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This repository contains the backend for a blog application, built with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB, featuring user authentication and RESTful API endpoints

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Blog API

This is a simple RESTful API for a blog application, built with Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and other technologies. The API allows users to register, log in, and perform CRUD operations on blog posts.

Table of Contents


  • User Registration and Login
  • Authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  • Password hashing using bcryptjs
  • CRUD operations on blog posts
  • Input validation using Joi

Technologies Used

  • Backend: Node.js, Express.js
  • Database: MongoDB, Mongoose, Cloudinary
  • Authentication: JWT, bcryptjs
  • Validation: Joi
  • Development Tools: Nodemon


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Set up environment variables: Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following variables:

    MONGO_URI = your_mongo_db_connection_string
    JWT_SECRET = your_jwt_secret
    NODE_ENV = development
    CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME = your_cloudinary_cloud_name
    CLOUDINARY_API_KEY = your_cloudinary_api_key
    CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET = your_cloudinary_api_secret
  4. Start the development server:

    npm run dev


  • Use a tool like Postman or cURL to interact with the API.
  • Authenticate with the API:
    • Register a new user:
      • Send a POST request to /api/auth/register with the required fields (username, email, password) to create a new user account.
    • Log in an existing user:
      • Send a POST request to /api/auth/login with email and password to receive a JWT token.
  • Include the token in requests:
    • Use the received token in the Authorization header of requests to access protected routes. The token should be prefixed with Bearer .
    • Example header: Authorization: Bearer your_jwt_token_here

API Endpoints


  • POST /api/auth/register - Register a new user

    • Request Body:
        "username": "your_username",
        "email": "",
        "password": "your_password"
  • POST /api/auth/login - Log in an existing user

    • Request Body:
        "email": "",
        "password": "your_password"


  • GET /api/users - Get all users

    • Description: Retrieves a list of all users.
    • Access: Private (requires authentication)
  • GET /api/users/:id - Get user profile

    • Description: Retrieves the profile of a specific user by their ID.
    • Access: Private (requires authentication)
  • PUT /api/users/:id - Update user profile

    • Description: Updates the profile information of a specific user by their ID.
    • Request Body:
        "username": "new_username",
        "password": "new_password", // Optional
        "Bio": "new_bio"
    • Access: Private (requires authentication)
  • GET /api/users/count - Get the total number of users

    • Description: Retrieves the total count of users in the system.
    • Access: Private (requires authentication)
  • POST /api/users/profile/profile-photo-upload - Upload profile picture

    • Description: Allows the user to upload a profile picture. The image is uploaded to Cloudinary, and the user's profile is updated with the new image.
    • Request: Multipart form-data with the file field named file.
    • Access: Private (only the user themselves)
  • DELETE /api/users/profile/:id - Delete user profile

    • Description: Deletes a user profile, including the user's profile photo from Cloudinary and other associated data.
    • Access: Private (only admin or the user themselves)


  • POST /api/posts - Create new post

    • Description: Creates a new post with an image uploaded to Cloudinary. The post is saved in the database.
    • Request Body:
        "title": "Post title",
        "description": "Post description",
        "category": "Post category"
    • Request: Multipart form-data with the file field named file.
    • Access: Private (only logged-in users)
  • GET /api/posts - Get all posts

    • Description: Retrieves a list of all posts. Supports pagination and filtering by category.
    • Query Parameters:
      • pageNumber: Page number for pagination.
      • category: Filter posts by category.
    • Access: Public
  • GET /api/posts/:id - Get single post

    • Description: Retrieves a specific post by its ID.
    • Access: Public
  • GET /api/posts/count - Get posts count

    • Description: Retrieves the total count of posts in the system.
    • Access: Private (only admin)
  • DELETE /api/posts/:id - Delete post

    • Description: Deletes a specific post by its ID. Only the admin or the user who created the post can delete it.
    • Access: Private (only admin or the user who created the post)
  • PUT /api/posts/:id - Update post

    • Description: Updates a specific post by its ID. Only the user who created the post can update it.

    • Request Body:

        "title": "Updated title",
        "description": "Updated description",
        "category": "Updated category"
    • Access: Private (only the user who created the post)

  • PUT /api/posts/upload-image/:id - Update post image

    • Description: Updates the image of a specific post by its ID. Only the user who created the post can update the image.
    • Request: Multipart form-data with the file field named file.
    • Access: Private (only the user who created the post)
  • PUT /api/posts/liked/:id - Toggle Like

    • Description: Toggles the like status of a specific post by its ID. Only logged-in users can like or unlike the post.
    • Access: Private (only logged-in users)


  • POST /api/comments - Add a new comment

    • Description: Adds a new comment to a specific post.

    • Request Body:

        "postId": "ID of the post",
        "text": "Comment text"
    • Access: Private (only logged-in users)

  • GET /api/comments - Get all comments

    • Description: Retrieves a list of all comments in the system.
    • Access: Private (only admin)
  • DELETE /api/comments/:id - Delete comment

    • Description: Deletes a specific comment by its ID. Only the admin or the user who created the comment can delete it.
    • Access: Private (only admin or the user who created the comment)
  • PUT /api/comments/:id - Update comment

    • Description: Updates a specific comment by its ID. Only the user who created the comment can update it.

    • Request Body:

        "text": "Updated comment text"
    • Access: Private (only logged-in users and who create the post)


  • Authentication Middleware: Ensures routes are protected by verifying JWT tokens.

  • Error Handling Middleware: Catches and processes errors from various parts of the application.

  • Object ID Validation Middleware: Validates MongoDB Object IDs in request parameters.

    • Functionality: This middleware checks if the provided ID is a valid MongoDB Object ID. If the ID is invalid, it returns a 400 Bad Request response with a message indicating that the Object ID is invalid.
    • Usage:
      const validateObjectId = require('./path/to/middleware');
      app.use('/api/some-route/:id', validateObjectId, someController);
  • Photo Upload Middleware: Handles image uploads using multer.

    • Functionality: This middleware manages image uploads, storing them in a specified directory on the server. It also enforces file size limits (e.g., 5MB) and ensures that only image files are accepted.
    • Usage:
      const photoUpload = require('./path/to/middleware');'/api/users/profile/profile-photo-upload', photoUpload.single('file'), profilePhotoUploadCtrl);


  • Cloudinary Utility: This utility, located in the utils/Cloudinary.js file, handles image uploads and deletions using Cloudinary.
    • Functions:
      • cloudinaryUploadImage(file): Uploads an image to Cloudinary and returns the uploaded image data.
      • cloudinaryRemoveImage(imagePublicId): Deletes an image from Cloudinary using its public ID.
    • Usage: These functions are used in controllers that require image upload or deletion functionality.

Error Handling

  • 400 Bad Request: This error occurs when the request is invalid or has missing or incorrect data. For example, if required fields are missing or data validation fails.

      "message": "Invalid request data"
  • 401 Unauthorized: This error occurs when authentication is required but the request does not include valid credentials. For example, if a token is missing or invalid.

    "message": "Authentication failed"
  • 403 Forbidden: This error occurs when the user is authenticated but does not have permission to access the requested resource. For example, if a non-admin user tries to access admin-only endpoints.

    "message": "Access denied"
  • 404 Not Found: This error occurs when the requested resource could not be found. For example, if a user tries to access a non-existent endpoint or user.

    "message": "Resource not found"
  • 500 Internal Server Error: This error occurs when there is an unexpected server-side issue. For example, if there is an error in the server code or an unhandled exception occurs

    "message": "Internal server error"

This format provides clear and concise information about the possible errors and their responses, suitable for inclusion in your file.

Upcoming Features

The API currently supports user registration and login. The implementation for additional endpoints (such as CRUD operations for blog posts) is in progress and will be added in a future update. Stay tuned for the next version!


This project is licensed under the MIT License. You can copy and paste this directly into your `` file.


This repository contains the backend for a blog application, built with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB, featuring user authentication and RESTful API endpoints







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