A responsive front-end project built with React.js, showcasing information for all countries using external APIs. This user-friendly application offers features such as searching, filtering by continent, and toggling between light and dark modes.
- Fetch Data with useEffect: Retrieves real-time country information from an external API.
- Search Functionality: Quickly find countries by name.
- Continent Filter: Filter countries based on their continent.
- Light/Dark Mode: Toggle between light and dark themes for a personalized browsing experience.
- Fully Responsive Design: Optimized for seamless use on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
- React.js: Core framework for building the interface.
- React Libraries: Utilized advanced React features for enhanced performance and functionality.
- CSS: Styled the application to ensure a visually appealing and responsive design.
$ git clone ... # clone this project to your local machine
$ cd country-react # go to project folder
$ npm install # install dependencies
$ npm run start # run it locally
If you have any feedback or would like to discuss this project, feel free to reach out:
Email: mohammedalaminruben@gmail.com
LinkedIn: LinkedIn Profile