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File metadata and controls

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The ability to write an object to either a string or a file, plus the ability to read that object back in from a file.


Method toString provides nicely formatted string representations for those builtin types that are sub-types to abstract types Real, Vector{<:Real} and Matrix{<:Real}. These need not be exact representations, because their intention is for displaying results in the REPL, etc., as a means of informing the user during a runtime. (Exact representations are often too lengthy, but can be gotten from the core method string.) Ellipses may appear in vector and matrix representations if their size is otherwise too large to fit onto a line or a printed page, respectively.

The primitive or concrete sub-types to abstract type Integer are: Bool, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int128, BigInt, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64 and UInt128, while the primitive sub-types to abstract type AbstractFloat are: Float16, Float32, Float64 and BigFloat. A call to method toString will convert any instance for any of these primitive types into a string, including vectors and matrices of these types.

For values:

    s = toString(y::Bool)::String
    s = toString(y::Integer)::String
    s = toString(y::AbstractFloat)::String

for vectors of values:

    s = toString(v::Vector{Bool})::String
    s = toString(v::Vector{<:Integer})::String
    s = toString(v::Vector{<:AbstractFloat})::String

and for matrices of values:

    s = toString(m::Matrix{Bool})::String
    s = toString(m::Matrix{<:Integer})::String
    s = toString(m::Matrix{<:AbstractFloat})::String

No reciprocal method for parsing a string is included, viz., there is no fromString, as the intention here is to provide a visual interface to the user at runtime.

Opening and Closing JSON Files

There are methods that write and read objects to and/or from a file that are exported by this module, thereby enabling their data to become persistent, viz., methods toFile and fromFile. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) files are used for this purpose; specifically, the JSON3.jl module is used. JSON files store data in key-value pairs, which is an ideal format for storing objects of Julia's composite struct types to file, too. JSON files are lightweight, text-based, human-readable, and can even be edited using a standard text editor.

To open an existing JSON file for reading, one can call

function openJSONReader(my_dir_path::String, my_file_name::String)::IOStream

e.g., json_stream = openJSONReader("home/my_dir/", "my_file.json").

This reader attaches to a file located in directory my_dir_path whose name is my_file_name, which is expected to end with a .json extension. The file is opened in read-only mode. This reader initially points to the beginning of the file.

To create a new, or open an existing JSON file for writing, one can call

function openJSONWriter(my_dir_path::String, my_file_name::String)::IOStream

e.g., json_stream = openJSONWriter("home/my_dir/", "my_file.json").

This writer attaches to a file located in directory my_dir_path whose name is my_file_name, which is expected to end with a .json extension. If this file does not exist, it will be created. The file is opened in write-create-append mode. This writer initially points to the beginning of the file, whether it already exists or is to be newly created.

To close a file to which a JSON stream is attached, one simply calls

function closeJSONStream(json_stream::IOStream)

Writing Instances of Built-In Types to a JSON File

To write an object belonging to a built-in Julia type into a JSON file, one can call method toFile. The parametric type structure implemented in the Julia language allows for a very simple interface here.

Calls to this method can satisfy one of the following interfaces:

    toFile(y::String, json_stream::IOStream)
    toFile(y::Dict, json_stream::IOStream)
    toFile(y::Real, json_stream::IOStream)
    toFile(y::Vector{<:Real}, json_stream::IOStream)

where methods openJSONReader, openJSONWriter and closeJSONStream can be called upon to open and close the IOStream that is a json_stream.

The primitive types that implement abstract type Real are: Bool, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int128, BigInt, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt128, Float16, Float32, Float64 and BigFloat.

All primitive types of Real are handled by method toFile(y::Real, json_stream::IOStream), e.g., toFile(true, json_stream) writes boolean true to file, while toFile(1, json_stream) writes integer 1 to file as an instance of type Int; likewise, vectors of these primative types are handled by method toFile(y::Vector{<:Real}, json_stream::IOStream).

Information establishing the primitive type of an object being stored to file is written along with its value, so that when read back in from file the restored value will be assigned the actual type of the value that was originally saved to file. The lazy feature of JSON3 is not adhered to here.

Reading Instances of Built-In Types from a JSON File

To read an object belonging to a built-in Julia type from a JSON file, one can call method fromFile. The parametric type structure implemented in the Julia language allows for a very simple interface here.

Calls to this method can satisfy one of the following interfaces:

    s = fromFile(::Type{String}, json_stream::IOStream)::String
    d = fromFile(::Type{Dict},   json_stream::IOStream)::Dict
    x = fromFile(::Type{<:Real}, json_stream::IOStream)::Real
    v = fromFile(::Type{Vector}, json_stream::IOStream)::Vector

where methods openJSONReader, openJSONWriter and closeJSONStream can be called upon to open and close the IOStream that is a json_stream.

All primitive types of abstract type Real (viz., Bool, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int128, BigInt, UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt128, Float16, Float32, Float64 and BigFloat) can be handled.

Singleton values are read via a call to fromFile(::Type{<:Real}, json_stream::IOStream), e.g., if a boolean was stored to a file, then a boolean will be read back in by a call to fromFile(Real, json_stream).

Vector values are read by a call to v = fromFile(Vector, json_stream) with the type of the vector being restored coming from information stored to file by method toFile. Vector v can be of any primitive type belonging to type Real, e.g., Vector{Bool}.

For singleton values, like calls of the form fromFile(Bool, json_stream) will be handled as expected, but similar calls for vector values do not exist, e.g., a call to fromFile{Vector{Bool}, json_stream) will result in an error, while fromFile{Vector, json_stream) will execute correctly.

Objects that are matrices and higher-order arrays are stored to file in a column vector format in this module, which are then reshaped into their correct array structures when read back in from file.

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