Built a fully Dynamic and Functional input Interface, where users can add more fields, delete any fields and define its type too. When the Save button is clicked, it Console the updated data. This project can be used to receive flexible input data from users or can easily be integrated to any registration portals.
The following features are implemented:
- Users can Edit name of a field.
- Users can Add more fields.
- Users can Delete any fields.
- Renders this interface if given in data form.
- Users can mark which fields are Required/Not-Required (switch).
- When user clicks on Save button, it Console the updated data.
- Added detailed Schema to understand the Working comprehensively.
The interface handles the following Types:
- String
- Number
- Boolean
- Object
- React.
- Javascript.
- Netlify.
To Install dependencies and packages by NPM.
Setting up and runs on port 3000.
- Take a look at the Existing Issues or create your own Issues!
- Wait for the Issue to be assigned to you after which you can start working on it.
- Fork the Repo and create a Branch for any Issue that you are working upon.
- Create a Pull Request which will be promptly reviewed and suggestions would be added to improve it.
- Add Screenshots to help me know what this Code is all about.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jn-iq1dKB38&pp=ygUiaG93IHRvIG1ha2UgZHliYW1pYyBpbnB1dCBpbiByZWFjdA%3D%3D
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u4EnR5PmyA&pp=ygUiaG93IHRvIG1ha2UgZHliYW1pYyBpbnB1dCBpbiByZWFjdA%3D%3D
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcAyJRlvh8Y&pp=ygUiaG93IHRvIG1ha2UgZHliYW1pYyBpbnB1dCBpbiByZWFjdA%3D%3D
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgKH12s_95A&pp=ygUiaG93IHRvIG1ha2UgZHliYW1pYyBpbnB1dCBpbiByZWFjdA%3D%3D