WLED version 0.12.0
Welcome to WLED 0.12.0 "Hikari"!
Even now you are still my light. This counts now more than ever before. So let's illuminate the world!
This version's highlights are
- Support for multiple LED outputs (10 on ESP32, 3 on ESP8266). Add even more lights to your installation
- Pins and LED type can be configured at runtime. No more custom binaries for pin changes
- Palette previews: You now know what a palette looks like before even applying it
- Searchable palette and effect lists, making finding your favorites easier
- Instance list: Simply jump from one WLED device to another without remembering IPs
- Added four new effects, Aurora, Dynamic Smooth, Tetrix and TV simulator
- Caching for snappier interface loading
- Added indicator for Frames per second
- Various fixes and improvements
See the changelog for a complete list of changes!