DSA Kit is a comprehensive collection of Python modules that implement various data structures and algorithms from scratch. The primary goal of this project is to provide efficient and well-optimized implementations of fundamental data structures and algorithms.
- Developed all data structures as Python modules using best-known algorithms.
- Ensured efficient Time and Space complexities for all implemented algorithms.
- Comprehensive modules for Linked Lists, Binary Trees, and Tries with essential functions not available in Python's standard library.
- Implemented default data structures like HashSet, HashMap, Circular Deque, and Min/Max Heap.
Click on the following link for their respective documentations
You can install DSA Kit using pip:
pip install dsakit
pip3 install dsakit
After installation, you can use any of the 4 modules of this package:
- LinkedList
- BinaryTree
- Trie
- UnionFind, using the following import on python
from LinkedList import *
from BinaryTree import *
from Trie import *
from UnionFind import *
DSA Kit is open-source software released under the MIT License. Feel free to use it in your projects.