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This dotnet library facilitates object mappings without the need for service setup or configuration.

Basic Usage

There are two methods for utilizing this tool: Attributes and Configuration


  • Specify the property name from the source in the destination object using the MapProperty attribute

         public int Id { get; set; }
         public string Name { get; set; }
         public int Age { get; set; }
         public DateTime DOB { get; set; }
         public bool IsDeleted { get; set; }
         public Classroom Room {get; set; }
Map to a new object
    var studentDto = student1.Map<Student,StudentDto>();
Map to an existing object


  • Establish a configuration to illustrate the mapping of values.
     public static class MappingService
       public static MapifyConfiguration<Student,StudentDtos> StudentConfig()
           return new MapifyConfigurationBuilder<Student, StudentDto>()
               .Map(d => d.Name, s => $"{s.FirstName} {s.LastName}")
               .Map(d => d.Age, s => s.DateOfBirth.ToAge())
               .Map(d=>d.DOB, s => s.DateOfBirth)
               .Map(d=>d.IsDeleted, s => false)
               .Map(d=>d.Classroom, s=> s.Room)
Map to a new object
  var studentDto = student.Map<Student,StudentDto>(MappingService.StudentConfig());
Map to an existing object

Many to one/many mapping

Automapify now supports many to many and many to one object mapping. You can utilize that by either using the conifguration or attributes.

Using MapProperty attribute
  • Specify the property name from the source in the destination object using the MapProperty attribute

         public int Id { get; set; }
         public string Name { get; set; }
         public int Age { get; set; }
         public DateTime DOB { get; set; }
         public bool IsDeleted { get; set; }
         public Classroom Room {get; set; }
Map from objects to objects (Many-to-many mapping)
  • Map to a new object
    var studentDtos = student.Map<List<Student>, List<StudentDto>>();
  • Map to an existing object
Map from object to objects (One-to-many mapping)
  • Map to a new object
    var studentDtos = student.Map<Student, List<StudentDto>>();
  • Map to an existing object
Using Configuration
  • Establish a configuration to illustrate the mapping of values.
     public static class MappingService
       public static MapifyConfiguration<Student,StudentDtos> StudentConfig()
           return new MapifyConfigurationBuilder<Student, StudentDto>()
               .Map(d => d.Name, s => $"{s.FirstName} {s.LastName}")
               .Map(d => d.Age, s => s.DateOfBirth.ToAge())
               .Map(d=>d.DOB, s => s.DateOfBirth)
               .Map(d=>d.IsDeleted, s => false)
               .Map(d=>d.Classroom, s=> s.Room)
Map from objects to objects (Many-to-many mapping)
  • Map to a new object
    var studentDtos = student.Map<List<Student>, List<StudentDto>>(MappingService.StudentConfig());
  • Map to an existing object
Map from object to objects (One-to-many mapping)
  • Map to a new object
    var studentDtos = student.Map<Student, List<StudentDto>>(MappingService.StudentConfig());
  • Map to an existing object