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File metadata and controls

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Ahmer Pdfium library fork barteksc/PdfiumAndroid


Add to build.gradle:

implementation 'io.github.ahmerafzal1:ahmer-pdfium:1.2.0'

Sample usage:

PdfiumCore core = ...;
PdfDocument document = ...;
int pageIndex = 0;
core.openPage(document, pageIndex);
List<PdfDocument.Link> links = core.getPageLinks(document, pageIndex);
for (PdfDocument.Link link : links) {
    RectF mappedRect = core.mapRectToDevice(document, pageIndex, ..., link.getBounds())
    if (clickedArea(mappedRect)) {
        String uri = link.getUri();
        if (link.getDestPageIdx() != null) {
            // jump to page
        } else if (uri != null && !uri.isEmpty()) {
            // open URI using Intent

Simple example

void openPdf() {
    ImageView iv = (ImageView) findViewById(;
    ParcelFileDescriptor fd = ...;
    int pageNum = 0;
    PdfiumCore pdfiumCore = new PdfiumCore(context);
    try {
        PdfDocument pdfDocument = pdfiumCore.newDocument(fd);
        pdfiumCore.openPage(pdfDocument, pageNum);
        int width = pdfiumCore.getPageWidthPoint(pdfDocument, pageNum);
        int height = pdfiumCore.getPageHeightPoint(pdfDocument, pageNum);
        // ARGB_8888 - best quality, high memory usage, higher possibility of OutOfMemoryError
        // RGB_565 - little worse quality, twice less memory usage
        Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565);
        pdfiumCore.renderPageBitmap(pdfDocument, bitmap, pageNum, 0, 0, width, height);
        //if you need to render annotations and form fields, you can use
        //the same method above adding 'true' as last param
        printInfo(pdfiumCore, pdfDocument);
        pdfiumCore.closeDocument(pdfDocument); // important!
    } catch(IOException ex) {

public void printInfo(PdfiumCore core, PdfDocument doc) {
    PdfDocument.Meta meta = core.getDocumentMeta(doc);
    Log.e(TAG, "title = " + meta.getTitle());
    Log.e(TAG, "author = " + meta.getAuthor());
    Log.e(TAG, "subject = " + meta.getSubject());
    Log.e(TAG, "keywords = " + meta.getKeywords());
    Log.e(TAG, "creator = " + meta.getCreator());
    Log.e(TAG, "producer = " + meta.getProducer());
    Log.e(TAG, "creationDate = " + meta.getCreationDate());
    Log.e(TAG, "modDate = " + meta.getModDate());
    printBookmarksTree(core.getTableOfContents(doc), "-");

public void printBookmarksTree(List<PdfDocument.Bookmark> tree, String sep) {
    for (PdfDocument.Bookmark b : tree) {
        Log.e(TAG, String.format("%s %s, p %d", sep, b.getTitle(), b.getPageIdx()));
        if (b.hasChildren()) {
            printBookmarksTree(b.getChildren(), sep + "-");


Android view for displaying PDFs rendered with PdfiumAndroid from API 19


Add to build.gradle:

implementation 'io.github.ahmerafzal1:ahmer-pdfviewer:1.2.1'

Include PDFView in your layout


Load a PDF file

All available options with default values:

pdfView.fromStream(InputStream) // stream is written to bytearray - native code cannot use Java Streams
    .pages(0, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3) // all pages are displayed by default
    .enableSwipe(true) // allows to block changing pages using swipe
    .onDraw(onDrawListener) // allows to draw something on the current page, usually visible in the middle of the screen    
    .onDrawAll(onDrawListener) // allows to draw something on all pages, separately for every page. Called only for visible pages
    .onLoad(onLoadCompleteListener) // called after document is loaded and starts to be rendered
    .onRender(onRenderListener) // called after document is rendered for the first time    
    .onTap(onTapListener) // called on single tap, return true if handled, false to toggle scroll handle visibility
    .enableAnnotationRendering(false) // render annotations (such as comments, colors or forms)
    .enableAntialiasing(true) // improve rendering a little bit on low-res screens    
    .spacing(0) // spacing between pages in dp. To define spacing color, set view background
    .autoSpacing(false) // add dynamic spacing to fit each page on its own on the screen
    .pageFitPolicy(FitPolicy.WIDTH) // mode to fit pages in the view
    .fitEachPage(true) // fit each page to the view, else smaller pages are scaled relative to largest page.
    .nightMode(false) // toggle night mode
    .pageSnap(true) // snap pages to screen boundaries
    .pageFling(false) // make a fling change only a single page like ViewPager
  • pages is optional, it allows you to filter and order the pages of the PDF as you need

Scroll handle

PDFView in RelativeLayout to use ScrollHandle is not required, you can use any layout.

To use scroll handle just register it using method Configurator#scrollHandle(). This method accepts implementations of ScrollHandle interface.

There is default implementation shipped with AndroidPdfViewer, and you can use it with .scrollHandle(new DefaultScrollHandle(this)). DefaultScrollHandle is placed on the right (when scrolling vertically) or on the bottom (when scrolling horizontally). By using constructor with second argument (new DefaultScrollHandle(this, true)), handle can be placed left or top.

You can also create custom scroll handles, just implement ScrollHandle interface. All methods are documented as Javadoc comments on interface source.

Document sources

Document sources, which are just providers for PDF documents. Every provider implements DocumentSource interface. Predefined providers are available in com.ahmer.afzal.pdfviewer.source.DocumentSource package and can be used as samples for creating custom ones.

Predefined providers can be used with shorthand methods:


Custom providers may be used with pdfView.fromSource(DocumentSource) method.


By default, DefaultLinkHandler is used and clicking on link that references page in same document causes jump to destination page and clicking on link that targets some URI causes opening it in default application.

You can also create custom link handlers, just implement LinkHandler interface and set it using Configurator#linkHandler(LinkHandler) method. Take a look at DefaultLinkHandler source to implement custom behavior.

Pages fit policy

Library supports fitting pages into the screen in 3 modes:

  • WIDTH - width of widest page is equal to screen width
  • HEIGHT - height of highest page is equal to screen height
  • BOTH - based on widest and highest pages, every page is scaled to be fully visible on screen

Apart from selected policy, every page is scaled to have size relative to other pages.

Fit policy can be set using Configurator#pageFitPolicy(FitPolicy). Default policy is WIDTH.

Additional options

Bitmap quality

By default, generated bitmaps are compressed with RGB_565 format to reduce memory consumption. Rendering with ARGB_8888 can be forced by using pdfView.useBestQuality(true) method.

Double tap zooming

There are three zoom levels: min (default 1), mid (default 1.75) and max (default 3). On first double tap, view is zoomed to mid level, on second to max level, and on third returns to min level. If you are between mid and max levels, double tapping causes zooming to max and so on.

Zoom levels can be changed using following methods:

void setMinZoom(float zoom);
void setMidZoom(float zoom);
void setMaxZoom(float zoom);

Why I cannot open PDF from URL?

Downloading files is long running process which must be aware of Activity lifecycle, must support some configuration, data cleanup and caching, so creating such module will probably end up as new library.

How can I show last opened page after configuration change?

You have to store current page number and then set it with pdfView.defaultPage(page), refer to sample app

How can I fit document to screen width (eg. on orientation change)?

Use FitPolicy.WIDTH policy or add following snippet when you want to fit desired page in document with different page sizes:

Configurator.onRender(new OnRenderListener() {
    public void onInitiallyRendered(int pages, float pageWidth, float pageHeight) {

How can I scroll through single pages like a ViewPager?

You can use a combination of the following settings to get scroll and fling behaviour similar to a ViewPager:



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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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