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Accounting System built in ASP.NET DotNetCore, ReactJS, MobX. Don't forget to click STAR if you like this project.


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Accounting System built on .net core, opensource and cross platform (ASP.NET Core MVC + ReactJS on the Frontend). This is useful if you have a requirement to develop accounting system. Although it's still in early stage and still have lots of work to do but happy to share it to anyone. It is designed for small size businesses and the idea is to help them run efficient business by using Accounting System fit to them.


% dotnet --list-sdks
7.0.103 [/usr/share/dotnet/sdk]

If you install your .net runtime to other location other than default installation directory, you need to set the environment variable DOTNET_ROOT to the installation directory of your dotnet. For example, I installed my dotnet sdk to /usr/bin/dotnet so I will set the env variable to:

% export DOTNET_ROOT=/usr/bin/dotnet
  • You can use MacOS, Linux, Windows to develop and deploy this project.
  • We are also experimenting F# + microservice on some parts.
  • Due to time availability constraint, this project is not in active development.


On a high level, this solution will provide modules including but not limited to

  1. Accounts Receivable
  2. Accounts Payable
  3. Inventory Control
  4. Financial/Accounting

Getting Started

  • Download and install Visual Studio Code from based on your Operating System
  • Clone or fork the latest repository in

Global Options

AccountGoWeb project requires webpack, webpack-cli, gulp and typescript installed and if you wish to install these globally you can proceed on these below steps. Otherwise you can skip these steps and proceed to Project Builds

  1. Open Visual Studio Code terminal, change to directory src/accountgoweb and install all npm packages by calling npm install

NOTE: If you encounter error on npm install in AccountGoWeb project, try to delete the package_lock.json file and run npm install again.

  1. Install typescript globally by executing npm install -g typescript
  2. Install webpack-cli globally by executing npm install -g webpack-cli
  3. Install webpack globally by executing npm install -g webpack
  4. Install gulp globally by executing npm install -g gulp

Project Builds

Normal project build steps that you need to go through:

  1. Open a new Visual Studio Code terminal
  2. Navigate directory to src/Core and execute dotnet restore then dotnet build
  3. Do the same for Services, Dto, Api and AccountGoWeb respectively and make sure all projects build successfully
  4. Alternatively, use accountgo.sln file to use by dotnet build. To do this change directory to src folder, execute dotnet restore, then dotnet build

Preceding steps confirms all projects can build successfully using dotnet build. Succeeding steps will provide specific instructions to :

  • Build and Run "Api" (Back-end)
  • Build and Run "AccountGoWeb" (Front-end)
  • Database Server Setup

Let's start with database setup first.

Database Server Setup

You can opt to install your local SQL Server instance or you can use docker image (like we do). Feel free to choose what suits you best:

Using Docker

Assuming you have docker installed (make sure to use linux container), follow the steps below. (Install docker if you haven't done so.)

  1. Open command prompt (terminal for MacOS).
  2. Execute docker pull microsoft/mssql-server-linux. We prefer to use SQL Server for Linux for lightweight.
  3. Run sql server for linux. Execute docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=Str0ngPassword' -p 1433:1433 -d --name=local-mssql microsoft/mssql-server-linux. The default database user here is sa Note: If you are encountering issue where the docker container close immediately, try to use docker-compose up but be sure to comment out web and api services so that db service is the only service that will be configured to run.

If you are using Mac M1 or higher, you can use Azure SQL Edge which can support arm64 architecture.

  1. Azure SQL Edge on Mac M1 docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=1" -e "MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=Str0ngPassword" -e "MSSQL_PID=Developer" -e "MSSQL_USER=SA" -p 1433:1433 -d --name=sql

Checking docker connection using SQL Operation Studio:

  1. Download SQL Operation Studio or Azure Data Studio by Microsoft to manage the SQL Server.
  2. Open SQL Operation Studio and connect to your running SQL Server docker container.

Using SQL Server

If you have an existing SQL Server either from your local machine or remotely, you can opt to create your own accountgo database instance:

  1. Login to SQL Server Management Studio using your existing database account
  2. Create blank database instance by executing CREATE DATABASE accountgodb NOTE: This is optional. EF Migration script will auto create database if not exist.

Data Setup

Publish Database For the first time

Using EntityFrameworkCore CLI database migration will create and migrate the accountgodb database to the current version. Make sure you have dotnet ef tool.

% dotnet tool list -g
Package Id      Version      Commands 
dotnet-ef       3.1.6        dotnet-ef

% dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

Create Migration Scripts

If publishing database for the first time or there are changes made to the models, use EntityFrameworkCore CLI database migration to create an update migration to keep the accountgodb database updated.

In root folder accountgo run the following command using a terminal, command prompt, or package manager console:

  1. dotnet ef migrations add {Name} --project ./src/Api/ --startup-project ./src/Api/Api.csproj --msbuildprojectextensionspath .build/obj/Api/ --context ApplicationIdentityDbContext --output-dir Data/Migrations/IdentityDb
  2. dotnet ef migrations add {Name} --project ./src/Api/ --startup-project ./src/Api/Api.csproj --msbuildprojectextensionspath .build/obj/Api/ --context ApiDbContext --output-dir Data/Migrations/ApiDb

Note: {Name} must be provided. For example the name can be "InitialMigration". The above command will create migration scripts. Obviously, if you are doing this for the first time, the migration scripts contains all tables. Make you can connect to your database since the EF will connect to that and check for existing database and tables.

Then to actually publish, In root folder accountgo run the following command using a terminal, command prompt, or package manager console:

  1. dotnet ef database update --project ./src/Api/ --msbuildprojectextensionspath .build/obj/Api/ --context ApplicationIdentityDbContext
  2. dotnet ef database update --project ./src/Api/ --msbuildprojectextensionspath .build/obj/Api/ --context ApiDbContext

Initialize Data

At this point, your database has no data on it. But there is already an initial username and password ( and you can logon to the UI. Now lets, create some initial data that would populate the following models.

  • Company
  • Chart of accounts/account classes
  • Financial year
  • Payment terms
  • GL setting
  • Tax
  • Vendor
  • Customer
  • Items
  • Banks

To initialize a company, call the api endpoint directly http://localhost:8001/api/administration/setup from the browser or by using curl e.g. curl http://localhost:8001/api/administration/setup. If you encounter some issues, the easy way for now is recreate your database and repeat the Publish Database section.

Build and Run "Api" (Back-end)

  1. Navigate directory to src/Api project
  2. Build the project dotnet build
  3. Under Properties folder Use the launchsettings.json to change database connection DBSERVER, DBUSERID and DBPASSWORD. The appsettings.json contain connectionstring but need to supply some values.
  4. Run the api, execute dotnet run.
    • To run in development mode, execute dotnet run --environment Development
    • To change it to specific port, execute dotnet run --environment Development server.urls=http://+:8001. It could be any port as you like, but the front-end is hard-coded to call api on port http://localhost:8001. So change the front-end as too. By default, port is open to 5000 and 5001 (http and https respectively).
  5. To test if Api is running correctly, you can simply call one GET endpoint. e.g. http://localhost:8001/api/sales/customers. This will return list of customers in JSON format.

Build and Run "AccountGoWeb" (Front-end)

AccountGoWeb require more steps to completely build the front-end artifacts. To do this, follow the succeeding steps:

  1. Change directory to src/AccountGoWeb and open a new Visual Studio Code terminal
  2. If gulp is installed globally, run gulp (This will run the gulpfile.js). Else run npm run gulp
  3. If typescript is installed globally, run tsc (This will run the tsconfig.json). Else run npm run tsc
  4. If webpack and webpack-cli are installed globally, run webpack (This will run the webpack.config.js). Else, run npm run webpack
  5. And lastly, in src/AccountGoWeb terminal, execute dotnet build

Note: If you encounter this error below, then run dotnet restore on SampleModule project.

/usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk/2.1.401/Sdks/Microsoft.NET.Sdk/targets/Microsoft.PackageDependencyResolution.targets(198,5): error NETSDK1004: Assets file '/Users/Marvs/source/accountgo/.build/obj/SampleModule/project.assets.json' not found. Run a NuGet package restore to generate this file. [/Users/Marvs/source/accountgo/src/Modules/SampleModule/SampleModule.csproj] 6 Warning(s) 1 Error(s)

  1. Run the AccoungGoWeb project, execute dotnet run. If launchsettings.json ommitted, thus, the following points are important.
    • To run in development mode, execute dotnet run --environment Development
    • To change it to specific port, execute dotnet run --environment Development server.urls=http://+:8000. It could be any port as you like. By default, port is open to 5000 and 5001 (http and https respectively).
    • dotnet run will use launchsettings.json by default if exist.
  2. To test if AccountGoWeb UI is running correctly, open your browser to http://localhost:8000

UPDATE: Above steps are still valid, however, dotnet run --environment Development server.urls=http://+:8000 will automatically execute gulp, tsc, and webpack commands. Changes to the styles must be done inside the Scss folder as any modifications in the css files inside wwwroot/css folder will only be overriden if a sass compilation is done using npm run css. Everytime, you change the source scss files, run npm run css first before dotnet build to ensure that the latest style modifications are being used


Your wwwroot folder should be look like this if you correctly followed the steps above.


Using docker-compose

To run everything (database, api, web) in docker container you can use docker-compose.yml

  1. Make sure to change directory to the root folder accountgo
  2. Execute docker-compose up or docker-compose up --build
  3. Create database, tables, foreign keys, and some initial data. To do this go to Publish Database (Create Tables, Foreign Keys, and some Initial Data) above.
  4. Initialize data by calling a special api endpoint directly from the browser or curl. e.g. curl http://localhost:8001/api/administration/initializedcompany

SUMMARY: At this point, you should have:

  1. Database instance running in docker container and you can connect to it
  2. You should have a running "Api" and can test it by getting the list of customers e.g. http://localhost:8001/api/sales customers
  3. You can browse the UI from http://localhost:8000 and able to login to the system using initial username/password:
  4. Initialize data by calling a special api endpoint directly: http://localhost:8001/api/administration/setup

Technology Stack

  • ASP.NET Core 3.1
  • ReactJS
  • MobX, React-MobX
  • Axios
  • Bootstrap
  • D3
  • React-router (on some pages)
  • Typescript

Demo site (new UI) :

Dark theme

accountgoweb accountgoweb

Help Wanted

If you are a developer and wanted to take part as contributor/collaborator we are happy to welcome you! To start with, you can visit the issues page and pick an issue that you would like to work on.

So go ahead, add your code and make your first pull request.

Contact Support

Feel free to email of any questions.


Accounting System built in ASP.NET DotNetCore, ReactJS, MobX. Don't forget to click STAR if you like this project.







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