- It's a group project where we not only show our technicals and but also apply git and github skills
- It's a single-page-application(SPA) website providing bakers information where the local community can find their favourite bakers and the bakers can have a place to show their food
- Every guest can browse and search bakers they like
- Logged-in baker can update, delete and add infomation
- Logged-in guest(eater) can review and rate the baker
- Design the wireframe and layout
- Design the database, one is for bakers, the other is for users
- Team members take charge of bakers pages and users pages
- Introduce Bootstrap to make beautiful layout
- Search functions
- Different type of users will show different content
- Express, pg, bcrypt, express-session
- SQL, Postgresql
- Bootstrap
- Heroku
- Team work is important
- Build another database for reviews
- Logged in guests can review the bakers