Maze-Solver is a Python-based maze-solving game implemented using Tkinter. The game allows users to place a rat and a piece of cheese on a grid, and then find paths between them using various algorithms.
- Place a rat and cheese on the grid.
- Generate random mazes with obstacles.
- Solve the maze using algorithms such as BFS, DFS, Greedy Best-First Search, A*, and Limited DFS.
- Reset the grid to start over.
- Watch a demo video to see the game in action.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd Maze-Solver
- Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the main script to launch the game:
- Place the rat and cheese on the grid by clicking on the cells.
- Choose an algorithm from the options provided to find the shortest path.
- Watch as the game visualizes the path-finding process.
- Click "Reset" to clear the grid and start over.
- Created by Ahmed Yahia
- And Youssef Gemy