Welcome to my collection of projects that demonstrate my technical skill set, creative problem-solving, and data-science proficiency.
Description: An implementation of the classic Mastermind game showcasing strategic use of object-oriented principles.
- Highlights:
- Engaging user interface in the console
- Advanced logic for puzzle generation
- Exception handling for a seamless user experience
Code: Browse Code_
Description: Utilizing MySQL Workbench, SQL, and Java programming to create a database of songs that supports CRUD operations.
Code: Browse Code
- Python, Java
- Eclipse IDE, Visual Studio Code
- Libraries (Random, NumPy, TensorFlow)
- Frameworks (specify)
For more information or to reach out, here are my details:
- Email: arao43@ucmerced.edu
- GitHub: @AdityaRao127
Thank you for checking out my GitHub profile!