BLyrics is a python client for leveraging the GENIUS API.
A CLI tool for interacting with Genius
It is also used for getting latest articles and song charts
- Getting infomation
- Songs
- Artists
- Lyrics
- Annotations
- Saving prefrences
- Artist Info
- Song info and lyrics
- Latest information and articles
- Headliner from
- Oher articles
- Charts
- Python3
- Any Operating system
- An open mind
Install from PyPi
$ pip3 install blyrics
For getting song info and lyrics - Params: - song: song title - Returns: - dict: a dictionary of song information and lyrics
>>>from blyrics import Package
>>>Package = Package()
>>>song_info = Package.search_song(song='No Role Modelz')
>>>song_lyrics = song_info['Lyrics']
For saving song info - Params: - song_info: value returned by search_song
>>>Package.save_song(song_info = song_info)
Saving Complete...
For getting artist info - Params: - artist: artist name - Returns: - dict: a dictionary of artist information
>>>artist_info = Package.search_artist(artist='Cole')
>>>twitter = artist_info['Twitter Handle']
For saving artist info - Params: - artist_info: value returned by search_artist
Saving Complete...
For getting song annotations - Params: - song_id: song id gotten from search_song - Returns: - annotations: list of annotations and other important information
>>>song_id = song_info['song_id']
>>>annotations = Package.get_annotations(song_id=song_id)
For getting links and titles of articles currently on the genius home page - Returns: - tuple: headliner and other articles
>>>articles = Package.get_articles_links()
"""For getting an articles currently on the genius home page - Params: - link: article link gotten from get_article_links - Returns: - str: article content
>>>headline = articles[0]
>>>links = [v for v in headline.values()]
>>>article = Package.get_article(link=links[0])
For getting chart of top trending songs - Returns: - tuple: ranks, song title and artist name
>>>chart = Package.get_chart()
>>>for i in range(len(chart[0])):
... print(chart[0][i],' ',chart[1][i],' ',chart[2][i])
- Issues:
- Source Code:
Project licensed under the MIT license
- Nick: BlankGodd
- Email:
- Github:
- Twitter: @blankgodd_