- New Delhi, India
- 5h30m ahead - akshsingla.vercel.app
- @aktindo
- https://akshsingla.vercel.app
Grab your own sweet-looking '.is-a.dev' subdomain.
Game Glide's personal website built with: React, TailwindCSS and Next.js
🚀 Beautiful, fast and modern React UI library. (Previously NextUI)
Official launcher for all games made by select.
A CLI to bootstrap different types of tailwindcss apps!
A WhatsApp clone made with NextJS/TailwindCSS/Firebase.
Monitor your websites, showcase status including daily history, and get Slack/Telegram/Discord notification whenever your website status changes. Using Cloudflare Workers, CRON Triggers, and KV sto…
A simple package for pagination using buttons introduced in discord.js v13.
A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
🌼 🌼 🌼 🌼 🌼 The most popular, free and open-source Tailwind CSS component library
The Most Complete React UI Component Library
A useful and modular NPM package in formatting string literals.
A JS library for predictable global state management
The blogging and update site for the melody discord bot!
Melody is a Music bot written in Javacord!
The library for web and native user interfaces.