- Programming Quiz: Murder Mystery (3-4) */
var room = "gallery"; var suspect = "Ms. Van Cleve";
var weapon; if ( room === "dining room") { weapon = "knife";} else if (room === "ballroom" ) {weapon = "poison";} else if (room === "billiards room") {weapon = "pool stick";} else {weapon = "trophy";}
var solved;
if ( room === "dining room" && suspect === "Mr. Parkes") { solved = true; } else if (room === "ballroom" && suspect === "Mr. Kalehoff") { solved = true; } else if (room === "billiards room" && suspect === "Ms. Sparr") { solved = true; }else { solved = true;
if (solved === true) { console.log(suspect+" did it in the "+room+" with the "+ weapon+"!"); }