diff --git a/ActInf Ontology version 3 - Defintions.tsv b/ActInf Ontology version 3 - Defintions.tsv new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b184dd --- /dev/null +++ b/ActInf Ontology version 3 - Defintions.tsv @@ -0,0 +1,373 @@ +List Term Proposed Definition 1 Proposed Definition 2 +Core Accuracy Broad sense: how “close to the mark” an Estimator is. Narrow sense: the expected or realized extent of Surprise on an estimation, usually about Sense States reflecting theRecognition density +Core Action Broad sense: The dynamics, mechanisms, and measurements of Behavior Narrow sense: The sequence of Active States enacted by an Agent via Policy selection from Affordance +Core Action planning The selection of an Affordance based upon Inference of Expected Free Energy +Core Action prediction Inference on current and future Expectation of Action +Core Active Inference Active Inference is a Process Theory related to Free Energy Principle . +Core Active States In the Friston Blanket formalism, the Blanket States are the Sense States (incoming Sensory input) and Active States (outgoing influence of Policy selection ) +Core Affordance Options or capacities for Action by an Agent +Core Agency The ability of an Agent to engage in Action in their Niche and enact Goal-driven selection or Policy selection based upon Preference +Core Agent Entity as modeled by Active Inference , with Internal State separated from External States by Blanket States +Core Ambiguity Broad sense: Extent to which stimuli have multiple plausible interpretations, requiring priors &/or Action for disambiguation Narrow sense: Specific model parameter used to model Uncertainty, usually about sensory Perception . +Core Attention Broad sense: Information Geometrys that is available for Generative Process to engage for Active Inference Lab Narrow sense: Attention modulates the the confidence on the Precision of Sense States, reflecting Sensory input +Core Bayesian Inference As opposed to frequentist analysis, Bayesian Inference uses a specified Prior or Empirical prior to Update the distributional Posterior +Core Behavior The sequence of Action that an Agent is observed to enact. +Core Belief Broad sense: Felt sense by an Agent of something being true, or confidence it is the case. Narrow sense: the State of a Random variable in a Bayesian Inference scheme. +Core Belief updating Belief updating is changes in a Bayesian Inference Belief through time. +Core Blanket States Set of states in the Markov Blanket Partition that make Internal State and External States have Conditional Probability that are independent. +Core Cognition An Agent modifying the weights of its Internal State for the purpose of Action planning and/or Belief updating . (This is a @realistCounterpart of Goal-driven selection .) +Core Complexity Broad sense: Narrow sense: +Core Cue a Stimulus , event, object , or Guidance signal that serves to guide Behavior , such as a retrieval cue, or that acts as a @Signal to the presentation of another stimulus, event, or object, such as an unconditioned stimulus or reinforcement. (dictionary.apa.org) +Core Culture Culture is the Niche for social Agent, that structures their Regime of Attention +Core Data Data are a set of values of qualitative or quantitative variables about one or more Agent or object . +Core Ensemble Group of more than one Agent. +Core Epistemic value is the value of Information gain or Expectation of reduction in Uncertainty about a State with respect to a Policy, used in Policy selection +Core Evidence Data as recognized and interpreted by Generative model of Agent +Core Expectation Within a Bayesian Inference framework, Expectation is an Estimator about future timesteps +Core Expected Free Energy Measure for performing Inference on Action over a given time horizon (Policy selection , Action and Planning as Divergence Minimization ). The two components of Expected Free Energy are the imperative to satisfy Preferences, and the penalty for failing to minimize Expectation of Surprisal. +Core External States States with Conditional density independent from Internal State, conditioned on Blanket States. +Core Free Energy Free Energy is an Information Theoretic quantity that constitutes an upper bound on Surprisal . +Core Free Energy Principle A generalization of Predictive Coding (PC) according to which organisms minimize an upper bound on the Entropy of Sensory input (or sensory signals) (the Free Energy). Under specific assumptions, Free Energy translates toPrediction error . +Core Friston Blanket Markov Blanket with partitioned Active States and Sense States . +Core Generalized Free Energy Past Variational Free Energy plus future Expected Free Energy (each totaled over Policy). +Core Generative model A formalism that describes the mapping between Hidden states, and Expectations of Action prediction , Sensory outcome . Recognition Model Update Internal State parameter that correspond to External States (including Hidden states causes of environment states), Blanket States , and Internal State (meta-modeling). In contrast, Generative model take those same Internal State parameter Estimator and emit expected or plausible observations. +Core Generative Process Underlying @dynamical process in the Niche giving rise to Agent Observation and @agent Action prediction Enactive ecological process using morphological computing processes where the Niche Regime of Attention @morphogenesis and generative model interact to create an embodied learning dyanamic. +Core Hidden states Unobserved variable in Bayesian Inference , can reflect a Latent cause . +Core Hierarchical Model A hierarchy of Estimators, which operate at different spatiotemporal timescales (so they track features at different scales); all carrying out Predictive Processing +Core Inference Process of reaching a (local or global) conclusion within a Model, for example with Bayesian Inference. +Core Information Measured in bits, the reduction of Uncertainty on a Belief distribution of some type. Usually Syntactic (Shannon) but also can be Semantic (e.g. Bayesian ). +Core Information Geometry A Statistical manifold each of whose points corresponds to a Probability distribution (e.g. the expectation and variance of a normal density). +Core Internal State States with Conditional density independent from External States , conditioned on Blanket States. +Core Learning Broad sense: Process of an Agent engaged in Updates to Cognition (and possibly) Behavior. Narrow sense: Process of Bayesian Inference where Generative model parameters undergo Belief updating +Core Living system Agent engaged in Autopoiesis +Core Markov Blanket Markov Partitioning Model of System, reflecting Agent as delineated from the Niche via an Interface. The Markov Blanket Blanket States reflect the State(s) upon which Internal State and External States are conditionally independent. +Core Markov Decision Process Bayesian Inference Model where Agent Generative model can implement Policy selection on Affordances reflected by Active States, while other features of the Generative Process are outside the Control (states) of the Agent . +Core Multi-scale system Realism framing of Hierarchical Model +Core Narrative Information used by Agent in context of entity- and event-oriented Cognition, specifically Hierarchical Model (Hierarchically Mechanistic Mind ). +Core Niche Ecology System constituting the Generative Process (as Partitioned from the Agent who instantiates a Generative model ). +Core Non-Equilibrium Steady State Technically, a Non-Equilibrium Steady State requires a solution to the Fokker Planck equation (i.e., density dynamics). A nonequilibrium steady-state solution entails solenoidal (i.e., conservative or divergence free) dynamics that break detailed balance (and underwrite stochastic chaos ). In other words, The dynamics of systems at Non-Equilibrium Steady State are not time reversible (unlike equilibrium steady states, in which the flow is entirely dissipative). Generally, a Non-Equilibrium Steady State refers to a System with dynamics that are unchanging, or at Stationarity in some State. +Core Novelty The Internal State assumed by an Agent‘s epistemic Affordance, when unable to immediately (e.g. locally) resolve Uncertainty about the contingencies — i.e. the opportunity to resolve Uncertainty about ‘what would happen if I did that?’ (The Precision of this assumed Internal State has a distinctive, e.g. multimodal, distribution, i.e. exhibits Ambiguity .) +Core Observation The Belief updating of an Internal State registered by a Sensory input, given the weighting assigned to that class of input in comparison with weighting of the competing Priors. (This is a narrow sense of “observation,” where the Agent is “looking for this kind of input.” This sense excludes situations where (a) an incoming stimulus with these attributes has already been explained-away or pre-discounted, or (b) the prior is so strongly weighted as to exclude updating in response to any inputs (other than, perhaps, “catastrophic” ones, as may occur in e.g. fainting, hysterical blindness).) Any Sensory input, either discrete-valued or continuous-valued. (This is a broad sense.) +Core Particle An Agent consisting of Blanket States and Internal State , partitioned off from Niche . +Core Perception Posterior State Inference after each new Observation. +Core Policy Sequence of Actions, reflected by series of Active States as implemented in Policy selection which is Action prediction or Action and Planning as Divergence Minimization +Core Policy selection The process of an Agent engaging in Action planning from set of Affordance, in Active Inference based upon minimization of Expected Free Energy +Core Posterior The Update to the Prior after Observation has occurred +Core Pragmatic value Pragmatic value is the benefit to an organism of a given Policy or Action , measured in terms of probability of a Policy leading to Expectation of Random variable values that are aligned with the Preference of the Agent Pragmatic value describes the extent to which a given action is aligned with rewarding preferences over sensory outcomes. +Core Prediction An Estimator about a State in a Model at a future time. +Core Preference parameter in Bayesian Inference Markov Decision Process that ranks or scores the extent to how an Agent values Sensory input . +Core Prior The initial or preceding state of a Belief in Bayesian Inference, before Sensory Data (Observation or Evidence ) occurs. +Core Process Theory Dynamic or mechanistic Model or framework that is consistent with a broader or non-mechanistic/non-operational Principle, such as the Free Energy Principle . +Core Recognition Model Recognition Model is the kind of Model that affords Variational Inference, which lets us calculate or approximate a probability distribution. Recognition Model is a synonym for Variational Model. +Core Regime of Attention feedback mechanisms between practices in a Culture of scaffolding individuals’ Attention, that guide Agents’ style of Attention; act as determined by bodily, language, and contextual Cues in a given community; and are encoded in higher levels of the cortical hierarchy. +Core Representation A structural correspondence between some Random variable inside a System and some Random variable outside the System (isomorphism being the strongest kind of correspondence), such that the Systemengages in Inference carried out by the System maintains the correspondence +Core Salience The extent to which a Cue commands the Attention of an Agent given their Regime of Attention +Core Sense States In the Friston Blanket formalism, the Blanket States are the Sense States (incoming Sensory input) and Active States (outgoing influence of Policy selection ) +Core State is the statistical, computational, or mathematical value for a parameter within the State space of a Model . +Core State space Set of variables/parameters that describe a System . A state space is the set of all possible configurations of a system +Core Stationarity Of a Random variable , that it is described by parameters that are drawn from a Gaussian distribution and unchanging over the time horizon of analysis. +Core Surprise In Bayesian Inference , the difference between Prior and Posterior Distribution — how “surprising” Sensory Data are to the Generative model of the Agent +Core System Set of relations described by State space of a Model . Differentiable and Integratable in terms of Variables and functions. +Core Temporal Depth The length of a time window or horizon considered (longer time → deeper / more Temporal Depth ) +Core Uncertainty In Bayesian Inference , a measure of the Expectation of Surprise (Entropy) of a Random variable (associated with its variance or inverse Precision ) +Core Variational Biologically: Said of the behavior of aNeuronal Ensemble that minimizes the error of quantities selected by that ensemble, by implementing an algorithm that approximates calculus of variations. Mathematically: Using calculus of variationsto find functions that optimize the values of quantities that depend on those functions. +Core Variational Free Energy Measure that performs e.g. Inference on Sensory Data given a Generative model , F. The two sources that composeVariational Free Energy are Model overfitting and Model accuracy +Entailed active +Entailed area +Entailed backbone +Entailed brain +Entailed causality +Entailed computer +Entailed concentration +Entailed concept +Entailed condition +Entailed consensus +Entailed conversation +Entailed current +Entailed default-mode +Entailed dynamics +Entailed ego +Entailed energy +Entailed environment +Entailed error +Entailed feedback +Entailed field +Entailed framework +Entailed free For no cost. Able to be liberated. +Entailed genetic +Entailed hierarchical +Entailed idea +Entailed increase +Entailed influence +Entailed interpretation +Entailed inverse +Entailed language +Entailed Logic +Entailed machine +Entailed matrix +Entailed neuronal +Entailed object +Entailed objective +Entailed observer +Entailed Ontology-to-Model Link +Entailed opportunity +Entailed parameter +Entailed part +Entailed perceptual inference +Entailed perspective +Entailed phase +Entailed physics +Entailed play +Entailed probability +Entailed Probably Approximately Correct +Entailed problem +Entailed propositional +Entailed Propositional attitude +Entailed Psychological attitude +Entailed purpose +Entailed question +Entailed random +Entailed recognition +Entailed relative entropy Synonym for Divergence (Kullback–Leibler) relative entropy +Entailed represents SUMO relation (represents ?THING ?ENTITY) means that ?THING in some way indicates, expresses, connotes, pictures, describes, etc. ?ENTITY. The Predicates containsInformation and realization are subrelations of represents. +Entailed resource +Entailed role +Entailed science +Entailed selection +Entailed self-organization +Entailed situation +Entailed social +Entailed states +Entailed Stimulus +Entailed technology +Entailed Thing +Entailed transition +Entailed tree +Entailed understanding +Supplement Abstract Action +Supplement Abstract action prediction +Supplement Abstract Bayesian Inference +Supplement Abstract epistemic value +Supplement Abstract External State +Supplement Abstract Generative Model +Supplement Abstract Hidden State +Supplement Abstract Internal State +Supplement Abstract Sensory State +Supplement Abstract System +Supplement AbstractAccuracy +Supplement abstractCounterpart (abstractCounterpart ?AB ?PHYS) relates a Physical entity to an Abstract one which is an idealized model in some dimension of the Physical entity. Example: an Abstract GraphNode could be stated to be the counterpart of an actual Computer in a ComputerNetwork. +Supplement Action and Planning as Divergence Minimization +Supplement Action at a distance +Supplement Action Integral +Supplement Active learning +Supplement active processes +Supplement Active Vision refers to the process of visual perceptions, in terms of oculomotor Sensorimotor Behavior and Cognitive System Generative model refers to regime of visual perceptions through dynamical perturbations of light over the retina. As if feeling the textured light reflected off the niche surfaces +Supplement Agency based model +Supplement Agency free model +Supplement Algorithm +Supplement Alignment +Supplement analogy +Supplement Appraisal theories of emotion +Supplement Attenuation of response +Supplement Attracting set +Supplement Augmented reality +Supplement Autopoiesis Phenomena of a System that recapitulates the material and informational causes of its own composition/existence. +Supplement Bayes-optimal control +Supplement Bayesian +Supplement Bayesian belief updating +Supplement Bayesian Brain +Supplement Bayesian mechanics +Supplement Bayesian surprise +Supplement Bethe approximation +Supplement Bottom-up attentional control +Supplement changing mind (cognition) +Supplement changing world (action) +Supplement chaos +Supplement Circular causality +Supplement Coarse graining +Supplement Cognitive Science +Supplement Cognitive System +Supplement Cognitivism +Supplement Collective behavior +Supplement Conceptual metaphor +Supplement Conditional density +Supplement Conditional Probability +Supplement Confidence +Supplement Congruence +Supplement Connectionism +Supplement Continuous state space +Supplement Control (states) +Supplement Control theory +Supplement Counterfactual +Supplement Cybernetics +Supplement Decision-making Within Active Inference , this is the same as Policy selection +Supplement Density +Supplement Deontic Action +Supplement Development +Supplement Discrete state space +Supplement Dissisipation +Supplement Distribution +Supplement divergence +Supplement Divergence (Kullback–Leibler) +Supplement Domain +Supplement Domain-generality +Supplement Domain-specificity +Supplement Dynamic causal modelling +Supplement Dynamic expectation maximization +Supplement Dynamicism +Supplement Ecology +Supplement Ecology, Evolution, Development +Supplement Embedded Embodied Encultured Enactive Inference +Supplement Embodied Cybernetic Complexity +Supplement EmbodiedBelief +Supplement Emotion +Supplement Empirical prior +Supplement Enactivism +Supplement Entropy +Supplement Epistemic foraging +Supplement Ergodicity +Supplement Estimator +Supplement Event-related potential (ERP) +Supplement Evolution +Supplement Expectation maximization +Supplement Expected Utility Theory +Supplement Experience of body ownership (EBO) +Supplement Explaining Away +Supplement Explanation +Supplement Extended Cognition +Supplement Factor graph +Supplement Falsification +Supplement Far-from-equilibrium +Supplement Fokker-Planck Equation +Supplement Foraging +Supplement Forney +Supplement Friction +Supplement Friston's Law +Supplement functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) +Supplement Gaussian distribution +Supplement Generalized coordinates +Supplement Generalized Synchrony +Supplement Generative density +Supplement Generative modelling +Supplement Gestalt +Supplement Goal-driven selection +Supplement Gradient Descent +Supplement Graphical +Supplement Group Renormalization Theory +Supplement Guidance signal +Supplement Habit learning/formation +Supplement Hamilton's Principle of Least Action +Supplement Helmholtz machine +Supplement Hermeneutics +Supplement Hierarchically Mechanistic Mind +Supplement High road +Supplement Homeostasis +Supplement Homeostatic system +Supplement Homeostatic system +Supplement Hyperprior +Supplement Hypothesis +Supplement Information bottleneck +Supplement Instrumentalism +Supplement Interface +Supplement Interoception +Supplement Interoceptive sensitivity +Supplement Interpretation +Supplement Inverse problem +Supplement Lagrangian +Supplement Latent cause +Supplement Lateral geniculate nucleus +Supplement Least action +Supplement Likelihood +Supplement link +Supplement Low road +Supplement Marginal approximation +Supplement Markovian Monism Markovian Monism +Supplement Marr's Levels of Description +Supplement Material science +Supplement Mean +Supplement Mean field approximation +Supplement Memory +Supplement Message Passing +Supplement Mismatch negativity +Supplement Mode +Supplement Model +Supplement Model accuracy +Supplement Model Inversion Model Inversion +Supplement Morphogenesis +Supplement Multisensory integration +Supplement Network +Supplement Neuronal Ensemble +Supplement Niche construction +Supplement Noisy signal +Supplement Non-linear dynamical systems +Supplement normative +Supplement Optimal control +Supplement overfitting +Supplement Partially Observed Markov Decision Process (POMDP) +Supplement Partition +Supplement Path integral +Supplement Policy posterior +Supplement Policy prior +Supplement Precision +Supplement Prediction error +Supplement Prediction error minimization +Supplement Predictive Coding +Supplement predictive machine +Supplement Predictive Processing +Supplement Principle Principle +Supplement Probability distribution +Supplement Random variable +Supplement Realism Realism +Supplement Receptive field +Supplement Recognition density +Supplement Renormalization +Supplement Representationalism +Supplement Reservoir Computing +Supplement Reward +Supplement Risk Risk +Supplement Sample space +Supplement Selection bias +Supplement Selection history +Supplement Self-organization +Supplement Selfhood +Supplement Semi-Markovian +Supplement Sense of agency +Supplement Sensorimotor +Supplement Sensory attenuation +Supplement Sensory attenuation +Supplement Sensory Data +Supplement Sensory input +Supplement Sensory observation +Supplement Sensory outcome +Supplement Sentience +Supplement Shared Generative Model +Supplement Signal +Supplement Simulation +Supplement solenoidal +Supplement Sophisticated Inference +Supplement spike-timing dependent plasticity +Supplement Statistical manifold +Supplement Stigmergy +Supplement Stochastic +Supplement Subjective feeling states +Supplement Surprisal +Supplement Swarm +Supplement Symbol +Supplement Synergetics +Supplement Teams +Supplement Theory +Supplement Thermodynamic system +Supplement Thermostatistics +Supplement Thinking Through Other Minds +Supplement Top-down attentional control +Supplement Umwelt +Supplement Unidirectionality +Supplement Update +Supplement Variance +Supplement Variational message passing +Supplement Variational Niche Construction +Supplement Variational principle +Supplement Von Economo neurons +Supplement Weak mixing +Supplement Working memory +Supplement World States \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ActInf Ontology version 3 - Translation.tsv b/ActInf Ontology version 3 - Translation.tsv new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ade2e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/ActInf Ontology version 3 - Translation.tsv @@ -0,0 +1,373 @@ +List Term Russian Portuguese Spanish French Italian Hebrew Czech +Core Epistemic value Эпистемическая ценность o valor epistêmico el valor epistémico la valeur épistémique valore epistemico ערך הידע epistemická hodnota +Core Non-Equilibrium Steady State Неравновесное устойчивое состояние Estado de Equilíbrio não Estacionário el estado de equilibrio no estacionario; el estado estacionario no equilibrado (m) l'état d'équilibre non équilibré il stato di equilibrio non-stazionario מצב יציב שלא בשווי משקל nerovnovážný ustálený stav +Core State space Пространство состояний o espaço de estados el espacio de estado (m) l’espace d'état; l'espace des phases il condizone dello spazio; il spazio di stato מרחב מצבים stavový prostor +Core Affordance Возможность Affordance Affordance affordance convenienza אפשרויות זמינות prostředek +Core Learning Активное обучение Aprendizagem Ativa Aprendizaje Activo apprentissage (m) actif Apprendimento attivo למידה פעילה aktivní učení +Core Expectation Ожидание Expectativa Expectativas attente (m) Aspettativa očekávání +Core Attention Внимание Atenção Atención attention/intéret Attenzione תשומת לב pozornost +Core Behavior Поведение Comportamento Comportamiento comportement Comportamento התנהגות chování +Core Friston Blanket Фристоновское ограждение Cobertor de Friston La Manta de Friston couverture (f) Friston שמיכת פריסון Fristonův obal +Core Data Данные Data/Dados Data (Datos) Data Dato נתנים data +Core Expected Free Energy Ожидаемая свободная энергия Energia Livre Esperada Energía Libre esperada énergie (f) libre attendue; énergie (f) libre espérée תוחלת האנרגיה החופשית očekávaná volná energie +Core Generalized Free Energy Обобщенная свободная энергия Energia Livre Generalizada Energía libre generalizada énergie (f) libre généralisée אנרגיה כללית מוכללת obecná volná energie +Core Variational Free Energy Вариационная свободная энергия Energia livre variacional Energía libre variacional énergie (f) libre variationnelle Energia libera variazionale אנרגיה חופשית משתנה variační volná energie +Core Free Energy Свободная энергия Energia Livre Energía libre énergie libre Energia Libera אנרגיה חופשית volná energie +Core Ensemble Ансамбль Conjunto Conjunto ensemble (m) tutti insieme אוסף soubor +Core Internal State Внутренние состояния Estados Internos Estados internos état intérieur (m); état (m) interne stati interni מצבים פנימיים vnitřní stav +Core Hidden states Скрытое состояние Estados Ocultos Estados ocultos états (m) cachés; étés (m) cachés stati nascosti מצב חבוי skryté stavy +Core External States Внешние состояния Estados Externos estados externos états (m) externes; états (m) extérieurs; états (m) externes stati esterni מצבים חיצוניים vnější stavy +Core Sense States Сенсорные состояния Estados Sensoriais Estados Sensoriales états (m) sensoriels; états (m) de sens saliente מצבי חישה smyslové stavy +Core Blanket States Состояния ограждения Estados encobertos Estados Encubiertos états (n) couvertes; états (n) secrets ??? מצבים כסויים stav obalu +Core Active States Активные состояния Estados Ativos Estados activos etats actifs stati attivi מצבים פעילים aktivní stavy +Core Information Geometry Информационная геометрия Geometria de Informação Geometría (f) de la información géométrie (f) de l'information geometria dell'informazione גיאומטריית המידע informační geometrie +Core Active Inference Активное обновление Inferência Ativa Inferencia Activa inférence (f) active Inferenza attiva הסקה פעילה aktivní inference +Core Inference Вывод Inferência Inferencia inférence (f); déduction (f) Inferenza הסקה inference +Core Bayesian Inference Байесовское обновление Inferência Bayesiana Inferencia Bayesiana Inférence bayésienne Inferenza Bayesiana הסקה בייסיאנית Bayesovská inference +Core Information Информация Informação Información Information informazione מידע informace +Core Ambiguity Неопределённость Ambiguidade Ambiguedad l'ambiguïté Ambiguità אי ודאות nejednoznačnost +Core Accuracy Точность Acurácia Precisión l'éxactitude Accuratezza דיוק přesnost +Core Uncertainty Неопределенность Incerteza Incertidumbre l'incertitude Incertezza אי ודאות nejistota +Core Cognition Познание Cognição Cognición La cognition cognizione קוגניציה poznávání +Core Complexity Сложность Complexidade Complejidad la complexité Complessità מורכבות složitost +Core Markov Blanket Марковское ограждение o Cobertor de Markov; manta de Markov; o envoltório de Markov la manta markoviana la couverture de Markov la coperta di Markov שמיכת מרקוב Markovský obal +Core Culture Культура Cultura Cultura La culture Cultura תרבות kultura +Core Perception Восприятие/Воспринимание Percepção Percepción la perception Percezione תפיסה vjem +Core Surprise Сюрприз Surpresa Sorpresa La surprise Sorpresa הפתעה překvapení +Core Generative model Порождающая модель o Modelo Generativo el modelo generativo le modèle génératif il modello generativo מצב גנרטיבי generativní model +Core System Система o sistema el sistema le système Sistema מערכת systém +Core Belief updating Корректирование предположений Atualização de Crença Actualización de creencia mise à jour des convictions aggiornamento della credenza עדכון אמונות aktualizace přesvědčení +Core Recognition Model Модели распознавания Modelos de Reconhecimento Modelo de reconocimiento modèle (m) de reconnaissance modelli di ricognizione מודלי זיהוי model rozpoznávání +Core Hierarchical Model Многоуровневая модель Modelo Hierárquico Modelo jerárquico modèle (m) hiérarchique Modello gerarchico מודל היררכי hierarchický model +Core Niche Ниша Nicho Nicho niche (f); créneau (m) Nicchia כוך/נישה výklenek +Core Novelty Новизна Novidade Novedad nouveauté (f) Novità חידוש novota +Core Action planning Планирование действий Planejamento de Ação Planeamiento de Acción plannification des mesures/actions Piano d'azione תכנון פעולה plánování akce +Core Posterior Апостериорный Posterior Posterior Postérieur(e/es/s) Precedente פוסטריור zadní/předcházející +Core Policy Правила Prática Normativa regla (f); práctica (f) normativa; estrategia (f); política (f) pratique normative (f); règles; politique (f); stratégie (f) Strategia מדיניות zásada +Core Action prediction Прогнозирование действий Predição de Ação Predicción de Acción prédiction (f) d'action; prédiction (f) d'actions Predire l'azione חיזוי פעולה předpověď akce +Core Preference Предпочтение Preferência Preferencias préférence (f); préféré (m) Preferenza přednost +Core Evidence Свидетельство Evidência Evidencia Preuve prova ראייה důkaz +Core Free Energy Principle Принцип свободной энергии Princípio da Energia Livre Principio de la Energía libre Pricipe de l'énergie libre Principio della Energia Libera עקרון האנרגיה החופשית princip volné energie +Core Markov Decision Process Марковский процесс принятия решений Processo de decisão Markoviano Proceso de decisión markoviana processus (m) décisionnel de Markov Processo decisional di tipo Marcoviano תהליכי החלטה מרקוביאנים Markovské rozhodovací procesy +Core Generative Process Порождающий процесс Processo Generativo Proceso generativo processus (m) génératif processo generativo תהליך גנרטיבי generativní proces +Core Temporal Depth Темпоральная глубина Profundidade Temporal Profundidad temporal profondeur (f) temporelle ?? Spessore temporale עומק טמפורלי časová hloubka +Core Narrative Нарратив Narrativa Narrativa récit (m); narration (f) Narrazione נרטיב vyprávění +Core Regime of Attention Режим внимания Regime de Atenção Régimen de Atención régime (m) de soins; régime (m) d'attention; régime (m) attentionnel regime di attenzione משטר תשומת לב režim pozornosti +Core Cue Указатель Pista Señal Repère spunto רמז nápověda +Core Salience Значимость Saliência Saliencia saillance (f); saillant (m) Saliente בולטות salience +Core Policy selection Выбор правила Seleção de prática normativa selección (f) de la práctica normativa; selección (f) de políticas; selección (f) de política; selección (f) de reglas sélection (f) de la pratique normative; sélection (f) de règle; sélection (f) de la stratégie; sélection (f) politique Selezione della strategia בחירת מדיניות výběr zásady +Core Stationarity Стационарность estacionário Fijo or estatico stationnarité (f); fixe (m); statique (m) Fisso o statico stacionarita +Core Multi-scale system Многомасштабная система Sistema multiescala Sistema multiescalar système multi-échelle sistema di tipo multi-scala מודל מרובה קני מידה vícestupňový systém +Core Living system Живая система/биологическая система Sistema Vivo Sistema vivo Système Vivant Sistema vivente מרכת חייה živý systém +Core Process Theory Теория процессов Teoria de Processos Teoría de procesos théorie (f) des processus Teoria del processo תאוריית תהליכים teorie procesu +Core Agent Агент Agente Agente un agent Agente סוכן agent +Core State Состояние Estado Estado un état Stato מצב stav +Core Action Действие Ação Acción une action / une mesure Azione פעולה akce +Core Agency Агентность Agência Agencia une Agence rappresentanza סוכנות agentura +Core Belief Убеждение Crença Creencia une conviction/croyance Credenza אמונה přesvědčení +Core Observation Наблюдение Observação Observación une observation Osservazione תצפית postřeh +Core Particle Частица Partícula Partícula une particule Particella חלקיק částice +Core Prediction Предсказание Predição Predicción Une prédiction Predizione עקרון předpověď +Core Representation Репрезентация Representação Representación une représentation Rappresentazione ייצוג reprezentace +Core Pragmatic value Прагматическая ценность Valor Pragmático el valor pragmático valeur (f) pragmatique valore pragmatico ערך פרגמטי pragmatická hodnota +Core Variational Вариационный Variacional Variacional variationnel (m); variationnelle (f) Variazionale משתנה variační +Core Prior Приор Anterior Antecendete Precedente předchozí +Entailed active ativo +Entailed area área +Entailed backbone +Entailed brain cérebro +Entailed causality causalidade +Entailed computer computador +Entailed concentration concentração +Entailed concept conceito +Entailed consensus consenso +Entailed conversation conversa +Entailed current atual +Entailed default-mode modo padrão +Entailed dynamics dinâmica +Entailed ego ego +Entailed energy energia +Entailed environment ambiente +Entailed error erro +Entailed feedback feedback +Entailed field campo +Entailed framework quadro teórico / framework +Entailed free livre +Entailed genetic genética +Entailed hierarchical hierárquico +Entailed idea ideia +Entailed increase aumenta +Entailed influence influência +Entailed interpretation interpretação +Entailed inverse inverso +Entailed language linguagem +Entailed Logic lógica +Entailed machine máquina +Entailed matrix matriz +Entailed neuronal neuronal +Entailed object objeto +Entailed objective objetivo +Entailed observer observador +Entailed Ontology-to-Model Link +Entailed opportunity oportunidade +Entailed parameter parâmetro +Entailed part parte +Entailed perceptual inference inferência perceptual +Entailed perspective perspectiva +Entailed phase fase +Entailed physics física +Entailed play jogar/jogo +Entailed probability probabilidade +Entailed Probably Approximately Correct +Entailed problem problema +Entailed propositional proposicional +Entailed Propositional attitude atitude proposicional +Entailed Psychological attitude atitude psicológica +Entailed purpose propósito +Entailed question pergunta/questão +Entailed random aleatório +Entailed recognition reconhecimento +Entailed relative entropy entropia relativa +Entailed represents representa +Entailed resource recurso +Entailed role papel +Entailed science ciência +Entailed selection seleção +Entailed self-organization auto-organização +Entailed social social +Entailed states estados +Entailed Stimulus estímulo +Entailed technology tecnologia +Entailed Thing coisa +Entailed transition transição +Entailed tree árvore +Entailed understanding entendimento +Entailed situation +Entailed condition +Supplement Autopoiesis Аутопоэзис Autopoiese Autopoiesis Autopoïèse autopoiesi אוטופואזה +Supplement Decision-making Принятие решений Tomada de Decisão Toma de decisiones La prise de décisions prendere decisioni ביצוע החלטות +Supplement Risk Риск Risco Riesgo le risque Rischio סיכון +Supplement Model Inversion Инверсия модели Inversão de Modelo Inersión de modelo modèle d'inversion היפוך מודל +Supplement Principle Принцип Princípio Principio un principe Principio עקרון +Supplement Abstract Action Ação +Supplement Abstract action prediction Predição de Ação +Supplement Abstract Bayesian Inference Inferência Bayesiana +Supplement Abstract epistemic value Valor epistêmico +Supplement Abstract External State Estado externo +Supplement Abstract Generative Model Modelo Generativo +Supplement Abstract Hidden State Estado oculto +Supplement Abstract Internal State Estado interno +Supplement Abstract Sensory State Estado sensorial +Supplement Abstract System Sistema +Supplement AbstractAccuracy Acurácia +Supplement abstractCounterpart Contraparte +Supplement Action and Planning as Divergence Minimization Ação e planejamento como minimização de divergência +Supplement Action at a distance Ação à distância +Supplement Action Integral Ação integral +Supplement Active Vision Активное зрение Visão Ativa Visión activa visione attiva ראיה פעילה aktivní vidění +Supplement Agency based model Modelo baseado na agência +Supplement Agency free model Modelo livre de agência +Supplement Algorithm Algoritmo +Supplement Alignment Alinhamento +Supplement analogy Analogia +Supplement Appraisal theories of emotion +Supplement Attenuation of response +Supplement Augmented reality Realidade aumentada +Supplement Bayes-optimal control +Supplement Bayesian Bayesiano (a) +Supplement Bayesian Brain Cérebro Bayesiano +Supplement Bayesian surprise Surpresa Bayesiana +Supplement Bethe approximation +Supplement Bottom-up attentional control Controle atencional ascendente +Supplement chaos Caos +Supplement Circular causality Causalidade circular +Supplement Cognitive Science Ciências Cognitivas +Supplement Cognitive System Sistemas Cognitivos +Supplement Cognitivism Cognitivismo +Supplement Collective behavior Comportamento Coletivo +Supplement Conceptual metaphor Metáfora Conceitual +Supplement Conditional density Densidade Condicional +Supplement Conditional Probability Probabilidade Condicional +Supplement Confidence Intervalo de Confiança +Supplement Congruence Congruência +Supplement Connectionism Conexionismo +Supplement Control (states) Controle (estados) +Supplement Control theory Teoria do Controle +Supplement Counterfactual Contrafatual; Contrafactual +Supplement Cybernetics Cibernética +Supplement Density Densidade +Supplement Deontic Action Ação Deôntica +Supplement Development Desenvolvimento +Supplement Dissisipation Dissipação +Supplement Distribution Distribuição +Supplement divergence Divergência +Supplement Divergence (Kullback–Leibler) Divergência de Kullback-Leibler +Supplement Domain Domínio +Supplement Domain-generality +Supplement Domain-specificity +Supplement Dynamic causal modelling Modelagem causal dinâmica +Supplement Dynamic expectation maximization Maximização de expectativa dinâmica +Supplement Dynamicism Dinamicismo +Supplement Ecology Ecologia +Supplement Ecology, Evolution, Development Ecologia, Evolução, Desenvolvimento +Supplement Embedded Embodied Encultured Enactive Inference +Supplement Embodied Cybernetic Complexity Complexidade Cibernética Corporificada +Supplement EmbodiedBelief CrençaCorporificada +Supplement Emotion Emoção +Supplement Empirical prior Anterior empírico +Supplement Enactivism Enativismo +Supplement Entropy Entropia +Supplement Ergodicity Эргодичность Ergodicidade Ergodicidad ergodicità ארגודיות +Supplement Estimator Estimador +Supplement Event-related potential (ERP) +Supplement Evolution Evolução +Supplement Expectation maximization Maximização de expectativa +Supplement Expected Utility Theory Teoria da Utilidade Esperada +Supplement Experience of body ownership (EBO) +Supplement Explaining Away Dissolver +Supplement Explanation Explanação +Supplement Extended Cognition Cognição Estendida +Supplement Factor graph +Supplement Falsification Falsificação +Supplement Far-from-equilibrium +Supplement Fokker-Planck Equation Equação Fokker-Planck +Supplement Foraging +Supplement Forney +Supplement Friction Fricção +Supplement Friston's Law Lei de Friston +Supplement functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) Imagem por Ressonância Magnética Funcional +Supplement Gaussian distribution Distribuição Gaussiana +Supplement Generalized coordinates Coordenadas generalizadas +Supplement Generalized Synchrony Sincronia generalizada +Supplement Generative density Densidade Generativa +Supplement Generative modelling Modelagem Generativa +Supplement Gestalt Gestalt +Supplement Goal-driven selection +Supplement Gradient Descent +Supplement Graphical Gráfico +Supplement Group Renormalization Theory Teoria de Grupo de Renormalização +Supplement Guidance signal +Supplement Habit learning/formation Aprendizado/Formação de Hábito +Supplement Hamilton's Principle of Least Action Princípio Hamiltoniano da Menor Ação; Princípio de Hamilton de Mínima Ação +Supplement Helmholtz machine Máquina de Helmholtz +Supplement Hierarchically Mechanistic Mind Mente Hierarquicamente Mecanística +Supplement Homeostasis Homeostase +Supplement Homeostatic system Sistema homeostático +Supplement Homeostatic system Sistema homeostático +Supplement Hyperprior Hiperanterior +Supplement Hypothesis Hipótese +Supplement Information bottleneck Gargalo de informação +Supplement Instrumentalism Instrumentalismo +Supplement Interface Interface +Supplement Interoception Interocepção +Supplement Interoceptive sensitivity Sensibilidade interoceptiva +Supplement Interpretation Interpretação +Supplement Inverse problem Problema inverso +Supplement Latent cause Неявная причина Causa Latente Causa latente causa latente סיבות חבויות +Supplement Lateral geniculate nucleus Núcleo geniculado lateral +Supplement Likelihood Verossimilhança +Supplement Marginal approximation Aproximação marginal +Supplement Markovian Monism Марковский монизм Monismo Markoviano מוניזם מרקוביאני +Supplement Marr's Levels of Description Níveis de Descrição de Marr +Supplement Material science +Supplement Mean Média +Supplement Mean field approximation +Supplement Memory Memória +Supplement Message Passing Troca de Mensagem +Supplement Mismatch negativity +Supplement Mode Modo +Supplement Model Modelo +Supplement Model accuracy Acurácia do modelo +Supplement Morphogenesis Morfogenesis +Supplement Multisensory integration Integração Multisensorial +Supplement Network Network +Supplement Neuronal Ensemble +Supplement Niche construction Construção de Nicho +Supplement Noisy signal Sinal de ruído +Supplement Non-linear dynamical systems Sistemas dinâmicos não-lineares +Supplement Optimal control Controle óptimo +Supplement overfitting +Supplement Partition Partição +Supplement Policy posterior +Supplement Policy prior +Supplement Precision Precisão +Supplement Prediction error Erro de predição +Supplement Prediction error minimization Minimização de erro de predição +Supplement Predictive Coding Codificação Preditiva +Supplement Predictive Processing Processamento Preditivo +Supplement Probability distribution Distribuição de Probabilidade +Supplement Random variable Variável aleatória +Supplement Realism Realismo +Supplement Receptive field Campo receptivo +Supplement Recognition density +Supplement Representationalism Representacionalismo +Supplement Reservoir Computing +Supplement Reward Recompensa +Supplement Sample space Espaço de amostra +Supplement Selection bias +Supplement Selection history +Supplement Self-organization Auto-organização +Supplement Selfhood +Supplement Semi-Markovian Semi-Markoviano +Supplement Sense of agency Sensação de agência +Supplement Sensorimotor Sensoriomotor +Supplement Sensory attenuation Atenuação sensorial +Supplement Sensory attenuation +Supplement Sensory Data Dado sensorial +Supplement Sensory input Entrada sensorial +Supplement Sensory outcome Saída sensorial +Supplement Sentience +Supplement Shared Generative Model Modelo generativo compartilhado +Supplement Signal Sinal +Supplement Simulation Simulação +Supplement solenoidal Solenoidal +Supplement Sophisticated Inference Inferência Sofisticada +Supplement spike-timing dependent plasticity +Supplement Statistical manifold +Supplement Stigmergy +Supplement Stochastic Escolástico +Supplement Subjective feeling states Estados de sentimentos subjetivos +Supplement Surprisal Surprisal/ Alarme +Supplement Swarm Enxame; Multidão +Supplement Symbol Símbolo +Supplement Synergetics Sinergético +Supplement Teams Times +Supplement Theory Teoria +Supplement Thermodynamic system Sistema termodinâmico +Supplement Thermostatistics Termoestatística +Supplement Thinking Through Other Minds Pensando através de outras mentes +Supplement Top-down attentional control Controle atencional descendente +Supplement Umwelt Umwelt +Supplement Unidirectionality Unidirecionalidade +Supplement Update Atualização +Supplement Variance Variância +Supplement Variational Niche Construction Construção de Nicho Variacional +Supplement Von Economo neurons +Supplement Weak mixing +Supplement Working memory Memória de trabalho +Supplement World States Estados do mundo +Supplement link +Supplement Variational principle +Supplement Variational message passing +Supplement Renormalization +Supplement Partially Observed Markov Decision Process (POMDP) +Supplement Least action +Supplement Hermeneutics +Supplement Epistemic foraging +Supplement Discrete state space +Supplement Continuous state space +Supplement Coarse graining +Supplement Bayesian mechanics +Supplement Bayesian belief updating +Supplement Attracting set +Supplement Active learning +Supplement Sensory observation +Supplement Path integral +Supplement Lagrangian +Supplement normative +Supplement High road +Supplement Low road +Supplement changing mind (cognition) +Supplement changing world (action) +Supplement active processes +Supplement predictive machine \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ActInf Ontology version 3.ods b/ActInf Ontology version 3.ods new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d727f02 Binary files /dev/null and b/ActInf Ontology version 3.ods differ diff --git a/ActInf Ontology version 3.xlsx b/ActInf Ontology version 3.xlsx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..968d21e Binary files /dev/null and b/ActInf Ontology version 3.xlsx differ diff --git a/ActInf Ontology version 3.zip b/ActInf Ontology version 3.zip new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d03c6ae Binary files /dev/null and b/ActInf Ontology version 3.zip differ