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John Hammonds edited this page Aug 2, 2017 · 30 revisions

rsMap3D (Reciprocal Space Mapping in 3D)


As techniques for collecting X-Ray Scattering data advance, larger datasets, covering wider ranges of both q⃗ & E will be collected. Along with covering a wider range of (q⃗, E) space, these datasets will be collected much faster. With this in mind, better tools are needed to provide more insight into the data in a shorter time. rsMap3D is a tool that is meant to assist in providing users with a better look at the data in a timely fashion. In a typical experiment an area detector will collect scattering data, scanning either/or sample or detector position/orientation. This is generally achieved by rotating the sample or detector over a range of angles on the arms of a diffractometer/spectrometer. The main goal of rsMap3D is to provide a means of processing the collected images, converting the position of each pixel on a detector to it's corresponding value of q⃗. A output grid that covers a range of q values is created and data from the detector is averaged in an appropriate bin of the output grid. The resulting grid is generally much smaller than the original set of images due to overlap in coverage of the detector at different points in the scan. The output data is usually viewed in an external application such as Paraview or processed further.

rsMap3D depends on a number of python libraries. Among these are: xrayutilities provides methods for mapping detector locations to q⃗ an mechanisms for sorting image data into the output grid. spec2nexus A library for processing spec files. X-ray experiments are often driven by an application SPEC. h5py Some image data and/or scan information is stored in HDF5 files

Installation instructions

Instructions for installing remap on Linux, Windows and Mac OS X can be found here

More information

Information on this project will be moving to this site. At this time some information is available on the original project wiki

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