self.trajectory.r_BP_P + window_calc_span = np.logical_and( + r_BP_P_interp.x >= calculation_start - 1e-9, + r_BP_P_interp.x <= calculation_end + 1e-9, + ) # Account for floating point error in window_calculation_time + times = r_BP_P_interp.x[window_calc_span] + positions = r_BP_P_interp.y[window_calc_span] + + for location in self.locations_for_access_checking: + candidate_windows = self._find_candidate_windows( + location["location"], times, positions, self.access_dist_threshold + ) + + for candidate_window in candidate_windows: + roots = self._find_elevation_roots( + r_BP_P_interp, + location["location"], + location["min_elev"], + candidate_window, + ) + new_windows = self._refine_window( + roots, candidate_window, (times[0], times[-1]) + ) + for new_window in new_windows: + self._add_window( + location[location["type"]], + new_window, + type=location["type"], + merge_time=times[0], + ) + + self.window_calculation_time = calculation_end
+ + + @staticmethod + def _find_elevation_roots( + position_interp, + location: np.ndarray, + min_elev: float, + window: tuple[float, float], + ): + """Find times where the elevation is equal to the minimum elevation. + + Finds exact times where the satellite's elevation relative to a target is + equal to the minimum elevation. + """ + + def root_fn(t): + return elevation(position_interp(t), location) - min_elev + + settings = chebpy.UserPreferences() + with settings: + settings.eps = 1e-6 + settings.sortroots = True + roots = chebpy.chebfun(root_fn, window).roots() + + return roots + + @staticmethod + def _find_candidate_windows( + location: np.ndarray, times: np.ndarray, positions: np.ndarray, threshold: float + ) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: + """Find `times` where a window is plausible. + + i.e. where a `positions` point is within `threshold` of `location`. Too big of + a dt in times may miss windows or produce bad results. + """ + close_times = np.linalg.norm(positions - location, axis=1) < threshold + close_indices = np.where(close_times)[0] + groups = np.split(close_indices, np.where(np.diff(close_indices) != 1)[0] + 1) + groups = [group for group in groups if len(group) > 0] + candidate_windows = [] + for group in groups: + t_start = times[max(0, group[0] - 1)] + t_end = times[min(len(times) - 1, group[-1] + 1)] + candidate_windows.append((t_start, t_end)) + return candidate_windows + + @staticmethod + def _refine_window( + endpoints: Iterable, + candidate_window: tuple[float, float], + computation_window: tuple[float, float], + ) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: + """Detect if an exact window has been truncated by a coarse window.""" + endpoints = list(endpoints) + + # Filter endpoints that are too close + for i, endpoint in enumerate(endpoints[0:-1]): + if abs(endpoint - endpoints[i + 1]) < 1e-6: + endpoints[i] = None + endpoints = [endpoint for endpoint in endpoints if endpoint is not None] + + # Find pairs + if len(endpoints) % 2 == 1: + if candidate_window[0] == computation_window[0]: + endpoints.insert(0, computation_window[0]) + elif candidate_window[-1] == computation_window[-1]: + endpoints.append(computation_window[-1]) + else: + return [] # Temporary fix for rare issue. + + new_windows = [] + for t1, t2 in zip(endpoints[0::2], endpoints[1::2]): + new_windows.append((t1, t2)) + + return new_windows + + def _add_window( + self, + object: Any, + new_window: tuple[float, float], + type: str, + merge_time: Optional[float] = None, + ): + """Add an opportunity window. + + Args: + object: Object to add window for + new_window: New window for target + type: Type of window being added + merge_time: Time at which merges with existing windows will occur. If None, + check all windows for merges. + """ + if new_window[0] == merge_time or merge_time is None: + for opportunity in self.opportunities: + if ( + opportunity["type"] == type + and opportunity[type] == object + and opportunity["window"][1] == new_window[0] + ): + opportunity["window"] = (opportunity["window"][0], new_window[1]) + return + bisect.insort( + self.opportunities, + {type: object, "window": new_window, "type": type}, + key=lambda x: x["window"][1], + ) + + @property + def upcoming_opportunities(self) -> list[dict]: + """Ordered list of opportunities that have not yet closed. + + Returns: + list: list of upcoming opportunities + """ + start = bisect.bisect_left( + self.opportunities, + self.simulator.sim_time + 1e-12, + key=lambda x: x["window"][1], + ) + upcoming = self.opportunities[start:] + return upcoming + +
+[docs] + def opportunities_dict( + self, + types: Optional[Union[str, list[str]]] = None, + filter: list = [], + ) -> dict[Any, list[tuple[float, float]]]: + """Make dictionary of opportunities that maps objects to lists of windows. + + Args: + types: Types of opportunities to include. If None, include all types. + filter: Objects to exclude from the dictionary. + + Returns: + windows: objects -> windows list + """ + if isinstance(types, str): + types = [types] + + windows = {} + for opportunity in self.opportunities: + type = opportunity["type"] + if (types is None or type in types) and opportunity[type] not in filter: + if opportunity[type] not in windows: + windows[opportunity[type]] = [] + windows[opportunity[type]].append(opportunity["window"]) + return windows
+ + +
+[docs] + def upcoming_opportunities_dict( + self, + types: Optional[Union[str, list[str]]] = None, + filter: list = [], + ) -> dict[Any, list[tuple[float, float]]]: + """Get dictionary of opportunities. + + Maps objects to lists of windows that have not yet closed. + + Args: + types: Types of opportunities to include. If None, include all types. + filter: Objects to exclude from the dictionary. + + Returns: + windows: objects -> windows list (upcoming only) + """ + if isinstance(types, str): + types = [types] + + windows = {} + for opportunity in self.upcoming_opportunities: + type = opportunity["type"] + if (types is None or type in types) and opportunity[type] not in filter: + if opportunity[type] not in windows: + windows[opportunity[type]] = [] + windows[opportunity[type]].append(opportunity["window"]) + return windows
+ + +
+[docs] + def next_opportunities_dict( + self, + types: Optional[Union[str, list[str]]] = None, + filter: list = [], + ) -> dict[Any, tuple[float, float]]: + """Make dictionary of opportunities that maps objects to the next open windows. + + Args: + types: Types of opportunities to include. If None, include all types. + filter: Objects to exclude from the dictionary. + + Returns: + windows: objects -> next window + """ + if isinstance(types, str): + types = [types] + + next_windows = {} + for opportunity in self.upcoming_opportunities: + type = opportunity["type"] + if (types is None or type in types) and opportunity[type] not in filter: + if opportunity[type] not in next_windows: + next_windows[opportunity[type]] = opportunity["window"] + return next_windows
+ + +
+[docs] + def find_next_opportunities( + self, + n: int, + pad: bool = True, + max_lookahead: int = 100, + types: Optional[Union[str, list[str]]] = None, + filter: list = [], + ) -> list[dict]: + """Find the n nearest opportunities, sorted by window close time. + + Args: + n: Number of opportunities to attempt to include. + pad: If true, duplicates the last target if the number of opportunities + found is less than n. + max_lookahead: Maximum times to call calculate_additional_windows. + types: Types of opportunities to include. If None, include all types. + filter: Objects to exclude from the dictionary. + + Returns: + list: n nearest opportunities, ordered + """ + if isinstance(types, str): + types = [types] + + if n == 0: + return [] + + for _ in range(max_lookahead): + upcoming_opportunities = self.upcoming_opportunities + next_opportunities = [] + for opportunity in upcoming_opportunities: + type = opportunity["type"] + if (types is None or type in types) and opportunity[type] not in filter: + next_opportunities.append(opportunity) + + if len(next_opportunities) >= n: + return next_opportunities + self.calculate_additional_windows(self.generation_duration) + if pad: + next_opportunities += [next_opportunities[-1]] * ( + n - len(next_opportunities) + ) + return next_opportunities
+ + + +
+[docs] +class ImagingSatellite(AccessSatellite): + """Satellite with agile imaging capabilities.""" + + dyn_type = dynamics.ImagingDynModel + fsw_type = fsw.ImagingFSWModel + +
+[docs] + def __init__( + self, + *args, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Construct an ImagingSatellite. + + Can stop the simulation when a target is imaged or missed. + """ + super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) + self.fsw: ImagingSatellite.fsw_type + self.dynamics: ImagingSatellite.dyn_type + self.data_store: UniqueImageStore
+ + +
+[docs] + def reset_pre_sim(self) -> None: + """Set the buffer parameters based on computed windows.""" + super().reset_pre_sim() + self.sat_args["transmitterNumBuffers"] = len( + self.data_store.env_knowledge.targets + ) + self.sat_args["bufferNames"] = [ + target.id for target in self.data_store.env_knowledge.targets + ] + self._image_event_name = None + self.imaged = 0 + self.missed = 0
+ + +
+[docs] + def reset_post_sim(self) -> None: + """Handle initial_generation_duration setting and calculate windows.""" + for target in self.data_store.env_knowledge.targets: + self.add_location_for_access_checking( + object=target, + location=target.location, + min_elev=self.sat_args["imageTargetMinimumElevation"], + type="target", + ) + super().reset_post_sim()
+ + + def _get_imaged_filter(self): + try: + return self.data_store.data.imaged + except AttributeError: + return [] + + @property + def windows(self) -> dict[Target, list[tuple[float, float]]]: + """Access windows via dict of targets -> list of windows.""" + return self.opportunities_dict(types="target", filter=self._get_imaged_filter()) + + @property + def upcoming_windows(self) -> dict[Target, list[tuple[float, float]]]: + """Access upcoming windows in a dict of targets -> list of windows.""" + return self.upcoming_opportunities_dict( + types="target", filter=self._get_imaged_filter() + ) + + @property + def next_windows(self) -> dict[Target, tuple[float, float]]: + """Soonest window for each target. + + Returns: + dict: first non-closed window for each target + """ + return self.next_opportunities_dict( + types="target", filter=self._get_imaged_filter() + ) + +
+[docs] + def upcoming_targets( + self, n: int, pad: bool = True, max_lookahead: int = 100 + ) -> list[Target]: + """Find the n nearest targets. + + Targets are sorted by window close time; currently open windows are included. + + Args: + n: number of windows to look ahead + pad: if true, duplicates the last target if the number of targets found is + less than n + max_lookahead: maximum times to call calculate_additional_windows + + Returns: + list: n nearest targets, ordered + """ + return [ + opportunity["target"] + for opportunity in self.find_next_opportunities( + n=n, + pad=pad, + max_lookahead=max_lookahead, + filter=self._get_imaged_filter(), + types="target", + ) + ]
+ + + def _update_image_event(self, target: Target) -> None: + """Create a simulator event that terminates on imaging. + + Causes the simulation to stop when a target is imaged. + + Args: + target: Target expected to be imaged + """ + self._disable_image_event() + + self._image_event_name = valid_func_name(f"image_{self.id}_{target.id}") + if self._image_event_name not in self.simulator.eventMap.keys(): + data_names = np.array( + list( + self.dynamics.storageUnit.storageUnitDataOutMsg.read().storedDataName + ) + ) + data_index = int(np.where(data_names == target.id)[0][0]) + current_data_level = ( + self.dynamics.storageUnit.storageUnitDataOutMsg.read().storedData[ + data_index + ] + ) + self.simulator.createNewEvent( + self._image_event_name, + macros.sec2nano(self.fsw.fsw_rate), + True, + [ + f"self.dynamics_list['{self.id}'].storageUnit.storageUnitDataOutMsg.read()" + + f".storedData[{data_index}] > {current_data_level}" + ], + [ + self._info_command(f"imaged {target}"), + self._satellite_command + ".imaged += 1", + self._satellite_command + ".requires_retasking = True", + ], + terminal=self.variable_interval, + ) + else: + self.simulator.eventMap[self._image_event_name].eventActive = True + + def _disable_image_event(self) -> None: + """Turn off simulator termination due to this satellite's imaging checker.""" + if ( + self._image_event_name is not None + and self._image_event_name in self.simulator.eventMap + ): + self.simulator.delete_event(self._image_event_name) + +
+[docs] + def parse_target_selection(self, target_query: Union[int, Target, str]): + """Identify a target from a query. + + Parses an upcoming target index, Target object, or target id. + + Args: + target_query: Taret upcoming index, object, or id. + """ + if np.issubdtype(type(target_query), np.integer): + target = self.upcoming_targets(target_query + 1)[-1] + elif isinstance(target_query, Target): + target = target_query + elif isinstance(target_query, str): + target = [ + target + for target in self.data_store.env_knowledge.targets + if target.id == target_query + ][0] + else: + raise TypeError(f"Invalid target_query! Cannot be a {type(target_query)}!") + + return target
+ + +
+[docs] + def enable_target_window(self, target: Target): + """Enable the next window close event for target.""" + self._update_image_event(target) + next_window = self.next_windows[target] + self.log_info( + f"{target} window enabled: {next_window[0]:.1f} to {next_window[1]:.1f}" + ) + self._update_timed_terminal_event( + next_window[1], + info=f"for {target} window", + extra_actions=[self._satellite_command + ".missed += 1"], + )
+ + +
+[docs] + def task_target_for_imaging(self, target: Target): + """Task the satellite to image a target. + + Args: + target: Selected target + """ + msg = f"{target} tasked for imaging" + self.log_info(msg) + self.fsw.action_image(target.location, target.id) + self.enable_target_window(target)
+ + + +######################### +### Convenience Types ### +######################### +
+[docs] +class SteeringImagerSatellite(ImagingSatellite): + """Convenience type for an imaging satellite with MRP steering.""" + + dyn_type = dynamics.FullFeaturedDynModel + fsw_type = fsw.SteeringImagerFSWModel
+ + + +
+[docs] +class FBImagerSatellite(ImagingSatellite): + """Convenience type for an imaging satellite with feedback control.""" + + dyn_type = dynamics.FullFeaturedDynModel + fsw_type = fsw.ImagingFSWModel
+ + + +########################## +### Ready-to-use Types ### +########################## +from Basilisk.utilities import orbitalMotion # noqa: E402 + +from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario import ( # noqa: E402 + sat_actions as sa, +) +from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario import ( # noqa: E402 + sat_observations as so, +) + + +
+[docs] +class DoNothingSatellite(sa.DriftAction, so.TimeState): + """Convenience type for a satellite that does nothing.""" + + dyn_type = dynamics.BasicDynamicsModel + fsw_type = fsw.BasicFSWModel
+ + + +
+[docs] +class ImageAheadSatellite( + sa.ImagingActions, + so.TimeState, + so.TargetState.configure(n_ahead_observe=3), + so.NormdPropertyState.configure( + obs_properties=[ + dict(prop="omega_BP_P", norm=0.03), + dict(prop="c_hat_P"), + dict(prop="r_BN_P", norm=orbitalMotion.REQ_EARTH * 1e3), + dict(prop="v_BN_P", norm=7616.5), + dict(prop="battery_charge_fraction"), + ] + ), + SteeringImagerSatellite, +): + """Convenience type for a satellite with common features enabled.""" + + pass
+ + + +
+[docs] +class FullFeaturedSatellite( + sa.ImagingActions, + sa.DesatAction, + sa.ChargingAction, + so.TimeState, + so.TargetState.configure(n_ahead_observe=3), + so.NormdPropertyState.configure( + obs_properties=[ + dict(prop="omega_BP_P", norm=0.03), + dict(prop="c_hat_P"), + dict(prop="r_BN_P", norm=orbitalMotion.REQ_EARTH * 1e3), + dict(prop="v_BN_P", norm=7616.5), + dict(prop="battery_charge_fraction"), + ] + ), + SteeringImagerSatellite, +): + """Convenience type for a satellite with common features enabled.""" + + pass
+ +
+ +
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Source code for bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics

+"""Basilisk dynamics models."""
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, Optional
+if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
+    from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.types import (
+        EnvironmentModel,
+        Satellite,
+        Simulator,
+    )
+import numpy as np
+from Basilisk.simulation import (
+    ReactionWheelPower,
+    extForceTorque,
+    facetDragDynamicEffector,
+    groundLocation,
+    partitionedStorageUnit,
+    simpleBattery,
+    simpleInstrument,
+    simpleNav,
+    simplePowerSink,
+    simpleSolarPanel,
+    simpleStorageUnit,
+    spacecraft,
+    spacecraftLocation,
+    spaceToGroundTransmitter,
+from Basilisk.utilities import (
+    RigidBodyKinematics,
+    macros,
+    orbitalMotion,
+    unitTestSupport,
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation import environment
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional import (
+    aliveness_checker,
+    check_aliveness_checkers,
+    default_args,
+from bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives import actuator_primitives as aP
+from bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions import leo_orbit, sc_attitudes
+[docs] +class DynamicsModel(ABC): + """Abstract Basilisk dynamics model. + + One DynamicsModel is instantiated for each satellite in the environment each time a + new simulator is created. + """ + + @classmethod + @property + def _requires_env(cls) -> list[type["EnvironmentModel"]]: + """Define minimum EnvironmentModels for compatibility.""" + return [] + +
+[docs] + def __init__( + self, + satellite: "Satellite", + dyn_rate: float, + priority: int = 200, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Construct a base dynamics model. + + Args: + satellite: Satellite modelled by this model + dyn_rate: Rate of dynamics simulation [s] + priority: Model priority. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.satellite = satellite + self.logger = self.satellite.logger.getChild(self.__class__.__name__) + + for required in self._requires_env: + if not issubclass(type(self.simulator.environment), required): + raise TypeError( + f"{self.simulator.environment} must be a subclass of {required} to " + + f"use dynamics model of type {self.__class__}" + ) + + dyn_proc_name = "DynamicsProcess" + self.satellite.id + self.dyn_proc = self.simulator.CreateNewProcess(dyn_proc_name, priority) + self.dyn_rate = dyn_rate + self.task_name = "DynamicsTask" + self.satellite.id + self.dyn_proc.addTask( + self.simulator.CreateNewTask(self.task_name, macros.sec2nano(self.dyn_rate)) + ) + + # Initialize all modules and write init one-time messages + self.scObject: spacecraft.Spacecraft + self._init_dynamics_objects(**kwargs)
+ + + @property + def simulator(self) -> "Simulator": + """Reference to the episode simulator.""" + return self.satellite.simulator + + @property + def environment(self) -> "EnvironmentModel": + """Reference to the episode environment model.""" + return self.simulator.environment + + @abstractmethod # pragma: no cover + def _init_dynamics_objects(self, **kwargs) -> None: + """Caller for all dynamics object initialization.""" + pass + +
+[docs] + def is_alive(self, log_failure=False) -> bool: + """Check if the dynamics model has failed any aliveness requirements. + + Returns: + If the satellite dynamics are still alive + """ + return check_aliveness_checkers(self, log_failure=log_failure)
+ + +
+[docs] + def reset_for_action(self) -> None: + """Reset whenever a FSW @action is called.""" + pass
+ + + def __del__(self): + """Log when dynamics are deleted.""" + self.logger.debug("Basilisk dynamics deleted")
+ + + +
+[docs] +class BasicDynamicsModel(DynamicsModel): + """Basic Dynamics model with minimum necessary Basilisk components.""" + + @classmethod + @property + def _requires_env(cls) -> list[type["EnvironmentModel"]]: + return [environment.BasicEnvironmentModel] + + @property + def sigma_BN(self): + """Body attitude MRP relative to inertial frame.""" + return self.scObject.scStateOutMsg.read().sigma_BN + + @property + def BN(self): + """Body relative to inertial frame rotation matrix.""" + return RigidBodyKinematics.MRP2C(self.sigma_BN) + + @property + def omega_BN_B(self): + """Body rate relative to inertial frame in body frame [rad/s].""" + return self.scObject.scStateOutMsg.read().omega_BN_B + + @property + def BP(self): + """Body relative to planet freame rotation matrix.""" + return np.matmul(self.BN, self.environment.PN.T) + + @property + def r_BN_N(self): + """Body position relative to inertial origin in inertial frame [m].""" + return self.scObject.scStateOutMsg.read().r_BN_N + + @property + def r_BN_P(self): + """Body position relative to inertial origin in planet frame [m].""" + return np.matmul(self.environment.PN, self.r_BN_N) + + @property + def v_BN_N(self): + """Body velocity relative to inertial origin in inertial frame [m/s].""" + return self.scObject.scStateOutMsg.read().v_BN_N + + @property + def v_BN_P(self): + """P-frame derivative of r_BN.""" + omega_NP_P = np.matmul(self.environment.PN, -self.environment.omega_PN_N) + return np.matmul(self.environment.PN, self.v_BN_N) + np.cross( + omega_NP_P, self.r_BN_P + ) + + @property + def omega_BP_P(self): + """Body angular velocity relative to planet frame in plant frame [rad/s].""" + omega_BN_N = np.matmul(self.BN.T, self.omega_BN_B) + omega_BP_N = omega_BN_N - self.environment.omega_PN_N + return np.matmul(self.environment.PN, omega_BP_N) + + @property + def battery_charge(self): + """Battery charge [W*s].""" + return self.powerMonitor.batPowerOutMsg.read().storageLevel + + @property + def battery_charge_fraction(self): + """Battery charge as a fraction of capacity.""" + return self.battery_charge / self.powerMonitor.storageCapacity + + @property + def wheel_speeds(self): + """Wheel speeds [rad/s].""" + return np.array(self.rwStateEffector.rwSpeedOutMsg.read().wheelSpeeds) + + @property + def wheel_speeds_fraction(self): + """Wheel speeds normalized by maximum.""" + return self.wheel_speeds / (self.maxWheelSpeed * macros.rpm2radsec) + + def _init_dynamics_objects(self, **kwargs) -> None: + self._set_spacecraft_hub(**kwargs) + self._set_drag_effector(**kwargs) + self._set_reaction_wheel_dyn_effector(**kwargs) + self._set_thruster_dyn_effector() + self._set_simple_nav_object() + self._set_eclipse_object() + self._set_solar_panel(**kwargs) + self._set_battery(**kwargs) + self._set_reaction_wheel_power(**kwargs) + self._set_thruster_power(**kwargs) + + @default_args( + mass=330, + width=1.38, + depth=1.04, + height=1.58, + sigma_init=lambda: sc_attitudes.random_tumble(maxSpinRate=0.0001)[0], + omega_init=lambda: sc_attitudes.random_tumble(maxSpinRate=0.0001)[1], + rN=None, + vN=None, + oe=None, + mu=leo_orbit.mu, + ) + def _set_spacecraft_hub( + self, + mass: float, + width: float, + depth: float, + height: float, + sigma_init: Iterable[float], + omega_init: Iterable[float], + rN: Iterable[float], + vN: Iterable[float], + oe: Iterable[float], + mu: float, + priority: int = 2000, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Set the spacecraft object properties. + + Args: + mass: Hub mass [kg] + width: Hub width [m] + depth: Hub depth [m] + height: Hub height [m] + sigma_init: Initial MRP + omega_init: Initial body rate [rad/s] + rN: Initial inertial position [m] + vN: Initial inertial velocity [m/s] + oe: (a, e, i, AN, AP, f); alternative to rN, vN [km, rad] + mu: Gravitational parameter (used only with oe) + priority: Model priority. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + if rN is not None and vN is not None and oe is None: + pass + elif oe is not None and rN is None and vN is None: + rN, vN = orbitalMotion.elem2rv(mu, oe) + else: + raise (KeyError("Orbit is overspecified. Provide either (rN, vN) or oe")) + + self.scObject = spacecraft.Spacecraft() + self.scObject.ModelTag = "sat-" + self.satellite.id + + Ixx = 1.0 / 12.0 * mass * (width**2.0 + depth**2.0) + Iyy = 1.0 / 12.0 * mass * (depth**2.0 + height**2.0) + Izz = 1.0 / 12.0 * mass * (width**2.0 + height**2.0) + self.I_mat = [Ixx, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Iyy, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Izz] + + self.scObject.hub.mHub = mass # kg + self.scObject.hub.IHubPntBc_B = unitTestSupport.np2EigenMatrix3d(self.I_mat) + + # Set the initial attitude and position + self.scObject.hub.sigma_BNInit = sigma_init + self.scObject.hub.omega_BN_BInit = omega_init + self.scObject.hub.r_CN_NInit = unitTestSupport.np2EigenVectorXd(rN) + self.scObject.hub.v_CN_NInit = unitTestSupport.np2EigenVectorXd(vN) + + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.task_name, self.scObject, ModelPriority=priority + ) + + self._set_gravity_bodies() + self._set_disturbance_torque(**kwargs) + self._set_density_model() + + def _set_gravity_bodies(self) -> None: + """Specify what gravitational bodies to include in the simulation.""" + self.scObject.gravField.gravBodies = spacecraft.GravBodyVector( + list(self.environment.gravFactory.gravBodies.values()) + ) + + @default_args(disturbance_vector=None) + def _set_disturbance_torque( + self, disturbance_vector: Optional[Iterable[float]] = None, **kwargs + ) -> None: + """Attach the disturbance torque to the satellite. + + Args: + disturbance_vector: Constant disturbance torque [N*m]. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + if disturbance_vector is None: + disturbance_vector = np.array([0, 0, 0]) + self.extForceTorqueObject = extForceTorque.ExtForceTorque() + self.extForceTorqueObject.ModelTag = "DisturbanceTorque" + self.extForceTorqueObject.extTorquePntB_B = disturbance_vector + self.scObject.addDynamicEffector(self.extForceTorqueObject) + + def _set_density_model(self) -> None: + """Attaches the density model effector to the satellite.""" + self.environment.densityModel.addSpacecraftToModel(self.scObject.scStateOutMsg) + + def _set_drag_effector( + self, + width: float, + depth: float, + height: float, + panelArea: float, + priority: int = 999, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Attach the drag effector to the satellite. + + Args: + width: Hub width [m] + depth: Hub depth [m] + height: Hub height [m] + panelArea: Solar panel surface area [m**2] + priority: Model priority. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.dragEffector = facetDragDynamicEffector.FacetDragDynamicEffector() + self.dragEffector.ModelTag = "FacetDrag" + # Set up the geometry of a small satellite, starting w/ bus + self.dragEffector.addFacet(width * depth, 2.2, [1, 0, 0], [height / 2, 0.0, 0]) + self.dragEffector.addFacet(width * depth, 2.2, [-1, 0, 0], [height / 2, 0.0, 0]) + self.dragEffector.addFacet(height * width, 2.2, [0, 1, 0], [0, depth / 2, 0]) + self.dragEffector.addFacet(height * width, 2.2, [0, -1, 0], [0, -depth / 2, 0]) + self.dragEffector.addFacet(height * depth, 2.2, [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, width / 2]) + self.dragEffector.addFacet(height * depth, 2.2, [0, 0, -1], [0, 0, -width / 2]) + # Add solar panels + self.dragEffector.addFacet( + panelArea / 2, + 2.2, + [0, 1, 0], + [0, height, 0], + ) + self.dragEffector.addFacet( + panelArea / 2, + 2.2, + [0, -1, 0], + [0, height, 0], + ) + self.dragEffector.atmoDensInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.environment.densityModel.envOutMsgs[-1] + ) + self.scObject.addDynamicEffector(self.dragEffector) + + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.task_name, self.dragEffector, ModelPriority=priority + ) + + def _set_simple_nav_object(self, priority: int = 1400, **kwargs) -> None: + """Make the navigation module. + + Args: + priority: Model priority. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.simpleNavObject = simpleNav.SimpleNav() + self.simpleNavObject.ModelTag = "SimpleNav" + self.simpleNavObject.scStateInMsg.subscribeTo(self.scObject.scStateOutMsg) + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.task_name, self.simpleNavObject, ModelPriority=priority + ) + + @aliveness_checker + def altitude_valid(self) -> bool: + """Check that satellite has not deorbited. + + Checks if altitude is greater than 200km above Earth's surface. + """ + return np.linalg.norm(self.r_BN_N) > (orbitalMotion.REQ_EARTH + 200) * 1e3 + + @default_args( + wheelSpeeds=lambda: np.random.uniform(-1500, 1500, 3), + maxWheelSpeed=np.inf, + u_max=0.200, + ) + def _set_reaction_wheel_dyn_effector( + self, + wheelSpeeds: Iterable[float], + maxWheelSpeed: float, + u_max: float, + priority: int = 997, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Set the RW state effector parameters. + + Args: + wheelSpeeds: Initial speeds of each wheel [RPM] + maxWheelSpeed: Failure speed for wheels [RPM] + u_max: Torque producible by wheel [N*m] + priority: Model priority. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.maxWheelSpeed = maxWheelSpeed + self.rwStateEffector, self.rwFactory, _ = aP.balancedHR16Triad( + useRandom=False, + wheelSpeeds=wheelSpeeds, + ) + for RW in self.rwFactory.rwList.values(): + RW.u_max = u_max + self.rwFactory.addToSpacecraft( + "ReactionWheels", self.rwStateEffector, self.scObject + ) + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.task_name, self.rwStateEffector, ModelPriority=priority + ) + + @aliveness_checker + def rw_speeds_valid(self) -> bool: + """Check if any wheel speed exceeds the maximum.""" + valid = all( + abs(speed) < self.maxWheelSpeed * macros.rpm2radsec + for speed in self.wheel_speeds + ) + return valid + + def _set_thruster_dyn_effector(self, priority: int = 996) -> None: + """Make the thruster state effector. + + Args: + priority: Model priority. + """ + self.thrusterSet, self.thrFactory = aP.idealMonarc1Octet() + thrModelTag = "ACSThrusterDynamics" + self.thrFactory.addToSpacecraft(thrModelTag, self.thrusterSet, self.scObject) + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.task_name, self.thrusterSet, ModelPriority=priority + ) + + @default_args(thrusterPowerDraw=0.0) + def _set_thruster_power( + self, thrusterPowerDraw, priority: int = 899, **kwargs + ) -> None: + """Set the thruster power draw. + + Args: + thrusterPowerDraw: Constant power draw desat mode is active. [W] + priority: Model priority. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.thrusterPowerSink = simplePowerSink.SimplePowerSink() + self.thrusterPowerSink.ModelTag = "thrustPowerSink" + self.satellite.id + self.thrusterPowerSink.nodePowerOut = thrusterPowerDraw # Watts + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.task_name, self.thrusterPowerSink, ModelPriority=priority + ) + self.powerMonitor.addPowerNodeToModel(self.thrusterPowerSink.nodePowerOutMsg) + + def _set_eclipse_object(self) -> None: + """Add the spacecraft to the eclipse module.""" + self.environment.eclipseObject.addSpacecraftToModel(self.scObject.scStateOutMsg) + self.eclipse_index = len(self.environment.eclipseObject.eclipseOutMsgs) - 1 + + @default_args( + panelArea=2 * 1.0 * 0.5, + panelEfficiency=0.20, + nHat_B=np.array([0, 1, 0]), + ) + def _set_solar_panel( + self, + panelArea: float, + panelEfficiency: float, + nHat_B: Iterable[float], + priority: int = 898, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Set the solar panel parameters for power generation. + + Args: + panelArea: Solar panel surface area [m**2] + panelEfficiency: Efficiency coefficient of solar to electrical power + conversion + nHat_B: Body-fixed array normal vector + priority: Model priority. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.solarPanel = simpleSolarPanel.SimpleSolarPanel() + self.solarPanel.ModelTag = "solarPanel" + self.satellite.id + self.solarPanel.stateInMsg.subscribeTo(self.scObject.scStateOutMsg) + self.solarPanel.sunEclipseInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.environment.eclipseObject.eclipseOutMsgs[self.eclipse_index] + ) + self.solarPanel.sunInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.environment.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[ + self.environment.sun_index + ] + ) + self.solarPanel.setPanelParameters( + unitTestSupport.np2EigenVectorXd(nHat_B), + panelArea, + panelEfficiency, + ) + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.task_name, self.solarPanel, ModelPriority=priority + ) + + @default_args( + batteryStorageCapacity=80.0 * 3600.0, + storedCharge_Init=lambda: np.random.uniform(30.0 * 3600.0, 70.0 * 3600.0), + ) + def _set_battery( + self, + batteryStorageCapacity: float, + storedCharge_Init: float, + priority: int = 799, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Set the battery model parameters. + + Args: + batteryStorageCapacity: Maximum battery charge [W*s] + storedCharge_Init: Initial battery charge [W*s] + priority: Model priority. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.powerMonitor = simpleBattery.SimpleBattery() + self.powerMonitor.ModelTag = "powerMonitor" + self.powerMonitor.storageCapacity = batteryStorageCapacity + self.powerMonitor.storedCharge_Init = storedCharge_Init + self.powerMonitor.addPowerNodeToModel(self.solarPanel.nodePowerOutMsg) + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.task_name, self.powerMonitor, ModelPriority=priority + ) + + @aliveness_checker + def battery_valid(self) -> bool: + """Check if the battery has charge remaining.""" + return self.battery_charge > 0 + + @default_args( + rwBasePower=0.4, rwMechToElecEfficiency=0.0, rwElecToMechEfficiency=0.5 + ) + def _set_reaction_wheel_power( + self, + rwBasePower: float, + rwMechToElecEfficiency: float, + rwElecToMechEfficiency: float, + priority: int = 987, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Set the reaction wheel power draw. + + Args: + rwBasePower: Constant power draw when operational [W] + rwMechToElecEfficiency: Efficiency factor to convert mechanical power to + electrical power + rwElecToMechEfficiency: Efficiency factor to convert electrical power to + mechanical power + priority: Model priority. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.rwPowerList = [] + for i_device in range(self.rwFactory.getNumOfDevices()): + powerRW = ReactionWheelPower.ReactionWheelPower() + powerRW.ModelTag = "rwPower" + str(i_device) + powerRW.basePowerNeed = rwBasePower # baseline power draw, Watts + powerRW.rwStateInMsg.subscribeTo(self.rwStateEffector.rwOutMsgs[i_device]) + powerRW.mechToElecEfficiency = rwMechToElecEfficiency + powerRW.elecToMechEfficiency = rwElecToMechEfficiency + self.rwPowerList.append(powerRW) + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.task_name, powerRW, ModelPriority=(priority - i_device) + ) + self.powerMonitor.addPowerNodeToModel(powerRW.nodePowerOutMsg)
+ + + +
+[docs] +class LOSCommDynModel(BasicDynamicsModel): + """For evaluating line-of-sight connections between satellites for communication.""" + + def _init_dynamics_objects(self, **kwargs) -> None: + super()._init_dynamics_objects(**kwargs) + self._set_los_comms(**kwargs) + + def _set_los_comms(self, priority: int = 500, **kwargs) -> None: + """Set up line-of-sight visibility checking between satellites. + + Args: + priority: Model priority. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.losComms = spacecraftLocation.SpacecraftLocation() + self.losComms.ModelTag = "losComms" + self.losComms.primaryScStateInMsg.subscribeTo(self.scObject.scStateOutMsg) + self.losComms.planetInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.environment.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[ + self.environment.body_index + ] + ) + self.losComms.rEquator = self.simulator.environment.planet.radEquator + self.losComms.rPolar = self.simulator.environment.planet.radEquator * 0.98 + self.losComms.maximumRange = -1.0 # m, unlimited + + self.los_comms_ids = [] + + for sat_dyn in self.simulator.dynamics_list.values(): + if sat_dyn != self and sat_dyn.satellite.id not in self.los_comms_ids: + self.losComms.addSpacecraftToModel(sat_dyn.scObject.scStateOutMsg) + self.los_comms_ids.append(sat_dyn.satellite.id) + sat_dyn.losComms.addSpacecraftToModel(self.scObject.scStateOutMsg) + sat_dyn.los_comms_ids.append(self.satellite.id) + if len(sat_dyn.los_comms_ids) == 1: + sat_dyn.simulator.AddModelToTask( + sat_dyn.task_name, sat_dyn.losComms, ModelPriority=priority + ) + + if len(self.los_comms_ids) > 0: + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.task_name, self.losComms, ModelPriority=priority + )
+ + + +
+[docs] +class ImagingDynModel(BasicDynamicsModel): + """Equips the satellite with an instrument, storage unit, and transmitter.""" + + @property + def storage_level(self): + """Storage level [bits].""" + return self.storageUnit.storageUnitDataOutMsg.read().storageLevel + + @property + def storage_level_fraction(self): + """Storage level as a fraction of capacity.""" + return self.storage_level / self.storageUnit.storageCapacity + + def _init_dynamics_objects(self, **kwargs) -> None: + super()._init_dynamics_objects(**kwargs) + self._set_instrument_power_sink(**kwargs) + self._set_transmitter_power_sink(**kwargs) + self._set_instrument(**kwargs) + self._set_transmitter(**kwargs) + self._set_storage_unit(**kwargs) + self._set_imaging_target(**kwargs) + + @default_args(instrumentBaudRate=8e6) + def _set_instrument( + self, instrumentBaudRate: float, priority: int = 895, **kwargs + ) -> None: + """Create the instrument model. + + Args: + instrumentBaudRate: Data generated in a single step by an image [bits] + priority: Model priority. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.instrument = simpleInstrument.SimpleInstrument() + self.instrument.ModelTag = "instrument" + self.satellite.id + self.instrument.nodeBaudRate = ( + instrumentBaudRate / self.dyn_rate + ) # make imaging instantaneous + self.instrument.nodeDataName = "Instrument" + self.satellite.id + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.task_name, self.instrument, ModelPriority=priority + ) + + @default_args(transmitterBaudRate=-8e6, transmitterNumBuffers=100) + def _set_transmitter( + self, + transmitterBaudRate: float, + instrumentBaudRate: float, + transmitterNumBuffers: int, + priority: int = 798, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Create the transmitter model. + + Args: + transmitterBaudRate: Rate of data downlink. Should be negative. [baud] + instrumentBaudRate: Image size, used to set packet size [bits] + transmitterNumBuffers: Number of transmitter buffers + priority: Model priority. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + if transmitterBaudRate > 0: + self.logger.warning( + "Positive transmitterBaudRate will lead to increased data in buffer " + + "on downlink" + ) + self.transmitter = spaceToGroundTransmitter.SpaceToGroundTransmitter() + self.transmitter.ModelTag = "transmitter" + self.satellite.id + self.transmitter.nodeBaudRate = transmitterBaudRate # baud + # set packet size equal to the size of a single image + self.transmitter.packetSize = -instrumentBaudRate # bits + self.transmitter.numBuffers = transmitterNumBuffers + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.task_name, self.transmitter, ModelPriority=priority + ) + + @default_args(instrumentPowerDraw=-30.0) + def _set_instrument_power_sink( + self, instrumentPowerDraw: float, priority: int = 897, **kwargs + ) -> None: + """Set the instrument power sink parameters. + + Args: + instrumentPowerDraw: Power draw when instrument is enabled [W] + priority: Model priority. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.instrumentPowerSink = simplePowerSink.SimplePowerSink() + self.instrumentPowerSink.ModelTag = "insPowerSink" + self.satellite.id + self.instrumentPowerSink.nodePowerOut = instrumentPowerDraw # Watts + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.task_name, self.instrumentPowerSink, ModelPriority=priority + ) + self.powerMonitor.addPowerNodeToModel(self.instrumentPowerSink.nodePowerOutMsg) + + @default_args(transmitterPowerDraw=-15.0) + def _set_transmitter_power_sink( + self, transmitterPowerDraw: float, priority: int = 896, **kwargs + ) -> None: + """Set the transmitter power sink parameters. + + Args: + transmitterPowerDraw: Power draw when transmitter is enabled [W] + priority: Model priority. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.transmitterPowerSink = simplePowerSink.SimplePowerSink() + self.transmitterPowerSink.ModelTag = "transPowerSink" + self.satellite.id + self.transmitterPowerSink.nodePowerOut = transmitterPowerDraw # Watts + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.task_name, self.transmitterPowerSink, ModelPriority=priority + ) + self.powerMonitor.addPowerNodeToModel(self.transmitterPowerSink.nodePowerOutMsg) + + @default_args( + dataStorageCapacity=20 * 8e6, bufferNames=None, storageUnitValidCheck=True + ) + def _set_storage_unit( + self, + dataStorageCapacity: int, + transmitterNumBuffers: Optional[int] = None, + bufferNames: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, + priority: int = 699, + storageUnitValidCheck: bool = True, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Configure the storage unit and its buffers. + + Args: + dataStorageCapacity: Maximum data to be stored [bits] + transmitterNumBuffers: Number of unit buffers. Not necessary if bufferNames + given. + bufferNames: List of buffer names to use. Named by number if None. + priority: Model priority. + storageUnitValidCheck: If True, check that the storage level is below the + storage capacity. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.storageUnit = partitionedStorageUnit.PartitionedStorageUnit() + self.storageUnit.ModelTag = "storageUnit" + self.satellite.id + self.storageUnit.storageCapacity = dataStorageCapacity # bits + self.storageUnit.addDataNodeToModel(self.instrument.nodeDataOutMsg) + self.storageUnit.addDataNodeToModel(self.transmitter.nodeDataOutMsg) + self.storageUnitValidCheck = storageUnitValidCheck + # Add all of the targets to the data buffer + if bufferNames is None: + for buffer_idx in range(transmitterNumBuffers): + self.storageUnit.addPartition(str(buffer_idx)) + else: + if transmitterNumBuffers is not None and transmitterNumBuffers != len( + bufferNames + ): + raise ValueError( + "transmitterNumBuffers cannot be different than len(bufferNames)." + ) + for buffer_name in bufferNames: + self.storageUnit.addPartition(buffer_name) + + # Add the storage unit to the transmitter + self.transmitter.addStorageUnitToTransmitter( + self.storageUnit.storageUnitDataOutMsg + ) + + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.task_name, self.storageUnit, ModelPriority=priority + ) + + @aliveness_checker + def data_storage_valid(self) -> bool: + """Check that the buffer has not run out of space.""" + storage_check = self.storageUnitValidCheck + if storage_check: + return self.storage_level < self.storageUnit.storageCapacity or np.isclose( + self.storage_level, self.storageUnit.storageCapacity + ) + else: + return True + + @default_args( + groundLocationPlanetRadius=orbitalMotion.REQ_EARTH * 1e3, + imageTargetMinimumElevation=np.radians(45.0), + imageTargetMaximumRange=-1, + ) + def _set_imaging_target( + self, + groundLocationPlanetRadius: float, + imageTargetMinimumElevation: float, + imageTargetMaximumRange: float, + priority: int = 2000, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Add a generic imaging target to dynamics. + + The target must be updated with a particular location when used. + + Args: + groundLocationPlanetRadius: Radius of ground locations from center of planet + [m] + imageTargetMinimumElevation: Minimum elevation angle from target to + satellite when imaging [rad] + imageTargetMaximumRange: Maximum range from target to satellite when + imaging. -1 to disable. [m] + priority: Model priority. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.imagingTarget = groundLocation.GroundLocation() + self.imagingTarget.ModelTag = "ImagingTarget" + self.imagingTarget.planetRadius = groundLocationPlanetRadius + self.imagingTarget.specifyLocation(0.0, 0.0, 1000.0) + self.imagingTarget.planetInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.environment.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[ + self.environment.body_index + ] + ) + self.imagingTarget.minimumElevation = imageTargetMinimumElevation + self.imagingTarget.maximumRange = imageTargetMaximumRange + + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.environment.env_task_name, + self.imagingTarget, + ModelPriority=priority, + ) + self.imagingTarget.addSpacecraftToModel(self.scObject.scStateOutMsg) + +
+[docs] + def reset_for_action(self) -> None: + """Shut off power sinks.""" + super().reset_for_action() + self.transmitter.dataStatus = 0 + self.transmitterPowerSink.powerStatus = 0 + self.instrumentPowerSink.powerStatus = 0
+ + + +
+[docs] +class ContinuousImagingDynModel(ImagingDynModel): + """Equips the satellite for continuous nadir imaging. + + Equips satellite with an instrument, storage unit, and transmitter + for continuous nadir imaging. + """ + + @default_args(instrumentBaudRate=8e6) + def _set_instrument( + self, instrumentBaudRate: float, priority: int = 895, **kwargs + ) -> None: + """Create the continuous instrument model. + + Args: + instrumentBaudRate: Data generated in step by continuous imaging [bits] + priority: Model priority. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.instrument = simpleInstrument.SimpleInstrument() + self.instrument.ModelTag = "instrument" + self.satellite.id + self.instrument.nodeBaudRate = instrumentBaudRate # make imaging instantaneous + self.instrument.nodeDataName = "Instrument" + self.satellite.id + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.task_name, self.instrument, ModelPriority=priority + ) + + @default_args( + dataStorageCapacity=20 * 8e6, storageUnitValidCheck=True, storageInit=0 + ) + def _set_storage_unit( + self, + dataStorageCapacity: int, + priority: int = 699, + storageUnitValidCheck: bool = True, + storageInit: int = 0, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Configure the storage unit and its buffers. + + Args: + dataStorageCapacity: Maximum data to be stored [bits] + priority: Model priority. + storageUnitValidCheck: If True, check that the storage level is below the + storage capacity. + storageInit: Initial storage level [bits] + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.storageUnit = simpleStorageUnit.SimpleStorageUnit() + self.storageUnit.ModelTag = "storageUnit" + self.satellite.id + self.storageUnit.storageCapacity = dataStorageCapacity # bits + self.storageUnit.addDataNodeToModel(self.instrument.nodeDataOutMsg) + self.storageUnit.addDataNodeToModel(self.transmitter.nodeDataOutMsg) + self.storageUnitValidCheck = storageUnitValidCheck + self.storageUnit.setDataBuffer(storageInit) + + # Add the storage unit to the transmitter + self.transmitter.addStorageUnitToTransmitter( + self.storageUnit.storageUnitDataOutMsg + ) + + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.task_name, self.storageUnit, ModelPriority=priority + ) + + @default_args( + imageTargetMaximumRange=-1, + ) + def _set_imaging_target( + self, + imageTargetMaximumRange: float = -1, + priority: int = 2000, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Add a generic imaging target to dynamics. + + The target must be updated with a particular location when used. + + Args: + imageTargetMaximumRange: Maximum range from target to satellite when + imaging. -1 to disable. [m] + priority: Model priority. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.imagingTarget = groundLocation.GroundLocation() + self.imagingTarget.ModelTag = "scanningTarget" + self.imagingTarget.planetRadius = 1e-6 + self.imagingTarget.specifyLocation(0, 0, 0) + self.imagingTarget.planetInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.environment.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[ + self.environment.body_index + ] + ) + self.imagingTarget.minimumElevation = np.radians(-90) + self.imagingTarget.maximumRange = imageTargetMaximumRange + + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.environment.env_task_name, + self.imagingTarget, + ModelPriority=priority, + ) + self.imagingTarget.addSpacecraftToModel(self.scObject.scStateOutMsg)
+ + + +
+[docs] +class GroundStationDynModel(ImagingDynModel): + """Model that connects satellite to environment ground stations.""" + + @classmethod + @property + def _requires_env(cls) -> list[type["EnvironmentModel"]]: + return super()._requires_env + [environment.GroundStationEnvModel] + + def _init_dynamics_objects(self, **kwargs) -> None: + super()._init_dynamics_objects(**kwargs) + self._set_ground_station_locations() + + def _set_ground_station_locations(self) -> None: + """Connect the transmitter to ground stations.""" + for groundStation in self.environment.groundStations: + groundStation.addSpacecraftToModel(self.scObject.scStateOutMsg) + self.transmitter.addAccessMsgToTransmitter(groundStation.accessOutMsgs[-1])
+ + + +
+[docs] +class FullFeaturedDynModel(GroundStationDynModel, LOSCommDynModel): + """Convenience class for a satellite with ground station and line-of-sight comms.""" + + pass
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/environment.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/environment.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b597c304 --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/environment.html @@ -0,0 +1,437 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.environment — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
  • + + +
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  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.environment

+"""Basilisk environment models."""
+import logging
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional, Union
+from weakref import proxy
+if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
+    from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.types import Simulator
+import numpy as np
+from Basilisk import __path__
+from Basilisk.simulation import (
+    eclipse,
+    ephemerisConverter,
+    exponentialAtmosphere,
+    groundLocation,
+from Basilisk.utilities import macros as mc
+from Basilisk.utilities import orbitalMotion, simIncludeGravBody
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional import (
+    collect_default_args,
+    default_args,
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.orbital import random_epoch
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+bsk_path = __path__[0]
+[docs] +class EnvironmentModel(ABC): + """Abstract Basilisk environment model. + + One EnvironmentModel is instantiated for the environment each time a new simulator + is created. + """ + +
+[docs] + @classmethod + def default_env_args(cls, **kwargs) -> dict[str, Any]: + """Compile default argments for the environment model.""" + defaults = collect_default_args(cls) + for k, v in kwargs.items(): + if k not in defaults: + raise KeyError(f"{k} not a valid key for env_args") + defaults[k] = v + return defaults
+ + +
+[docs] + def __init__( + self, + simulator: "Simulator", + env_rate: float, + priority: int = 300, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Construct base environment model. + + Args: + simulator: Simulator using this model + env_rate: Rate of environment simulation [s] + priority: Model priority. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.simulator: Simulator = proxy(simulator) + + env_proc_name = "EnvironmentProcess" + env_proc = self.simulator.CreateNewProcess(env_proc_name, priority) + + # Define process name, task name and task time-step + self.env_task_name = "EnvironmentTask" + env_proc.addTask( + self.simulator.CreateNewTask(self.env_task_name, mc.sec2nano(env_rate)) + ) + + self._init_environment_objects(**kwargs)
+ + + def __del__(self): + """Log when environment is deleted.""" + logger.debug("Basilisk environment deleted") + + @abstractmethod # pragma: no cover + def _init_environment_objects(self, **kwargs) -> None: + """Caller for all environment objects.""" + pass
+ + + +
+[docs] +class BasicEnvironmentModel(EnvironmentModel): + """Basic Environment with minimum necessary Basilisk environment components.""" + + @property + def PN(self): + """Planet relative to inertial frame rotation matrix.""" + return np.array( + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.body_index] + .read() + .J20002Pfix + ).reshape((3, 3)) + + @property + def omega_PN_N(self): + """Planet angular velocity in inertial frame [rad/s].""" + PNdot = np.array( + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.body_index] + .read() + .J20002Pfix_dot + ).reshape((3, 3)) + skew_PN_N = -np.matmul(np.transpose(self.PN), PNdot) + return np.array([skew_PN_N[2, 1], skew_PN_N[0, 2], skew_PN_N[1, 0]]) + + def _init_environment_objects(self, **kwargs) -> None: + self._set_gravity_bodies(**kwargs) + self._set_epoch_object(**kwargs) + self._set_atmosphere_density_model(**kwargs) + self._set_eclipse_object(**kwargs) + + @default_args(utc_init=random_epoch) + def _set_gravity_bodies( + self, utc_init: str, priority: int = 1100, **kwargs + ) -> None: + """Specify gravitational models to use in the simulation. + + Args: + utc_init: UTC datetime string + priority: Model priority. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.gravFactory = simIncludeGravBody.gravBodyFactory() + self.gravFactory.createSun() + self.planet = self.gravFactory.createEarth() + self.sun_index = 0 + self.body_index = 1 + + self.planet.isCentralBody = ( + True # ensure this is the central gravitational body + ) + self.planet.useSphericalHarmonicsGravityModel( + bsk_path + "/supportData/LocalGravData/GGM03S.txt", 10 + ) + + # setup Spice interface for some solar system bodies + timeInitString = utc_init + self.gravFactory.createSpiceInterface( + bsk_path + "/supportData/EphemerisData/", timeInitString + ) + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.zeroBase = "earth" + + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.env_task_name, self.gravFactory.spiceObject, ModelPriority=priority + ) + + def _set_epoch_object(self, priority: int = 988, **kwargs) -> None: + """Add the ephemeris object to use with the SPICE library. + + Args: + priority: Model priority. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.ephemConverter = ephemerisConverter.EphemerisConverter() + self.ephemConverter.ModelTag = "ephemConverter" + self.ephemConverter.addSpiceInputMsg( + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.sun_index] + ) + self.ephemConverter.addSpiceInputMsg( + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.body_index] + ) + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.env_task_name, self.ephemConverter, ModelPriority=priority + ) + + @default_args( + planetRadius=orbitalMotion.REQ_EARTH * 1e3, + baseDensity=1.22, + scaleHeight=8e3, + ) + def _set_atmosphere_density_model( + self, + planetRadius: float, + baseDensity: float, + scaleHeight: float, + priority: int = 1000, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Add the exponential gravity model. + + Args: + planetRadius: Planet ground radius [m] + baseDensity: Exponential model parameter [kg/m^3] + scaleHeight: Exponential model parameter [m] + priority (int, optional): Model priority. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.densityModel = exponentialAtmosphere.ExponentialAtmosphere() + self.densityModel.ModelTag = "expDensity" + self.densityModel.planetRadius = planetRadius + self.densityModel.baseDensity = baseDensity + self.densityModel.scaleHeight = scaleHeight + self.densityModel.planetPosInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.body_index] + ) + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.env_task_name, self.densityModel, ModelPriority=priority + ) + + def _set_eclipse_object(self, priority: int = 988, **kwargs) -> None: + """Specify what celestial object is causing an eclipse message. + + Args: + priority: Model priority. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.eclipseObject = eclipse.Eclipse() + self.eclipseObject.addPlanetToModel( + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.body_index] + ) + self.eclipseObject.sunInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.sun_index] + ) + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.env_task_name, self.eclipseObject, ModelPriority=priority + ) + + def __del__(self) -> None: + """Log when environment is deleted and unload SPICE.""" + super().__del__() + try: + self.gravFactory.unloadSpiceKernels() + except AttributeError: + pass
+ + + +
+[docs] +class GroundStationEnvModel(BasicEnvironmentModel): + """Model that includes downlink ground stations.""" + + def _init_environment_objects(self, **kwargs) -> None: + super()._init_environment_objects(**kwargs) + self._set_ground_locations(**kwargs) + + @default_args( + groundStationsData=[ + dict(name="Boulder", lat=40.009971, long=-105.243895, elev=1624), + dict(name="Merritt", lat=28.3181, long=-80.6660, elev=0.9144), + dict(name="Singapore", lat=1.3521, long=103.8198, elev=15), + dict(name="Weilheim", lat=47.8407, long=11.1421, elev=563), + dict(name="Santiago", lat=-33.4489, long=-70.6693, elev=570), + dict(name="Dongara", lat=-29.2452, long=114.9326, elev=34), + dict(name="Hawaii", lat=19.8968, long=-155.5828, elev=9), + ], + groundLocationPlanetRadius=orbitalMotion.REQ_EARTH * 1e3, + gsMinimumElevation=10.0 * mc.D2R, + gsMaximumRange=-1, + ) + def _set_ground_locations( + self, + groundStationsData: list[dict[str, Union[str, float]]], + groundLocationPlanetRadius: float, + gsMinimumElevation: float, + gsMaximumRange: float, + priority: int = 1399, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Specify the ground locations of interest. + + Args: + groundStationsData: Dicts with name (optional), lat (required), long + (required), and elevation (optional). + groundLocationPlanetRadius: Radius of ground locations from center of planet + [m] + gsMinimumElevation: Minimum elevation angle from station to satellite when + downlinking [rad] + gsMaximumRange: Maximum range from station to satellite when downlinking. -1 + to disable. [m] + priority: Model priority. + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.groundStations = [] + self.groundLocationPlanetRadius = groundLocationPlanetRadius + self.gsMinimumElevation = gsMinimumElevation + self.gsMaximumRange = gsMaximumRange + for i, groundStationData in enumerate(groundStationsData): + self._create_ground_station(**groundStationData, priority=priority - i) + + def _create_ground_station( + self, + lat: float, + long: float, + elev: float = 0, + name: Optional[str] = None, + priority: int = 1399, + ) -> None: + """Add a ground station with given parameters. + + Args: + lat: Latitude [deg] + long: Longitude [deg] + elev: Elevation [m]. + name: Ground station identifier. + priority: Model priority. + """ + if name is None: + name = str(len(self.groundStations)) + + groundStation = groundLocation.GroundLocation() + groundStation.ModelTag = "GroundStation" + name + groundStation.planetRadius = self.groundLocationPlanetRadius + groundStation.specifyLocation(lat * mc.D2R, long * mc.D2R, elev) + groundStation.planetInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.body_index] + ) + groundStation.minimumElevation = self.gsMinimumElevation + groundStation.maximumRange = self.gsMaximumRange + self.groundStations.append(groundStation) + + self.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.env_task_name, groundStation, ModelPriority=priority + )
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/fsw.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/fsw.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5eb7f3cc --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/fsw.html @@ -0,0 +1,1071 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw

+"""Basilisk flight software models."""
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Iterable, Optional
+from weakref import proxy
+if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
+    from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.types import (
+        DynamicsModel,
+        EnvironmentModel,
+        Satellite,
+        Simulator,
+    )
+import Basilisk.architecture.cMsgCInterfacePy as cMsgPy
+import numpy as np
+from Basilisk.architecture import messaging
+from Basilisk.fswAlgorithms import (
+    attTrackingError,
+    hillPoint,
+    locationPointing,
+    mrpFeedback,
+    mrpSteering,
+    rateServoFullNonlinear,
+    rwMotorTorque,
+    scanningInstrumentController,
+    simpleInstrumentController,
+    thrForceMapping,
+    thrMomentumDumping,
+    thrMomentumManagement,
+from Basilisk.utilities import macros as mc
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation import dynamics
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional import (
+    check_aliveness_checkers,
+    default_args,
+[docs] +def action( + func: Callable[..., None] +) -> Callable[Callable[..., None], Callable[..., None]]: + """Decorate to run housekeeping for action functions called by the satellite.""" + + def inner(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Callable[..., None]: + self.fsw_proc.disableAllTasks() + self._zero_gateway_msgs() + self.dynamics.reset_for_action() + for task in self.tasks: + task.reset_for_action() + return func(self, *args, **kwargs) + + return inner
+ + + +
+[docs] +class FSWModel(ABC): + """Abstract Basilisk flight software model. + + One FSWModel is instantiated for each satellite in the environment each time a + new simulator is created. + """ + + @classmethod + @property + def _requires_dyn(cls) -> list[type["DynamicsModel"]]: + """Define minimum DynamicsModels for compatibility.""" + return [] + +
+[docs] + def __init__( + self, satellite: "Satellite", fsw_rate: float, priority: int = 100, **kwargs + ) -> None: + """Construct a base flight software model. + + Args: + satellite: Satellite modelled by this model + fsw_rate: Rate of FSW simulation [s] + priority: Model priority. + kwargs: Passed to task creation functions + """ + self.satellite = satellite + self.logger = self.satellite.logger.getChild(self.__class__.__name__) + + for required in self._requires_dyn: + if not issubclass(satellite.dyn_type, required): + raise TypeError( + f"{satellite.dyn_type} must be a subclass of {required} to " + + f"use FSW model of type {self.__class__}" + ) + + fsw_proc_name = "FSWProcess" + self.satellite.id + self.fsw_proc = self.simulator.CreateNewProcess(fsw_proc_name, priority) + self.fsw_rate = fsw_rate + + self.tasks = self._make_task_list() + + for task in self.tasks: + task.create_task() + + for task in self.tasks: + task._create_module_data() + + self._set_messages() + + for task in self.tasks: + task._init_objects(**kwargs) + + self.fsw_proc.disableAllTasks()
+ + + @property + def simulator(self) -> "Simulator": + """Reference to the episode simulator.""" + return self.satellite.simulator + + @property + def environment(self) -> "EnvironmentModel": + """Reference to the episode environment model.""" + return self.simulator.environment + + @property + def dynamics(self) -> "DynamicsModel": + """Reference to the satellite dynamics model for the episode.""" + return self.satellite.dynamics + + def _make_task_list(self) -> list["Task"]: + return [] + + @abstractmethod # pragma: no cover + def _set_messages(self) -> None: + """Message setup after task creation.""" + pass + +
+[docs] + def is_alive(self, log_failure=False) -> bool: + """Check if the fsw model has failed any aliveness requirements. + + Returns: + If the satellite fsw is still alive + """ + return check_aliveness_checkers(self, log_failure=log_failure)
+ + + def __del__(self): + """Log when FSW model is deleted.""" + self.logger.debug("Basilisk FSW deleted")
+ + + +
+[docs] +class Task(ABC): + """Abstract class for defining FSW tasks.""" + + @property + @abstractmethod # pragma: no cover + def name(self) -> str: # noqa: D102 + pass + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, fsw: FSWModel, priority: int) -> None: + """Template class for defining FSW processes. + + Args: + fsw: FSW model task contributes to + priority: Task priority + """ + self.fsw: FSWModel = proxy(fsw) + self.priority = priority
+ + +
+[docs] + def create_task(self) -> None: + """Add task to FSW with a unique name.""" + self.fsw.fsw_proc.addTask( + self.fsw.simulator.CreateNewTask( + self.name + self.fsw.satellite.id, mc.sec2nano(self.fsw.fsw_rate) + ), + taskPriority=self.priority, + )
+ + + @abstractmethod # pragma: no cover + def _create_module_data(self) -> None: + """Create module data wrappers.""" + pass + + @abstractmethod # pragma: no cover + def _init_objects(self, **kwargs) -> None: + """Initialize model parameters with satellite arguments.""" + pass + + def _add_model_to_task(self, module, priority) -> None: + """Add a model to this task. + + Args: + module: Basilisk module + priority: Model priority + """ + self.fsw.simulator.AddModelToTask( + self.name + self.fsw.satellite.id, + module, + ModelPriority=priority, + ) + +
+[docs] + def reset_for_action(self) -> None: + """Housekeeping for task when a new action is called. + + Disables task by default, can be overridden by subclasses. + """ + self.fsw.simulator.disableTask(self.name + self.fsw.satellite.id)
+ + + +
+[docs] +class BasicFSWModel(FSWModel): + """Basic FSW model with minimum necessary Basilisk components.""" + + @classmethod + @property + def _requires_dyn(cls) -> list[type["DynamicsModel"]]: + return [dynamics.BasicDynamicsModel] + + def _make_task_list(self) -> list[Task]: + return [ + self.SunPointTask(self), + self.NadirPointTask(self), + self.RWDesatTask(self), + self.TrackingErrorTask(self), + self.MRPControlTask(self), + ] + + def _set_messages(self) -> None: + self._set_config_msgs() + self._set_gateway_msgs() + + def _set_config_msgs(self) -> None: + self._set_vehicle_config_msg() + self._set_thrusters_config_msg() + self._set_rw_config_msg() + + def _set_vehicle_config_msg(self) -> None: + """Set the vehicle configuration message.""" + # Use the same inertia in the FSW algorithm as in the simulation + vehicleConfigOut = messaging.VehicleConfigMsgPayload() + vehicleConfigOut.ISCPntB_B = self.dynamics.I_mat + self.vcConfigMsg = messaging.VehicleConfigMsg().write(vehicleConfigOut) + + def _set_thrusters_config_msg(self) -> None: + """Import the thrusters configuration information.""" + self.thrusterConfigMsg = self.dynamics.thrFactory.getConfigMessage() + + def _set_rw_config_msg(self) -> None: + """Configure RW pyramid exactly as it is in dynamics.""" + self.fswRwConfigMsg = self.dynamics.rwFactory.getConfigMessage() + + def _set_gateway_msgs(self) -> None: + """Create C-wrapped gateway messages.""" + self.attRefMsg = cMsgPy.AttRefMsg_C() + self.attGuidMsg = cMsgPy.AttGuidMsg_C() + + self._zero_gateway_msgs() + + # connect gateway FSW effector command msgs with the dynamics + self.dynamics.rwStateEffector.rwMotorCmdInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.rwMotorTorque.rwMotorTorqueOutMsg + ) + self.dynamics.thrusterSet.cmdsInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.thrDump.thrusterOnTimeOutMsg + ) + + def _zero_gateway_msgs(self) -> None: + """Zero all the FSW gateway message payloads.""" + self.attRefMsg.write(messaging.AttRefMsgPayload()) + self.attGuidMsg.write(messaging.AttGuidMsgPayload()) + + @action + def action_drift(self) -> None: + """Disable all tasks.""" + self.simulator.disableTask( + BasicFSWModel.MRPControlTask.name + self.satellite.id + ) + +
+[docs] + class SunPointTask(Task): + """Task to generate sun-pointing reference.""" + + name = "sunPointTask" + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, fsw, priority=99) -> None: # noqa: D107 + super().__init__(fsw, priority)
+ + + def _create_module_data(self) -> None: + self.sunPoint = self.fsw.sunPoint = locationPointing.locationPointing() + self.sunPoint.ModelTag = "sunPoint" + + def _init_objects(self, nHat_B: Iterable[float], **kwargs) -> None: + """Configure the sun-pointing task. + + Args: + nHat_B: Solar array normal vector + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.sunPoint.pHat_B = nHat_B + self.sunPoint.scAttInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.fsw.dynamics.simpleNavObject.attOutMsg + ) + self.sunPoint.scTransInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.fsw.dynamics.simpleNavObject.transOutMsg + ) + self.sunPoint.celBodyInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.fsw.environment.ephemConverter.ephemOutMsgs[ + self.fsw.environment.sun_index + ] + ) + self.sunPoint.useBoresightRateDamping = 1 + cMsgPy.AttGuidMsg_C_addAuthor( + self.sunPoint.attGuidOutMsg, self.fsw.attGuidMsg + ) + + self._add_model_to_task(self.sunPoint, priority=1200)
+ + + @action + def action_charge(self) -> None: + """Charge battery using solar panels.""" + self.sunPoint.Reset(self.simulator.sim_time_ns) + self.simulator.enableTask(self.SunPointTask.name + self.satellite.id) + +
+[docs] + class NadirPointTask(Task): + """Task to generate nadir-pointing reference.""" + + name = "nadirPointTask" + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, fsw, priority=98) -> None: # noqa: D107 + super().__init__(fsw, priority)
+ + + def _create_module_data(self) -> None: + self.hillPoint = self.fsw.hillPoint = hillPoint.hillPoint() + self.hillPoint.ModelTag = "hillPoint" + + def _init_objects(self, **kwargs) -> None: + """Configure the nadir-pointing task.""" + self.hillPoint.transNavInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.fsw.dynamics.simpleNavObject.transOutMsg + ) + self.hillPoint.celBodyInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.fsw.environment.ephemConverter.ephemOutMsgs[ + self.fsw.environment.body_index + ] + ) + cMsgPy.AttRefMsg_C_addAuthor( + self.hillPoint.attRefOutMsg, self.fsw.attRefMsg + ) + + self._add_model_to_task(self.hillPoint, priority=1199)
+ + +
+[docs] + class RWDesatTask(Task): + """Task to desaturate reaction wheels.""" + + name = "rwDesatTask" + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, fsw, priority=97) -> None: # noqa: D107 + super().__init__(fsw, priority)
+ + + def _create_module_data(self) -> None: + """Set up momentum dumping and thruster control.""" + # Momentum dumping configuration + self.thrDesatControl = ( + self.fsw.thrDesatControl + ) = thrMomentumManagement.thrMomentumManagement() + self.thrDesatControl.ModelTag = "thrMomentumManagement" + + self.thrDump = self.fsw.thrDump = thrMomentumDumping.thrMomentumDumping() + self.thrDump.ModelTag = "thrDump" + + # Thruster force mapping configuration + self.thrForceMapping = ( + self.fsw.thrForceMapping + ) = thrForceMapping.thrForceMapping() + self.thrForceMapping.ModelTag = "thrForceMapping" + + def _init_objects(self, **kwargs) -> None: + self._set_thruster_mapping(**kwargs) + self._set_momentum_dumping(**kwargs) + + @default_args(controlAxes_B=[1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], thrForceSign=+1) + def _set_thruster_mapping( + self, controlAxes_B: Iterable[float], thrForceSign: int, **kwargs + ) -> None: + """Configure the thruster mapping. + + Args: + controlAxes_B: Control unit axes + thrForceSign: Flag indicating if pos (+1) or negative (-1) thruster + solutions are found + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.thrForceMapping.cmdTorqueInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.thrDesatControl.deltaHOutMsg + ) + self.thrForceMapping.thrConfigInMsg.subscribeTo(self.fsw.thrusterConfigMsg) + self.thrForceMapping.vehConfigInMsg.subscribeTo(self.fsw.vcConfigMsg) + self.thrForceMapping.controlAxes_B = controlAxes_B + self.thrForceMapping.thrForceSign = thrForceSign + self.thrForceMapping.angErrThresh = 3.15 + + self._add_model_to_task(self.thrForceMapping, priority=1192) + + @default_args( + hs_min=0.0, + maxCounterValue=4, + thrMinFireTime=0.02, + desatAttitude="sun", + ) + def _set_momentum_dumping( + self, + hs_min: float, + maxCounterValue: int, + thrMinFireTime: float, + desatAttitude: Optional[str], + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Configure the momentum dumping algorithm. + + Args: + hs_min: minimum RW cluster momentum for dumping [N*m*s] + maxCounterValue: Control periods between firing thrusters + thrMinFireTime: Minimum thruster firing time [s] + desatAttitude: Direction to point while desaturating: "sun" points + panels at sun, "nadir" points instrument nadir, None disables + attitude control + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.fsw.desatAttitude = desatAttitude + self.thrDesatControl.hs_min = hs_min # Nms + self.thrDesatControl.rwSpeedsInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.fsw.dynamics.rwStateEffector.rwSpeedOutMsg + ) + self.thrDesatControl.rwConfigDataInMsg.subscribeTo(self.fsw.fswRwConfigMsg) + + self.thrDump.deltaHInMsg.subscribeTo(self.thrDesatControl.deltaHOutMsg) + self.thrDump.thrusterImpulseInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.thrForceMapping.thrForceCmdOutMsg + ) + self.thrDump.thrusterConfInMsg.subscribeTo(self.fsw.thrusterConfigMsg) + self.thrDump.maxCounterValue = maxCounterValue + self.thrDump.thrMinFireTime = thrMinFireTime + + self._add_model_to_task(self.thrDesatControl, priority=1193) + self._add_model_to_task(self.thrDump, priority=1191) + +
+[docs] + def reset_for_action(self) -> None: + """Disable power draw for thrusters.""" + super().reset_for_action() + self.fsw.dynamics.thrusterPowerSink.powerStatus = 0
+ + + @action + def action_desat(self) -> None: + """Charge while desaturating reaction wheels.""" + self.trackingError.Reset(self.simulator.sim_time_ns) + self.thrDesatControl.Reset(self.simulator.sim_time_ns) + self.thrDump.Reset(self.simulator.sim_time_ns) + self.dynamics.thrusterPowerSink.powerStatus = 1 + self.simulator.enableTask(self.RWDesatTask.name + self.satellite.id) + if self.desatAttitude == "sun": + self.sunPoint.Reset(self.simulator.sim_time_ns) + self.simulator.enableTask(self.SunPointTask.name + self.satellite.id) + elif self.desatAttitude == "nadir": + self.hillPoint.Reset(self.simulator.sim_time_ns) + self.simulator.enableTask( + BasicFSWModel.NadirPointTask.name + self.satellite.id + ) + elif self.desatAttitude is None: + pass + else: + raise ValueError(f"{self.desatAttitude} not a valid desatAttitude") + self.simulator.enableTask(self.TrackingErrorTask.name + self.satellite.id) + +
+[docs] + class TrackingErrorTask(Task): + """Task to convert an attitude reference to guidance.""" + + name = "trackingErrTask" + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, fsw, priority=90) -> None: # noqa: D107 + super().__init__(fsw, priority)
+ + + def _create_module_data(self) -> None: + self.trackingError = ( + self.fsw.trackingError + ) = attTrackingError.attTrackingError() + self.trackingError.ModelTag = "trackingError" + + def _init_objects(self, **kwargs) -> None: + self.trackingError.attNavInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.fsw.dynamics.simpleNavObject.attOutMsg + ) + self.trackingError.attRefInMsg.subscribeTo(self.fsw.attRefMsg) + cMsgPy.AttGuidMsg_C_addAuthor( + self.trackingError.attGuidOutMsg, self.fsw.attGuidMsg + ) + + self._add_model_to_task(self.trackingError, priority=1197)
+ + +
+[docs] + class MRPControlTask(Task): + """Task to control the satellite with reaction wheels.""" + + name = "mrpControlTask" + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, fsw, priority=80) -> None: # noqa: D107 + super().__init__(fsw, priority)
+ + + def _create_module_data(self) -> None: + # Attitude controller configuration + self.mrpFeedbackControl = ( + self.fsw.mrpFeedbackControl + ) = mrpFeedback.mrpFeedback() + self.mrpFeedbackControl.ModelTag = "mrpFeedbackControl" + + # add module that maps the Lr control torque into the RW motor torques + self.rwMotorTorque = self.fsw.rwMotorTorque = rwMotorTorque.rwMotorTorque() + self.rwMotorTorque.ModelTag = "rwMotorTorque" + + def _init_objects(self, **kwargs) -> None: + self._set_mrp_feedback_rwa(**kwargs) + self._set_rw_motor_torque(**kwargs) + + @default_args(K=7.0, Ki=-1, P=35.0) + def _set_mrp_feedback_rwa( + self, K: float, Ki: float, P: float, **kwargs + ) -> None: + """Set the MRP feedback control properties. + + Args: + K: Proportional gain + Ki: Integral gain + P: Derivative gain + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.mrpFeedbackControl.guidInMsg.subscribeTo(self.fsw.attGuidMsg) + self.mrpFeedbackControl.vehConfigInMsg.subscribeTo(self.fsw.vcConfigMsg) + self.mrpFeedbackControl.K = K + self.mrpFeedbackControl.Ki = Ki + self.mrpFeedbackControl.P = P + self.mrpFeedbackControl.integralLimit = ( + 2.0 / self.mrpFeedbackControl.Ki * 0.1 + ) + + self._add_model_to_task(self.mrpFeedbackControl, priority=1196) + + def _set_rw_motor_torque( + self, controlAxes_B: Iterable[float], **kwargs + ) -> None: + """Set parameters for finding motor torque from the control law. + + Args: + controlAxes_B: Control unit axes + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.rwMotorTorque.rwParamsInMsg.subscribeTo(self.fsw.fswRwConfigMsg) + self.rwMotorTorque.vehControlInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.mrpFeedbackControl.cmdTorqueOutMsg + ) + self.rwMotorTorque.controlAxes_B = controlAxes_B + + self._add_model_to_task(self.rwMotorTorque, priority=1195) + +
+[docs] + def reset_for_action(self) -> None: + """MRP control enabled by default for all tasks.""" + self.fsw.simulator.enableTask(self.name + self.fsw.satellite.id)
+ + + +
+[docs] +class ImagingFSWModel(BasicFSWModel): + """Extend FSW with instrument pointing and triggering control.""" + + @classmethod + @property + def _requires_dyn(cls) -> list[type["DynamicsModel"]]: + return super()._requires_dyn + [dynamics.ImagingDynModel] + + @property + def c_hat_P(self): + """Instrument pointing direction in the planet frame.""" + c_hat_B = self.locPoint.pHat_B + return np.matmul(self.dynamics.BP.T, c_hat_B) + + def _make_task_list(self) -> list[Task]: + return super()._make_task_list() + [self.LocPointTask(self)] + + def _set_gateway_msgs(self) -> None: + super()._set_gateway_msgs() + self.dynamics.instrument.nodeStatusInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.insControl.deviceCmdOutMsg + ) + +
+[docs] + class LocPointTask(Task): + """Task to point at targets and trigger the instrument.""" + + name = "locPointTask" + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, fsw, priority=96) -> None: # noqa: D107 + super().__init__(fsw, priority)
+ + + def _create_module_data(self) -> None: + # Location pointing configuration + self.locPoint = self.fsw.locPoint = locationPointing.locationPointing() + self.locPoint.ModelTag = "locPoint" + + # SimpleInstrumentController configuration + self.insControl = ( + self.fsw.insControl + ) = simpleInstrumentController.simpleInstrumentController() + self.insControl.ModelTag = "instrumentController" + + def _init_objects(self, **kwargs) -> None: + self._set_location_pointing(**kwargs) + self._set_instrument_controller(**kwargs) + + @default_args(inst_pHat_B=[0, 0, 1]) + def _set_location_pointing( + self, inst_pHat_B: Iterable[float], **kwargs + ) -> None: + """Set the Earth location pointing guidance module. + + Args: + inst_pHat_B: Instrument pointing direction + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.locPoint.pHat_B = inst_pHat_B + self.locPoint.scAttInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.fsw.dynamics.simpleNavObject.attOutMsg + ) + self.locPoint.scTransInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.fsw.dynamics.simpleNavObject.transOutMsg + ) + self.locPoint.locationInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.fsw.dynamics.imagingTarget.currentGroundStateOutMsg + ) + self.locPoint.useBoresightRateDamping = 1 + cMsgPy.AttGuidMsg_C_addAuthor( + self.locPoint.attGuidOutMsg, self.fsw.attGuidMsg + ) + + self._add_model_to_task(self.locPoint, priority=1198) + + @default_args(imageAttErrorRequirement=0.01, imageRateErrorRequirement=None) + def _set_instrument_controller( + self, + imageAttErrorRequirement: float, + imageRateErrorRequirement: float, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Set the instrument controller parameters. + + Args: + imageAttErrorRequirement: Pointing attitude error tolerance for imaging + [MRP norm] + imageRateErrorRequirement: Rate tolerance for imaging. Disable with + None. [rad/s] + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.insControl.attErrTolerance = imageAttErrorRequirement + if imageRateErrorRequirement is not None: + self.insControl.useRateTolerance = 1 + self.insControl.rateErrTolerance = imageRateErrorRequirement + self.insControl.attGuidInMsg.subscribeTo(self.fsw.attGuidMsg) + self.insControl.locationAccessInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.fsw.dynamics.imagingTarget.accessOutMsgs[-1] + ) + + self._add_model_to_task(self.insControl, priority=987) + +
+[docs] + def reset_for_action(self) -> None: + """Reset pointing controller.""" + self.fsw.dynamics.imagingTarget.Reset(self.fsw.simulator.sim_time_ns) + self.locPoint.Reset(self.fsw.simulator.sim_time_ns) + self.insControl.controllerStatus = 0 + return super().reset_for_action()
+ + + @action + def action_image(self, location: Iterable[float], data_name: str) -> None: + """Attempt to image a target at a location. + + Args: + location: PCPF target location [m] + data_name: Data buffer to store image data to + """ + self.insControl.controllerStatus = 1 + self.dynamics.instrumentPowerSink.powerStatus = 1 + self.dynamics.imagingTarget.r_LP_P_Init = location + self.dynamics.instrument.nodeDataName = data_name + self.insControl.imaged = 0 + self.simulator.enableTask(self.LocPointTask.name + self.satellite.id) + + @action + def action_downlink(self) -> None: + """Attempt to downlink data.""" + self.hillPoint.Reset(self.simulator.sim_time_ns) + self.trackingError.Reset(self.simulator.sim_time_ns) + self.dynamics.transmitter.dataStatus = 1 + self.dynamics.transmitterPowerSink.powerStatus = 1 + self.simulator.enableTask(BasicFSWModel.NadirPointTask.name + self.satellite.id) + self.simulator.enableTask( + BasicFSWModel.TrackingErrorTask.name + self.satellite.id + )
+ + + +
+[docs] +class ContinuousImagingFSWModel(ImagingFSWModel): + """FSW model for continuous nadir scanning.""" + +
+[docs] + class LocPointTask(ImagingFSWModel.LocPointTask): + """Task to point at targets and trigger the instrument.""" + + def _create_module_data(self) -> None: + # Location pointing configuration + self.locPoint = self.fsw.locPoint = locationPointing.locationPointing() + self.locPoint.ModelTag = "locPoint" + + # scanningInstrumentController configuration + self.insControl = ( + self.fsw.insControl + ) = scanningInstrumentController.scanningInstrumentController() + self.insControl.ModelTag = "instrumentController" + + @default_args(imageAttErrorRequirement=0.01, imageRateErrorRequirement=None) + def _set_instrument_controller( + self, + imageAttErrorRequirement: float, + imageRateErrorRequirement: float, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Set the instrument controller parameters. + + Args: + imageAttErrorRequirement: Pointing attitude error tolerance for imaging + [MRP norm] + imageRateErrorRequirement: Rate tolerance for imaging. Disable with + None. [rad/s] + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.insControl.attErrTolerance = imageAttErrorRequirement + if imageRateErrorRequirement is not None: + self.insControl.useRateTolerance = 1 + self.insControl.rateErrTolerance = imageRateErrorRequirement + self.insControl.attGuidInMsg.subscribeTo(self.fsw.attGuidMsg) + self.insControl.accessInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.fsw.dynamics.imagingTarget.accessOutMsgs[-1] + ) + + self._add_model_to_task(self.insControl, priority=987) + +
+[docs] + def reset_for_action(self) -> None: + """Reset scanning controller.""" + self.instMsg = cMsgPy.DeviceCmdMsg_C() + self.instMsg.write(messaging.DeviceCmdMsgPayload()) + self.fsw.dynamics.instrument.nodeStatusInMsg.subscribeTo(self.instMsg) + return super().reset_for_action()
+ + + @action + def action_nadir_scan(self) -> None: + """Scan nadir. + + Args: + location: PCPF target location [m] + data_name: Data buffer to store image data to + """ + self.dynamics.instrument.nodeStatusInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.insControl.deviceCmdOutMsg + ) + self.insControl.controllerStatus = 1 + self.dynamics.instrumentPowerSink.powerStatus = 1 + self.dynamics.imagingTarget.r_LP_P_Init = np.array([0, 0, 0.1]) + self.dynamics.instrument.nodeDataName = "nadir" + self.simulator.enableTask(self.LocPointTask.name + self.satellite.id) + + @action + def action_image(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: + """Disable imaging from parent class.""" + raise NotImplementedError("Use action_nadir_scan instead")
+ + + +
+[docs] +class SteeringFSWModel(BasicFSWModel): + """FSW extending MRP control to use MRP steering instead of MRP feedback.""" + +
+[docs] + class MRPControlTask(Task): + """Task that uses MRP steering to control reaction wheels.""" + + name = "mrpControlTask" + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, fsw, priority=80) -> None: # noqa: D107 + super().__init__(fsw, priority)
+ + + def _create_module_data(self) -> None: + # Attitude controller configuration + self.mrpSteeringControl = ( + self.fsw.mrpSteeringControl + ) = mrpSteering.mrpSteering() + self.mrpSteeringControl.ModelTag = "mrpSteeringControl" + + # Rate servo + self.servo = ( + self.fsw.servo + ) = rateServoFullNonlinear.rateServoFullNonlinear() + self.servo.ModelTag = "rateServo" + + # add module that maps the Lr control torque into the RW motor torques + self.rwMotorTorque = self.fsw.rwMotorTorque = rwMotorTorque.rwMotorTorque() + self.rwMotorTorque.ModelTag = "rwMotorTorque" + + def _init_objects(self, **kwargs) -> None: + self._set_mrp_steering_rwa(**kwargs) + self._set_rw_motor_torque(**kwargs) + + @default_args(K1=0.25, K3=3.0, omega_max=3 * mc.D2R, servo_Ki=5.0, servo_P=150) + def _set_mrp_steering_rwa( + self, + K1: float, + K3: float, + omega_max: float, + servo_Ki: float, + servo_P: float, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """Define the control properties. + + Args: + K1: MRP steering gain + K3: MRP steering gain + omega_max: Maximum targetable spacecraft body rate [rad/s] + servo_Ki: Servo gain + servo_P: Servo gain + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.mrpSteeringControl.guidInMsg.subscribeTo(self.fsw.attGuidMsg) + self.mrpSteeringControl.K1 = K1 + self.mrpSteeringControl.K3 = K3 + self.mrpSteeringControl.omega_max = omega_max + self.mrpSteeringControl.ignoreOuterLoopFeedforward = False + + self.servo.Ki = servo_Ki + self.servo.P = servo_P + self.servo.integralLimit = 2.0 / self.servo.Ki * 0.1 + self.servo.knownTorquePntB_B = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] + self.servo.guidInMsg.subscribeTo(self.fsw.attGuidMsg) + self.servo.vehConfigInMsg.subscribeTo(self.fsw.vcConfigMsg) + self.servo.rwParamsInMsg.subscribeTo(self.fsw.fswRwConfigMsg) + self.servo.rwSpeedsInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.fsw.dynamics.rwStateEffector.rwSpeedOutMsg + ) + self.servo.rateSteeringInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.mrpSteeringControl.rateCmdOutMsg + ) + + self._add_model_to_task(self.mrpSteeringControl, priority=1196) + self._add_model_to_task(self.servo, priority=1195) + + def _set_rw_motor_torque( + self, controlAxes_B: Iterable[float], **kwargs + ) -> None: + """Define the motor torque from the control law. + + Args: + controlAxes_B: Control unit axes + kwargs: Ignored + """ + self.rwMotorTorque.rwParamsInMsg.subscribeTo(self.fsw.fswRwConfigMsg) + self.rwMotorTorque.vehControlInMsg.subscribeTo(self.servo.cmdTorqueOutMsg) + self.rwMotorTorque.controlAxes_B = controlAxes_B + + self._add_model_to_task(self.rwMotorTorque, priority=1194) + +
+[docs] + def reset_for_action(self) -> None: + """Keep MRP control enabled on action calls.""" + self.fsw.simulator.enableTask(self.name + self.fsw.satellite.id)
+ + + +
+[docs] +class SteeringImagerFSWModel(SteeringFSWModel, ImagingFSWModel): + """Convenience type for ImagingFSWModel with MRP steering.""" + + pass
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/functional.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/functional.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6dc7605c --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/functional.html @@ -0,0 +1,310 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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Source code for bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional

+"""General utility functions."""
+import inspect
+import re
+import warnings
+from copy import deepcopy
+from typing import Any, Callable
+import numpy as np
+[docs] +def valid_func_name(name: str) -> str: + """Convert a string into a valid function name. + + Args: + name: desired function name + + Returns: + sanitized function name + """ + # Remove all characters except for letters, digits, and underscores + name = re.sub(r"\W+", "_", name) + # If the name starts with a digit, add an underscore to the beginning + if name[0].isdigit(): + name = "_" + name + return name
+ + + +
+[docs] +def safe_dict_merge(updates: dict, base: dict) -> dict: + """Merge a dict with another dict, warning for conflicts. + + Args: + updates: dictionary to be added to base + base: base dictionary to be modified + + Returns: + dict: updated base + """ + # Updates base with a copy of elements in updates + for k, v in updates.items(): + if k in base and base[k] != v: + warnings.warn(f"Conflicting values for {k}: overwriting {base[k]} with {v}") + base.update(deepcopy(updates)) + return base
+ + + +
+[docs] +def default_args(**defaults) -> Callable: + """Decorate function to enumerate default arguments for collection.""" + + def inner_dec(func) -> Callable: + def inner(*args, **kwargs) -> Callable: + return func(*args, **kwargs) + + inner.defaults = dict(**defaults) + return inner + + return inner_dec
+ + + +
+[docs] +def collect_default_args(object: object) -> dict[str, Any]: + """Collect all function @default_args in an object. + + Args: + object: object with @default_args decorated functions + + Returns: + dict: dict of keyword-value pairs of default arguments + """ + defaults = {} + for name in dir(object): + if ( + callable(getattr(object, name)) + and not name.startswith("__") + and hasattr(getattr(object, name), "defaults") + ): + safe_dict_merge(getattr(object, name).defaults, defaults) + return defaults
+ + + +
+[docs] +def vectorize_nested_dict(dictionary: dict) -> np.ndarray: + """Flattens a dictionary of dicts, arrays, and scalars into a single vector.""" + values = list(dictionary.values()) + for i, value in enumerate(values): + if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): + values[i] = value.flatten() + elif isinstance(value, (float, int)): + values[i] = [value] + elif isinstance(value, dict): + values[i] = vectorize_nested_dict(value) + + return np.concatenate(values)
+ + + +
+[docs] +def aliveness_checker(func: Callable[..., bool]) -> Callable[..., bool]: + """Decorate function to evaluate when checking for satellite aliveness.""" + + def inner(*args, log_failure=False, **kwargs) -> bool: + self = args[0] + alive = func(*args, **kwargs) + if not alive and log_failure: + self.satellite.log_info(f"failed {func.__name__} check") + return alive + + inner.is_aliveness_checker = True + return inner
+ + + +
+[docs] +def check_aliveness_checkers(model: Any, log_failure=False) -> bool: + """Evaluate all functions with @aliveness_checker in a model. + + Args: + model: Model to search for checkers in + log_failure: Whether to log on checker failure + + Returns: + bool: Model aliveness status + """ + is_alive = True + for name in dir(model): + if ( + not name.startswith("__") + and not is_property(model, name) + and callable(getattr(model, name)) + and hasattr(getattr(model, name), "is_aliveness_checker") + ): + is_alive = is_alive and getattr(model, name)(log_failure=log_failure) + return is_alive
+ + + +
+[docs] +def is_property(obj: Any, attr_name: str) -> bool: + """Check if obj has an @property attr_name without calling it.""" + cls = type(obj) + attribute = getattr(cls, attr_name, None) + return attribute is not None and isinstance(attribute, property)
+ + + +
+[docs] +def configurable(cls): + """Class decorator to create class with different init defaults.""" + + @classmethod + def configure(cls, **config_kwargs): + class Configurable(cls): + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + init_kwargs = deepcopy(config_kwargs) + for key in init_kwargs.keys(): + if not ( + key in inspect.getfullargspec(super().__init__).args + or key in inspect.getfullargspec(super().__init__).kwonlyargs + ): + raise KeyError( + f"{key} not a keyword argument for {cls.__name__}" + ) + for k, v in kwargs.items(): + init_kwargs[k] = v + super().__init__(*args, **init_kwargs) + + configcls = Configurable + return configcls + + cls.configure = configure + return cls
+ + + +
+[docs] +def bind(instance, func, as_name=None): + """Bind the function *func* to *instance*. + + Uses either provided name *as_name* or the existing name of *func*. The provided + *func* should accept the instance as the first argument, i.e. "self". + """ + if as_name is None: + as_name = func.__name__ + bound_method = func.__get__(instance, instance.__class__) + setattr(instance, as_name, bound_method) + return bound_method
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/logging_config.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/logging_config.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b9c4910d --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/logging_config.html @@ -0,0 +1,284 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.logging_config — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.logging_config

+# ruff: noqa
+import logging
+fstr = "\x1b[30;3m%(asctime)s\x1b[0m %(shortname)-30s %(levelname)-10s <%(sim_time)-.2f> %(message)s"
+colors = dict(
+    GRAY=90,
+    RED=91,
+    GREEN=92,
+    YELLOW=93,
+    BLUE=94,
+    MAGENTA=95,
+    CYAN=96,
+    WHITE=97,
+    DARK_GRAY=30,
+    DARK_RED=31,
+    DARK_GREEN=32,
+    DARK_YELLOW=33,
+    DARK_BLUE=34,
+    DARK_CYAN=36,
+    DARK_WHITE=37,
+def style_string(
+    string,
+    no_format=False,
+    style_spec=None,
+    color=None,
+    background_color=None,
+    bold=False,
+    emph=False,
+    underline=False,
+    if no_format:
+        return string
+    if style_spec is None:
+        style_spec = []
+    if color is not None:
+        style_spec.append(colors[color.upper()])
+    if background_color is not None:
+        style_spec.append(colors[background_color.upper()] + 10)
+    if bold:
+        style_spec.append(1)
+    if emph:
+        style_spec.append(3)
+    if underline:
+        style_spec.append(4)
+    return (
+        "\x1b["
+        + ";".join([str(style) for style in style_spec])
+        + "m"
+        + string
+        + "\x1b[0m"
+    )
+level_color = {
+    "DEBUG": None,
+    "INFO": None,
+    "ERROR": "RED",
+    "CRITICAL": "RED",
+sat_color_cycle = [
+    "DARK_CYAN",
+    "GREEN",
+    "DARK_BLUE",
+    "MAGENTA",
+    "CYAN",
+    "DARK_GREEN",
+    "BLUE",
+[docs] +class SimFormatter(logging.Formatter): +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, *args, color_output=True, **kwargs): + super().__init__( + *args, + **kwargs, + ) + self.color_output = color_output + self.satellite_colors = {}
+ + + def set_format(self, fmt, defaults=None, style="%"): + self._style = logging._STYLES[style][0](fmt, defaults=defaults) + self._fmt = self._style._fmt + +
+[docs] + def format(self, record): + no_format = not self.color_output + fstr = "" + fstr += style_string( + "%(asctime)s ", color="GRAY", emph=True, no_format=no_format + ) + + sat_name = None + sat_color = None + try: + if record.name.split(".")[4] == "satellites": + sat_name = record.name.split(".")[5] + if sat_name not in self.satellite_colors: + self.satellite_colors[sat_name] = len(self.satellite_colors) % len( + sat_color_cycle + ) + sat_color = sat_color_cycle[self.satellite_colors[sat_name]] + except IndexError: + pass + + record.shortname = ".".join(record.name.split(".")[3:]) + fstr += style_string("%(shortname)-30s ", color=sat_color, no_format=no_format) + fstr += style_string( + "%(levelname)-10s ", + color=level_color[record.levelname], + bold=record.levelname == "CRITICAL", + no_format=no_format, + ) + if hasattr(record, "sim_time"): + fstr += style_string( + "<%(sim_time)-.2f> ", color="DARK_YELLOW", no_format=no_format + ) + if sat_name is not None: + fstr += style_string( + f"{sat_name}: ", + color=sat_color, + no_format=no_format, + ) + if record.msg.startswith("=== "): + fstr += style_string( + "%(message)s", + bold=True, + color="YELLOW", + no_format=no_format, + ) + else: + fstr += style_string( + "%(message)s", + color=level_color[record.levelname], + bold=record.levelname == "CRITICAL", + no_format=no_format, + ) + + self.set_format(fstr) + return super().format(record)
+ + + +
+[docs] +class ContextFilter(logging.Filter): +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, name: str = "", env=None, proc_id=None) -> None: + super().__init__(name) + self.env = env + self.proc_id = proc_id
+ + +
+[docs] + def filter(self, record): + try: + record.sim_time = self.env.simulator.sim_time + except AttributeError: + pass + return self.proc_id == record.process
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/orbital.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/orbital.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..68adfd42 --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/orbital.html @@ -0,0 +1,440 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.orbital — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.orbital

+"""Utilities for computing orbital events."""
+from typing import Iterable, Optional
+import numpy as np
+from Basilisk import __path__
+from Basilisk.simulation import eclipse, spacecraft
+from Basilisk.utilities import SimulationBaseClass, macros, simIncludeGravBody
+from Basilisk.utilities.orbitalMotion import ClassicElements, elem2rv
+from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
+bskPath = __path__[0]
+[docs] +def random_orbit( + i: Optional[float] = 45.0, + alt: float = 500, + r_body: float = 6371, + e: float = 0, + Omega: Optional[float] = None, + omega: Optional[float] = 0, + f: Optional[float] = None, +) -> ClassicElements: + """Create a set of orbit elements. + + Parameters are fixed if specified and randomized if None. + + Args: + i: inclination [deg], randomized in [-pi, pi] + alt: altitude above r_body [km] + r_body: body radius [km] + e: eccentricity + Omega: LAN [deg], randomized in [0, 2pi] + omega: Argument of periapsis [deg], randomized in [0, 2pi] + f: true anomaly [deg], randomized in [0, 2pi] + + Returns: + ClassicElements: orbital elements + """ + oe = ClassicElements() + oe.a = (r_body + alt) * 1e3 + oe.e = e + oe.i = np.radians(i) if i is not None else np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi) + oe.Omega = ( + np.radians(Omega) if Omega is not None else np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi) + ) + oe.omega = ( + np.radians(omega) if omega is not None else np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi) + ) + oe.f = np.radians(f) if f is not None else np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi) + return oe
+ + + +
+[docs] +def random_epoch(start: int = 2000, end: int = 2022): + """Generate a random epoch in a year range. + + Date will always be in the first 28 days of the month. + + Args: + start: Initial year. + end: Final year. + + Returns: + Epoch in ``YYYY MMM DD HH:MM:SS.SSS (UTC)`` format + """ + year = np.random.randint(start, end) + month = np.random.choice( + [ + "JAN", + "FEB", + "MAR", + "APR", + "MAY", + "JUN", + "JUL", + "AUG", + "SEP", + "OCT", + "NOV", + "DEC", + ] + ) + day = np.random.randint(1, 28) # Assume 28 days for simplicity + hours = np.random.randint(0, 23) + minutes = np.random.randint(0, 59) + seconds = np.random.randint(0, 59) + milliseconds = np.random.randint(0, 999) + + # Combine the parts to form the datetime string + epoch = ( + f"{year} {month} {day:02d} " + + f"{hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}.{milliseconds:03d} (UTC)" + ) + + return epoch
+ + + +
+[docs] +def elevation(r_sat: np.ndarray, r_target: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: + """Find the elevation angle from a target to a satellite. + + Args: + r_sat: Satellite position(s) + r_target: Target position + + Returns: + Elevation angle(s) + """ + if r_sat.ndim == 2: + return np.pi / 2 - np.arccos( + np.sum(r_target * (r_sat - r_target), 1) + / (np.linalg.norm(r_target) * np.linalg.norm(r_sat - r_target, axis=1)) + ) + else: + return np.pi / 2 - np.arccos( + np.sum(r_target * (r_sat - r_target)) + / (np.linalg.norm(r_target) * np.linalg.norm(r_sat - r_target)) + )
+ + + +class TrajectorySimulator(SimulationBaseClass.SimBaseClass): + """Class for propagating trajectory using a point mass simulation.""" + + def __init__( + self, + utc_init: str, + rN: Optional[Iterable[float]] = None, + vN: Optional[Iterable[float]] = None, + oe: Optional[ClassicElements] = None, + mu: Optional[float] = None, + dt: float = 30.0, + ) -> None: + """Initialize simulator conditions. + + Simulated under the effect of Earth's gravity. Returns interpolators for + position as well as upcoming eclipse predictions. Specify either (rN, vN) or + (oe, mu). + + Args: + utc_init: Simulation start time. + rN: Initial position [m] + vN: Initial velocity [m/s] + oe: Orbital elements. + mu: Gravitational parameter + dt: Simulation timestep. + """ + super().__init__() + self.utc_init = utc_init + self.dt = dt + rv_specified = rN is not None and vN is not None + rv_specified_partial = rN is not None or vN is not None + oe_specified = oe is not None + + if rv_specified and not oe_specified: + self.rN_init = rN + self.vN_init = vN + elif oe_specified and not rv_specified_partial: + self.rN_init, self.vN_init = elem2rv(mu, oe) + else: + raise ( + ValueError( + "Orbit is over or underspecified. " + + "Provide either (rN, vN) or (oe, mu)" + ) + ) + + self._eclipse_starts: list[float] = [] + self._eclipse_ends: list[float] = [] + self._eclipse_search_time = 0.0 + + self._init_simulator() + + def _init_simulator(self) -> None: + simTaskName = "simTask" + simProcessName = "simProcess" + dynProcess = self.CreateNewProcess(simProcessName) + simulationTimeStep = macros.sec2nano(self.dt) + dynProcess.addTask(self.CreateNewTask(simTaskName, simulationTimeStep)) + scObject = spacecraft.Spacecraft() + scObject.ModelTag = "traj-sat" + self.AddModelToTask(simTaskName, scObject) + + scObject.hub.r_CN_NInit = self.rN_init # m + scObject.hub.v_CN_NInit = self.vN_init # m/s + + # Set up gravity body + self.gravFactory = simIncludeGravBody.gravBodyFactory() + planet = self.gravFactory.createEarth() + self.gravFactory.createSun() + planet.isCentralBody = True + planet.useSphericalHarmonicsGravityModel( + bskPath + "/supportData/LocalGravData/GGM03S.txt", 10 + ) + UTCInit = self.utc_init + self.gravFactory.createSpiceInterface( + bskPath + "/supportData/EphemerisData/", UTCInit + ) + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.zeroBase = "earth" + self.AddModelToTask(simTaskName, self.gravFactory.spiceObject) + scObject.gravField.gravBodies = spacecraft.GravBodyVector( + list(self.gravFactory.gravBodies.values()) + ) + + # Set up eclipse + self.eclipseObject = eclipse.Eclipse() + self.eclipseObject.addPlanetToModel( + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[0] + ) + self.eclipseObject.sunInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[1] + ) + self.AddModelToTask(simTaskName, self.eclipseObject, ModelPriority=988) + self.eclipseObject.addSpacecraftToModel(scObject.scStateOutMsg) + + # Log outputs + self.sc_state_log = scObject.scStateOutMsg.recorder() + self.planet_state_log = self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[ + 0 + ].recorder() + self.eclipse_log = self.eclipseObject.eclipseOutMsgs[0].recorder() + + self.AddModelToTask(simTaskName, self.sc_state_log) + self.AddModelToTask(simTaskName, self.planet_state_log) + self.AddModelToTask(simTaskName, self.eclipse_log) + + self.InitializeSimulation() + + @property + def sim_time(self) -> float: + """Current simulator end time.""" + return macros.NANO2SEC * self.TotalSim.CurrentNanos + + @property + def times(self) -> np.ndarray: + """Recorder times in seconds.""" + return np.array([macros.NANO2SEC * t for t in self.sc_state_log.times()]) + + def extend_to(self, t: float) -> None: + """Compute the trajectory of the satellite up to t. + + Args: + t: Computation end [s] + """ + if t < self.sim_time: + return + self.ConfigureStopTime(macros.sec2nano(t)) + self.ExecuteSimulation() + + def _generate_eclipses(self, t: float) -> None: + self.extend_to(t + self.dt) + upcoming_times = self.times[self.times > self._eclipse_search_time] + upcoming_eclipse = ( + self.eclipse_log.shadowFactor[self.times > self._eclipse_search_time] > 0 + ).astype(float) + for i in np.where(np.diff(upcoming_eclipse) == -1)[0]: + self._eclipse_starts.append(upcoming_times[i]) + for i in np.where(np.diff(upcoming_eclipse) == 1)[0]: + self._eclipse_ends.append(upcoming_times[i]) + + self._eclipse_search_time = t + + def next_eclipse(self, t: float, max_tries: int = 100) -> tuple[float, float]: + """Find the soonest eclipse transitions. + + The returned values are not necessarily from the same eclipse event, such as + when the search start time is in eclipse. + + Args: + t: Time to start searching [s] + max_tries: Maximum number of times to search + + Returns: + eclipse_start: Nearest upcoming eclipse beginning + eclipse_end: Nearest upcoming eclipse end + """ + for i in range(max_tries): + if any([t_start > t for t_start in self._eclipse_starts]) and any( + [t_end > t for t_end in self._eclipse_ends] + ): + eclipse_start = min( + [t_start for t_start in self._eclipse_starts if t_start > t] + ) + eclipse_end = min([t_end for t_end in self._eclipse_ends if t_end > t]) + return eclipse_start, eclipse_end + + self._generate_eclipses(t + i * self.dt * 10) + + return 1.0, 1.0 + + @property + def r_BN_N(self) -> interp1d: + """Interpolator for r_BN_N.""" + if self.sim_time < self.dt * 3: + self.extend_to(self.dt * 3) + return interp1d( + self.times, + self.sc_state_log.r_BN_N, + kind="cubic", + axis=0, + fill_value="extrapolate", + ) + + @property + def r_BP_P(self) -> interp1d: + """Interpolator for r_BP_P.""" + if self.sim_time < self.dt * 3: + self.extend_to(self.dt * 3) + return interp1d( + self.times, + [ + np.matmul(dcm, pos) + for dcm, pos in zip( + self.planet_state_log.J20002Pfix, self.sc_state_log.r_BN_N + ) + ], + kind="cubic", + axis=0, + fill_value="extrapolate", + ) + + def __del__(self) -> None: + """Unload spice kernels when object is deleted.""" + try: + self.gravFactory.unloadSpiceKernels() + except AttributeError: + pass +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/dynamics.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/dynamics.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c8cfe1b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/dynamics.html @@ -0,0 +1,620 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics

+from Basilisk.simulation import (
+    ReactionWheelPower,
+    facetDragDynamicEffector,
+    partitionedStorageUnit,
+    simpleBattery,
+    simpleInstrument,
+    simpleNav,
+    simplePowerSink,
+    simpleSolarPanel,
+    spacecraft,
+    spacecraftLocation,
+    spaceToGroundTransmitter,
+from Basilisk.utilities import macros as mc
+from Basilisk.utilities import unitTestSupport
+from bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives import actuator_primitives as ap
+[docs] +class DynamicModel: + """ + Defines the Dynamics class. + """ + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, SimBase, dynRate, spacecraftIndex, singleSat=False): + # Define class variables + self.spacecraftIndex = spacecraftIndex + self.dynRate = dynRate + + # Define process name, task name and task time-step + self.taskName = "DynamicsTask" + str(spacecraftIndex) + self.processTasksTimeStep = mc.sec2nano(self.dynRate) + + # Create task + SimBase.dynProc[spacecraftIndex].addTask( + SimBase.CreateNewTask(self.taskName, self.processTasksTimeStep) + ) + + # Initialize all modules and write init one-time messages + self.InitAllDynObjects(SimBase) + + # Assign initialized modules to tasks + SimBase.AddModelToTask(self.taskName, self.dragEffector, ModelPriority=999) + SimBase.AddModelToTask(self.taskName, self.simpleNavObject, ModelPriority=1400) + SimBase.AddModelToTask(self.taskName, self.rwStateEffector, ModelPriority=997) + SimBase.AddModelToTask(self.taskName, self.thrusterSet, ModelPriority=996) + SimBase.AddModelToTask(self.taskName, self.scObject, ModelPriority=2000) + SimBase.AddModelToTask(self.taskName, self.solarPanel, ModelPriority=898) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + self.taskName, self.instrumentPowerSink, ModelPriority=897 + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + self.taskName, self.transmitterPowerSink, ModelPriority=896 + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask(self.taskName, self.instrument, ModelPriority=895) + SimBase.AddModelToTask(self.taskName, self.powerMonitor, ModelPriority=799) + SimBase.AddModelToTask(self.taskName, self.transmitter, ModelPriority=798) + SimBase.AddModelToTask(self.taskName, self.storageUnit, ModelPriority=699) + for ind in range(self.rwFactory.getNumOfDevices()): + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + self.taskName, self.rwPowerList[ind], ModelPriority=(987 - ind) + ) + if not singleSat: + SimBase.AddModelToTask(self.taskName, self.losComms, ModelPriority=500)
+ + + # These are module-initialization methods + +
+[docs] + def SetSpacecraftHub(self, SimBase): + """ + Defines the spacecraft object properties. + """ + self.scObject = spacecraft.Spacecraft() + self.scObject.ModelTag = "sat-" + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + # Grab the mass for readability in inertia computation + mass = SimBase.initial_conditions[str(self.spacecraftIndex)].get("mass") + # Get the spacecraft geometric properties + self.width = SimBase.initial_conditions[str(self.spacecraftIndex)].get("width") + self.depth = SimBase.initial_conditions[str(self.spacecraftIndex)].get("depth") + self.height = SimBase.initial_conditions[str(self.spacecraftIndex)].get( + "height" + ) + + self.I_mat = [ + 1.0 / 12.0 * mass * (self.width**2.0 + self.depth**2.0), + 0.0, + 0.0, + 0.0, + 1.0 / 12.0 * mass * (self.depth**2.0 + self.height**2.0), + 0.0, + 0.0, + 0.0, + 1.0 / 12.0 * mass * (self.width**2.0 + self.height**2.0), + ] + + self.scObject.hub.mHub = mass # kg + self.scObject.hub.IHubPntBc_B = unitTestSupport.np2EigenMatrix3d(self.I_mat) + + # Set the initial attitude and position + self.scObject.hub.sigma_BNInit = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("sigma_init") + self.scObject.hub.omega_BN_BInit = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("omega_init") + self.scObject.hub.r_CN_NInit = unitTestSupport.np2EigenVectorXd( + SimBase.initial_conditions[str(self.spacecraftIndex)].get("rN") + ) + self.scObject.hub.v_CN_NInit = unitTestSupport.np2EigenVectorXd( + SimBase.initial_conditions[str(self.spacecraftIndex)].get("vN") + )
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetGravityBodies(self, SimBase): + """ + Specify what gravitational bodies to include in the simulation + """ + # Attach the gravity body + self.scObject.gravField.gravBodies = spacecraft.GravBodyVector( + list(SimBase.EnvModel.gravFactory.gravBodies.values()) + )
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetDisturbanceTorque(self, SimBase): + """ + Attach the disturbance torque to the spacecraft object + """ + self.scObject.addDynamicEffector( + SimBase.EnvModel.extForceTorqueObjectList[self.spacecraftIndex] + )
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetDensityModel(self, SimBase): + """ + Attaches the density model effector to the spacecraft + """ + SimBase.EnvModel.densityModel.addSpacecraftToModel(self.scObject.scStateOutMsg)
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetDragEffector(self, SimBase): + """ + Set the drag effector + """ + self.dragEffector = facetDragDynamicEffector.FacetDragDynamicEffector() + self.dragEffector.ModelTag = "FacetDrag" + # Set up the geometry of a small satellite, starting w/ bus + self.dragEffector.addFacet( + self.width * self.depth, 2.2, [1, 0, 0], [self.height / 2, 0.0, 0] + ) + self.dragEffector.addFacet( + self.width * self.depth, 2.2, [-1, 0, 0], [self.height / 2, 0.0, 0] + ) + self.dragEffector.addFacet( + self.height * self.width, 2.2, [0, 1, 0], [0, self.depth / 2, 0] + ) + self.dragEffector.addFacet( + self.height * self.width, 2.2, [0, -1, 0], [0, -self.depth / 2, 0] + ) + self.dragEffector.addFacet( + self.height * self.depth, 2.2, [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, self.width / 2] + ) + self.dragEffector.addFacet( + self.height * self.depth, 2.2, [0, 0, -1], [0, 0, -self.width / 2] + ) + # Add solar panels + self.dragEffector.addFacet( + SimBase.initial_conditions[str(self.spacecraftIndex)].get("panelArea") / 2, + 2.2, + [0, 1, 0], + [0, self.height, 0], + ) + self.dragEffector.addFacet( + SimBase.initial_conditions[str(self.spacecraftIndex)].get("panelArea") / 2, + 2.2, + [0, -1, 0], + [0, self.height, 0], + ) + self.dragEffector.atmoDensInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.EnvModel.densityModel.envOutMsgs[-1] + ) + self.scObject.addDynamicEffector(self.dragEffector)
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetGroundLocations(self, SimBase): + """ + Adds the spacecraft to the ground location modules. + """ + SimBase.EnvModel.boulderGroundStation.addSpacecraftToModel( + self.scObject.scStateOutMsg + ) + SimBase.EnvModel.merrittGroundStation.addSpacecraftToModel( + self.scObject.scStateOutMsg + ) + SimBase.EnvModel.singaporeGroundStation.addSpacecraftToModel( + self.scObject.scStateOutMsg + ) + SimBase.EnvModel.weilheimGroundStation.addSpacecraftToModel( + self.scObject.scStateOutMsg + ) + SimBase.EnvModel.santiagoGroundStation.addSpacecraftToModel( + self.scObject.scStateOutMsg + ) + SimBase.EnvModel.dongaraGroundStation.addSpacecraftToModel( + self.scObject.scStateOutMsg + ) + SimBase.EnvModel.hawaiiGroundStation.addSpacecraftToModel( + self.scObject.scStateOutMsg + ) + SimBase.EnvModel.imagingTargetList[self.spacecraftIndex].addSpacecraftToModel( + self.scObject.scStateOutMsg + )
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetEclipseObject(self, SimBase): + """ + Adds the spacecraft to the eclipse module. + """ + SimBase.EnvModel.eclipseObject.addSpacecraftToModel(self.scObject.scStateOutMsg)
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetSimpleNavObject(self): + """ + Defines the navigation module. + """ + self.simpleNavObject = simpleNav.SimpleNav() + self.simpleNavObject.ModelTag = "SimpleNav" + self.simpleNavObject.scStateInMsg.subscribeTo(self.scObject.scStateOutMsg)
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetReactionWheelDynEffector(self, SimBase): + """ + Defines the RW state effector. + """ + self.rwStateEffector, self.rwFactory, initWheelSpeeds = ap.balancedHR16Triad( + useRandom=False, + randomBounds=(-800, 800), + wheelSpeeds=SimBase.initial_conditions[str(self.spacecraftIndex)].get( + "wheelSpeeds" + ), + ) + self.rwFactory.addToSpacecraft( + "ReactionWheels", self.rwStateEffector, self.scObject + )
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetThrusterDynEffector(self): + """ + Defines the thruster state effector. + """ + self.thrusterSet, self.thrFactory = ap.idealMonarc1Octet() + thrModelTag = "ACSThrusterDynamics" + self.thrFactory.addToSpacecraft(thrModelTag, self.thrusterSet, self.scObject)
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetSolarPanel(self, SimBase): + """ + Sets the solar panel + """ + self.solarPanel = simpleSolarPanel.SimpleSolarPanel() + self.solarPanel.ModelTag = "solarPanel" + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + self.solarPanel.stateInMsg.subscribeTo(self.scObject.scStateOutMsg) + self.solarPanel.sunEclipseInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.EnvModel.eclipseObject.eclipseOutMsgs[self.spacecraftIndex] + ) + self.solarPanel.sunInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.EnvModel.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[ + SimBase.EnvModel.sun + ] + ) + self.solarPanel.setPanelParameters( + unitTestSupport.np2EigenVectorXd( + SimBase.initial_conditions[str(self.spacecraftIndex)].get("nHat_B") + ), + SimBase.initial_conditions[str(self.spacecraftIndex)].get("panelArea"), + SimBase.initial_conditions[str(self.spacecraftIndex)].get( + "panelEfficiency" + ), + )
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetInstrumentPowerSink(self, SimBase): + """ + Defines the instrument power sink parameters + """ + self.instrumentPowerSink = simplePowerSink.SimplePowerSink() + self.instrumentPowerSink.ModelTag = "insPowerSink" + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + self.instrumentPowerSink.nodePowerOut = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get( + "instrumentPowerDraw" + ) # Watts
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetTransmitterPowerSink(self, SimBase): + """ + Defines the trasmitter power sink parameters + """ + self.transmitterPowerSink = simplePowerSink.SimplePowerSink() + self.transmitterPowerSink.ModelTag = "transPowerSink" + str( + self.spacecraftIndex + ) + self.transmitterPowerSink.nodePowerOut = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get( + "transmitterPowerDraw" + ) # Watts
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetReactionWheelPower(self, SimBase): + """ + Defines the reaction wheel power draw + """ + self.rwPowerList = [] + for ind in range(self.rwFactory.getNumOfDevices()): + powerRW = ReactionWheelPower.ReactionWheelPower() + powerRW.ModelTag = "rwPower" + str(ind) + powerRW.basePowerNeed = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get( + "rwBasePower" + ) # baseline power draw, Watts + powerRW.rwStateInMsg.subscribeTo(self.rwStateEffector.rwOutMsgs[ind]) + powerRW.mechToElecEfficiency = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("rwMechToElecEfficiency") + powerRW.elecToMechEfficiency = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("rwElecToMechEfficiency") + self.rwPowerList.append(powerRW)
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetBattery(self, SimBase): + """ + Sets up the battery with all the power components + """ + self.powerMonitor = simpleBattery.SimpleBattery() + self.powerMonitor.ModelTag = "powerMonitor" + self.powerMonitor.storageCapacity = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("batteryStorageCapacity") + self.powerMonitor.storedCharge_Init = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("storedCharge_Init") + self.powerMonitor.addPowerNodeToModel(self.solarPanel.nodePowerOutMsg) + self.powerMonitor.addPowerNodeToModel(self.instrumentPowerSink.nodePowerOutMsg) + self.powerMonitor.addPowerNodeToModel(self.transmitterPowerSink.nodePowerOutMsg) + for powerRW in self.rwPowerList: + self.powerMonitor.addPowerNodeToModel(powerRW.nodePowerOutMsg)
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetInstrument(self, SimBase): + """ + Create the instrument + """ + self.instrument = simpleInstrument.SimpleInstrument() + self.instrument.ModelTag = "instrument" + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + self.instrument.nodeBaudRate = ( + SimBase.initial_conditions[str(self.spacecraftIndex)].get( + "instrumentBaudRate" + ) + / self.dynRate + ) # baud + self.instrument.nodeDataName = "Instrument" + str(self.spacecraftIndex)
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetTransmitter(self, SimBase): + """ + Create the transmitter + """ + self.transmitter = spaceToGroundTransmitter.SpaceToGroundTransmitter() + self.transmitter.ModelTag = "transmitter" + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + self.transmitter.nodeBaudRate = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get( + "transmitterBaudRate" + ) # baud + self.transmitter.packetSize = -SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get( + "instrumentBaudRate" + ) # bits, set packet size equal to the size of a single image + self.transmitter.numBuffers = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("transmitterNumBuffers") + self.transmitter.addAccessMsgToTransmitter( + SimBase.EnvModel.boulderGroundStation.accessOutMsgs[-1] + ) + self.transmitter.addAccessMsgToTransmitter( + SimBase.EnvModel.merrittGroundStation.accessOutMsgs[-1] + ) + self.transmitter.addAccessMsgToTransmitter( + SimBase.EnvModel.singaporeGroundStation.accessOutMsgs[-1] + ) + self.transmitter.addAccessMsgToTransmitter( + SimBase.EnvModel.weilheimGroundStation.accessOutMsgs[-1] + ) + self.transmitter.addAccessMsgToTransmitter( + SimBase.EnvModel.santiagoGroundStation.accessOutMsgs[-1] + ) + self.transmitter.addAccessMsgToTransmitter( + SimBase.EnvModel.dongaraGroundStation.accessOutMsgs[-1] + ) + self.transmitter.addAccessMsgToTransmitter( + SimBase.EnvModel.hawaiiGroundStation.accessOutMsgs[-1] + )
+ + + def SetStorageUnit(self, SimBase): + self.storageUnit = partitionedStorageUnit.PartitionedStorageUnit() + self.storageUnit.ModelTag = "storageUnit" + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + self.storageUnit.storageCapacity = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get( + "dataStorageCapacity" + ) # bits (1 GB) + self.storageUnit.addDataNodeToModel(self.instrument.nodeDataOutMsg) + self.storageUnit.addDataNodeToModel(self.transmitter.nodeDataOutMsg) + # Add all of the targets to the data buffer + for idx in range( + SimBase.initial_conditions[str(self.spacecraftIndex)].get( + "transmitterNumBuffers" + ) + ): + self.storageUnit.addPartition(str(idx)) + + # Add the storage unit to the transmitter + self.transmitter.addStorageUnitToTransmitter( + self.storageUnit.storageUnitDataOutMsg + ) + + def SetLosComms(self, SimBase): + self.losComms = spacecraftLocation.SpacecraftLocation() + self.losComms.ModelTag = "losComms" + self.losComms.primaryScStateInMsg.subscribeTo(self.scObject.scStateOutMsg) + self.losComms.planetInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.EnvModel.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[ + SimBase.EnvModel.earth + ] + ) + self.losComms.rEquator = SimBase.EnvModel.planet.radEquator + self.losComms.rPolar = SimBase.EnvModel.planet.radEquator * 0.98 + self.losComms.maximumRange = -1.0 # m, unlimited + + # Global call to initialize every module +
+[docs] + def InitAllDynObjects(self, SimBase): + """ + Initializes all dynamic objects. + """ + self.SetSpacecraftHub(SimBase) + self.SetGravityBodies(SimBase) + self.SetDensityModel(SimBase) + self.SetDragEffector(SimBase) + self.SetReactionWheelDynEffector(SimBase) + self.SetThrusterDynEffector() + self.SetSimpleNavObject() + self.SetGroundLocations(SimBase) + self.SetEclipseObject(SimBase) + self.SetReactionWheelPower(SimBase) + self.SetSolarPanel(SimBase) + self.SetInstrumentPowerSink(SimBase) + self.SetTransmitterPowerSink(SimBase) + self.SetBattery(SimBase) + self.SetInstrument(SimBase) + self.SetTransmitter(SimBase) + self.SetStorageUnit(SimBase) + self.SetLosComms(SimBase) + self.SetDisturbanceTorque(SimBase)
+ + + def ConnectLosComms(self, SatList): + for sat in SatList: + if sat != self.scObject: + self.losComms.addSpacecraftToModel(sat.scStateOutMsg)
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/environment.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/environment.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..497a5bf7 --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/environment.html @@ -0,0 +1,464 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.environment — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
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  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.environment

+import numpy as np
+from Basilisk import __path__
+from Basilisk.simulation import (
+    eclipse,
+    ephemerisConverter,
+    exponentialAtmosphere,
+    extForceTorque,
+    groundLocation,
+from Basilisk.utilities import macros as mc
+from Basilisk.utilities import simIncludeGravBody
+bskPath = __path__[0]
+[docs] +class EnvironmentModel: + """Defines the Earth Environment.""" + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, SimBase, envRate): + # Define class variables + self.imagingTargetList = [] + self.extForceTorqueObjectList = [] + + # Define process name, task name and task time-step + self.envTaskName = "EnvironmentTask" + processTasksTimeStep = mc.sec2nano(envRate) + + # Create task + SimBase.envProc.addTask( + SimBase.CreateNewTask(self.envTaskName, processTasksTimeStep) + ) + + # Initialize all modules and write init one-time messages + self.InitAllEnvObjects(SimBase) + + # Add modules to environment task + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + self.envTaskName, self.gravFactory.spiceObject, ModelPriority=1100 + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + self.envTaskName, self.boulderGroundStation, ModelPriority=1399 + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + self.envTaskName, self.merrittGroundStation, ModelPriority=1398 + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + self.envTaskName, self.singaporeGroundStation, ModelPriority=1397 + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + self.envTaskName, self.weilheimGroundStation, ModelPriority=1396 + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + self.envTaskName, self.santiagoGroundStation, ModelPriority=1395 + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + self.envTaskName, self.dongaraGroundStation, ModelPriority=1394 + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + self.envTaskName, self.hawaiiGroundStation, ModelPriority=1393 + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask(self.envTaskName, self.eclipseObject, ModelPriority=988) + SimBase.AddModelToTask(self.envTaskName, self.ephemConverter, ModelPriority=988) + SimBase.AddModelToTask(self.envTaskName, self.densityModel, ModelPriority=1000) + for ind in range(SimBase.n_spacecraft): + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + self.envTaskName, self.imagingTargetList[ind], ModelPriority=2000 + )
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetGravityBodies(self, SimBase): + """ + Specify what gravitational bodies to include in the simulation. + """ + self.gravFactory = simIncludeGravBody.gravBodyFactory() + self.gravFactory.createSun() + self.planet = self.gravFactory.createEarth() + self.sun = 0 + self.earth = 1 + + self.planet.isCentralBody = ( + True # ensure this is the central gravitational body + ) + self.planet.useSphericalHarmParams = True + simIncludeGravBody.loadGravFromFile( + bskPath + "/supportData/LocalGravData/GGM03S.txt", self.planet.spherHarm, 10 + ) + + # setup Spice interface for some solar system bodies + timeInitString = SimBase.initial_conditions["0"].get("utc_init") + self.gravFactory.createSpiceInterface( + bskPath + "/supportData/EphemerisData/", timeInitString + ) + + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.zeroBase = ( + "earth" # Make sure that the Earth is the zero base + )
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetEpochObject(self): + """ + Add the ephemeris object to use with the SPICE library. + """ + self.ephemConverter = ephemerisConverter.EphemerisConverter() + self.ephemConverter.ModelTag = "ephemConverter" + self.ephemConverter.addSpiceInputMsg( + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.sun] + ) + self.ephemConverter.addSpiceInputMsg( + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.earth] + )
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetEclipseObject(self): + """ + Specify what celestial object is causing an eclipse message. + """ + self.eclipseObject = eclipse.Eclipse() + self.eclipseObject.addPlanetToModel( + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.earth] + ) + self.eclipseObject.sunInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.sun] + )
+ + + def SetAtmosphereDensityModel(self, SimBase): + self.densityModel = exponentialAtmosphere.ExponentialAtmosphere() + self.densityModel.ModelTag = "expDensity" + self.densityModel.planetRadius = SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get( + "planetRadius" + ) + self.densityModel.baseDensity = SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get( + "baseDensity" + ) + self.densityModel.scaleHeight = SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get( + "scaleHeight" + ) + self.densityModel.planetPosInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.earth] + ) + + def SetDisturbanceTorque(self, SimBase): + # Loop through every spacecraft to get the disturbance torque + for ind in range(SimBase.n_spacecraft): + disturbance_magnitude = SimBase.initial_conditions[str(ind)].get( + "disturbance_magnitude" + ) + disturbance_vector = SimBase.initial_conditions[str(ind)].get( + "disturbance_vector" + ) + unit_disturbance = disturbance_vector / np.linalg.norm(disturbance_vector) + extForceTorqueObject = extForceTorque.ExtForceTorque() + extForceTorqueObject.ModelTag = "DisturbanceTorque" + extForceTorqueObject.extTorquePntB_B = ( + disturbance_magnitude * unit_disturbance + ) + self.extForceTorqueObjectList.append(extForceTorqueObject) + +
+[docs] + def SetGroundLocations(self, SimBase): + """ + Specify which ground locations are of interest. + """ + # Create a Boulder-based ground station + self.boulderGroundStation = groundLocation.GroundLocation() + self.boulderGroundStation.ModelTag = "GroundStation1" + self.boulderGroundStation.planetRadius = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + "env_params" + ].get("groundLocationPlanetRadius") + self.boulderGroundStation.specifyLocation( + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("boulderGroundStationLat"), + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("boulderGroundStationLong"), + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("boulderGroundStationAlt"), + ) + self.boulderGroundStation.planetInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.earth] + ) + self.boulderGroundStation.minimumElevation = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + "env_params" + ].get("boulderMinimumElevation") + self.boulderGroundStation.maximumRange = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + "env_params" + ].get("boulderMaximumRange") + + # Create a Merritt-Island ground station (NASA's Near Earth Network) + self.merrittGroundStation = groundLocation.GroundLocation() + self.merrittGroundStation.ModelTag = "GroundStation2" + self.merrittGroundStation.planetRadius = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + "env_params" + ].get("groundLocationPlanetRadius") + self.merrittGroundStation.specifyLocation( + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("merrittGroundStationLat"), + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("merrittGroundStationLong"), + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("merrittGroundStationAlt"), + ) + self.merrittGroundStation.planetInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.earth] + ) + self.merrittGroundStation.minimumElevation = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + "env_params" + ].get("merrittMinimumElevation") + self.merrittGroundStation.maximumRange = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + "env_params" + ].get("merrittMaximumRange") + + # Create a Singapore ground station (NASA's Near Earth Network) + self.singaporeGroundStation = groundLocation.GroundLocation() + self.singaporeGroundStation.ModelTag = "GroundStation3" + self.singaporeGroundStation.planetRadius = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + "env_params" + ].get("groundLocationPlanetRadius") + self.singaporeGroundStation.specifyLocation( + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("singaporeGroundStationLat"), + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("singaporeGroundStationLong"), + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("singaporeGroundStationAlt"), + ) + self.singaporeGroundStation.planetInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.earth] + ) + self.singaporeGroundStation.minimumElevation = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + "env_params" + ].get("singaporeMinimumElevation") + self.singaporeGroundStation.maximumRange = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + "env_params" + ].get("singaporeMaximumRange") + + # Create a Weilheim Germany ground station (NASA's Near Earth Network) + self.weilheimGroundStation = groundLocation.GroundLocation() + self.weilheimGroundStation.ModelTag = "GroundStation4" + self.weilheimGroundStation.planetRadius = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + "env_params" + ].get("groundLocationPlanetRadius") + self.weilheimGroundStation.specifyLocation( + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("weilheimGroundStationLat"), + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("weilheimGroundStationLong"), + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("weilheimGroundStationAlt"), + ) + self.weilheimGroundStation.planetInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.earth] + ) + self.weilheimGroundStation.minimumElevation = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + "env_params" + ].get("weilheimMinimumElevation") + self.weilheimGroundStation.maximumRange = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + "env_params" + ].get("weilheimMaximumRange") + + # Create a Santiago, Chile ground station (NASA's Near Earth Network) + self.santiagoGroundStation = groundLocation.GroundLocation() + self.santiagoGroundStation.ModelTag = "GroundStation5" + self.santiagoGroundStation.planetRadius = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + "env_params" + ].get("groundLocationPlanetRadius") + self.santiagoGroundStation.specifyLocation( + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("santiagoGroundStationLat"), + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("santiagoGroundStationLong"), + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("santiagoGroundStationAlt"), + ) + self.santiagoGroundStation.planetInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.earth] + ) + self.santiagoGroundStation.minimumElevation = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + "env_params" + ].get("santiagoMinimumElevation") + self.santiagoGroundStation.maximumRange = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + "env_params" + ].get("santiagoMaximumRange") + + # Create a Dongara, Australia ground station (NASA's Near Earth Network) + self.dongaraGroundStation = groundLocation.GroundLocation() + self.dongaraGroundStation.ModelTag = "GroundStation6" + self.dongaraGroundStation.planetRadius = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + "env_params" + ].get("groundLocationPlanetRadius") + self.dongaraGroundStation.specifyLocation( + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("dongaraGroundStationLat"), + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("dongaraGroundStationLong"), + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("dongaraGroundStationAlt"), + ) + self.dongaraGroundStation.planetInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.earth] + ) + self.dongaraGroundStation.minimumElevation = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + "env_params" + ].get("dongaraMinimumElevation") + self.dongaraGroundStation.maximumRange = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + "env_params" + ].get("dongaraMaximumRange") + + # Create a Dongara, Australia ground station (NASA's Near Earth Network) + self.hawaiiGroundStation = groundLocation.GroundLocation() + self.hawaiiGroundStation.ModelTag = "GroundStation7" + self.hawaiiGroundStation.planetRadius = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + "env_params" + ].get("groundLocationPlanetRadius") + self.hawaiiGroundStation.specifyLocation( + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("hawaiiGroundStationLat"), + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("hawaiiGroundStationLong"), + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("hawaiiGroundStationAlt"), + ) + self.hawaiiGroundStation.planetInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.earth] + ) + self.hawaiiGroundStation.minimumElevation = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + "env_params" + ].get("hawaiiMinimumElevation") + self.hawaiiGroundStation.maximumRange = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + "env_params" + ].get("hawaiiMaximumRange")
+ + + def SetImagingTarget(self, SimBase): + # Create one imaging target per spacecraft + for ind in range(SimBase.n_spacecraft): + imagingTarget = groundLocation.GroundLocation() + imagingTarget.ModelTag = "ImagingTarget" + imagingTarget.planetRadius = SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get( + "groundLocationPlanetRadius" + ) + # Just initialize to Hawaii... will get re-initialized with target during + # step + imagingTarget.specifyLocation( + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("hawaiiGroundStationLat"), + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("hawaiiGroundStationLong"), + SimBase.initial_conditions["env_params"].get("hawaiiGroundStationAlt"), + ) + imagingTarget.planetInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.earth] + ) + imagingTarget.minimumElevation = SimBase.initial_conditions[str(ind)].get( + "imageTargetMinimumElevation" + ) + imagingTarget.maximumRange = SimBase.initial_conditions[str(ind)].get( + "imageTargetMaximumRange" + ) + self.imagingTargetList.append(imagingTarget) + + # Global call to initialize every module + def InitAllEnvObjects(self, SimBase): + self.SetGravityBodies(SimBase) + self.SetEpochObject() + self.SetEclipseObject() + self.SetGroundLocations(SimBase) + self.SetImagingTarget(SimBase) + self.SetAtmosphereDensityModel(SimBase) + self.SetDisturbanceTorque(SimBase)
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/fsw.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/fsw.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..640f8fd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/fsw.html @@ -0,0 +1,595 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw

+from Basilisk.architecture import cMsgCInterfacePy as cMsgPy
+from Basilisk.architecture import messaging
+from Basilisk.fswAlgorithms import (
+    attTrackingError,
+    hillPoint,
+    locationPointing,
+    mrpFeedback,
+    rwMotorTorque,
+    simpleInstrumentController,
+    thrForceMapping,
+    thrMomentumDumping,
+    thrMomentumManagement,
+from Basilisk.utilities import macros as mc
+[docs] +class FSWModel: + """Defines the FSW class""" + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, SimBase, fswRate, spacecraftIndex): + # define empty class variables + self.spacecraftIndex = spacecraftIndex + self.modeRequest = "0" + + self.vcConfigMsg = None + self.thrusterConfigMsg = None + self.fswRwConfigMsg = None + self.attRefMsg = None + self.attGuidMsg = None + + # Define process name and default time-step for all FSW tasks defined later on + self.processName = SimBase.FSWProcessName[spacecraftIndex] + self.processTasksTimeStep = mc.sec2nano(fswRate) + + # Create tasks + SimBase.fswProc[spacecraftIndex].addTask( + SimBase.CreateNewTask( + "sunPointTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), self.processTasksTimeStep + ), + taskPriority=99, + ) + SimBase.fswProc[spacecraftIndex].addTask( + SimBase.CreateNewTask( + "nadirPointTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), self.processTasksTimeStep + ), + taskPriority=98, + ) + SimBase.fswProc[spacecraftIndex].addTask( + SimBase.CreateNewTask( + "rwDesatTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), self.processTasksTimeStep + ), + taskPriority=1000, + ) + SimBase.fswProc[spacecraftIndex].addTask( + SimBase.CreateNewTask( + "locPointTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), self.processTasksTimeStep + ), + taskPriority=96, + ) + SimBase.fswProc[spacecraftIndex].addTask( + SimBase.CreateNewTask( + "trackingErrTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), self.processTasksTimeStep + ), + taskPriority=90, + ) + SimBase.fswProc[spacecraftIndex].addTask( + SimBase.CreateNewTask( + "mrpControlTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), self.processTasksTimeStep + ), + taskPriority=80, + ) + + # Create module data and module wraps + # Sun pointing configuration + self.sunPointData = locationPointing.locationPointingConfig() + self.sunPointWrap = SimBase.setModelDataWrap(self.sunPointData) + self.sunPointWrap.ModelTag = "sunPoint" + + # Earth pointing configuration + self.hillPointData = hillPoint.hillPointConfig() + self.hillPointWrap = SimBase.setModelDataWrap(self.hillPointData) + self.hillPointWrap.ModelTag = "hillPoint" + + # Location pointing configuration + self.locPointConfig = locationPointing.locationPointingConfig() + self.locPointWrap = SimBase.setModelDataWrap(self.locPointConfig) + self.locPointWrap.ModelTag = "locPoint" + + # Attitude error configuration + self.trackingErrorData = attTrackingError.attTrackingErrorConfig() + self.trackingErrorWrap = SimBase.setModelDataWrap(self.trackingErrorData) + self.trackingErrorWrap.ModelTag = "trackingError" + + # Attitude controller configuration + self.mrpFeedbackControlData = mrpFeedback.mrpFeedbackConfig() + self.mrpFeedbackControlWrap = SimBase.setModelDataWrap( + self.mrpFeedbackControlData + ) + self.mrpFeedbackControlWrap.ModelTag = "mrpFeedbackControl" + + # add module that maps the Lr control torque into the RW motor torques + self.rwMotorTorqueConfig = rwMotorTorque.rwMotorTorqueConfig() + self.rwMotorTorqueWrap = SimBase.setModelDataWrap(self.rwMotorTorqueConfig) + self.rwMotorTorqueWrap.ModelTag = "rwMotorTorque" + + # Momentum dumping configuration + self.thrDesatControlConfig = thrMomentumManagement.thrMomentumManagementConfig() + self.thrDesatControlWrap = SimBase.setModelDataWrap(self.thrDesatControlConfig) + self.thrDesatControlWrap.ModelTag = "thrMomentumManagement" + + self.thrDumpConfig = thrMomentumDumping.thrMomentumDumpingConfig() + self.thrDumpWrap = SimBase.setModelDataWrap(self.thrDumpConfig) + self.thrDumpWrap.ModelTag = "thrDump" + + # setup the thruster force mapping module + self.thrForceMappingConfig = thrForceMapping.thrForceMappingConfig() + self.thrForceMappingWrap = SimBase.setModelDataWrap(self.thrForceMappingConfig) + self.thrForceMappingWrap.ModelTag = "thrForceMapping" + + # setup the simpleInstrumentController module + self.simpleInsControlConfig = ( + simpleInstrumentController.simpleInstrumentControllerConfig() + ) + self.simpleInsControlWrap = SimBase.setModelDataWrap( + self.simpleInsControlConfig + ) + self.simpleInsControlWrap.ModelTag = "instrumentController" + + # create the FSW module gateway messages + self.setupGatewayMsgs(SimBase) + + # Initialize all modules + self.InitAllFSWObjects(SimBase) + + # Assign initialized modules to tasks + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + "sunPointTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), + self.sunPointWrap, + self.sunPointData, + ModelPriority=1200, + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + "nadirPointTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), + self.hillPointWrap, + self.hillPointData, + ModelPriority=1199, + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + "locPointTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), + self.locPointWrap, + self.locPointConfig, + ModelPriority=1198, + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + "trackingErrTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), + self.trackingErrorWrap, + self.trackingErrorData, + ModelPriority=1197, + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + "mrpControlTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), + self.mrpFeedbackControlWrap, + self.mrpFeedbackControlData, + ModelPriority=1196, + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + "mrpControlTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), + self.rwMotorTorqueWrap, + self.rwMotorTorqueConfig, + ModelPriority=1195, + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + "rwDesatTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), + self.thrDesatControlWrap, + self.thrDesatControlConfig, + ModelPriority=1194, + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + "rwDesatTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), + self.thrForceMappingWrap, + self.thrForceMappingConfig, + ModelPriority=1193, + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + "rwDesatTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), + self.thrDumpWrap, + self.thrDumpConfig, + ModelPriority=1192, + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + "mrpControlTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), + self.simpleInsControlWrap, + self.simpleInsControlConfig, + ModelPriority=987, + ) + + # Create events to be called for triggering GN&C maneuvers + SimBase.fswProc[spacecraftIndex].disableAllTasks()
+ + + # These are module-initialization methods +
+[docs] + def SetSunPointGuidance(self, SimBase): + """ + Defines the Sun pointing guidance module. + """ + self.sunPointData.pHat_B = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ]["nHat_B"] + self.sunPointData.scAttInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.DynModels[self.spacecraftIndex].simpleNavObject.attOutMsg + ) + self.sunPointData.scTransInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.DynModels[self.spacecraftIndex].simpleNavObject.transOutMsg + ) + self.sunPointData.celBodyInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.EnvModel.ephemConverter.ephemOutMsgs[0] + ) + self.sunPointData.useBoresightRateDamping = 1 + cMsgPy.AttGuidMsg_C_addAuthor(self.sunPointData.attGuidOutMsg, self.attGuidMsg)
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetNadirPointGuidance(self, SimBase): + """ + Defines the nadir pointing guidance module. + """ + self.hillPointData.transNavInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.DynModels[self.spacecraftIndex].simpleNavObject.transOutMsg + ) + self.hillPointData.celBodyInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.EnvModel.ephemConverter.ephemOutMsgs[1] + ) + cMsgPy.AttRefMsg_C_addAuthor(self.hillPointData.attRefOutMsg, self.attRefMsg)
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetLocationPointGuidance(self, SimBase): + """ + Defines the Earth location pointing guidance module. + """ + self.locPointConfig.pHat_B = [0, 0, 1] + self.locPointConfig.scAttInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.DynModels[self.spacecraftIndex].simpleNavObject.attOutMsg + ) + self.locPointConfig.scTransInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.DynModels[self.spacecraftIndex].simpleNavObject.transOutMsg + ) + self.locPointConfig.locationInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.EnvModel.imagingTargetList[ + self.spacecraftIndex + ].currentGroundStateOutMsg + ) + self.locPointConfig.useBoresightRateDamping = 1 + cMsgPy.AttGuidMsg_C_addAuthor( + self.locPointConfig.attGuidOutMsg, self.attGuidMsg + )
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetMomentumDumping(self, SimBase): + """ + Defines the momentum dumping configuration. + """ + self.thrDesatControlConfig.hs_min = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get( + "hs_min" + ) # Nms + self.thrDesatControlConfig.rwSpeedsInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.DynModels[self.spacecraftIndex].rwStateEffector.rwSpeedOutMsg + ) + self.thrDesatControlConfig.rwConfigDataInMsg.subscribeTo(self.fswRwConfigMsg) + + self.thrDumpConfig.deltaHInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.thrDesatControlConfig.deltaHOutMsg + ) + self.thrDumpConfig.thrusterImpulseInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.thrForceMappingConfig.thrForceCmdOutMsg + ) + self.thrDumpConfig.thrusterConfInMsg.subscribeTo(self.thrusterConfigMsg) + self.thrDumpConfig.maxCounterValue = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("maxCounterValue") + self.thrDumpConfig.thrMinFireTime = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("thrMinFireTime")
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetAttitudeTrackingError(self, SimBase): + """ + Defines the module that converts a reference message into a guidance message. + """ + self.trackingErrorData.attNavInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.DynModels[self.spacecraftIndex].simpleNavObject.attOutMsg + ) + self.trackingErrorData.attRefInMsg.subscribeTo(self.attRefMsg) + cMsgPy.AttGuidMsg_C_addAuthor( + self.trackingErrorData.attGuidOutMsg, self.attGuidMsg + )
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetMRPFeedbackRWA(self, SimBase): + """ + Defines the control properties. + """ + self.mrpFeedbackControlData.guidInMsg.subscribeTo(self.attGuidMsg) + self.mrpFeedbackControlData.vehConfigInMsg.subscribeTo(self.vcConfigMsg) + self.mrpFeedbackControlData.K = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("K") + self.mrpFeedbackControlData.Ki = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("Ki") + self.mrpFeedbackControlData.P = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("P") + self.mrpFeedbackControlData.integralLimit = ( + 2.0 / self.mrpFeedbackControlData.Ki * 0.1 + )
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetThrusterMapping(self, SimBase): + """ + Defines the thrusters mapping. + """ + self.thrForceMappingConfig.cmdTorqueInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.thrDesatControlConfig.deltaHOutMsg + ) + self.thrForceMappingConfig.thrConfigInMsg.subscribeTo(self.thrusterConfigMsg) + self.thrForceMappingConfig.vehConfigInMsg.subscribeTo(self.vcConfigMsg) + self.thrForceMappingConfig.controlAxes_B = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("controlAxes_B") + self.thrForceMappingConfig.thrForceSign = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("thrForceSign") + self.thrForceMappingConfig.angErrThresh = 3.15
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetRWConfigMsg(self, SimBase): + """ + Imports the RWs configuration information. + """ + # Configure RW pyramid exactly as it is in the Dynamics + # (i.e. FSW with perfect knowledge) + # the same msg is used here for both spacecraft + self.fswRwConfigMsg = SimBase.DynModels[ + self.spacecraftIndex + ].rwFactory.getConfigMessage()
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetThrustersConfigMsg(self, SimBase): + """ + Imports the thrusters configuration information. + """ + self.thrusterConfigMsg = SimBase.DynModels[ + self.spacecraftIndex + ].thrFactory.getConfigMessage()
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetVehicleConfigMsg(self, SimBase): + """ + Set the vehicle configuration message. + """ + # Specify the vehicle configuration message to tell things what the vehicle + # inertia is + vehicleConfigOut = messaging.VehicleConfigMsgPayload() + + # Use the same inertia in the FSW algorithm as in the simulation + vehicleConfigOut.ISCPntB_B = SimBase.DynModels[self.spacecraftIndex].I + self.vcConfigMsg = messaging.VehicleConfigMsg().write(vehicleConfigOut)
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetRWMotorTorque(self, SimBase): + """ + Defines the motor torque from the control law. + """ + self.rwMotorTorqueConfig.rwParamsInMsg.subscribeTo(self.fswRwConfigMsg) + self.rwMotorTorqueConfig.vehControlInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.mrpFeedbackControlData.cmdTorqueOutMsg + ) + self.rwMotorTorqueConfig.controlAxes_B = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("controlAxes_B")
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetInstrumentController(self, SimBase): + """ + Defines the instrument controller. + """ + self.simpleInsControlConfig.attErrTolerance = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("imageAttErrorRequirement") + if ( + "imageRateErrorRequirement" + in SimBase.initial_conditions[str(self.spacecraftIndex)].keys() + and SimBase.initial_conditions[str(self.spacecraftIndex)][ + "imageRateErrorRequirement" + ] + != 1 + ): + self.simpleInsControlConfig.useRateTolerance = 1 + self.simpleInsControlConfig.rateErrTolerance = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("imageRateErrorRequirement") + self.simpleInsControlConfig.attGuidInMsg.subscribeTo(self.attGuidMsg) + self.simpleInsControlConfig.locationAccessInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.EnvModel.imagingTargetList[self.spacecraftIndex].accessOutMsgs[-1] + )
+ + + # Global call to initialize every module +
+[docs] + def InitAllFSWObjects(self, SimBase): + """ + Initializes all FSW objects. + """ + self.SetSunPointGuidance(SimBase) + self.SetNadirPointGuidance(SimBase) + self.SetLocationPointGuidance(SimBase) + self.SetAttitudeTrackingError(SimBase) + self.SetRWConfigMsg(SimBase) + self.SetThrustersConfigMsg(SimBase) + self.SetVehicleConfigMsg(SimBase) + self.SetMRPFeedbackRWA(SimBase) + self.SetThrusterMapping(SimBase) + self.SetMomentumDumping(SimBase) + self.SetRWMotorTorque(SimBase) + self.SetInstrumentController(SimBase)
+ + +
+[docs] + def setupGatewayMsgs(self, SimBase): + """create C-wrapped gateway messages such that different modules can write to + this message and provide a common input msg for down-stream modules""" + self.attRefMsg = cMsgPy.AttRefMsg_C() + self.attGuidMsg = cMsgPy.AttGuidMsg_C() + + self.zeroGateWayMsgs() + + # connect gateway FSW effector command msgs with the dynamics + SimBase.DynModels[ + self.spacecraftIndex + ].rwStateEffector.rwMotorCmdInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.rwMotorTorqueConfig.rwMotorTorqueOutMsg + ) + SimBase.DynModels[self.spacecraftIndex].instrument.nodeStatusInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.simpleInsControlConfig.deviceCmdOutMsg + ) + SimBase.DynModels[self.spacecraftIndex].thrusterSet.cmdsInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.thrDumpConfig.thrusterOnTimeOutMsg + )
+ + +
+[docs] + def zeroGateWayMsgs(self): + """Zero all the FSW gateway message payloads""" + self.attRefMsg.write(messaging.AttRefMsgPayload()) + self.attGuidMsg.write(messaging.AttGuidMsgPayload())
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/fsw_steering.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/fsw_steering.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fcd9f95a --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/fsw_steering.html @@ -0,0 +1,614 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
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+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering

+from Basilisk.architecture import cMsgCInterfacePy as cMsgPy
+from Basilisk.architecture import messaging
+from Basilisk.fswAlgorithms import (
+    attTrackingError,
+    hillPoint,
+    locationPointing,
+    mrpSteering,
+    rateServoFullNonlinear,
+    rwMotorTorque,
+    simpleInstrumentController,
+    thrForceMapping,
+    thrMomentumDumping,
+    thrMomentumManagement,
+from Basilisk.utilities import macros as mc
+[docs] +class FSWModel: + """Defines the FSW class""" + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self, SimBase, fswRate, spacecraftIndex): + # define empty class variables + self.spacecraftIndex = spacecraftIndex + self.modeRequest = "0" + + self.vcConfigMsg = None + self.thrusterConfigMsg = None + self.fswRwConfigMsg = None + self.attRefMsg = None + self.attGuidMsg = None + + # Define process name and default time-step for all FSW tasks defined later on + self.processName = SimBase.FSWProcessName[spacecraftIndex] + self.processTasksTimeStep = mc.sec2nano(fswRate) + + # Create tasks + SimBase.fswProc[spacecraftIndex].addTask( + SimBase.CreateNewTask( + "sunPointTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), self.processTasksTimeStep + ), + taskPriority=99, + ) + SimBase.fswProc[spacecraftIndex].addTask( + SimBase.CreateNewTask( + "nadirPointTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), self.processTasksTimeStep + ), + taskPriority=98, + ) + SimBase.fswProc[spacecraftIndex].addTask( + SimBase.CreateNewTask( + "rwDesatTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), self.processTasksTimeStep + ), + taskPriority=97, + ) + SimBase.fswProc[spacecraftIndex].addTask( + SimBase.CreateNewTask( + "locPointTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), self.processTasksTimeStep + ), + taskPriority=96, + ) + SimBase.fswProc[spacecraftIndex].addTask( + SimBase.CreateNewTask( + "trackingErrTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), self.processTasksTimeStep + ), + taskPriority=90, + ) + SimBase.fswProc[spacecraftIndex].addTask( + SimBase.CreateNewTask( + "mrpControlTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), self.processTasksTimeStep + ), + taskPriority=80, + ) + + # Create module data and module wraps + # Sun pointing configuration + self.sunPointData = locationPointing.locationPointingConfig() + self.sunPointWrap = SimBase.setModelDataWrap(self.sunPointData) + self.sunPointWrap.ModelTag = "sunPoint" + + # Earth pointing configuration + self.hillPointData = hillPoint.hillPointConfig() + self.hillPointWrap = SimBase.setModelDataWrap(self.hillPointData) + self.hillPointWrap.ModelTag = "hillPoint" + + # Location pointing configuration + self.locPointConfig = locationPointing.locationPointingConfig() + self.locPointWrap = SimBase.setModelDataWrap(self.locPointConfig) + self.locPointWrap.ModelTag = "locPoint" + + # Attitude error configuration + self.trackingErrorData = attTrackingError.attTrackingErrorConfig() + self.trackingErrorWrap = SimBase.setModelDataWrap(self.trackingErrorData) + self.trackingErrorWrap.ModelTag = "trackingError" + + # Attitude controller configuration + self.mrpSteeringControlData = mrpSteering.mrpSteeringConfig() + self.mrpSteeringControlWrap = SimBase.setModelDataWrap( + self.mrpSteeringControlData + ) + self.mrpSteeringControlWrap.ModelTag = "mrpSteeringControl" + + # Rate servo + self.servoData = rateServoFullNonlinear.rateServoFullNonlinearConfig() + self.servoWrap = SimBase.setModelDataWrap(self.servoData) + self.servoWrap.ModelTag = "rateServo" + + # add module that maps the Lr control torque into the RW motor torques + self.rwMotorTorqueConfig = rwMotorTorque.rwMotorTorqueConfig() + self.rwMotorTorqueWrap = SimBase.setModelDataWrap(self.rwMotorTorqueConfig) + self.rwMotorTorqueWrap.ModelTag = "rwMotorTorque" + + # Momentum dumping configuration + self.thrDesatControlConfig = thrMomentumManagement.thrMomentumManagementConfig() + self.thrDesatControlWrap = SimBase.setModelDataWrap(self.thrDesatControlConfig) + self.thrDesatControlWrap.ModelTag = "thrMomentumManagement" + + self.thrDumpConfig = thrMomentumDumping.thrMomentumDumpingConfig() + self.thrDumpWrap = SimBase.setModelDataWrap(self.thrDumpConfig) + self.thrDumpWrap.ModelTag = "thrDump" + + # setup the thruster force mapping module + self.thrForceMappingConfig = thrForceMapping.thrForceMappingConfig() + self.thrForceMappingWrap = SimBase.setModelDataWrap(self.thrForceMappingConfig) + self.thrForceMappingWrap.ModelTag = "thrForceMapping" + + # setup the simpleInstrumentController module + self.simpleInsControlConfig = ( + simpleInstrumentController.simpleInstrumentControllerConfig() + ) + self.simpleInsControlWrap = SimBase.setModelDataWrap( + self.simpleInsControlConfig + ) + self.simpleInsControlWrap.ModelTag = "instrumentController" + + # create the FSW module gateway messages + self.setupGatewayMsgs(SimBase) + + # Initialize all modules + self.InitAllFSWObjects(SimBase) + + # Assign initialized modules to tasks + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + "sunPointTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), + self.sunPointWrap, + self.sunPointData, + ModelPriority=1200, + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + "nadirPointTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), + self.hillPointWrap, + self.hillPointData, + ModelPriority=1199, + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + "locPointTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), + self.locPointWrap, + self.locPointConfig, + ModelPriority=1198, + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + "trackingErrTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), + self.trackingErrorWrap, + self.trackingErrorData, + ModelPriority=1197, + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + "mrpControlTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), + self.mrpSteeringControlWrap, + self.mrpSteeringControlData, + ModelPriority=1196, + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + "mrpControlTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), + self.servoWrap, + self.servoData, + ModelPriority=1195, + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + "mrpControlTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), + self.rwMotorTorqueWrap, + self.rwMotorTorqueConfig, + ModelPriority=1194, + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + "rwDesatTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), + self.thrDesatControlWrap, + self.thrDesatControlConfig, + ModelPriority=1193, + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + "rwDesatTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), + self.thrForceMappingWrap, + self.thrForceMappingConfig, + ModelPriority=1192, + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + "rwDesatTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), + self.thrDumpWrap, + self.thrDumpConfig, + ModelPriority=1191, + ) + SimBase.AddModelToTask( + "locPointTask" + str(spacecraftIndex), + self.simpleInsControlWrap, + self.simpleInsControlConfig, + ModelPriority=987, + ) + + # Create events to be called for triggering GN&C maneuvers + SimBase.fswProc[spacecraftIndex].disableAllTasks()
+ + + # These are module-initialization methods +
+[docs] + def SetSunPointGuidance(self, SimBase): + """ + Defines the Sun pointing guidance module. + """ + self.sunPointData.pHat_B = [0, 0, 1] + self.sunPointData.scAttInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.DynModels[self.spacecraftIndex].simpleNavObject.attOutMsg + ) + self.sunPointData.scTransInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.DynModels[self.spacecraftIndex].simpleNavObject.transOutMsg + ) + self.sunPointData.celBodyInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.EnvModel.ephemConverter.ephemOutMsgs[0] + ) + cMsgPy.AttGuidMsg_C_addAuthor(self.sunPointData.attGuidOutMsg, self.attGuidMsg)
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetNadirPointGuidance(self, SimBase): + """ + Defines the nadir pointing guidance module. + """ + self.hillPointData.transNavInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.DynModels[self.spacecraftIndex].simpleNavObject.transOutMsg + ) + self.hillPointData.celBodyInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.EnvModel.ephemConverter.ephemOutMsgs[1] + ) + cMsgPy.AttRefMsg_C_addAuthor(self.hillPointData.attRefOutMsg, self.attRefMsg)
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetLocationPointGuidance(self, SimBase): + """ + Defines the Earth location pointing guidance module. + """ + self.locPointConfig.pHat_B = [0, 0, 1] + self.locPointConfig.scAttInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.DynModels[self.spacecraftIndex].simpleNavObject.attOutMsg + ) + self.locPointConfig.scTransInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.DynModels[self.spacecraftIndex].simpleNavObject.transOutMsg + ) + self.locPointConfig.locationInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.EnvModel.imagingTargetList[ + self.spacecraftIndex + ].currentGroundStateOutMsg + ) + self.locPointConfig.useBoresightRateDamping = 1 + cMsgPy.AttGuidMsg_C_addAuthor( + self.locPointConfig.attGuidOutMsg, self.attGuidMsg + )
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetMomentumDumping(self, SimBase): + """ + Defines the momentum dumping configuration. + """ + self.thrDesatControlConfig.hs_min = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get( + "hs_min" + ) # Nms + self.thrDesatControlConfig.rwSpeedsInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.DynModels[self.spacecraftIndex].rwStateEffector.rwSpeedOutMsg + ) + self.thrDesatControlConfig.rwConfigDataInMsg.subscribeTo(self.fswRwConfigMsg) + + self.thrDumpConfig.deltaHInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.thrDesatControlConfig.deltaHOutMsg + ) + self.thrDumpConfig.thrusterImpulseInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.thrForceMappingConfig.thrForceCmdOutMsg + ) + self.thrDumpConfig.thrusterConfInMsg.subscribeTo(self.thrusterConfigMsg) + self.thrDumpConfig.maxCounterValue = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("maxCounterValue") + self.thrDumpConfig.thrMinFireTime = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("thrMinFireTime")
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetAttitudeTrackingError(self, SimBase): + """ + Defines the module that converts a reference message into a guidance message. + """ + self.trackingErrorData.attNavInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.DynModels[self.spacecraftIndex].simpleNavObject.attOutMsg + ) + self.trackingErrorData.attRefInMsg.subscribeTo(self.attRefMsg) + cMsgPy.AttGuidMsg_C_addAuthor( + self.trackingErrorData.attGuidOutMsg, self.attGuidMsg + )
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetMRPSteeringRWA(self, SimBase): + """ + Defines the control properties. + """ + self.mrpSteeringControlData.guidInMsg.subscribeTo(self.attGuidMsg) + self.mrpSteeringControlData.K1 = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("K1") + self.mrpSteeringControlData.K3 = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("K3") + self.mrpSteeringControlData.omega_max = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("omega_max") + self.mrpSteeringControlData.ignoreOuterLoopFeedforward = False + + self.servoData.Ki = SimBase.initial_conditions[str(self.spacecraftIndex)].get( + "servo_Ki" + ) + self.servoData.P = SimBase.initial_conditions[str(self.spacecraftIndex)].get( + "servo_P" + ) + self.servoData.integralLimit = 2.0 / self.servoData.Ki * 0.1 + self.servoData.knownTorquePntB_B = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] + self.servoData.guidInMsg.subscribeTo(self.attGuidMsg) + self.servoData.vehConfigInMsg.subscribeTo(self.vcConfigMsg) + self.servoData.rwParamsInMsg.subscribeTo(self.fswRwConfigMsg) + self.servoData.rwSpeedsInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.DynModels[self.spacecraftIndex].rwStateEffector.rwSpeedOutMsg + ) + self.servoData.rateSteeringInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.mrpSteeringControlData.rateCmdOutMsg + )
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetThrusterMapping(self, SimBase): + """ + Defines the thrusters mapping. + """ + self.thrForceMappingConfig.cmdTorqueInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.thrDesatControlConfig.deltaHOutMsg + ) + self.thrForceMappingConfig.thrConfigInMsg.subscribeTo(self.thrusterConfigMsg) + self.thrForceMappingConfig.vehConfigInMsg.subscribeTo(self.vcConfigMsg) + self.thrForceMappingConfig.controlAxes_B = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("controlAxes_B") + self.thrForceMappingConfig.thrForceSign = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("thrForceSign")
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetRWConfigMsg(self, SimBase): + """ + Imports the RWs configuration information. + """ + # Configure RW pyramid exactly as it is in the Dynamics (i.e. FSW with perfect + # knowledge) + # the same msg is used here for both spacecraft + self.fswRwConfigMsg = SimBase.DynModels[ + self.spacecraftIndex + ].rwFactory.getConfigMessage()
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetThrustersConfigMsg(self, SimBase): + """ + Imports the thrusters configuration information. + """ + self.thrusterConfigMsg = SimBase.DynModels[ + self.spacecraftIndex + ].thrFactory.getConfigMessage()
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetVehicleConfigMsg(self, SimBase): + """ + Set the vehicle configuration message. + """ + # Specify the vehicle configuration message to tell things what the vehicle + # inertia is + vehicleConfigOut = messaging.VehicleConfigMsgPayload() + + # Use the same inertia in the FSW algorithm as in the simulation + vehicleConfigOut.ISCPntB_B = SimBase.DynModels[self.spacecraftIndex].I + self.vcConfigMsg = messaging.VehicleConfigMsg().write(vehicleConfigOut)
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetRWMotorTorque(self, SimBase): + """ + Defines the motor torque from the control law. + """ + self.rwMotorTorqueConfig.rwParamsInMsg.subscribeTo(self.fswRwConfigMsg) + self.rwMotorTorqueConfig.vehControlInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.servoData.cmdTorqueOutMsg + ) + self.rwMotorTorqueConfig.controlAxes_B = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("controlAxes_B")
+ + +
+[docs] + def SetInstrumentController(self, SimBase): + """ + Defines the instrument controller. + """ + self.simpleInsControlConfig.attErrTolerance = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("imageAttErrorRequirement") + if ( + "imageRateErrorRequirement" + in SimBase.initial_conditions[str(self.spacecraftIndex)].keys() + ): + self.simpleInsControlConfig.useRateTolerance = 1 + self.simpleInsControlConfig.rateErrTolerance = SimBase.initial_conditions[ + str(self.spacecraftIndex) + ].get("imageRateErrorRequirement") + self.simpleInsControlConfig.attGuidInMsg.subscribeTo(self.attGuidMsg) + self.simpleInsControlConfig.locationAccessInMsg.subscribeTo( + SimBase.EnvModel.imagingTargetList[self.spacecraftIndex].accessOutMsgs[-1] + )
+ + + # Global call to initialize every module +
+[docs] + def InitAllFSWObjects(self, SimBase): + """ + Initializes all FSW objects. + """ + self.SetSunPointGuidance(SimBase) + self.SetNadirPointGuidance(SimBase) + self.SetLocationPointGuidance(SimBase) + self.SetAttitudeTrackingError(SimBase) + self.SetRWConfigMsg(SimBase) + self.SetThrustersConfigMsg(SimBase) + self.SetVehicleConfigMsg(SimBase) + self.SetMRPSteeringRWA(SimBase) + self.SetThrusterMapping(SimBase) + self.SetMomentumDumping(SimBase) + self.SetRWMotorTorque(SimBase) + self.SetInstrumentController(SimBase)
+ + +
+[docs] + def setupGatewayMsgs(self, SimBase): + """create C-wrapped gateway messages such that different modules can write to + this message and provide a common input msg for down-stream modules""" + self.attRefMsg = cMsgPy.AttRefMsg_C() + self.attGuidMsg = cMsgPy.AttGuidMsg_C() + + self.zeroGateWayMsgs() + + # connect gateway FSW effector command msgs with the dynamics + SimBase.DynModels[ + self.spacecraftIndex + ].rwStateEffector.rwMotorCmdInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.rwMotorTorqueConfig.rwMotorTorqueOutMsg + ) + SimBase.DynModels[self.spacecraftIndex].instrument.nodeStatusInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.simpleInsControlConfig.deviceCmdOutMsg + ) + SimBase.DynModels[self.spacecraftIndex].thrusterSet.cmdsInMsg.subscribeTo( + self.thrDumpConfig.thrusterOnTimeOutMsg + )
+ + +
+[docs] + def zeroGateWayMsgs(self): + """Zero all the FSW gateway message payloads""" + self.attRefMsg.write(messaging.AttRefMsgPayload()) + self.attGuidMsg.write(messaging.AttGuidMsgPayload())
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisat_agile_eos/gym_env.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisat_agile_eos/gym_env.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ab5bfabf --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisat_agile_eos/gym_env.html @@ -0,0 +1,639 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.gym_env — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.gym_env

+import inspect
+import gymnasium as gym
+import numpy as np
+from Basilisk.utilities import macros as mc
+from gymnasium import spaces
+from bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos import env_settings
+from bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_sim import MultiSatAgileEOSSimulator
+    40
+)  # Disable annoying gym warnings, we know what's good for us
+[docs] +class MultiSatAgileEOS(gym.Env): + """ + This Gymnasium environment is designed to simulate the multi-satellite agile EOS + scheduling problem in which K satellites in a low-Earth orbit Walker-delta formation + attempt to maximize the number of targets imaged and downlinked while avoiding + resource constraint violations. Satellites update their local target lists through + communication with one another. Resource constraint violations include: + + 1. Power: The spacecraft must keep its battery charge above zero + 2. Reaction Wheel Saturation: The spacecraft must keep its reaction wheels within + their speed limits + 3. Data Buffer: The spacecraft must keep its data buffer from overflowing (i.e. + exceeding or meeting the maximum buffer size) + + Each spacecraft must decide between pointing at any one of J number of ground + targets for imaging, pointing at the sun to charge, desaturating reaction wheels, + or downlinking data. This is referred to as the MultiSatAgileEOS environment. + + Action Space (MultiDiscrete): + For each spacecraft: + 0 - Charging mode + 1 - Downlink mode + 2 - Desat mode + 3:J+3 - Image target j + + Observation Space: + For each spacecraft: + ECEF position and velocity - indices 0-5 + Attitude error and attitude rate - indices 6-7 + Reaction wheel speeds - indices 8-11 + Battery charge - indices 12 + Eclipse indicator - indices 13 + Stored data onboard spacecraft - indices 14 + Data transmitted over interval - indices 15 + Amount of time ground stations were accessible (s) - 16-22 + Target Tuples (4 values each) - priority and Hill frame pos + + Reward Function: + r = +A/priority for for each tgt downlinked for first time + r = +B/priority for for each tgt imaged for first time + r = -C if failure + + No reward is given for imaging or downlinking the same target twice + """ + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self): + self.__version__ = "0.0.1" + print( + "Basilisk MultiSatAgileEOS Environment - Version {}".format( + self.__version__ + ) + ) + + # General variables defining the environment + self.max_length = float(270.0) # Maximum number of minutes + self.max_steps = 45 # Maximum number of steps + self.render = False + + # Tell the environment that it doesn't have a sim attribute... + self.simulator_init = 0 + self.simulator = None + self.reward_total = 0 + + # Set initial conditions to none (gets assigned in reset) + self.initial_conditions = None + + # Set the dynRate for the env, which is passed into the simulator + self.envRate = 1.0 + self.dynRate = 1.0 + self.fswRate = 1.0 + + # Set up options, constants for this environment + self.step_duration = ( + 6 * 60.0 + ) # seconds, tune as desired; can be updated mid-simulation + self.reward_mult = 1.0 + self.failure_penalty = 1 + self.image_reward_fn = lambda priority: 0.1 / priority / 45 + self.downlink_reward_fn = lambda priority: 1.0 / priority / 45 + self.comm_method = "free" + assert self.comm_method in [ + "free", + "los", + "los-multi", + "none", + ], f"comm_method {self.comm_method} not valid!" + + # Set the number of spacecraft + self._n_spacecraft = 2 + + # Keep track of rewarded targets + self.rewarded_targets = [] + self.target_duplication = 0 + self.rewarded_downlinks = [] + self.downlink_duplication = 0 + + # Set up targets and action, observation spaces + self._n_targets = ( + 3 # Assumes 3 targets, three other actions (charge, desat, downlink) + ) + self.target_tuple_size = 4 # Number of elements in target definition + self.action_space = spaces.MultiDiscrete( + [3 + self.n_targets] * self.n_spacecraft + ) + low = -1e16 + high = 1e16 + self.observation_space = spaces.Box( + low, + high, + shape=(self.n_spacecraft, 22 + self.n_targets * self.target_tuple_size), + ) + self.obs = np.zeros( + [self.n_spacecraft, 22 + self.n_targets * self.target_tuple_size] + ) + self.obs_full = np.zeros( + [self.n_spacecraft, 22 + self.n_targets * self.target_tuple_size] + ) + + # Store what the agent tried + self.curr_episode = -1 + self.action_episode_memory = [] + self.curr_step = 0 + self.episode_over = False + self.failure = np.zeros(self.n_spacecraft) + + # Parameters not set yet + self.params_set = False
+ + + @property + def n_spacecraft(self): + return self._n_spacecraft + + @n_spacecraft.setter + def n_spacecraft(self, n_spacecraft): + self._n_spacecraft = n_spacecraft + self.update_spaces() + + @property + def n_targets(self): + return self._n_targets + + @n_targets.setter + def n_targets(self, n_targets): + self._n_targets = n_targets + self.update_spaces() + +
+[docs] + def sim_attrs(self): + """ + Creates keyword arguments for instantiating the simulator. If an attribute is + present that matches a simulatormkeyword, pass it in. + """ + attrs = inspect.signature(MultiSatAgileEOSSimulator.__init__).parameters.keys() + return { + attr: getattr(self, attr) + for attr in attrs + if attr != "self" and hasattr(self, attr) + }
+ + +
+[docs] + def set_env_params(self, **kwargs): + """ + Set arbitrary environment variables. Can be used to override simulator defaults. + """ + for arg, val in kwargs.items(): + setattr(self, arg, val)
+ + +
+[docs] + def set_params( + self, + n_spacecraft, + n_planes, + rel_phasing, + inc, + global_tgts, + priorities, + comm_method, + **kwargs, + ): + """ + Updates the constellation and target parameters in the environment. Environment + must be reset afterwards. Reset is not called within this function so user can + choose between reset and reset_init. + """ + # Set these parameters in the environment + self.set_env_params( + n_spacecraft=n_spacecraft, + n_planes=n_planes, + rel_phasing=rel_phasing, + inc=inc, + global_tgts=global_tgts, + priorities=priorities, + comm_method=comm_method, + params_set=True, + **kwargs, + )
+ + +
+[docs] + def update_spaces(self): + """ + Updates the size of action and observation spaces and preallocations. + """ + self.action_space = spaces.MultiDiscrete( + [3 + self.n_targets] * self.n_spacecraft + ) + low = -1e16 + high = 1e16 + self.observation_space = spaces.Box( + low, + high, + shape=(self.n_spacecraft, 22 + self.n_targets * self.target_tuple_size), + ) + self.obs = np.zeros( + [self.n_spacecraft, 22 + self.n_targets * self.target_tuple_size] + ) + self.obs_full = np.zeros( + [self.n_spacecraft, 22 + self.n_targets * self.target_tuple_size] + ) + self.failure = np.zeros(self.n_spacecraft)
+ + + def _seed(self): + np.random.seed() + return + +
+[docs] + def step(self, action, return_obs=True): + """ + :param action: 1 x n_spacecraft list of actions + :param return_obs: whether or not to return observations + :return ob: n_spacecraft x dim_obs nparray of observations + :return reward: 1 x (n_spacecraft + 1) nparray of rewards, last index is global + reward, other are local rewards + :return episode over: True/False if episode is over + :return info: dictionary of info for debugging purposes + """ + # Check if the simulator has been initialized or not + if self.simulator_init == 0: + self.simulator = MultiSatAgileEOSSimulator(**self.sim_attrs()) + self.obs = self.simulator.obs + self.simulator_init = 1 + + # If the simTime in minutes is greater than the planning interval in minutes, + # end the sim + if (self.simulator.simTime / 60.0) >= self.max_length: + print("End of simulation reached", self.simulator.simTime / 60) + self.episode_over = True + + # Save the previous observations + prev_ob = self.obs_full + + # Take the action + downlinked, imaged = self._take_action(action, return_obs) + + if return_obs: + # Loop through each spacecraft's observations + for idx in range(0, self.n_spacecraft): + observation = self.obs_full[idx, :] + # If the wheel speeds get too large, end the episode. + if any( + speeds + > self.simulator.initial_conditions[str(idx)]["maxSpeed"] * mc.RPM + for speeds in observation[8:11] + ): + self.episode_over = True + self.failure[0, idx] = True + print( + "Spacecraft " + + str(idx) + + " died from wheel explosion. RPMs were norm:" + + str(observation[8:11]) + + ", limit is " + + str(6000 * mc.RPM) + + ", body rate was " + + str(observation[7]) + + "action taken was " + + str(action[idx]) + + ", env step" + + str(self.curr_step) + ) + print( + "Prior state was RPM:" + + str(prev_ob[idx, 8:11]) + + " . body rate was: " + + str(prev_ob[idx, 7]) + ) + # If we run out of power, end the episode. + elif observation[11] == 0: + self.failure[0, idx] = True + self.episode_over = True + print( + "Spacecraft " + + str(idx) + + " ran out of power. Battery level at: " + + str(observation[11]) + + ", env step " + + str(self.curr_step) + + ", action taken was " + + str(action[idx]) + ) + # If we overflow the buffer, end the episode. + elif ( + observation[13] + >= self.simulator.initial_conditions[str(idx)][ + "dataStorageCapacity" + ] + and action[idx] >= 3 + ): + self.failure[0, idx] = True + self.episode_over = True + print( + "Spacecraft " + + str(idx) + + " data buffer overflow. Data storage level at:" + + str(observation[13]) + + ", env step, " + + str(self.curr_step) + + ", action taken was " + + str(action[idx]) + ) + elif self.sim_over: + self.episode_over = True + print( + "Spacecraft " + + str(idx) + + " orbit decayed - no penalty, but this one is over." + ) + else: + self.failure[0, idx] = False + + if self.episode_over: + info = { + "episode": {"r": self.reward_total, "l": self.curr_step}, + "obs": self._get_state(), + } + else: + info = {"obs": self._get_state()} + + reward = self._get_reward(downlinked, imaged) + self.reward_total = np.add(self.reward_total, reward) + self.curr_step += 1 + + return ( + self._get_state(), + reward, + self.episode_over, + [False] * self.n_spacecraft, + info, + )
+ + + def _take_action(self, action, return_obs=True): + """ + :param action: 1 x n_spacecraft list of actions + :param return_obs: whether or not to return observation + :return downlinked: n_spacecraft x m list of downlinked targets + :return imaged: n_spacecraft x p list of imaged targets + + Actions: + 0 - Charging Mode + 1 - Desaturation Mode + 2 - Downlinked Mode + >= 3 - Imaging Mode + """ + self.action_episode_memory.append(action) + ( + self.obs, + self.sim_over, + self.obs_full, + downlinked, + imaged, + ) = self.simulator.run_sim(action, return_obs) + + return downlinked, imaged + + def _get_reward(self, downlinked, imaged): + """ + :param downlinked: n_spacecraft x m list of downlinked targets + :param imaged: n_spacecraft x p list of imaged targets + :return reward: 1 x (n_spacecraft + 1) nparray of rewards, last index is global + reward, other are local rewards + """ + reward = np.zeros((1, self.n_spacecraft + 1)) + for i in range(0, self.n_spacecraft): + if self.failure[0, i]: + reward[0, i] = -self.failure_penalty + reward[ + 0, self.n_spacecraft + ] -= self.failure_penalty # Add failure to global reward + else: + for data in downlinked[i]: + if data not in self.rewarded_downlinks: + self.rewarded_downlinks.append(data) + r = self.downlink_reward_fn( + float( + self.simulator.initial_conditions["env_params"][ + "globalPriorities" + ][data] + ) + ) + # Add to global reward + reward[0, i] += r + reward[0, self.n_spacecraft] += r + else: + self.downlink_duplication += 1 + for image in imaged[i]: + if image not in self.rewarded_targets: + self.rewarded_targets.append(image) + r = self.image_reward_fn( + float( + self.simulator.initial_conditions["env_params"][ + "globalPriorities" + ][image] + ) + ) + # Add to global reward + reward[0, i] += r + reward[0, self.n_spacecraft] += r + else: + self.target_duplication += 1 + + return reward + +
+[docs] + def reset(self, seed=None, options=None): + """ + Reset the state of the environment and returns an initial observation. + :return ob: n_spacecraft x dim_obs nparray of observations + """ + if self.initial_conditions is not None: + del self.simulator + + if options is not None: + if "initial_conditions" in options: + self.initial_conditions = options["initial_conditions"] + + # Check if params were set + if not self.params_set: + self.environment_settings = env_settings.env_settings() + if self.initial_conditions is not None: + tgt_pos = self.initial_conditions["env_params"]["globalTargets"] + tgt_priority = self.initial_conditions["env_params"]["globalPriorities"] + else: + ( + tgt_pos, + tgt_priority, + ) = self.environment_settings.generate_global_targets() + self.set_params( + n_spacecraft=self.environment_settings.n_spacecraft, + n_planes=self.environment_settings.n_planes, + rel_phasing=self.environment_settings.rel_phasing, + inc=self.environment_settings.inc, + global_tgts=tgt_pos, + priorities=tgt_priority, + comm_method=self.environment_settings.comm_method, + ) + self.update_spaces() + + self.action_episode_memory = [] + self.episode_over = False + self.failure = np.zeros((1, self.n_spacecraft)) + self.curr_step = 0 + self.reward_total = 0 + + # Create the simulator + self.simulator = MultiSatAgileEOSSimulator(**self.sim_attrs()) + + # Extract initial conditions from instantiation of simulator + self.initial_conditions = self.simulator.initial_conditions + self.simulator_init = 1 + self._seed() + self.obs = self.simulator.obs + + return self.obs
+ + + def _render(self, mode="human", close=False): + return + + def _get_state(self): + """ + Return the non-normalized observation to the environment + :return ob: n_spacecraft x dim_obs np.array of observations + """ + return self.obs
+ + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + env = gym.make("MultiSatAgileEOS-v0") + + env.reset() + + reward_sum = 0 + for idx in range(0, env.max_steps): + action = env.action_space.sample() + ob, reward, episode_over, truncated, info = env.step(action) + reward_sum += reward + + if episode_over: + print("Episode over at step " + str(idx)) + break + + print("Reward total: " + str(reward_sum)) +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisensor_eos/bsk_sim.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisensor_eos/bsk_sim.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..49485acc --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisensor_eos/bsk_sim.html @@ -0,0 +1,1040 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.bsk_sim — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.bsk_sim

+import Basilisk.architecture.cMsgCInterfacePy as cMsgPy
+import numpy as np
+from Basilisk import __path__
+from Basilisk.architecture import messaging
+from Basilisk.fswAlgorithms import (
+    attTrackingError,
+    locationPointing,
+    mrpFeedback,
+    rwMotorTorque,
+    thrForceMapping,
+    thrMomentumDumping,
+    thrMomentumManagement,
+from Basilisk.simulation import (
+    ReactionWheelPower,
+    eclipse,
+    ephemerisConverter,
+    extForceTorque,
+    groundLocation,
+    simpleBattery,
+    simpleNav,
+    simplePowerSink,
+    simpleSolarPanel,
+    spacecraft,
+from Basilisk.utilities import RigidBodyKinematics as rbk
+from Basilisk.utilities import SimulationBaseClass
+from Basilisk.utilities import macros as mc
+from Basilisk.utilities import simIncludeGravBody, unitTestSupport, vizSupport
+from bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives import actuator_primitives as ap
+bskPath = __path__[0]
+class MultiSensorEOSSimulator(SimulationBaseClass.SimBaseClass):
+    """
+    Simulates ground observations by a single spacecraft in LEO.
+    Dynamics Components
+    * Forces: J2, Atmospheric Drag w/ COM offset
+    * Environment: Exponential density model; eclipse
+    * Actuators: ExternalForceTorque
+    * Sensors: SimpleNav
+    * Systems: SimpleBattery, SimpleSink, SimpleSolarPanel
+    FSW Components:
+    * mrpFeedback controller
+    * inertial3d (sun pointing), hillPoint (nadir pointing)
+    :return:
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        dyn_step,
+        fsw_step,
+        mode_duration,
+        max_simtime,
+        init_epoch="2021 MAY 04 06:47:48.965 (UTC)",
+        initial_conditions={},
+        render=False,
+        settings=None,
+    ):
+        """
+        Creates the simulation, but does not initialize the initial conditions.
+        """
+        self.dyn_step = dyn_step
+        self.fsw_step = fsw_step
+        self.mode_duration = mode_duration
+        self.max_simtime = max_simtime
+        super().__init__()
+        # define class variables that are assigned later on
+        self.attRefMsg = None
+        self.has_access_rec = None
+        self.img_modes = settings.img_modes
+        self.sim_time = 0.0
+        self.sim_over = False
+        # If no initial conditions are defined yet, set ICs
+        if initial_conditions:
+            self.initial_conditions = initial_conditions
+        else:
+            self.initial_conditions = settings.INITIAL_CONDITIONS
+        #   Specify some simulation parameters
+        self.init_epoch = self.initial_conditions["utc_init"]
+        self.mass = self.initial_conditions.get("mass")  # kg
+        self.powerDraw = self.initial_conditions.get("powerDraw")  # W
+        self.imaged_targets = np.zeros(self.initial_conditions["n_targets"])
+        self.upcoming_tgts = np.arange(0, self.initial_conditions["n_targets"])
+        self.dyn_models = []
+        self.fsw_models = []
+        #   Initialize the dynamics+fsw task groups, modules
+        self.dyn_proc_name = "DynamicsProcess"  # Create simulation process name
+        self.dyn_proc = self.CreateNewProcess(self.dyn_proc_name)  # Create process
+        self.dyn_task_name = "dyn_task"
+        self.env_task_name = "env_task"
+        self.dyn_task = self.dyn_proc.addTask(
+            self.CreateNewTask(self.dyn_task_name, mc.sec2nano(self.dyn_step)),
+            taskPriority=200,
+        )
+        self.env_task = self.dyn_proc.addTask(
+            self.CreateNewTask(self.env_task_name, mc.sec2nano(self.dyn_step)),
+            taskPriority=199,
+        )
+        self.set_env_dynamics()
+        self.set_sc_dynamics()
+        self.setup_gateway_msgs()
+        if render:
+            self.setup_viz()
+        self.set_fsw()
+        self.set_logging()
+        self.Init_sc_mode = 2
+        self.mode_request = None
+        self.img_mode = None
+        self.data_buffer = None
+        self.InitializeSimulation()
+        self._sim_state = self.get_sim_state(init=True)
+        return
+    def set_env_dynamics(self):
+        """
+        Sets up environmental dynamics for the sim, including:
+        * SPICE
+        * Eclipse
+        * Planetary atmosphere
+        * Gravity
+        * Spherical harmonics
+        """
+        # clear prior gravitational body and SPICE setup definitions
+        self.gravFactory = simIncludeGravBody.gravBodyFactory()
+        self.sun = 0
+        self.central_body = 1
+        body_name = self.initial_conditions.get("central_body")
+        gravBodies = self.gravFactory.createBodies(["sun", body_name])
+        gravBodies[
+            body_name
+        ].isCentralBody = True  # ensure this is the central gravitational body
+        self.mu = gravBodies[body_name].mu
+        self.radEquator = gravBodies[body_name].radEquator
+        # setup Spice interface for some solar system bodies
+        timeInitString = self.init_epoch
+        self.gravFactory.createSpiceInterface(
+            bskPath + "/supportData/EphemerisData/", timeInitString
+        )
+        self.gravFactory.spiceObject.zeroBase = (
+            body_name  # Make sure that the central body is the zero base
+        )
+        self.ephemConverter = ephemerisConverter.EphemerisConverter()
+        self.ephemConverter.ModelTag = "ephemConverter"
+        self.ephemConverter.addSpiceInputMsg(
+            self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.sun]
+        )
+        self.ephemConverter.addSpiceInputMsg(
+            self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.central_body]
+        )
+        # Create the ground location
+        self.groundLocation = groundLocation.GroundLocation()
+        self.groundLocation.ModelTag = "groundTarget"
+        self.groundLocation.planetRadius = self.radEquator
+        self.groundLocation.specifyLocationPCPF(
+            unitTestSupport.np2EigenVectorXd(
+                self.initial_conditions["targetLocation"][:, 0]
+            )
+        )
+        self.groundLocation.planetInMsg.subscribeTo(
+            self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.central_body]
+        )
+        self.groundLocation.minimumElevation = np.radians(
+            self.initial_conditions.get("minElev")
+        )
+        self.groundLocation.maximumRange = self.initial_conditions.get("maxRange")
+        self.AddModelToTask(self.dyn_task_name, self.groundLocation)
+        self.AddModelToTask(self.dyn_task_name, self.gravFactory.spiceObject)
+        self.AddModelToTask(self.dyn_task_name, self.ephemConverter)
+    def set_sc_dynamics(self):
+        """
+        Sets up the dynamics modules for the sim. This simulator runs:
+        scObject (spacecraft dynamics simulation)
+        EclipseObject (simulates eclipse for simpleSolarPanel)
+        extForceTorque (attitude actuation)
+        simpleNav (attitude determination/sensing)
+        simpleSolarPanel (attitude-dependent power generation)
+        simpleBattery (power storage)
+        simplePowerNode (constant power draw)
+        By default, parameters are set to those for a 6U cubesat.
+        :return:
+        """
+        sc_number = 0
+        #   Spacecraft, Planet Setup
+        self.scObject = spacecraft.Spacecraft()
+        self.scObject.ModelTag = "spacecraft"
+        # attach gravity model to spaceCraftPlus
+        self.scObject.gravField.gravBodies = spacecraft.GravBodyVector(
+            list(self.gravFactory.gravBodies.values())
+        )
+        #   Make sure cross-coupling is done
+        self.groundLocation.addSpacecraftToModel(self.scObject.scStateOutMsg)
+        rN = self.initial_conditions.get("rN")
+        vN = self.initial_conditions.get("vN")
+        width = self.initial_conditions.get("width")
+        depth = self.initial_conditions.get("depth")
+        height = self.initial_conditions.get("height")
+        self.Inertia_mat = [
+            1.0 / 12.0 * self.mass * (width**2.0 + depth**2.0),
+            0.0,
+            0.0,
+            0.0,
+            1.0 / 12.0 * self.mass * (depth**2.0 + height**2.0),
+            0.0,
+            0.0,
+            0.0,
+            1.0 / 12.0 * self.mass * (width**2.0 + height**2.0),
+        ]
+        self.scObject.hub.mHub = self.mass  # kg
+        self.scObject.hub.IHubPntBc_B = unitTestSupport.np2EigenMatrix3d(
+            self.Inertia_mat
+        )
+        self.scObject.hub.r_CN_NInit = unitTestSupport.np2EigenVectorXd(rN)
+        self.scObject.hub.v_CN_NInit = unitTestSupport.np2EigenVectorXd(vN)
+        sigma_init = self.initial_conditions.get("sigma_init")
+        omega_init = self.initial_conditions.get("omega_init")
+        self.scObject.hub.sigma_BNInit = sigma_init  # sigma_BN_B
+        self.scObject.hub.omega_BN_BInit = omega_init
+        self.eclipseObject = eclipse.Eclipse()
+        self.eclipseObject.addSpacecraftToModel(self.scObject.scStateOutMsg)
+        self.eclipseObject.addPlanetToModel(
+            self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.central_body]
+        )
+        self.eclipseObject.sunInMsg.subscribeTo(
+            self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.sun]
+        )
+        #   Disturbance Torque Setup
+        disturbance_magnitude = self.initial_conditions.get("disturbance_magnitude")
+        disturbance_vector = self.initial_conditions.get("disturbance_vector")
+        unit_disturbance = disturbance_vector / np.linalg.norm(disturbance_vector)
+        self.extForceTorqueObject = extForceTorque.ExtForceTorque()
+        self.extForceTorqueObject.extTorquePntB_B = (
+            disturbance_magnitude * unit_disturbance
+        )
+        self.extForceTorqueObject.ModelTag = "DisturbanceTorque"
+        self.scObject.addDynamicEffector(self.extForceTorqueObject)
+        # Add reaction wheels to the spacecraft
+        self.rwStateEffector, rwFactory, initWheelSpeeds = ap.balancedHR16Triad(
+            useRandom=True, randomBounds=(-800, 800)
+        )
+        # Change the wheel speeds
+        rwFactory.rwList["RW1"].Omega = self.initial_conditions.get("wheelSpeeds")[
+            0
+        ]  # rad/s
+        rwFactory.rwList["RW2"].Omega = self.initial_conditions.get("wheelSpeeds")[
+            1
+        ]  # rad/s
+        rwFactory.rwList["RW3"].Omega = self.initial_conditions.get("wheelSpeeds")[
+            2
+        ]  # rad/s
+        rwFactory.addToSpacecraft("ReactionWheels", self.rwStateEffector, self.scObject)
+        self.rwConfigMsg = rwFactory.getConfigMessage()
+        #   Add thrusters to the spacecraft
+        self.thrusterSet, thrFactory = ap.idealMonarc1Octet()
+        thrModelTag = "ACSThrusterDynamics"
+        self.thrusterConfigMsg = thrFactory.getConfigMessage()
+        thrFactory.addToSpacecraft(thrModelTag, self.thrusterSet, self.scObject)
+        #   Add simpleNav as a mock estimator to the spacecraft
+        self.simpleNavObject = simpleNav.SimpleNav()
+        self.simpleNavObject.ModelTag = "SimpleNav"
+        self.simpleNavObject.scStateInMsg.subscribeTo(self.scObject.scStateOutMsg)
+        #   Power Setup
+        self.solarPanel = simpleSolarPanel.SimpleSolarPanel()
+        self.solarPanel.ModelTag = "solarPanel" + str(sc_number)
+        self.solarPanel.stateInMsg.subscribeTo(self.scObject.scStateOutMsg)
+        self.solarPanel.sunEclipseInMsg.subscribeTo(
+            self.eclipseObject.eclipseOutMsgs[sc_number]
+        )
+        self.solarPanel.sunInMsg.subscribeTo(
+            self.gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[self.sun]
+        )
+        self.solarPanel.setPanelParameters(
+            unitTestSupport.np2EigenVectorXd(self.initial_conditions.get("nHat_B")),
+            self.initial_conditions.get("panelArea"),
+            self.initial_conditions.get("panelEfficiency"),
+        )
+        self.nominalPowerSink = simplePowerSink.SimplePowerSink()
+        self.nominalPowerSink.ModelTag = "nominalPowerSink" + str(sc_number)
+        self.nominalPowerSink.nodePowerOut = self.powerDraw  # Watts
+        self.sensorPowerSink = simplePowerSink.SimplePowerSink()
+        self.sensorPowerSink.ModelTag = "sensorPowerSink" + str(sc_number)
+        self.sensorPowerSink.nodePowerOut = self.powerDraw  # Watts
+        self.sensorPowerSink.powerStatus = 0
+        self.rwPowerList = []
+        for ind in range(rwFactory.getNumOfDevices()):
+            rwPower = ReactionWheelPower.ReactionWheelPower()
+            rwPower.ModelTag = f"rwPower_{ind}"
+            rwPower.basePowerNeed = 1.0
+            rwPower.elecToMechEfficiency = 0.9
+            rwPower.mechToElecEfficiency = 0.5
+            rwPower.rwStateInMsg.subscribeTo(self.rwStateEffector.rwOutMsgs[ind])
+            rwPower.nodePowerOut = self.powerDraw  # Watts
+            self.rwPowerList.append(rwPower)
+        self.powerMonitor = simpleBattery.SimpleBattery()
+        self.powerMonitor.ModelTag = "powerMonitor"
+        self.powerMonitor.storageCapacity = self.initial_conditions.get(
+            "storageCapacity"
+        )
+        self.powerMonitor.storedCharge_Init = self.initial_conditions.get(
+            "storedCharge_Init"
+        )
+        self.powerMonitor.addPowerNodeToModel(self.solarPanel.nodePowerOutMsg)
+        self.powerMonitor.addPowerNodeToModel(self.nominalPowerSink.nodePowerOutMsg)
+        self.powerMonitor.addPowerNodeToModel(self.sensorPowerSink.nodePowerOutMsg)
+        for rwPower in self.rwPowerList:
+            self.powerMonitor.addPowerNodeToModel(rwPower.nodePowerOutMsg)
+        #   Add all the models to the dynamics task
+        self.AddModelToTask(self.dyn_task_name, self.scObject, ModelPriority=200)
+        self.AddModelToTask(self.dyn_task_name, self.simpleNavObject, ModelPriority=199)
+        self.AddModelToTask(self.dyn_task_name, self.rwStateEffector, ModelPriority=198)
+        self.AddModelToTask(self.dyn_task_name, self.thrusterSet, ModelPriority=197)
+        self.AddModelToTask(self.env_task_name, self.eclipseObject, ModelPriority=196)
+        self.AddModelToTask(self.env_task_name, self.solarPanel, ModelPriority=195)
+        self.AddModelToTask(self.env_task_name, self.powerMonitor, ModelPriority=194)
+        self.AddModelToTask(
+            self.env_task_name, self.nominalPowerSink, ModelPriority=193
+        )
+        self.AddModelToTask(self.env_task_name, self.sensorPowerSink, ModelPriority=192)
+        for rwPower in self.rwPowerList:
+            self.AddModelToTask(self.env_task_name, rwPower)
+        return
+    def setup_viz(self):
+        """
+        Initializes a vizSupport instance and logs all RW/thruster/spacecraft state
+        messages.
+        """
+        from datetime import datetime
+        fileName = f"earth_obs_env-v3_{datetime.today()}"
+        self.vizInterface = vizSupport.enableUnityVisualization(
+            self,
+            self.dyn_task_name,
+            self.scObject,
+            rwEffectorList=self.rwStateEffector,
+            thrEffectorList=self.thrusterSet,
+            saveFile=fileName,
+        )
+        vizSupport.addLocation(
+            self.vizInterface,
+            stationName=self.initial_conditions.get("target_name"),
+            parentBodyName=self.initial_conditions.get("central_body") + "_planet_data",
+            r_GP_P=self.groundLocation.r_LP_P_Init,
+            fieldOfView=2 * (np.pi / 2 - self.groundLocation.minimumElevation),
+            color="pink",
+            range=self.groundLocation.maximumRange,  # meters
+        )
+        self.vizInterface.settings.spacecraftSizeMultiplier = 1.5
+        self.vizInterface.settings.showLocationCommLines = 1
+        self.vizInterface.settings.showLocationCones = 1
+        self.vizInterface.settings.showLocationLabels = 1
+    def set_fsw(self):
+        """
+        Sets up the attitude guidance stack for the simulation.
+        This simulator runs:
+        * inertial3Dpoint - Sets the attitude guidance objective to point the main panel
+          at the sun.
+        * hillPointTask: Sets the attitude guidance objective to point a "camera"
+          boresight towards nadir.
+        * attitudeTrackingError: Computes the difference between estimated and guidance
+          attitudes
+        * mrpFeedbackControl: Computes an appropriate control torque given an attitude
+          error
+        """
+        self.dyn_proc.addTask(
+            self.CreateNewTask("sunPointTask", mc.sec2nano(self.fsw_step)),
+            taskPriority=100,
+        )
+        self.dyn_proc.addTask(
+            self.CreateNewTask("nonSunPointTask", mc.sec2nano(self.fsw_step)),
+            taskPriority=100,
+        )
+        self.dyn_proc.addTask(
+            self.CreateNewTask("nadirPointTask", mc.sec2nano(self.fsw_step)),
+            taskPriority=100,
+        )
+        self.dyn_proc.addTask(
+            self.CreateNewTask("mrpControlTask", mc.sec2nano(self.fsw_step)),
+            taskPriority=50,
+        )
+        self.dyn_proc.addTask(
+            self.CreateNewTask("rwDesatTask", mc.sec2nano(self.fsw_step)),
+            taskPriority=25,
+        )
+        # Specify the vehicle configuration message to tell things what the vehicle
+        # inertia is
+        vehicleConfigOut = messaging.VehicleConfigMsgPayload()
+        # use the same inertia in the FSW algorithm as in the simulation
+        #   Set inertia properties to those of a solid 6U cubeoid:
+        vehicleConfigOut.ISCPntB_B = self.Inertia_mat
+        # adcs_config_data -> vcConfigMsg
+        self.vcConfigMsg = messaging.VehicleConfigMsg().write(vehicleConfigOut)
+        #   Sun pointing configuration
+        self.sunPointData = locationPointing.locationPointingConfig()
+        self.sunPointWrap = self.setModelDataWrap(self.sunPointData)
+        self.sunPointWrap.ModelTag = "sunPoint"
+        cMsgPy.AttRefMsg_C_addAuthor(self.sunPointData.attRefOutMsg, self.attRefMsg)
+        self.sunPointData.pHat_B = unitTestSupport.EigenVector3d2np(
+            self.solarPanel.nHat_B
+        )
+        self.sunPointData.scTransInMsg.subscribeTo(self.simpleNavObject.transOutMsg)
+        self.sunPointData.scAttInMsg.subscribeTo(self.simpleNavObject.attOutMsg)
+        self.sunPointData.celBodyInMsg.subscribeTo(
+            self.ephemConverter.ephemOutMsgs[self.sun]
+        )
+        self.sunPointData.useBoresightRateDamping = 1
+        #   Non-Sun pointing configuration
+        self.nonSunPointData = locationPointing.locationPointingConfig()
+        self.nonSunPointWrap = self.setModelDataWrap(self.nonSunPointData)
+        self.nonSunPointWrap.ModelTag = "nonSunPoint"
+        cMsgPy.AttRefMsg_C_addAuthor(self.nonSunPointData.attRefOutMsg, self.attRefMsg)
+        self.nonSunPointData.pHat_B = -unitTestSupport.EigenVector3d2np(
+            self.solarPanel.nHat_B
+        )
+        self.nonSunPointData.scTransInMsg.subscribeTo(self.simpleNavObject.transOutMsg)
+        self.nonSunPointData.scAttInMsg.subscribeTo(self.simpleNavObject.attOutMsg)
+        self.nonSunPointData.celBodyInMsg.subscribeTo(
+            self.ephemConverter.ephemOutMsgs[self.sun]
+        )
+        self.nonSunPointData.useBoresightRateDamping = 1
+        #   Nadir pointing configuration
+        self.nadirPointData = locationPointing.locationPointingConfig()
+        self.nadirPointWrap = self.setModelDataWrap(self.nadirPointData)
+        self.nadirPointWrap.ModelTag = "nadirPoint"
+        cMsgPy.AttRefMsg_C_addAuthor(self.nadirPointData.attRefOutMsg, self.attRefMsg)
+        self.nadirPointData.pHat_B = unitTestSupport.EigenVector3d2np(
+            self.solarPanel.nHat_B
+        )
+        self.nadirPointData.scTransInMsg.subscribeTo(self.simpleNavObject.transOutMsg)
+        self.nadirPointData.scAttInMsg.subscribeTo(self.simpleNavObject.attOutMsg)
+        self.nadirPointData.celBodyInMsg.subscribeTo(
+            self.ephemConverter.ephemOutMsgs[self.central_body]
+        )
+        self.nadirPointData.useBoresightRateDamping = 1
+        #   Attitude error configuration
+        self.trackingErrorData = attTrackingError.attTrackingErrorConfig()
+        self.trackingErrorWrap = self.setModelDataWrap(self.trackingErrorData)
+        self.trackingErrorWrap.ModelTag = "trackingError"
+        self.trackingErrorData.attNavInMsg.subscribeTo(self.simpleNavObject.attOutMsg)
+        self.trackingErrorData.attRefInMsg.subscribeTo(self.attRefMsg)
+        self.trackingErrorData.sigma_R0R = rbk.C2MRP(
+            self.initial_conditions.get("C_R0R")
+        )
+        #   Attitude controller configuration
+        self.mrpFeedbackControlData = mrpFeedback.mrpFeedbackConfig()
+        self.mrpFeedbackControlWrap = self.setModelDataWrap(self.mrpFeedbackControlData)
+        self.mrpFeedbackControlWrap.ModelTag = "mrpFeedbackControl"
+        self.mrpFeedbackControlData.guidInMsg.subscribeTo(
+            self.trackingErrorData.attGuidOutMsg
+        )
+        self.mrpFeedbackControlData.vehConfigInMsg.subscribeTo(self.vcConfigMsg)
+        self.mrpFeedbackControlData.K = self.initial_conditions.get("K")
+        self.mrpFeedbackControlData.Ki = self.initial_conditions.get("Ki")
+        self.mrpFeedbackControlData.P = self.initial_conditions.get("P")
+        self.mrpFeedbackControlData.integralLimit = (
+            2.0 / self.mrpFeedbackControlData.Ki * 0.1
+        )
+        # add module that maps the Lr control torque into the RW motor torques
+        self.rwMotorTorqueConfig = rwMotorTorque.rwMotorTorqueConfig()
+        self.rwMotorTorqueWrap = self.setModelDataWrap(self.rwMotorTorqueConfig)
+        self.rwMotorTorqueWrap.ModelTag = "rwMotorTorque"
+        self.rwStateEffector.rwMotorCmdInMsg.subscribeTo(
+            self.rwMotorTorqueConfig.rwMotorTorqueOutMsg
+        )
+        self.rwMotorTorqueConfig.rwParamsInMsg.subscribeTo(self.rwConfigMsg)
+        self.rwMotorTorqueConfig.vehControlInMsg.subscribeTo(
+            self.mrpFeedbackControlData.cmdTorqueOutMsg
+        )
+        self.rwMotorTorqueConfig.controlAxes_B = self.initial_conditions.get(
+            "controlAxes_B"
+        )
+        self.rwStateEffector.rwMotorCmdInMsg.subscribeTo(
+            self.rwMotorTorqueConfig.rwMotorTorqueOutMsg
+        )
+        #   Momentum dumping configuration
+        self.thrDesatControlConfig = thrMomentumManagement.thrMomentumManagementConfig()
+        self.thrDesatControlWrap = self.setModelDataWrap(self.thrDesatControlConfig)
+        self.thrDesatControlWrap.ModelTag = "thrMomentumManagement"
+        self.thrDesatControlConfig.hs_min = self.initial_conditions.get("hs_min")  # Nms
+        self.thrDesatControlConfig.rwSpeedsInMsg.subscribeTo(
+            self.rwStateEffector.rwSpeedOutMsg
+        )
+        self.thrDesatControlConfig.rwConfigDataInMsg.subscribeTo(self.rwConfigMsg)
+        # setup the thruster force mapping module
+        self.thrForceMappingConfig = thrForceMapping.thrForceMappingConfig()
+        self.thrForceMappingWrap = self.setModelDataWrap(self.thrForceMappingConfig)
+        self.thrForceMappingWrap.ModelTag = "thrForceMapping"
+        self.thrForceMappingConfig.cmdTorqueInMsg.subscribeTo(
+            self.thrDesatControlConfig.deltaHOutMsg
+        )
+        self.thrForceMappingConfig.thrConfigInMsg.subscribeTo(self.thrusterConfigMsg)
+        self.thrForceMappingConfig.vehConfigInMsg.subscribeTo(self.vcConfigMsg)
+        self.thrForceMappingConfig.controlAxes_B = self.initial_conditions.get(
+            "controlAxes_B"
+        )
+        self.thrForceMappingConfig.thrForceSign = self.initial_conditions.get(
+            "thrForceSign"
+        )
+        self.thrForceMappingConfig.angErrThresh = 3.15
+        self.thrDumpConfig = thrMomentumDumping.thrMomentumDumpingConfig()
+        self.thrDumpWrap = self.setModelDataWrap(self.thrDumpConfig)
+        self.thrDumpConfig.deltaHInMsg.subscribeTo(
+            self.thrDesatControlConfig.deltaHOutMsg
+        )
+        self.thrDumpConfig.thrusterImpulseInMsg.subscribeTo(
+            self.thrForceMappingConfig.thrForceCmdOutMsg
+        )
+        self.thrusterSet.cmdsInMsg.subscribeTo(self.thrDumpConfig.thrusterOnTimeOutMsg)
+        self.thrDumpConfig.thrusterConfInMsg.subscribeTo(self.thrusterConfigMsg)
+        self.thrDumpConfig.maxCounterValue = self.initial_conditions.get(
+            "maxCounterValue"
+        )
+        self.thrDumpConfig.thrMinFireTime = self.initial_conditions.get(
+            "thrMinFireTime"
+        )
+        #   Add models to tasks
+        self.AddModelToTask(
+            "sunPointTask", self.sunPointWrap, self.sunPointData, ModelPriority=10
+        )
+        self.AddModelToTask(
+            "nonSunPointTask",
+            self.nonSunPointWrap,
+            self.nonSunPointData,
+            ModelPriority=10,
+        )
+        self.AddModelToTask(
+            "nadirPointTask", self.nadirPointWrap, self.nadirPointData, ModelPriority=10
+        )
+        self.AddModelToTask(
+            "mrpControlTask",
+            self.mrpFeedbackControlWrap,
+            self.mrpFeedbackControlData,
+            ModelPriority=3,
+        )
+        self.AddModelToTask(
+            "mrpControlTask",
+            self.trackingErrorWrap,
+            self.trackingErrorData,
+            ModelPriority=9,
+        )
+        self.AddModelToTask(
+            "mrpControlTask",
+            self.rwMotorTorqueWrap,
+            self.rwMotorTorqueConfig,
+            ModelPriority=1,
+        )
+        self.AddModelToTask(
+            "rwDesatTask",
+            self.thrDesatControlWrap,
+            self.thrDesatControlConfig,
+            ModelPriority=3,
+        )
+        self.AddModelToTask(
+            "rwDesatTask",
+            self.thrForceMappingWrap,
+            self.thrForceMappingConfig,
+            ModelPriority=2,
+        )
+        self.AddModelToTask(
+            "rwDesatTask", self.thrDumpWrap, self.thrDumpConfig, ModelPriority=1
+        )
+    def set_logging(self):
+        """
+        Logs simulation outputs to return as observations. This simulator observes:
+        mrp_bn - inertial to body MRP
+        error_mrp - Attitude error given current guidance objective
+        power_level - current W-Hr from the battery
+        r_bn - inertial position of the s/c relative to Earth
+        :return:
+        """
+        # Set the sampling time to the duration of a timestep:
+        samplingTime = mc.sec2nano(self.mode_duration)
+        self.has_access_rec = self.groundLocation.accessOutMsgs[-1].recorder()
+        self.onTimeLog = self.thrDumpConfig.thrusterOnTimeOutMsg.recorder()
+        self.thrMapLog = self.thrForceMappingConfig.thrForceCmdOutMsg.recorder(
+            samplingTime
+        )
+        self.AddModelToTask("mrpControlTask", self.thrMapLog)
+        self.AddModelToTask("mrpControlTask", self.has_access_rec)
+        self.AddModelToTask("mrpControlTask", self.onTimeLog)
+        return
+    def setup_gateway_msgs(self):
+        """create C-wrapped gateway messages such that different modules can write to
+        this message
+        and provide a common input msg for down-stream modules"""
+        self.attRefMsg = cMsgPy.AttRefMsg_C()
+        self.zeroGateWayMsgs()
+    def zeroGateWayMsgs(self):
+        """Zero all the FSW gateway message payloads"""
+        self.attRefMsg.write(messaging.AttRefMsgPayload())
+    def run_sim(self, action):
+        """
+        Executes the sim for a specified duration given a mode command.
+        Args:
+            action:
+                * 0 - Point solar panels at the sun
+                * 1 - Desaturate reaction wheels
+                * >1 - Image types
+        Returns:
+            sim_state - simulation states generated
+            sim_over - episode over flag
+        """
+        self.mode_request = action
+        currentResetTime = mc.sec2nano(self.sim_time)
+        self.zeroGateWayMsgs()
+        if self.mode_request == 0:
+            #   Set up a sun pointing mode
+            self.dyn_proc.enableAllTasks()
+            self.sunPointWrap.Reset(currentResetTime)
+            self.trackingErrorWrap.Reset(currentResetTime)
+            self.disableTask("nadirPointTask")
+            self.disableTask("nonSunPointTask")
+            self.disableTask("rwDesatTask")
+            self.enableTask("sunPointTask")
+            self.enableTask("mrpControlTask")
+            self.sensorPowerSink.powerStatus = 0
+        elif self.mode_request == 1:
+            #   Set up a desat mode
+            self.dyn_proc.enableAllTasks()
+            self.nonSunPointWrap.Reset(currentResetTime)
+            self.trackingErrorWrap.Reset(currentResetTime)
+            self.thrDesatControlWrap.Reset(currentResetTime)
+            self.thrDumpWrap.Reset(currentResetTime)
+            self.thrForceMappingWrap.Reset(currentResetTime)
+            self.disableTask("nadirPointTask")
+            self.disableTask("sunPointTask")
+            self.enableTask("nonSunPointTask")
+            self.enableTask("mrpControlTask")
+            self.enableTask("rwDesatTask")
+            self.sensorPowerSink.powerStatus = 0
+        elif (self.mode_request - 2) in range(self.img_modes):
+            #   Set up a nadir pointing mode
+            self.dyn_proc.enableAllTasks()
+            self.nadirPointWrap.Reset(currentResetTime)
+            self.trackingErrorWrap.Reset(currentResetTime)
+            self.disableTask("sunPointTask")
+            self.disableTask("nonSunPointTask")
+            self.disableTask("rwDesatTask")
+            self.enableTask("nadirPointTask")
+            self.enableTask("mrpControlTask")
+            self.sensorPowerSink.powerStatus = 1
+            self.data_buffer += 1
+        else:
+            raise invalid_action
+        self.sim_time += self.mode_duration
+        simulationTime = mc.sec2nano(self.sim_time)
+        #   Execute the sim
+        self.has_access_rec.clear()  # purge the recorder history
+        self.onTimeLog.clear()
+        self.thrMapLog.clear()
+        self.ConfigureStopTime(simulationTime)
+        self.ExecuteSimulation()
+        #   Simulation States
+        self._sim_state = self.get_sim_state()
+        #   Check if sim is over
+        sc_pos_inertial = np.array(
+            [
+                self._sim_state.get("rx_sc_N"),
+                self._sim_state.get("ry_sc_N"),
+                self._sim_state.get("rz_sc_N"),
+            ]
+        )
+        if np.linalg.norm(sc_pos_inertial) < (self.radEquator):
+            self.sim_over = True
+            print("Spacecraft crashed into Body.")
+        elif self.sim_time >= self.max_simtime:
+            self.sim_over = True
+        return self._sim_state
+    def get_sim_state(self, init=False):
+        # Check if the target was imaged
+        if any(self.has_access_rec.hasAccess) and not init:
+            self.imaged_targets[self.upcoming_tgts[0]] = 1
+        # Update list of upcoming targets
+        self.upcoming_tgts = self.check_target_switch()
+        # Update the groundLocation with the next target
+        self.groundLocation.specifyLocationPCPF(
+            unitTestSupport.np2EigenVectorXd(
+                self.initial_conditions["targetLocation"][:, self.upcoming_tgts[0]]
+            )
+        )
+        self.img_mode = self.initial_conditions["instrumentSpecification"][
+            self.upcoming_tgts[0]
+        ]
+        if init:
+            r_target_N = np.array(self.groundLocation.r_LP_P_Init).T[0]
+            r_sc_N = self.initial_conditions.get("rN")
+            att_err = np.linalg.norm(self.scObject.hub.sigma_BNInit)
+            att_rate = np.linalg.norm(self.scObject.hub.omega_BN_BInit)
+            wheel_speed = np.linalg.norm(self.initial_conditions.get("wheelSpeeds"))
+            stored_charge = self.powerMonitor.storedCharge_Init
+            sun_indicator = self.eclipseObject.eclipseOutMsgs[0].read().shadowFactor
+            r_target_sc_N = r_sc_N - r_target_N
+            access_indicator = int(
+                np.arccos(
+                    np.dot(r_target_N, r_target_sc_N)
+                    / (np.linalg.norm(r_target_N) * np.linalg.norm(r_target_sc_N))
+                )
+                <= np.deg2rad(90.0 - self.initial_conditions.get("minElev"))
+            )
+            self.data_buffer = 0
+            r_LN_N = [0, 0, 0]
+            r_LN_N_norm = 1
+        else:
+            # Call update state on the ground location class to update the target
+            self.groundLocation.UpdateState(mc.sec2nano(self.sim_time))
+            r_target_N = self.groundLocation.currentGroundStateOutMsg.read().r_LN_N
+            r_sc_N = self.scObject.scStateOutMsg.read().r_BN_N
+            att_err = np.linalg.norm(
+                self.trackingErrorData.attGuidOutMsg.read().sigma_BR
+            )
+            att_rate = np.linalg.norm(self.simpleNavObject.attOutMsg.read().omega_BN_B)
+            wheel_speed = np.linalg.norm(
+                self.rwStateEffector.rwSpeedOutMsg.read().wheelSpeeds[0:3]
+            )
+            stored_charge = self.powerMonitor.batPowerOutMsg.read().storageLevel
+            sun_indicator = self.eclipseObject.eclipseOutMsgs[0].read().shadowFactor
+            has_access = self.has_access_rec.hasAccess
+            if any(has_access):
+                access_indicator = 1
+            else:
+                access_indicator = 0
+            r_LN_N = self.groundLocation.currentGroundStateOutMsg.read().r_LN_N
+            r_LN_N_norm = np.linalg.norm(r_LN_N)
+        azimuth_angle = self.groundLocation.accessOutMsgs[-1].read().azimuth
+        elevation_angle = self.groundLocation.accessOutMsgs[-1].read().elevation
+        azimuth_rate = self.groundLocation.accessOutMsgs[-1].read().az_dot
+        elevation_rate = self.groundLocation.accessOutMsgs[-1].read().el_dot
+        rx_BL_L = self.groundLocation.accessOutMsgs[-1].read().r_BL_L[0]
+        ry_BL_L = self.groundLocation.accessOutMsgs[-1].read().r_BL_L[1]
+        rz_BL_L = self.groundLocation.accessOutMsgs[-1].read().r_BL_L[2]
+        rxy_2norm_BL_L = np.linalg.norm(
+            self.groundLocation.accessOutMsgs[-1].read().r_BL_L[0:2]
+        )
+        xDot_BL_L = self.groundLocation.accessOutMsgs[-1].read().v_BL_L[0]
+        yDot_BL_L = self.groundLocation.accessOutMsgs[-1].read().v_BL_L[1]
+        zDot_BL_L = self.groundLocation.accessOutMsgs[-1].read().v_BL_L[2]
+        v_can = np.sqrt(
+            self.mu / self.radEquator
+        )  # canonical velocity normalizing constant
+        rot_ang_mom = unitTestSupport.EigenVector3d2np(
+            self.scObject.totRotAngMomPntC_N
+        )  # rotational angular momentum about CoM in N-frame coords
+        current_sim_state = {
+            "rx_target_N": r_target_N[0],
+            "ry_target_N": r_target_N[1],
+            "rz_target_N": r_target_N[2],
+            "rx_sc_N": r_sc_N[0],
+            "ry_sc_N": r_sc_N[1],
+            "rz_sc_N": r_sc_N[2],
+            "sc_az": azimuth_angle,
+            "sc_el": elevation_angle,
+            "sc_az_dot": azimuth_rate,
+            "sc_el_dot": elevation_rate,
+            "rx_BL_L": rx_BL_L,
+            "ry_BL_L": ry_BL_L,
+            "rz_BL_L": rz_BL_L,
+            "rx_canonical_BL_L": rx_BL_L / self.radEquator,
+            "ry_canonical_BL_L": ry_BL_L / self.radEquator,
+            "rz_canonical_BL_L": rz_BL_L / self.radEquator,
+            "rxy_2norm_canonical_BL_L": rxy_2norm_BL_L / self.radEquator,
+            "xDot_BL_L": xDot_BL_L,
+            "yDot_BL_L": yDot_BL_L,
+            "zDot_BL_L": zDot_BL_L,
+            "xDot_canonical_BL_L": xDot_BL_L / v_can,
+            "yDot_canonical_BL_L": yDot_BL_L / v_can,
+            "zDot_canonical_BL_L": zDot_BL_L / v_can,
+            "att_err": att_err,
+            "att_rate": att_rate,
+            "wheel_speed": wheel_speed,
+            "stored_charge": stored_charge,
+            "sun_indicator": sun_indicator,
+            "access_indicator": access_indicator,
+            "sc_mode": self.mode_request,
+            "rxhat_target_N": r_LN_N[0] / r_LN_N_norm,
+            "ryhat_target_N": r_LN_N[1] / r_LN_N_norm,
+            "rzhat_target_N": r_LN_N[2] / r_LN_N_norm,
+            "rot_ang_mom_x": rot_ang_mom[0],
+            "rot_ang_mom_y": rot_ang_mom[1],
+            "rot_ang_mom_z": rot_ang_mom[2],
+            "data_buffer": self.data_buffer,
+            "img_mode": self.img_mode,
+            "img_mode_norm": self.img_mode / self.img_modes,
+        }
+        return current_sim_state
+    def check_target_switch(self):
+        """
+        Grabs the index(s) of the next upcoming target(s)
+        """
+        times = self.initial_conditions.get("target_times")
+        idx = 0
+        upcoming_tgts = []
+        for idx, time in enumerate(times):
+            # If less than simTime, add to upcoming targets
+            if self.sim_time < time:
+                if not self.imaged_targets[idx]:
+                    upcoming_tgts.append(idx)
+                # return idx
+        # Check that the list has at least as many upcoming targets as n_targets
+        # (num in action space)
+        # If not, backfill with last target
+        if len(upcoming_tgts) < self.initial_conditions["n_targets"]:
+            for tgt in range(self.initial_conditions["n_targets"] - len(upcoming_tgts)):
+                # Append the last target
+                upcoming_tgts.append(idx)
+        return upcoming_tgts
+    def __del__(self):
+        """
+        Deletes the simulation instance and calls the spice kernel unloader
+        :return:
+        """
+        self.close_gracefully()
+        return
+    def close_gracefully(self):
+        """
+        makes sure spice gets shut down right when we close.
+        :return:
+        """
+        self.gravFactory.unloadSpiceKernels()
+        return
+[docs] +class invalid_action(Exception): + def __str__(self): + return "Invalid mode selection"
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisensor_eos/env_settings.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisensor_eos/env_settings.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2079bff4 --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisensor_eos/env_settings.html @@ -0,0 +1,273 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.env_settings — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.env_settings

+import random
+import numpy as np
+from Basilisk.utilities import macros as mc
+from Basilisk.utilities import orbitalMotion
+from bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions import leo_orbit
+[docs] +class Settings: + """ + To be used as settings for the MultiSensorEOS gymnasium environment and bsk sim. + """ + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self): + # Instrument Settings + self.img_modes = 2 + + # Simulation parameters + self.SIM_TIME = int(90) # number of planning intervals + self.N_TGTS = 50 + self.STEP_DURATION = 180.0 # [sec] length of planning interval + self.DYN_STEP = 0.5 # [sec] + self.FSW_STEP = 1.0 # [sec] + self.RENDER = False # will render every episode if used in training + + # Spacecraft Attributes + self.MASS = 330.0 # [kg] + self.POWER_DRAW = -5.0 # [W] + self.WHEEL_LIM = 3000 * mc.RPM # [rad/s] + self.POWER_MAX = 50.0 * 3600.0 # J + + # Learning Parameters + self.REWARD_MULTIPLIER = 1.0 + + # Observation Space (each obs element is a scalar value) + self.OBSERVATIONS = [ + # "rx_target_N", + # "ry_target_N", + # "rz_target_N", + # "rx_sc_N", + # "ry_sc_N", + # "rz_sc_N", + # "sc_az", + # "sc_el", + # "sc_az_dot", + # "sc_el_dot", + # "rx_BL_L", + # "ry_BL_L", + # "rz_BL_L", + "rx_canonical_BL_L", + "ry_canonical_BL_L", + "rz_canonical_BL_L", + # "rxy_2norm_canonical_BL_L", + # "xDot_BL_L", + # "yDot_BL_L", + # "zDot_BL_L", + "xDot_canonical_BL_L", + "yDot_canonical_BL_L", + "zDot_canonical_BL_L", + # "rxhat_target_N", + # "ryhat_target_N", + # "rzhat_target_N", + "att_err", + "att_rate", + "wheel_speed", + "stored_charge", + "sun_indicator", + "access_indicator", + # "sc_mode", + # "data_buffer", + "img_mode_norm", + ] + + self.UTC_INIT = "2021 MAY 04 06:47:48.965 (UTC)" + + self.CENTRAL_BODY = "earth" + + # Attitude rate + self.maxSpinRate = 0.001
+ + + def generate_new_ic(self): + oe, rN, vN = leo_orbit.sampled_400km() + + targets, times = leo_orbit.create_ground_tgts( + self.N_TGTS, rN, vN, self.SIM_TIME * self.STEP_DURATION / 60, self.UTC_INIT + ) + + # Sample random values + sigma_init = np.array([random.uniform(0, 1.0) for _ in range(3)]) + omega_init = np.array( + [random.uniform(-i, i) for i in self.maxSpinRate * np.ones(3)] + ) + disturbance_vector = np.array([random.gauss(0, 1) for _ in range(3)]) + wheelSpeeds = np.array( + [random.uniform(-i, i) for i in 0.5 * self.WHEEL_LIM * np.ones(3)] + ) + storedCharge_Init = random.uniform(0.3 * self.POWER_MAX, self.POWER_MAX) + + # Dict of initial conditions + self.INITIAL_CONDITIONS = { + # Initialize the start time of the sim + "utc_init": self.UTC_INIT, + # Mass + "mass": self.MASS, # kg + # Orbital parameters + "central_body": self.CENTRAL_BODY, + "oe": oe, + "rN": rN, + "vN": vN, + # Spacecraft dimensions + "width": 1.38, + "depth": 1.04, + "height": 1.58, + # Attitude and rate initialization + "sigma_init": sigma_init, + "omega_init": omega_init, + # Atmospheric density + "planetRadius": orbitalMotion.REQ_EARTH * 1000.0, + "baseDensity": 1.22, # kg/m^3 + "scaleHeight": 8e3, # m + # Disturbance Torque + "disturbance_magnitude": 5e-3, + "disturbance_vector": disturbance_vector + / np.linalg.norm(disturbance_vector), + # Reaction Wheel speeds + "wheelSpeeds": wheelSpeeds, # rad/s + # Solar Panel Parameters + "nHat_B": np.array([0, 0, 1]), + "panelArea": 2 * 0.15 * 0.3, + "panelEfficiency": 0.20, + # Power Sink Parameters + "powerDraw": self.POWER_DRAW, # W + # Battery Parameters + "storageCapacity": self.POWER_MAX, + "storedCharge_Init": storedCharge_Init, + # Pointing Configuration (Solar panels & cameras) + "C_R0R": np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]).T, + # RW motor torque and thruster force mapping FSW config + "controlAxes_B": [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], + # Attitude controller FSW config + "K": 7, + "Ki": -1.0, # Note: make value negative to turn off integral feedback + "P": 35, + # Momentum dumping config + "hs_min": 0.0, # Nms + # Thruster force mapping FSW module + "thrForceSign": 1, + # Thruster momentum dumping FSW config + "maxCounterValue": 4, + "thrMinFireTime": 0.02, # Seconds + # Ground target locations + "targetLocation": targets, # m + "instrumentSpecification": np.random.randint( + 1, 1 + self.img_modes, self.N_TGTS + ), + "target_times": times, # seconds + "minElev": 60.0, # [degrees] + "maxRange": 5.0e7, # [meters} + "n_targets": self.N_TGTS, + }
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisensor_eos/gym_env.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisensor_eos/gym_env.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..373ec8af --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/multisensor_eos/gym_env.html @@ -0,0 +1,422 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.gym_env — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.gym_env

+from copy import deepcopy
+import gymnasium as gym
+import numpy as np
+from gymnasium import spaces
+from bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.bsk_sim import MultiSensorEOSSimulator
+from bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.env_settings import Settings
+[docs] +class MultiSensorEOS(gym.Env): + """ + Earth observation environment - simulates a spacecraft with variable imager modes + attempting to image a ground location. + Agent must choose between charging, desaturating, and image type(s); also needs to + choose an appropriate imaging type. + Taking the image type corresponding to the ground location's required sensor type + results in full reward, other image types results in no reward. + + Action Space (discrete): + + * 0 - Points solar panels at the sun. + * 1 - Desaturates the reaction wheels. + * >1 - Orients the s/c towards the earth; takes image of type _. + + Observation Space: + + * r_sc_I - float[3,] - spacecraft position. + * v_sc - float[3,] - spacecraft velocity in PCPF. + * sigma_RB - float [0,1] - norm of the spacecraft error MRP with respect to the + last reference frame specified. + * omega_BN - float - norm of the total spacecraft bus rotational velocity with + respect to the inertial frame. + * omega_RW - float - norm of the reaction wheel rotational velocities. + * storedCharge - float [0,batCapacity] - indicates the s/c battery charge level in + W-s. + * sun_indicator - float [0, 1] - indicates the flux mitigator due to eclipse. + * access indicator - access to the next target + * img_mode norm - float [0,1] - indicates the required imaging mode. + + Reward Function: + r = 1/(1+ | sigma_RB|) if correct sensor + + Intended to provide a rich reward in action 1 when the spacecraft is pointed + towards the earth, decaying as sigma^2 as the pointing error increases. + """ + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self): + self.__version__ = "1.0.0" + print( + "Earth Observation Sim, State Guarded Actions - Version {}".format( + self.__version__ + ) + ) + + # Set up simulation parameters + self.settings = Settings() + self.step_duration = self.settings.STEP_DURATION + self.max_steps = self.settings.SIM_TIME + self.dyn_step = self.settings.DYN_STEP + self.fsw_step = self.settings.FSW_STEP + + # Set up environment parameters + self.curr_step = None + self.reward_total = None + self.initial_conditions = None + self.simulator = None + self.episode_over = None + self.curr_episode = -1 + self.ob = None + self.state_machine_state = None + self.prev_ins_spec = None + self.prev_sim_state = None + self.sim_state = None + self.info = {} + + # Set up setting variables locally + self.wheel_lim = self.settings.WHEEL_LIM + self.power_max = self.settings.POWER_MAX + self.obs_defn = self.settings.OBSERVATIONS + + # Reward function parameters + self.max_observations = self.settings.N_TGTS + self.reward_mult = ( + self.settings.REWARD_MULTIPLIER / self.max_observations + ) # Normalize reward to episode duration; '1' represents 100% target + # observation with 100% accuracy + self.failure_penalty = 1 # episode reward of 0 or less is a failed episode + self.img_modes = self.settings.img_modes + + self.failure = False + + # Set observation space + low = -1e16 + high = 1e16 + self.observation_space = spaces.Box( + low, high, shape=(len(self.obs_defn),), dtype=np.float64 + ) + + print("Observation space: ", self.observation_space.shape) + + # Action Space description + # 0 - sun pointing (power objective) + # 1 - desaturation (required for long-term pointing) + # >1 - imaging types + self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(2 + self.img_modes) + self.action_episode_memory = [] + + print("Action space: ", self.action_space.n) + + self.render = self.settings.RENDER + + self.return_obs = True
+ + +
+[docs] + def step(self, action): + """ + The agent takes a step in the environment. Note that the simulator must be + initialized + + Args: + action: int + + Returns: + + * ob (object): an environment-specific object representing your observation of + the environment. + * reward (float): amount of reward achieved by the previous action. The scale + varies between environments, but the goal is always to increase + your total reward. + * episode_over (bool): whether it's time to reset the environment again. Most (but not + all) tasks are divided up into well-defined episodes, and done + being True indicates the episode has terminated. (For example, + perhaps the pole tipped too far, or you lost your last life.) + * truncated (truncated): set to false. Gymnasium requirement. + * info (dict): diagnostic information useful for debugging. It can sometimes + be useful for learning (for example, it might contain the raw + probabilities behind the environment's last state change). + However, official evaluations of your agent are not allowed to + use this for learning. + + """ + + self.curr_step += 1 + self.prev_sim_state = deepcopy(self.sim_state) + self.prev_ins_spec = self.simulator.img_mode + self._take_action(action) + + # If the wheel speeds get too large, end the episode. + if self.sim_state.get("wheel_speed") > self.wheel_lim: + self.episode_over = True + self.failure = True + print("Died from wheel explosion.") + elif self.sim_state.get("stored_charge") == 0: + self.episode_over = True + self.failure = True + print("Ran out of power.") + elif self.simulator.sim_over: + self.episode_over = True + + reward = self._get_reward() + self.reward_total += reward + + self.info = { + "episode": {"r": self.reward_total, "l": self.curr_step}, + "obs": self.ob, + "fsm": self.prev_ins_spec, + } + + self.info["metrics"] = { + "sim_length": self.simulator.sim_time / 60, + "num_imaged": self._get_num_imaged(), + } + + return self.ob, reward, self.episode_over, False, self.info
+ + + def _take_action(self, action): + """ + Interfaces with the simulator to + :param action: + :return: + """ + + self.action_episode_memory[self.curr_episode].append(action) + + # Let the simulator handle action management: + self.sim_state = self.simulator.run_sim(action) + self.ob = self._get_ob() + + def _get_reward(self): + """ + Reward is based on time spent with the inertial attitude pointed towards the + ground within a given tolerance. + + """ + reward = 0 + last_action = self.action_episode_memory[self.curr_episode][-1] + if self.failure: + reward = -self.failure_penalty + elif (last_action > 1) and self.prev_sim_state.get("access_indicator"): + # Attitude contribution: + att_reward = self.reward_mult / ( + 1.0 + self.prev_sim_state.get("att_err") ** 2.0 + ) + if last_action == ( + self.prev_ins_spec + 1 + ): # If the obs taken matches the correction insturment action type + freq_mult = 1.0 + else: + freq_mult = 0.0 + reward = att_reward * freq_mult + + return reward + + def _get_ob(self): + """Get the observation. + WIP: Work out which error representation to give the algo.""" + ob = np.zeros(len(self.obs_defn)) + for i, ob_key in enumerate(self.obs_defn): + ob[i] = self.sim_state.get(ob_key) + if ob_key == "wheel_speed": + ob[ + i + ] /= ( + self.wheel_lim + ) # Normalize reaction wheel speed to fraction of limit + elif ob_key == "stored_charge": + ob[ + i + ] /= ( + self.power_max + ) # Normalize current power to fraction of total power + + return ob + +
+[docs] + def reset(self, seed=None, options=None): + """ + Reset the state of the environment and returns an initial observation. + Returns + ------- + observation (object): the initial observation of the space. + """ + super().reset(seed=seed) + self.curr_episode += 1 + self.action_episode_memory.append([]) + self.curr_step = -1 + self.reward_total = 0 + del ( + self.simulator + ) # Force delete the sim to make sure nothing funky happens under the hood + tFinal = self.max_steps * self.step_duration + + if options is None: + self.settings.generate_new_ic() + self.initial_conditions = self.settings.INITIAL_CONDITIONS + else: + if "initial_conditions" not in options: + self.settings.generate_new_ic() + self.initial_conditions = self.settings.INITIAL_CONDITIONS + else: + self.initial_conditions = options["initial_conditions"] + + self.simulator = MultiSensorEOSSimulator( + self.dyn_step, + self.fsw_step, + self.step_duration, + tFinal, + initial_conditions=self.initial_conditions, + render=self.render, + settings=self.settings, + ) + self.episode_over = self.simulator.sim_over + self.failure = False + self.sim_state = self.simulator.get_sim_state(init=True) + self.ob = self._get_ob() + + return self.ob, self.info
+ + + def _render(self, mode="human", close=False): + self.render = True + return + + def _get_num_imaged(self): + num_imaged = 0 + for idx in range(len(self.simulator.imaged_targets)): + if self.simulator.imaged_targets[idx] >= 1.0: + num_imaged += 1
+ + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + env = gym.make("MultiSensorEOS-v0") + + env.reset() + + reward_sum = 0 + for idx in range(0, env.max_steps): + action = env.action_space.sample() + ob, reward, episode_over, truncated, info = env.step(action) + reward_sum += reward + + if episode_over: + print("Episode over at step " + str(idx)) + break + + print("Reward total: " + str(reward_sum)) +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/simple_eos/gym_env.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/simple_eos/gym_env.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..60d90cd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/simple_eos/gym_env.html @@ -0,0 +1,424 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.gym_env — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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Source code for bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.gym_env

+import gymnasium as gym
+import numpy as np
+from Basilisk.utilities import macros as mc
+from gymnasium import spaces
+from bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos import bsk_sim
+[docs] +class SimpleEOS(gym.Env): + """ + The spacecraft must decide between pointing at the ground to collect science data, + pointing at the sun to charge, desaturating reaction wheels, and downlinking data. + This is referred to as the "simple" simulator as science data is simply collected + by nadir pointing. Specific imaging targets are not considered. + + Action Space (discrete, 0 or 1): + * 0 - Imaging mode + * 1 - Charging mode + * 2 - Desat mode + * 3 - Downlink mode + + Observation Space: + * Inertial position and velocity - indices 0-5 + * Attitude error and attitude rate - indices 6-7 + * Reaction wheel speeds - indices 8-11 + * Battery charge - indices 12 + * Eclipse indicator - indices 13 + * Stored data onboard spacecraft - indices 14 + * Data transmitted over interval - indices 15 + * Amount of time ground stations were accessible (s) - 16-22 + * Percent through planning interval - 23 + + Reward Function: + r = +1 for each MB downlinked and no failure + r = +1 for each MB downlinked and no failure and +1 if t > t_max + r = - 1000 if failure (battery drained, buffer overflow, reaction wheel speeds over max) + """ + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self): + self.__version__ = "0.0.1" + print("SimpleEOS Environment - Version {}".format(self.__version__)) + + # General variables defining the environment + self.max_length = int(270) # Specify the maximum number of minutes + self.max_steps = 45 + self.render = False + + # Tell the environment that it doesn't have a sim attribute... + self.simulator_init = 0 + self.simulator = None + self.reward_total = 0 + + # Set initial conditions to none (gets assigned in reset) + self.initial_conditions = None + + # Set the dynRate for the env, which is passed into the simulator + self.dynRate = 1.0 + self.fswRate = 1.0 + + # Set up options, constants for this environment + self.step_duration = 6 * 60.0 # seconds, tune as desired + self.reward_mult = 1.0 + self.failure_penalty = 1000 + low = -1e16 + high = 1e16 + self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low, high, shape=(23,), dtype=np.float64) + self.obs = np.zeros(23) + self.obs_full = np.zeros(23) + + self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(4) + + # Store what the agent tried + self.curr_episode = -1 + self.action_episode_memory = [] + self.curr_step = 0 + self.episode_over = False + self.failure = False + + self.return_obs = True
+ + + def _seed(self): + np.random.seed() + return + +
+[docs] + def step(self, action): + """ + The agent takes a step in the environment. + Parameters + ---------- + action : int + Returns + ------- + ob, reward, episode_over, info : tuple + ob (object) : + an environment-specific object representing your observation of + the environment. + reward (float) : + amount of reward achieved by the previous action. The scale + varies between environments, but the goal is always to increase + your total reward. + episode_over (bool) : + whether it's time to reset the environment again. Most (but not + all) tasks are divided up into well-defined episodes, and done + being True indicates the episode has terminated. (For example, + perhaps the pole tipped too far, or you lost your last life.) + info (dict) : + diagnostic information useful for debugging. It can sometimes + be useful for learning (for example, it might contain the raw + probabilities behind the environment's last state change). + However, official evaluations of your agent are not allowed to + use this for learning. + """ + + # If the simTime in minutes is greater than the planning interval in minutes, + # end the sim + if (self.simulator.simTime / 60) >= self.max_length: + print("End of simulation reached", self.simulator.simTime / 60) + self.episode_over = True + + prev_ob = self.obs_full + self._take_action(action) + + # If we want to return observations, do the following + if self.return_obs: + reward = 0 + ob = self._get_state() + + # If the wheel speeds get too large, end the episode. + if any(speeds > 6000 * mc.RPM for speeds in self.obs_full[8:10]): + self.episode_over = True + self.failure = True + reward -= self.failure_penalty + self.reward_total -= self.failure_penalty + print( + "Died from wheel explosion. RPMs were: " + + self.obs_full[8:10] + + ", limit is " + + str(6000 * mc.RPM) + + ", body rate was " + + str(self.obs_full[7]) + + ", action taken was " + + str(action) + + ", env step " + + str(self.curr_step) + ) + print( + "Prior state was RPM:" + + prev_ob[8:10] + + " . body rate was:" + + str(prev_ob[7]) + ) + + # If we run out of power, end the episode. + elif self.obs_full[11] == 0: + self.failure = True + self.episode_over = True + reward -= self.failure_penalty + self.reward_total -= self.failure_penalty + print( + "Ran out of power. Battery level at: " + + str(self.obs_full[11]) + + ", env step " + + str(self.curr_step) + + ", action taken was " + + str(action) + ) + + # If we overflow the buffer, end the episode. + elif self.obs_full[13] >= self.simulator.storageUnit.storageCapacity: + self.failure = True + self.episode_over = True + reward -= self.failure_penalty + self.reward_total -= self.failure_penalty + print( + "Data buffer overflow. Data storage level at: " + + str(self.obs_full[13]) + + ", env step " + + str(self.curr_step) + + ", action taken was " + + str(action) + ) + + elif self.sim_over: + self.episode_over = True + print("Orbit decayed - no penalty, but this one is over.") + + else: + self.failure = False + + if self.episode_over: + info = { + "episode": {"r": self.reward_total, "l": self.curr_step}, + "obs": ob, + } + else: + info = {"obs": ob} + reward = self._get_reward() + self.reward_total += reward + + # Otherwise, return nothing + else: + ob = [] + reward = 0 + info = {} + + info["metrics"] = { + "downlinked": self.simulator.downlinked, + "sim_length": self.simulator.simTime / 60, + "total_access": self.simulator.total_access, + "utilized_access": self.simulator.utilized_access, + } + + self.curr_step += 1 + return ob.flatten(), reward, self.episode_over, False, info
+ + + def _take_action(self, action): + """ + Interfaces with the simulator to + :param action: + :return: + """ + + self.action_episode_memory[self.curr_episode].append(action) + self.obs, self.sim_over, self.obs_full = self.simulator.run_sim( + action, self.return_obs + ) + + def _get_reward(self): + """ + Reward is based on time spent with the inertial attitude pointed towards the + ground within a given tolerance. + + """ + if self.failure: + reward = -self.failure_penalty + elif self.episode_over: + reward = (-self.obs_full[14][0]) * (self.reward_mult**self.curr_step) + 1 + else: + reward = -self.obs_full[14][0] * (self.reward_mult**self.curr_step) + + return reward + +
+[docs] + def reset(self, seed=None, options=None): + """ + Reset the state of the environment and returns an initial observation. + Returns + ------- + observation (object): the initial observation of the space. + """ + super().reset(seed=seed) + + if self.simulator is not None: + del self.simulator + + if options is not None: + if "initial_conditions" in options: + self.initial_conditions = options["initial_conditions"] + + self.action_episode_memory.append([]) + self.episode_over = False + self.failure = False + self.curr_step = 0 + self.reward_total = 0 + + # Create the simulator + self.simulator = bsk_sim.SimpleEOSSimulator( + self.dynRate, + self.fswRate, + self.step_duration, + initial_conditions=self.initial_conditions, + render=self.render, + ) + + # Extract initial conditions from instantiation of simulator + self.initial_conditions = self.simulator.initial_conditions + self.simulator.max_steps = self.max_steps + self.simulator.max_length = self.max_length + self.simulator_init = 1 + + return self.simulator.obs.flatten(), {}
+ + + def _render(self, mode="human", close=False): + return + + def _get_state(self): + """Return the non-normalized observation from the simulator""" + + return self.simulator.obs
+ + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + env = gym.make("SimpleEOS-v0") + + env.reset() + + reward_sum = 0 + for idx in range(0, env.max_steps): + action = env.action_space.sample() + ob, reward, episode_over, truncated, info = env.step(action) + reward_sum += reward + + if episode_over: + print("Episode over at step " + str(idx)) + break + + print("Reward total: " + str(reward_sum)) +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/small_body_science/gym_env.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/small_body_science/gym_env.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e4c7322e --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/small_body_science/gym_env.html @@ -0,0 +1,465 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.gym_env — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
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  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.gym_env

+import gymnasium as gym
+import numpy as np
+from gymnasium import spaces
+from bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.bsk_sim import SmallBodyScienceSimulator
+[docs] +class SmallBodyScience(gym.Env): + """ + Small body gym environment where an agent can transition between different + waypoints defined in the sun anti-momentum frame to image candidate landing sites + or collect spectroscopy map data while avoiding resource constraint violations. + Resource constraint violations include: + * Fuel + * Power + * Data storage + * Collision with the body (not necessarilly a resource, but considered a + failure condition) + + Action Space (Discrete): + * 0 - Charging Mode + * 1 - 8 - Transition to waypoint 1-8 + * 9 - Map + * 10 - Downlink + * 11 - Image + + Observation Space (Box): + * 0-2: Hill-frame position + * 3-5: Hill-frame velocity + * 6: Eclipse + * 7: Data buffer storage + * 8: Battery level + * 9: dV consumed + * 10: Downlink availability + * 11-13: Current waypoint + * 14-16: Last waypoint + * 17: Imaged targets + * 18: Downlinked targets + * 19-21: Next closest unimaged target position in Hill frame + * 22-30: Map regions collected + + Reward Function: + * r = +A each tgt downlinked for first time + * r = +B for each tgt imaged for first time + * r = +C for each map region downlinked for first time + * r = +D for each map region collected for first time + * r = -E for failure + """ + +
+[docs] + def __init__( + self, + failure_penalty=1, + target_component=0.25, + target_downlink_component=0.25, + map_component=0.25, + map_downlink_component=0.25, + ): + self.__version__ = "0.0.1" + print("Basilisk Small Body Science Sim - Version {}".format(self.__version__)) + + # Set the fidelity of the environment + self.fidelity = "high" + + # General variables defining the environment + self.max_length = 10000.0 # Specify the maximum number of minutes + self.max_steps = 200 + self.render = False + + # Tell the environment that it doesn't have a sim attribute... + self.simulator_init = 0 + self.simulator = None + self.reward_total = 0 + + # Set initial conditions to none (gets assigned in reset) + self.initial_conditions = None + + # Set the dynRate for the env, which is passed into the simulator + if self.fidelity == "high": + self.dynRate = 2.0 + self.fswRate = 2.0 + self.mapRate = 180.0 + elif self.fidelity == "low": + self.dynRate = 1.0 + self.fswRate = 1.0 + self.mapRate = 180.0 + else: + print( + "Invalid fidelity, choose either low or high. Selected = ", + self.fidelity, + ) + + # Set up options, constants for this environment + self.step_duration = 10000.0 # seconds, tune as desired + self.reward_mult = 1.0 + + self.failure_penalty = failure_penalty + self.target_component = target_component + self.target_downlink_component = target_downlink_component + self.map_component = map_component + self.map_downlink_component = map_downlink_component + + # Define number of image targets + self.n_targets = 10 + + # Define number of map targets + self.n_maps = 3 + self.n_map_points = 500 # Number of grid points per map + + self.phi_c = None + self.lambda_c = None + + # Define observation space + self.n_states = 31 + self.obs = np.zeros(self.n_states) + self.obs_full = np.zeros(self.n_states) + self.observation_space = spaces.Box(-1e16, 1e16, shape=(self.n_states,)) + + # Define the action space + self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(12) + + # Store what the agent tried + self.curr_episode = -1 + self.action_episode_memory = [] + self.curr_step = 0 + self.episode_over = False + self.failure = False + + self.return_obs = True
+ + +
+[docs] + def step(self, action): + """ + The agent takes a step in the environment. + Parameters + ---------- + action : int + Returns + ------- + ob, reward, episode_over, truncated, info : tuple + ob (object) : + an environment-specific object representing your observation of + the environment. + reward (float) : + amount of reward achieved by the previous action. The scale + varies between environments, but the goal is always to increase + your total reward. + episode_over (bool) : + whether it's time to reset the environment again. Most (but not + all) tasks are divided up into well-defined episodes, and done + being True indicates the episode has terminated. (For example, + perhaps the pole tipped too far, or you lost your last life.) + """ + + # If the simTime in minutes is greater than the planning interval in minutes, + # end the sim + if (self.simulator.simTime / 60.0) >= self.max_length: + print("End of simulation reached", self.simulator.simTime / 60) + self.episode_over = True + + downlinked_images, downlinked_maps, imaged, mapped = self._take_action(action) + + # If we want to return observations, do the following + if self.return_obs: + ob = self._get_state() + + if any(self.simulator.powerLevel == 0): + self.failure = True + self.episode_over = True + print( + "Ran out of power. Battery level at: " + + str(self.simulator.powerLevel[-1]) + + ", env step " + + str(self.curr_step) + + ", action taken was " + + str(action) + ) + # If we overflow the buffer, end the episode. + elif ( + self.simulator.storageLevel + >= self.simulator.dataStorageUnit.storageCapacity + ): + self.failure = True + self.episode_over = True + print( + "Data buffer overflow. Data storage level at:" + + str(self.simulator.storageLevel) + + ", env step, " + + str(self.curr_step) + + ", action taken was " + + str(action) + ) + elif self.simulator.dV >= self.simulator.initial_conditions["max_dV"]: + self.failure = True + self.episode_over = True + print( + "Ran out of fuel. Total dV consumed: " + + str(self.simulator.dV) + + ", env step " + + str(self.curr_step) + ) + elif self.simulator.collision: + self.failure = True + self.episode_over = True + print("Collided with the body, env step " + str(self.curr_step)) + else: + self.failure = False + + reward = self._get_reward( + downlinked_images, downlinked_maps, imaged, mapped + ) + self.reward_total += reward + + # Otherwise, return nothing + else: + ob = [] + reward = 0 + + info = {} + info["metrics"] = { + "imaged_targets": self.simulator.imaged_targets, + "downlinked_targets": self.simulator.downlinked_targets, + "imaged_maps": self.simulator.imaged_maps, + "downlinked_maps": self.simulator.downlinked_maps, + "sim_length": self.simulator.simTime / 60, + } + + self.curr_step += 1 + return ob, reward, self.episode_over, False, info
+ + + def _take_action(self, action): + """ + Interfaces with the simulator to + :param action: + :return: + """ + + self.action_episode_memory[self.curr_episode].append(action) + ( + self.obs, + self.sim_over, + self.obs_full, + downlinked_images, + downlinked_maps, + imaged, + mapped, + ) = self.simulator.run_sim(action) + + return downlinked_images, downlinked_maps, imaged, mapped + + def _get_reward(self, downlinked_images, downlinked_maps, imaged, mapped): + """ + Reward is based on the total amount of imaged data downlinked in MB. + + """ + reward = 0 + if self.failure: + reward = -self.failure_penalty + else: + # Map image reward + reward += ( + self.map_component + / (self.simulator.n_maps * self.simulator.n_map_points) + ) * len(mapped) + # Map downlink reward + reward += ( + self.map_downlink_component + / (self.simulator.n_maps * self.simulator.n_map_points) + ) * len(downlinked_maps) + # Target imaging reward + reward += (self.target_component / self.simulator.n_targets) * len(imaged) + # Target downlink reward + reward += (self.target_downlink_component / self.simulator.n_targets) * len( + downlinked_images + ) + + return reward + +
+[docs] + def reset(self, seed=None, options=None): + """ + Reset the state of the environment and returns an initial observation. + Returns + ------- + observation (object): the initial observation of the space. + """ + self.action_episode_memory.append([]) + self.episode_over = False + self.failure = False + self.curr_step = 0 + self.reward_total = 0 + + # If initial conditions are passed in, use those + if options is not None: + if "initial_conditions" in options: + self.initial_conditions = options["initial_conditions"] + + if self.simulator is not None: + del self.simulator + + # Create the simulator + self.simulator = SmallBodyScienceSimulator( + self.dynRate, + self.fswRate, + self.mapRate, + self.step_duration, + self.initial_conditions, + render=self.render, + n_targets=self.n_targets, + n_map_points=self.n_map_points, + max_length=self.max_length, + n_states=self.n_states, + n_maps=self.n_maps, + phi_c=self.phi_c, + lambda_c=self.lambda_c, + fidelity=self.fidelity, + ) + + self.simulator.init_tasks_and_processes() + + # Extract initial conditions from instantiation of simulator + self.initial_conditions = self.simulator.initial_conditions + self.simulator.max_steps = self.max_steps + self.simulator_init = 1 + + return self.simulator.obs, {}
+ + + def _get_state(self): + """Get the observation. + WIP: Work out which error representation to give the algo.""" + + return self.simulator.obs
+ + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + env = gym.make("SmallBodyScience-v0") + + env.reset() + + reward_sum = 0 + for idx in range(0, env.max_steps): + action = env.action_space.sample() + ob, reward, episode_over, truncated, info = env.step(action) + reward_sum += reward + + if episode_over: + print("Episode over at step " + str(idx)) + break + + print("Reward total: " + str(reward_sum)) +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/small_body_science_pomdp/gym_env.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/small_body_science_pomdp/gym_env.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9281c19d --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/envs/small_body_science_pomdp/gym_env.html @@ -0,0 +1,271 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.gym_env — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.gym_env

+import gymnasium as gym
+import numpy as np
+from gymnasium import spaces
+from bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.gym_env import SmallBodyScience
+from bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.bsk_sim import SmallBodySciencePOMDPSimulator
+[docs] +class SmallBodySciencePOMDP(SmallBodyScience): + """ + Small body gym environment where an agent can transition between different + waypoints defined in the sun anti-momentum frame to image candidate landing sites + or collect spectroscopy map data while avoiding resource constraint violations. As + opposed to the SmallBodyScience environment, this environment is utilizes an EKF + filter for the observation space to simulate a POMDP, which provides a belief state + for the POMDP. + + Resource constraint violations include: + * Fuel + * Power + * Data storage + * Collision with the body (not necessarily a resource, but considered a + failure condition) + + Action Space (Discrete): + * 0 - Charging Mode + * 1 - 8 - Transition to waypoint 1-8 + * 9 - Map + * 10 - Downlink + * 11 - Image + * 12 - Navigation Mode + + Observation Space (Box): + * 0-2: Hill-frame position + * 3-5: Hill-frame velocity + * 6: Eclipse + * 7: Data buffer storage + * 8: Battery level + * 9: dV consumed + * 10: Downlink availability + * 11-13: Current waypoint + * 14-16: Last waypoint + * 17-20: Location of the next target for imaging + * 20-26: Filter covariance diagonals + + Reward Function: + * r = +A each tgt downlinked for first time + * r = +B for each tgt imaged for first time + * r = +C for each map region downlinked for first time + * r = +D for each map region collected for first time + * r = -E for failure + """ + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self): + super().__init__() + + # Set the version + self.__version__ = "0.0.0" + print( + "Small Body Science POMDP Environment - Version {}".format(self.__version__) + ) + + # Modify the observation space + self.n_states = 26 + self.obs = np.zeros(self.n_states) + self.obs_full = np.zeros(self.n_states) + self.observation_space = spaces.Box(-1e16, 1e16, shape=(self.n_states,)) + + # Modify the action space to include the navigation mode + self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(self.action_space.n + 1)
+ + +
+[docs] + def step(self, action, return_obs=True): + ob, reward, self.episode_over, info = super().step(action, return_obs=True) + + return self.modify_ob(ob), reward, self.episode_over, info
+ + +
+[docs] + def modify_ob(self, ob): + """ + Modifies the observation of the MDP such that it conforms to the POMDP + specification. + :param ob: + :return: + """ + return ob
+ + +
+[docs] + def reset(self, seed=None, options=None): + """ + Reset the state of the environment and returns an initial observation. + Returns + ------- + observation (object): the initial observation of the space. + """ + self.action_episode_memory.append([]) + self.episode_over = False + self.failure = False + self.curr_step = 0 + self.reward_total = 0 + + # If initial conditions are passed in, use those + if options is not None: + if "initial_conditions" in options: + self.initial_conditions = options["initial_conditions"] + + if self.simulator is not None: + del self.simulator + + # Create the simulator + self.simulator = SmallBodySciencePOMDPSimulator( + self.dynRate, + self.fswRate, + self.mapRate, + self.step_duration, + self.initial_conditions, + render=self.render, + n_targets=self.n_targets, + n_map_points=self.n_map_points, + max_length=self.max_length, + n_states=self.n_states, + n_maps=self.n_maps, + phi_c=self.phi_c, + lambda_c=self.lambda_c, + fidelity=self.fidelity, + ) + + self.simulator.init_tasks_and_processes() + + # Extract initial conditions from instantiation of simulator + self.initial_conditions = self.simulator.initial_conditions + self.simulator.max_steps = self.max_steps + self.simulator_init = 1 + + return self.simulator.obs, {}
+ + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + env = gym.make("SmallBodySciencePOMDP-v0") + + env.reset() + + reward_sum = 0 + for idx in range(0, env.max_steps): + action = env.action_space.sample() + ob, reward, episode_over, truncated, info = env.step(action) + reward_sum += reward + + if episode_over: + print("Episode over at step " + str(idx)) + break + + print("Reward total: " + str(reward_sum)) +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/training/mcts/mcts_train.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/training/mcts/mcts_train.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bdc280ed --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/training/mcts/mcts_train.html @@ -0,0 +1,764 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train

+import os
+import time
+from pathlib import Path
+import gymnasium as gym
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error, mean_squared_error
+from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
+from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, LeakyReLU
+from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
+from bsk_rl.agents.mcts import MCTS
+from bsk_rl.agents.state_machine import StateMachine
+from bsk_rl.utilities.mcts.rollout_policies import (
+    AgileEOSRolloutPolicy,
+    MultiSensorEOSRolloutPolicy,
+    SimpleEOSRolloutPolicy,
+    SmallBodyRolloutPolicy,
+[docs] +def mcts_batch( + data_directory, + data_indicator, + c=50, + num_sims=50, + initial_conditions=None, + result_list=None, + render=False, + env_name="SimpleEOS-v0", + num_steps=45, + t_final=270.0, +): + """ + The function performs a single run of MCTS over a planning horizon, generating \ + performance and training data + :param data_directory: Data directory to store training data + :param data_indicator: Data indicator to append to filename + :param c: MCTS exploration constant + :param num_sims: number of simulations-per-step + :param initial_conditions: Dictionary of initial conditions + :param result_list: Results list + :param render: T/F to render BSK sim using Vizard + :param env_name: environment name + :return: N/A + """ + np.random.seed(int(data_indicator.split("_")[-1])) + # Create env + env = gym.make(env_name) + env.max_length = t_final + env.max_steps = num_steps + + env.render = render + + # Run an MCTS episode, returning Q, N, reward sum, and action history + Q, N, reward, act_hist, exec_time, final_info, metrics = run_episode( + env, num_steps, t_final, c, num_sims, initial_conditions, env_name + ) + + # Grab the performance metrics from the environment (downlink utilization, etc) + performance_metrics = metrics + performance_metrics["reward_sum"] = reward + performance_metrics["action_history"] = act_hist + performance_metrics["exec_time"] = exec_time + + # Grab the states and value functions after the training cycle + states = np.array(list(Q.keys())) + state_action_output = [] + for state_actions in Q.values(): + state_action_output.append(list(state_actions.values())) + state_action_output = np.array(state_action_output) + + num_visited_output = [] + for num_visited in N.values(): + num_visited_output.append(list(num_visited.values())) + num_visited_output = np.array(num_visited_output) + + # Add to the data dictionary + data = { + "states": states, + "action_value": state_action_output, + "num_visited": num_visited_output, + "ic": env.simulator.initial_conditions, + "info": final_info, + } + + # Save the training data + os.makedirs(data_directory + "/Training Data/", exist_ok=True) + os.makedirs(data_directory + "/Validation Plots/", exist_ok=True) + np.save( + data_directory + + "/Training Data/" + + "action_value_all_info_" + + data_indicator.replace(".", "__") + + ".npy", + data, + ) + + if result_list is not None: + # return performance_metrics as a dictionary + result_list.append( + {(c, num_sims, int(data_indicator.split("_")[-1])): performance_metrics} + ) + return + else: + return {(c, num_sims, int(data_indicator.split("_")[-1])): performance_metrics}
+ + + +
+[docs] +def run_episode(env, num_steps, t_final, c, num_sims, initial_conditions, env_name): + """ + Runs an episode of MCTS. + :param env: Gym environment + :param num_steps: number of steps to take + :param t_final: Final time + :param c: Exploration constant + :param num_sims: Number of simulations-per-step + :param initial_conditions: Dictionary of initial conditions + :param env_name: environment name + :return Q: state-action value estimates + :return N: Number of times the state-action pairs were visited + :return reward: Reward sum + :return actHist: history of actions + :return exec_time: execution time + :return final_info: final infor from env + """ + + # Call reset on the environment + ob, info = env.reset() + + # Create rollout policies automatically + state_machine = StateMachine() + abs_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + if "AgileEOS" in env_name: + state_machine.loadTransferConditions( + os.path.join(abs_path, "../../utilities/state_machine/agile_eos_ops.adv") + ) + rollout_policy = AgileEOSRolloutPolicy(env=env, state_machine=state_machine) + elif "SimpleEOS" in env_name: + # Get the path relative to directory + state_machine.loadTransferConditions( + os.path.join(abs_path, "../../utilities/state_machine/simple_eos_ops.adv") + ) + rollout_policy = SimpleEOSRolloutPolicy(state_machine=state_machine) + elif "SmallBodyScience" in env_name: + rollout_policy = SmallBodyRolloutPolicy(env=env, state_machine=state_machine) + elif "MultiSensorEOS" in env_name: + state_machine.loadTransferConditions( + os.path.join( + abs_path, "../../utilities/state_machine/multisensor_eos_ops.adv" + ) + ) + rollout_policy = MultiSensorEOSRolloutPolicy( + env=env, state_machine=state_machine + ) + else: + print( + "Environment name " + + env_name + + " not found while instantiating state machine" + ) + + # Create an MCTS agent + MCTS_Agent = MCTS(c=c, num_sims=num_sims, rollout_policy=rollout_policy) + + # Set the initial conditions if they don't exist + if initial_conditions is not None: + env.initial_conditions = initial_conditions + + # Reset with the initial conditions + ob, info = env.reset(options={"initial_conditions": env.initial_conditions}) + ob_hist = [ob] + + # Set the type of environment in the MCTS agent + MCTS_Agent.setEnv( + env_name, env.initial_conditions, max_steps=num_steps, max_length=t_final + ) + + actHist = [] + + # Total reward + reward_sum = 0.0 + + # Start the execution timer + start_time = time.time() + + # Loop through each time step + for ind in range(0, num_steps): + # Set the depth to be the end of the environment + d = num_steps - ind + + # Select new action + act = MCTS_Agent.selectAction(ob, d, actHist) + + # Reset with the initial conditions + env.reset(options={"initial_conditions": env.initial_conditions}) + + # Step through env to take it to current place + env.return_obs = False + for stepAct in actHist: + _, _, _, _, _ = env.step(stepAct) + env.return_obs = True + + # Append last action to action list + actHist.append(act) + + print("Actual Action Taken: ", act) + print("Real Environment Step: ", ind) + + # Take the step in the environment + ob, reward, episode_over, _, info = env.step(act) + ob_hist.append(ob) + print("Reward: ", reward) + + # Sum the reward, add to rewards array + reward_sum = reward_sum + reward + + # Append to the trajectory + MCTS_Agent.trajectory.append( + [tuple(ob_hist[-2].reshape(1, -1)[0]), act, reward, reward_sum, info] + ) + + # If the episode is over, end the simulation + if episode_over: + print("episode over") + break + + # End the execution timer + end_time = time.time() + exec_time = end_time - start_time + + # Backup the trajectory along the main tree + MCTS_Agent.backup_tree() + + # Append Q + Q = MCTS_Agent.Q_main + N = MCTS_Agent.N_main + final_info = MCTS_Agent.info + reward = reward_sum + + return Q, N, reward, actHist, exec_time, final_info, info["metrics"]
+ + + +
+[docs] +def data_number(x): + """ + Splits the data indicator string to return the data number + :param x: data indicator string + :return: data number + """ + return int(((x.rsplit("_")[-1]).rsplit("."))[0])
+ + + +
+[docs] +def create_model( + hidden_layer_num, net_size, activation, num_states, dropout, alpha, num_actions +): + """ + Creates a feedforward neural network subject to various hyperparameters. + :param hidden_layer_num: Number of hidden layers + :param net_size: Widths of hidden layers + :param activation: activation function, either Leaky ReLU or tanh + :param num_states: Number of states + :param dropout: Dropout rate + :param alpha: alpha-parameter for Leaky ReLU activation function + :param num_actions: number of actions + :return: model + """ + # Create model + model = Sequential() + + # Add layers + for layer in range(0, hidden_layer_num): + if layer == 0: + if activation == "tanh": + model.add( + Dense(net_size, input_shape=(num_states,), activation=activation) + ) + elif activation == "LeakyReLU": + model.add(Dense(net_size, input_shape=(num_states,))) + model.add(LeakyReLU(alpha=alpha)) + else: + if activation == "tanh": + model.add(Dense(net_size, activation=activation)) + elif activation == "LeakyReLU": + model.add(Dense(net_size)) + model.add(LeakyReLU(alpha=alpha)) + + # Add dropout layers + if dropout is not None: + model.add(Dropout(dropout)) + + # Add the output layer and compile + model.add(Dense(num_actions, activation="linear")) + model.compile( + loss="mse", + optimizer="Adam", + metrics=["mean_squared_error", "mean_absolute_error"], + ) + model.summary() + + return model
+ + + +
+[docs] +def load_and_modify_data(data_directory, modified_states=[]): + """ + Loads AND modifies the training data + :param data_directory: data directory to load data from + :param modified_states: modified states. First entry is a list of indices to keep.\ + Next entries are dictionary keys + for info. + :return: train-test split of data + """ + data = [] + + # Load the data + for count, filename in enumerate( + sorted( + Path(data_directory + "/Training Data/").iterdir(), key=os.path.getmtime + ), + start=0, + ): + print(count, filename) + # if filename.startswith('AlphaZero'): + data.append(np.load(filename, allow_pickle=True)) + + for idx in range(0, len(data)): + data[idx] = data[idx].item() + + states = None + + # Load the data + for idx2 in range(0, len(data)): + if all(act_val < 0 for act_val in data[idx2]["action_value"][1, :]): + print(data[idx2]["action_value"][1, :]) + continue + elif states is None: + if len(modified_states) > 0: + for idx3, elem in enumerate(modified_states): + if idx3 == 0: + states = data[idx2]["states"][:, elem] + else: + states_to_add = [ + list(data[idx2]["info"].values())[0][elem].reshape( + list(data[idx2]["info"].values())[0][elem].size + ) + ] + for idx4 in range(1, len(list(data[idx2]["info"].values()))): + states_to_add = np.concatenate( + ( + states_to_add, + [ + list(data[idx2]["info"].values())[idx4][ + elem + ].reshape( + list(data[idx2]["info"].values())[idx4][ + elem + ].size + ) + ], + ) + ) + states = np.concatenate((states, states_to_add), axis=1) + print(states.shape) + else: + states = data[idx2]["states"] + action_value = data[idx2]["action_value"] + else: + if len(modified_states) > 0: + for idx3, elem in enumerate(modified_states): + if idx3 == 0: + states_2 = data[idx2]["states"][:, elem] + else: + states_to_add = [ + list(data[idx2]["info"].values())[0][elem].reshape( + list(data[idx2]["info"].values())[0][elem].size + ) + ] + for idx4 in range(1, len(list(data[idx2]["info"].values()))): + states_to_add = np.concatenate( + ( + states_to_add, + [ + list(data[idx2]["info"].values())[idx4][ + elem + ].reshape( + list(data[idx2]["info"].values())[idx4][ + elem + ].size + ) + ], + ) + ) + print(elem) + print(states_to_add) + states_2 = np.concatenate((states_2, states_to_add), axis=1) + print("States to add: ", states_2.shape) + states = np.concatenate((states, states_2)) + print("Full states: ", states.shape) + else: + states = np.concatenate((states, data[idx2]["states"])) + + action_value = np.concatenate((action_value, data[idx2]["action_value"])) + + return train_test_split(states, action_value, test_size=0.1, random_state=42)
+ + + +
+[docs] +def load_data(data_directory): + """ + Loads the data to train with. + :param data_directory: Data directory to load data from. + :return: train-test split of training data. + """ + data = [] + + # Load the data + for count, filename in enumerate( + sorted( + Path(data_directory + "/Training Data/").iterdir(), key=os.path.getmtime + ), + start=0, + ): + print(count, filename) + # if filename.startswith('AlphaZero'): + data.append(np.load(filename, allow_pickle=True)) + + for idx in range(0, len(data)): + data[idx] = data[idx].item() + print(data[idx]) + + states = None + + # Load the data + for idx2 in range(0, len(data)): + # print(data[idx2]['action_value'][1,:]) + if all(act_val < 0.1 for act_val in data[idx2]["action_value"][1, :]): + # print(data[idx2]['action_value'][1,:]) + continue + elif states is None: + states = data[idx2]["states"] + action_value = data[idx2]["action_value"] + else: + states = np.concatenate((states, data[idx2]["states"])) + action_value = np.concatenate((action_value, data[idx2]["action_value"])) + + # split the training and test data, shuffle around the data to decorrelate + return train_test_split(states, action_value, test_size=0.1, random_state=42)
+ + + +
+[docs] +def run_experiment(data_directory, parameters, modified_states=[], batch_sizes=None): + """ + Runs a hyperparameter search over neural network hyperparameters + :param data_directory: Data directory to load data from and save networks, \ + training plots. + :param parameters: dictionary of network hyperparameters. + :param modified_states (optional): Modified states + :return: + """ + net_sizes = parameters["net_sizes"] + layers = parameters["layers"] + activations = parameters["activations"] + dropouts = parameters["dropouts"] + alphas = parameters["alphas"] + epoch_num = parameters["epoch_num"] + + ( + states_train, + states_test, + action_value_train, + action_value_test, + ) = load_and_modify_data(data_directory, modified_states) + + master_data = [] + num_states = len(states_train[0, :]) + + if batch_sizes is None: + batch_sizes = [len(states_train)] + + net_idx = 0 + + # Search loop + for hidden_layer_num in layers: + for net_size in net_sizes: + for activation in activations: + for dropout in dropouts: + for batch_size in batch_sizes: + for epoch in epoch_num: + for alpha_idx, alpha in enumerate(alphas): + # Break out of the loop if on second alpha for tanh + if alpha_idx > 0 and activation == "tanh": + break + print( + "Hyperparam combination: ", + [ + hidden_layer_num, + net_size, + activation, + dropout, + alpha, + ], + ) + + model = create_model( + hidden_layer_num, + net_size, + activation, + num_states, + dropout, + alpha, + len(action_value_test[0, :]), + ) + + history = model.fit( + states_train, + action_value_train, + epochs=epoch, + batch_size=batch_size, + verbose=2, + validation_data=(states_test, action_value_test), + ) + os.makedirs( + data_directory + "/Network History", exist_ok=True + ) + np.save( + data_directory + + "/Network History/" + + "network_hist_" + + str(net_idx) + + ".npy", + history.history, + ) + + os.makedirs( + data_directory + "/Networks/", exist_ok=True + ) + model.save( + data_directory + + "/Networks/" + + "network_" + + str(net_idx) + ) + + prediction = model.predict(states_test) + + final_mse_mean = np.average( + [ + mean_squared_error( + action_value_test[:, i], prediction[:, i] + ) + for i in range(0, len(action_value_test[0, :])) + ] + ) + final_mae_mean = np.average( + [ + mean_absolute_error( + action_value_test[:, i], prediction[:, i] + ) + for i in range(0, len(action_value_test[0, :])) + ] + ) + + master_data.append( + { + "file_name": "network_" + str(net_idx), + "hidden_layer_num": hidden_layer_num, + "net_size": net_size, + "activation": activation, + "dropout": dropout, + "alpha": alpha, + "batch_size": batch_size, + "epochs": epoch, + "final_mse_mean": final_mse_mean, + "final_mae_mean": final_mae_mean, + } + ) + + os.makedirs( + data_directory + "/Training Plots/", exist_ok=True + ) + + plt.rc("xtick", labelsize=14) + plt.rc("ytick", labelsize=14) + + plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) + plt.plot( + history.history["mean_squared_error"], + label="Training Set", + ) + plt.plot( + history.history["val_mean_squared_error"], + label="Validation Set", + ) + plt.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=16) + plt.grid(which="both", linestyle="dotted") + plt.minorticks_on + plt.xlabel("Epochs", fontsize=16) + plt.ylabel("Mean Squared Error", fontsize=16) + plt.yticks(fontsize=14) + plt.xticks(fontsize=14) + plt.yscale("log") + plt.savefig( + data_directory + + "/Training Plots" + + "/network_" + + str(net_idx) + + "_mse.pdf", + dpi=300, + format="pdf", + ) + + plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) + plt.plot( + history.history["mean_absolute_error"], + label="Training Set", + ) + plt.plot( + history.history["val_mean_absolute_error"], + label="Validation Set", + ) + plt.xlabel("Epochs", fontsize=16) + plt.ylabel("Mean Absolute Error", fontsize=16) + plt.yticks(fontsize=14) + plt.xticks(fontsize=14) + plt.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=16) + plt.grid(linestyle="dotted") + plt.yscale("log") + plt.savefig( + data_directory + + "/Training Plots" + + "/network_" + + str(net_idx) + + "_mae.pdf", + dpi=300, + format="pdf", + ) + + net_idx += 1 + + np.save(data_directory + "/network_results.npy", master_data)
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/training/sb3/experiments.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/training/sb3/experiments.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..de54625d --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/training/sb3/experiments.html @@ -0,0 +1,850 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.training.sb3.experiments — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.training.sb3.experiments

+import os
+import gymnasium as gym
+import numpy as np
+import torch.nn as nn
+from stable_baselines3 import A2C, DQN, PPO
+from stable_baselines3.common.logger import configure
+from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import SubprocVecEnv, VecMonitor
+from bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.custom_sb3_policies import CustomActorCriticPolicy
+from bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies import (
+    CustomActorCriticShieldedAgileEOSPolicy,
+    CustomActorCriticShieldedMultiSensorEOSPolicy,
+SEP = os.path.sep
+def create_ppo_kwargs_list(**kwargs):
+    activation_functions = kwargs.get("activation_functions", [nn.LeakyReLU])
+    dropouts = kwargs.get("dropouts", [None])
+    alphas = kwargs.get("alphas", [0.1])
+    learning_rates = kwargs.get("learning_rates", [3e-4])
+    clip_ranges = kwargs.get("clip_ranges", [0.1])
+    entropy_coeffs = kwargs.get("entropy_coeffs", [0.01])
+    widths = kwargs.get("widths", [20])
+    depths = kwargs.get("depths", [4])
+    batch_sizes = kwargs.get("batch_sizes", [64])
+    n_epochs = kwargs.get("n_epochs", [50])
+    max_grad_norms = kwargs.get("max_grad_norms", [0.5])
+    n_experiments = kwargs.get("n_experiments", 1)
+    kwargs_list = []
+    # Set the experiment ID to zero
+    experiment_ID = -1
+    # Get the cartesian product of hyperparameter values
+    for activation_fn in activation_functions:
+        for dropout in dropouts:
+            for alpha in alphas:
+                for lr in learning_rates:
+                    for clip_range in clip_ranges:
+                        for ent_coef in entropy_coeffs:
+                            for width in widths:
+                                for depth in depths:
+                                    for batch_size in batch_sizes:
+                                        for epoch in n_epochs:
+                                            for max_grad_norm in max_grad_norms:
+                                                # Update the experiment ID
+                                                experiment_ID += 1
+                                                for experiment_num in range(
+                                                    n_experiments
+                                                ):
+                                                    kwargs = {
+                                                        "activation_fn": activation_fn,
+                                                        "dropout": dropout,
+                                                        "alpha": alpha,
+                                                        "lr": lr,
+                                                        "clip_range": clip_range,
+                                                        "ent_coef": ent_coef,
+                                                        "width": width,
+                                                        "depth": depth,
+                                                        "batch_size": batch_size,
+                                                        "epoch": epoch,
+                                                        "max_grad_norm": max_grad_norm,
+                                                        "experiment_ID": experiment_ID,
+                                                    }
+                                                    kwargs_list.append(kwargs)
+        return kwargs_list
+def create_a2c_kwargs_list(**kwargs):
+    activation_functions = kwargs.get("activation_functions", [nn.LeakyReLU])
+    widths = kwargs.get("widths", [20])
+    depths = kwargs.get("depths", [4])
+    dropouts = kwargs.get("dropouts", [None])
+    alphas = kwargs.get("alphas", [0.1])
+    learning_rates = kwargs.get("learning_rates", [3e-4])
+    entropy_coeffs = kwargs.get("entropy_coeffs", [0.01])
+    n_steps_ = kwargs.get("n_steps_", [45])
+    n_experiments = kwargs.get("n_experiments", 1)
+    kwargs_list = []
+    experiment_ID = -1
+    for activation_fn in activation_functions:
+        for width in widths:
+            for depth in depths:
+                for dropout in dropouts:
+                    for alpha in alphas:
+                        for lr in learning_rates:
+                            for ent_coef in entropy_coeffs:
+                                for n_steps in n_steps_:
+                                    experiment_ID += 1
+                                    for experiment_num in range(n_experiments):
+                                        kwargs = {
+                                            "width": width,
+                                            "depth": depth,
+                                            "dropout": dropout,
+                                            "alpha": alpha,
+                                            "lr": lr,
+                                            "ent_coef": ent_coef,
+                                            "n_steps": n_steps,
+                                            "activation_fn": activation_fn,
+                                            "experiment_ID": experiment_ID,
+                                        }
+                                        kwargs_list.append(kwargs)
+    return kwargs_list
+def create_dqn_kwargs_list(**kwargs):
+    learning_rates = kwargs.get("learning_rates", [1e-4])
+    depths = kwargs.get("depths", [4])
+    widths = kwargs.get("widths", [20])
+    batch_sizes = kwargs.get("batch_sizes", [64])
+    buffer_sizes = kwargs.get("buffer_sizes", [5e5])
+    n_experiments = kwargs.get("n_experiments", 1)
+    kwargs_list = []
+    experiment_ID = -1
+    for lr in learning_rates:
+        for depth in depths:
+            for width in widths:
+                for batch_size in batch_sizes:
+                    for buffer_size in buffer_sizes:
+                        experiment_ID += 1
+                        for experiment_num in range(n_experiments):
+                            kwargs = {
+                                "lr": lr,
+                                "depth": depth,
+                                "width": width,
+                                "batch_size": batch_size,
+                                "buffer_size": buffer_size,
+                                "experiment_ID": experiment_ID,
+                            }
+                            kwargs_list.append(kwargs)
+    return kwargs_list
+[docs] +def ppo_experiment( + policy_kwargs, + learning_rate, + clip_range, + ent_coef, + batch_size, + epoch, + max_grad_norm, + idx, + agent_dir, + n_its=10, + base_steps=1020, + shielded=False, + env_name="MultiSensorEOS-v0", + n_steps=90, + num_cores=4, +): + """ + Run a PPO experiment with the given hyperparameters + :param policy_kwargs: (dict) Policy kwargs + :param learning_rate: (float) Learning rate + :param clip_range: (float) Clip range + :param ent_coef: (float) Entropy coefficient + :param batch_size: (int) Batch size + :param epoch: (int) Number of epochs + :param idx: (int) Index of the experiment + :param agent_dir: (str) Directory where to save the agent + :param n_its: (int) Number of iterations + :param shielded: (bool) Whether to use the shielded policy + :param env_name: (str) Name of the environment + :param n_steps: (int) Number of steps + """ + network_dir = agent_dir + "/network_" + str(idx) + SEP + + validation_reward = [] + + total_step = int(base_steps * n_its * n_steps) + + print("Base steps: ", base_steps) + print("Iterations: ", n_its) + print("Total steps: ", total_step) + + os.makedirs(network_dir + "logs/", exist_ok=True) + os.makedirs(network_dir + "logger/", exist_ok=True) + multienv = SubprocVecEnv( + [lambda: gym.make(env_name) for _ in range(num_cores)], start_method="spawn" + ) + multienv = VecMonitor(multienv, network_dir + "logs/") + + # set up logger + new_logger = configure(network_dir + "logger/", ["stdout", "csv", "tensorboard"]) + + if shielded: + if env_name == "MultiSensorEOS-v0": + model = PPO( + CustomActorCriticShieldedMultiSensorEOSPolicy, + multienv, + device="cuda", + verbose=2, + tensorboard_log=network_dir, + n_epochs=epoch, + n_steps=n_steps, + batch_size=batch_size, + learning_rate=learning_rate, + max_grad_norm=max_grad_norm, + clip_range=clip_range, + ent_coef=ent_coef, + gamma=0.999, + policy_kwargs=policy_kwargs, + ) + elif env_name == "AgileEOS-v0": + model = PPO( + CustomActorCriticShieldedAgileEOSPolicy, + multienv, + device="cuda", + verbose=2, + tensorboard_log=network_dir, + n_epochs=epoch, + n_steps=n_steps, + batch_size=batch_size, + learning_rate=learning_rate, + max_grad_norm=max_grad_norm, + clip_range=clip_range, + ent_coef=ent_coef, + gamma=0.999, + policy_kwargs=policy_kwargs, + ) + else: + raise ValueError("Shielding not implemented for this environment", env_name) + else: + model = PPO( + CustomActorCriticPolicy, + multienv, + device="cuda", + verbose=2, + tensorboard_log=network_dir, + n_epochs=epoch, + n_steps=n_steps, + batch_size=batch_size, + learning_rate=learning_rate, + max_grad_norm=max_grad_norm, + clip_range=clip_range, + ent_coef=ent_coef, + gamma=0.999, + policy_kwargs=policy_kwargs, + ) + + # Set new logger + model.set_logger(new_logger) + + for i in range(0, n_its): + model.set_env(multienv) + model.learn(total_timesteps=int(total_step / n_its), reset_num_timesteps=False) + + multienv.close() + del multienv + + os.rename( + network_dir + "logs/monitor.csv", + network_dir + "logs/monitor_" + str(i) + ".csv", + ) + + multienv = SubprocVecEnv( + [lambda: gym.make(env_name) for _ in range(num_cores)], start_method="spawn" + ) + multienv = VecMonitor(multienv, network_dir + "logs/") + + model.save(network_dir + "final_network_" + str(idx)) + + # run environment + for _ in range(0, 3): + obs = multienv.reset() + reward_sum = np.zeros(num_cores) + for _ in range(0, n_steps): + action, _states = model.predict(obs, deterministic=True) + obs, rewards, dones, info = multienv.step(action) + reward_sum = np.add(reward_sum, np.array(rewards)) + + for r in reward_sum: + validation_reward.append(r) + + print("Average Reward: ", np.average(validation_reward)) + + multienv.close() + del multienv + del model + + return validation_reward, "final_network_" + str(idx)
+ + + +
+[docs] +def a2c_experiment( + agent_dir, + policy_kwargs, + learning_rate=0.0007, + ent_coef=0.01, + idx=0, + n_its=10, + base_steps=1020, + env_name="MultiSensorEOS-v0", + max_steps=90, + n_steps=45, + num_cores=4, +): + """ + Run an A2C experiment with the given hyperparameters + :param policy_kwargs: (dict) Policy kwargs + :param learning_rate: (float) Learning rate + :param ent_coef: (float) Entropy coefficient + :param idx: (int) Index of the experiment + :param agent_dir: (str) Directory where to save the agent + :param n_its: (int) Number of iterations + :param env_name: (str) Name of the environment + :param max_steps: (int) Maximum number of steps in the environment + :param n_steps: (int) Number of steps before update + :param num_cores: (int) Number of cores""" + + network_dir = agent_dir + "/network_" + str(idx) + SEP + + validation_reward = [] + + total_step = int(base_steps * n_its * max_steps) + + print("Base steps: ", base_steps) + print("Iterations: ", n_its) + print("Total steps: ", total_step) + + os.makedirs(network_dir + "/logs/", exist_ok=True) + os.makedirs(network_dir + "/logger/", exist_ok=True) + multienv = SubprocVecEnv( + [lambda: gym.make(env_name) for _ in range(num_cores)], start_method="spawn" + ) + multienv = VecMonitor(multienv, network_dir + "/logs/") + + # set up logger + new_logger = configure(network_dir + "/logger/", ["stdout", "csv", "tensorboard"]) + + model = A2C( + CustomActorCriticPolicy, + multienv, + device="cpu", + verbose=2, + tensorboard_log=network_dir, + n_steps=n_steps, + learning_rate=learning_rate, + ent_coef=ent_coef, + gamma=0.999, + policy_kwargs=policy_kwargs, + ) + + # Set new logger + model.set_logger(new_logger) + + for i in range(0, n_its): + model.set_env(multienv) + model.learn( + total_timesteps=int(total_step / n_its), + reset_num_timesteps=False, + log_interval=10, + ) + + multienv.close() + del multienv + + os.rename( + network_dir + "/logs/monitor.csv", + network_dir + "/logs/monitor_" + str(i) + ".csv", + ) + + multienv = SubprocVecEnv( + [lambda: gym.make(env_name) for _ in range(num_cores)], start_method="spawn" + ) + multienv = VecMonitor(multienv, network_dir + "/logs/") + + model.save(network_dir + "/final_network_" + str(idx)) + + # run environment + for _ in range(0, 3): + obs = multienv.reset() + reward_sum = np.zeros(num_cores) + for _ in range(0, max_steps): + action, _states = model.predict(obs, deterministic=True) + obs, rewards, dones, info = multienv.step(action) + reward_sum = np.add(reward_sum, np.array(rewards)) + + for r in reward_sum: + validation_reward.append(r) + + print("Average Reward: ", np.average(validation_reward)) + + multienv.close() + del multienv + del model + + return validation_reward, "final_network_" + str(idx)
+ + + +def dqn_experiment( + agent_dir, + policy_kwargs, + idx, + n_its, + base_steps, + learning_rate=1e-4, + batch_size=64, + buffer_size=5e5, + num_cores=4, + n_steps=90, + env_name="MultiSensorEOS-v0", +): + network_dir = agent_dir + "/network_" + str(idx) + SEP + + validation_reward = [] + + total_step = int(base_steps * n_its * n_steps) + + print("Policy Kwargs: ", policy_kwargs) + print("Learning Rate: ", learning_rate) + print("Batch Size: ", batch_size) + print("Buffer Size: ", buffer_size) + print("Num Cores: ", num_cores) + print("Num Steps: ", total_step) + + os.makedirs(network_dir + "logs/", exist_ok=True) + os.makedirs(network_dir + "logger/", exist_ok=True) + multienv = SubprocVecEnv( + [lambda: gym.make(env_name) for _ in range(num_cores)], start_method="spawn" + ) + multienv = VecMonitor(multienv, network_dir + "logs/") + + # set up logger + new_logger = configure(network_dir + "logger/", ["stdout", "csv", "tensorboard"]) + + model = DQN( + "MlpPolicy", + multienv, + verbose=2, + tensorboard_log=network_dir, + batch_size=batch_size, + learning_rate=learning_rate, + gamma=0.999, + buffer_size=buffer_size, + policy_kwargs=policy_kwargs, + train_freq=1, + learning_starts=1, + target_update_interval=1, + ) + + # Set new logger + model.set_logger(new_logger) + + for i in range(0, n_its): + model.set_env(multienv) + model.learn( + total_timesteps=int(total_step / n_its), + reset_num_timesteps=False, + log_interval=100, + ) + + multienv.close() + del multienv + + os.rename( + network_dir + "logs/monitor.csv", + network_dir + "logs/monitor_" + str(i) + ".csv", + ) + + multienv = SubprocVecEnv( + [lambda: gym.make(env_name) for _ in range(num_cores)], start_method="spawn" + ) + multienv = VecMonitor(multienv, network_dir + "logs/") + + model.save(network_dir + "final_network_" + str(idx)) + + # run environment + for _ in range(0, 3): + obs = multienv.reset() + reward_sum = np.zeros(num_cores) + for _ in range(0, n_steps): + action, _states = model.predict(obs, deterministic=True) + obs, rewards, dones, info = multienv.step(action) + reward_sum = np.add(reward_sum, np.array(rewards)) + + for r in reward_sum: + validation_reward.append(r) + + print("Average Reward: ", np.average(validation_reward)) + + multienv.close() + del multienv + del model + + return validation_reward, "final_network_" + str(idx) + + +
+[docs] +def run_ppo_experiments( + agent_dir, + kwargs_list, + n_its=10, + base_steps=1020, + index=None, + env_name="MultiSensorEOS-v0", + n_steps=45, + num_cores=4, + shielded=False, +): + """ + Run PPO experiments with the given hyperparameters + :param agent_dir: (str) Directory where to save the agent + :param n_its: (int) Number of iterations + :param kwargs_list: (list) List of dictionaries containing hyperparameters + :param index: (int) Index of the hyperparameter dictionary to use + :param env_name: (str) Name of the environment + :param n_steps: (int) Number of steps + :param num_cores: (int) Number of cores + :param shielded: (bool) Whether to use shielded policy] + """ + results = {} + idx = 0 + + if index is not None: + kwargs_list = [kwargs_list[index]] + idx = index + + for kwargs in kwargs_list: + print(kwargs) + activation_fn = kwargs.get("activation_fn", nn.LeakyReLU) + width = kwargs.get("width", 20) + depth = kwargs.get("depth", 4) + dropout = kwargs.get("dropout", None) + alpha = kwargs.get("alpha", 0.1) + lr = kwargs.get("lr", 3e-4) + clip_range = kwargs.get("clip_range", 0.1) + ent_coef = kwargs.get("ent_coef", 0.01) + epoch = kwargs.get("epoch", 50) + batch_size = kwargs.get("batch_size", 64) + max_grad_norm = kwargs.get("max_grad_norm", 0.5) + experiment_ID = kwargs.get("experiment_ID", None) + + # Create the policy kwargs + policy_kwargs = dict( + activation_fn=activation_fn, + net_arch={ + "width": width, + "depth": depth, + "dropout": dropout, + "alpha": alpha, + }, + ) + + # Call the training function + reward, model_name = ppo_experiment( + policy_kwargs, + lr, + clip_range, + ent_coef, + batch_size, + epoch, + max_grad_norm, + idx, + agent_dir, + n_its, + base_steps, + env_name=env_name, + n_steps=n_steps, + num_cores=num_cores, + shielded=shielded, + ) + + # Append to the results + results.update( + { + model_name: { + "validation_reward": reward, + "policy_kwargs": policy_kwargs, + "lr": lr, + "clip_range": clip_range, + "ent_coef": ent_coef, + "batch_size": batch_size, + "n_epochs": epoch, + "max_grad_norm": max_grad_norm, + "experiment_ID": experiment_ID, + } + } + ) + + # Intermittently save the results + np.save(agent_dir + SEP + "results_" + str(idx) + ".npy", results) + + # Increment the index + idx += 1
+ + + +def run_a2c_experiments( + agent_dir, + kwargs_list, + n_its=10, + base_steps=1020, + index=None, + env_name="MultiSensorEOS-v0", + max_steps=90, + num_cores=4, +): + results = {} + idx = 0 + + if index is not None: + kwargs_list = [kwargs_list[index]] + idx = index + + for kwargs in kwargs_list: + print(kwargs) + activation_fn = kwargs.get("activation_fn", nn.LeakyReLU) + width = kwargs.get("width", 20) + depth = kwargs.get("depth", 4) + dropout = kwargs.get("dropout", None) + alpha = kwargs.get("alpha", 0.1) + lr = kwargs.get("lr", 3e-4) + ent_coef = kwargs.get("ent_coef", 0.01) + n_steps = kwargs.get("n_steps", 5) + + # Create the policy kwargs + policy_kwargs = dict( + activation_fn=activation_fn, + net_arch={ + "width": width, + "depth": depth, + "dropout": dropout, + "alpha": alpha, + }, + ) + + # Call the training function + reward, model_name = a2c_experiment( + agent_dir, + policy_kwargs, + lr, + ent_coef, + idx, + n_its, + base_steps, + env_name=env_name, + max_steps=max_steps, + n_steps=n_steps, + num_cores=num_cores, + ) + + # Append to the results + results.update( + { + model_name: { + "validation_reward": reward, + "policy_kwargs": policy_kwargs, + "lr": lr, + "ent_coef": ent_coef, + "n_steps": n_steps, + } + } + ) + + # Intermittently save the results + np.save(agent_dir + SEP + "results_" + str(idx) + ".npy", results) + + # Increment the index + idx += 1 + + +def run_dqn_experiments( + agent_dir, + kwargs_list, + n_its=10, + base_steps=1020, + index=None, + env_name="MultiSensorEOS-v0", + max_steps=90, + num_cores=4, +): + results = {} + idx = 0 + + if index is not None: + kwargs_list = [kwargs_list[index]] + idx = index + + for kwargs in kwargs_list: + print(kwargs) + width = kwargs.get("width", 20) + depth = kwargs.get("depth", 4) + lr = kwargs.get("lr", 1e-4) + batch_size = kwargs.get("batch_size", 64) + buffer_size = kwargs.get("buffer_size", 5e5) + + sizes = [width] * depth + + # Create the policy kwargs + policy_kwargs = dict(net_arch=sizes) + + # Call the training function + reward, model_name = dqn_experiment( + agent_dir, + policy_kwargs, + idx, + n_its, + base_steps, + learning_rate=lr, + batch_size=batch_size, + buffer_size=buffer_size, + num_cores=num_cores, + n_steps=max_steps, + env_name=env_name, + ) + + # Append to the results + results.update( + { + model_name: { + "validation_reward": reward, + "policy_kwargs": policy_kwargs, + "lr": lr, + "batch_size": batch_size, + "buffer_size": buffer_size, + } + } + ) + + # Intermittently save the results + np.save(agent_dir + SEP + "results_" + str(idx) + ".npy", results) + + # Increment the index + idx += 1 +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/effector_primitives/actuator_primitives.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/effector_primitives/actuator_primitives.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cb34bb27 --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/effector_primitives/actuator_primitives.html @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives.actuator_primitives — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives.actuator_primitives

+import numpy as np
+from Basilisk.simulation import reactionWheelStateEffector, thrusterDynamicEffector
+from Basilisk.utilities import simIncludeRW, simIncludeThruster
+[docs] +def balancedHR16Triad( + useRandom=False, randomBounds=(-400, 400), wheelSpeeds=[500, 500, 500] +): + """ + Creates a set of three HR16 reaction wheels. + Returns a set of thrusters and thrusterFac instance to add thrusters to a + spacecraft. + :return thrusterSet: thruster dynamic effector instance + :return thrusterFac: factory containing defined thrusters + """ + rwFactory = simIncludeRW.rwFactory() + if useRandom: + wheelSpeeds = np.random.uniform(randomBounds[0], randomBounds[1], 3) + + rwFactory.create( + "Honeywell_HR16", [1, 0, 0], maxMomentum=50.0, Omega=wheelSpeeds[0] # RPM + ) + rwFactory.create( + "Honeywell_HR16", [0, 1, 0], maxMomentum=50.0, Omega=wheelSpeeds[1] # RPM + ) + rwFactory.create( + "Honeywell_HR16", [0, 0, 1], maxMomentum=50.0, Omega=wheelSpeeds[2] # RPM + ) + + rwStateEffector = reactionWheelStateEffector.ReactionWheelStateEffector() + + return rwStateEffector, rwFactory, wheelSpeeds
+ + + +
+[docs] +def idealMonarc1Octet(): + """ + Creates a set of eight ADCS thrusters using MOOG Monarc-1 attributes. + Returns a set of thrusters and thrusterFac instance to add thrusters to a + spacecraft. + :return thrusterSet: thruster dynamic effector instance + :return thrusterFac: factory containing defined thrusters + """ + location = [ + [3.874945160902288e-2, -1.206182747348013, 0.85245], + [3.874945160902288e-2, -1.206182747348013, -0.85245], + [-3.8749451609022656e-2, -1.206182747348013, 0.85245], + [-3.8749451609022656e-2, -1.206182747348013, -0.85245], + [-3.874945160902288e-2, 1.206182747348013, 0.85245], + [-3.874945160902288e-2, 1.206182747348013, -0.85245], + [3.8749451609022656e-2, 1.206182747348013, 0.85245], + [3.8749451609022656e-2, 1.206182747348013, -0.85245], + ] + + direction = [ + [-0.7071067811865476, 0.7071067811865475, 0.0], + [-0.7071067811865476, 0.7071067811865475, 0.0], + [0.7071067811865475, 0.7071067811865476, 0.0], + [0.7071067811865475, 0.7071067811865476, 0.0], + [0.7071067811865476, -0.7071067811865475, 0.0], + [0.7071067811865476, -0.7071067811865475, 0.0], + [-0.7071067811865475, -0.7071067811865476, 0.0], + [-0.7071067811865475, -0.7071067811865476, 0.0], + ] + thrusterSet = thrusterDynamicEffector.ThrusterDynamicEffector() + thFactory = simIncludeThruster.thrusterFactory() + for pos_B, dir_B in zip(location, direction): + thFactory.create("MOOG_Monarc_1", pos_B, dir_B) + return thrusterSet, thFactory
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/genetic_algorithm/experiments.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/genetic_algorithm/experiments.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..042e97ad --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/genetic_algorithm/experiments.html @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.utilities.genetic_algorithm.experiments — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.utilities.genetic_algorithm.experiments

+import os
+import numpy as np
+from bsk_rl.agents.genetic_algorithm import ga_env_solver
+SEP = os.path.sep
+def create_ga_hp_kwargs_list(**kwargs):
+    generations = kwargs.get("generations", [100, 200])
+    gen_sizes = kwargs.get("gen_sizes", [10, 20])
+    n_experiments = kwargs.get("n_experiments", 1)
+    # Create the hyperparameter list
+    ga_kwargs = []
+    # Set the experiment ID to -1
+    experiment_ID = -1
+    # Loop over the number of experiments
+    for gens in generations:
+        for gen_size in gen_sizes:
+            experiment_ID += 1
+            for i in range(n_experiments):
+                ga_kwargs.append(
+                    {
+                        "n_gens": gens,
+                        "gen_size": gen_size,
+                        "experiment_ID": experiment_ID,
+                    }
+                )
+    return ga_kwargs
+[docs] +def run_ga_hp_experiment( + ga_dir, + ga_kwargs, + index=None, + num_cores=4, + env_name="AgileEOS-v0", +): + """ + Runs a genetic algorithm experiment hyperparameter search experiment over the + number of generations and population size.""" + + # Set the results dictionary + results = {} + idx = 0 + + if index is not None: + ga_kwargs = [ga_kwargs[index]] + idx = index + + for kwargs in ga_kwargs: + n_gens = kwargs["n_gens"] + gen_size = kwargs["gen_size"] + + # Create the solver + solver = ga_env_solver( + env_name, + n_gens, + gen_size, + ga_dir=ga_dir + SEP + "ga_" + str(idx) + SEP, + num_cores=num_cores, + ) + + # Run the solver + max_reward, metrics = solver.optimize() + + # Save the results + results[idx] = { + "n_gens": n_gens, + "gen_size": gen_size, + "max_reward": max_reward, + "metrics": metrics, + } + + # Intermittently save the results + np.save(ga_dir + SEP + "results_" + str(idx) + ".npy", results) + + # Increment the index + idx += 1
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/initial_conditions/leo_orbit.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/initial_conditions/leo_orbit.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cd942e1c --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/initial_conditions/leo_orbit.html @@ -0,0 +1,644 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit

+import math as m
+import random
+import numpy as np
+from Basilisk import __path__
+from Basilisk.simulation import spacecraft
+from Basilisk.utilities import SimulationBaseClass
+from Basilisk.utilities import macros as mc
+from Basilisk.utilities import orbitalMotion, simIncludeGravBody
+bskPath = __path__[0]
+mu = 0.3986004415e15
+[docs] +def inclined_circular_300km(): + """ + Returns an inclined, circular LEO orbit. + :return: + """ + + oe = orbitalMotion.ClassicElements() + oe.a = 6371 * 1000.0 + 300.0 * 1000 + oe.e = 0.0 + oe.i = 45.0 * mc.D2R + + oe.Omega = 0.0 * mc.D2R + oe.omega = 0.0 * mc.D2R + oe.f = 0.0 * mc.D2R + rN, vN = orbitalMotion.elem2rv(mu, oe) + + return oe, rN, vN
+ + + +
+[docs] +def random_inclined_circular_300km(): + """ + Returns an inclined, circular LEO orbit. + :return: + """ + + oe = orbitalMotion.ClassicElements() + oe.a = 6371 * 1000.0 + np.random.uniform(290e3, 310e3) + oe.e = 0.0 + oe.i = 45.0 * mc.D2R + + oe.Omega = 0.0 * mc.D2R + oe.omega = 0.0 * mc.D2R + oe.f = 0.0 * mc.D2R + rN, vN = orbitalMotion.elem2rv(mu, oe) + + return oe, rN, vN
+ + + +
+[docs] +def sampled_400km(): + """ + Returns an elliptical, prograde LEO orbit with an SMA of 400km. + :return: + """ + oe = orbitalMotion.ClassicElements() + oe.a = 6371 * 1000.0 + 400.0 * 1000 + oe.e = np.random.uniform(0, 0.001, 1) + oe.i = np.random.uniform(-90 * mc.D2R, 90 * mc.D2R, 1) + oe.Omega = np.random.uniform(0 * mc.D2R, 360 * mc.D2R, 1) + oe.omega = np.random.uniform(0 * mc.D2R, 360 * mc.D2R, 1) + oe.f = np.random.uniform(0 * mc.D2R, 360 * mc.D2R, 1) + rN, vN = orbitalMotion.elem2rv(mu, oe) + + return oe, rN, vN
+ + + +
+[docs] +def sampled_500km_boulder_gs(): + """ + Returns an elliptical, prograde LEO orbit with an SMA of 500km. + Inclination is bounded so the spacecraft can communicate with Boulder. + :return: + """ + mu = 0.3986004415e15 + oe = orbitalMotion.ClassicElements() + oe.a = 6371 * 1000.0 + 500.0 * 1000 + oe.e = np.random.uniform(0, 0.01, 1) + # oe.i = np.random.uniform(40*mc.D2R, 60*mc.D2R,1) + oe.i = np.random.uniform(40 * mc.D2R, 60 * mc.D2R, 1) + oe.Omega = np.random.uniform(0 * mc.D2R, 20 * mc.D2R, 1) + oe.omega = np.random.uniform(0 * mc.D2R, 20 * mc.D2R, 1) + oe.f = np.random.uniform(0 * mc.D2R, 360 * mc.D2R, 1) + rN, vN = orbitalMotion.elem2rv(mu, oe) + + return oe, rN, vN
+ + + +
+[docs] +def sampled_boulder_gs(nominal_radius): + """ + Returns an elliptical, prograde LEO orbit with an SMA of 500km. + Inclination is bounded so the spacecraft can communicate with Boulder. + :return: + """ + mu = 0.3986004415e15 + oe = orbitalMotion.ClassicElements() + oe.a = nominal_radius + oe.e = np.random.uniform(0, 0.01, 1) + # oe.i = np.random.uniform(40*mc.D2R, 60*mc.D2R,1) + oe.i = np.random.uniform(40 * mc.D2R, 60 * mc.D2R, 1) + oe.Omega = np.random.uniform(0 * mc.D2R, 360 * mc.D2R, 1) + oe.omega = np.random.uniform(0 * mc.D2R, 360 * mc.D2R, 1) + oe.f = np.random.uniform(0 * mc.D2R, 360 * mc.D2R, 1) + rN, vN = orbitalMotion.elem2rv(mu, oe) + + return oe, rN, vN
+ + + +def coordinated_pass_1(): + r_sc1 = (6378.0 + 500.0) * 1000 # meters + oe_sc1 = orbitalMotion.ClassicElements() + oe_sc1.a = r_sc1 + oe_sc1.e = 0.00001 + oe_sc1.i = 70.0 * mc.D2R + oe_sc1.Omega = 135.0 * mc.D2R + oe_sc1.omega = 184.8 * mc.D2R + oe_sc1.f = 85.3 * mc.D2R + rN, vN = orbitalMotion.elem2rv(mu, oe_sc1) + + return oe_sc1, rN, vN + + +def coordinated_pass_2(): + r_sc2 = (6378.0 + 2000.0) * 1000 # meters + oe_sc2 = orbitalMotion.ClassicElements() + oe_sc2.a = r_sc2 + oe_sc2.e = 0.00001 + oe_sc2.i = 53.0 * mc.D2R + oe_sc2.Omega = 115.0 * mc.D2R + oe_sc2.omega = 5.0 * mc.D2R + oe_sc2.f = 240.0 * mc.D2R + rN, vN = orbitalMotion.elem2rv(mu, oe_sc2) + + return oe_sc2, rN, vN + + +def coordinated_pass_3(): + r_sc2 = (6378.0 + 7500.0) * 1000 # meters + oe_sc2 = orbitalMotion.ClassicElements() + oe_sc2.a = r_sc2 + oe_sc2.e = 0.00001 + oe_sc2.i = 53.0 * mc.D2R + oe_sc2.Omega = 115.0 * mc.D2R + oe_sc2.omega = 5.0 * mc.D2R + oe_sc2.f = 240.0 * mc.D2R + rN, vN = orbitalMotion.elem2rv(mu, oe_sc2) + + return oe_sc2, rN, vN + + +def sso_Boulder(): + r_sc = 42164125 # meters + oe_sc = orbitalMotion.ClassicElements() + oe_sc.a = r_sc + oe_sc.e = 0.00001 + oe_sc.i = 53.0 * mc.D2R + oe_sc.Omega = 115.0 * mc.D2R + oe_sc.omega = 5.0 * mc.D2R + oe_sc.f = 75.0 * mc.D2R + rN, vN = orbitalMotion.elem2rv(mu, oe_sc) + + return oe_sc, rN, vN + + +
+[docs] +def inclined_400km(): + """ + Returns an elliptical, prograde LEO orbit with an SMA of 400km. + :return: + """ + mu = 0.3986004415e15 + oe = orbitalMotion.ClassicElements() + oe.a = 6371 * 1000.0 + 500.0 * 1000 + oe.e = 0.0001 + oe.i = mc.D2R * 45.0 + oe.Omega = mc.D2R * 45.0 + oe.omega = 0.0 + oe.f = 0.0 + rN, vN = orbitalMotion.elem2rv(mu, oe) + + return oe, rN, vN
+ + + +
+[docs] +def create_ground_tgts(n_targets, rN, vN, sim_length, utc_init): + """ + Returns a set of targets based on the orbital parameters by running a simplified + BSK scenario + :param n_targets: number of targets to generate + :param rN: Initial inertial position + :param vN: Initial inertial velocity + :param sim_length: simulation length + :param uct_init: time initialization string + :return targets: + """ + + # Create simulation variable names + simTaskName = "simTask" + simProcessName = "simProcess" + + # Create a sim module as an empty container + scSim = SimulationBaseClass.SimBaseClass() + + # create the simulation process + dynProcess = scSim.CreateNewProcess(simProcessName) + + # Create the dynamics task and specify the integration update time + simulationTimeStep = mc.sec2nano(10.0) + dynProcess.addTask(scSim.CreateNewTask(simTaskName, simulationTimeStep)) + + # Setup the simulation tasks/objects, initialize spacecraft object + # and set properties + scObject = spacecraft.Spacecraft() + scObject.ModelTag = "bsk-Sat" + + # Add spacecraft object to the simulation process + scSim.AddModelToTask(simTaskName, scObject) + + # Setup Gravity Body + gravFactory = simIncludeGravBody.gravBodyFactory() + planet = gravFactory.createEarth() + planet.isCentralBody = True + + planet.useSphericalHarmParams = True + simIncludeGravBody.loadGravFromFile( + bskPath + "/supportData/LocalGravData/GGM03S.txt", planet.spherHarm, 10 + ) + + # Set up spice with spice time + UTCInit = utc_init + gravFactory.createSpiceInterface( + bskPath + "/supportData/EphemerisData/", UTCInit, epochInMsg=True + ) + gravFactory.spiceObject.zeroBase = ( + "earth" # Make sure that the Earth is the zero base + ) + scSim.AddModelToTask(simTaskName, gravFactory.spiceObject) + + # Finally, the gravitational body must be connected to the spacecraft object. + scObject.gravField.gravBodies = spacecraft.GravBodyVector( + list(gravFactory.gravBodies.values()) + ) + + # To set the spacecraft initial conditions, the following initial position and + # velocity variables are set: + scObject.hub.r_CN_NInit = rN # m - r_BN_N + scObject.hub.v_CN_NInit = vN # m/s - v_BN_N + + # Set the simulation time + simulationTime = mc.sec2nano(sim_length * 60.0) + + # create a logging task object of the spacecraft output message at the desired + # down sampling ratio + dataRec1 = scObject.scStateOutMsg.recorder() + dataRec2 = gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[0].recorder() + scSim.AddModelToTask(simTaskName, dataRec1) + scSim.AddModelToTask(simTaskName, dataRec2) + + scSim.InitializeSimulation() + + # configure a simulation stop time time and execute the simulation run + scSim.ConfigureStopTime(simulationTime) + scSim.ExecuteSimulation() + + posData = dataRec1.r_BN_N + dcm_PN = dataRec2.J20002Pfix + + pcpf_positions = [] + + # Compute the position in the planet-centered, planet-fixed frame + for idx, pos in enumerate(posData): + pcpf_positions.append(np.matmul(dcm_PN[idx], pos)) + + # Grab random PCPF targets + candidate_position_indices = random.sample(range(0, len(posData)), k=n_targets) + candidate_position_indices = np.sort( + candidate_position_indices + ) # list of the indices of the ordered targets + candidate_position_times = [ + 10 * idx for idx in candidate_position_indices + ] # list of the ordered times of the targets in seconds + + # Initialize targets + targets = [] + for idx in candidate_position_indices: + # Add noise to s/c position vector + temp_pos = np.array(pcpf_positions[idx]) + np.random.uniform(-1.0e5, 1.0e5, 3) + # Normalize and multiply by Earth's radius + targets.append(6378.0 * 1000.0 * temp_pos / np.linalg.norm(np.array(temp_pos))) + + return np.array(targets).T, candidate_position_times
+ + + +
+[docs] +def walker_delta( + n_spacecraft, n_planes, rel_phasing, altitude, inc, clustersize=1, clusterspacing=0 +): + """ + Computes the initial orbit conditions of a constellation of spacecraft in the + walker delta pattern + :param n_spacecraft: number of spacecraft in the constellation + :param n_planes: number of orbital planes + :param rel_phasing: relative phasing between the planes [0, 1) + :param altitude: Altitude of the s/c (m) + :param inc: Inclination of the orbit (deg) + :param clustersize: Size of satellite groups + :param clusterspacing: True anomaly spacing within cluster (deg) + :return oe_all: n_spacecraft x 1 list of BSK oe elements + """ + oe_all = [] + + # Loop through s/c + for idx in range(0, n_spacecraft): + # Instantiate orbital elements + oe = orbitalMotion.ClassicElements() + + # Define altitude, eccentricity, and inclination + oe.a = 6371 * 1000.0 + altitude + oe.e = 0.0 + oe.i = mc.D2R * inc + + # Define the plane number + spacecraft_per_plane = float(n_spacecraft / n_planes) + plane_num = float(int(idx / spacecraft_per_plane)) + + # Compute longitude of ascending node + oe.Omega = mc.D2R * (plane_num * 360.0 / n_planes % 360) + + # Set argument of periapsis using relative phasing + dPhi_rel = plane_num * rel_phasing * 360.0 / n_planes + oe.omega = mc.D2R * dPhi_rel + + # Define true anomoly using in-plane phasing + dPhi_inplane = 360.0 / (spacecraft_per_plane / clustersize) + oe.f = mc.D2R * ( + (int((idx % spacecraft_per_plane) / clustersize) * dPhi_inplane) + + clusterspacing * (idx % clustersize) + ) + + # Append to oe_all + oe_all.append(oe) + + return oe_all
+ + + +
+[docs] +def distribute_tgts(rN, vN, sim_length, utc_init, global_tgts, dt=60.0): + """ + :param rN: + :param vN: + :param sim_length: [m] + :param utc_init: + :param global_tgts: np.array of global tgts in ECEF coordinates + :param dt: [s] + :return local_tgts: list of indexes into global tgts + :return local_tgt_times: local time each global tgt in local_tgts is encountered + """ + + local_tgts = [] + local_tgt_times = [] + + # Create simulation variable names + simTaskName = "simTask" + simProcessName = "simProcess" + + # Create a sim module as an empty container + scSim = SimulationBaseClass.SimBaseClass() + + # create the simulation process + dynProcess = scSim.CreateNewProcess(simProcessName) + + # Create the dynamics task and specify the integration update time + simulationTimeStep = mc.sec2nano(dt) + dynProcess.addTask(scSim.CreateNewTask(simTaskName, simulationTimeStep)) + + # Setup the simulation tasks/objects, initialize spacecraft object and + # set properties + scObject = spacecraft.Spacecraft() + scObject.ModelTag = "bsk-Sat" + + # Add spacecraft object to the simulation process + scSim.AddModelToTask(simTaskName, scObject) + + # Setup Gravity Body + gravFactory = simIncludeGravBody.gravBodyFactory() + planet = gravFactory.createEarth() + gravFactory.createSun() + planet.isCentralBody = True + planet.useSphericalHarmParams = True + simIncludeGravBody.loadGravFromFile( + bskPath + "/supportData/LocalGravData/GGM03S.txt", planet.spherHarm, 10 + ) + + # Set up spice with spice time + UTCInit = utc_init + gravFactory.createSpiceInterface( + bskPath + "/supportData/EphemerisData/", UTCInit, epochInMsg=True + ) + gravFactory.spiceObject.zeroBase = ( + "earth" # Make sure that the Earth is the zero base + ) + scSim.AddModelToTask(simTaskName, gravFactory.spiceObject) + + # Finally, the gravitational body must be connected to the spacecraft object. + scObject.gravField.gravBodies = spacecraft.GravBodyVector( + list(gravFactory.gravBodies.values()) + ) + + # To set the spacecraft initial conditions, the following initial position and + # velocity variables are set: + scObject.hub.r_CN_NInit = rN # m - r_BN_N + scObject.hub.v_CN_NInit = vN # m/s - v_BN_N + + # Set the simulation time + simulationTime = mc.sec2nano(sim_length * 60.0) + + # create a logging task object of the spacecraft output message + dataRec1 = scObject.scStateOutMsg.recorder() + dataRec2 = gravFactory.spiceObject.planetStateOutMsgs[0].recorder() + scSim.AddModelToTask(simTaskName, dataRec1) + scSim.AddModelToTask(simTaskName, dataRec2) + + scSim.InitializeSimulation() + + # configure a simulation stop time time and execute the simulation run + scSim.ConfigureStopTime(simulationTime) + scSim.ExecuteSimulation() + + posData = dataRec1.r_BN_N + dcm_PN = dataRec2.J20002Pfix + + pcpf_positions = [] + local_tgt_locations = [] + + # Compute the position in the planet-centered, planet-fixed frame + for i, pos in enumerate(posData): + # Compute the pcpf position of the s/c + pcpf_pos = np.matmul(dcm_PN[i], pos) + pcpf_positions.append(pcpf_pos) + + # Loop through every target to check if within azelrange requirements + for j, tgt in enumerate(global_tgts): + if ( + np.linalg.norm(pcpf_pos - tgt) < 750e3 and j not in local_tgts + ): # Perform a quick check - ensure difference is less than ~500km/cosd(45) + local_tgts.append(j) # Append the target idx + local_tgt_times.append( + dt / 2 + dt * i + ) # Append the time the target is encountered + local_tgt_locations.append(tgt) + + gravFactory.unloadSpiceKernels() + + return local_tgts, local_tgt_times, pcpf_positions, local_tgt_locations
+ + + +
+[docs] +def elrange_req(sc_pos, tgt_pos): + """ + Determines if the spacecraft is within the elevation and range requirements of + a target + + Args: + sc_pos: spacecraft position expressed in the ECEF frame + tgt_pos: tgt_pos expressed in the ECEF frame + Returns: + T/F - within el, range requirements or not + """ + + # Import relevant library + import pyproj + + # Set the elevation and range requirements + el_req = 75 # deg + range_req = 1e9 # m + + # get the lat, long, and altitude of the target (assumes WGS84 ellipsoid) + ecef = pyproj.Proj(proj="geocent", ellps="WGS84", datum="WGS84") + lla = pyproj.Proj(proj="latlong", ellps="WGS84", datum="WGS84") + lon, lat, alt = pyproj.transform( + ecef, lla, tgt_pos[0], tgt_pos[1], tgt_pos[2], radians=True + ) # rad, rad, m + + # Compute the line of sight vector + los_ecef = np.array(sc_pos) - np.array(tgt_pos) + + # Normalize the vector + los_ecef_norm = los_ecef / np.linalg.norm(los_ecef) + + # Compute the transformation from ECEF to ENU + ECEF2ENU = np.array( + [ + [-m.sin(lon), m.cos(lon), 0], + [-m.sin(lat) * m.cos(lon), -m.sin(lat) * m.sin(lon), m.cos(lat)], + [m.cos(lat) * m.cos(lon), m.cos(lat) * m.sin(lon), m.sin(lat)], + ] + ) + + # Compute the los vector in ENU coordinates + los_enu = np.matmul(ECEF2ENU, los_ecef_norm) + + # Compute the elevation + el = m.degrees(m.asin(los_enu[2])) + + # Compute the range + range = np.linalg.norm(los_ecef) # m + + if (el > el_req) and (range < range_req): + return True + else: + return False
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/initial_conditions/sc_attitudes.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/initial_conditions/sc_attitudes.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..90890068 --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/initial_conditions/sc_attitudes.html @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.sc_attitudes — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.sc_attitudes

+import numpy as np
+[docs] +def random_tumble(maxSpinRate=0.001): + """ + Simulates a spacecraft in a random tumble with uniformly sampled initial conditions. + :return: sigma_bn + :return: omega_bn + """ + + sigma_bn = np.random.uniform( + 0, + 1.0, + [ + 3, + ], + ) + omega_bn = np.random.uniform( + -maxSpinRate, + maxSpinRate, + [ + 3, + ], + ) + + return sigma_bn, omega_bn
+ + + +
+[docs] +def static_inertial(): + """ + Simulates a spacecraft in a sidereal stare fixed to the inertial origin. + :return: + """ + + sigma_bn = np.zeros( + [ + 3, + ] + ) + omega_bn = np.zeros( + [ + 3, + ] + ) + + return sigma_bn, omega_bn
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/initial_conditions/small_body.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/initial_conditions/small_body.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1d5cb5b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/initial_conditions/small_body.html @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.small_body — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.small_body

+import math as m
+import numpy as np
+[docs] +def generate_waypoints(num_spheres, num_lat, num_lon, radius): + """ + Generates a number of spheres of waypoints, each sphere is at [1...n]*radius, + where n is the num_spheres + """ + + for idx in range(num_spheres): + u1, v1 = np.mgrid[0 : 2 * np.pi : (num_lon * 1j), 0 : np.pi : (num_lat * 1j)] + x1 = (idx + 1) * radius * np.cos(u1) * np.sin(v1) + y1 = (idx + 1) * radius * np.sin(u1) * np.sin(v1) + z1 = (idx + 1) * radius * np.cos(v1) + + x1 = x1.reshape(x1.size) + y1 = y1.reshape(y1.size) + z1 = z1.reshape(z1.size) + + if idx == 0: + waypoints = np.array([x1, y1, z1]) + else: + waypoints = np.concatenate((waypoints, [x1, y1, z1]), axis=1) + + waypoints = waypoints.T + repeats = [] + + # Check for duplicates + for idx1, row1 in enumerate(waypoints): + for idx2, row2 in enumerate(waypoints): + if idx1 == idx2: + continue + else: + if np.linalg.norm(row1 - row2) < 1e-8: + if idx2 > idx1: + repeats.append(idx2) + + waypoints = np.delete(waypoints, repeats, axis=0) + + return waypoints
+ + + +
+[docs] +def generate_mapping_points(num_points, radius): + """Generates a number of mapping points on the surface of the body using a + Fibonnaci sphere Algorithm from: + https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9600801/evenly-distributing-n-points-on-a-sphere + """ + + points = [] + phi = m.pi * (3.0 - m.sqrt(5.0)) # golden angle in radians + + for i in range(num_points): + y = 1 - (i / float(num_points - 1)) * 2 # y goes from 1 to -1 + r = m.sqrt(1 - y * y) # radius at y + + theta = phi * i # golden angle increment + + x = m.cos(theta) * r + z = m.sin(theta) * r + + points.append( + radius + * np.matmul( + np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, -1, 0]]), np.array([x, y, z]) + ) + ) + + return np.array(points)
+ + + +
+[docs] +def generate_imaging_points(num_points, radius): + """Generates a number of random imaging points on the surface of the body""" + points = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, size=(num_points, 3)) + + for idx in range(num_points): + points[idx, :] = radius * points[idx, :] / np.linalg.norm(points[idx, :]) + + return points
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/sb3/custom_sb3_policies.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/sb3/custom_sb3_policies.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c14c6d84 --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/sb3/custom_sb3_policies.html @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.custom_sb3_policies — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.custom_sb3_policies

+from typing import Callable, Dict, Tuple, Type
+import gymnasium as gym
+import torch as th
+from stable_baselines3.common.policies import ActorCriticPolicy
+from torch import nn
+[docs] +class CustomNetwork(nn.Module): + """ + Custom network for policy and value function. + It receives as input the features extracted by the feature extractor. + + :param feature_dim: dimension of the features extracted with the features_extractor + (e.g. features from a CNN) + :param last_layer_dim_pi: (int) number of units for the last layer of the policy + network + :param last_layer_dim_vf: (int) number of units for the last layer of the value + network + """ + +
+[docs] + def __init__( + self, + num_states=12, + num_actions=4, + width=100, + depth=1, + dropout=None, + activation_function=nn.LeakyReLU, + alpha=None, + ): + super(CustomNetwork, self).__init__() + + # IMPORTANT: + # Save output dimensions, used to create the distributions + self.latent_dim_pi = width + self.latent_dim_vf = width + + layers = [] + + # Add layers + for layer in range(0, depth): + if layer == 0: + layers.append(nn.Linear(num_states, width)) + else: + layers.append(nn.Linear(width, width)) + + if activation_function == nn.Tanh: + layers.append(nn.Tanh()) + elif activation_function == nn.LeakyReLU: + layers.append(nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=alpha)) + + # Add dropout layers + if dropout is not None: + layers.append(nn.Dropout(p=dropout, inplace=True)) + + # Policy network + self.policy_net = nn.Sequential(*layers) + # Value network + self.value_net = nn.Sequential(*layers)
+ + +
+[docs] + def forward(self, features: th.Tensor) -> Tuple[th.Tensor, th.Tensor]: + """ + :return: (th.Tensor, th.Tensor) latent_policy, latent_value of the specified + network. + If all layers are shared, then ``latent_policy == latent_value`` + """ + # print('Feature shape: ', features.shape) + return self.policy_net(features), self.value_net(features)
+ + + def forward_actor(self, features: th.Tensor) -> th.Tensor: + return self.policy_net(features) + + def forward_critic(self, features: th.Tensor) -> th.Tensor: + return self.value_net(features)
+ + + +
+[docs] +class CustomActorCriticPolicy(ActorCriticPolicy): +
+[docs] + def __init__( + self, + observation_space: gym.spaces.Space, + action_space: gym.spaces.Space, + lr_schedule: Callable[[float], float], + net_arch: Dict = None, + activation_fn: Type[nn.Module] = nn.Tanh, + *args, + **kwargs, + ): + # Initialize the network parameters + self.num_states = observation_space.shape[0] + self.num_actions = action_space.n + self.width = net_arch["width"] + self.depth = net_arch["depth"] + self.dropout = net_arch["dropout"] + self.activation_function = activation_fn + self.alpha = net_arch["alpha"] + + self.features_dim = self.width + + super(CustomActorCriticPolicy, self).__init__( + observation_space, + action_space, + lr_schedule, + net_arch, + activation_fn, + # Pass remaining arguments to base class + *args, + **kwargs, + ) + # Disable orthogonal initialization + self.ortho_init = False
+ + + def _build_mlp_extractor(self) -> None: + self.mlp_extractor = CustomNetwork( + self.num_states, + self.num_actions, + self.width, + self.depth, + self.dropout, + self.activation_fn, + self.alpha, + )
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/sb3/shielded_policies.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/sb3/shielded_policies.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..40df0686 --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/sb3/shielded_policies.html @@ -0,0 +1,283 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
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  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies

+from typing import Callable, Dict, Tuple, Type
+import gymnasium as gym
+import torch as th
+from stable_baselines3.common.policies import ActorCriticPolicy
+from torch import nn
+from bsk_rl.utilities.sb3 import custom_sb3_policies, shields
+[docs] +class CustomActorCriticShieldedPolicy(ActorCriticPolicy): + """ + Custom actor critic policy with a shield. Made for AgileEOS environment. + """ + +
+[docs] + def __init__( + self, + observation_space: gym.spaces.Space, + action_space: gym.spaces.Space, + lr_schedule: Callable[[float], float], + net_arch: Dict = None, + activation_fn: Type[nn.Module] = nn.Tanh, + *args, + **kwargs, + ): + # Initialize the network parameters + self.num_states = observation_space.shape[0] + self.num_actions = action_space.n + self.width = net_arch["width"] + self.depth = net_arch["depth"] + self.dropout = net_arch["dropout"] + self.activation_function = activation_fn + self.alpha = net_arch["alpha"] + + self.features_dim = self.width + + # Create the shield + # self.shield = shields.AgileEOSShield() + + super(CustomActorCriticShieldedPolicy, self).__init__( + observation_space, + action_space, + lr_schedule, + net_arch, + activation_fn, + # Pass remaining arguments to base class + *args, + **kwargs, + ) + # Disable orthogonal initialization + self.ortho_init = False
+ + + def _build_mlp_extractor(self) -> None: + self.mlp_extractor = custom_sb3_policies.CustomNetwork( + self.num_states, + self.num_actions, + self.width, + self.depth, + self.dropout, + self.activation_fn, + self.alpha, + ) + + def _predict( + self, observation: th.Tensor, deterministic: bool = False + ) -> th.Tensor: + """ + Get the action according to the policy for a given observation. + + :param observation: + :param deterministic: Whether to use stochastic or deterministic actions + :return: Taken action according to the policy + """ + actions = self.get_distribution(observation).get_actions( + deterministic=deterministic + ) + actions = self.shield.shield_actions(observation, actions) + return actions + +
+[docs] + def forward( + self, obs: th.Tensor, deterministic: bool = False + ) -> Tuple[th.Tensor, th.Tensor, th.Tensor]: + """ + Forward pass in all the networks (actor and critic) + + :param obs: Observation + :param deterministic: Whether to sample or use deterministic actions + :return: action, value and log probability of the action + """ + # Preprocess the observation if needed + features = self.extract_features(obs) + latent_pi, latent_vf = self.mlp_extractor(features) + # Evaluate the values for the given observations + values = self.value_net(latent_vf) + distribution = self._get_action_dist_from_latent(latent_pi) + actions = distribution.get_actions(deterministic=deterministic) + # print('old actions: ', actions) + + # Override the actions here + actions = self.shield.shield_actions(obs, actions) + + log_prob = distribution.log_prob(actions) + actions = actions.reshape((-1,) + self.action_space.shape) + return actions, values, log_prob
+ + + +
+[docs] +class CustomActorCriticShieldedAgileEOSPolicy(CustomActorCriticShieldedPolicy): +
+[docs] + def __init__( + self, + observation_space: gym.spaces.Space, + action_space: gym.spaces.Space, + lr_schedule: Callable[[float], float], + net_arch: Dict = None, + activation_fn: Type[nn.Module] = nn.Tanh, + *args, + **kwargs, + ): + # Create the shield + self.shield = shields.AgileEOSShield() + + super(CustomActorCriticShieldedAgileEOSPolicy, self).__init__( + observation_space, + action_space, + lr_schedule, + net_arch, + activation_fn, + # Pass remaining arguments to base class + *args, + **kwargs, + )
+ + + +
+[docs] +class CustomActorCriticShieldedMultiSensorEOSPolicy(CustomActorCriticShieldedPolicy): +
+[docs] + def __init__( + self, + observation_space: gym.spaces.Space, + action_space: gym.spaces.Space, + lr_schedule: Callable[[float], float], + net_arch: Dict = None, + activation_fn: Type[nn.Module] = nn.Tanh, + *args, + **kwargs, + ): + # Create the shield + self.shield = shields.MultiSensorEOSShield() + + super(CustomActorCriticShieldedMultiSensorEOSPolicy, self).__init__( + observation_space, + action_space, + lr_schedule, + net_arch, + activation_fn, + # Pass remaining arguments to base class + *args, + **kwargs, + )
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/sb3/shields.html b/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/sb3/shields.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0cfc3d42 --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/bsk_rl/utilities/sb3/shields.html @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ + + + + + + bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shields — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Source code for bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shields

+import os
+import torch as th
+from bsk_rl.agents.state_machine import StateMachine
+abs_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+[docs] +class AgileEOSShield: + """Custom shield layer + :param: size_in -> input size, should be equal to the number of actions + :param: size_out -> output size, should be equal to the number of actions""" + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self): + self.state_machine = StateMachine() + self.state_machine.loadTransferConditions( + os.path.join(abs_path, "../state_machine/agile_eos_ops.adv") + )
+ + + def shield_actions(self, obs, actions): + batch_size = obs.shape[0] + new_actions = th.ones(batch_size, dtype=th.int32, device="cpu") + + for batch_num in range(0, batch_size): + # Define the state + s = obs[batch_num, :] + + # Pass the state to the shield + discretized_state = self.state_machine.SimpleEOSDiscretizer( + s.cpu().detach().numpy() + ) + + # Grab the action from the shield + shield_act = self.state_machine.selectAction(discretized_state) + + # If nominal state, only modify if we have a downlink window + if shield_act == 3: + # Downlink if data is in the buffer and a ground station is available + if (s[13] > 5e-5) and any(s[15:22]): + # Randomly choose between downlink and imaging + shield_act = th.randint(2, 4, [1]) + + # If the action is image, let the network do what it wants + if shield_act >= 3: + new_actions[batch_num] = actions[batch_num] + # If the action is not nominal, let the shield override + else: + new_actions[batch_num] = shield_act + + return new_actions
+ + + +
+[docs] +class MultiSensorEOSShield: + """Custom shield layer + :param: size_in -> input size, should be equal to the number of actions + :param: size_out -> output size, should be equal to the number of actions""" + +
+[docs] + def __init__(self): + self.state_machine = StateMachine() + self.state_machine.loadTransferConditions( + os.path.join(abs_path, "../state_machine/multisensor_eos_ops.adv") + )
+ + + def shield_actions(self, obs, actions): + batch_size = obs.shape[0] + new_actions = th.ones(batch_size, dtype=th.int32, device="cpu") + + for batch_num in range(0, batch_size): + # Define the state + s = obs[batch_num, :] + + # Pass the state to the shield + discretized_state = self.state_machine.earthObsEnvDiscretizer( + s.cpu().detach().numpy() + ) + + # Grab the action from the shield + shield_act = self.state_machine.selectAction(discretized_state) + + # If the action is image, let the network do what it wants + if shield_act >= 2: + new_actions[batch_num] = actions[batch_num] + # If the action is not nominal, let the shield override + else: + new_actions[batch_num] = shield_act + + return new_actions
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/examples/general_satellite_tasking/multisat_aeos.html b/_modules/examples/general_satellite_tasking/multisat_aeos.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9ab72b58 --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/examples/general_satellite_tasking/multisat_aeos.html @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ + + + + + + examples.general_satellite_tasking.multisat_aeos — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for examples.general_satellite_tasking.multisat_aeos

+Multisat AEOS
+some text here
+import gymnasium as gym
+import numpy as np
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario import communication, data
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario import satellites as sats
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features import (
+    CityTargets,
+from bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation import environment
+from bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions import leo_orbit
+[docs] +def run(): + """Demonstrate the configuration of an environment with multiple imaging satellites.""" + # Data environment contains 5000 targets located near random cities, which are + # randomized on reset() + env_features = CityTargets(n_targets=500, location_offset=10e3) + # Data manager records and rewards uniquely imaged targets + data_manager = data.UniqueImagingManager(env_features) + + # Generate orbital parameters for each satellite in the constellation + oes = leo_orbit.walker_delta( + n_spacecraft=3, # Number of satellites + n_planes=1, + rel_phasing=0, + altitude=500 * 1e3, + inc=45, + clustersize=3, # Cluster all 3 satellites together + clusterspacing=30, # Space satellites by a true anomaly of 30 degrees + ) + + # Construct satellites of the FullFeaturedSatellite type + satellites = [] + sat_type = sats.FullFeaturedSatellite + for i, oe in enumerate(oes): + # Satellite configuration arguments are inferred from the satellite type. The + # function default_sat_args collects all of the parameters that must be set for FSW + # and dynamics in the Basilisk simulation. Any parameters that are to be overridden + # can be set as arguments to default_sat_args, and an error will be raised if the + # parameter is not valid for the satellite type. + + sat_args = sat_type.default_sat_args( + oe=oe, + imageAttErrorRequirement=0.01, # Change a default parameter + imageRateErrorRequirement=0.01, + # Parameters can also be set as a function that is called each time the + # environment is reset + panelEfficiency=lambda: 0.2 + np.random.uniform(-0.01, 0.01), + ) + + # As an example, look at the arguments for one of the satellites + if i == 0: + print(sat_args) + + # Instantiate the satellite object. Arguments to the satellite class are set here. + satellite = sat_type( + "EO" + str(i + 1), sat_args, n_ahead_observe=15, n_ahead_act=15 + ) + satellites.append(satellite) + + # Instantiate the communication method + communicator = communication.LOSMultiCommunication(satellites) + + # Make the environment with Gymnasium + env = gym.make( + "GeneralSatelliteTasking-v1", + satellites=satellites, + # Pick the type for the Basilisk environment model. Note that it is not instantiated + # here. + env_type=environment.GroundStationEnvModel, + # Like default_sat_args, default_env_args infers model parameters from the type and + # specific parameters can be overridden or randomized. + env_args=environment.GroundStationEnvModel.default_env_args(), + # Pass configuration objects + env_features=env_features, + data_manager=data_manager, + communicator=communicator, + # Integration frequency in seconds + sim_rate=0.5, + # Environment will be propagated by at most max_step_duration before needing new + # actions selected; however, some satellites will instead end the step when the + # current task is finished + max_step_duration=600.0, + # Set 3-orbit long episodes + time_limit=95 * 60, + log_level="INFO", + ) + + # Run the simulation until timeout or agent failure + total_reward = 0.0 + observation, info = env.reset() + + while True: + """ + Task random actions. Look at the set_action function for the chosen satellite type + to see what actions do. In this case, the action mapping is as follows: + - 0: charge + - 1: desaturate + - 2: downlink + - 3+: image the (n-3)th upcoming target + + """ + observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step( + env.action_space.sample() + ) + + total_reward += reward + print(f"\tReward: {reward:.3f} ({total_reward:.3f} cumulative)") + + if terminated or truncated: + print("Episode complete.") + break
+ + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + run() +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/examples/mcts/network_validation_multiprocessing.html b/_modules/examples/mcts/network_validation_multiprocessing.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..96672806 --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/examples/mcts/network_validation_multiprocessing.html @@ -0,0 +1,456 @@ + + + + + + examples.mcts.network_validation_multiprocessing — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for examples.mcts.network_validation_multiprocessing

+import os
+import time
+from multiprocessing import Manager, Process
+from pathlib import Path
+import gymnasium as gym
+import numpy as np
+from bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.gym_env import AgileEOS  # noqa: F401; needed for gym
+os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1"
+SEP = os.path.sep
+[docs] +def modify_observation(obs, info, modified_states): + """This function modifies the observation from the environment if this is required. + :param obs: environment observation + :param info: info that may be add to the observation + :param modified states: a list of state indices to keep and dictionary keys + :return obs: modified observation + """ + # Loop through each element in modified_states + for idx3, elem in enumerate(modified_states): + # If its the first element, this is the array of indices to keep + if idx3 == 0: + obs = obs[elem] + # If it's not the first element, it's a dictionary key + else: + obs_to_add = info[elem].reshape(info[elem].size) + obs = np.concatenate((obs, obs_to_add)) + + return obs
+ + + +
+[docs] +def run_simulator( + network, + reward_specific, + success_specific, + downlink_util_specific, + exec_time_specific, + imaged_specific, + downlinked_specific, + modified_states, + ic, +): + """ + This function is utilized to a.) load the network, b.) run the network in the + environment, and c.) update performance metrics + :param network: File name of neural network + :param reward_specific: List of reward metrics + :param success_specific: List of success metrics + :param downlink_util_specific: List of downlink utilization metrics + :param exec_time_specific: List of execution time metrics + :param imaged_specific: List of image metric + :param downlinked_specific: List of downlinked metric + :param modified_states: List containing indices of states to keep and entries of + the info dictionary + :param ic: initial conditions + """ + + # Import keras here + import tensorflow.keras as keras + + # Create env + env = gym.make("AgileEOS-v0") + + # Set num steps, max length + tFinal = float(270) + numSteps = int(tFinal / (env.step_duration / 60.0)) + env.max_length = tFinal + env.max_steps = numSteps + + # Initialize action history + actHist = [] + + # Total reward + reward_sum = 0.0 + exec_time_sum = 0.0 + + # Reset the environment to initial conditions + ob, info = env.reset(options={"initial_conditions": ic}) + + # Load model + model = keras.models.load_model(network, custom_objects=None, compile=True) + + # Loop through each time step + for ind in range(0, numSteps): + # Start the clock + start = time.perf_counter() + + # Select action + action_value = model.predict(ob.reshape(1, -1)) + + # End the clock + end = time.perf_counter() + + # Add to exec_time + exec_time_sum += end - start + + # Select new action + act = np.argmax(action_value) + + # Append last action to action list + actHist.append(act) + + # Print out some information on the action and environment step + print("Actual Action Taken: ", act) + print("Real Environment Step: ", ind) + + # Take the step in the environment + ob, reward, episode_over, _, info = env.step(act) + + # Print reward + print("Reward: ", reward) + + # Sum the reward, add to rewards array + reward_sum = reward_sum + reward + + # If the episode is over, end the simulation + if episode_over: + print("episode over") + break + + # Pull the total access + total_access = env.simulator.total_access + + # Pull the utilized access + utilized_access = env.simulator.utilized_access + + # Update the performance metrics + reward_specific.append(reward_sum) + downlink_util_specific.append(100 * utilized_access / total_access) + exec_time_specific.append(exec_time_sum) + if env.simulator.simTime / 60 >= 270 and reward >= -0.00001: + success_specific.append(1) + else: + success_specific.append(0) + + # Update the number of imaged and downlinked performance metrics + num_imaged = 0 + num_downlinked = 0 + for idx in range(len(env.simulator.imaged_targets)): + if env.simulator.imaged_targets[idx] >= 1.0: + num_imaged += 1 + + if env.simulator.downlinked_targets[idx] >= 1.0: + num_downlinked += 1 + imaged_specific.append(num_imaged) + downlinked_specific.append(num_downlinked)
+ + + +def run_experiment(data_directory, ident, initial_conditions_list, N, batch_num): + # Load the network history + net_hist = np.load(data_directory + "/network_results.npy", allow_pickle=True) + # net_hist = net_hist.item() + print(net_hist) + + # Initialize lists for each metric + reward_master = [] + success_master = [] + downlink_util_master = [] + exec_time_master = [] + imaged_master = [] + downlinked_master = [] + + # Create master dictionary + data_master = {} + + # Initialize manager for creating lists + manager = Manager() + + # Initialize a dictionary for each model + models = {} + + # Initialize another results dictionary + results = {} + + # Load the networks + for count, filename in enumerate( + sorted(Path(data_directory + "/Networks/").iterdir(), key=os.path.getmtime), + start=0, + ): + print(str(filename)) + if "network" in str(filename): + print(count, filename) + models.update({count: filename}) + + # Loop through each model + for key, model in models.items(): + # Initialize lists for each metric using the manager + reward_specific = manager.list() + success_specific = manager.list() + downlink_util_specific = manager.list() + exec_time_specific = manager.list() + imaged_specific = manager.list() + downlinked_specific = manager.list() + + # Set the initial condition index + ic_idx = 0 + + # Loop through the batches + for j in range(batch_num): + # Initialize the lists of processes + processes = [] + + # Loop through N + for idx in range(0, N): + # Grab the initial condition + ic = initial_conditions_list[str(ic_idx)] + # ic = env.simulator.initial_conditions + ic_idx += 1 + # Append process to processes + processes.append( + Process( + target=run_simulator, + args=( + model, + reward_specific, + success_specific, + downlink_util_specific, + exec_time_specific, + imaged_specific, + downlinked_specific, + [], + ic, + ), + ) + ) + # Start each process + for idx in range(0, N): + processes[idx].start() + # Join each process + for process in processes: + process.join() + + # Append the specific data to the master metrics + reward_master.append(list(reward_specific)) + imaged_master.append(list(imaged_specific)) + downlinked_master.append(list(downlinked_specific)) + downlink_util_master.append(list(downlink_util_specific)) + exec_time_master.append(list(exec_time_specific)) + success_master.append(100 * np.average(success_specific)) + + # Update the master data dictionary with the metrics + data_master.update( + { + key: { + "reward": reward_master[-1], + "downlink": downlink_util_master[-1], + "exec_time": exec_time_master[-1], + "success": success_master[-1], + "downlinked": downlinked_master[-1], + "imaged": imaged_master[-1], + } + } + ) + + f_name = "network_" + str(key) + policy_kwargs = dict( + activation_fn=net_hist[key]["activation"], + net_arch={ + "width": net_hist[key]["net_size"], + "depth": net_hist[key]["hidden_layer_num"], + "dropout": net_hist[key]["dropout"], + "alpha": net_hist[key]["alpha"], + }, + ) + + # Update the master results + results.update( + { + f_name: { + "validation_reward": reward_master[-1], + "policy_kwargs": policy_kwargs, + "batch_size": net_hist[key]["batch_size"], + "n_epochs": net_hist[key]["epochs"], + } + } + ) + + # Print the averages of each metric + print("Averages: ") + for key, value in data_master.items(): + print( + key, + np.average(data_master[key]["reward"]), + np.average(data_master[key]["downlink"]), + np.average(data_master[key]["exec_time"]), + ) + + # Uncomment to save data + np.save(data_directory + "/validation_results_" + ident + ".npy", data_master) + np.save(data_directory + "/bar_plot_validation_results_" + ident + ".npy", results) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + """This script is used to validate and benchmark trained networks for the + multiTgtEarthEnvironment in terms of average reward, downlink utilization, success, + and execution time. This implementation does utilize multi-processing. Before + running this script, ensure that agents have been trained and placed in the + 'data_directory.' Furthermore, be sure to specify a dictionary of initial + conditions. + + A bar plot of these validation results can be generated using the plotting tools + in `utilities/plotting_tools/` + """ + + # Set the data directory + data_directory = ( + ".." + + SEP + + ".." + + SEP + + "bsk_rl" + + SEP + + "results" + + SEP + + "mcts" + + SEP + + "AgileEOS" + + SEP + + "MCTS-Train Test" + + SEP + ) + + data_directory = str(Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / data_directory) + + # Set the number of simulations and number of batches + N = 10 + batch_num = 1 + + # Data identifier + ident = "benchmark_3_tgt" + + # Load initial conditions + initial_conditions_list = np.load( + str(Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / "initial_conditions.npy"), + allow_pickle=True, + ) + initial_conditions_list = initial_conditions_list.item() + + # Run the experiment + run_experiment(data_directory, ident, initial_conditions_list, N, batch_num) +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/examples/plotting_tools/process_ga_curves.html b/_modules/examples/plotting_tools/process_ga_curves.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c5bf1ceb --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/examples/plotting_tools/process_ga_curves.html @@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ + + + + + + examples.plotting_tools.process_ga_curves — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
  • + + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

Source code for examples.plotting_tools.process_ga_curves

+import os
+import pickle
+from pathlib import Path
+from deap import base, creator
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+creator.create("FitnessMax", base.Fitness, weights=(1.0,))
+creator.create("Individual", list, fitness=creator.FitnessMax)
+SEP = os.path.sep
+[docs] +def process_ga_curve(run_dir, env_name): + """ + Generates plots of GA convergence, performance, and final population vector behavior + :param checkpoint_names: list of checkpoint names, assumed to be pickle files. + :return: + """ + # Pull data out of the pickles + gen_list = [] + min_reward = [] + max_reward = [] + mean_reward = [] + + # Find all of pkl files + n_gens = len([name for name in os.listdir(run_dir) if name.endswith(".pkl")]) + + checkpoint_names = [run_dir + env_name + f"_{gen}.pkl" for gen in range(1, n_gens)] + + for name in checkpoint_names: + with open(name, "rb") as file: + result = pickle.load(file) + gen_list.append(result["generation"]) + tmp_log = result["logbook"] + mean_reward.append(tmp_log[-1]["avg"]) + min_reward.append(tmp_log[-1]["min"]) + max_reward.append(tmp_log[-1]["max"]) + + fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 5)) + plt.plot(gen_list, mean_reward, label="Mean Reward") + plt.plot(gen_list, max_reward, label="Max Reward") + plt.plot(gen_list, min_reward, label="Min Reward", alpha=0.4) + plt.grid() + plt.ylabel("Reward", fontsize=16) + plt.xlabel("Generation", fontsize=16) + plt.ylim([-1, 1]) + plt.xticks(fontsize=12) + plt.yticks(fontsize=12) + plt.legend(fontsize=12) + plt.savefig( + run_dir + env_name + "_curve.pdf", + dpi=300, + pad_inches=0.1, + bbox_inches="tight", + transparent=True, + )
+ + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + # Define the directory + ga_dir = ( + ".." + + SEP + + ".." + + SEP + + "bsk_rl" + + SEP + + "results" + + SEP + + "GA" + + SEP + + "MultiSensorEOS-v0" + + SEP + + "GA Test" + + SEP + ) + ga_dir = str(Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / ga_dir) + + # Make a list of every folder in the directory + folders = os.listdir(ga_dir) + + # Loop through each folder + for folder in folders: + # Check if the folder is a directory + if os.path.isdir(ga_dir + SEP + folder): + process_ga_curve(ga_dir + SEP + folder + SEP, "MultiSensorEOS-v0") +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_modules/index.html b/_modules/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d6d3c074 --- /dev/null +++ b/_modules/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ + + + + + + Overview: module code — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
  • + +
  • +
  • +
+ +

All modules for which code is available

+ + +
+ +
+ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/agents/genetic_algorithm.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/agents/genetic_algorithm.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b28518f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/agents/genetic_algorithm.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.agents.genetic_algorithm: + +genetic_algorithm +================= + +``bsk_rl.agents.genetic_algorithm`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.agents.genetic_algorithm + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/agents/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/agents/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..83e17b12 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/agents/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.agents: + +agents +====== + +``bsk_rl.agents`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.agents + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + genetic_algorithm + mcts + state_machine + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/agents/mcts.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/agents/mcts.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9ba27f1c --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/agents/mcts.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.agents.mcts: + +mcts +==== + +``bsk_rl.agents.mcts`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.agents.mcts + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/agents/state_machine.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/agents/state_machine.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..98bfba64 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/agents/state_machine.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.agents.state_machine: + +state_machine +============= + +``bsk_rl.agents.state_machine`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.agents.state_machine + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/agile_eos/bsk_sim.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/agile_eos/bsk_sim.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8ee0390a --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/agile_eos/bsk_sim.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.bsk_sim: + +bsk_sim +======= + +``bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.bsk_sim`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.bsk_sim + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/agile_eos/gym_env.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/agile_eos/gym_env.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a439d871 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/agile_eos/gym_env.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.gym_env: + +gym_env +======= + +``bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.gym_env`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.gym_env + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/agile_eos/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/agile_eos/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ebf064e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/agile_eos/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos: + +agile_eos +========= + +``bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + bsk_sim + gym_env + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/gym_env.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/gym_env.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..45808778 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/gym_env.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env: + +gym_env +======= + +``bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b69bf03f --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking: + +general_satellite_tasking +========================= + +``bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + gym_env + types + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + + scenario/index + simulation/index + utils/index diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/communication.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/communication.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e9a94095 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/communication.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication: + +communication +============= + +``bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/data.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/data.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6c389af9 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/data.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data: + +data +==== + +``bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/environment_features.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/environment_features.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..06484fd1 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/environment_features.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features: + +environment_features +==================== + +``bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9baa1e2a --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario: + +scenario +======== + +``bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + communication + data + environment_features + sat_actions + sat_observations + satellites + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/sat_actions.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/sat_actions.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b25d38a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/sat_actions.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions: + +sat_actions +=========== + +``bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/sat_observations.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/sat_observations.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..03170d8b --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/sat_observations.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations: + +sat_observations +================ + +``bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/satellites.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/satellites.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..94695658 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/satellites.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites: + +satellites +========== + +``bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/dynamics.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/dynamics.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4132054d --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/dynamics.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics: + +dynamics +======== + +``bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/environment.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/environment.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e932d2bf --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/environment.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.environment: + +environment +=========== + +``bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.environment`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.environment + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/fsw.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/fsw.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4f39ead4 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/fsw.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw: + +fsw +=== + +``bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..76def5a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation: + +simulation +========== + +``bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + dynamics + environment + fsw + simulator + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/simulator.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/simulator.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..071d9289 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/simulator.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.simulator: + +simulator +========= + +``bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.simulator`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.simulator + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/types.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/types.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e0deab27 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/types.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.types: + +types +===== + +``bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.types`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.types + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/functional.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/functional.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a6abf246 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/functional.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional: + +functional +========== + +``bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3e01391f --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils: + +utils +===== + +``bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + functional + logging_config + orbital + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/logging_config.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/logging_config.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..159a1841 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/logging_config.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.logging_config: + +logging_config +============== + +``bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.logging_config`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.logging_config + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/orbital.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/orbital.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bfd99420 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/orbital.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.orbital: + +orbital +======= + +``bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.orbital`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.orbital + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f880c844 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs: + +envs +==== + +``bsk_rl.envs`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + + agile_eos/index + general_satellite_tasking/index + multisat_agile_eos/index + multisensor_eos/index + simple_eos/index + small_body_science/index + small_body_science_pomdp/index diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/dynamics.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/dynamics.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b6e04c49 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/dynamics.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics: + +dynamics +======== + +``bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/environment.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/environment.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..15807709 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/environment.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.environment: + +environment +=========== + +``bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.environment`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.environment + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/fsw.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/fsw.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ee715822 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/fsw.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw: + +fsw +=== + +``bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/fsw_steering.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/fsw_steering.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3cf78cf7 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/fsw_steering.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering: + +fsw_steering +============ + +``bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..35b4630d --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models: + +bsk_models +========== + +``bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + dynamics + environment + fsw + fsw_steering + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_sim.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_sim.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2f4afcb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_sim.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_sim: + +bsk_sim +======= + +``bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_sim`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_sim + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/env_settings.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/env_settings.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3b75cfea --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/env_settings.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.env_settings: + +env_settings +============ + +``bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.env_settings`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.env_settings + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/gym_env.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/gym_env.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6c5fac17 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/gym_env.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.gym_env: + +gym_env +======= + +``bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.gym_env`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.gym_env + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..900084eb --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos: + +multisat_agile_eos +================== + +``bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + bsk_sim + env_settings + gym_env + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + + bsk_models/index diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisensor_eos/bsk_sim.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisensor_eos/bsk_sim.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1db8c462 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisensor_eos/bsk_sim.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.bsk_sim: + +bsk_sim +======= + +``bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.bsk_sim`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.bsk_sim + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisensor_eos/env_settings.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisensor_eos/env_settings.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..190e65d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisensor_eos/env_settings.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.env_settings: + +env_settings +============ + +``bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.env_settings`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.env_settings + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisensor_eos/gym_env.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisensor_eos/gym_env.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..060ea7a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisensor_eos/gym_env.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.gym_env: + +gym_env +======= + +``bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.gym_env`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.gym_env + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisensor_eos/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisensor_eos/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e216e10f --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/multisensor_eos/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos: + +multisensor_eos +=============== + +``bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + bsk_sim + env_settings + gym_env + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/simple_eos/bsk_sim.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/simple_eos/bsk_sim.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9871856d --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/simple_eos/bsk_sim.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.bsk_sim: + +bsk_sim +======= + +``bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.bsk_sim`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.bsk_sim + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/simple_eos/gym_env.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/simple_eos/gym_env.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..384ae35b --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/simple_eos/gym_env.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.gym_env: + +gym_env +======= + +``bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.gym_env`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.gym_env + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/simple_eos/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/simple_eos/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..493b6019 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/simple_eos/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos: + +simple_eos +========== + +``bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + bsk_sim + gym_env + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/small_body_science/bsk_sim.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/small_body_science/bsk_sim.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d6b4fbb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/small_body_science/bsk_sim.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.bsk_sim: + +bsk_sim +======= + +``bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.bsk_sim`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.bsk_sim + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/small_body_science/gym_env.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/small_body_science/gym_env.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5dd4a100 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/small_body_science/gym_env.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.gym_env: + +gym_env +======= + +``bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.gym_env`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.gym_env + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/small_body_science/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/small_body_science/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1aeed812 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/small_body_science/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science: + +small_body_science +================== + +``bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + bsk_sim + gym_env + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/small_body_science_pomdp/bsk_sim.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/small_body_science_pomdp/bsk_sim.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7fc8cde7 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/small_body_science_pomdp/bsk_sim.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.bsk_sim: + +bsk_sim +======= + +``bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.bsk_sim`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.bsk_sim + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/small_body_science_pomdp/gym_env.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/small_body_science_pomdp/gym_env.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b66eafe2 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/small_body_science_pomdp/gym_env.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.gym_env: + +gym_env +======= + +``bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.gym_env`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.gym_env + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/envs/small_body_science_pomdp/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/envs/small_body_science_pomdp/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8505ce86 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/envs/small_body_science_pomdp/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp: + +small_body_science_pomdp +======================== + +``bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + bsk_sim + gym_env + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..10b61a1b --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +.. _bsk_rl: + +API Reference +============= + +``bsk_rl`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + + agents/index + envs/index + training/index + utilities/index diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/training/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/training/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..125bf341 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/training/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.training: + +training +======== + +``bsk_rl.training`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.training + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + + mcts/index + sb3/index diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/training/mcts/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/training/mcts/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..16353610 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/training/mcts/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.training.mcts: + +mcts +==== + +``bsk_rl.training.mcts`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.training.mcts + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + mcts_train + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/training/mcts/mcts_train.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/training/mcts/mcts_train.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..06faf7d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/training/mcts/mcts_train.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train: + +mcts_train +========== + +``bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/training/sb3/experiments.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/training/sb3/experiments.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c0e39400 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/training/sb3/experiments.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.training.sb3.experiments: + +experiments +=========== + +``bsk_rl.training.sb3.experiments`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.training.sb3.experiments + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/training/sb3/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/training/sb3/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d482c2cc --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/training/sb3/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.training.sb3: + +sb3 +=== + +``bsk_rl.training.sb3`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.training.sb3 + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + experiments + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/utilities/effector_primitives/actuator_primitives.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/effector_primitives/actuator_primitives.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..75a484f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/effector_primitives/actuator_primitives.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives.actuator_primitives: + +actuator_primitives +=================== + +``bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives.actuator_primitives`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives.actuator_primitives + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/utilities/effector_primitives/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/effector_primitives/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bf9476b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/effector_primitives/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives: + +effector_primitives +=================== + +``bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + actuator_primitives + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/utilities/genetic_algorithm/experiments.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/genetic_algorithm/experiments.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c147cee6 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/genetic_algorithm/experiments.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.utilities.genetic_algorithm.experiments: + +experiments +=========== + +``bsk_rl.utilities.genetic_algorithm.experiments`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.utilities.genetic_algorithm.experiments + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/utilities/genetic_algorithm/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/genetic_algorithm/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1a6fe8c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/genetic_algorithm/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.utilities.genetic_algorithm: + +genetic_algorithm +================= + +``bsk_rl.utilities.genetic_algorithm`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.utilities.genetic_algorithm + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + experiments + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/utilities/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..866cc4f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.utilities: + +utilities +========= + +``bsk_rl.utilities`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.utilities + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + + effector_primitives/index + genetic_algorithm/index + initial_conditions/index + mcts/index + sb3/index + state_machine/index diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5026a537 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions: + +initial_conditions +================== + +``bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + leo_initial_conditions + leo_orbit + sc_attitudes + small_body + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/leo_initial_conditions.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/leo_initial_conditions.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..671d832b --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/leo_initial_conditions.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_initial_conditions: + +leo_initial_conditions +====================== + +``bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_initial_conditions`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_initial_conditions + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/leo_orbit.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/leo_orbit.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..151caf46 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/leo_orbit.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit: + +leo_orbit +========= + +``bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/sc_attitudes.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/sc_attitudes.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5c8daf35 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/sc_attitudes.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.sc_attitudes: + +sc_attitudes +============ + +``bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.sc_attitudes`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.sc_attitudes + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/small_body.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/small_body.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5c68ba88 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/small_body.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.small_body: + +small_body +========== + +``bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.small_body`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.small_body + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/utilities/mcts/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/mcts/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2668b514 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/mcts/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.utilities.mcts: + +mcts +==== + +``bsk_rl.utilities.mcts`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.utilities.mcts + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + rollout_policies + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/utilities/mcts/rollout_policies.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/mcts/rollout_policies.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c397614f --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/mcts/rollout_policies.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.utilities.mcts.rollout_policies: + +rollout_policies +================ + +``bsk_rl.utilities.mcts.rollout_policies`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.utilities.mcts.rollout_policies + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/utilities/sb3/custom_sb3_policies.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/sb3/custom_sb3_policies.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c20c306c --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/sb3/custom_sb3_policies.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.custom_sb3_policies: + +custom_sb3_policies +=================== + +``bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.custom_sb3_policies`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.custom_sb3_policies + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/utilities/sb3/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/sb3/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..66159bf9 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/sb3/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.utilities.sb3: + +sb3 +=== + +``bsk_rl.utilities.sb3`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.utilities.sb3 + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + custom_sb3_policies + shielded_policies + shields + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/utilities/sb3/shielded_policies.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/sb3/shielded_policies.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f49e7407 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/sb3/shielded_policies.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies: + +shielded_policies +================= + +``bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/utilities/sb3/shields.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/sb3/shields.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..02c9c842 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/sb3/shields.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shields: + +shields +======= + +``bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shields`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shields + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/API Reference/utilities/state_machine/index.rst.txt b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/state_machine/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6ed55ecd --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/API Reference/utilities/state_machine/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +.. _bsk_rl.utilities.state_machine: + +state_machine +============= + +``bsk_rl.utilities.state_machine`` + +.. automodule:: bsk_rl.utilities.state_machine + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/general_satellite_tasking/index.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/general_satellite_tasking/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ab98b4a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/general_satellite_tasking/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +.. _examples.general_satellite_tasking: + +general_satellite_tasking +========================= + +``examples.general_satellite_tasking`` + +.. automodule:: examples.general_satellite_tasking + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + multisat_aeos + satellite_customization + single_sat + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/general_satellite_tasking/multisat_aeos.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/general_satellite_tasking/multisat_aeos.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7c0a256a --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/general_satellite_tasking/multisat_aeos.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _examples.general_satellite_tasking.multisat_aeos: + +multisat_aeos +============= + +``examples.general_satellite_tasking.multisat_aeos`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: examples.general_satellite_tasking.multisat_aeos + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/general_satellite_tasking/satellite_customization.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/general_satellite_tasking/satellite_customization.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9ea73bcd --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/general_satellite_tasking/satellite_customization.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _examples.general_satellite_tasking.satellite_customization: + +satellite_customization +======================= + +``examples.general_satellite_tasking.satellite_customization`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: examples.general_satellite_tasking.satellite_customization + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/general_satellite_tasking/single_sat.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/general_satellite_tasking/single_sat.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..60e55ad3 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/general_satellite_tasking/single_sat.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _examples.general_satellite_tasking.single_sat: + +single_sat +========== + +``examples.general_satellite_tasking.single_sat`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: examples.general_satellite_tasking.single_sat + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/genetic_algorithm/ga_hp_solver.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/genetic_algorithm/ga_hp_solver.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f0e7616e --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/genetic_algorithm/ga_hp_solver.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _examples.genetic_algorithm.ga_hp_solver: + +ga_hp_solver +============ + +``examples.genetic_algorithm.ga_hp_solver`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: examples.genetic_algorithm.ga_hp_solver + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/genetic_algorithm/index.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/genetic_algorithm/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..80a4c2c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/genetic_algorithm/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +.. _examples.genetic_algorithm: + +genetic_algorithm +================= + +``examples.genetic_algorithm`` + +.. automodule:: examples.genetic_algorithm + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + ga_hp_solver + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/index.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0c90e303 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +.. _examples: + +Examples +======== + +``examples`` + +.. automodule:: examples + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + + general_satellite_tasking/index + genetic_algorithm/index + mcts/index + plotting_tools/index + sb3/index + state_machine/index diff --git a/_sources/Examples/mcts/index.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/mcts/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bf08fada --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/mcts/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +.. _examples.mcts: + +mcts +==== + +``examples.mcts`` + +.. automodule:: examples.mcts + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + mcts_data_generator + network_hyperparam_search + network_validation_multiprocessing + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/mcts/mcts_data_generator.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/mcts/mcts_data_generator.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..94e91faa --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/mcts/mcts_data_generator.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _examples.mcts.mcts_data_generator: + +mcts_data_generator +=================== + +``examples.mcts.mcts_data_generator`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: examples.mcts.mcts_data_generator + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/mcts/network_hyperparam_search.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/mcts/network_hyperparam_search.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0cb5fa0d --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/mcts/network_hyperparam_search.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _examples.mcts.network_hyperparam_search: + +network_hyperparam_search +========================= + +``examples.mcts.network_hyperparam_search`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: examples.mcts.network_hyperparam_search + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/mcts/network_validation_multiprocessing.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/mcts/network_validation_multiprocessing.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..27d7c1aa --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/mcts/network_validation_multiprocessing.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _examples.mcts.network_validation_multiprocessing: + +network_validation_multiprocessing +================================== + +``examples.mcts.network_validation_multiprocessing`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: examples.mcts.network_validation_multiprocessing + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/index.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6350320e --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +.. _examples.plotting_tools: + +plotting_tools +============== + +``examples.plotting_tools`` + +.. automodule:: examples.plotting_tools + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + plot_a2c_hyperparams + plot_dqn_hyperparams + plot_ga_hyperparams + plot_mcts_hyperparams + plot_ppo_hyperparams + process_ga_curves + process_sb3_curves + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/plot_a2c_hyperparams.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/plot_a2c_hyperparams.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..865b38a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/plot_a2c_hyperparams.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _examples.plotting_tools.plot_a2c_hyperparams: + +plot_a2c_hyperparams +==================== + +``examples.plotting_tools.plot_a2c_hyperparams`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: examples.plotting_tools.plot_a2c_hyperparams + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/plot_dqn_hyperparams.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/plot_dqn_hyperparams.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..44938aa6 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/plot_dqn_hyperparams.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _examples.plotting_tools.plot_dqn_hyperparams: + +plot_dqn_hyperparams +==================== + +``examples.plotting_tools.plot_dqn_hyperparams`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: examples.plotting_tools.plot_dqn_hyperparams + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/plot_ga_hyperparams.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/plot_ga_hyperparams.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fa4ba061 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/plot_ga_hyperparams.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _examples.plotting_tools.plot_ga_hyperparams: + +plot_ga_hyperparams +=================== + +``examples.plotting_tools.plot_ga_hyperparams`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: examples.plotting_tools.plot_ga_hyperparams + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/plot_mcts_hyperparams.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/plot_mcts_hyperparams.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a9d305e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/plot_mcts_hyperparams.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _examples.plotting_tools.plot_mcts_hyperparams: + +plot_mcts_hyperparams +===================== + +``examples.plotting_tools.plot_mcts_hyperparams`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: examples.plotting_tools.plot_mcts_hyperparams + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/plot_ppo_hyperparams.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/plot_ppo_hyperparams.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a7f82801 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/plot_ppo_hyperparams.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _examples.plotting_tools.plot_ppo_hyperparams: + +plot_ppo_hyperparams +==================== + +``examples.plotting_tools.plot_ppo_hyperparams`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: examples.plotting_tools.plot_ppo_hyperparams + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/process_ga_curves.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/process_ga_curves.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8664ee61 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/process_ga_curves.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _examples.plotting_tools.process_ga_curves: + +process_ga_curves +================= + +``examples.plotting_tools.process_ga_curves`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: examples.plotting_tools.process_ga_curves + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/process_sb3_curves.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/process_sb3_curves.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a37bce76 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/plotting_tools/process_sb3_curves.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _examples.plotting_tools.process_sb3_curves: + +process_sb3_curves +================== + +``examples.plotting_tools.process_sb3_curves`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: examples.plotting_tools.process_sb3_curves + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/sb3/a2c_hyperparam_search.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/sb3/a2c_hyperparam_search.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a048068b --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/sb3/a2c_hyperparam_search.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _examples.sb3.a2c_hyperparam_search: + +a2c_hyperparam_search +===================== + +``examples.sb3.a2c_hyperparam_search`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: examples.sb3.a2c_hyperparam_search + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/sb3/dqn_hyperparam_search.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/sb3/dqn_hyperparam_search.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..68b1f384 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/sb3/dqn_hyperparam_search.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _examples.sb3.dqn_hyperparam_search: + +dqn_hyperparam_search +===================== + +``examples.sb3.dqn_hyperparam_search`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: examples.sb3.dqn_hyperparam_search + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/sb3/index.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/sb3/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a3aec118 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/sb3/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +.. _examples.sb3: + +sb3 +=== + +``examples.sb3`` + +.. automodule:: examples.sb3 + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + a2c_hyperparam_search + dqn_hyperparam_search + ppo_hyperparam_search + sppo_hyperparam_search + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/sb3/ppo_hyperparam_search.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/sb3/ppo_hyperparam_search.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6817eff0 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/sb3/ppo_hyperparam_search.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _examples.sb3.ppo_hyperparam_search: + +ppo_hyperparam_search +===================== + +``examples.sb3.ppo_hyperparam_search`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: examples.sb3.ppo_hyperparam_search + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/sb3/sppo_hyperparam_search.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/sb3/sppo_hyperparam_search.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5ac3e216 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/sb3/sppo_hyperparam_search.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _examples.sb3.sppo_hyperparam_search: + +sppo_hyperparam_search +====================== + +``examples.sb3.sppo_hyperparam_search`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: examples.sb3.sppo_hyperparam_search + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/state_machine/index.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/state_machine/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7e528072 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/state_machine/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +.. _examples.state_machine: + +state_machine +============= + +``examples.state_machine`` + +.. automodule:: examples.state_machine + :members: + :show-inheritance: + + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + + state_machine_example + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Directories: + diff --git a/_sources/Examples/state_machine/state_machine_example.rst.txt b/_sources/Examples/state_machine/state_machine_example.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6fa25835 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/Examples/state_machine/state_machine_example.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +.. _examples.state_machine.state_machine_example: + +state_machine_example +===================== + +``examples.state_machine.state_machine_example`` + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :caption: Files: + +.. automodule:: examples.state_machine.state_machine_example + :members: + :show-inheritance: + diff --git a/_sources/index.rst.txt b/_sources/index.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9a10e6f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/index.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +Welcome to bsk_rl's documentation! +================================== + +`bsk-rl` is a Python package consisting of various `Gymnasium `_ environments, agents, training scripts, and examples for spacecraft planning and scheduling problems, with an emphasis on reinforcement learning. + +Installation instruction can be found at :doc:`install`. + +New environments should be based on :ref:`bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking`. + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 2 + :titlesonly: + + install + API Reference/index + Examples/index + + +.. Indices +.. ======= + +.. * :ref:`genindex` +.. * :ref:`modindex` diff --git a/_sources/install.rst.txt b/_sources/install.rst.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..18e06d83 --- /dev/null +++ b/_sources/install.rst.txt @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +Installation +============ + +.. note:: + `bsk-rl` requires `Basilisk `_, a spacecraft simulation framework package, to be installed. Instructions for installing and compiling Basilisk may be found `here `_. + + +To install bsk_rl, clone the repo + +.. code-block:: console + + $ git clone git@github.com:AVSLab/bsk_rl.git + +and run the following command in your virtual environment: + +.. code-block:: console + + (.venv) $ python -m pip install -e . && finish_install + +while in the base directory. This will install `pip` dependencies and download data dependencies. + +.. note:: + See `#51 `_ for issues with `chebpy` installation on Silicon Macs. + +Test the installation by running + +.. code-block:: console + + pytest tests/examples + +in the base directory. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_static/Basilisk-Logo.png b/_static/Basilisk-Logo.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d0b4cbd5 Binary files /dev/null and b/_static/Basilisk-Logo.png differ diff --git a/_static/_sphinx_javascript_frameworks_compat.js b/_static/_sphinx_javascript_frameworks_compat.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..81415803 --- /dev/null +++ b/_static/_sphinx_javascript_frameworks_compat.js @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +/* Compatability shim for jQuery and underscores.js. + * + * Copyright Sphinx contributors + * Released under the two clause BSD licence + */ + +/** + * small helper function to urldecode strings + * + * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/decodeURIComponent#Decoding_query_parameters_from_a_URL + */ +jQuery.urldecode = function(x) { + if (!x) { + return x + } + return decodeURIComponent(x.replace(/\+/g, ' ')); +}; + +/** + * small helper function to urlencode strings + */ +jQuery.urlencode = encodeURIComponent; + +/** + * This function returns the parsed url parameters of the + * current request. Multiple values per key are supported, + * it will always return arrays of strings for the value parts. + */ +jQuery.getQueryParameters = function(s) { + if (typeof s === 'undefined') + s = document.location.search; + var parts = s.substr(s.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&'); + var result = {}; + for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { + var tmp = parts[i].split('=', 2); + var key = jQuery.urldecode(tmp[0]); + var value = jQuery.urldecode(tmp[1]); + if (key in result) + result[key].push(value); + else + result[key] = [value]; + } + return result; +}; + +/** + * highlight a given string on a jquery object by wrapping it in + * span elements with the given class name. + */ +jQuery.fn.highlightText = function(text, className) { + function highlight(node, addItems) { + if (node.nodeType === 3) { + var val = node.nodeValue; + var pos = val.toLowerCase().indexOf(text); + if (pos >= 0 && + !jQuery(node.parentNode).hasClass(className) && + !jQuery(node.parentNode).hasClass("nohighlight")) { + var span; + var isInSVG = jQuery(node).closest("body, svg, foreignObject").is("svg"); + if (isInSVG) { + span = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "tspan"); + } else { + span = document.createElement("span"); + span.className = className; + } + span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(val.substr(pos, text.length))); + node.parentNode.insertBefore(span, node.parentNode.insertBefore( + document.createTextNode(val.substr(pos + text.length)), + node.nextSibling)); + node.nodeValue = val.substr(0, pos); + if (isInSVG) { + var rect = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "rect"); + var bbox = node.parentElement.getBBox(); + rect.x.baseVal.value = bbox.x; + rect.y.baseVal.value = bbox.y; + rect.width.baseVal.value = bbox.width; + rect.height.baseVal.value = bbox.height; + rect.setAttribute('class', className); + addItems.push({ + "parent": node.parentNode, + "target": rect}); + } + } + } + else if (!jQuery(node).is("button, select, textarea")) { + jQuery.each(node.childNodes, function() { + highlight(this, addItems); + }); + } + } + var addItems = []; + var result = this.each(function() { + highlight(this, addItems); + }); + for (var i = 0; i < addItems.length; ++i) { + jQuery(addItems[i].parent).before(addItems[i].target); + } + return result; +}; + +/* + * backward compatibility for jQuery.browser + * This will be supported until firefox bug is fixed. + */ +if (!jQuery.browser) { + jQuery.uaMatch = function(ua) { + ua = ua.toLowerCase(); + + var match = /(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || + /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || + /(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || + /(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) || + ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec(ua) || + []; + + return { + browser: match[ 1 ] || "", + version: match[ 2 ] || "0" + }; + }; + jQuery.browser = {}; + jQuery.browser[jQuery.uaMatch(navigator.userAgent).browser] = true; +} diff --git a/_static/basic.css b/_static/basic.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..30fee9d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/_static/basic.css @@ -0,0 +1,925 @@ +/* + * basic.css + * ~~~~~~~~~ + * + * Sphinx stylesheet -- basic theme. + * + * :copyright: Copyright 2007-2023 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS. + * :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. + * + */ + +/* -- main layout ----------------------------------------------------------- */ + +div.clearer { + clear: both; +} + +div.section::after { + display: block; + content: ''; + clear: left; +} + +/* -- relbar ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +div.related { + width: 100%; + font-size: 90%; +} + +div.related h3 { + display: none; +} + +div.related ul { + margin: 0; + padding: 0 0 0 10px; + list-style: none; +} + +div.related li { + display: inline; +} + +div.related li.right { + float: right; + margin-right: 5px; +} + +/* -- sidebar --------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +div.sphinxsidebarwrapper { + padding: 10px 5px 0 10px; +} + +div.sphinxsidebar { + float: left; + width: 230px; + margin-left: -100%; + font-size: 90%; + word-wrap: break-word; + overflow-wrap : break-word; +} + +div.sphinxsidebar ul { + list-style: none; +} + +div.sphinxsidebar ul ul, +div.sphinxsidebar ul.want-points { + margin-left: 20px; + list-style: square; +} + +div.sphinxsidebar ul ul { + margin-top: 0; + margin-bottom: 0; +} + +div.sphinxsidebar form { + margin-top: 10px; 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+ margin-left: auto; + margin-right: auto; +} + +table.contentstable p.biglink { + line-height: 150%; +} + +a.biglink { + font-size: 1.3em; +} + +span.linkdescr { + font-style: italic; + padding-top: 5px; + font-size: 90%; +} + +/* -- general index --------------------------------------------------------- */ + +table.indextable { + width: 100%; +} + +table.indextable td { + text-align: left; + vertical-align: top; +} + +table.indextable ul { + margin-top: 0; + margin-bottom: 0; + list-style-type: none; +} + +table.indextable > tbody > tr > td > ul { + padding-left: 0em; +} + +table.indextable tr.pcap { + height: 10px; +} + +table.indextable tr.cap { + margin-top: 10px; + background-color: #f2f2f2; +} + +img.toggler { + margin-right: 3px; + margin-top: 3px; + cursor: pointer; +} + +div.modindex-jumpbox { + border-top: 1px solid #ddd; + border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; + margin: 1em 0 1em 0; + padding: 0.4em; +} + +div.genindex-jumpbox { + border-top: 1px solid #ddd; + border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; + margin: 1em 0 1em 0; + padding: 0.4em; +} + +/* -- domain module index --------------------------------------------------- */ + +table.modindextable td { + padding: 2px; + border-collapse: collapse; +} + +/* -- general body styles --------------------------------------------------- */ + +div.body { + min-width: 360px; + max-width: 800px; +} + +div.body p, div.body dd, div.body li, div.body blockquote { + -moz-hyphens: auto; + -ms-hyphens: auto; + -webkit-hyphens: auto; + hyphens: auto; +} + +a.headerlink { + visibility: hidden; +} + +a:visited { + color: #551A8B; +} + +h1:hover > a.headerlink, +h2:hover > a.headerlink, +h3:hover > a.headerlink, +h4:hover > a.headerlink, +h5:hover > a.headerlink, +h6:hover > a.headerlink, +dt:hover > a.headerlink, +caption:hover > a.headerlink, +p.caption:hover > a.headerlink, +div.code-block-caption:hover > a.headerlink { + visibility: visible; +} + +div.body p.caption { + text-align: inherit; +} + +div.body td { + text-align: left; +} + +.first { + margin-top: 0 !important; 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+ float: right; + clear: right; + overflow-x: auto; +} + +p.sidebar-title { + font-weight: bold; +} + +nav.contents, +aside.topic, +div.admonition, div.topic, blockquote { + clear: left; +} + +/* -- topics ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +nav.contents, +aside.topic, +div.topic { + border: 1px solid #ccc; + padding: 7px; + margin: 10px 0 10px 0; +} + +p.topic-title { + font-size: 1.1em; + font-weight: bold; + margin-top: 10px; +} + +/* -- admonitions ----------------------------------------------------------- */ + +div.admonition { + margin-top: 10px; + margin-bottom: 10px; + padding: 7px; +} + +div.admonition dt { + font-weight: bold; +} + +p.admonition-title { + margin: 0px 10px 5px 0px; + font-weight: bold; +} + +div.body p.centered { + text-align: center; + margin-top: 25px; +} + +/* -- content of sidebars/topics/admonitions -------------------------------- */ + +div.sidebar > :last-child, +aside.sidebar > :last-child, +nav.contents > :last-child, +aside.topic > :last-child, +div.topic > :last-child, +div.admonition > :last-child { + margin-bottom: 0; +} + +div.sidebar::after, +aside.sidebar::after, +nav.contents::after, +aside.topic::after, +div.topic::after, +div.admonition::after, +blockquote::after { + display: block; + content: ''; + clear: both; +} + +/* -- tables ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ + +table.docutils { + margin-top: 10px; + margin-bottom: 10px; + border: 0; + border-collapse: collapse; +} + +table.align-center { + margin-left: auto; + margin-right: auto; +} + +table.align-default { + margin-left: auto; + margin-right: auto; +} + +table caption span.caption-number { + font-style: italic; +} + +table caption span.caption-text { +} + +table.docutils td, table.docutils th { + padding: 1px 8px 1px 5px; + border-top: 0; + border-left: 0; + border-right: 0; + border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa; +} + +th { + text-align: left; + padding-right: 5px; +} + +table.citation { + border-left: solid 1px gray; + margin-left: 1px; +} + +table.citation td { + border-bottom: none; +} + +th > :first-child, +td > :first-child { + margin-top: 0px; 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+} + +.sig-name, code.descname { + background-color: transparent; + font-weight: bold; +} + +.sig-name { + font-size: 1.1em; +} + +code.descname { + font-size: 1.2em; +} + +.sig-prename, code.descclassname { + background-color: transparent; +} + +.optional { + font-size: 1.3em; +} + +.sig-paren { + font-size: larger; +} + +.sig-param.n { + font-style: italic; +} + +/* C++ specific styling */ + +.sig-inline.c-texpr, +.sig-inline.cpp-texpr { + font-family: unset; +} + +.sig.c .k, .sig.c .kt, +.sig.cpp .k, .sig.cpp .kt { + color: #0033B3; +} + +.sig.c .m, +.sig.cpp .m { + color: #1750EB; +} + +.sig.c .s, .sig.c .sc, +.sig.cpp .s, .sig.cpp .sc { + color: #067D17; +} + + +/* -- other body styles ----------------------------------------------------- */ + +ol.arabic { + list-style: decimal; +} + +ol.loweralpha { + list-style: lower-alpha; +} + +ol.upperalpha { + list-style: upper-alpha; +} + +ol.lowerroman { + list-style: lower-roman; +} + +ol.upperroman { + list-style: upper-roman; +} + +:not(li) > ol > li:first-child > :first-child, +:not(li) > ul > li:first-child > :first-child { + margin-top: 0px; +} + +:not(li) > ol > li:last-child > :last-child, +:not(li) > ul > li:last-child > :last-child { + margin-bottom: 0px; +} + +ol.simple ol p, +ol.simple ul p, +ul.simple ol p, +ul.simple ul p { + margin-top: 0; +} + +ol.simple > li:not(:first-child) > p, +ul.simple > li:not(:first-child) > p { + margin-top: 0; +} + +ol.simple p, +ul.simple p { + margin-bottom: 0; +} + +aside.footnote > span, +div.citation > span { + float: left; +} +aside.footnote > span:last-of-type, +div.citation > span:last-of-type { + padding-right: 0.5em; +} +aside.footnote > p { + margin-left: 2em; +} +div.citation > p { + margin-left: 4em; +} +aside.footnote > p:last-of-type, +div.citation > p:last-of-type { + margin-bottom: 0em; +} +aside.footnote > p:last-of-type:after, +div.citation > p:last-of-type:after { + content: ""; + clear: both; +} + +dl.field-list { + display: grid; + grid-template-columns: fit-content(30%) auto; +} + +dl.field-list > dt { + font-weight: bold; + word-break: break-word; + padding-left: 0.5em; + padding-right: 5px; +} + +dl.field-list > dd { + padding-left: 0.5em; + margin-top: 0em; + margin-left: 0em; + margin-bottom: 0em; +} + +dl { + margin-bottom: 15px; +} + +dd > :first-child { + margin-top: 0px; +} + +dd ul, dd table { + margin-bottom: 10px; +} + +dd { + margin-top: 3px; + margin-bottom: 10px; + margin-left: 30px; +} + +.sig dd { + margin-top: 0px; + margin-bottom: 0px; +} + +.sig dl { + margin-top: 0px; + margin-bottom: 0px; +} + +dl > dd:last-child, +dl > dd:last-child > :last-child { + margin-bottom: 0; +} + +dt:target, span.highlighted { + background-color: #fbe54e; +} + +rect.highlighted { + fill: #fbe54e; +} + +dl.glossary dt { + font-weight: bold; + font-size: 1.1em; +} + +.versionmodified { + font-style: italic; +} + +.system-message { + background-color: #fda; + padding: 5px; + border: 3px solid red; +} + +.footnote:target { + background-color: #ffa; +} + +.line-block { + display: block; + margin-top: 1em; + margin-bottom: 1em; +} + +.line-block .line-block { + margin-top: 0; + margin-bottom: 0; + margin-left: 1.5em; +} + +.guilabel, .menuselection { + font-family: sans-serif; +} + +.accelerator { + text-decoration: underline; +} + +.classifier { + font-style: oblique; +} + +.classifier:before { + font-style: normal; + margin: 0 0.5em; + content: ":"; + display: inline-block; +} + +abbr, acronym { + border-bottom: dotted 1px; + cursor: help; +} + +.translated { + background-color: rgba(207, 255, 207, 0.2) +} + +.untranslated { + background-color: rgba(255, 207, 207, 0.2) +} + +/* -- code displays --------------------------------------------------------- */ + +pre { + overflow: auto; + overflow-y: hidden; /* fixes display issues on Chrome browsers */ +} + +pre, div[class*="highlight-"] { + clear: both; +} + +span.pre { + -moz-hyphens: none; + -ms-hyphens: none; + -webkit-hyphens: none; + hyphens: none; + white-space: nowrap; +} + +div[class*="highlight-"] { + margin: 1em 0; +} + +td.linenos pre { + border: 0; + background-color: transparent; + color: #aaa; +} + +table.highlighttable { + display: block; 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// [C]VC[V] is m=1 + var mgr1 = "^(" + C + ")?" + V + C + V + C; // [C]VCVC... is m>1 + var s_v = "^(" + C + ")?" + v; // vowel in stem + + this.stemWord = function (w) { + var stem; + var suffix; + var firstch; + var origword = w; + + if (w.length < 3) + return w; + + var re; + var re2; + var re3; + var re4; + + firstch = w.substr(0,1); + if (firstch == "y") + w = firstch.toUpperCase() + w.substr(1); + + // Step 1a + re = /^(.+?)(ss|i)es$/; + re2 = /^(.+?)([^s])s$/; + + if (re.test(w)) + w = w.replace(re,"$1$2"); + else if (re2.test(w)) + w = w.replace(re2,"$1$2"); + + // Step 1b + re = /^(.+?)eed$/; + re2 = /^(.+?)(ed|ing)$/; + if (re.test(w)) { + var fp = re.exec(w); + re = new RegExp(mgr0); + if (re.test(fp[1])) { + re = /.$/; + w = w.replace(re,""); + } + } + else if (re2.test(w)) { + var fp = re2.exec(w); + stem = fp[1]; + re2 = new RegExp(s_v); + if (re2.test(stem)) { + w = stem; + re2 = /(at|bl|iz)$/; + re3 = new RegExp("([^aeiouylsz])\\1$"); + re4 = new RegExp("^" + C + v + "[^aeiouwxy]$"); + if (re2.test(w)) + w = w + "e"; + else if (re3.test(w)) { + re = /.$/; + w = w.replace(re,""); + } + else if (re4.test(w)) + w = w + "e"; + } + } + + // Step 1c + re = /^(.+?)y$/; + if (re.test(w)) { + var fp = re.exec(w); + stem = fp[1]; + re = new RegExp(s_v); + if (re.test(stem)) + w = stem + "i"; + } + + // Step 2 + re = /^(.+?)(ational|tional|enci|anci|izer|bli|alli|entli|eli|ousli|ization|ation|ator|alism|iveness|fulness|ousness|aliti|iviti|biliti|logi)$/; + if (re.test(w)) { + var fp = re.exec(w); + stem = fp[1]; + suffix = fp[2]; + re = new RegExp(mgr0); + if (re.test(stem)) + w = stem + step2list[suffix]; + } + + // Step 3 + re = /^(.+?)(icate|ative|alize|iciti|ical|ful|ness)$/; + if (re.test(w)) { + var fp = re.exec(w); + stem = fp[1]; + suffix = fp[2]; + re = new RegExp(mgr0); + if (re.test(stem)) + w = stem + step3list[suffix]; + } + + // Step 4 + re = /^(.+?)(al|ance|ence|er|ic|able|ible|ant|ement|ment|ent|ou|ism|ate|iti|ous|ive|ize)$/; + re2 = /^(.+?)(s|t)(ion)$/; + if (re.test(w)) { + var fp = re.exec(w); + stem = fp[1]; + re = new RegExp(mgr1); + if (re.test(stem)) + w = stem; + } + else if (re2.test(w)) { + var fp = re2.exec(w); + stem = fp[1] + fp[2]; + re2 = new RegExp(mgr1); + if (re2.test(stem)) + w = stem; + } + + // Step 5 + re = /^(.+?)e$/; + if (re.test(w)) { + var fp = re.exec(w); + stem = fp[1]; + re = new RegExp(mgr1); + re2 = new RegExp(meq1); + re3 = new RegExp("^" + C + v + "[^aeiouwxy]$"); + if (re.test(stem) || (re2.test(stem) && !(re3.test(stem)))) + w = stem; + } + re = /ll$/; + re2 = new RegExp(mgr1); + if (re.test(w) && re2.test(w)) { + re = /.$/; + w = w.replace(re,""); + } + + // and turn initial Y back to y + if (firstch == "y") + w = firstch.toLowerCase() + w.substr(1); + return w; + } +} + diff --git a/_static/minus.png b/_static/minus.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d96755fd Binary files /dev/null and b/_static/minus.png differ diff --git a/_static/plus.png b/_static/plus.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7107cec9 Binary files /dev/null and b/_static/plus.png differ diff --git a/_static/pygments.css b/_static/pygments.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..84ab3030 --- /dev/null +++ b/_static/pygments.css @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +pre { line-height: 125%; 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font-weight: bold } /* Name.Namespace */ +.highlight .nt { color: #008000; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */ +.highlight .nv { color: #19177C } /* Name.Variable */ +.highlight .ow { color: #AA22FF; font-weight: bold } /* Operator.Word */ +.highlight .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */ +.highlight .mb { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Bin */ +.highlight .mf { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Float */ +.highlight .mh { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ +.highlight .mi { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ +.highlight .mo { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ +.highlight .sa { color: #BA2121 } /* Literal.String.Affix */ +.highlight .sb { color: #BA2121 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ +.highlight .sc { color: #BA2121 } /* Literal.String.Char */ +.highlight .dl { color: #BA2121 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */ +.highlight .sd { color: #BA2121; font-style: italic } /* Literal.String.Doc */ +.highlight .s2 { color: #BA2121 } /* Literal.String.Double */ +.highlight .se { color: #AA5D1F; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.String.Escape */ +.highlight .sh { color: #BA2121 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ +.highlight .si { color: #A45A77; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ +.highlight .sx { color: #008000 } /* Literal.String.Other */ +.highlight .sr { color: #A45A77 } /* Literal.String.Regex */ +.highlight .s1 { color: #BA2121 } /* Literal.String.Single */ +.highlight .ss { color: #19177C } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ +.highlight .bp { color: #008000 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ +.highlight .fm { color: #0000FF } /* Name.Function.Magic */ +.highlight .vc { color: #19177C } /* Name.Variable.Class */ +.highlight .vg { color: #19177C } /* Name.Variable.Global */ +.highlight .vi { color: #19177C } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ +.highlight .vm { color: #19177C } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ +.highlight .il { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_static/searchtools.js b/_static/searchtools.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7918c3fa --- /dev/null +++ b/_static/searchtools.js @@ -0,0 +1,574 @@ +/* + * searchtools.js + * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + * + * Sphinx JavaScript utilities for the full-text search. + * + * :copyright: Copyright 2007-2023 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS. + * :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. + * + */ +"use strict"; + +/** + * Simple result scoring code. + */ +if (typeof Scorer === "undefined") { + var Scorer = { + // Implement the following function to further tweak the score for each result + // The function takes a result array [docname, title, anchor, descr, score, filename] + // and returns the new score. + /* + score: result => { + const [docname, title, anchor, descr, score, filename] = result + return score + }, + */ + + // query matches the full name of an object + objNameMatch: 11, + // or matches in the last dotted part of the object name + objPartialMatch: 6, + // Additive scores depending on the priority of the object + objPrio: { + 0: 15, // used to be importantResults + 1: 5, // used to be objectResults + 2: -5, // used to be unimportantResults + }, + // Used when the priority is not in the mapping. + objPrioDefault: 0, + + // query found in title + title: 15, + partialTitle: 7, + // query found in terms + term: 5, + partialTerm: 2, + }; +} + +const _removeChildren = (element) => { + while (element && element.lastChild) element.removeChild(element.lastChild); +}; + +/** + * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions#escaping + */ +const _escapeRegExp = (string) => + string.replace(/[.*+\-?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&"); // $& means the whole matched string + +const _displayItem = (item, searchTerms, highlightTerms) => { + const docBuilder = DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.BUILDER; + const docFileSuffix = DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.FILE_SUFFIX; + const docLinkSuffix = DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.LINK_SUFFIX; + const showSearchSummary = DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.SHOW_SEARCH_SUMMARY; + const contentRoot = document.documentElement.dataset.content_root; + + const [docName, title, anchor, descr, score, _filename] = item; + + let listItem = document.createElement("li"); + let requestUrl; + let linkUrl; + if (docBuilder === "dirhtml") { + // dirhtml builder + let dirname = docName + "/"; + if (dirname.match(/\/index\/$/)) + dirname = dirname.substring(0, dirname.length - 6); + else if (dirname === "index/") dirname = ""; + requestUrl = contentRoot + dirname; + linkUrl = requestUrl; + } else { + // normal html builders + requestUrl = contentRoot + docName + docFileSuffix; + linkUrl = docName + docLinkSuffix; + } + let linkEl = listItem.appendChild(document.createElement("a")); + linkEl.href = linkUrl + anchor; + linkEl.dataset.score = score; + linkEl.innerHTML = title; + if (descr) { + listItem.appendChild(document.createElement("span")).innerHTML = + " (" + descr + ")"; + // highlight search terms in the description + if (SPHINX_HIGHLIGHT_ENABLED) // set in sphinx_highlight.js + highlightTerms.forEach((term) => _highlightText(listItem, term, "highlighted")); + } + else if (showSearchSummary) + fetch(requestUrl) + .then((responseData) => responseData.text()) + .then((data) => { + if (data) + listItem.appendChild( + Search.makeSearchSummary(data, searchTerms) + ); + // highlight search terms in the summary + if (SPHINX_HIGHLIGHT_ENABLED) // set in sphinx_highlight.js + highlightTerms.forEach((term) => _highlightText(listItem, term, "highlighted")); + }); + Search.output.appendChild(listItem); +}; +const _finishSearch = (resultCount) => { + Search.stopPulse(); + Search.title.innerText = _("Search Results"); + if (!resultCount) + Search.status.innerText = Documentation.gettext( + "Your search did not match any documents. Please make sure that all words are spelled correctly and that you've selected enough categories." + ); + else + Search.status.innerText = _( + `Search finished, found ${resultCount} page(s) matching the search query.` + ); +}; +const _displayNextItem = ( + results, + resultCount, + searchTerms, + highlightTerms, +) => { + // results left, load the summary and display it + // this is intended to be dynamic (don't sub resultsCount) + if (results.length) { + _displayItem(results.pop(), searchTerms, highlightTerms); + setTimeout( + () => _displayNextItem(results, resultCount, searchTerms, highlightTerms), + 5 + ); + } + // search finished, update title and status message + else _finishSearch(resultCount); +}; + +/** + * Default splitQuery function. Can be overridden in ``sphinx.search`` with a + * custom function per language. + * + * The regular expression works by splitting the string on consecutive characters + * that are not Unicode letters, numbers, underscores, or emoji characters. + * This is the same as ``\W+`` in Python, preserving the surrogate pair area. + */ +if (typeof splitQuery === "undefined") { + var splitQuery = (query) => query + .split(/[^\p{Letter}\p{Number}_\p{Emoji_Presentation}]+/gu) + .filter(term => term) // remove remaining empty strings +} + +/** + * Search Module + */ +const Search = { + _index: null, + _queued_query: null, + _pulse_status: -1, + + htmlToText: (htmlString) => { + const htmlElement = new DOMParser().parseFromString(htmlString, 'text/html'); + htmlElement.querySelectorAll(".headerlink").forEach((el) => { el.remove() }); + const docContent = htmlElement.querySelector('[role="main"]'); + if (docContent !== undefined) return docContent.textContent; + console.warn( + "Content block not found. Sphinx search tries to obtain it via '[role=main]'. Could you check your theme or template." + ); + return ""; + }, + + init: () => { + const query = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get("q"); + document + .querySelectorAll('input[name="q"]') + .forEach((el) => (el.value = query)); + if (query) Search.performSearch(query); + }, + + loadIndex: (url) => + (document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("script")).src = url), + + setIndex: (index) => { + Search._index = index; + if (Search._queued_query !== null) { + const query = Search._queued_query; + Search._queued_query = null; + Search.query(query); + } + }, + + hasIndex: () => Search._index !== null, + + deferQuery: (query) => (Search._queued_query = query), + + stopPulse: () => (Search._pulse_status = -1), + + startPulse: () => { + if (Search._pulse_status >= 0) return; + + const pulse = () => { + Search._pulse_status = (Search._pulse_status + 1) % 4; + Search.dots.innerText = ".".repeat(Search._pulse_status); + if (Search._pulse_status >= 0) window.setTimeout(pulse, 500); + }; + pulse(); + }, + + /** + * perform a search for something (or wait until index is loaded) + */ + performSearch: (query) => { + // create the required interface elements + const searchText = document.createElement("h2"); + searchText.textContent = _("Searching"); + const searchSummary = document.createElement("p"); + searchSummary.classList.add("search-summary"); + searchSummary.innerText = ""; + const searchList = document.createElement("ul"); + searchList.classList.add("search"); + + const out = document.getElementById("search-results"); + Search.title = out.appendChild(searchText); + Search.dots = Search.title.appendChild(document.createElement("span")); + Search.status = out.appendChild(searchSummary); + Search.output = out.appendChild(searchList); + + const searchProgress = document.getElementById("search-progress"); + // Some themes don't use the search progress node + if (searchProgress) { + searchProgress.innerText = _("Preparing search..."); + } + Search.startPulse(); + + // index already loaded, the browser was quick! + if (Search.hasIndex()) Search.query(query); + else Search.deferQuery(query); + }, + + /** + * execute search (requires search index to be loaded) + */ + query: (query) => { + const filenames = Search._index.filenames; + const docNames = Search._index.docnames; + const titles = Search._index.titles; + const allTitles = Search._index.alltitles; + const indexEntries = Search._index.indexentries; + + // stem the search terms and add them to the correct list + const stemmer = new Stemmer(); + const searchTerms = new Set(); + const excludedTerms = new Set(); + const highlightTerms = new Set(); + const objectTerms = new Set(splitQuery(query.toLowerCase().trim())); + splitQuery(query.trim()).forEach((queryTerm) => { + const queryTermLower = queryTerm.toLowerCase(); + + // maybe skip this "word" + // stopwords array is from language_data.js + if ( + stopwords.indexOf(queryTermLower) !== -1 || + queryTerm.match(/^\d+$/) + ) + return; + + // stem the word + let word = stemmer.stemWord(queryTermLower); + // select the correct list + if (word[0] === "-") excludedTerms.add(word.substr(1)); + else { + searchTerms.add(word); + highlightTerms.add(queryTermLower); + } + }); + + if (SPHINX_HIGHLIGHT_ENABLED) { // set in sphinx_highlight.js + localStorage.setItem("sphinx_highlight_terms", [...highlightTerms].join(" ")) + } + + // console.debug("SEARCH: searching for:"); + // console.info("required: ", [...searchTerms]); + // console.info("excluded: ", [...excludedTerms]); + + // array of [docname, title, anchor, descr, score, filename] + let results = []; + _removeChildren(document.getElementById("search-progress")); + + const queryLower = query.toLowerCase(); + for (const [title, foundTitles] of Object.entries(allTitles)) { + if (title.toLowerCase().includes(queryLower) && (queryLower.length >= title.length/2)) { + for (const [file, id] of foundTitles) { + let score = Math.round(100 * queryLower.length / title.length) + results.push([ + docNames[file], + titles[file] !== title ? `${titles[file]} > ${title}` : title, + id !== null ? "#" + id : "", + null, + score, + filenames[file], + ]); + } + } + } + + // search for explicit entries in index directives + for (const [entry, foundEntries] of Object.entries(indexEntries)) { + if (entry.includes(queryLower) && (queryLower.length >= entry.length/2)) { + for (const [file, id] of foundEntries) { + let score = Math.round(100 * queryLower.length / entry.length) + results.push([ + docNames[file], + titles[file], + id ? "#" + id : "", + null, + score, + filenames[file], + ]); + } + } + } + + // lookup as object + objectTerms.forEach((term) => + results.push(...Search.performObjectSearch(term, objectTerms)) + ); + + // lookup as search terms in fulltext + results.push(...Search.performTermsSearch(searchTerms, excludedTerms)); + + // let the scorer override scores with a custom scoring function + if (Scorer.score) results.forEach((item) => (item[4] = Scorer.score(item))); + + // now sort the results by score (in opposite order of appearance, since the + // display function below uses pop() to retrieve items) and then + // alphabetically + results.sort((a, b) => { + const leftScore = a[4]; + const rightScore = b[4]; + if (leftScore === rightScore) { + // same score: sort alphabetically + const leftTitle = a[1].toLowerCase(); + const rightTitle = b[1].toLowerCase(); + if (leftTitle === rightTitle) return 0; + return leftTitle > rightTitle ? -1 : 1; // inverted is intentional + } + return leftScore > rightScore ? 1 : -1; + }); + + // remove duplicate search results + // note the reversing of results, so that in the case of duplicates, the highest-scoring entry is kept + let seen = new Set(); + results = results.reverse().reduce((acc, result) => { + let resultStr = result.slice(0, 4).concat([result[5]]).map(v => String(v)).join(','); + if (!seen.has(resultStr)) { + acc.push(result); + seen.add(resultStr); + } + return acc; + }, []); + + results = results.reverse(); + + // for debugging + //Search.lastresults = results.slice(); // a copy + // console.info("search results:", Search.lastresults); + + // print the results + _displayNextItem(results, results.length, searchTerms, highlightTerms); + }, + + /** + * search for object names + */ + performObjectSearch: (object, objectTerms) => { + const filenames = Search._index.filenames; + const docNames = Search._index.docnames; + const objects = Search._index.objects; + const objNames = Search._index.objnames; + const titles = Search._index.titles; + + const results = []; + + const objectSearchCallback = (prefix, match) => { + const name = match[4] + const fullname = (prefix ? prefix + "." : "") + name; + const fullnameLower = fullname.toLowerCase(); + if (fullnameLower.indexOf(object) < 0) return; + + let score = 0; + const parts = fullnameLower.split("."); + + // check for different match types: exact matches of full name or + // "last name" (i.e. last dotted part) + if (fullnameLower === object || parts.slice(-1)[0] === object) + score += Scorer.objNameMatch; + else if (parts.slice(-1)[0].indexOf(object) > -1) + score += Scorer.objPartialMatch; // matches in last name + + const objName = objNames[match[1]][2]; + const title = titles[match[0]]; + + // If more than one term searched for, we require other words to be + // found in the name/title/description + const otherTerms = new Set(objectTerms); + otherTerms.delete(object); + if (otherTerms.size > 0) { + const haystack = `${prefix} ${name} ${objName} ${title}`.toLowerCase(); + if ( + [...otherTerms].some((otherTerm) => haystack.indexOf(otherTerm) < 0) + ) + return; + } + + let anchor = match[3]; + if (anchor === "") anchor = fullname; + else if (anchor === "-") anchor = objNames[match[1]][1] + "-" + fullname; + + const descr = objName + _(", in ") + title; + + // add custom score for some objects according to scorer + if (Scorer.objPrio.hasOwnProperty(match[2])) + score += Scorer.objPrio[match[2]]; + else score += Scorer.objPrioDefault; + + results.push([ + docNames[match[0]], + fullname, + "#" + anchor, + descr, + score, + filenames[match[0]], + ]); + }; + Object.keys(objects).forEach((prefix) => + objects[prefix].forEach((array) => + objectSearchCallback(prefix, array) + ) + ); + return results; + }, + + /** + * search for full-text terms in the index + */ + performTermsSearch: (searchTerms, excludedTerms) => { + // prepare search + const terms = Search._index.terms; + const titleTerms = Search._index.titleterms; + const filenames = Search._index.filenames; + const docNames = Search._index.docnames; + const titles = Search._index.titles; + + const scoreMap = new Map(); + const fileMap = new Map(); + + // perform the search on the required terms + searchTerms.forEach((word) => { + const files = []; + const arr = [ + { files: terms[word], score: Scorer.term }, + { files: titleTerms[word], score: Scorer.title }, + ]; + // add support for partial matches + if (word.length > 2) { + const escapedWord = _escapeRegExp(word); + Object.keys(terms).forEach((term) => { + if (term.match(escapedWord) && !terms[word]) + arr.push({ files: terms[term], score: Scorer.partialTerm }); + }); + Object.keys(titleTerms).forEach((term) => { + if (term.match(escapedWord) && !titleTerms[word]) + arr.push({ files: titleTerms[word], score: Scorer.partialTitle }); + }); + } + + // no match but word was a required one + if (arr.every((record) => record.files === undefined)) return; + + // found search word in contents + arr.forEach((record) => { + if (record.files === undefined) return; + + let recordFiles = record.files; + if (recordFiles.length === undefined) recordFiles = [recordFiles]; + files.push(...recordFiles); + + // set score for the word in each file + recordFiles.forEach((file) => { + if (!scoreMap.has(file)) scoreMap.set(file, {}); + scoreMap.get(file)[word] = record.score; + }); + }); + + // create the mapping + files.forEach((file) => { + if (fileMap.has(file) && fileMap.get(file).indexOf(word) === -1) + fileMap.get(file).push(word); + else fileMap.set(file, [word]); + }); + }); + + // now check if the files don't contain excluded terms + const results = []; + for (const [file, wordList] of fileMap) { + // check if all requirements are matched + + // as search terms with length < 3 are discarded + const filteredTermCount = [...searchTerms].filter( + (term) => term.length > 2 + ).length; + if ( + wordList.length !== searchTerms.size && + wordList.length !== filteredTermCount + ) + continue; + + // ensure that none of the excluded terms is in the search result + if ( + [...excludedTerms].some( + (term) => + terms[term] === file || + titleTerms[term] === file || + (terms[term] || []).includes(file) || + (titleTerms[term] || []).includes(file) + ) + ) + break; + + // select one (max) score for the file. + const score = Math.max(...wordList.map((w) => scoreMap.get(file)[w])); + // add result to the result list + results.push([ + docNames[file], + titles[file], + "", + null, + score, + filenames[file], + ]); + } + return results; + }, + + /** + * helper function to return a node containing the + * search summary for a given text. keywords is a list + * of stemmed words. + */ + makeSearchSummary: (htmlText, keywords) => { + const text = Search.htmlToText(htmlText); + if (text === "") return null; + + const textLower = text.toLowerCase(); + const actualStartPosition = [...keywords] + .map((k) => textLower.indexOf(k.toLowerCase())) + .filter((i) => i > -1) + .slice(-1)[0]; + const startWithContext = Math.max(actualStartPosition - 120, 0); + + const top = startWithContext === 0 ? "" : "..."; + const tail = startWithContext + 240 < text.length ? "..." : ""; + + let summary = document.createElement("p"); + summary.classList.add("context"); + summary.textContent = top + text.substr(startWithContext, 240).trim() + tail; + + return summary; + }, +}; + +_ready(Search.init); diff --git a/_static/sphinx_highlight.js b/_static/sphinx_highlight.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8a96c69a --- /dev/null +++ b/_static/sphinx_highlight.js @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +/* Highlighting utilities for Sphinx HTML documentation. */ +"use strict"; + +const SPHINX_HIGHLIGHT_ENABLED = true + +/** + * highlight a given string on a node by wrapping it in + * span elements with the given class name. + */ +const _highlight = (node, addItems, text, className) => { + if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { + const val = node.nodeValue; + const parent = node.parentNode; + const pos = val.toLowerCase().indexOf(text); + if ( + pos >= 0 && + !parent.classList.contains(className) && + !parent.classList.contains("nohighlight") + ) { + let span; + + const closestNode = parent.closest("body, svg, foreignObject"); + const isInSVG = closestNode && closestNode.matches("svg"); + if (isInSVG) { + span = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "tspan"); + } else { + span = document.createElement("span"); + span.classList.add(className); + } + + span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(val.substr(pos, text.length))); + const rest = document.createTextNode(val.substr(pos + text.length)); + parent.insertBefore( + span, + parent.insertBefore( + rest, + node.nextSibling + ) + ); + node.nodeValue = val.substr(0, pos); + /* There may be more occurrences of search term in this node. So call this + * function recursively on the remaining fragment. + */ + _highlight(rest, addItems, text, className); + + if (isInSVG) { + const rect = document.createElementNS( + "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", + "rect" + ); + const bbox = parent.getBBox(); + rect.x.baseVal.value = bbox.x; + rect.y.baseVal.value = bbox.y; + rect.width.baseVal.value = bbox.width; + rect.height.baseVal.value = bbox.height; + rect.setAttribute("class", className); + addItems.push({ parent: parent, target: rect }); + } + } + } else if (node.matches && !node.matches("button, select, textarea")) { + node.childNodes.forEach((el) => _highlight(el, addItems, text, className)); + } +}; +const _highlightText = (thisNode, text, className) => { + let addItems = []; + _highlight(thisNode, addItems, text, className); + addItems.forEach((obj) => + obj.parent.insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", obj.target) + ); +}; + +/** + * Small JavaScript module for the documentation. + */ +const SphinxHighlight = { + + /** + * highlight the search words provided in localstorage in the text + */ + highlightSearchWords: () => { + if (!SPHINX_HIGHLIGHT_ENABLED) return; // bail if no highlight + + // get and clear terms from localstorage + const url = new URL(window.location); + const highlight = + localStorage.getItem("sphinx_highlight_terms") + || url.searchParams.get("highlight") + || ""; + localStorage.removeItem("sphinx_highlight_terms") + url.searchParams.delete("highlight"); + window.history.replaceState({}, "", url); + + // get individual terms from highlight string + const terms = highlight.toLowerCase().split(/\s+/).filter(x => x); + if (terms.length === 0) return; // nothing to do + + // There should never be more than one element matching "div.body" + const divBody = document.querySelectorAll("div.body"); + const body = divBody.length ? divBody[0] : document.querySelector("body"); + window.setTimeout(() => { + terms.forEach((term) => _highlightText(body, term, "highlighted")); + }, 10); + + const searchBox = document.getElementById("searchbox"); + if (searchBox === null) return; + searchBox.appendChild( + document + .createRange() + .createContextualFragment( + '" + ) + ); + }, + + /** + * helper function to hide the search marks again + */ + hideSearchWords: () => { + document + .querySelectorAll("#searchbox .highlight-link") + .forEach((el) => el.remove()); + document + .querySelectorAll("span.highlighted") + .forEach((el) => el.classList.remove("highlighted")); + localStorage.removeItem("sphinx_highlight_terms") + }, + + initEscapeListener: () => { + // only install a listener if it is really needed + if (!DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.ENABLE_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS) return; + + document.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => { + // bail for input elements + if (BLACKLISTED_KEY_CONTROL_ELEMENTS.has(document.activeElement.tagName)) return; + // bail with special keys + if (event.shiftKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) return; + if (DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS.ENABLE_SEARCH_SHORTCUTS && (event.key === "Escape")) { + SphinxHighlight.hideSearchWords(); + event.preventDefault(); + } + }); + }, +}; + +_ready(() => { + /* Do not call highlightSearchWords() when we are on the search page. + * It will highlight words from the *previous* search query. + */ + if (typeof Search === "undefined") SphinxHighlight.highlightSearchWords(); + SphinxHighlight.initEscapeListener(); +}); diff --git a/genindex.html b/genindex.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..64c40fce --- /dev/null +++ b/genindex.html @@ -0,0 +1,2034 @@ + + + + + + Index — bsk_rl 0.0.0 documentation + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
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  • + +
  • +
  • +
+ + +


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+ _ + | A + | B + | C + | D + | E + | F + | G + | I + | L + | M + | N + | O + | P + | R + | S + | T + | U + | V + | W + | Z + +


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+ + + +
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+ + + +
  • + bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_sim + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.env_settings + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.gym_env + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.bsk_sim + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.env_settings + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.gym_env + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.bsk_sim + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.gym_env + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.bsk_sim + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.gym_env + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.bsk_sim + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.gym_env + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.training + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.training.mcts + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.training.sb3 + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.training.sb3.experiments + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.utilities + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives.actuator_primitives + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.utilities.genetic_algorithm + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.utilities.genetic_algorithm.experiments + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_initial_conditions + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.sc_attitudes + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.small_body + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.utilities.mcts + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.utilities.mcts.rollout_policies + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.utilities.sb3 + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.custom_sb3_policies + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shields + +
  • +
  • + bsk_rl.utilities.state_machine + +
  • +
+ +


+ + + +
+ +


+ + + +
+ +


+ + + +
  • + examples.mcts.network_validation_multiprocessing + +
  • +
  • + examples.plotting_tools + +
  • +
  • + examples.plotting_tools.plot_a2c_hyperparams + +
  • +
  • + examples.plotting_tools.plot_dqn_hyperparams + +
  • +
  • + examples.plotting_tools.plot_ga_hyperparams + +
  • +
  • + examples.plotting_tools.plot_mcts_hyperparams + +
  • +
  • + examples.plotting_tools.plot_ppo_hyperparams + +
  • +
  • + examples.plotting_tools.process_ga_curves + +
  • +
  • + examples.plotting_tools.process_sb3_curves + +
  • +
  • + examples.sb3 + +
  • +
  • + examples.sb3.a2c_hyperparam_search + +
  • +
  • + examples.sb3.dqn_hyperparam_search + +
  • +
  • + examples.sb3.ppo_hyperparam_search + +
  • +
  • + examples.sb3.sppo_hyperparam_search + +
  • +
  • + examples.state_machine + +
  • +
  • + examples.state_machine.state_machine_example + +
  • +
+ +


+ + + +
+ +


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+ +


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+ +


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Welcome to bsk_rl’s documentation!


bsk-rl is a Python package consisting of various Gymnasium environments, agents, training scripts, and examples for spacecraft planning and scheduling problems, with an emphasis on reinforcement learning.


Installation instruction can be found at Installation.


New environments should be based on general_satellite_tasking.

+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ +

© Copyright 2024, Autonomous Vehicle Systems (AVS) Laboratory.

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+ + +
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+ +





bsk-rl requires Basilisk, a spacecraft simulation framework package, to be installed. Instructions for installing and compiling Basilisk may be found here.


To install bsk_rl, clone the repo

$ git clone git@github.com:AVSLab/bsk_rl.git

and run the following command in your virtual environment:

(.venv) $ python -m pip install -e . && finish_install

while in the base directory. This will install pip dependencies and download data dependencies.




See #51 for issues with chebpy installation on Silicon Macs.


Test the installation by running

pytest tests/examples

in the base directory.

+ + +
+ +
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  • +
  • +
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Python Module Index

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+ b | + e +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ b
+ bsk_rl +
    + bsk_rl.agents +
    + bsk_rl.agents.genetic_algorithm +
    + bsk_rl.agents.mcts +
    + bsk_rl.agents.state_machine +
    + bsk_rl.envs +
    + bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos +
    + bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.bsk_sim +
    + bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.gym_env +
    + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking +
    + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env +
    + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario +
    + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication +
    + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data +
    + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features +
    + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions +
    + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations +
    + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites +
    + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation +
    + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics +
    + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.environment +
    + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw +
    + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.simulator +
    + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.types +
    + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils +
    + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional +
    + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.logging_config +
    + bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.orbital +
    + bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos +
    + bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models +
    + bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics +
    + bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.environment +
    + bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw +
    + bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering +
    + bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_sim +
    + bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.env_settings +
    + bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.gym_env +
    + bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos +
    + bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.bsk_sim +
    + bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.env_settings +
    + bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.gym_env +
    + bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos +
    + bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.bsk_sim +
    + bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.gym_env +
    + bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science +
    + bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.bsk_sim +
    + bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.gym_env +
    + bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp +
    + bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.bsk_sim +
    + bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.gym_env +
    + bsk_rl.training +
    + bsk_rl.training.mcts +
    + bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train +
    + bsk_rl.training.sb3 +
    + bsk_rl.training.sb3.experiments +
    + bsk_rl.utilities +
    + bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives +
    + bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives.actuator_primitives +
    + bsk_rl.utilities.genetic_algorithm +
    + bsk_rl.utilities.genetic_algorithm.experiments +
    + bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions +
    + bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_initial_conditions +
    + bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit +
    + bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.sc_attitudes +
    + bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.small_body +
    + bsk_rl.utilities.mcts +
    + bsk_rl.utilities.mcts.rollout_policies +
    + bsk_rl.utilities.sb3 +
    + bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.custom_sb3_policies +
    + bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies +
    + bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shields +
    + bsk_rl.utilities.state_machine +
+ e
+ examples +
    + examples.general_satellite_tasking +
    + examples.general_satellite_tasking.multisat_aeos +
    + examples.general_satellite_tasking.satellite_customization +
    + examples.general_satellite_tasking.single_sat +
    + examples.genetic_algorithm +
    + examples.genetic_algorithm.ga_hp_solver +
    + examples.mcts +
    + examples.mcts.mcts_data_generator +
    + examples.mcts.network_hyperparam_search +
    + examples.mcts.network_validation_multiprocessing +
    + examples.plotting_tools +
    + examples.plotting_tools.plot_a2c_hyperparams +
    + examples.plotting_tools.plot_dqn_hyperparams +
    + examples.plotting_tools.plot_ga_hyperparams +
    + examples.plotting_tools.plot_mcts_hyperparams +
    + examples.plotting_tools.plot_ppo_hyperparams +
    + examples.plotting_tools.process_ga_curves +
    + examples.plotting_tools.process_sb3_curves +
    + examples.sb3 +
    + examples.sb3.a2c_hyperparam_search +
    + examples.sb3.dqn_hyperparam_search +
    + examples.sb3.ppo_hyperparam_search +
    + examples.sb3.sppo_hyperparam_search +
    + examples.state_machine +
    + examples.state_machine.state_machine_example +
+ + +
+ +
+ +

© Copyright 2024, Autonomous Vehicle Systems (AVS) Laboratory.

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© Copyright 2024, Autonomous Vehicle Systems (AVS) Laboratory.

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"API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/satellites", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/dynamics", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/environment", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/fsw", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/index", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/simulator", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/types", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/functional", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/index", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/logging_config", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/orbital", "API Reference/envs/index", "API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/dynamics", "API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/environment", "API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/fsw", "API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/fsw_steering", "API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/index", "API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_sim", "API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/env_settings", "API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/gym_env", "API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/index", "API Reference/envs/multisensor_eos/bsk_sim", "API Reference/envs/multisensor_eos/env_settings", "API Reference/envs/multisensor_eos/gym_env", "API Reference/envs/multisensor_eos/index", "API Reference/envs/simple_eos/bsk_sim", "API Reference/envs/simple_eos/gym_env", "API Reference/envs/simple_eos/index", "API Reference/envs/small_body_science/bsk_sim", "API Reference/envs/small_body_science/gym_env", "API Reference/envs/small_body_science/index", "API Reference/envs/small_body_science_pomdp/bsk_sim", "API Reference/envs/small_body_science_pomdp/gym_env", "API Reference/envs/small_body_science_pomdp/index", "API Reference/index", "API Reference/training/index", "API Reference/training/mcts/index", "API Reference/training/mcts/mcts_train", "API Reference/training/sb3/experiments", "API Reference/training/sb3/index", "API Reference/utilities/effector_primitives/actuator_primitives", "API Reference/utilities/effector_primitives/index", "API Reference/utilities/genetic_algorithm/experiments", "API Reference/utilities/genetic_algorithm/index", "API Reference/utilities/index", "API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/index", "API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/leo_initial_conditions", "API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/leo_orbit", "API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/sc_attitudes", "API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/small_body", "API Reference/utilities/mcts/index", "API Reference/utilities/mcts/rollout_policies", "API Reference/utilities/sb3/custom_sb3_policies", "API Reference/utilities/sb3/index", "API Reference/utilities/sb3/shielded_policies", "API Reference/utilities/sb3/shields", "API Reference/utilities/state_machine/index", "Examples/general_satellite_tasking/index", "Examples/general_satellite_tasking/multisat_aeos", "Examples/general_satellite_tasking/satellite_customization", "Examples/general_satellite_tasking/single_sat", "Examples/genetic_algorithm/ga_hp_solver", "Examples/genetic_algorithm/index", "Examples/index", "Examples/mcts/index", "Examples/mcts/mcts_data_generator", "Examples/mcts/network_hyperparam_search", "Examples/mcts/network_validation_multiprocessing", "Examples/plotting_tools/index", "Examples/plotting_tools/plot_a2c_hyperparams", "Examples/plotting_tools/plot_dqn_hyperparams", "Examples/plotting_tools/plot_ga_hyperparams", "Examples/plotting_tools/plot_mcts_hyperparams", "Examples/plotting_tools/plot_ppo_hyperparams", "Examples/plotting_tools/process_ga_curves", "Examples/plotting_tools/process_sb3_curves", "Examples/sb3/a2c_hyperparam_search", "Examples/sb3/dqn_hyperparam_search", "Examples/sb3/index", "Examples/sb3/ppo_hyperparam_search", "Examples/sb3/sppo_hyperparam_search", "Examples/state_machine/index", "Examples/state_machine/state_machine_example", "index", "install"], "filenames": ["API Reference/agents/genetic_algorithm.rst", "API Reference/agents/index.rst", "API Reference/agents/mcts.rst", "API Reference/agents/state_machine.rst", "API Reference/envs/agile_eos/bsk_sim.rst", "API Reference/envs/agile_eos/gym_env.rst", "API Reference/envs/agile_eos/index.rst", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/gym_env.rst", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/index.rst", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/communication.rst", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/data.rst", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/environment_features.rst", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/index.rst", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/sat_actions.rst", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/sat_observations.rst", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/scenario/satellites.rst", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/dynamics.rst", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/environment.rst", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/fsw.rst", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/index.rst", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/simulation/simulator.rst", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/types.rst", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/functional.rst", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/index.rst", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/logging_config.rst", "API Reference/envs/general_satellite_tasking/utils/orbital.rst", "API Reference/envs/index.rst", "API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/dynamics.rst", "API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/environment.rst", "API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/fsw.rst", "API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/fsw_steering.rst", "API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_models/index.rst", "API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/bsk_sim.rst", "API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/env_settings.rst", "API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/gym_env.rst", "API Reference/envs/multisat_agile_eos/index.rst", "API Reference/envs/multisensor_eos/bsk_sim.rst", "API Reference/envs/multisensor_eos/env_settings.rst", "API Reference/envs/multisensor_eos/gym_env.rst", "API Reference/envs/multisensor_eos/index.rst", "API Reference/envs/simple_eos/bsk_sim.rst", "API Reference/envs/simple_eos/gym_env.rst", "API Reference/envs/simple_eos/index.rst", "API Reference/envs/small_body_science/bsk_sim.rst", "API Reference/envs/small_body_science/gym_env.rst", "API Reference/envs/small_body_science/index.rst", "API Reference/envs/small_body_science_pomdp/bsk_sim.rst", "API Reference/envs/small_body_science_pomdp/gym_env.rst", "API Reference/envs/small_body_science_pomdp/index.rst", "API Reference/index.rst", "API Reference/training/index.rst", "API Reference/training/mcts/index.rst", "API Reference/training/mcts/mcts_train.rst", "API Reference/training/sb3/experiments.rst", "API Reference/training/sb3/index.rst", "API Reference/utilities/effector_primitives/actuator_primitives.rst", "API Reference/utilities/effector_primitives/index.rst", "API Reference/utilities/genetic_algorithm/experiments.rst", "API Reference/utilities/genetic_algorithm/index.rst", "API Reference/utilities/index.rst", "API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/index.rst", "API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/leo_initial_conditions.rst", "API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/leo_orbit.rst", "API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/sc_attitudes.rst", "API Reference/utilities/initial_conditions/small_body.rst", "API Reference/utilities/mcts/index.rst", "API Reference/utilities/mcts/rollout_policies.rst", "API Reference/utilities/sb3/custom_sb3_policies.rst", "API Reference/utilities/sb3/index.rst", "API Reference/utilities/sb3/shielded_policies.rst", "API Reference/utilities/sb3/shields.rst", "API Reference/utilities/state_machine/index.rst", "Examples/general_satellite_tasking/index.rst", "Examples/general_satellite_tasking/multisat_aeos.rst", "Examples/general_satellite_tasking/satellite_customization.rst", "Examples/general_satellite_tasking/single_sat.rst", "Examples/genetic_algorithm/ga_hp_solver.rst", "Examples/genetic_algorithm/index.rst", "Examples/index.rst", "Examples/mcts/index.rst", "Examples/mcts/mcts_data_generator.rst", "Examples/mcts/network_hyperparam_search.rst", "Examples/mcts/network_validation_multiprocessing.rst", "Examples/plotting_tools/index.rst", "Examples/plotting_tools/plot_a2c_hyperparams.rst", "Examples/plotting_tools/plot_dqn_hyperparams.rst", "Examples/plotting_tools/plot_ga_hyperparams.rst", "Examples/plotting_tools/plot_mcts_hyperparams.rst", "Examples/plotting_tools/plot_ppo_hyperparams.rst", "Examples/plotting_tools/process_ga_curves.rst", "Examples/plotting_tools/process_sb3_curves.rst", "Examples/sb3/a2c_hyperparam_search.rst", "Examples/sb3/dqn_hyperparam_search.rst", "Examples/sb3/index.rst", "Examples/sb3/ppo_hyperparam_search.rst", "Examples/sb3/sppo_hyperparam_search.rst", "Examples/state_machine/index.rst", "Examples/state_machine/state_machine_example.rst", "index.rst", "install.rst"], "titles": ["genetic_algorithm", "agents", "mcts", "state_machine", "bsk_sim", "gym_env", "agile_eos", "gym_env", "general_satellite_tasking", "communication", "data", "environment_features", "scenario", "sat_actions", "sat_observations", "satellites", "dynamics", "environment", "fsw", "simulation", "simulator", "types", "functional", "utils", "logging_config", "orbital", "envs", "dynamics", "environment", "fsw", "fsw_steering", "bsk_models", "bsk_sim", "env_settings", "gym_env", "multisat_agile_eos", "bsk_sim", "env_settings", "gym_env", "multisensor_eos", "bsk_sim", "gym_env", "simple_eos", "bsk_sim", "gym_env", "small_body_science", "bsk_sim", "gym_env", "small_body_science_pomdp", "API Reference", "training", "mcts", "mcts_train", "experiments", "sb3", "actuator_primitives", "effector_primitives", "experiments", "genetic_algorithm", "utilities", "initial_conditions", "leo_initial_conditions", "leo_orbit", "sc_attitudes", "small_body", "mcts", "rollout_policies", "custom_sb3_policies", "sb3", "shielded_policies", "shields", "state_machine", "general_satellite_tasking", "multisat_aeos", "satellite_customization", "single_sat", "ga_hp_solver", "genetic_algorithm", "Examples", "mcts", "mcts_data_generator", "network_hyperparam_search", "network_validation_multiprocessing", "plotting_tools", "plot_a2c_hyperparams", "plot_dqn_hyperparams", "plot_ga_hyperparams", "plot_mcts_hyperparams", "plot_ppo_hyperparams", "process_ga_curves", "process_sb3_curves", "a2c_hyperparam_search", "dqn_hyperparam_search", "sb3", "ppo_hyperparam_search", "sppo_hyperparam_search", "state_machine", "state_machine_example", "Welcome to bsk_rl\u2019s documentation!", "Installation"], "terms": {"bsk_rl": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 99], "agent": [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 13, 15, 38, 41, 44, 47, 49, 53, 98], "class": [0, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 34, 37, 38, 41, 44, 47, 67, 69, 70], "env2opt_problem": 0, "env_nam": [0, 2, 52, 53, 57, 89], "initial_condit": [0, 2, 52, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64], "none": [0, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 24, 25, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 52, 53, 57, 67, 69], "sourc": [0, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 34, 36, 37, 38, 41, 44, 47, 52, 53, 55, 57, 62, 63, 64, 67, 69, 70, 73, 82, 89], "base": [0, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 34, 36, 37, 38, 41, 44, 47, 62, 67, 69, 70, 98, 99], "object": [0, 2, 5, 7, 11, 15, 22, 27, 28, 29, 30, 37, 38, 41, 44, 47, 70], "thi": [0, 2, 5, 7, 15, 16, 17, 18, 29, 30, 34, 38, 41, 47, 82, 99], "provid": [0, 2, 22, 29, 30, 38, 47], "gener": [0, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 22, 25, 52, 57, 62, 64, 89], "interfac": 0, "recast": 0, "gymnasium": [0, 5, 7, 34, 37, 38, 67, 69, 98], "environ": [0, 2, 5, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 31, 34, 37, 38, 41, 44, 47, 52, 53, 69, 73, 82, 98, 99], "total": [0, 5, 38, 41, 44, 47], "reward": [0, 5, 7, 10, 11, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 52, 82], "maxim": [0, 5, 34], "problem": [0, 5, 7, 34, 98], "__init__": [0, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 34, 37, 38, 41, 44, 47, 67, 69, 70], "evalu": [0, 5, 15, 16, 22, 38, 41], "action_set": 0, "full": [0, 38], "run": [0, 18, 52, 53, 57, 62, 73, 82, 99], "given": [0, 34, 53], "list": [0, 7, 9, 10, 14, 15, 34, 52, 53, 62, 82, 89], "action": [0, 2, 5, 7, 13, 15, 16, 18, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 52, 69, 70], "mutuniformintlist": 0, "individu": 0, "num_sampl": 0, "2": [0, 5, 24, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47], "low": [0, 5, 34], "0": [0, 2, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 25, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 52, 53, 62, 63], "up": [0, 2, 5, 27, 38, 41, 44, 47], "5": [0, 5, 34, 41, 44, 47], "indpb": 0, "3": [0, 5, 24, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47], "function": [0, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 23, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 52, 67, 82], "i": [0, 2, 5, 7, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 24, 25, 28, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 52, 62, 64, 82, 98], "design": [0, 5, 34], "mutat": 0, "integ": [0, 13], "rather": 0, "than": [0, 15], "singl": [0, 7, 15, 22, 52], "param": [0, 5, 41, 44, 47, 52, 53, 62, 70, 82, 89], "The": [0, 2, 5, 7, 22, 24, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 52], "number": [0, 2, 5, 7, 11, 13, 14, 15, 34, 52, 53, 57, 62, 64, 67, 70], "sampl": [0, 63, 69], "lower": 0, "bound": [0, 15, 62], "upper": 0, "probabl": [0, 5, 38, 41, 69], "return": [0, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 22, 24, 25, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 52, 55, 62, 63, 67, 69, 82, 89], "A": [0, 5, 7, 34, 44, 47, 52], "genetic_algorithm": [1, 57, 59, 76, 78, 98], "mct": [1, 50, 52, 59, 66, 78, 80, 81, 82, 98], "state_machin": [1, 2, 59, 78, 97, 98], "c": [2, 5, 9, 29, 30, 34, 38, 44, 47, 52, 62, 82], "1": [2, 5, 7, 11, 14, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 55, 62, 64, 67], "num_sim": [2, 52], "10": [2, 13, 15, 44, 47, 53], "max_length": 2, "270": [2, 52], "max_step": [2, 53], "45": [2, 25, 52, 53], "rollout_polici": [2, 65], "backup_typ": 2, "max": [2, 41], "determinist": [2, 69], "To": [2, 37, 99], "us": [2, 5, 7, 9, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 22, 24, 28, 34, 37, 38, 41, 52, 53, 55, 64, 69], "uct": 2, "set": [2, 7, 11, 14, 15, 25, 27, 29, 30, 34, 37, 38, 55, 62], "rollout": 2, "type": [2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 22, 25, 38, 41, 44, 47, 67, 69], "either": [2, 22, 24, 52], "heurist": 2, "random": [2, 7, 15, 25, 63, 64], "If": [2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 24, 34, 67], "creat": [2, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 25, 27, 29, 30, 34, 52, 55], "polici": [2, 53, 67, 69], "follow": [2, 99], "two": 2, "line": [2, 9, 16], "code": [2, 14], "statemachinemct": 2, "statemachin": 2, "loadtransfercondit": 2, "agile_eos_op": 2, "adv": 2, "agileeosrolloutpolici": 2, "env": [2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 52, 98], "Then": 2, "load": [2, 52, 82], "dure": [2, 15], "initi": [2, 5, 9, 15, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 52, 62, 63, 67, 69, 82], "mcts_agent": 2, "condit": [2, 44, 47, 52, 62, 63, 82], "must": [2, 5, 34, 38, 41], "after": [2, 9, 15], "algorithm": [2, 57, 64], "automat": [2, 14], "restart": 2, "sim": [2, 7, 14, 37, 52], "step": [2, 5, 7, 9, 10, 24, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 52, 53], "forward": [2, 67, 69], "last": [2, 5, 15, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 67], "state": [2, 5, 7, 14, 27, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 52, 67, 69, 82], "due": [2, 38], "limit": [2, 5, 34], "copi": 2, "basilisk": [2, 7, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 99], "setenv": 2, "num_step": [2, 52], "t_final": [2, 52], "paramet": [2, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 24, 25, 27, 34, 38, 52, 62, 67, 69], "scale": [2, 5, 38, 41, 44, 47], "explor": [2, 52], "bonu": 2, "simul": [2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 27, 28, 34, 38, 41, 47, 52, 62, 63, 99], "per": [2, 7, 10, 11, 14, 52], "call": [2, 7, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 22, 24, 34], "selectact": 2, "backup_tre": 2, "back": [2, 10], "valu": [2, 5, 7, 11, 14, 15, 22, 34, 52, 67, 69], "along": 2, "main": 2, "tree": 2, "onc": [2, 9, 14], "ha": [2, 5, 16, 18, 22, 38, 41, 44, 47], "termin": [2, 5, 7, 15, 38, 41, 44, 47], "": [2, 5, 7, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 62], "d": [2, 44, 47], "execut": [2, 52, 82], "desir": [2, 22], "depth": [2, 67], "end": [2, 14, 15, 25], "acthist": [2, 52], "select": [2, 13, 15], "next": [2, 14, 15, 38, 44, 47, 52], "true": [2, 5, 13, 15, 24, 25, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 62], "through": [2, 13, 14, 15, 24, 34, 41], "envtyp": 2, "30": [2, 7, 44], "90": [2, 18, 53], "trajectori": 2, "updat": [2, 7, 10, 14, 22, 34, 53, 82], "q_search": 2, "agile_eo": [4, 5, 26], "agileeo": [5, 57, 69], "failure_penalti": [5, 7, 44], "image_compon": 5, "downlink_compon": 5, "9": [5, 44, 47], "an": [5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 22, 24, 28, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 52, 53, 62, 73, 98], "agil": [5, 15, 34], "eo": [5, 34], "schedul": [5, 34, 98], "which": [5, 7, 9, 24, 28, 34, 47], "satellit": [5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 22, 25, 34, 62, 73], "earth": [5, 11, 28, 29, 30, 34, 38], "orbit": [5, 14, 15, 23, 34, 62], "attempt": [5, 15, 34, 38], "target": [5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 25, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 62], "imag": [5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 64, 73, 82], "downlink": [5, 14, 17, 34, 41, 44, 47, 82], "while": [5, 34, 44, 47, 99], "avoid": [5, 13, 34, 44, 47], "resourc": [5, 34, 44, 47], "constraint": [5, 34, 44, 47], "violat": [5, 15, 34, 44, 47], "includ": [5, 7, 13, 14, 15, 17, 27, 28, 34, 44, 47], "power": [5, 16, 18, 27, 34, 44, 47], "spacecraft": [5, 27, 34, 38, 41, 55, 62, 63, 98, 99], "keep": [5, 18, 34, 52, 82], "its": [5, 24, 34], "batteri": [5, 16, 27, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47], "charg": [5, 16, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47], "abov": [5, 24, 25, 34], "zero": [5, 29, 30, 34], "reaction": [5, 18, 27, 34, 38, 41, 55], "wheel": [5, 16, 18, 27, 34, 38, 41, 55], "satur": [5, 34], "within": [5, 34, 62], "speed": [5, 16, 34, 41], "data": [5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 34, 41, 44, 47, 52, 99], "buffer": [5, 15, 34, 41, 44, 47], "from": [5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 25, 29, 30, 34, 52, 64, 67, 82], "overflow": [5, 34, 41], "e": [5, 7, 22, 25, 34, 44, 47, 67, 99], "exceed": [5, 34], "meet": [5, 34], "maximum": [5, 7, 15, 16, 34, 53], "size": [5, 7, 34, 53, 57, 62, 70], "decid": [5, 34, 41], "between": [5, 7, 9, 16, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 62], "point": [5, 10, 18, 29, 30, 34, 38, 41, 64], "ani": [5, 7, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 34], "one": [5, 7, 24, 34], "j": [5, 34], "ground": [5, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 27, 28, 34, 38, 41], "sun": [5, 18, 29, 30, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47], "desatur": [5, 18, 34, 38, 41], "refer": [5, 7, 13, 16, 18, 29, 30, 34, 38, 41, 98], "space": [5, 7, 13, 15, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 62, 67, 69], "discret": [5, 13, 38, 41, 44, 47], "mode": [5, 13, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47], "desat": [5, 34, 41], "observ": [5, 7, 14, 15, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 69, 82], "ecef": [5, 34, 62], "posit": [5, 16, 25, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 62], "veloc": [5, 16, 17, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 62], "indic": [5, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 52, 82], "attitud": [5, 16, 18, 34, 41], "error": [5, 34, 38, 41], "rate": [5, 7, 15, 16, 17, 18, 34, 41, 52, 53], "6": [5, 34, 41, 44, 47], "7": [5, 34, 41, 44, 47], "8": [5, 34, 41, 44, 47], "11": [5, 34, 41, 44, 47], "12": [5, 34, 41, 47, 67], "eclips": [5, 14, 27, 28, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47], "13": [5, 34, 41, 44, 47], "store": [5, 10, 34, 41, 52], "onboard": [5, 34, 41], "14": [5, 34, 41, 44, 47], "transmit": [5, 34, 41], "over": [5, 11, 34, 41, 52, 57], "interv": [5, 34, 41], "15": [5, 34, 41], "amount": [5, 11, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47], "time": [5, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 52, 62, 82], "station": [5, 14, 16, 17, 34, 41], "were": [5, 34, 41, 52], "access": [5, 13, 14, 15, 34, 38, 41], "16": [5, 34, 41, 44, 47], "22": [5, 34, 41, 44], "tupl": [5, 7, 11, 14, 15, 34, 41, 44, 47, 67, 69], "4": [5, 34, 53, 57, 67], "each": [5, 7, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 34, 41, 44, 47, 62, 64], "prioriti": [5, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18, 34], "hill": [5, 34, 44, 47], "frame": [5, 16, 17, 18, 34, 38, 44, 47, 62], "po": [5, 34], "r": [5, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47], "tgt": [5, 34, 44, 47, 62], "first": [5, 15, 22, 25, 34, 44, 47, 52], "b": [5, 9, 34, 44, 47, 82], "failur": [5, 7, 22, 34, 41, 44, 47], "reset": [5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 18, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47], "seed": [5, 7, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47], "option": [5, 7, 14, 24, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 52], "rtype": [5, 38, 41, 44, 47], "take": [5, 13, 38, 41, 44, 47, 52], "int": [5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 25, 38, 41, 44, 47, 53, 67], "ob": [5, 14, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 69, 82], "episode_ov": [5, 38, 41, 44, 47], "info": [5, 7, 15, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 52, 82], "specif": [5, 38, 41, 44, 47], "repres": [5, 38, 41, 44, 47], "your": [5, 24, 38, 41, 44, 47, 99], "float": [5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 25, 38, 41, 44, 47, 53, 67, 69], "achiev": [5, 38, 41, 44, 47], "previou": [5, 10, 13, 15, 38, 41, 44, 47], "vari": [5, 38, 41, 44, 47], "goal": [5, 38, 41, 44, 47], "alwai": [5, 25, 38, 41, 44, 47], "increas": [5, 13, 38, 41, 44, 47], "bool": [5, 7, 13, 15, 16, 18, 22, 38, 41, 44, 47, 53, 69], "whether": [5, 22, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 53, 69], "again": [5, 38, 41, 44, 47], "most": [5, 11, 38, 41, 44, 47], "all": [5, 7, 15, 18, 22, 27, 29, 30, 38, 41, 44, 47, 67, 69], "task": [5, 7, 13, 15, 18, 38, 41, 44, 47], "ar": [5, 7, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25, 28, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 52, 67], "divid": [5, 38, 41, 44, 47], "well": [5, 38, 41, 44, 47], "defin": [5, 9, 11, 18, 27, 28, 29, 30, 38, 41, 44, 47, 55], "episod": [5, 10, 11, 16, 18, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 52], "done": [5, 38, 41, 44, 47], "being": [5, 7, 10, 38, 41, 44, 47], "For": [5, 7, 9, 16, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47], "exampl": [5, 7, 9, 38, 41, 44, 47, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99], "perhap": [5, 38, 41, 44, 47], "pole": [5, 38, 41, 44, 47], "tip": [5, 38, 41, 44, 47], "too": [5, 38, 41, 44, 47], "far": [5, 38, 41, 44, 47], "you": [5, 24, 38, 41, 44, 47], "lost": [5, 38, 41, 44, 47], "life": [5, 38, 41, 44, 47], "dict": [5, 7, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 22, 38, 41, 53, 67, 69], "diagnost": [5, 38, 41], "inform": [5, 7, 10, 14, 15, 24, 29, 30, 38, 41], "debug": [5, 7, 34, 38, 41], "It": [5, 38, 41, 67], "can": [5, 7, 10, 13, 14, 15, 18, 29, 30, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47, 62, 98], "sometim": [5, 38, 41], "learn": [5, 38, 41, 53, 98], "might": [5, 38, 41], "contain": [5, 7, 38, 41, 53, 55, 82], "raw": [5, 38, 41], "behind": [5, 38, 41], "chang": [5, 24, 38, 41], "howev": [5, 38, 41], "offici": [5, 38, 41], "allow": [5, 10, 13, 24, 38, 41], "bsk_sim": [6, 35, 39, 42, 45, 48], "gym_env": [6, 8, 35, 39, 42, 45, 48], "general_satellite_task": [7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 73, 74, 75, 78, 98], "framework": [7, 99], "rl": [7, 98, 99], "generalsatellitetask": [7, 20], "env_typ": 7, "environmentmodel": [7, 16, 17, 18, 28], "env_featur": [7, 10], "environmentfeatur": [7, 10, 11], "data_manag": [7, 10], "datamanag": [7, 10], "env_arg": 7, "str": [7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 22, 24, 53], "commun": [7, 12, 16, 34, 62], "communicationmethod": [7, 9], "sim_rat": 7, "max_step_dur": 7, "600": 7, "100": [7, 15, 18, 67], "time_limit": [7, 15], "inf": 7, "terminate_on_time_limit": 7, "fals": [7, 15, 16, 18, 22, 24, 27, 34, 38, 52, 53, 55, 69], "log_level": 7, "log_dir": 7, "render_mod": 7, "satob": 7, "satact": [7, 13], "adapt": 7, "wide": [7, 10], "rang": [7, 11, 25, 53, 62], "These": 7, "involv": 7, "complet": 7, "maintain": 7, "aliv": [7, 15, 16, 18, 22], "often": 7, "collect": [7, 10, 11, 22, 41, 44, 47], "configur": [7, 15, 22, 29, 30, 73], "heterogen": 7, "constel": [7, 34, 62], "other": [7, 15, 34, 38], "aspect": 7, "featur": [7, 11, 15, 67], "g": [7, 67], "record": [7, 10, 15, 24], "intersatellit": 7, "assign": 7, "prefer": 7, "method": [7, 15], "instanti": [7, 16, 17, 18, 34], "make": [7, 13, 15], "v1": 7, "pass": [7, 13, 14, 15, 18, 34, 69], "kwarg": [7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 34, 53, 67, 69], "In": 7, "some": [7, 14, 73], "case": 7, "multiprocess": 7, "vector": [7, 14, 22, 89], "necessari": [7, 16, 17, 18], "compat": 7, "instead": [7, 18], "regist": 7, "new": [7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 98], "see": [7, 99], "should": [7, 15, 22, 24, 70, 98], "built": 7, "construct": [7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18], "model": [7, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 27, 52], "argument": [7, 13, 15, 22, 24, 25, 34], "kei": [7, 13, 15, 52, 82], "where": [7, 15, 44, 47, 53, 64], "about": [7, 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[11, 15], "need": [11, 15, 38], "pcpf": [11, 15, 38], "metric": [11, 82], "human": [11, 14, 15], "readabl": [11, 14, 15], "uniformnadirfeatur": 11, "value_per_second": 11, "planet": [11, 16, 17, 18], "uniform": 11, "surfac": [11, 64], "second": 11, "lla2ecef": 11, "lat": 11, "long": 11, "project": 11, "lla": 11, "fix": [11, 25, 63], "deg": [11, 25, 62], "environment_featur": 12, "sat_act": 12, "sat_observ": 12, "chargingact": 13, "fswaction": [13, 15], "desatact": 13, "discretesatact": 13, "index": [13, 15, 34, 53, 57, 62], "order": [13, 15], "infer": [13, 14], "add_act": 13, "act_fn": 13, "act_nam": 13, "n_action": 13, "map": [13, 15, 29, 30, 44, 47, 64], "when": [13, 14, 15, 18, 22, 38], "keyword": [13, 22, 34], "prev_action_kei": 13, "retask": 13, "accept": [13, 22], "string": [13, 22, 24, 52, 62], "subsequ": 13, "generate_indexed_act": 13, "set_act": [13, 15], "my": 13, "downlinkact": 13, "driftact": 13, "imagingact": [13, 15], "n_ahead_act": [13, 15], "imagingsatellit": [13, 14, 15], "upcom": [13, 14, 15], "activ": [13, 52, 67, 69], "term": 13, "nadirimagingact": 13, "sat_arg": [13, 15], "variable_interv": [13, 15], "fsw_action_gen": 13, "fsw_action": 13, "action_dur": [13, 15], "1000000000": [13, 15], "eclipsest": 14, "orbit_period": 14, "5700": [14, 15], "satobserv": 14, "normal": [14, 16], "start": [14, 25], "factor": 14, "eclipse_st": 14, "groundstationst": 14, "n_ahead_observe_downlink": 14, "downlink_window_properti": 14, "accesssatellit": [14, 15], "opportun": [14, 15], "consid": [14, 41, 44, 47], "prop": 14, "prop_nam": 14, "norm": [14, 38], "specifi": [14, 24, 25, 27, 28, 38, 67], "choos": [14, 34, 38], "window_open": 14, "window_mid": 14, "window_clos": 14, "ground_station_obs_gener": 14, "ground_station_ob": 14, "spec": 14, "reset_post_sim": [14, 15], "checker": [14, 15, 22], "normdpropertyst": 14, "obs_properti": 14, "found": [14, 15, 98, 99], "append": [14, 24, 52], "form": 14, "block": 14, "python": [14, 98, 99], "modul": [14, 27, 29, 30, 67, 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"thruster": [18, 27, 29, 30, 55], "sunpointtask": 18, "99": 18, "trackingerrortask": 18, "convert": [18, 22, 29, 30], "guidanc": [18, 29, 30], "continuousimagingfswmodel": 18, "locpointtask": 18, "96": 18, "trigger": 18, "extend": [18, 20], "c_hat_p": 18, "steeringfswmodel": 18, "create_task": 18, "housekeep": 18, "overridden": 18, "func": [18, 22], "decor": [18, 22], "simbaseclass": 20, "aliveness_check": 22, "bind": 22, "instanc": [22, 55], "as_nam": 22, "exist": 22, "check_aliveness_check": 22, "search": [22, 52, 57], "statu": 22, "collect_default_arg": 22, "default_arg": 22, "cl": 22, "differ": [22, 29, 30, 44, 47], "init": 22, "enumer": 22, "is_properti": 22, "obj": 22, "attr_nam": 22, "without": 22, "safe_dict_merg": 22, "merg": 22, "conflict": 22, "modifi": [22, 24, 47, 52, 82], "valid_func_nam": 22, "valid": 22, "sanit": 22, "vectorize_nested_dict": 22, "flatten": 22, "arrai": [22, 62], "scalar": 22, "logging_config": 23, "contextfilt": 24, "proc_id": 24, "togeth": 24, 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[25, 62], "eccentr": 25, "lan": 25, "2pi": 25, "periapsi": 25, "anomali": [25, 62], "multisat_agile_eo": [26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34], "multisensor_eo": [26, 36, 37, 38], "simple_eo": [26, 40, 41], "small_body_sci": [26, 43, 44], "small_body_science_pomdp": [26, 46, 47], "bsk_model": [27, 28, 29, 30, 35], "dynamicmodel": 27, "simbas": [27, 28, 29, 30], "dynrat": 27, "spacecraftindex": [27, 29, 30], "singlesat": 27, "initalldynobject": 27, "setbatteri": 27, "setdensitymodel": 27, "attach": 27, "densiti": 27, "effector": [27, 55], "setdisturbancetorqu": 27, "disturb": 27, "torqu": [27, 29, 30], "setdrageffector": 27, "drag": 27, "seteclipseobject": [27, 28], "setgravitybodi": [27, 28], "what": [27, 28], "gravit": [27, 28], "setgroundloc": [27, 28], "setinstru": 27, "setinstrumentpowersink": 27, "setreactionwheeldyneffector": 27, "rw": [27, 29, 30], "setreactionwheelpow": 27, "setsimplenavobject": 27, "navig": [27, 47], "setsolarpanel": 27, "solar": [27, 38], "panel": [27, 38], "setspacecrafthub": 27, "setthrusterdyneffector": 27, "settransmitt": 27, "settransmitterpowersink": 27, "trasmitt": 27, "envrat": 28, "celesti": 28, "caus": 28, "setepochobject": 28, "ephemeri": 28, "spice": 28, "librari": 28, "interest": 28, "fswrate": [29, 30], "initallfswobject": [29, 30], "setattitudetrackingerror": [29, 30], "setinstrumentcontrol": [29, 30], "setlocationpointguid": [29, 30], "setmrpfeedbackrwa": 29, "setmomentumdump": [29, 30], "momentum": [29, 30, 44, 47], "dump": [29, 30], "setnadirpointguid": [29, 30], "setrwconfigmsg": [29, 30], "import": [29, 30], "setrwmotortorqu": [29, 30], "motor": [29, 30], "law": [29, 30], "setsunpointguid": [29, 30], "setthrustermap": [29, 30], "setthrustersconfigmsg": [29, 30], "setvehicleconfigmsg": [29, 30], "vehicl": [29, 30], "setupgatewaymsg": [29, 30], "gatewai": [29, 30], "input": [29, 30, 67, 70], "msg": [29, 30], "down": [29, 30], "stream": [29, 30], "zerogatewaymsg": [29, 30], "payload": [29, 30], "setmrpsteeringrwa": 30, 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"-", "multisensor_eos"], [42, 0, 0, "-", "simple_eos"], [45, 0, 0, "-", "small_body_science"], [48, 0, 0, "-", "small_body_science_pomdp"]], "bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos": [[4, 0, 0, "-", "bsk_sim"], [5, 0, 0, "-", "gym_env"]], "bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.gym_env": [[5, 1, 1, "", "AgileEOS"]], "bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.gym_env.AgileEOS": [[5, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [5, 2, 1, "", "reset"], [5, 2, 1, "", "step"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking": [[7, 0, 0, "-", "gym_env"], [12, 0, 0, "-", "scenario"], [19, 0, 0, "-", "simulation"], [21, 0, 0, "-", "types"], [23, 0, 0, "-", "utils"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env": [[7, 1, 1, "", "GeneralSatelliteTasking"], [7, 1, 1, "", "MultiagentSatelliteTasking"], [7, 1, 1, "", "SingleSatelliteTasking"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.GeneralSatelliteTasking": [[7, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [7, 4, 1, "", "action_space"], [7, 2, 1, "", "close"], [7, 2, 1, "", "delete_simulator"], [7, 4, 1, "", "observation_space"], [7, 2, 1, "", "render"], [7, 2, 1, "", "reset"], [7, 2, 1, "", "step"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.MultiagentSatelliteTasking": [[7, 2, 1, "", "action_space"], [7, 4, 1, "", "action_spaces"], [7, 4, 1, "", "agents"], [7, 4, 1, "", "max_num_agents"], [7, 4, 1, "", "num_agents"], [7, 2, 1, "", "observation_space"], [7, 4, 1, "", "observation_spaces"], [7, 4, 1, "", "possible_agents"], [7, 4, 1, "", "previously_dead"], [7, 2, 1, "", "reset"], [7, 2, 1, "", "step"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.SingleSatelliteTasking": [[7, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [7, 4, 1, "", "action_space"], [7, 4, 1, "", "observation_space"], [7, 4, 1, "", "satellite"], [7, 2, 1, "", "step"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario": [[9, 0, 0, "-", "communication"], [10, 0, 0, "-", "data"], [11, 0, 0, "-", "environment_features"], [13, 0, 0, "-", "sat_actions"], [14, 0, 0, "-", "sat_observations"], [15, 0, 0, "-", "satellites"]], 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"UniqueImageData"], [10, 1, 1, "", "UniqueImageStore"], [10, 1, 1, "", "UniqueImagingManager"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.DataManager": [[10, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [10, 2, 1, "", "create_data_store"], [10, 2, 1, "", "reset"], [10, 2, 1, "", "reward"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.DataStore": [[10, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [10, 2, 1, "", "communication_update"], [10, 2, 1, "", "internal_update"], [10, 2, 1, "", "stage_communicated_data"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.NadirScanningManager": [[10, 5, 1, "", "DataStore"], [10, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.NadirScanningTimeData": [[10, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.NoDataManager": [[10, 5, 1, "", "DataStore"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.NoDataStore": [[10, 5, 1, "", "DataType"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.ScanningNadirTimeStore": [[10, 5, 1, "", "DataType"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.UniqueImageData": [[10, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.UniqueImageStore": [[10, 5, 1, "", "DataType"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.UniqueImagingManager": [[10, 5, 1, "", "DataStore"], [10, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features": [[11, 1, 1, "", "CityTargets"], [11, 1, 1, "", "EnvironmentFeatures"], [11, 1, 1, "", "StaticTargets"], [11, 1, 1, "", "Target"], [11, 1, 1, "", "UniformNadirFeature"], [11, 3, 1, "", "lla2ecef"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features.CityTargets": [[11, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [11, 2, 1, "", "regenerate_targets"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features.EnvironmentFeatures": [[11, 2, 1, "", "reset"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features.StaticTargets": [[11, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [11, 2, 1, "", "regenerate_targets"], [11, 2, 1, "", "reset"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features.Target": [[11, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [11, 4, 1, "", "id"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features.UniformNadirFeature": [[11, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions": [[13, 5, 1, "", "ChargingAction"], [13, 5, 1, "", "DesatAction"], [13, 1, 1, "", "DiscreteSatAction"], [13, 5, 1, "", "DownlinkAction"], [13, 5, 1, "", "DriftAction"], [13, 1, 1, "", "ImagingActions"], [13, 5, 1, "", "NadirImagingAction"], [13, 1, 1, "", "SatAction"], [13, 3, 1, "", "fsw_action_gen"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions.DiscreteSatAction": [[13, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [13, 4, 1, "", "action_space"], [13, 2, 1, "", "add_action"], [13, 2, 1, "", "generate_indexed_action"], [13, 2, 1, "", "set_action"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions.ImagingActions": [[13, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [13, 2, 1, "", "image"], [13, 2, 1, "", "set_action"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations": [[14, 1, 1, "", "EclipseState"], [14, 1, 1, "", "GroundStationState"], [14, 1, 1, "", "NormdPropertyState"], [14, 1, 1, "", "SatObservation"], [14, 1, 1, "", "TargetState"], [14, 1, 1, "", "TimeState"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.EclipseState": [[14, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [14, 2, 1, "", "eclipse_state"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.GroundStationState": [[14, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [14, 2, 1, "", "ground_station_obs_generator"], [14, 2, 1, "", "reset_post_sim"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.NormdPropertyState": [[14, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [14, 2, 1, "", "add_prop_function"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.SatObservation": [[14, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [14, 2, 1, "", "add_to_observation"], [14, 2, 1, "", "get_obs"], [14, 4, 1, "", "obs_dict"], [14, 4, 1, "", "obs_list"], [14, 4, 1, "", "obs_ndarray"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.TargetState": [[14, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [14, 2, 1, "", "target_obs_generator"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.TimeState": [[14, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [14, 2, 1, "", "normalized_time"], [14, 2, 1, "", "reset_post_sim"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites": [[15, 1, 1, "", "AccessSatellite"], [15, 1, 1, "", "DoNothingSatellite"], [15, 1, 1, "", "FBImagerSatellite"], [15, 1, 1, "", "FullFeaturedSatellite"], [15, 1, 1, "", "ImageAheadSatellite"], [15, 1, 1, "", "ImagingSatellite"], [15, 1, 1, "", "Satellite"], [15, 1, 1, "", "SteeringImagerSatellite"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.AccessSatellite": [[15, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [15, 2, 1, "", "add_location_for_access_checking"], [15, 2, 1, "", "calculate_additional_windows"], [15, 2, 1, "", "find_next_opportunities"], [15, 2, 1, "", "next_opportunities_dict"], [15, 2, 1, "", "opportunities_dict"], [15, 2, 1, "", "reset_post_sim"], [15, 2, 1, "", "reset_pre_sim"], [15, 4, 1, "", "upcoming_opportunities"], [15, 2, 1, "", "upcoming_opportunities_dict"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.DoNothingSatellite": [[15, 5, 1, "", "dyn_type"], [15, 5, 1, "", "fsw_type"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.FBImagerSatellite": [[15, 5, 1, "", "dyn_type"], [15, 5, 1, "", "fsw_type"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.ImagingSatellite": [[15, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [15, 5, 1, "", "dyn_type"], [15, 2, 1, "", "enable_target_window"], [15, 5, 1, "", "fsw_type"], [15, 4, 1, "", "next_windows"], [15, 2, 1, "", "parse_target_selection"], [15, 2, 1, "", "reset_post_sim"], [15, 2, 1, "", "reset_pre_sim"], [15, 2, 1, "", "task_target_for_imaging"], [15, 2, 1, "", "upcoming_targets"], [15, 4, 1, "", "upcoming_windows"], [15, 4, 1, "", "windows"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.Satellite": [[15, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [15, 4, 1, "", "action_space"], [15, 2, 1, "", "default_sat_args"], [15, 2, 1, "", "get_obs"], [15, 4, 1, "", "id"], [15, 2, 1, "", "is_alive"], [15, 2, 1, "", "log_info"], [15, 4, 1, "", "observation_space"], [15, 2, 1, "", "reset_post_sim"], [15, 2, 1, "", "reset_pre_sim"], [15, 2, 1, "", "set_action"], [15, 2, 1, "", "set_dynamics"], [15, 2, 1, "", "set_fsw"], [15, 2, 1, "", "set_simulator"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.SteeringImagerSatellite": [[15, 5, 1, "", "dyn_type"], [15, 5, 1, "", "fsw_type"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation": [[16, 0, 0, "-", "dynamics"], [17, 0, 0, "-", "environment"], [18, 0, 0, "-", "fsw"], [20, 0, 0, "-", "simulator"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics": [[16, 1, 1, "", "BasicDynamicsModel"], [16, 1, 1, "", "ContinuousImagingDynModel"], [16, 1, 1, "", "DynamicsModel"], [16, 1, 1, "", "FullFeaturedDynModel"], [16, 1, 1, "", "GroundStationDynModel"], [16, 1, 1, "", "ImagingDynModel"], [16, 1, 1, "", "LOSCommDynModel"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.BasicDynamicsModel": [[16, 4, 1, "", "BN"], [16, 4, 1, "", "BP"], [16, 4, 1, "", "battery_charge"], [16, 4, 1, "", "battery_charge_fraction"], [16, 4, 1, "", "omega_BN_B"], [16, 4, 1, "", "omega_BP_P"], [16, 4, 1, "", "r_BN_N"], [16, 4, 1, "", "r_BN_P"], [16, 4, 1, "", "sigma_BN"], [16, 4, 1, "", "v_BN_N"], [16, 4, 1, "", "v_BN_P"], [16, 4, 1, "", "wheel_speeds"], [16, 4, 1, "", "wheel_speeds_fraction"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.DynamicsModel": [[16, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [16, 4, 1, "", "environment"], [16, 2, 1, "", "is_alive"], [16, 2, 1, "", "reset_for_action"], [16, 4, 1, "", "simulator"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.ImagingDynModel": [[16, 2, 1, "", "reset_for_action"], [16, 4, 1, "", "storage_level"], [16, 4, 1, "", "storage_level_fraction"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.environment": [[17, 1, 1, "", "BasicEnvironmentModel"], [17, 1, 1, "", "EnvironmentModel"], [17, 1, 1, "", "GroundStationEnvModel"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.environment.BasicEnvironmentModel": [[17, 4, 1, "", "PN"], [17, 4, 1, "", "omega_PN_N"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.environment.EnvironmentModel": [[17, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [17, 2, 1, "", "default_env_args"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw": [[18, 1, 1, "", "BasicFSWModel"], [18, 1, 1, "", "ContinuousImagingFSWModel"], [18, 1, 1, "", "FSWModel"], [18, 1, 1, "", "ImagingFSWModel"], [18, 1, 1, "", "SteeringFSWModel"], [18, 1, 1, "", "SteeringImagerFSWModel"], [18, 1, 1, "", "Task"], [18, 3, 1, "", "action"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.BasicFSWModel": [[18, 1, 1, "", "MRPControlTask"], [18, 1, 1, "", "NadirPointTask"], [18, 1, 1, "", "RWDesatTask"], [18, 1, 1, "", "SunPointTask"], [18, 1, 1, "", "TrackingErrorTask"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.BasicFSWModel.MRPControlTask": [[18, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [18, 2, 1, "", "reset_for_action"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.BasicFSWModel.NadirPointTask": [[18, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.BasicFSWModel.RWDesatTask": [[18, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [18, 2, 1, "", "reset_for_action"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.BasicFSWModel.SunPointTask": [[18, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.BasicFSWModel.TrackingErrorTask": [[18, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.ContinuousImagingFSWModel": [[18, 1, 1, "", "LocPointTask"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.ContinuousImagingFSWModel.LocPointTask": [[18, 2, 1, "", "reset_for_action"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.FSWModel": [[18, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [18, 4, 1, "", "dynamics"], [18, 4, 1, "", "environment"], [18, 2, 1, "", "is_alive"], [18, 4, 1, "", "simulator"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.ImagingFSWModel": [[18, 1, 1, "", "LocPointTask"], [18, 4, 1, "", "c_hat_P"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.ImagingFSWModel.LocPointTask": [[18, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [18, 2, 1, "", "reset_for_action"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.SteeringFSWModel": [[18, 1, 1, "", "MRPControlTask"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.SteeringFSWModel.MRPControlTask": [[18, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [18, 2, 1, "", "reset_for_action"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.Task": [[18, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [18, 2, 1, "", "create_task"], [18, 2, 1, "", "reset_for_action"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils": [[22, 0, 0, "-", "functional"], [24, 0, 0, "-", "logging_config"], [25, 0, 0, "-", "orbital"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional": [[22, 3, 1, "", "aliveness_checker"], [22, 3, 1, "", "bind"], [22, 3, 1, "", "check_aliveness_checkers"], [22, 3, 1, "", "collect_default_args"], [22, 3, 1, "", "configurable"], [22, 3, 1, "", "default_args"], [22, 3, 1, "", "is_property"], [22, 3, 1, "", "safe_dict_merge"], [22, 3, 1, "", "valid_func_name"], [22, 3, 1, "", "vectorize_nested_dict"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.logging_config": [[24, 1, 1, "", "ContextFilter"], [24, 1, 1, "", "SimFormatter"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.logging_config.ContextFilter": [[24, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [24, 2, 1, "", "filter"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.logging_config.SimFormatter": [[24, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [24, 2, 1, "", "format"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.orbital": [[25, 3, 1, "", "elevation"], [25, 3, 1, "", "random_epoch"], [25, 3, 1, "", "random_orbit"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos": [[31, 0, 0, "-", "bsk_models"], [32, 0, 0, "-", "bsk_sim"], [33, 0, 0, "-", "env_settings"], [34, 0, 0, "-", "gym_env"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models": [[27, 0, 0, "-", "dynamics"], [28, 0, 0, "-", "environment"], [29, 0, 0, "-", "fsw"], [30, 0, 0, "-", "fsw_steering"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics": [[27, 1, 1, "", "DynamicModel"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics.DynamicModel": [[27, 2, 1, "", "InitAllDynObjects"], [27, 2, 1, "", "SetBattery"], [27, 2, 1, "", "SetDensityModel"], [27, 2, 1, "", "SetDisturbanceTorque"], [27, 2, 1, "", "SetDragEffector"], [27, 2, 1, "", "SetEclipseObject"], [27, 2, 1, "", "SetGravityBodies"], [27, 2, 1, "", "SetGroundLocations"], [27, 2, 1, "", "SetInstrument"], [27, 2, 1, "", "SetInstrumentPowerSink"], [27, 2, 1, "", "SetReactionWheelDynEffector"], [27, 2, 1, "", "SetReactionWheelPower"], [27, 2, 1, "", "SetSimpleNavObject"], [27, 2, 1, "", "SetSolarPanel"], [27, 2, 1, "", "SetSpacecraftHub"], [27, 2, 1, "", "SetThrusterDynEffector"], [27, 2, 1, "", "SetTransmitter"], [27, 2, 1, "", "SetTransmitterPowerSink"], [27, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.environment": [[28, 1, 1, "", "EnvironmentModel"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.environment.EnvironmentModel": [[28, 2, 1, "", "SetEclipseObject"], [28, 2, 1, "", "SetEpochObject"], [28, 2, 1, "", "SetGravityBodies"], [28, 2, 1, "", "SetGroundLocations"], [28, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw": [[29, 1, 1, "", "FSWModel"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw.FSWModel": [[29, 2, 1, "", "InitAllFSWObjects"], [29, 2, 1, "", "SetAttitudeTrackingError"], [29, 2, 1, "", "SetInstrumentController"], [29, 2, 1, "", "SetLocationPointGuidance"], [29, 2, 1, "", "SetMRPFeedbackRWA"], [29, 2, 1, "", "SetMomentumDumping"], [29, 2, 1, "", "SetNadirPointGuidance"], [29, 2, 1, "", "SetRWConfigMsg"], [29, 2, 1, "", "SetRWMotorTorque"], [29, 2, 1, "", "SetSunPointGuidance"], [29, 2, 1, "", "SetThrusterMapping"], [29, 2, 1, "", "SetThrustersConfigMsg"], [29, 2, 1, "", "SetVehicleConfigMsg"], [29, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [29, 2, 1, "", "setupGatewayMsgs"], [29, 2, 1, "", "zeroGateWayMsgs"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering": [[30, 1, 1, "", "FSWModel"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering.FSWModel": [[30, 2, 1, "", "InitAllFSWObjects"], [30, 2, 1, "", "SetAttitudeTrackingError"], [30, 2, 1, "", "SetInstrumentController"], [30, 2, 1, "", "SetLocationPointGuidance"], [30, 2, 1, "", "SetMRPSteeringRWA"], [30, 2, 1, "", "SetMomentumDumping"], [30, 2, 1, "", "SetNadirPointGuidance"], [30, 2, 1, "", "SetRWConfigMsg"], [30, 2, 1, "", "SetRWMotorTorque"], [30, 2, 1, "", "SetSunPointGuidance"], [30, 2, 1, "", "SetThrusterMapping"], [30, 2, 1, "", "SetThrustersConfigMsg"], [30, 2, 1, "", "SetVehicleConfigMsg"], [30, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [30, 2, 1, "", "setupGatewayMsgs"], [30, 2, 1, "", "zeroGateWayMsgs"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.gym_env": [[34, 1, 1, "", "MultiSatAgileEOS"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.gym_env.MultiSatAgileEOS": [[34, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [34, 2, 1, "", "reset"], [34, 2, 1, "", "set_env_params"], [34, 2, 1, "", "set_params"], [34, 2, 1, "", "sim_attrs"], [34, 2, 1, "", "step"], [34, 2, 1, "", "update_spaces"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos": [[36, 0, 0, "-", "bsk_sim"], [37, 0, 0, "-", "env_settings"], [38, 0, 0, "-", "gym_env"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.bsk_sim": [[36, 6, 1, "", "invalid_action"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.env_settings": [[37, 1, 1, "", "Settings"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.env_settings.Settings": [[37, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.gym_env": [[38, 1, 1, "", "MultiSensorEOS"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.gym_env.MultiSensorEOS": [[38, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [38, 2, 1, "", "reset"], [38, 2, 1, "", "step"]], "bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos": [[40, 0, 0, "-", "bsk_sim"], [41, 0, 0, "-", "gym_env"]], "bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.gym_env": [[41, 1, 1, "", "SimpleEOS"]], "bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.gym_env.SimpleEOS": [[41, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [41, 2, 1, "", "reset"], [41, 2, 1, "", "step"]], "bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science": [[43, 0, 0, "-", "bsk_sim"], [44, 0, 0, "-", "gym_env"]], "bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.gym_env": [[44, 1, 1, "", "SmallBodyScience"]], "bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.gym_env.SmallBodyScience": [[44, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [44, 2, 1, "", "reset"], [44, 2, 1, "", "step"]], "bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp": [[46, 0, 0, "-", "bsk_sim"], [47, 0, 0, "-", "gym_env"]], "bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.gym_env": [[47, 1, 1, "", "SmallBodySciencePOMDP"]], "bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.gym_env.SmallBodySciencePOMDP": [[47, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [47, 2, 1, "", "modify_ob"], [47, 2, 1, "", "reset"], [47, 2, 1, "", "step"]], "bsk_rl.training": [[51, 0, 0, "-", "mcts"], [54, 0, 0, "-", "sb3"]], "bsk_rl.training.mcts": [[52, 0, 0, "-", "mcts_train"]], "bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train": [[52, 3, 1, "", "create_model"], [52, 3, 1, "", "data_number"], [52, 3, 1, "", "load_and_modify_data"], [52, 3, 1, "", "load_data"], [52, 3, 1, "", "mcts_batch"], [52, 3, 1, "", "run_episode"], [52, 3, 1, "", "run_experiment"]], "bsk_rl.training.sb3": [[53, 0, 0, "-", "experiments"]], "bsk_rl.training.sb3.experiments": [[53, 3, 1, "", "a2c_experiment"], [53, 3, 1, "", "ppo_experiment"], [53, 3, 1, "", "run_ppo_experiments"]], "bsk_rl.utilities": [[56, 0, 0, "-", "effector_primitives"], [58, 0, 0, "-", "genetic_algorithm"], [60, 0, 0, "-", "initial_conditions"], [65, 0, 0, "-", "mcts"], [68, 0, 0, "-", "sb3"], [71, 0, 0, "-", "state_machine"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives": [[55, 0, 0, "-", "actuator_primitives"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives.actuator_primitives": [[55, 3, 1, "", "balancedHR16Triad"], [55, 3, 1, "", "idealMonarc1Octet"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.genetic_algorithm": [[57, 0, 0, "-", "experiments"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.genetic_algorithm.experiments": [[57, 3, 1, "", "run_ga_hp_experiment"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions": [[61, 0, 0, "-", "leo_initial_conditions"], [62, 0, 0, "-", "leo_orbit"], [63, 0, 0, "-", "sc_attitudes"], [64, 0, 0, "-", "small_body"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit": [[62, 3, 1, "", "create_ground_tgts"], [62, 3, 1, "", "distribute_tgts"], [62, 3, 1, "", "elrange_req"], [62, 3, 1, "", "inclined_400km"], [62, 3, 1, "", "inclined_circular_300km"], [62, 3, 1, "", "random_inclined_circular_300km"], [62, 3, 1, "", "sampled_400km"], [62, 3, 1, "", "sampled_500km_boulder_gs"], [62, 3, 1, "", "sampled_boulder_gs"], [62, 3, 1, "", "walker_delta"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.sc_attitudes": [[63, 3, 1, "", "random_tumble"], [63, 3, 1, "", "static_inertial"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.small_body": [[64, 3, 1, "", "generate_imaging_points"], [64, 3, 1, "", "generate_mapping_points"], [64, 3, 1, "", "generate_waypoints"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.mcts": [[66, 0, 0, "-", "rollout_policies"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3": [[67, 0, 0, "-", "custom_sb3_policies"], [69, 0, 0, "-", "shielded_policies"], [70, 0, 0, "-", "shields"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.custom_sb3_policies": [[67, 1, 1, "", "CustomActorCriticPolicy"], [67, 1, 1, "", "CustomNetwork"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.custom_sb3_policies.CustomActorCriticPolicy": [[67, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.custom_sb3_policies.CustomNetwork": [[67, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [67, 2, 1, "", "forward"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies": [[69, 1, 1, "", "CustomActorCriticShieldedAgileEOSPolicy"], [69, 1, 1, "", "CustomActorCriticShieldedMultiSensorEOSPolicy"], [69, 1, 1, "", "CustomActorCriticShieldedPolicy"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies.CustomActorCriticShieldedAgileEOSPolicy": [[69, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies.CustomActorCriticShieldedMultiSensorEOSPolicy": [[69, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies.CustomActorCriticShieldedPolicy": [[69, 2, 1, "", "__init__"], [69, 2, 1, "", "forward"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shields": [[70, 1, 1, "", "AgileEOSShield"], [70, 1, 1, "", "MultiSensorEOSShield"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shields.AgileEOSShield": [[70, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shields.MultiSensorEOSShield": [[70, 2, 1, "", "__init__"]], "examples": [[72, 0, 0, "-", "general_satellite_tasking"], [77, 0, 0, "-", "genetic_algorithm"], [79, 0, 0, "-", "mcts"], [83, 0, 0, "-", "plotting_tools"], [93, 0, 0, "-", "sb3"], [96, 0, 0, "-", "state_machine"]], "examples.general_satellite_tasking": [[73, 0, 0, "-", "multisat_aeos"], [74, 0, 0, "-", "satellite_customization"], [75, 0, 0, "-", "single_sat"]], "examples.general_satellite_tasking.multisat_aeos": [[73, 3, 1, "", "run"]], "examples.genetic_algorithm": [[76, 0, 0, "-", "ga_hp_solver"]], "examples.mcts": [[80, 0, 0, "-", "mcts_data_generator"], [81, 0, 0, "-", "network_hyperparam_search"], [82, 0, 0, "-", "network_validation_multiprocessing"]], "examples.mcts.network_validation_multiprocessing": [[82, 3, 1, "", "modify_observation"], [82, 3, 1, "", "run_simulator"]], "examples.plotting_tools": [[84, 0, 0, "-", "plot_a2c_hyperparams"], [85, 0, 0, "-", "plot_dqn_hyperparams"], [86, 0, 0, "-", "plot_ga_hyperparams"], [87, 0, 0, "-", "plot_mcts_hyperparams"], [88, 0, 0, "-", "plot_ppo_hyperparams"], [89, 0, 0, "-", "process_ga_curves"], [90, 0, 0, "-", "process_sb3_curves"]], "examples.plotting_tools.process_ga_curves": [[89, 3, 1, "", "process_ga_curve"]], "examples.sb3": [[91, 0, 0, "-", "a2c_hyperparam_search"], [92, 0, 0, "-", "dqn_hyperparam_search"], [94, 0, 0, "-", "ppo_hyperparam_search"], [95, 0, 0, "-", "sppo_hyperparam_search"]], "examples.state_machine": [[97, 0, 0, "-", "state_machine_example"]]}, "objtypes": {"0": "py:module", "1": "py:class", "2": "py:method", "3": "py:function", "4": "py:property", "5": "py:attribute", "6": "py:exception"}, "objnames": {"0": ["py", "module", "Python module"], "1": ["py", "class", "Python class"], "2": ["py", "method", "Python method"], "3": ["py", "function", "Python function"], "4": ["py", "property", "Python property"], "5": ["py", "attribute", "Python attribute"], "6": ["py", "exception", "Python exception"]}, "titleterms": {"genetic_algorithm": [0, 58, 77], "agent": 1, "file": [1, 6, 8, 12, 19, 23, 31, 35, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 56, 58, 60, 65, 68, 72, 77, 79, 83, 93, 96], "mct": [2, 51, 65, 79], "state_machin": [3, 71, 96], "bsk_sim": [4, 32, 36, 40, 43, 46], "gym_env": [5, 7, 34, 38, 41, 44, 47], "agile_eo": 6, "general_satellite_task": [8, 72], "directori": [8, 26, 35, 49, 50, 59, 78], "commun": 9, "data": 10, "environment_featur": 11, "scenario": 12, "sat_act": 13, "sat_observ": 14, "satellit": 15, "dynam": [16, 27], "environ": [17, 28], "fsw": [18, 29], "simul": [19, 20], "type": 21, "function": 22, "util": [23, 59], "logging_config": 24, "orbit": 25, "env": 26, "fsw_steer": 30, "bsk_model": 31, "env_set": [33, 37], "multisat_agile_eo": 35, "multisensor_eo": 39, "simple_eo": 42, "small_body_sci": 45, "small_body_science_pomdp": 48, "api": 49, "refer": 49, "train": 50, "mcts_train": 52, "experi": [53, 57], "sb3": [54, 68, 93], "actuator_primit": 55, "effector_primit": 56, "initial_condit": 60, "leo_initial_condit": 61, "leo_orbit": 62, "sc_attitud": 63, "small_bodi": 64, "rollout_polici": 66, "custom_sb3_polici": 67, "shielded_polici": 69, "shield": 70, "multisat_aeo": 73, "multisat": 73, "aeo": 73, "satellite_custom": 74, "single_sat": 75, "ga_hp_solv": 76, "exampl": 78, "mcts_data_gener": 80, "network_hyperparam_search": 81, "network_validation_multiprocess": 82, "plotting_tool": 83, "plot_a2c_hyperparam": 84, "plot_dqn_hyperparam": 85, "plot_ga_hyperparam": 86, "plot_mcts_hyperparam": 87, "plot_ppo_hyperparam": 88, "process_ga_curv": 89, "process_sb3_curv": 90, "a2c_hyperparam_search": 91, "dqn_hyperparam_search": 92, "ppo_hyperparam_search": 94, "sppo_hyperparam_search": 95, "state_machine_exampl": 97, "welcom": 98, "bsk_rl": 98, "": 98, "document": 98, "instal": 99}, "envversion": {"sphinx.domains.c": 3, "sphinx.domains.changeset": 1, "sphinx.domains.citation": 1, "sphinx.domains.cpp": 9, "sphinx.domains.index": 1, "sphinx.domains.javascript": 3, "sphinx.domains.math": 2, "sphinx.domains.python": 4, "sphinx.domains.rst": 2, "sphinx.domains.std": 2, "sphinx.ext.todo": 2, "sphinx.ext.viewcode": 1, "sphinx": 60}, "alltitles": {"genetic_algorithm": [[0, "genetic-algorithm"], [58, "genetic-algorithm"], [77, "genetic-algorithm"]], "agents": [[1, "agents"]], "Files:": [[1, null], [6, null], [8, null], [12, null], [19, null], [23, null], [31, null], [35, null], [39, null], [42, null], [45, null], [48, null], [51, null], [54, null], [56, null], [58, null], [60, null], [65, null], [68, null], [72, null], [77, null], [79, null], [83, null], [93, null], [96, null]], "mcts": [[2, "mcts"], [51, "mcts"], [65, "mcts"], [79, "mcts"]], "state_machine": [[3, "state-machine"], [71, "state-machine"], [96, "state-machine"]], "bsk_sim": [[4, "bsk-sim"], [32, "bsk-sim"], [36, "bsk-sim"], [40, "bsk-sim"], [43, "bsk-sim"], [46, "bsk-sim"]], "gym_env": [[5, "gym-env"], [7, "gym-env"], [34, "gym-env"], [38, "gym-env"], [41, "gym-env"], [44, "gym-env"], [47, "gym-env"]], "agile_eos": [[6, "agile-eos"]], "general_satellite_tasking": [[8, "general-satellite-tasking"], [72, "general-satellite-tasking"]], "Directories:": [[8, null], [26, null], [35, null], [49, null], [50, null], [59, null], [78, null]], "communication": [[9, "communication"]], "data": [[10, "data"]], "environment_features": [[11, "environment-features"]], "scenario": [[12, "scenario"]], "sat_actions": [[13, "sat-actions"]], "sat_observations": [[14, "sat-observations"]], "satellites": [[15, "satellites"]], "dynamics": [[16, "dynamics"], [27, "dynamics"]], "environment": [[17, "environment"], [28, "environment"]], "fsw": [[18, "fsw"], [29, "fsw"]], "simulation": [[19, "simulation"]], "simulator": [[20, "simulator"]], "types": [[21, "types"]], "functional": [[22, "functional"]], "utils": [[23, "utils"]], "logging_config": [[24, "logging-config"]], "orbital": [[25, "orbital"]], "envs": [[26, "envs"]], "fsw_steering": [[30, "fsw-steering"]], "bsk_models": [[31, "bsk-models"]], "env_settings": [[33, "env-settings"], [37, "env-settings"]], "multisat_agile_eos": [[35, "multisat-agile-eos"]], "multisensor_eos": [[39, "multisensor-eos"]], "simple_eos": [[42, "simple-eos"]], "small_body_science": [[45, "small-body-science"]], "small_body_science_pomdp": [[48, "small-body-science-pomdp"]], "API Reference": [[49, "api-reference"]], "training": [[50, "training"]], "mcts_train": [[52, "mcts-train"]], "experiments": [[53, "experiments"], [57, "experiments"]], "sb3": [[54, "sb3"], [68, "sb3"], [93, "sb3"]], "actuator_primitives": [[55, "actuator-primitives"]], "effector_primitives": [[56, "effector-primitives"]], "utilities": [[59, "utilities"]], "initial_conditions": [[60, "initial-conditions"]], "leo_initial_conditions": [[61, "leo-initial-conditions"]], "leo_orbit": [[62, "leo-orbit"]], "sc_attitudes": [[63, "sc-attitudes"]], "small_body": [[64, "small-body"]], "rollout_policies": [[66, "rollout-policies"]], "custom_sb3_policies": [[67, "custom-sb3-policies"]], "shielded_policies": [[69, "shielded-policies"]], "shields": [[70, "shields"]], "multisat_aeos": [[73, "multisat-aeos"]], "Multisat AEOS": [[73, "module-examples.general_satellite_tasking.multisat_aeos"]], "satellite_customization": [[74, "satellite-customization"]], "single_sat": [[75, "single-sat"]], "ga_hp_solver": [[76, "ga-hp-solver"]], "Examples": [[78, "examples"]], "mcts_data_generator": [[80, "mcts-data-generator"]], "network_hyperparam_search": [[81, "network-hyperparam-search"]], "network_validation_multiprocessing": [[82, "network-validation-multiprocessing"]], "plotting_tools": [[83, "plotting-tools"]], "plot_a2c_hyperparams": [[84, "plot-a2c-hyperparams"]], "plot_dqn_hyperparams": [[85, "plot-dqn-hyperparams"]], "plot_ga_hyperparams": [[86, "plot-ga-hyperparams"]], "plot_mcts_hyperparams": [[87, "plot-mcts-hyperparams"]], "plot_ppo_hyperparams": [[88, "plot-ppo-hyperparams"]], "process_ga_curves": [[89, "process-ga-curves"]], "process_sb3_curves": [[90, "process-sb3-curves"]], "a2c_hyperparam_search": [[91, "a2c-hyperparam-search"]], "dqn_hyperparam_search": [[92, "dqn-hyperparam-search"]], "ppo_hyperparam_search": [[94, "ppo-hyperparam-search"]], "sppo_hyperparam_search": [[95, "sppo-hyperparam-search"]], "state_machine_example": [[97, "state-machine-example"]], "Welcome to bsk_rl\u2019s documentation!": [[98, "welcome-to-bsk-rl-s-documentation"]], "Installation": [[99, "installation"]]}, "indexentries": {"__init__() (env2opt_problem method)": [[0, "bsk_rl.agents.genetic_algorithm.env2opt_problem.__init__"]], "bsk_rl.agents.genetic_algorithm": [[0, "module-bsk_rl.agents.genetic_algorithm"]], "env2opt_problem (class in bsk_rl.agents.genetic_algorithm)": [[0, "bsk_rl.agents.genetic_algorithm.env2opt_problem"]], "evaluate() (env2opt_problem method)": [[0, "bsk_rl.agents.genetic_algorithm.env2opt_problem.evaluate"]], "module": [[0, "module-bsk_rl.agents.genetic_algorithm"], [1, "module-bsk_rl.agents"], [2, "module-bsk_rl.agents.mcts"], [3, "module-bsk_rl.agents.state_machine"], [4, "module-bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.bsk_sim"], [5, "module-bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.gym_env"], [6, "module-bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos"], [7, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env"], [8, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking"], [9, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication"], [10, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data"], [11, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features"], [12, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario"], [13, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions"], [14, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations"], [15, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites"], [16, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics"], [17, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.environment"], [18, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw"], [19, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation"], [20, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.simulator"], [21, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.types"], [22, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional"], [23, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils"], [24, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.logging_config"], [25, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.orbital"], [26, "module-bsk_rl.envs"], [27, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics"], [28, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.environment"], [29, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw"], [30, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering"], [31, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models"], [32, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_sim"], [33, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.env_settings"], [34, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.gym_env"], [35, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos"], [36, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.bsk_sim"], [37, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.env_settings"], [38, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.gym_env"], [39, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos"], [40, "module-bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.bsk_sim"], [41, "module-bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.gym_env"], [42, "module-bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos"], [43, "module-bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.bsk_sim"], [44, "module-bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.gym_env"], [45, "module-bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science"], [46, "module-bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.bsk_sim"], [47, "module-bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.gym_env"], [48, "module-bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp"], [49, "module-bsk_rl"], [50, "module-bsk_rl.training"], [51, "module-bsk_rl.training.mcts"], [52, "module-bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train"], [53, "module-bsk_rl.training.sb3.experiments"], [54, "module-bsk_rl.training.sb3"], [55, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives.actuator_primitives"], [56, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives"], [57, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.genetic_algorithm.experiments"], [58, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.genetic_algorithm"], [59, "module-bsk_rl.utilities"], [60, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions"], [61, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_initial_conditions"], [62, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit"], [63, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.sc_attitudes"], [64, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.small_body"], [65, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.mcts"], [66, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.mcts.rollout_policies"], [67, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.custom_sb3_policies"], [68, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.sb3"], [69, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies"], [70, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shields"], [71, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.state_machine"], [72, "module-examples.general_satellite_tasking"], [73, "module-examples.general_satellite_tasking.multisat_aeos"], [74, "module-examples.general_satellite_tasking.satellite_customization"], [75, "module-examples.general_satellite_tasking.single_sat"], [76, "module-examples.genetic_algorithm.ga_hp_solver"], [77, "module-examples.genetic_algorithm"], [78, "module-examples"], [79, "module-examples.mcts"], [80, "module-examples.mcts.mcts_data_generator"], [81, "module-examples.mcts.network_hyperparam_search"], [82, "module-examples.mcts.network_validation_multiprocessing"], [83, "module-examples.plotting_tools"], [84, "module-examples.plotting_tools.plot_a2c_hyperparams"], [85, "module-examples.plotting_tools.plot_dqn_hyperparams"], [86, "module-examples.plotting_tools.plot_ga_hyperparams"], [87, "module-examples.plotting_tools.plot_mcts_hyperparams"], [88, "module-examples.plotting_tools.plot_ppo_hyperparams"], [89, "module-examples.plotting_tools.process_ga_curves"], [90, "module-examples.plotting_tools.process_sb3_curves"], [91, "module-examples.sb3.a2c_hyperparam_search"], [92, "module-examples.sb3.dqn_hyperparam_search"], [93, "module-examples.sb3"], [94, "module-examples.sb3.ppo_hyperparam_search"], [95, "module-examples.sb3.sppo_hyperparam_search"], [96, "module-examples.state_machine"], [97, "module-examples.state_machine.state_machine_example"]], "mutuniformintlist() (in module bsk_rl.agents.genetic_algorithm)": [[0, "bsk_rl.agents.genetic_algorithm.mutUniformIntList"]], "bsk_rl.agents": [[1, "module-bsk_rl.agents"]], "mcts (class in bsk_rl.agents.mcts)": [[2, "bsk_rl.agents.mcts.MCTS"]], "__init__() (mcts method)": [[2, "bsk_rl.agents.mcts.MCTS.__init__"]], "backup_tree() (mcts method)": [[2, "bsk_rl.agents.mcts.MCTS.backup_tree"]], "bsk_rl.agents.mcts": [[2, "module-bsk_rl.agents.mcts"]], "rollout() (mcts method)": [[2, "bsk_rl.agents.mcts.MCTS.rollout"]], "selectaction() (mcts method)": [[2, "bsk_rl.agents.mcts.MCTS.selectAction"]], "setenv() (mcts method)": [[2, "bsk_rl.agents.mcts.MCTS.setEnv"]], "simulate() (mcts method)": [[2, "bsk_rl.agents.mcts.MCTS.simulate"]], "bsk_rl.agents.state_machine": [[3, "module-bsk_rl.agents.state_machine"]], "bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.bsk_sim": [[4, "module-bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.bsk_sim"]], "agileeos (class in bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.gym_env)": [[5, "bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.gym_env.AgileEOS"]], "__init__() (agileeos method)": [[5, "bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.gym_env.AgileEOS.__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.gym_env": [[5, "module-bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.gym_env"]], "reset() (agileeos method)": [[5, "bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.gym_env.AgileEOS.reset"]], "step() (agileeos method)": [[5, "bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos.gym_env.AgileEOS.step"]], "bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos": [[6, "module-bsk_rl.envs.agile_eos"]], "generalsatellitetasking (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.GeneralSatelliteTasking"]], "multiagentsatellitetasking (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.MultiagentSatelliteTasking"]], "singlesatellitetasking (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.SingleSatelliteTasking"]], "__init__() (generalsatellitetasking method)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.GeneralSatelliteTasking.__init__"]], "__init__() (singlesatellitetasking method)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.SingleSatelliteTasking.__init__"]], "action_space (generalsatellitetasking property)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.GeneralSatelliteTasking.action_space"]], "action_space (singlesatellitetasking property)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.SingleSatelliteTasking.action_space"]], "action_space() (multiagentsatellitetasking method)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.MultiagentSatelliteTasking.action_space"]], "action_spaces (multiagentsatellitetasking property)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.MultiagentSatelliteTasking.action_spaces"]], "agents (multiagentsatellitetasking property)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.MultiagentSatelliteTasking.agents"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env": [[7, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env"]], "close() (generalsatellitetasking method)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.GeneralSatelliteTasking.close"]], "delete_simulator() (generalsatellitetasking method)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.GeneralSatelliteTasking.delete_simulator"]], "max_num_agents (multiagentsatellitetasking property)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.MultiagentSatelliteTasking.max_num_agents"]], "num_agents (multiagentsatellitetasking property)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.MultiagentSatelliteTasking.num_agents"]], "observation_space (generalsatellitetasking property)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.GeneralSatelliteTasking.observation_space"]], "observation_space (singlesatellitetasking property)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.SingleSatelliteTasking.observation_space"]], "observation_space() (multiagentsatellitetasking method)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.MultiagentSatelliteTasking.observation_space"]], "observation_spaces (multiagentsatellitetasking property)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.MultiagentSatelliteTasking.observation_spaces"]], "possible_agents (multiagentsatellitetasking property)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.MultiagentSatelliteTasking.possible_agents"]], "previously_dead (multiagentsatellitetasking property)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.MultiagentSatelliteTasking.previously_dead"]], "render() (generalsatellitetasking method)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.GeneralSatelliteTasking.render"]], "reset() (generalsatellitetasking method)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.GeneralSatelliteTasking.reset"]], "reset() (multiagentsatellitetasking method)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.MultiagentSatelliteTasking.reset"]], "satellite (singlesatellitetasking property)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.SingleSatelliteTasking.satellite"]], "step() (generalsatellitetasking method)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.GeneralSatelliteTasking.step"]], "step() (multiagentsatellitetasking method)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.MultiagentSatelliteTasking.step"]], "step() (singlesatellitetasking method)": [[7, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.gym_env.SingleSatelliteTasking.step"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking": [[8, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking"]], "communicationmethod (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication)": [[9, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication.CommunicationMethod"]], "freecommunication (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication)": [[9, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication.FreeCommunication"]], "loscommunication (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication)": [[9, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication.LOSCommunication"]], "losmulticommunication (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication)": [[9, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication.LOSMultiCommunication"]], "multidegreecommunication (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication)": [[9, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication.MultiDegreeCommunication"]], "nocommunication (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication)": [[9, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication.NoCommunication"]], "__init__() (communicationmethod method)": [[9, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication.CommunicationMethod.__init__"]], "__init__() (loscommunication method)": [[9, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication.LOSCommunication.__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication": [[9, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication"]], "communicate() (communicationmethod method)": [[9, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication.CommunicationMethod.communicate"]], "communicate() (loscommunication method)": [[9, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication.LOSCommunication.communicate"]], "reset() (communicationmethod method)": [[9, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication.CommunicationMethod.reset"]], "reset() (loscommunication method)": [[9, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.communication.LOSCommunication.reset"]], "datamanager (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.DataManager"]], "datastore (nadirscanningmanager attribute)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.NadirScanningManager.DataStore"]], "datastore (nodatamanager attribute)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.NoDataManager.DataStore"]], "datastore (uniqueimagingmanager attribute)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.UniqueImagingManager.DataStore"]], "datastore (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.DataStore"]], "datatype (nodatastore attribute)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.NoDataStore.DataType"]], "datatype (scanningnadirtimestore attribute)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.ScanningNadirTimeStore.DataType"]], "datatype (uniqueimagestore attribute)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.UniqueImageStore.DataType"]], "datatype (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.DataType"]], "nadirscanningmanager (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.NadirScanningManager"]], "nadirscanningtimedata (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.NadirScanningTimeData"]], "nodata (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.NoData"]], "nodatamanager (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.NoDataManager"]], "nodatastore (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.NoDataStore"]], "scanningnadirtimestore (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.ScanningNadirTimeStore"]], "uniqueimagedata (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.UniqueImageData"]], "uniqueimagestore (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.UniqueImageStore"]], "uniqueimagingmanager (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.UniqueImagingManager"]], "__init__() (datamanager method)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.DataManager.__init__"]], "__init__() (datastore method)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.DataStore.__init__"]], "__init__() (nadirscanningmanager method)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.NadirScanningManager.__init__"]], "__init__() (nadirscanningtimedata method)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.NadirScanningTimeData.__init__"]], "__init__() (uniqueimagedata method)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.UniqueImageData.__init__"]], "__init__() (uniqueimagingmanager method)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.UniqueImagingManager.__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data": [[10, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data"]], "communication_update() (datastore method)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.DataStore.communication_update"]], "create_data_store() (datamanager method)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.DataManager.create_data_store"]], "internal_update() (datastore method)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.DataStore.internal_update"]], "reset() (datamanager method)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.DataManager.reset"]], "reward() (datamanager method)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.DataManager.reward"]], "stage_communicated_data() (datastore method)": [[10, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.data.DataStore.stage_communicated_data"]], "citytargets (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features)": [[11, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features.CityTargets"]], "environmentfeatures (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features)": [[11, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features.EnvironmentFeatures"]], "statictargets (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features)": [[11, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features.StaticTargets"]], "target (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features)": [[11, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features.Target"]], "uniformnadirfeature (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features)": [[11, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features.UniformNadirFeature"]], "__init__() (citytargets method)": [[11, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features.CityTargets.__init__"]], "__init__() (statictargets method)": [[11, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features.StaticTargets.__init__"]], "__init__() (target method)": [[11, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features.Target.__init__"]], "__init__() (uniformnadirfeature method)": [[11, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features.UniformNadirFeature.__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features": [[11, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features"]], "id (target property)": [[11, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features.Target.id"]], "lla2ecef() (in module bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features)": [[11, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features.lla2ecef"]], "regenerate_targets() (citytargets method)": [[11, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features.CityTargets.regenerate_targets"]], "regenerate_targets() (statictargets method)": [[11, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features.StaticTargets.regenerate_targets"]], "reset() (environmentfeatures method)": [[11, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features.EnvironmentFeatures.reset"]], "reset() (statictargets method)": [[11, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.environment_features.StaticTargets.reset"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario": [[12, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario"]], "chargingaction (in module bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions)": [[13, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions.ChargingAction"]], "desataction (in module bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions)": [[13, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions.DesatAction"]], "discretesataction (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions)": [[13, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions.DiscreteSatAction"]], "downlinkaction (in module bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions)": [[13, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions.DownlinkAction"]], "driftaction (in module bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions)": [[13, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions.DriftAction"]], "imagingactions (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions)": [[13, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions.ImagingActions"]], "nadirimagingaction (in module bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions)": [[13, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions.NadirImagingAction"]], "sataction (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions)": [[13, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions.SatAction"]], "__init__() (discretesataction method)": [[13, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions.DiscreteSatAction.__init__"]], "__init__() (imagingactions method)": [[13, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions.ImagingActions.__init__"]], "action_space (discretesataction property)": [[13, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions.DiscreteSatAction.action_space"]], "add_action() (discretesataction method)": [[13, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions.DiscreteSatAction.add_action"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions": [[13, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions"]], "fsw_action_gen() (in module bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions)": [[13, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions.fsw_action_gen"]], "generate_indexed_action() (discretesataction method)": [[13, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions.DiscreteSatAction.generate_indexed_action"]], "image() (imagingactions method)": [[13, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions.ImagingActions.image"]], "set_action() (discretesataction method)": [[13, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions.DiscreteSatAction.set_action"]], "set_action() (imagingactions method)": [[13, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_actions.ImagingActions.set_action"]], "eclipsestate (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.EclipseState"]], "groundstationstate (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.GroundStationState"]], "normdpropertystate (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.NormdPropertyState"]], "satobservation (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.SatObservation"]], "targetstate (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.TargetState"]], "timestate (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.TimeState"]], "__init__() (eclipsestate method)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.EclipseState.__init__"]], "__init__() (groundstationstate method)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.GroundStationState.__init__"]], "__init__() (normdpropertystate method)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.NormdPropertyState.__init__"]], "__init__() (satobservation method)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.SatObservation.__init__"]], "__init__() (targetstate method)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.TargetState.__init__"]], "__init__() (timestate method)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.TimeState.__init__"]], "add_prop_function() (normdpropertystate method)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.NormdPropertyState.add_prop_function"]], "add_to_observation() (satobservation method)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.SatObservation.add_to_observation"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations": [[14, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations"]], "eclipse_state() (eclipsestate method)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.EclipseState.eclipse_state"]], "get_obs() (satobservation method)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.SatObservation.get_obs"]], "ground_station_obs_generator() (groundstationstate method)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.GroundStationState.ground_station_obs_generator"]], "normalized_time() (timestate method)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.TimeState.normalized_time"]], "obs_dict (satobservation property)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.SatObservation.obs_dict"]], "obs_list (satobservation property)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.SatObservation.obs_list"]], "obs_ndarray (satobservation property)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.SatObservation.obs_ndarray"]], "reset_post_sim() (groundstationstate method)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.GroundStationState.reset_post_sim"]], "reset_post_sim() (timestate method)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.TimeState.reset_post_sim"]], "target_obs_generator() (targetstate method)": [[14, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.sat_observations.TargetState.target_obs_generator"]], "accesssatellite (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.AccessSatellite"]], "donothingsatellite (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.DoNothingSatellite"]], "fbimagersatellite (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.FBImagerSatellite"]], "fullfeaturedsatellite (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.FullFeaturedSatellite"]], "imageaheadsatellite (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.ImageAheadSatellite"]], "imagingsatellite (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.ImagingSatellite"]], "satellite (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.Satellite"]], "steeringimagersatellite (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.SteeringImagerSatellite"]], "__init__() (accesssatellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.AccessSatellite.__init__"]], "__init__() (imagingsatellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.ImagingSatellite.__init__"]], "__init__() (satellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.Satellite.__init__"]], "action_space (satellite property)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.Satellite.action_space"]], "add_location_for_access_checking() (accesssatellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.AccessSatellite.add_location_for_access_checking"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites": [[15, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites"]], "calculate_additional_windows() (accesssatellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.AccessSatellite.calculate_additional_windows"]], "default_sat_args() (satellite class method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.Satellite.default_sat_args"]], "dyn_type (donothingsatellite attribute)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.DoNothingSatellite.dyn_type"]], "dyn_type (fbimagersatellite attribute)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.FBImagerSatellite.dyn_type"]], "dyn_type (imagingsatellite attribute)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.ImagingSatellite.dyn_type"]], "dyn_type (steeringimagersatellite attribute)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.SteeringImagerSatellite.dyn_type"]], "enable_target_window() (imagingsatellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.ImagingSatellite.enable_target_window"]], "find_next_opportunities() (accesssatellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.AccessSatellite.find_next_opportunities"]], "fsw_type (donothingsatellite attribute)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.DoNothingSatellite.fsw_type"]], "fsw_type (fbimagersatellite attribute)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.FBImagerSatellite.fsw_type"]], "fsw_type (imagingsatellite attribute)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.ImagingSatellite.fsw_type"]], "fsw_type (steeringimagersatellite attribute)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.SteeringImagerSatellite.fsw_type"]], "get_obs() (satellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.Satellite.get_obs"]], "id (satellite property)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.Satellite.id"]], "is_alive() (satellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.Satellite.is_alive"]], "log_info() (satellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.Satellite.log_info"]], "next_opportunities_dict() (accesssatellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.AccessSatellite.next_opportunities_dict"]], "next_windows (imagingsatellite property)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.ImagingSatellite.next_windows"]], "observation_space (satellite property)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.Satellite.observation_space"]], "opportunities_dict() (accesssatellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.AccessSatellite.opportunities_dict"]], "parse_target_selection() (imagingsatellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.ImagingSatellite.parse_target_selection"]], "reset_post_sim() (accesssatellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.AccessSatellite.reset_post_sim"]], "reset_post_sim() (imagingsatellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.ImagingSatellite.reset_post_sim"]], "reset_post_sim() (satellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.Satellite.reset_post_sim"]], "reset_pre_sim() (accesssatellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.AccessSatellite.reset_pre_sim"]], "reset_pre_sim() (imagingsatellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.ImagingSatellite.reset_pre_sim"]], "reset_pre_sim() (satellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.Satellite.reset_pre_sim"]], "set_action() (satellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.Satellite.set_action"]], "set_dynamics() (satellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.Satellite.set_dynamics"]], "set_fsw() (satellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.Satellite.set_fsw"]], "set_simulator() (satellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.Satellite.set_simulator"]], "task_target_for_imaging() (imagingsatellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.ImagingSatellite.task_target_for_imaging"]], "upcoming_opportunities (accesssatellite property)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.AccessSatellite.upcoming_opportunities"]], "upcoming_opportunities_dict() (accesssatellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.AccessSatellite.upcoming_opportunities_dict"]], "upcoming_targets() (imagingsatellite method)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.ImagingSatellite.upcoming_targets"]], "upcoming_windows (imagingsatellite property)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.ImagingSatellite.upcoming_windows"]], "windows (imagingsatellite property)": [[15, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.scenario.satellites.ImagingSatellite.windows"]], "bn (basicdynamicsmodel property)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.BasicDynamicsModel.BN"]], "bp (basicdynamicsmodel property)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.BasicDynamicsModel.BP"]], "basicdynamicsmodel (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.BasicDynamicsModel"]], "continuousimagingdynmodel (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.ContinuousImagingDynModel"]], "dynamicsmodel (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.DynamicsModel"]], "fullfeatureddynmodel (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.FullFeaturedDynModel"]], "groundstationdynmodel (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.GroundStationDynModel"]], "imagingdynmodel (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.ImagingDynModel"]], "loscommdynmodel (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.LOSCommDynModel"]], "__init__() (dynamicsmodel method)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.DynamicsModel.__init__"]], "battery_charge (basicdynamicsmodel property)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.BasicDynamicsModel.battery_charge"]], "battery_charge_fraction (basicdynamicsmodel property)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.BasicDynamicsModel.battery_charge_fraction"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics": [[16, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics"]], "environment (dynamicsmodel property)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.DynamicsModel.environment"]], "is_alive() (dynamicsmodel method)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.DynamicsModel.is_alive"]], "omega_bn_b (basicdynamicsmodel property)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.BasicDynamicsModel.omega_BN_B"]], "omega_bp_p (basicdynamicsmodel property)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.BasicDynamicsModel.omega_BP_P"]], "r_bn_n (basicdynamicsmodel property)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.BasicDynamicsModel.r_BN_N"]], "r_bn_p (basicdynamicsmodel property)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.BasicDynamicsModel.r_BN_P"]], "reset_for_action() (dynamicsmodel method)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.DynamicsModel.reset_for_action"]], "reset_for_action() (imagingdynmodel method)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.ImagingDynModel.reset_for_action"]], "sigma_bn (basicdynamicsmodel property)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.BasicDynamicsModel.sigma_BN"]], "simulator (dynamicsmodel property)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.DynamicsModel.simulator"]], "storage_level (imagingdynmodel property)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.ImagingDynModel.storage_level"]], "storage_level_fraction (imagingdynmodel property)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.ImagingDynModel.storage_level_fraction"]], "v_bn_n (basicdynamicsmodel property)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.BasicDynamicsModel.v_BN_N"]], "v_bn_p (basicdynamicsmodel property)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.BasicDynamicsModel.v_BN_P"]], "wheel_speeds (basicdynamicsmodel property)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.BasicDynamicsModel.wheel_speeds"]], "wheel_speeds_fraction (basicdynamicsmodel property)": [[16, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.dynamics.BasicDynamicsModel.wheel_speeds_fraction"]], "basicenvironmentmodel (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.environment)": [[17, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.environment.BasicEnvironmentModel"]], "environmentmodel (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.environment)": [[17, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.environment.EnvironmentModel"]], "groundstationenvmodel (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.environment)": [[17, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.environment.GroundStationEnvModel"]], "pn (basicenvironmentmodel property)": [[17, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.environment.BasicEnvironmentModel.PN"]], "__init__() (environmentmodel method)": [[17, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.environment.EnvironmentModel.__init__"], [28, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.environment.EnvironmentModel.__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.environment": [[17, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.environment"]], "default_env_args() (environmentmodel class method)": [[17, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.environment.EnvironmentModel.default_env_args"]], "omega_pn_n (basicenvironmentmodel property)": [[17, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.environment.BasicEnvironmentModel.omega_PN_N"]], "basicfswmodel (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.BasicFSWModel"]], "basicfswmodel.mrpcontroltask (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.BasicFSWModel.MRPControlTask"]], "basicfswmodel.nadirpointtask (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.BasicFSWModel.NadirPointTask"]], "basicfswmodel.rwdesattask (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.BasicFSWModel.RWDesatTask"]], "basicfswmodel.sunpointtask (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.BasicFSWModel.SunPointTask"]], "basicfswmodel.trackingerrortask (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.BasicFSWModel.TrackingErrorTask"]], "continuousimagingfswmodel (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.ContinuousImagingFSWModel"]], "continuousimagingfswmodel.locpointtask (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.ContinuousImagingFSWModel.LocPointTask"]], "fswmodel (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.FSWModel"]], "imagingfswmodel (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.ImagingFSWModel"]], "imagingfswmodel.locpointtask (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.ImagingFSWModel.LocPointTask"]], "steeringfswmodel (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.SteeringFSWModel"]], "steeringfswmodel.mrpcontroltask (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.SteeringFSWModel.MRPControlTask"]], "steeringimagerfswmodel (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.SteeringImagerFSWModel"]], "task (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.Task"]], "__init__() (basicfswmodel.mrpcontroltask method)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.BasicFSWModel.MRPControlTask.__init__"]], "__init__() (basicfswmodel.nadirpointtask method)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.BasicFSWModel.NadirPointTask.__init__"]], "__init__() (basicfswmodel.rwdesattask method)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.BasicFSWModel.RWDesatTask.__init__"]], "__init__() (basicfswmodel.sunpointtask method)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.BasicFSWModel.SunPointTask.__init__"]], "__init__() (basicfswmodel.trackingerrortask method)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.BasicFSWModel.TrackingErrorTask.__init__"]], "__init__() (fswmodel method)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.FSWModel.__init__"], [29, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw.FSWModel.__init__"], [30, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering.FSWModel.__init__"]], "__init__() (imagingfswmodel.locpointtask method)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.ImagingFSWModel.LocPointTask.__init__"]], "__init__() (steeringfswmodel.mrpcontroltask method)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.SteeringFSWModel.MRPControlTask.__init__"]], "__init__() (task method)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.Task.__init__"]], "action() (in module bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.action"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw": [[18, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw"]], "c_hat_p (imagingfswmodel property)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.ImagingFSWModel.c_hat_P"]], "create_task() (task method)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.Task.create_task"]], "dynamics (fswmodel property)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.FSWModel.dynamics"]], "environment (fswmodel property)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.FSWModel.environment"]], "is_alive() (fswmodel method)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.FSWModel.is_alive"]], "reset_for_action() (basicfswmodel.mrpcontroltask method)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.BasicFSWModel.MRPControlTask.reset_for_action"]], "reset_for_action() (basicfswmodel.rwdesattask method)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.BasicFSWModel.RWDesatTask.reset_for_action"]], "reset_for_action() (continuousimagingfswmodel.locpointtask method)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.ContinuousImagingFSWModel.LocPointTask.reset_for_action"]], "reset_for_action() (imagingfswmodel.locpointtask method)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.ImagingFSWModel.LocPointTask.reset_for_action"]], "reset_for_action() (steeringfswmodel.mrpcontroltask method)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.SteeringFSWModel.MRPControlTask.reset_for_action"]], "reset_for_action() (task method)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.Task.reset_for_action"]], "simulator (fswmodel property)": [[18, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.fsw.FSWModel.simulator"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation": [[19, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.simulator": [[20, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.simulation.simulator"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.types": [[21, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.types"]], "aliveness_checker() (in module bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional)": [[22, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional.aliveness_checker"]], "bind() (in module bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional)": [[22, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional.bind"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional": [[22, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional"]], "check_aliveness_checkers() (in module bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional)": [[22, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional.check_aliveness_checkers"]], "collect_default_args() (in module bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional)": [[22, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional.collect_default_args"]], "configurable() (in module bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional)": [[22, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional.configurable"]], "default_args() (in module bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional)": [[22, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional.default_args"]], "is_property() (in module bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional)": [[22, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional.is_property"]], "safe_dict_merge() (in module bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional)": [[22, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional.safe_dict_merge"]], "valid_func_name() (in module bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional)": [[22, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional.valid_func_name"]], "vectorize_nested_dict() (in module bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional)": [[22, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.functional.vectorize_nested_dict"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils": [[23, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils"]], "contextfilter (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.logging_config)": [[24, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.logging_config.ContextFilter"]], "simformatter (class in bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.logging_config)": [[24, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.logging_config.SimFormatter"]], "__init__() (contextfilter method)": [[24, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.logging_config.ContextFilter.__init__"]], "__init__() (simformatter method)": [[24, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.logging_config.SimFormatter.__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.logging_config": [[24, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.logging_config"]], "filter() (contextfilter method)": [[24, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.logging_config.ContextFilter.filter"]], "format() (simformatter method)": [[24, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.logging_config.SimFormatter.format"]], "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.orbital": [[25, "module-bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.orbital"]], "elevation() (in module bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.orbital)": [[25, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.orbital.elevation"]], "random_epoch() (in module bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.orbital)": [[25, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.orbital.random_epoch"]], "random_orbit() (in module bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.orbital)": [[25, "bsk_rl.envs.general_satellite_tasking.utils.orbital.random_orbit"]], "bsk_rl.envs": [[26, "module-bsk_rl.envs"]], "dynamicmodel (class in bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics)": [[27, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics.DynamicModel"]], "initalldynobjects() (dynamicmodel method)": [[27, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics.DynamicModel.InitAllDynObjects"]], "setbattery() (dynamicmodel method)": [[27, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics.DynamicModel.SetBattery"]], "setdensitymodel() (dynamicmodel method)": [[27, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics.DynamicModel.SetDensityModel"]], "setdisturbancetorque() (dynamicmodel method)": [[27, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics.DynamicModel.SetDisturbanceTorque"]], "setdrageffector() (dynamicmodel method)": [[27, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics.DynamicModel.SetDragEffector"]], "seteclipseobject() (dynamicmodel method)": [[27, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics.DynamicModel.SetEclipseObject"]], "setgravitybodies() (dynamicmodel method)": [[27, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics.DynamicModel.SetGravityBodies"]], "setgroundlocations() (dynamicmodel method)": [[27, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics.DynamicModel.SetGroundLocations"]], "setinstrument() (dynamicmodel method)": [[27, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics.DynamicModel.SetInstrument"]], "setinstrumentpowersink() (dynamicmodel method)": [[27, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics.DynamicModel.SetInstrumentPowerSink"]], "setreactionwheeldyneffector() (dynamicmodel method)": [[27, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics.DynamicModel.SetReactionWheelDynEffector"]], "setreactionwheelpower() (dynamicmodel method)": [[27, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics.DynamicModel.SetReactionWheelPower"]], "setsimplenavobject() (dynamicmodel method)": [[27, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics.DynamicModel.SetSimpleNavObject"]], "setsolarpanel() (dynamicmodel method)": [[27, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics.DynamicModel.SetSolarPanel"]], "setspacecrafthub() (dynamicmodel method)": [[27, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics.DynamicModel.SetSpacecraftHub"]], "setthrusterdyneffector() (dynamicmodel method)": [[27, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics.DynamicModel.SetThrusterDynEffector"]], "settransmitter() (dynamicmodel method)": [[27, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics.DynamicModel.SetTransmitter"]], "settransmitterpowersink() (dynamicmodel method)": [[27, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics.DynamicModel.SetTransmitterPowerSink"]], "__init__() (dynamicmodel method)": [[27, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics.DynamicModel.__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics": [[27, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.dynamics"]], "environmentmodel (class in bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.environment)": [[28, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.environment.EnvironmentModel"]], "seteclipseobject() (environmentmodel method)": [[28, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.environment.EnvironmentModel.SetEclipseObject"]], "setepochobject() (environmentmodel method)": [[28, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.environment.EnvironmentModel.SetEpochObject"]], "setgravitybodies() (environmentmodel method)": [[28, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.environment.EnvironmentModel.SetGravityBodies"]], "setgroundlocations() (environmentmodel method)": [[28, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.environment.EnvironmentModel.SetGroundLocations"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.environment": [[28, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.environment"]], "fswmodel (class in bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw)": [[29, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw.FSWModel"]], "initallfswobjects() (fswmodel method)": [[29, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw.FSWModel.InitAllFSWObjects"], [30, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering.FSWModel.InitAllFSWObjects"]], "setattitudetrackingerror() (fswmodel method)": [[29, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw.FSWModel.SetAttitudeTrackingError"], [30, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering.FSWModel.SetAttitudeTrackingError"]], "setinstrumentcontroller() (fswmodel method)": [[29, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw.FSWModel.SetInstrumentController"], [30, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering.FSWModel.SetInstrumentController"]], "setlocationpointguidance() (fswmodel method)": [[29, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw.FSWModel.SetLocationPointGuidance"], [30, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering.FSWModel.SetLocationPointGuidance"]], "setmrpfeedbackrwa() (fswmodel method)": [[29, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw.FSWModel.SetMRPFeedbackRWA"]], "setmomentumdumping() (fswmodel method)": [[29, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw.FSWModel.SetMomentumDumping"], [30, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering.FSWModel.SetMomentumDumping"]], "setnadirpointguidance() (fswmodel method)": [[29, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw.FSWModel.SetNadirPointGuidance"], [30, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering.FSWModel.SetNadirPointGuidance"]], "setrwconfigmsg() (fswmodel method)": [[29, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw.FSWModel.SetRWConfigMsg"], [30, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering.FSWModel.SetRWConfigMsg"]], "setrwmotortorque() (fswmodel method)": [[29, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw.FSWModel.SetRWMotorTorque"], [30, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering.FSWModel.SetRWMotorTorque"]], "setsunpointguidance() (fswmodel method)": [[29, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw.FSWModel.SetSunPointGuidance"], [30, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering.FSWModel.SetSunPointGuidance"]], "setthrustermapping() (fswmodel method)": [[29, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw.FSWModel.SetThrusterMapping"], [30, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering.FSWModel.SetThrusterMapping"]], "setthrustersconfigmsg() (fswmodel method)": [[29, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw.FSWModel.SetThrustersConfigMsg"], [30, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering.FSWModel.SetThrustersConfigMsg"]], "setvehicleconfigmsg() (fswmodel method)": [[29, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw.FSWModel.SetVehicleConfigMsg"], [30, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering.FSWModel.SetVehicleConfigMsg"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw": [[29, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw"]], "setupgatewaymsgs() (fswmodel method)": [[29, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw.FSWModel.setupGatewayMsgs"], [30, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering.FSWModel.setupGatewayMsgs"]], "zerogatewaymsgs() (fswmodel method)": [[29, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw.FSWModel.zeroGateWayMsgs"], [30, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering.FSWModel.zeroGateWayMsgs"]], "fswmodel (class in bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering)": [[30, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering.FSWModel"]], "setmrpsteeringrwa() (fswmodel method)": [[30, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering.FSWModel.SetMRPSteeringRWA"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering": [[30, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models.fsw_steering"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models": [[31, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_models"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_sim": [[32, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.bsk_sim"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.env_settings": [[33, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.env_settings"]], "multisatagileeos (class in bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.gym_env)": [[34, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.gym_env.MultiSatAgileEOS"]], "__init__() (multisatagileeos method)": [[34, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.gym_env.MultiSatAgileEOS.__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.gym_env": [[34, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.gym_env"]], "reset() (multisatagileeos method)": [[34, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.gym_env.MultiSatAgileEOS.reset"]], "set_env_params() (multisatagileeos method)": [[34, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.gym_env.MultiSatAgileEOS.set_env_params"]], "set_params() (multisatagileeos method)": [[34, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.gym_env.MultiSatAgileEOS.set_params"]], "sim_attrs() (multisatagileeos method)": [[34, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.gym_env.MultiSatAgileEOS.sim_attrs"]], "step() (multisatagileeos method)": [[34, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.gym_env.MultiSatAgileEOS.step"]], "update_spaces() (multisatagileeos method)": [[34, "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos.gym_env.MultiSatAgileEOS.update_spaces"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos": [[35, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisat_agile_eos"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.bsk_sim": [[36, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.bsk_sim"]], "invalid_action": [[36, "bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.bsk_sim.invalid_action"]], "settings (class in bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.env_settings)": [[37, "bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.env_settings.Settings"]], "__init__() (settings method)": [[37, "bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.env_settings.Settings.__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.env_settings": [[37, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.env_settings"]], "multisensoreos (class in bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.gym_env)": [[38, "bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.gym_env.MultiSensorEOS"]], "__init__() (multisensoreos method)": [[38, "bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.gym_env.MultiSensorEOS.__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.gym_env": [[38, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.gym_env"]], "reset() (multisensoreos method)": [[38, "bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.gym_env.MultiSensorEOS.reset"]], "step() (multisensoreos method)": [[38, "bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos.gym_env.MultiSensorEOS.step"]], "bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos": [[39, "module-bsk_rl.envs.multisensor_eos"]], "bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.bsk_sim": [[40, "module-bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.bsk_sim"]], "simpleeos (class in bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.gym_env)": [[41, "bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.gym_env.SimpleEOS"]], "__init__() (simpleeos method)": [[41, "bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.gym_env.SimpleEOS.__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.gym_env": [[41, "module-bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.gym_env"]], "reset() (simpleeos method)": [[41, "bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.gym_env.SimpleEOS.reset"]], "step() (simpleeos method)": [[41, "bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos.gym_env.SimpleEOS.step"]], "bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos": [[42, "module-bsk_rl.envs.simple_eos"]], "bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.bsk_sim": [[43, "module-bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.bsk_sim"]], "smallbodyscience (class in bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.gym_env)": [[44, "bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.gym_env.SmallBodyScience"]], "__init__() (smallbodyscience method)": [[44, "bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.gym_env.SmallBodyScience.__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.gym_env": [[44, "module-bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.gym_env"]], "reset() (smallbodyscience method)": [[44, "bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.gym_env.SmallBodyScience.reset"]], "step() (smallbodyscience method)": [[44, "bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science.gym_env.SmallBodyScience.step"]], "bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science": [[45, "module-bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science"]], "bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.bsk_sim": [[46, "module-bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.bsk_sim"]], "smallbodysciencepomdp (class in bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.gym_env)": [[47, "bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.gym_env.SmallBodySciencePOMDP"]], "__init__() (smallbodysciencepomdp method)": [[47, "bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.gym_env.SmallBodySciencePOMDP.__init__"]], "bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.gym_env": [[47, "module-bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.gym_env"]], "modify_ob() (smallbodysciencepomdp method)": [[47, "bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.gym_env.SmallBodySciencePOMDP.modify_ob"]], "reset() (smallbodysciencepomdp method)": [[47, "bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.gym_env.SmallBodySciencePOMDP.reset"]], "step() (smallbodysciencepomdp method)": [[47, "bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp.gym_env.SmallBodySciencePOMDP.step"]], "bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp": [[48, "module-bsk_rl.envs.small_body_science_pomdp"]], "bsk_rl": [[49, "module-bsk_rl"]], "bsk_rl.training": [[50, "module-bsk_rl.training"]], "bsk_rl.training.mcts": [[51, "module-bsk_rl.training.mcts"]], "bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train": [[52, "module-bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train"]], "create_model() (in module bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train)": [[52, "bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train.create_model"]], "data_number() (in module bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train)": [[52, "bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train.data_number"]], "load_and_modify_data() (in module bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train)": [[52, "bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train.load_and_modify_data"]], "load_data() (in module bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train)": [[52, "bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train.load_data"]], "mcts_batch() (in module bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train)": [[52, "bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train.mcts_batch"]], "run_episode() (in module bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train)": [[52, "bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train.run_episode"]], "run_experiment() (in module bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train)": [[52, "bsk_rl.training.mcts.mcts_train.run_experiment"]], "a2c_experiment() (in module bsk_rl.training.sb3.experiments)": [[53, "bsk_rl.training.sb3.experiments.a2c_experiment"]], "bsk_rl.training.sb3.experiments": [[53, "module-bsk_rl.training.sb3.experiments"]], "ppo_experiment() (in module bsk_rl.training.sb3.experiments)": [[53, "bsk_rl.training.sb3.experiments.ppo_experiment"]], "run_ppo_experiments() (in module bsk_rl.training.sb3.experiments)": [[53, "bsk_rl.training.sb3.experiments.run_ppo_experiments"]], "bsk_rl.training.sb3": [[54, "module-bsk_rl.training.sb3"]], "balancedhr16triad() (in module bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives.actuator_primitives)": [[55, "bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives.actuator_primitives.balancedHR16Triad"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives.actuator_primitives": [[55, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives.actuator_primitives"]], "idealmonarc1octet() (in module bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives.actuator_primitives)": [[55, "bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives.actuator_primitives.idealMonarc1Octet"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives": [[56, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.effector_primitives"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.genetic_algorithm.experiments": [[57, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.genetic_algorithm.experiments"]], "run_ga_hp_experiment() (in module bsk_rl.utilities.genetic_algorithm.experiments)": [[57, "bsk_rl.utilities.genetic_algorithm.experiments.run_ga_hp_experiment"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.genetic_algorithm": [[58, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.genetic_algorithm"]], "bsk_rl.utilities": [[59, "module-bsk_rl.utilities"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions": [[60, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_initial_conditions": [[61, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_initial_conditions"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit": [[62, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit"]], "create_ground_tgts() (in module bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit)": [[62, "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit.create_ground_tgts"]], "distribute_tgts() (in module bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit)": [[62, "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit.distribute_tgts"]], "elrange_req() (in module bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit)": [[62, "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit.elrange_req"]], "inclined_400km() (in module bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit)": [[62, "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit.inclined_400km"]], "inclined_circular_300km() (in module bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit)": [[62, "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit.inclined_circular_300km"]], "random_inclined_circular_300km() (in module bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit)": [[62, "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit.random_inclined_circular_300km"]], "sampled_400km() (in module bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit)": [[62, "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit.sampled_400km"]], "sampled_500km_boulder_gs() (in module bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit)": [[62, "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit.sampled_500km_boulder_gs"]], "sampled_boulder_gs() (in module bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit)": [[62, "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit.sampled_boulder_gs"]], "walker_delta() (in module bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit)": [[62, "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.leo_orbit.walker_delta"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.sc_attitudes": [[63, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.sc_attitudes"]], "random_tumble() (in module bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.sc_attitudes)": [[63, "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.sc_attitudes.random_tumble"]], "static_inertial() (in module bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.sc_attitudes)": [[63, "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.sc_attitudes.static_inertial"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.small_body": [[64, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.small_body"]], "generate_imaging_points() (in module bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.small_body)": [[64, "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.small_body.generate_imaging_points"]], "generate_mapping_points() (in module bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.small_body)": [[64, "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.small_body.generate_mapping_points"]], "generate_waypoints() (in module bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.small_body)": [[64, "bsk_rl.utilities.initial_conditions.small_body.generate_waypoints"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.mcts": [[65, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.mcts"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.mcts.rollout_policies": [[66, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.mcts.rollout_policies"]], "customactorcriticpolicy (class in bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.custom_sb3_policies)": [[67, "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.custom_sb3_policies.CustomActorCriticPolicy"]], "customnetwork (class in bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.custom_sb3_policies)": [[67, "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.custom_sb3_policies.CustomNetwork"]], "__init__() (customactorcriticpolicy method)": [[67, "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.custom_sb3_policies.CustomActorCriticPolicy.__init__"]], "__init__() (customnetwork method)": [[67, "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.custom_sb3_policies.CustomNetwork.__init__"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.custom_sb3_policies": [[67, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.custom_sb3_policies"]], "forward() (customnetwork method)": [[67, "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.custom_sb3_policies.CustomNetwork.forward"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3": [[68, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.sb3"]], "customactorcriticshieldedagileeospolicy (class in bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies)": [[69, "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies.CustomActorCriticShieldedAgileEOSPolicy"]], "customactorcriticshieldedmultisensoreospolicy (class in bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies)": [[69, "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies.CustomActorCriticShieldedMultiSensorEOSPolicy"]], "customactorcriticshieldedpolicy (class in bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies)": [[69, "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies.CustomActorCriticShieldedPolicy"]], "__init__() (customactorcriticshieldedagileeospolicy method)": [[69, "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies.CustomActorCriticShieldedAgileEOSPolicy.__init__"]], "__init__() (customactorcriticshieldedmultisensoreospolicy method)": [[69, "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies.CustomActorCriticShieldedMultiSensorEOSPolicy.__init__"]], "__init__() (customactorcriticshieldedpolicy method)": [[69, "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies.CustomActorCriticShieldedPolicy.__init__"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies": [[69, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies"]], "forward() (customactorcriticshieldedpolicy method)": [[69, "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shielded_policies.CustomActorCriticShieldedPolicy.forward"]], "agileeosshield (class in bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shields)": [[70, "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shields.AgileEOSShield"]], "multisensoreosshield (class in bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shields)": [[70, "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shields.MultiSensorEOSShield"]], "__init__() (agileeosshield method)": [[70, "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shields.AgileEOSShield.__init__"]], "__init__() (multisensoreosshield method)": [[70, "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shields.MultiSensorEOSShield.__init__"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shields": [[70, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.sb3.shields"]], "bsk_rl.utilities.state_machine": [[71, "module-bsk_rl.utilities.state_machine"]], "examples.general_satellite_tasking": [[72, "module-examples.general_satellite_tasking"]], "examples.general_satellite_tasking.multisat_aeos": [[73, "module-examples.general_satellite_tasking.multisat_aeos"]], "run() (in module examples.general_satellite_tasking.multisat_aeos)": [[73, "examples.general_satellite_tasking.multisat_aeos.run"]], "examples.general_satellite_tasking.satellite_customization": [[74, "module-examples.general_satellite_tasking.satellite_customization"]], "examples.general_satellite_tasking.single_sat": [[75, "module-examples.general_satellite_tasking.single_sat"]], "examples.genetic_algorithm.ga_hp_solver": [[76, "module-examples.genetic_algorithm.ga_hp_solver"]], "examples.genetic_algorithm": [[77, "module-examples.genetic_algorithm"]], "examples": [[78, "module-examples"]], "examples.mcts": [[79, "module-examples.mcts"]], "examples.mcts.mcts_data_generator": [[80, "module-examples.mcts.mcts_data_generator"]], "examples.mcts.network_hyperparam_search": [[81, "module-examples.mcts.network_hyperparam_search"]], "examples.mcts.network_validation_multiprocessing": [[82, "module-examples.mcts.network_validation_multiprocessing"]], "modify_observation() (in module examples.mcts.network_validation_multiprocessing)": [[82, "examples.mcts.network_validation_multiprocessing.modify_observation"]], "run_simulator() (in module examples.mcts.network_validation_multiprocessing)": [[82, "examples.mcts.network_validation_multiprocessing.run_simulator"]], "examples.plotting_tools": [[83, "module-examples.plotting_tools"]], "examples.plotting_tools.plot_a2c_hyperparams": [[84, "module-examples.plotting_tools.plot_a2c_hyperparams"]], "examples.plotting_tools.plot_dqn_hyperparams": [[85, "module-examples.plotting_tools.plot_dqn_hyperparams"]], "examples.plotting_tools.plot_ga_hyperparams": [[86, "module-examples.plotting_tools.plot_ga_hyperparams"]], "examples.plotting_tools.plot_mcts_hyperparams": [[87, "module-examples.plotting_tools.plot_mcts_hyperparams"]], "examples.plotting_tools.plot_ppo_hyperparams": [[88, "module-examples.plotting_tools.plot_ppo_hyperparams"]], "examples.plotting_tools.process_ga_curves": [[89, "module-examples.plotting_tools.process_ga_curves"]], "process_ga_curve() (in module examples.plotting_tools.process_ga_curves)": [[89, "examples.plotting_tools.process_ga_curves.process_ga_curve"]], "examples.plotting_tools.process_sb3_curves": [[90, "module-examples.plotting_tools.process_sb3_curves"]], "examples.sb3.a2c_hyperparam_search": [[91, "module-examples.sb3.a2c_hyperparam_search"]], "examples.sb3.dqn_hyperparam_search": [[92, "module-examples.sb3.dqn_hyperparam_search"]], "examples.sb3": [[93, "module-examples.sb3"]], "examples.sb3.ppo_hyperparam_search": [[94, "module-examples.sb3.ppo_hyperparam_search"]], "examples.sb3.sppo_hyperparam_search": [[95, "module-examples.sb3.sppo_hyperparam_search"]], "examples.state_machine": [[96, "module-examples.state_machine"]], "examples.state_machine.state_machine_example": [[97, "module-examples.state_machine.state_machine_example"]]}}) \ No newline at end of file