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Dukemon - Developer Guide address book 32

1. Setting up

Refer to the guide here.

2. Design

2.1. Architecture

Figure 1. Dukemon Architecture Diagram

The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of Dukemon. Given below is a quick overview of each component.

The .puml files used to create diagrams in this document can be found in the diagrams folder. Refer to the Using PlantUML guide to learn how to create and edit diagrams.

Main has two classes called Main and MainApp. It is responsible for,

  • At app launch: Initializes the components in the correct sequence, and connects them up with each other.

  • At shut down: Shuts down the components and invokes cleanup method where necessary.

Commons represents a collection of classes used by multiple other components. The following class plays an important role at the architecture level:

  • LogsCenter : Used by many classes to write log messages to the App’s log file.

The rest of Dukemon contains seven componenets.

  • UI:
    The Graphical UI of Dukemon that interacts with the user.

  • AppManager:
    The buffer between the User and Dukemon’s internal components.

  • Timer:
    The internal Timer that triggers events based on time elapsed.

  • Logic:
    The main command executor and performer of operations.

  • Model:
    Holds the non-game data in-memory.

  • Game:
    Holds the data of live game sessions in-memory.

  • Storage:
    Reads data from, and writes data to, the local hard disk.

For the components UI, Logic, Model, Timer, Storage and Game:

  • Defines its API in an interface with the same name as the Component.

  • Exposes its functionality using a {Component Name}Manager class.

    • ie. StorageManager implements Storage, GameTimerManager implements GameTimer.

The sections below give more details of each component.

2.2. UI component

Figure 2. Structure of the UI Component


The UI consists of a MainWindow that is made up of parts e.g.CommandBox, ResultDisplay, ModularDisplay, StatusBarFooter etc. All these, including the MainWindow, inherit from the abstract UiPart class.

Figure 3. Structure of the ModularDisplay items.

As our application also comprises a dynamically changing UI in replacement of the PersonListPanel, ModularDisplay contains multiple other Panel classes in itself in order to render the proper screens during runtime. This rendering is controlled by UpdateUi in MainWindow.

The UI component uses JavaFx UI framework. The layouts of these UI parts are defined in matching .fxml files that are in the src/main/resources/view folder. For example, the layout of the MainWindow is specified in MainWindow.fxml

The UI component,

  • Executes user commands using the AppManager component.

  • Listens for changes to Model data and Timer through the AppManager so that the UI can be updated correspondingly.

2.3. AppManager component

Figure 4. Structure of the AppManager Component

The AppManager component serves as a Facade layer and communication hub between the internal components of Dukemon and the UI components. Using this extra layer provides better abstraction between the UI and the internal components, especially between the Timer and the UI.

AppManager communicates with both the Logic and Timer components to send feedback to the UI to display back to the user.

  • Gets feedback for commands by through Logic

  • Starts and Stops the Timer when required.

  • Makes call-backs to the UI to update various UI components.

  • Initiates collection of Statistics by pulling data (eg. Time Elapsed) from Timer and Logic.

2.4. Timer component

Figure 5. Structure of the Timer Component

The Timer consists of a GameTimer that will keep track of time elapsed via an internal countdown timer and notify the AppManager, who will notify the UI components.

  • Dealing with the internal countdown timer that runs during a game session.

  • Periodically triggering callbacks that will notify the AppManager component.

  • Gets timestamps to trigger Hints via a HintTimingQueue

Due to the fact that the Timer has to work closely with the UI and AppManager (without being coupled directly), it is separated from the Logic, Model and Game components.

2.5. Logic component

This section breakdown the logic package into its internal components

Figure 6. Structure of the Logic Component

Logic is primarily built by two segments: Command and Parser.

Command is an abstract class.
Four other abstract classes (WordBankCommand, CardCommand, GameCommand and SettingsCommand) extend Command.
Concrete Command classes with an execute method implementation extend one of the above four abstract classes.
ParserManager holds reference to two SpecificModeParsers
The SpecificModeParsers change based on current application mode.
They hold references to all concrete Parser and Command Classes with the help of ClassUtil

Logic fulfils its contracts with other packages through two interfaces: Logic and UiLogicHelper

2.5.3. Interaction through Logic Interface

Examples of transactions promised by Logic API include command execution, command result and update statistics.

  • Command Execution through Logic Interface

    1. A String from Ui package gets to ParserManager and gets converted into a Command object which is executed by the LogicManager.

    2. The command execution can affect the Model (e.g. adding a word meaning pair into wordbank).

    3. The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a CommandResult object which is passed back to the Ui and AppManager.

    4. In addition, the CommandResult object can also instruct the Ui to perform certain actions, such as displaying help to the user.

2.5.4. Interaction through UiLogicHelper Interface

UiLogicHelper APIs is a subset of Logic APIs and only contains transactions for AutoComplete. It exposes the functionalities through the following getter methods:

  • List<AutoFillAction>#getMenuItems(String text) — Gets a List of AutoFillActions to fill up AutoComplete display based on current user input given in text

  • ModeEnum#getMode() — Retrieves the application mode to display visually to the user (represented by enumeration object ModeEnum)

  • List<ModeEnum>#getModes() — Retrieves the possible modes the user can transition to from current mode

The following sequence diagram shows how the AutoComplete operation runs when user keys in "st" into command box.

Figure 7. Sequence Diagram of AutoComplete

2.6. Model component

Figure 8. Structure of the Model Component


The Model,

  • contains information that the game requires at run time. They include: WordBankList, WordBankStatisticsList, GlobalStatistics, Game, AppSettings, UserPrefs.

  • does not depend on any of the higher level components. i.e. Ui, Timer, AppManager, Logic, Storage.

  • has a direct reference to a user selected WordBank.

  • exposes an unmodifiable ObservableList<Card> that can be 'observed' e.g. the UI can be bound to this list so that the UI automatically updates when the data in the list change.

2.7. Game component

Figure 9. Structure of the Game Component

The Game component,

  • stores a shuffled List<Card> that is cloned/copied from a ReadOnlyWordBank.

  • maintains an Index to keep track of the state of the game.

  • has an associated DifficultyEnum that dictates the time allowed for each question.

  • verifies Guess that are sent by Logic (User’s guesses)

2.8. Storage component

Figure 10. Structure of the Storage Component


The Storage component,

  • contains multiple types of distinct storage system.

  • does not depend on any of the higher level components. i.e. Ui, Timer, AppManager, Logic, Model.

  • handles function calls directly to the computer’s system.

  • can save data objects in json format and read it back.

2.9. Statistics component

The Statistics component includes 2 main subcomponents:

  • A GlobalStatistics, containing the user’s total number of games played and the number of games played in the current week.

  • A WordBankStatisticsList, which is a collection of WordBankStatistics, one for each WordBank.

The class diagram of the Statistics component is shown below:

Figure 11. Statistics class diagram.

2.10. Common classes

Classes used by multiple components are in the seedu.Dukemon.commons package.

3. Implementation

This section describes some noteworthy details on how certain features are implemented.

3.1. AutoComplete/Parser Feature

This section explains how the design choice of Dynamic Parsers fulfils AutoComplete and Command Execution.

ParserManager dynamically changes parser depending on current mode the game is at. This is modeled using the Strategy Pattern.

Instead of choosing a single parser to use at compile time, they are chosen at runtime depending on runtime state. This supports a variety of benefits which are explained under design considerations.

The above implementation empowers the application with the following features :

  1. Every user keystroke only auto completes the right commands

  2. Only the right commands get parsed and executed. What are the right commands? They are the commands that belong to the current mode and switch commands when preconditions are met.

3.1.1. Implementation details of ParserManager

  1. ParserManager instance has reference to two SpecificModeParser objects

  2. When user enters a keystroke, the SpecificModeParser which holds switch commands or SpecificModeParser which holds current mode commands are accessed based on internal state.

  3. Internal State consists of booleans: gameIsOver, bankLoaded and enumeration ModeEnum: HOME, OPEN, GAME, SETTINGS

  4. Boolean algebra is used to derive the four overall states.

    The below activity diagram demonstrates four possible states and a typical user flow.
Figure 12. Activity diagram of a typical application flow
  • Definitions of Switch and Mode in table above

    • SwitchCommands = (commands that change mode)

    • ModeCommands = (commands that belong to a specific mode ie Home, Open, Game and Settings)

3.1.2. Implementation details of SpecificModeParser

  • SpecificModeParsers use ClassUtil to handle instantiation of Parser and Command objects.

  • ClassUtil holds a list of references to Command and Parsers classes. In Java class references are passed using .class attribute. Example: AddCommand.class

  • Internally, ClassUtil employs java reflections to find attributes of classes without instantiating them. Code for it is succinct and shown in the snippet linked here.

  • Also, when a command needs to be executed, it instantiates the Parser object (if any) and Command object at runtime.

  • Here is a snippet is from ParserManager. Just one line of code is necessary to include a new command with its parser. Example:

    temp.add(NewCommand.class, NewCommandParser.class);

3.1.3. Design Considerations

Alternative 1

Alternative 2

Aspect 1:
How parser and command objects are instantiated in SpecificModeParser

Use java reflections to hold a list of classes and iterate through them to pick the matching classes

Open Close Principle strictly followed. Adding a command and a parser takes only one line of code.

It is developer’s responsibility to ensure classes subclass the abstract Command class as compile time errors would not be thrown.

Use switches to match the command word with the right parsers

Compile time error would be thrown if new command or parser does not subclass correctly.

Adding a new command with parser would require the developer to insert it into multiple locations as the autocomplete feature needs an iterable command list.

Why did we choose Alternative 1:
Given that ClassUtil gracefully handles wrongly passed class references, the lack of compile time check does not impair the functionality of the application. Furthermore, alternative 1 prevents code duplication for autocomplete and executing.

Aspect 2:
Single Parser vs Parser Manager

Using a ParserManager to dynamically switch between Parsers based on current state

Commands not belonging to specific mode would not be parsed

More code to write for initial developer.

Use a single parser

We do not need to restructure the logic package.

Bad user experience as it autocompletes and parses commands that do not belong to a particular mode.

Why did we choose Alternative 1:
As commands are stateful, it would be easy to overlook the edge cases when so many combinations and permutations are likely. Segregating them by modes allows a better user experience and minimises the possibilities of bugs. Also, future extensibility is improved for new modes and parsers as the Open Close Principle is abided.

3.2. Settings Feature

3.2.1. Implementation

AppSettings is a class that was created to be integrated into the Model of the app. It currently contains these functionalities:

  • difficulty [EASY/MEDIUM/HARD] to change the difficulty of the game.

  • hints [ON/OFF] to turn hints on or off.

  • theme [DARK/LIGHT] to change the theme of the app. Currently only supporting dark and light themes.

This feature provides the user an interface to make their own changes to the state of the machine. The settings set by the user will also be saved to a .json file under data/appsettings.json.

The activity diagram below summarizes what happens in the execution of a settings command:

Figure 13. Activity diagram of the execution of a settings command.
Take note that "mode" as defined in our project is the state in which the application is able to take commands specific to that mode.

Given below is a step by step walk-through of what happens when a user executes a difficulty command while in settings mode:

Figure 14. Before state of application.

Step 1:
Let us assume that the current difficulty of the application is "EASY". The object diagram above shows the current state of AppSettings.

Figure 15. Sequence diagram of Step 2.

Step 2:
When the user enters difficulty hard, the command gets passed into Ui first, which executes AppManager#execute(), which passes straight to LogicManager#execute() without any logic conditions to determine its execution path.

Figure 16. Sequence diagram of Step 3.

Step 3:
At LogicManager#execute() however, the command gets passed into a parser manager which filters out the DifficultyCommand as a non-switch command and it creates a DifficultyCommand to be executed.

Figure 17. Sequence diagram of Step 4.

Step 4:
Upon execution of the DifficultyCommand, the state of the model is changed such that the DifficultyEnum in AppSettings is now set to HARD.

Figure 18. Sequence diagram of Step 5.

Step 5:
Since the main function of the difficulty command is accomplished and all that is left is to update the ui, the CommandResult that is produced by the execution of the command goes back to Ui without much problem.

Figure 19. Sequence diagram of Step 6.

Step 6:
Assuming that there were no errors thrown during the execution of the difficulty command, the execution calls updateModularDisplay in UpdateUi. In here, the ModeEnum.SETTINGS is registered and it updates the settings display to properly reflect the change in difficulty.

The state of appSettings is then as follows:

Figure 20. After state of application

3.2.2. Design Considerations

There were a few considerations for implementing an interface that essentially allows users to touch a lot of parts of the application through settings and some of these methods break software design principles. These are the considerations we came across:

Alternative 1

Alternative 2

Aspect 1:
Where to effect change when a setting is changed by the user

Effecting the change inside the execute() command of the settings commands:

Since the Command is taking care of all the execution, there is no need to worry about extra implementation of the settings' effects in their classes.

However, there are certain situations that will break software design principles, such as the Single Responsibility Principle by doing the job of already existing classes.

Effecting the change in the part of the architecture that the setting is affecting. E.g, Changing the theme inside Ui or changing the difficulty inside model

This method practises good software engineering principles and it abides by the architecture diagram shown above as to where the changes of the settings are being effected.

This method however requires that the reader gets familiar with the whole architecture diagram as they need to know where to implement the actual change in settings as opposed to creating a new class that performs the same functionality of an existing class.

Why did we choose Alternative 2:
We believe that software design principles exist for a reason. Furthermore, while alternative 1 may seem a lot simpler, Alternative 2 allows for extension just by adding new methods and refrains the user from having to extensively rework the structure of the application in order to add a new setting.

Aspect 2:
How to store information regarding the different settings

Storing it inside the enumerations that make up the choices for the settings

Having the information stored inside the enum allows for immutablilty, such that no other class can change the properties of the enums. Only the developer can change the values of the enums and it will subsequently affect all the methods and functionality that relies on said enum.

In the case that the user wants to customise certain continuous settings such as time limit, they are unable to as those settings are already defined by the developer to be discrete options.

Storing it inside the classes that implement the settings

The information is easily accessible from within the class itself and there is no need for extra import classes to handle the enums in alternative 1.

Unlike Alternative 1, the developer can create an extension to the class implementing the setting to allow the user to customise their settings even further, allowing for continuous values to be used rather than discrete values.

Why did we choose Alternative 1:
The considerations for this aspect was mainly down to how much customisability we wanted to grant our users. While having more customisability is better in some cases, in this one, we do not think the added functionality of allowing the user to extensively customise their experience with our application to be particularly impactful not necessary. Moreover, alternative 2 makes for a less organised code base and we wanted to avoid that as much as possible.

3.3. Timer-based Features

Figure 21. Screenshot of the Timer component in action.

3.3.1. Implementation Overview - Timer

The Timer component utilizes the java.util.Timer API to simulate a stopwatch that runs for each Card in a Game. It relies on using Functional Interfaces as callbacks for the TImer to periodically notify other components in the system without directly holding a reference to those components.

Internally, the Timer works by using the method java.util.Timer.schedule() that schedules java.util.TimerTasks at a fixed rate (every 50ms).

An Observer Pattern is loosly followed between the Timer and the other components. As opposed to defining an Observable interface, the AppManager simply passes in method pointers into the Timer to callback when an event is triggered by the Timer.

To avoid synchronization issues, all callbacks to change UI components are forced to run on the JavaFX Application Thread using Platform.runLater().
Figure 22. Class diagram reflecting how the callback-functions are organized in the Timer component.

The three main events that are currently triggered by the Timer component which require a callback are:

  1. Time has elapsed, callback to AppManager to update and display the new timestamp on the UI.

  2. Time has run out (reached zero), callback to AppManager to skip over to next Card.

  3. Time has reached a point where Hints are to be given to the User, callback to AppManager to retrieve a Hint and display accordingly on the UI.

The callbacks for each of these events are implemented as nested Functional Interfaces within the GameTimer interface, which is implemented by the GameTimerManager.

3.3.2. Implementation Overview - Hints

Figure 23. Class Diagram showing structure of Hints and its relationships to other components. (Some details omitted)

In order to display the Hints component to the user in a Hangman-esque style, string formatting has to be performed.

  • Each Card contains a FormattedHintSupplier that supplies FormattedHints ready to be shown to the user.

  • Each FormattedHintSupplier contains a FormattedHint that is periodically updated.

  • Each FormattedHintSupplier contains a java.util.List of Hint to update the FormattedHint with.

  • Each FormattedHint maintains a char[] array that it’s toString() method uses to format the output Hint string with.

  • Each Hint encapsulates a Character and an Index which the Character is to be shown in the FormattedHint.

The Timer component triggers a request to update Hints to the AppManager, who then updates and retrieves the updated FormattedHint from the current Game via the Logic component.

3.3.3. Flow of Events - Hints Disabled

This section describes the general sequence of events in the life cycle of a single GameTimer object with no hints.

Figure 24. Sequence diagram (with some details omitted) describing the flow of registering and executing callbacks between the different components
GameTimer interface uses a factory method to create GameTimerManager instances. This behavior is omitted in the above diagram for simplicity.

A new GameTimer instance is created by the AppManager for every Card of a Game. The AppManager provides information regarding the duration in which the GameTimer should run for, and whether Hints are enabled.

  1. UI component first registers callbacks with the AppManager.

  2. When a Game is started, AppManager initializes a GameTimer instance for the first Card.

  3. AppManager registers callbacks with the GameTimer component.

  4. AppManager starts the GameTimer.

  5. Periodically, the GameTimer notifies the AppManager to update the UI accordingly.

  6. AppManager is notified by GameTimer, and then notifies UI to actually trigger the UI change.

  7. GameTimer finishes counting down (or is aborted).

  8. AppManager repeats Steps 2 to 7 for each Card while the Game has not ended.

Using this approach of callbacks provides better abstraction between the UI and Timer.

3.3.4. Flow of Events - Hints Enabled

Figure 25. Screenshot of the automatic Hints feature in action.
Figure 26. Activity diagram of the run() method of an instance of GameTimerManager when Hints are enabled.
  • In the diagram as shown above, the internal Timer is started when GameTimerManager calls the .schedule() method of its internal java.util.Timer, which schedules TimerTasks immediately, every 50 milliseconds until the java.util.Timer is cancelled. The field timeLeft is initialized to be the amount of time allowed per Card (in milliseconds), and is updated every 50ms.

  • The behavior of Timer when Hints are enabled is largely still the same.

  • When Hints are enabled, AppManager initializes a HintTimingQueue in the GameTimer for each Card. HintTimingQueue is a class that contains a java.util.Queue of timestamps (in milliseconds). GameTimer polls from the HintTimingQueue and checks against these polled timestamps to update the Hints provided periodically.

3.3.5. Design Considerations

There were a few reasons for designing the Timer and Hints this way.

Alternative 1

Alternative 2

Aspect 1:
Where and How to effect changes to the Ui and other components when the Timer triggers an event.

Holding a reference to Ui and other components directly inside GameTimer itself:

Straightforward and direct, can perform many different tasks on the dependent components.

Poor abstraction and high potential for cyclic dependencies, resulting in high coupling.

Using Functional Interfaces as Call-backs to notify components indirectly.

Maintains abstraction and minimal coupling between Timer and other components

Relies on developer to register correct call-back methods with the Timer. Different actions need to be implemented as different call-backs separately. Possible overhead in performing few levels of call-backs.

Why we chose Alternative 2:
To ensure better extendability of our code for future expansion, we felt it was important to maintain as much abstraction between components. This is also to make life easier when there comes a need to debug and resolve problems in the code.

Alternative 1

Alternative 2

Aspect 2:
Where and how to perform string formatting for Hints to be displayed.

Move retrieval of individual Hint characters and all formatting outside of the Game component completely:

Maintains immutability of each Card inside Game component.

Breaking abstraction as higher level components should not have to deal with string formatting.

Perform formatting at the lowest level possible, using a FormattedHint class.

Higher level components need not know about string formatting at all, maintains good abstraction.

Individual Game components like each Card become stateful, need to make deep copies to prevent state from carrying across Game sessions.

Why we chose Alternative 2:
Implementing cloning of Cards affects other areas of code the least, and reduces unnecessary coupling. Since changes to higher level elements can potentially affect all other components, it was safer to modify more atomic areas of code.


3.4. WordBank Management Feature

This section discusses the implementation of WordBank Management in various levels of detail.
This can be split into four complimentary distinct sections.

They are:

  • WordBank’s data structure and its storage system

  • User Commands

  • Drag and drop

  • Revision WordBank


3.4.1. WordBank's data structure and its storage system

Allows developers to use and extend this architecture to streamline their feature implementation.
Allows user to save and load their WordBanks.

The attributes and methods of the following class diagrams have been carefully written.
They describe and explain WordBank's data structure and its storage system in detail.

We start from the lowest level - Card.
Figure 27. Class diagram of Card.

A Card contains a unique id, a word, a unique meaning, a set of tags.

id : for statistical tracking
word: answer to the question (meaning)
meaning: the question that will appear in the game
tags: optional tags to classify Cards

Cards with the same meaning are duplicates, and is disallowed.

Next, the second level - WordBank.
Figure 28. Class diagram of WordBank.

A WordBank contains a UniqueCardList and a unique name.

UniqueCardList : prevent duplicate Cards
name: unique name of the WordBank

WordBank exposes an unmodifiable ObservableList<Card> that can be 'observed'. The UI can be bound to this list so that the UI automatically updates when the Cards in the list change. WordBanks with the same name are duplicates, and is disallowed.

Now the third level - WordBankList
Figure 29. Class diagram of WordBankList.

A WordBankList contains a UniqueWordBankList.

UniqueWordBankList : prevent duplicate WordBanks

WordBankList exposes an unmodifiable ObservableList<WordBank> that can be 'observed'. The UI can be bound to this list so that the UI automatically updates when the WordBanks in the list change.

In Dukemon, there is should only be one WordBankList, which is created upon Storage initialisation.
Model holds a reference to that specific WordBankList.

Architecture overview - WordBankList
Figure 30. Overview of WordBankList.

WordBank's storage system integration.
Figure 31. Integration of WordBankList within Storage and Model.

WordBankListStorage consists of robust methods in which developers can use and extend upon easily.
Alongside with WordBank's data structure, they lay the foundation for the other complementary sections of WordBank Management.

On top of that, they serve as a essential foundation for Dukemon. As such, these data structures and methods were required by the team, to build individual features. (Statistics, Game, Settings)


3.4.2. User Commands

Allows user to customise Cards and group them according to topics (WordBanks).
User commands edits and manipulates Cards and WordBanks heavily.

As mentioned previously, user commands will extend and utilise WordBank's data structure and storage heavily.
You can refer to it to enhance your understanding of this implementation.

Let us first introduce you how these commands are implemented and structured in Logic.

Figure 32. Overview class diagram of Logic with emphasis on CardCommands and WordBankCommands.

Commands reside in Logic. They work on Model and Storage through Logic.
To segregate Cards according to their function, we distinguished the following:

CardCommands work on Cards.

WordBankCommands work on WordBanks.

Walkthrough - ImportCommand.
Figure 33. Sequence diagram detailing a successful WordBankCommand through different components.
Most of these methods utilised can be found in WordBank's data structure and storage class diagrams.
The emphasis here is to show how these commands utilise WordBank's data structure and storage.

We will see the case where an ImportCommand is valid.
A valid input could be: "import w/bank1, f/~/downloads"

  1. Depending on the input, a specific Command type is returned by ParserManager. i.e. ImportCommand.

  2. Each type of Command executes with slight variance. ImportCommand executes and checks in Model to check if WordBankList already contains WordBank.

  3. Relevant information is stored in a specific CommandResult and is returned back to LogicManager. i.e. ImportCommandResult.

  4. Each type of CommandResult updates the storage with slight variance. ImportCommand calls the importWordBank method.

  5. JsonWordBankListStorage contains the abstracted details of how a commandResult should be handled. For importWordBank method, addWordBank and saveWordBank private methods are called.

  6. Within addWordBank method, WordBank is added into the underlying UniqueWordBankList.
    Two synchronisation happens here.
    Firstly, as Model contains the same WordBankList, the two list contains synchronised data.
    Secondly, WordBankList exposes an unmodifiable ObservableList<WordBank> that can be 'observed'. UI was bounded to this list upon initialisation. Hence, it allows the user sees the updated WordBank automatically.

  7. Within saveWordBank method, an even lower level saveJsonFile function is called to write to the disk. This is performed through the common class: JsonUtil.

  8. It returns back to LogicManager, and a success message is passed back to AppManager, then to the UI to notify the user.

  • Other CardCommand and WordBankCommand work similarly to ImportCommand, with slight variance.


3.4.3. Drag and drop

Allows user to export their WordBank out of their computer simply by dragging it out of Dukemon.
Likewise, it allows user to import a WordBank file from their computer by dragging it into Dukemon.

Improves user experience by making it easy to share WordBanks with friends.

As mentioned previously, drag and drop will extend and utilise WordBank's data structure and storage heavily.
You can refer to it to enhance your understanding of this implementation.

DragAndDrop1     →     DragAndDrop2     →     DragAndDrop3

From HOME mode, you can view your WordBanks.
Simply drag and drop a WordBank json file from your computer into the Dukemon GUI.

DragAndDropOut1     →     DragAndDropOut2     →     DragAndDropOut3

Likewise, drag and drop a WordBank out of the application, into say, your desktop, or chat applications.

Walkthrough - Drag in.
Figure 34. Sequence diagram showing how drag and drop utilises the ImportCommand and thus the WordBank's storage.

LoadBankPanel is the corresponding class and the FXML file that displays the WordBanks for the user.
It is deeply nested within UI and only has access to an ObservableList<WordBank>.
This means it has no way to perform commands, update model or update storage.

  1. To work around this, a functional callback is registered within LoadBankPanel.

  2. LoadBankPanel registers JavaFX’s UI drag detection and drag dropped methods, with the callback.

  3. After which, the callback essentially performs an ImportCommand, to load the WordBank.

It is also noteworthy to mention that, dragging into Dukemon functionality is well guarded against:

  • Not json file format.

  • Json file but data in wrong format.

  • Json file with correct format but contains duplicate cards within.

User receives apt feedback through the command box for different cases. This is possible with careful exceptions handling within the ImportCommand itself.


3.4.4. Revision WordBank

Allows user to visit a centralised WordBank that automatically collects cards for revision.
Cards that were answered wrongly are automatically added to this revision bank.
Likewise, cards that were answered correctly during game play are automatically removed from this revision bank.

Improves user learning experience by helping the user to collate cards that require revision.

As mentioned previously, revision WordBank will extend and utilise WordBank's data structure and storage heavily.
You can refer to it to enhance your understanding of this implementation.
Figure 35. Activity diagram showing different scenarios possible while trying to update revision bank.

Revision WordBank was one of the essential and dominant features we wanted to implement since early development, however it had to be implemented last because it required multiple components working together.

These components include:

  • AppManager

  • StorageManager

  • LogicManager

  • GameStatistics

Given that well-developed methods reside in each of these components, we then require an overview of revision bank implementation. The activity diagram above is able to detail the thought process and implementation.

  1. AppManager gets first notification that a Game session has ended.

  2. StorageManager creates revision word bank if necessary.

  3. GameStatistics gives the required information: correct and wrong Cards.

  4. LogicManager manages the processing of these Cards, with some slight variance depending on situation, into revision bank.

  5. StorageManager saves it back into hard disk.


3.4.5. Design Considerations

Alternative 1

Alternative 2

Aspect 1:
Data structure for WordBankList.

Create classes for both WordBankList and WordBank, even though they are very similar in structure.

User’s modification to their WordBanks and Cards requires very different methods. These two data structure requires different access to the storage as well.
With two different classes, implementation of the Commands that work on these data becomes more distinct. This ensures methods within WordBankList are written for WordBankCommands and methods within WordBank are written for CardCommands, thereby increasing cohesion of individual components and decreasing coupling between the two classes.

Implementation requires much more effort.

Create a generic data structure class, and let both WordBankList and WordBank extend it.

Code that are reusable in WordBank can now be reused for WordBankList.

This couples WordBank with WordBankList. Does not follow the Open-Closed principle.

Why did we choose Alternative 1:
In the spirit of software engineering principles, it is better to have the basic data structure implemented well. Commands that depend on it becomes much easier to implement. (This can be seen in the drag and drop feature.)

Alternative 1

Alternative 2

Aspect 2:
Storage system for word banks.

Store one single large json file with WordBank names as keys and its WordBank data as values:

Always save a snapshot of the data to the same file, regardless of what commands are executed.

Unable to share WordBanks with friends, because one file contains all the WordBanks.

Store each WordBank as a json file.

Enables sharing of WordBank files to friends.

Require more consideration to deal with different type of commands which affects the storage dynamically. Harder to read from multiple files.

Why did we choose Alternative 2:
This choice was based largely from the user’s perspective.
As our app is designed to streamline learning, we figured that easy sharing of WordBanks file with friends is an important aspect in our app, and cannot be compromised.

Alternative 1

Alternative 2

Aspect 3:
Command implementation.
(Same goes for CommandResult implementation)

All types of commands extends a single abstract class Command:

A rather simple implementation which does not break any software engineering principles.

Can be further improved, as in Alternative 2.

Distinguishing WordBankCommand and CardCommand specifically -
Commands that work on Cards extends the abstract CardCommand class and commands that work on WordBank extends the abstract WordBankCommand class.

As we have created distinct data structure for WordBankList and WordBank, distinguished commands now work solely on their respective data structure. It follows the Single Responsibility Principle and the Separation of Concerns Principle more closely, and decreases the coupling between the two component.

Requires tedious implementation to follow the principles.

Why did we choose Alternative 2:
Allows for easy extension of Dukemon’s functionality. Implementation of the drag and drop feature is now a few function calls away, as all data structure and functions are well written.

Alternative 1

Alternative 2

Aspect 4:
How to implement Drag and Drop.
LoadBankPanel is a deeply nested class, and is the corresponding class for the UI to interact with user’s drag and drop action.

Updates Storage directly from LoadBankPanel:

It only requires a reference and then saving directly to Storage. This can be implemented with ease.

Practically, there are a few exceptions being thrown when calling the storage’s method directly. LoadBankPanel cannot handle them effectively.
This also leads to poor abstraction and high potential for cyclic dependencies, resulting in high coupling.

Using Functional Interfaces as Call-backs to call an ImportCommand from LoadBankPanel.

Calling an already well-implemented ImportCommand allows all exceptions caught to be handled properly.
It also maintains abstraction and minimal coupling between LoadBankPanel and other components.

It makes the code less OOP and more functional.

Why did we choose Alternative 2:
Provides a more complete implementation, as it would make sense for exceptions to be caught and allow user to see feedback messages.

3.5. Statistics Feature

3.5.1. Implementation

The work of the Statistics component can be neatly captured and explained using a common series of user actions when operating the app.

User action Statistics work UI Statistics updates

User opens the app.

User’s GlobalStatistics and WordBankStatisticsList are loaded into Model by the MainApp.

User is shown their GlobalStatistics and their most played word bank from the WordBankStatisticsList in the main title page.

User selects a word bank.

The selected WordBankStatistics from the WordBankStatisticsList is loaded into Model.

User opens the selected word bank.

In open mode, User is shown the WordBankStatistics of the opened word bank.

User plays the game.

A GameStatisticsBuilder is used to record user actions during the game.

User finishes the game.

  • A GameStatistics is created from the GameStatisticsBuilder.

  • The WordBankStatistics and GlobalStatistics are updated accordingly and saved to disk.

GameStatistics and the corresponding WordBankStatistics are displayed to user in the game result page.

We will discuss each step with its implementation details primarily on the statistics work.

1. User opens the app

When the user opens the app, their GlobalStatistics and WordBankStatisticsList are loaded into Model by MainApp.

Figure 36. Sequence diagram for loading statistics
2. User selects a word bank

When the user selects a word bank, the selected WordBankStatistics from the WordBankStatisticsList is loaded into Model.

Figure 37. Sequence diagram for selecting a word bank statistics.

It is necessary to set the active WordBankStatistics in the Model such that when the user opens the WordBank, the WordBankStatistics can be found in Model and shown in the UI.

3. User opens the selected word bank

In open mode, the user is shown the WordBankStatistics of the opened word bank, which is set in Model at step 2.

4. User plays the game

A GameStatisticsBuilder is used to record user actions during the game.

When the user starts the game by calling a StartCommand, the GameStatisticsBuilder is initialized. Additionally, the GameStatisticsBuilder is updated with every GuessCommand or SkipCommand made during the game. It receives the timestamp from the GameTimer which also resides in AppManager.

Figure 38. Sequence diagram when user makes a guess.
5. User finishes the game

When the user finishes the game, a GameStatistics is created from the GameStatisticsBuilder. The GameStatistics is shown to the user in the game result page.

The GameStatistics is used to update its corresponding WordBankStatistics, which is then saved to disk. Additionally, the GlobalStatistics is also updated and saved to disk.

Figure 39. Sequence diagram when the user makes the final guess.

The work done in step 4 and 5 is executed in AppManager and the checks to decide what to do are done in the same method updateGameStatisticsBuilder(CommandResult).

Figure 40. Activity diagram when AppManager receives a CommandResult (Details unrelated to statistics are omitted).

3.5.2. Design Considerations

There were some design considerations on implementing the statistics.

Alternative 1

Alternative 2

Aspect 1:
How to store WordBankStatistics in the storage?

Store in a separate file from the WordBank json file, but with the same name in a different directory.

Example: WordBank data is stored at data/wordbanks/pokemon.json while the WordBankStatistics data is stored at data/wbstats/pokemon.json

More abstraction to separate the data.

The data is linked by name, so if the user changes the file name, the link is broken.

Store WordBankStatistics data in the same file as WordBank

Less number of files.

Data is combined into one which lowers abstraction.

Why we decided to choose Alternative 1:
We decided that abstraction between the data is important as each team member should work in parallel, such that it is easier for one person to modify the storage system for the word bank and another person to modify the storage system for the word bank statistics freely.

3.6. Logging

We are using java.util.logging package for logging. The LogsCenter class is used to manage the logging levels and logging destinations.

  • The logging level can be controlled using the logLevel setting in the configuration file (See Section 3.7, “Configuration”)

  • The Logger for a class can be obtained using LogsCenter.getLogger(Class) which will log messages according to the specified logging level

  • Currently log messages are output through: Console and to a .log file.

Logging Levels

  • SEVERE : Critical problem detected which may possibly cause the termination of the application

  • WARNING : Can continue, but with caution

  • INFO : Information showing the noteworthy actions by the App

  • FINE : Details that is not usually noteworthy but may be useful in debugging e.g. print the actual list instead of just its size

3.7. Configuration

Certain properties of the application can be controlled (e.g user prefs file location, logging level) through the configuration file (default: config.json).

Appendix A: Product Scope

Target user profile:

  • Students in formal educational institutions.

  • Students in informal educational contexts.

  • Users who are familiar with the keyboard, able to type fast.

  • Users who enjoy interactive learning.

  • Users who are famiiar and used to CLI-based apps.

Value proposition: Making Learning and Memorization Game-like, Fun and Engaging.

Appendix B: User Stories

Priorities: High (must have) - * * *, Medium (nice to have) - * *, Low (unlikely to have) - *

Priority As a …​ I want to …​ So that I can…​

* * *


add, edit, and delete questions in the word banks

make corrections on what my students are supposed to learn

* * *


give customised word banks and definitions

can let my students practice specific problems.

* * *


list all my word banks

* * *


give titles to word banks

recognise them better

* * *


delete word banks

free up some memory when I don’t need it anymore

* * *


see the content of the word bank

study beforehand/make changes

* * *

young student

trivia questions to be gamified

enjoy the process

* * *


create my own question banks

tailor fit to my learning

* * *

computer science student

have a manual of the commands available

refer to them when I am lost

* *

frequent user

easily access my most recently attempted question sets

can quickly resume my revision

* *

studious student

set and complete goals

have something to work towards

* *


see my test statistics

track my progress/improvement

* *


choose different kinds of time constraints

can simulate exam conditions

* *


categorise my question sets

easily look for relevant materials

* *


mark question sets as important/urgent

know how to prioritise my revision

* *

module coordinator

export lessons

send to their students

* *


share and compare my results with my classmates

know where I stand

* *


partition the trivia

attempt questions that I’m comfortable with

* *

weak student

have the option to see hints

won’t get stuck all the time

* *

computer science student

practise typing bash commands into the CLI

strengthen my bash skills

* *


export statistics

can compare performance across different students


computer science student

customize my “terminal”

changing themes/ background/ font size/ font colour, so that I feel comfortable working on it



protect tests with passwords

let my students do them in lessons together when password is released



protect the files

doesn’t get tampered when distributing to students



have smaller sized files

have more space on my computer

Appendix C: Use Cases

(For all use cases below, the System is the Dukemon and the Actor is the User, unless specified otherwise)

Use case: Add a Card


  1. User selects and opens a WordBank.

  2. Dukemon shows a list of Cards.

  3. User adds Word and Meaning pair.

  4. Dukemon adds a Card into WordBank.

Use case ends.

Use case: Play a game


  1. User selects and opens a WordBank.

  2. Dukemon shows a list of Cards.

  3. User starts a game.

  4. Dukemon shows the Meaning of a Card.

  5. User guesses Word of the corresponding Card.

    Steps 4-5 are repeated till all Cards are played.

  6. Game ends. Dukemon shows statistics of game.

Use case ends.


2a. User opens settings

2a1. User changes hints to off.

Use case resumes from step 3.

Appendix D: Non Functional Requirements

  1. Compatible any mainstream OS as long as it has Java 11 or above installed.

  2. User has above average typing speed for regular English text (i.e. not code, not system admin commands); able to accomplish most of the tasks faster using commands than using the mouse.

  3. Users can export and import their wordbanks or Statistics.

  4. Feedback shown to user must be fast (< 0.2s) especially during a Game.

Appendix E: Glossary

Mainstream OS

Windows, Linux, Unix, OS-X, Ubuntu and etc.


Data structure that contains a list of several Cards.


Analogue to a physical Flashcard- contains a Word and a Meaning.


The component of a Card that is to be guessed by the user during a Game.


The meaning represented by the Word of a Card; is shown to the user during a Game.


A game session that runs on a specific WordBank of Cards.


A piece of executable code that is passed as an argument to other another code that is expected to callback (execute) the argument at a given time. (Adapted from Wikipedia)


Graphical User Interface, the primary interface of which Dukemon's feedback to the user can be seen.

Appendix F: Instructions for Manual Testing.

Given below are instructions for the testing of Dukemon manually.

The below instruction are only intended as starting points for testers to work on; testers are expected to do more exploratory testing.

F.1. Initial Start-up and Editing of a WordBank.

  1. Initial clean launch

    1. Download the Dukemon.jar file and copy into an empty folder

    2. Double-click the .jar file
      Expected: GUI appears with some sample WordBanks. Default window size may not be optimum.

  2. Selecting and viewing a default WordBank

    1. Enter select trivia to choose the Trivia WordBank.
      Expected: GUI shows feedback "Selected word bank: trivia" in the ResultDisplay.

    2. Enter open.
      Expected: GUI switches to Open mode, Cards belonging to Trivia are shown.

  3. Adding a new Card to a WordBank

    1. Enter add w/Damith m/Lecturer of CS2103T t/Easy
      Expected: Feedback shown that a new Card with the above details are added. List of Cards on GUI’s right panel reflects the addition of a new Card.

    2. Enter exit and relaunch Dukemon. Enter select triva and then open upon restarting
      Expected: The new Card ("Damith") added previously is correctly stored in the Triva WordBank.

F.2. Starting and Terminating a Game session without Hints.

  1. Starting a Game after a target WordBank has been selected.

    1. Prerequisite: A WordBank with 3 or more Cards has been selected using the select command.

    2. Enter settings
      Expected: GUI switches to Settings mode, and various configurable parameters are listed. (ie. Theme, Hints etc)

    3. Enter hints off
      Expected: GUI feedback indicates that Hints are turned OFF

    4. Enter start easy
      Expected: GUI switches to Game mode with two panels stacked on top of each other. A 15s-countdown Timer is started at the top right of the GUI. A random Meaning of a Card belonging to the selected WordBank is shown on the upper panel. The bottom panel indicated that there are no Hints. When time is running out, the Timer region changes color.

    5. Enter stop (before all Cards are shown)
      Expected: Game stops, feedback informs that "Game has been forcibly stopped". Timer stops running and disappears.

    6. Enter guess abc to attempt to make a Guess after Game ends.
      Expected: No guess is processed, feedback indicates that "This command does not work right now"

    7. Enter skip to attempt to skip over to another Card.
      Expected: No skipping over occurs, feedback indicates that "This command does not work right now"

Other possible Difficulties to start with are start medium and start hard, allowing 10s and 5s respectively for each Card. Other invalid commands will yield similar results after stopping the Game.

F.3. Importing and Exporting a WordBank using Drag-and-Drop.

  1. Exporting a WordBank using Drag-and-Drop

    1. Prerequisite: There exists at least one WordBank in Dukemon's data storage. Let W be any WordBank that currently exists in Dukemon's storage.

    2. (Single) Click on Panel on the right half of the GUI that indicates WordBank W
      Expected: WordBank W's panel on the GUI becomes highlighted.

    3. Use mouse cursor to click-and-drag highlighted panel outside of Dukemon into an empty folder.
      Expected: A file with name W.json appears in the folder where it was dragged into.

  2. Importing a WordBank using Drag-and-Drop

    1. Prerequisite: WordBank to be imported is in valid .json format, and all of its Cards are valid within constraints. Let V be the WordBank to be imported.

    2. (Single) Click on V.json in your file directory. Start Dukemon and drag V.json into the panel on the right side (where the list of WordBanks is shown.)
      Expected: WordBank V is successfully added into the list of WordBanks, feedback indicates location where file was imported from.

F.4. Changing and Saving Dukemon Settings

  1. Changing Color Theme of Dukemon

    1. Prerequisite: A WordBank has already been selected from the Home mode, and no Game session is in progress.

    2. Enter settings
      Expected: GUI switches to the Settings screen.

    3. Enter theme light
      Expected: GUI’s overall color theme switches to a lighter color.

    4. Enter exit, then restart Dukemon (do not change any configuration or data files)
      Expected: GUI’s color theme remains light after restarting.