Deployed Link :-
This code is written in HTML and is used to create a webpage for a sushi restaurant. The webpage includes various sections such as a header, a hero section, an about us section, a popular foods section, and a trending section. Each section contains different information and elements such as text, images, buttons, and navigation menus. The code also includes links to external CSS and JavaScript files for styling and functionality.
The header section includes a logo, a navigation menu, and a search icon. The hero section includes a background image, a title, a description, and two buttons for ordering and playing a tutorial. The about us section includes an image, a title, a description, and a learn more button. The popular foods section includes a title, filters, and a catalogue of food items with images, titles, details, and prices. The trending section includes two subsections, one for sushi and one for drinks, each with an image, a title, a description, and a list of trending items. The subscription section includes a form for signing up for a newsletter. The footer section includes a logo, navigation menus, and social media icons.
The code also includes data-aos attributes which are used for animations and transitions on the webpage. The script.js file is used to handle the functionality of the webpage such as scrolling, filtering, and animations.