Welcome to NovaFlix, a Netflix clone built to demonstrate proficiency in full stack development. This project uses a variety of modern web technologies to fetch and display movie and TV show data in a user-friendly interface. 🌟
NovaFlix is built using the following technologies:
- React and React-DOM 📦 for building the user interface.
- Next.js 🚀 for server-side rendering and static site generation.
- @emotion/react and @emotion/styled 👗 for styled components.
- @mui/icons-material 🎨 for using Material-UI icons.
- Tailwind CSS 🌈 with tailwind-scrollbar-hide for modern styling.
- React Hook Form 📝 for efficient and easy handling of form state.
- React Hot Toast 🔥 for adding toast notifications.
- Next Auth 🔒 for simple authentication solutions.
- Bcryptjs 🛡️ for hashing passwords securely.
- Mongoose 🌱 for MongoDB object modeling.
- User Authentication 🔐
- Movie and TV show listings 🎥
- Search functionality 🔍
- Responsive design 📱