Created based on project from HTML slightly altered, existing CSS code altered by adding media queries and enhancing flexbox layout to work on mobile devices, as well as creating a 'neon' button. Javascript created by me. If you are also student and working on this or a similar project, feel free to reach out to me with anyquestions about this code. I've made an effort to include helpful comments anddocumentation for fellow learners.
Phrase Hunter is a javascript based hangman type game. It features javascript animations and SVG graphics, created in Adobe Illustrator
The main technologies and concepts demonstrated in this project are
- javaScript: Object Oriented Programming
- Adobe Illustrator
- SVG Graphics
- Responsive Image Density
- CSS Flexbox
- CSS Media Queries
The 'Phrase Hunter' image is found in the repository as both a Scalable Vector Graphic and a PNG. In some cases, SVGs are smaller but in this case the complexity of the images makes the PNG a smaller sized option.
Benefits of the SVG include:
- resizable without pixelation
- contains extra data like transparency and font information
Benefits of PNG the include
- often smaller file sizes for images with complex colors
- transparency in PNG-24 files
HTML enables different image resolutions depending on the pixel density of the display. 'Srcset' attribute allows browsers to select best image size, with 'src' as a fallback image. Since there is no art direction for different size devices, <picture>
was not used
<img srcset="images/SplashImage_3x.png 3x,
images/SplashImage.png 2x,
images/SplashImage_sm.png 1x"
alt="Phrase Hunter logo">
The 'Phrase' text on the logo is based on 'Sidecar' by Fenotype -> The 'Hunter' text is loosely based on DIN Condensed, an Adobe Font -> The Neon effect was created in Adobe Illustrator.
When implemented, images and details will be posted about:
- Media Queries for mobile/desktop
- Dark/Light mode
Dark | Light |
Mobile | Desktop |
- Note the button customized to match the typeface on hover.
Visit to test the functionality of this project.