Arduino keyboard thingy inspired by this Twitter thread. Requires HoodLoader2. Flash the 328
sketch to the ATmega328 and the 16u2
sketch to the ATmega16u2.
- Arduino with HoodLoader2
- rotary encoder
- 8x8 dotmatrix display
- 8 bit shift register
- pushbutton
- shift register pins:
- data pin (SER) connected to Arduino pin 4
- latch pin (SRCLK) connected to Arduino pin 5
- clock pin (RCLK) connected to Arduino pin 6
- output pins connected to dotmatrix column pins (lowest pin to leftmost column)
- rotary encoder pins connected to Arduino pin 2 and 3
- button connected between 5V and Arduino analog pin 5, connect 10K resistor between pin A5 and GND
- pins 7 through 12 and A0, A1 connected to dotmatrix row pins (pin 7 to highest row, pin A1 to lowest row)