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Java implementations of key sorting algorithms such as Bubble Sort, Merge Sort, and Counting Sort. It includes a CLI for seamless interaction, comprehensive unit testing for reliability assurance, and mean time calculations for informed algorithm selection.

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Sorting Techniques

Implementation of various sorting techniques in Java. The primary objective is to comprehend the functionality and performance characteristics of these algorithms. Through practical implementation and comparison, this exploration aims to facilitate informed decision-making regarding the selection of sorting algorithms for diverse applications.

Sorting Techniques

Three fundamental sorting techniques are implemented:

  1. Bubble Sort: A simple and intuitive sorting algorithm with a time complexity of O(n^2). It iteratively compares adjacent elements and swaps them if they are in the wrong order.

        n = length(array)
        for i from 0 to n-1
            for j from 0 to n-i-1
                if array[j] > array[j+1]
                    swap(array[j], array[j+1])
    return array
  2. Merge Sort: A divide-and-conquer algorithm known for its efficiency with a time complexity of O(n log n). It recursively divides the array into halves, sorts them individually, and then merges them.

        if length(array) <= 1
            return array
        middle = length(array) / 2
        left = mergeSort(first half of array)
        right = mergeSort(second half of array)
        return merge(left, right)
    merge(left, right)
        result = new empty list
        leftIndex = 0
        rightIndex = 0
        while leftIndex < length(left) and rightIndex < length(right)
            if left[leftIndex] <= right[rightIndex]
                append left[leftIndex] to result
                leftIndex = leftIndex + 1
                append right[rightIndex] to result
                rightIndex = rightIndex + 1
        while leftIndex < length(left)
            append left[leftIndex] to result
            leftIndex = leftIndex + 1
        while rightIndex < length(right)
            append right[rightIndex] to result
            rightIndex = rightIndex + 1
        return result
  3. Counting Sort: A linear-time sorting algorithm with a time complexity of O(n). It works by counting the number of occurrences of each unique element in the input array and using arithmetic to determine its position in the sorted output.

        max = maximum value in array
        min = minimum value in array
        range = max - min + 1
        count[] = new array of size range
        output[] = new array of the same size
        for i from 0 to length(array)-1
            count[A[i] - min] = count[A[i] - min] + 1
        for i in array
            while count[i - min] > 0
    		        count[i - min] -= 1
                output[count[i - min]] = i
        return output

Comparison between Sorting Algorithms

Sorting Algorithm Time Complexity (Big O) Time Complexity (Theta) Time Complexity (Omega) Space Complexity
Bubble Sort $O(n^2)$ $Θ(n^2)$ $Ω(n)$ $O(1)$
Merge Sort $O(n \log{n})$ $Θ(n\log{n})$ $Ω(n\log{n})$ $O(n)$
Counting Sort $(k = max - min )$ $O(n + k)$ $Θ(n + k)$ $Ω(n + k)$ $O(n + k)$

Command Line Interface

A command-line interface is provided to interact with the implemented sorting algorithms. The interface takes the path of the file containing the list of elements as input and allows users to choose one of the three sorting algorithms to run.

Java Unit Testing

A suite of JUnit tests is included to ensure the correctness and efficiency of the implemented sorting algorithms. These tests cover various scenarios, including worst-case, best-case, and average-case scenarios, providing comprehensive validation of the algorithms' functionality.

Mean time calculation

The MeanTime class facilitates the evaluation of sorting algorithms by generating random arrays of varying sizes and calculating the mean time required to sort them. It offers the following key functionalities:

  1. generateRandomArray(int size):
    • Generates a random array of integers with the specified size.
  2. calculateMeanSortingTime(String sortingAlgorithm, int[] sizes, int iterations):
    • Computes the mean time taken to sort arrays of different sizes using a specified sorting algorithm.

Mean Sorting Times Analysis

After obtaining the mean sorting times for various array sizes across different sorting algorithms, we utilized a Python script to visualize the output. Below are the visual representations and the table summarizing the data:

Bubble Sort Graph:


Merge Sort Graph:


Counting Sort Graph:


Combined Graph for all Sorting Techniques:



Mean Sorting Times Table:

Array Size Bubble Sort Merge Sort Counting Sort
10 0.012 0.035 0.042
50 0.120 0.040 0.045
100 0.179 0.048 0.046
300 0.360 0.147 0.057
500 0.446 0.245 0.066
700 0.616 0.294 0.097
1000 0.827 0.403 0.148
3000 6.213 0.653 0.238
5000 17.493 1.712 0.390
7000 34.234 2.845 0.436
10000 68.227 5.423 0.480
30000 940.947 8.919 1.490
50000 3926.765 15.176 2.379
70000 8735.011 22.260 4.047
100000 19288.662 35.421 6.843


Java implementations of key sorting algorithms such as Bubble Sort, Merge Sort, and Counting Sort. It includes a CLI for seamless interaction, comprehensive unit testing for reliability assurance, and mean time calculations for informed algorithm selection.






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  • Java 93.8%
  • Python 6.2%