This repository contains a functional clone of the Gearbest website. SAARTECH is an e-commerce store, that sells cell phones, electronic gadgets, toys, sporting goods, home products and apparel.
Akash Keshari , Sahil Kumar, Anjana Kushwaha, Rahul Monga
- Javascript
- React
- React-Redux
- React-Router
- Chakra UI
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDb
- Home Page:- Nav Bar, sliding banners & slider for Products.
- Sign-In:- User authentication to check whether user email and password match with details existing in the database.
- Navbarpages:- All the navbar pages have products with the option to add to wishlist
- Search functionality
- Responsiveness for different screen sizes
- Login/Signup functionality (checks to see if the mobile is valid/10 digit)
- Filtering of products in pages based on brand, colour, Price, and discount
- Sorting products for reccomended, What's new, popularity, Price high to low and low to High
- Wishlist shows selected products, and these can be moved to cart, shows empty message
- Cart shows price data, products in the cart, a remove button to remove from cart
- Address page lets you input and displays address, and then through the payment page