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A physical tensor, or tensor field, is a matrix (a two-dimensional array) of numbers associated with a set of physical units, e.g., stress.

Concrete Types

For a tensor field, use the type

struct PhysicalTensor <: PhysicalField
    matrix::MMatrix         # values of a tensor in its specified system of units
    units::PhysicalUnits    # physical units of the tensor

while for an array of a tensor fields, use the type

struct ArrayOfPhysicalTensors
    array::MArray           # array of matrices holding values of a physical tensor
    units::PhysicalUnits    # physical units of the tensor array

where all tensor entries in the array have the same dimensions (rows by columns) and the same physical units.


There are three internal constructors. The first assigns zeros to the array field. The second assigns a raw array of reals of the appropriate dimension. And the third assigns a mutable array of reals of the appropriate dimension.



function PhysicalTensor(rows::Integer, columns::Integer, units::PhysicalUnits)
function PhysicalTensor(matrix::Matrix{<:Real}, units::PhysicalUnits)
function PhysicalTensor(matrix::MMatrix, units::PhysicalUnits)

These constructors will return a new tensor object of dimension rows×columns. The physical units of the tensor are specified by argument units. The first constructor assigns numeric values of zero to each element of the matrix field. The other two constructors assign numeric values to their matrix field, as specified by argument matrix.


function ArrayOfPhysicalTensors(array_length::Integer, tensor_rows::Integer, tensor_columns::Integer, units::PhysicalUnits)
function ArrayOfPhysicalTensors(array::Array{<:Real,3}, units::PhysicalUnits)
function ArrayOfPhysicalTensors(array::MArray, units::PhysicalUnits)

These constructors will return a new array of tensor objects of like dimension (rows × columns) and physical units. The length of the array of tensors is specified by argument array_length. The dimensions of each tensor held by this array are the same, and are specified by arguments tensor_rows and tensor_columns. The physical units for each of these tensors are the same, and is specified by argument units. The first constructor assigns numeric values of zero to each element of each matrix entry held in the array. The other two constructors assign numeric values to each matrix field held in the array, as specified by argument array, which is a matrix of dimension array_length×tensor_rows×tensor_columns.


Get and Set!

These methods are to be used to retrieve and assign a PhysicalScalar from/to an element in a PhysicalTensor

function getindex(y::PhysicalTensor, index::Integer)::PhysicalScalar
function setindex!(y::PhysicalTensor, scalar::PhysicalScalar, index::Integer)

while the following methods are to be used to retrieve and assign a PhysicalTensor from/to an ArrayOfPhysicalTensors.

function getindex(y::ArrayOfPhysicalTensors, index::Integer)::PhysicalTensor
function setindex!(y::ArrayOfPhysicalTensors, tensor::PhysicalTensor, index::Integer)

Because these methods extend the Base functions getindex and setindex!, i) the bracket notation [,] can be used to retrieve and assign a scalar field at a matrix location belonging to an instance of PhysicalTensor, and ii) the bracket notation [] can be used to retrieve and assign a tensor field at an array location belonging to an instance of ArrayOfPhysicalTensors.


For making a copy, use

function copy(y::PhysicalTensor)::PhysicalTensor
function copy(y::ArrayOfPhysicalTensors)::ArrayOfPhysicalTensors

Readers and Writers

To write a tensor or an array of tensors to a JSON file, one can call

function toFile(y::PhysicalTensor, json_stream::IOStream)
function toFile(y::ArrayOfPhysicalTensors, json_stream::IOStream)

where argument json_stream comes from a call to openJSONWriter discussed here.

To read a tensor or an array of tensors from a JSON file, one can call

function fromFile(::Type{PhysicalTensor}, json_stream::IOStream)::PhysicalTensor
function fromFile(::Type{ArrayOfPhysicalTensors}, json_stream::IOStream)::ArrayOfPhysicalTensors

where argument json_stream comes from a call to openJSONReader discussed here.

Type conversions

Conversion to a string is provided for instances of PhysicalTensor by the method

function toString(y::PhysicalTensor)::String

Conversion to a matrix of the values held by a tensor is provided by

function toMatrix(y::PhysicalTensor)::Matrix{<:Real}

Converting a tensor field between SI and CGS units is accomplished via

function toSI(y::PhysicalTensor)::PhysicalTensor
function toCGS(y::PhysicalTensor)::PhysicalTensor

and to convert an array of tensors between CGS and SI units, use

function toSI(y::ArrayOfPhysicalTensors)::ArrayOfPhysicalTensors
function toCGS(y::ArrayOfPhysicalTensors)::ArrayOfPhysicalTensors

Unit Testing

To test a tensor or an array of tensors to see if they are dimensionless, call

function isDimensionless(y::PhysicalTensor)::Bool
function isDimensionless(y::ArrayOfPhysicalTensors)::Bool

To test a tensor or an array of tensors to see if they have SI units, call method

function isSI(y::PhysicalTensor)::Bool
function isSI(y::ArrayOfPhysicalTensors)::Bool

and to test a tensor or an array of tensors to see if they have CGS units, call method

function isCGS(y::PhysicalTensor)::Bool
function isCGS(y::ArrayOfPhysicalTensors)::Bool


The following operators have been overloaded so that they can handle objects of type PhysicalTensor, whenever such operations make sense, e.g., one cannot add two tensors with different units or different dimensions.

The overloaded logical operators include: ==, and .

The overloaded unary operators include: + and -.

The overloaded binary operators include: +, -, *, / and \,

where the last operator solves a linear system of equations, e.g., given a matrix A and a vector b, the linear system of equations Ax = b is solved for vector x. This is written in code as x = A\b.

Math Functions for PhysicalTensor


function norm(y::PhysicalTensor, p::Real=2)::PhysicalScalar

returns the p-norm of tensor y, with the default being the Frobenius norm, i.e., p= 2.

To construct a tensor product between two vectors, typically written as t = y⊗z or in component notation as tᵢⱼ = yᵢzⱼ, use function

function tensorProduct(y::PhysicalVector, z::PhysicalVector)::PhysicalTensor

To get the transpose of a tensor, call method

function transpose(y::PhysicalTensor)::PhysicalTensor

To get the trace of a tensor, call method

function tr(y::PhysicalTensor)::PhysicalScalar

To get the determinant of a tensor, call method

function det(y::PhysicalTensor)::PhysicalScalar

To get the inverse of a tensor, when it exists, call method

function inv(y::PhysicalTensor)::PhysicalTensor

To get the QR or Gram-Schmidt decomposition of a tensor, when it exists, call method

function qr(y::PhysicalTensor)::Tuple

e.g., written in code as

(Q, R) = qr(tensor)

where Q is an orthogonal Gram rotation matrix (a dimensionless tensor), and R is an upper-triangular (right) matrix (a tensor with the units of the passed field).

To get the LQ decomposition of a tensor, when it exists, call method

function lq(y::PhysicalTensor)::Tuple

e.g., written in code as

(L, Q) = lq(tensor)

where L is a lower-triangular (left) matrix (a tensor with units of the passed field), and Q is an orthogonal rotation matrix (a dimensionless tensor).

Note: The rotation matrix Q returned by a QR matrix decomposition of a tensor is, in general, not the same rotation matrix Q returned by an LQ decomposition of the tensor. In the mechanics of stretch, Q in QR is a rotation taken in a Lagrangian frame of reference, while Q in LQ is a rotation taken in an Eulerian frame of reference.

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