A Python script that uses Selenium to rewind (replay) your favorite videos.
How many times has it happened that you liked a video/song in YouTube and when it gets over you had to switch over from that important task you were doing to restarting the video?
Well, I came up with a script that does just that! Yay! It is a beginner level script (beginner level functionality for now).
- You tell the script how many videos you intend to play.
- You then enter for each video the search phrase which you'll enter in YouTube's search field.
- Finally, tell the script how many times do you want to keep 'rewinding' each video, and then sit back and enjoy the show!
- Python 3.7.4
- Selenium
- As of now it works with Chrome browser. So, install Chromedriver https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/downloads.
- You need to have Python 3.7.4 or above, and Selenium (pip install selenium)
- Simply run YouTube_Rewinder.py