npm install ai-tools-sdk
yarn add ai-tools-sdk
import AITools from 'ai-tools-sdk';
const App = () => {
// This converts spoken source speech to text.
// mode_id_stt = model id for stt
// base64 = base64 text of audio
// source_lang_code = short code of spoken language
const text = await AITools.stt(model_id_stt, base64, source_lang_code);
// This will translate the text to target language of model passed.
// model_id_translation = model id of spoken langugage to english translator
// text = text to be translated
const translated_txt = await AITools.translate(model_id_translation, text);
// This gives back number from speech.
// model_id_stt = model id of spoken langugage
// base64 = base64 text of audio
// source_lang_code = short code of spoken language like 'en' for english
// model_id_translation = model id of spoken langugage to english translator
const number = await AITools.stn(model_id_stt, base64, source_lang_code, model_id_translation);
// The stn (Speech to Number) function first converts the speech to its native language text then that text is translated to english and then english words are converted to numbers.
// Example Flow: STT -> 'एक दो तीन' -> TRANSLATE -> 'one two three' -> STN -> '123'
// This returns a base64 audio text that can be played in any audio component.
// model_id_tts = model id for tts
// text = text to be converted to speech
// gender = for voice ('male' / 'female')
const res = await AITools.tts(model_id_tts, text, gender);
let audio = new Audio(res);;