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AXAnimation is an Android Library which can simply animate views and everything!

Table of Contents


This library is made up of three main sections that you should be familiar with before you begin.

  1. Rule
  2. RuleSection
  3. PreRule

Rule :

Each Rule does a specific job for the Animation. Rules will create the Animators of animation methods.

There are different types of rules :

  • PropertyRule : Uses ObjectAnimator for alpha(), rotation(), scale() and etc. Also It has a subclass called PropertyValueRule which uses ValueAnimator for more customiztions.
  • RuleSet : Can create multi rules in just one rule.
  • NotAnimatedRule : Some Rules have no Animators but they can update the target's state such as bringViewToFront or sendViewToBack.
  • DrawRule : Will draw Lines, Arcs, Shapes, Texts and etc on a DrawableLayout by canvas.

RuleSection :

Each section contains some Rules which will play together. but the sections will play sequentially. You can have several sections in an Animation.

There is also a WaitRule which can add delay between each section.

PreRule :

PreRule will prepare target for an Animation just before starting it. For Example copyOfView(...) makes a Placeholder of view.

Thats it!

This was a quick introduction for AXAnimation.

Good News: You don't need to create rules or anything by yourself, they are already made and waiting for your command to be executed.


AXAnimation is available in the mavenCentral(), so you just need to add it as a dependency (Module gradle)


implementation 'io.github.aghajari:AXAnimation:1.0.1'





  • Let's start with alpha() And scale()
        .scale(1.5f, 1.25f, 1.8f)


  • resize(gravity, width, height)
        .resize(Gravity.CENTER, width, height)


        .resize(Gravity.TOP | Gravity.RIGHT, width, height)


  • resize(left, top, right, bottom) OR resize(Rect... layouts)
        .resize(left, top, right, bottom)


  • skew(kx, ky) OR skew(PointF... values) & imageSkew(...)
        .skew(0.3f, 0.3f)


  • matrix(Matrix... matrices) & imageMatrix(...)
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.setSkew(0.15f, 0.15f);
matrix.postScale(1.5f, 1.5f);
matrix.postTranslate(-100, -100);



  • backgroundColor(int... colors)


  • background(Drawable... drawables)
GradientDrawable gd1 = new GradientDrawable();
gd1.setColors(new int[]{Color.RED, Color.BLUE});

GradientDrawable gd2 = new GradientDrawable();
gd2.setColors(new int[]{Color.BLUE, Color.GREEN});
gd2.setStroke(20, Color.RED, 0, 0);

ColorDrawable cd = new ColorDrawable(Color.MAGENTA);

        .background(gd1, gd2, cd)


  • flipHorizontal And flipVertical


  • drawLine(...)
Paint paint = new Paint();

LiveSize y = LiveSize.create(AXAnimation.CONTENT_HEIGHT).divide(2);
LiveSize left = LiveSize.create(16);
LiveSize right = LiveSize.create(AXAnimation.CONTENT_HEIGHT).minus(16);

        .drawLine("line_key", true, Gravity.CENTER, paint, left, y, right, y)


  • drawArc(...)
Paint paint = new Paint();

LiveSize cx = LiveSize.create(AXAnimation.CONTENT_WIDTH).divide(2);
LiveSize cy = LiveSize.create(AXAnimation.CONTENT_HEIGHT).divide(2);

        .drawArc("arc_key", true, paint, cx, cy, 56, false, -90, 270, 200, 320, 270, 360)

And many other interesting animations!

Let's see a few more custom animations.


  • drawPath(...)
Paint paint = new Paint();

Path path = new Path();
path.moveTo(100, 100);
path.lineTo(600, 100);
path.lineTo(600, 500);
path.lineTo(100, 500);
path.lineTo(100, 1000);

        .drawPath("path", true, Gravity.CENTER, paint, path)


  • matrix(...)
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.setSkew(0.15f, 0.15f);



  • AXAnimationSet


        .andAnimate("v1", findViewById(
        .andAnimate("v2", findViewById(


  • copyOfView(...) (PreRule)
        .copyOfView(true, true,


  • drawText(...) Using LiveVar
LiveVar<CharSequence> text = LiveVar.ofValue("");
LiveVar<Integer[]> startColor = LiveVar.ofArray();
LiveVar<Integer[]> endColor = startColor.reverseArray();

Paint textPaint = new Paint();
Paint paint = new Paint();

int cx = AXAnimation.ORIGINAL | Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL;
int cy = AXAnimation.ORIGINAL | Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL;

                "", "Hello 1", "Hello 2", "Hello 3", "Hello 4", "Hello 5"))
        .updateLiveVar(new LiveVarUpdater(startColor) {
            final Random rnd = new Random();

            public void update(AXAnimation animation, int sectionIndex, int realSectionIndex, RuleSection section) {
                if (!(section instanceof WaitRule)) {
                    int color = Color.rgb(rnd.nextInt(256), rnd.nextInt(256), rnd.nextInt(256));
                    target.update(Color.TRANSPARENT, color);
        .drawCircle("circle", true, paint, cx, cy, 200, false, -90)
        .drawText("text", true, false, textPaint, Gravity.CENTER, cx, cy, text)
        .drawSetPaint(textPaint, "textSize", false, 50f, 100f)
        .drawSetPaint(textPaint, "color", false, ArgbEvaluator.getInstance(), startColor)
        .drawSetPaint(textPaint, "color", false, ArgbEvaluator.getInstance(), endColor)
        .repeatPreviousRuleSection(4, AXAnimation.RESTART, 100)

LiveSize liveSize = LiveSize.create(AXAnimation.PARENT_HEIGHT).minus(100);

        .drawLine("line", true, Gravity.CENTER, paint,
                0, 100, AXAnimation.MATCH_PARENT, 100)
        .drawLine("line2", true, Gravity.CENTER, paint,
                LiveSize.create(), liveSize, LiveSize.create(AXAnimation.MATCH_PARENT), liveSize)


  • relativeMove(...) (+ inspection for a better debug)
        .relativeMove(, Gravity.TOP | Gravity.END,
                Gravity.BOTTOM | Gravity.START, -100, 100)
        .toBottomOf(, Gravity.TOP, 100)
        .toLeftOf(, Gravity.RIGHT, -100)
        .withEndAction(animation -> {
            Toast.makeText(this, "Double click to clear inspection", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

There is no limitation in AXAnimation! You can do whatever you want :)


LiveVar is a data holder class helps you to update animator value during animation.

LiveSize is a subclass of LiveVar, Helps you to move view base on it's original size, target size, the parent size or a related view.

For Example : target.left = / 2


Better Debug

Well, You just saw inspection, an Awesome way to debug animating layout.

There is also another way to debug all rules & rule sections. (Inspired by OkHttp Logging Interceptor)

        .wrap(DebugRuleSectionWrapper.class, true)

This will debug everything like this example :

    --> PropertyRule@139593355
       Data: [2.0]
       TmpData: [1.0, 2.0]
       PropertyName: scaleY
       AnimatorValues: [scaleY:  1.0  2.0  ]
       Duration: 1000
       StartDelay: 0
       Interpolator: AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator
       RepeatCount: 0
    --> END RULE DEBUG PropertyRule@139593355

LiveSizes will also be translated, example : target.left = / 2


All the rules have duration, interpolator, startDelay, repeat and reverse options.


Click to expand

Transformation & Property & Smart Rules

Method Name Param Types Param Names
translationX Float... | LiveVar<Float[]> x
translationY Float... | LiveVar<Float[]> y
translationZ Float... | LiveVar<Float[]> z
translation float, float x, y
x Float... | LiveVar<Float[]> x
y Float... | LiveVar<Float[]> y
z Float... | LiveVar<Float[]> z
xyz float, float, float | Float[], Float[], Float[] x, y, z
pivotX Float... | LiveVar<Float[]> pivotX
pivotY Float... | LiveVar<Float[]> pivotY
alpha Float... | LiveVar<Float[]> alpha
scale Float... | LiveVar<Float[]> scale
scaleX Float... | LiveVar<Float[]> scaleX
scaleY Float... | LiveVar<Float[]> scaleY
skew float, float | PointF... kx, ky | skewValues
imageSkew float, float | PointF... kx, ky | skewValues
rotation Float... | LiveVar<Float[]> rotation
rotationX Float... | LiveVar<Float[]> rotationX
rotationY Float... | LiveVar<Float[]> rotationY
cameraDistance Float... | LiveVar<Float[]> distance
visibility int visibility
backgroundColor Integer... | LiveVar<Integer[]> colors
background Drawable... backgrounds
backgroundFade Drawable... backgrounds
textColor Integer... | LiveVar<Integer[]> colors
textSize Float... | LiveVar<Float[]> sizes
textSize int, Float... | int, LiveVar<Float[]> unit, sizes
matrix Matrix... matrices
imageMatrix Matrix... matrices
flipHorizontal Void | float Void | finalRotation
flipHorizontalToHide Void | int Void | visibility
flipHorizontalToShow Void
flipVertical Void | float Void | finalRotation
flipVerticalToHide Void | int Void | visibility
flipVerticalToShow Void
flash Void
bounceIn Void
bounceOut Void
fadeInt Void
fadeOut Void
shake Void | float, float Void | nbShake, translation
shakeY Void | float, float Void | nbShake, translation
press Void | float Void | depth

Layout Rules

Method Name Param Types Param Names
setTargetLayoutParams ViewGroup.LayoutParams targetLayoutParams
fromLayoutParams ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams
toLayoutParams ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams
toLayoutParams ViewGroup.LayoutParams, boolean layoutParams, markAsTarget
backToFirstPlace Void
backToFirstPlace boolean markAsTarget
backToPreviousPlace Void
backToSectionPlace int sectionIndex
moveOnPath Path path
move int, int, int | int, LiveSize, LiveSize gravity, x, y
move int, Point... gravity, points
relativeMove int, int, int, Point | View, int, int, Point view, sourceGravity, targetGravity, delta
relativeMove int, int, int, int, int | View, int, int, int, int view, sourceGravity, targetGravity, dx, dy
toLeft int | LiveSize left
toTop int | LiveSize top
toRight int | LiveSize right
toBottom int | LiveSize bottom
toCenterHorizontal int | LiveSize center
toCenterVertical int | LiveSize center
toLeftOf int, int, int | View, int, int view, gravity, delta
toTopOF int, int, int | View, int, int view, gravity, delta
toRightOf int, int, int | View, int, int view, gravity, delta
toBottomOf int, int, int | View, int, int view, gravity, delta
toCenterHorizontalOf int, int, int | View, int, int view, gravity, delta
toCenterVerticalOf int, int, int | View, int, int view, gravity, delta
toCenterOf int | View view
toCenterOf int, int | View, int view, gravity
toCenterOf int, int, int, int | View, int, int, int view, gravity, horizontalDelta, verticalData
toPosition int, int gravity, position
toPosition int, int, int gravity, x, y
toPositionOf int, int, int, int | View, int, int, int view, sourceGravity, targetGravity, delta
resize int[4] | LiveSize[4] left, top, right, bottom
resize Rect... | LayoutSize... values
resizeHorizontal int[2] | LiveSize[2] left, right
resizeHorizontal Rect... | LayoutSize... values
resizeVertical int[2] | LiveSize[2] top, bottom
resizeVertical Rect... | LayoutSize... values
resizeWidth int, int... | int, LiveSize... gravity, width
resizeHeight int, int... | int, LiveSize... gravity, height
resize int, int, int | int, LiveSize, LiveSize gravity, width, height
padding int[4] | Rect... left, top, right, bottom | values

Draw Rules

Method Name Param Types Param Names
drawSetPaint Paint, String, boolean, T... target, propertyName, reset, values
drawSetPaint Paint, String, boolean, TypeEvaluator<?>, T... target, propertyName, reset, evaluator, values
drawSetPaint Paint, String, boolean, LiveVar<T[]> target, propertyName, reset, values
drawSetPaint Paint, String, boolean, TypeEvaluator<?>, LiveVar<T[]> target, propertyName, reset, evaluator, values
drawSetMatrix String, boolean, Matrix... key, drawOnFront, values
drawPath String, boolean, Paint, Path key, drawOnFront, paint, path
drawPath String, boolean, int, Paint, Path key, drawOnFront, lineGravity, paint, path
drawLine String, boolean, int, Paint, float, float, float, float key, drawOnFront, lineGravity, paint, startX, startY, stopX, stopY
drawLine String, boolean, int, Paint, LiveSize, LiveSize, LiveSize, LiveSize key, drawOnFront, lineGravity, paint, startX, startY, stopX, stopY
drawLine String, boolean, int, Paint, PointF[]... key, drawOnFront, lineGravity, paint, values
drawLine String, boolean, int, Paint, LiveSizePoint[]... key, drawOnFront, lineGravity, paint, values
drawArc String, boolean, Paint, float, float, float, boolean, float, float... key, drawOnFront, paint, cx, cy, radius, useCenter, startAngle, sweepAngles
drawArc String, boolean, Paint, LiveSize, LiveSize, float, boolean, float, float... key, drawOnFront, paint, cx, cy, radius, useCenter, startAngle, sweepAngles
drawArc String, boolean, Paint, RectF, float, boolean, float, float... key, drawOnFront, paint, oval, radius, useCenter, startAngle, sweepAngles
drawArc String, boolean, Paint, LiveSize, float, boolean, float, float... key, drawOnFront, paint, oval, radius, useCenter, startAngle, sweepAngles
drawCircle String, boolean, Paint, float, float, float, boolean, float key, drawOnFront, paint, cx, cy, radius, useCenter, startAngle
drawCircle String, boolean, Paint, LiveSize, LiveSize, float, boolean, float key, drawOnFront, paint, cx, cy, radius, useCenter, startAngle
drawOval String, boolean, Paint, RectF, float, boolean, float key, drawOnFront, paint, oval, radius, useCenter, startAngle
drawOval String, boolean, Paint, LiveSize, float, boolean, float key, drawOnFront, paint, oval, radius, useCenter, startAngle
drawOvalRect String, boolean, Paint, int, RectF... key, drawOnFront, paint, gravity, values
drawOvalRect String, boolean, Paint, int, LayoutSize... key, drawOnFront, paint, gravity, values
drawOvalRect String, boolean, Paint, int, float[4] key, drawOnFront, paint, gravity, left, top, right, bottom
drawOvalRect String, boolean, Paint, int, LiveSize[4] key, drawOnFront, paint, gravity, left, top, right, bottom
drawRect String, boolean, Paint, int, RectF... key, drawOnFront, paint, gravity, values
drawRect String, boolean, Paint, int, LayoutSize... key, drawOnFront, paint, gravity, values
drawRect String, boolean, Paint, int, float[4] key, drawOnFront, paint, gravity, left, top, right, bottom
drawRect String, boolean, Paint, int, LiveSize[4] key, drawOnFront, paint, gravity, left, top, right, bottom
drawRoundRect String, boolean, Paint, int, float, float, RectF... key, drawOnFront, paint, gravity, rx, ry, values
drawRoundRect String, boolean, Paint, int, float, float, LayoutSize... key, drawOnFront, paint, gravity, rx, ry, values
drawRoundRect String, boolean, Paint, int, float, float, float[4] key, drawOnFront, paint, gravity, rx, ry, left, top, right, bottom
drawRoundRect String, boolean, Paint, int, float, float, LiveSize[4] key, drawOnFront, paint, gravity, rx, ry, left, top, right, bottom
drawText String, boolean, boolean, Paint, int, float, float, CharSequence key, drawOnFront, typing, paint, gravity, x, y, text
drawText String, boolean, boolean, Paint, int, LiveSize, LiveSize, CharSequence key, drawOnFront, typing, paint, gravity, x, y, text
drawText String, boolean, boolean, Paint, int, float, float, LiveVar<CharSequence> key, drawOnFront, typing, paint, gravity, x, y, text
drawText String, boolean, boolean, Paint, int, LiveSize, LiveSize, LiveVar<CharSequence> key, drawOnFront, typing, paint, gravity, x, y, text
removeDrawRule String key

Custom Rules

Method Name Param Types Param Names
property String, float... | String, int... propertyName, values
propertySize String, float... | String, int... propertyName, values
propertyColor String, int... propertyName, colors
property String, TypeEvaluator<T>, T... propertyName, evaluator, values
custom AXAnimatorUpdateListener<Float>, float... listener, values
custom AXAnimatorUpdateListener<Integer>, int... listener, values
customArgb AXAnimatorUpdateListener<Integer>, int... listener, values
custom TypeEvaluator<T>, AXAnimatorUpdateListener<T>, T... evaluator, listener, values
customMatrix AXAnimatorUpdateListener<Matrix>, Matrix... listener, matrices
invoke String, Object... methodName, args
invoke int, String, Object... | View, String, Object... view, methodName, args
fieldSet String, Object fieldName, value
fieldSet int, String, Object | View, String, Object view, fieldName, value
fieldAnimatorSet String, boolean, TypeEvaluator<T>, T... fieldName, invalidate, evaluator, values
fieldAnimatorSet String, AXAnimatorUpdateListener<T>, boolean, TypeEvaluator<T>, T... fieldName, listener, invalidate, evaluator, values

Other Methods

Method Name Param Types Param Names
addRule Rule... rules
addReverseRule Rule... rules
addRuleSection RuleSection... ruleSections
bringViewToFront Void
bringViewToFront int | View view
sendViewToBack Void
sendViewToBack int | View view
startOtherAnimation AXAnimation | AXAnimation, View | AXAnimation, int animation | animation, view
startOtherAnimation String | String, View | String, int animation | animationName, view
reverseOtherAnimation AXAnimation | AXAnimation, View | AXAnimation, int animation | animation, view
reverseOtherAnimation String | String, View | String, int animation | animationName, view
reversePreviousRule Void
reverseRule int | Rule index | rule
reverseRuleOnSection int, int | int, RuleSection | Rule, RuleSection rule, ruleSection
reversePreviousRuleSection Void
reverseRuleSection int | RuleSection index | ruleSection
updateLiveVar LiveVarUpdater liveVarUpdater
updateLiveVar LiveVar, Object var, value
repeatPreviousRuleSection int, int, long repeatCount, repeatMode, delay
repeatRuleSection int, int, long, int | int, int, long, RuleSection repeatCount, repeatMode, delay, ruleSection
nextSection Void
nextSectionImmediate Void
nextSectionWithDelay long delay
nextSectionWithReverseDelay long delay
waitBefore long duration
waitNotifyBefore WaitNotifyRule.Listener | long, WaitNotifyRule.Listener listener | delay, listener
requiresApi int api
wrap Class<? extends RuleWrapper> wrapper
wrap Class<? extends RuleSectionWrapper>, boolean wrapper, wrapDelays
copyOfView boolean | boolean, boolean focusOnCopy | removeCopyAtTheEnd, focusOnCopy
copyOfView boolean, boolean, AXAnimation removeCopyAtTheEnd, focusOnCopy, placeholderAnimation
addPreRule PreRule preRule
start View view
reverse View view
end View view
pause Void
resume Void
cancel Void
end Void
getTotalDuration Void
getCurrentPlayTime Void
setCurrentPlayTime long playTime
getAnimatedFraction Void
addAnimatorListener AXAnimatorListener listener
removeAnimatorListener AXAnimatorListener listener
withSectionStartAction AXAnimatorStartListener listener
withSectionEndAction AXAnimatorEndListener listener
withStartAction AXAnimatorStartListener listener
withEndAction AXAnimatorEndListener listener
addStartAction AXAnimatorStartListener listener
addEndAction AXAnimatorEndListener listener
removeStartAction AXAnimatorStartListener listener
removeEndAction AXAnimatorEndListener listener
resetAnimatorValues Void
resetAnimation Void
importAnimation AXAnimation animation
setAnimation AXAnimation animation
createSimpleAnimator : AXSimpleAnimator View target
save String animationName
getAnimation String animationName
getAnimationsOfView View view
clear View view
measureUnit float density
dp Void
px Void


Amir Hossein Aghajari


If you find this library useful, Support it by joining stargazers for this repository ⭐️


Copyright 2021 Amir Hossein Aghajari
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

LCoders | AmirHosseinAghajari
Amir Hossein Aghajari • EmailGitHub