Friends' list with Express server is a CRUD operations practice exercise in Developing Back-End Apps with Node.js and Express.
- Clone this repository by running the command in the following codeblock in your choice terminal, pointing at your choice location in order to get an exact copy of this program on your computer.
- Using the terminal in VSCode is a good option
git clone
- Navigate (cd) into the project folder in your terminal by running the following commands in the same order, to install dependencies.
cd Friends-list-with-Express-server
npm install
- Once dependencies are all installed, run the following command to start the server on your computer
npm run start_auth
- You can study the program to determine necessary changes to make in order to customize the app for your purpose
- Note that you need to have a recent version of Node on your PC to execute this program
Contributor(s) names and contact info
Name: Adeola David A.
This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC License - see the file for details