① The EPD supports 4 danger icons and makes the text of the danger parameter red
Symbol | Description | Usage |
⚙ | Indicates sensor fault | Used with the DHT22 when the sensor is not connected properly and displays nan |
▲ | Indicates higher sensor readings than the upper threashold | Used with DHT22 and TSL2561 to indicate high temperature, humidity, or light levels |
▼ | Indicates lower sensor readings than the lower threashold | Used with DHT22 to indicate low temperature or humidity |
⚠ | Indicates danger; not high or low to a certain threashold | Used when more people enter the tomb than recommended |
② The outer PIR sensor is 11 cm from the gate, and the two PIRs are put 22 cm apart.
③ The ceiling of room J can be opened and the system is put there.
④ The buzzer has 2 tones
- A continuous tone due to the trigger of the TSL2561's interrupt because a flashlight was opened.
- A 3-step tone that indicates sensor high value danger-if present-each cycle.
⑤ The LED is set currently to light up when the ESP is connected to Wi-Fi on the start of the code. However, we made this functionality not count for Wi-Fi disconnection in the middle of code due to time constraints. To make that happen, move the section of code from the void setup(){}
to the start of the void loop(){}
if(WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED){
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
- Install VS Code from this link
- Open the program, go to the extensions tab on the left bar, and search for PlatformIO
- Download PlatformIO and wait for it to complete
- Download the .zip file from this repository's releases and extract it anywhere you want
- Restart Visual Studio
- Open the PlatformIO tab on the left bar
- In the panel below, find Open and select it
- A tab will open. Select Open Project
- Browse for the extracted folder and open it
- Wait for it to open
- Open Google Sheets and make a new sheet
- Go to Extensions > Apps Script
- Set up your file and copy the code from the file called Apps_Script.js in the folder you extracted
- Go to Src > main.cpp file in the file explorer tab on the top of the left bar
- On the code tab under
_Wi-Fi definitions_
, change the SSID and password between quotations
#define WIFI_SSID "/* your Wi-Fi SSID here */"
#define WIFI_PASSWORD "/* your Wi-Fi password here */"
- Make sure that your Wi-Fi is only 2.4Ghz and not 2.4/5Ghz; otherwise, it won't work!
- In the Apps Script page, edit the sheet_id and sheet_name fom your Google Sheet. (The sheet id is the part of the sheet URL after the https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/)
- If your want to use another timezone, edit lines 13 and 14. It should look like that:
Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), /* time zone like this: "Africa/Cairo" */,
'M/d/yyyy'), // Date in column A
Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), /* time zone like this: "Africa/Cairo" */,
'HH:mm:ss') // Time in column B
- Click the Deploy button above, fill in the required information and copy the deployment link
- Go to Src > main.cpp on line 279. Replace the first string part of the variable URL with the deployment link you got like this:
URL = "/* your deployment code here */" + String(temperature) + "&humd=" + String(humidity) + "&npeople=" + String(People_count) + "&Light=" + String(Light);
- Go to lines from 66 to 71 to edit reading threasholds
const int Temperature_upper_threashold = 24;
const int Temperature_lower_threashold = 16;
const int Humidity_upper_threashold = 60;
const int Humidity_lower_threashold = 40;
const int People_count_upper_threashold = 50;
const int Light_upper_threashold = 100;
- Find using
Ctrl + F
the lines with this comment://uncomment if you want an upper limit for people count
, and optionally uncomment the whole line to put an upper limit to people count (there are 3 lines in total)
- connect a USB between the ESP32's port and your computer
- Make sure your USB cable supports data transfer, not only power
If you are not sure if your cable supports it or not: connect your ESP normally, go to Windows search and search for Device Manager, open it and expand the Ports list. If the list changes content after your remove/plug in your USB, then you are good to go. If not, your cable cannot upload code and can only power up the ESP.
- On VS code, click on the upload symbol "→" on the left of the bottom bar.
- Wait for it to finish uploading
Once your upload is done, your system should be good to go and could be connected to the power bank