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📚 Learning Java with Data Structures and Algorithms 🚀

Hello there! 👋 I'm currently learning Java with a focus on Data Structures and Algorithms. I've been learning from various resources and I'm excited to share my notes and progress here.

📖 What I've Learned So Far

  • Basic Java Syntax
  • Object-Oriented Programming in Java
  • Data Structures in Java
  • Algorithms in Java

📝 Notes

I'll be updating this repository with the best notes from my learning journey. Stay tuned!

📌 Resources

I've been learning from many different places. Here are some of the resources I've found most helpful:

Paid Resources Free For You 🆓

Paid Resources

-PW Skills

🙏 Thanks

Thank you for checking out my learning journey! If you have any suggestions or resources, feel free to share them with me.

Happy Coding! 💻