Welcome to the Nike Shoes Website repository! This project showcases a sleek, single-page website designed to enhance the digital presence of Nike Shoes. Built with modern web technologies, this site emphasizes a seamless user experience with dynamic features.
This project is a testament to my belief in attention to detail and user experience. It features a responsive design, smooth animations, and interactive text effects, all crafted using cutting-edge web technologies.
- Consistent Theme: A visually cohesive design that aligns with brand identity.
- Dark Mode Support: A sophisticated dark theme for an enhanced user experience.
- Fully Responsive: Optimized for various screen sizes, ensuring a seamless experience across devices.
- Smooth Animations: Utilizing the AOS Library for engaging visual effects.
- Dynamic Text Animations: Powered by Typed.js for captivating text effects.
- React: For building the user interface.
- Tailwind CSS: For styling and responsive design.
- AOS Library: For smooth scroll animations.
- Typed.js: For dynamic text animations.
Experience the project live here: nike-ahmed.vercel.app
Explore the source code and contribute: https://github.com/AhmedShahid786/Nike-Website
- Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/AhmedShahid786/Nike-Website.git
- Navigate to the Project Directory:
cd Nike-Website
- Install Dependencies:
npm install
- Run the Development Server:
npm start
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
For any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out.