Form work in progress auto save
Form will automatically save after user makes changes to the draft form.
Notify user of session loss or connection loss to server.
Keep read only tab to allow user to review last unsaved change.
Provide a link that will automatically open in new tab and prompt user to log in and reload form.
Allow user to go back to the form at any time and the unsaved changes will automatically load next time they navigate to the form.
Provide a switcher to saved form and unsaved form when form is loaded from unsaved changes.
API Enhancements
Users can now generate an api key from their profile given the API permission.
Users can now authenticate into the API using the new API Key and perform most read operations.
A new API permission grants user ability to generate key and to use the key to authenticate
The API keys have a default expiration of 30 days but can be changed in the API configuration file.
Ability to verify user permission from web and API side
Ability to enter data into traveler via API
System API account can write data as any user.
First API call where users can write using the new API Key authentication.
Ability to upload data into traveler upload field via API.
New system API only call with ability to update traveler status.
Admins can grant the API permission for each user.
Data changed message is now sent with User defined key if available.
When lost connection to mqtt reconnect try is every minute.
Resolve issue with file upload not publishing mqtt event.
You can’t perform that action at this time.