Automate machine learning .
Auto ML COEX is a Streamlit web application that helps you perform Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) on your dataset. It allows you to upload a CSV dataset, explore the data, run AutoML to find the best model, and visualize the model performance metrics.
Features Upload Dataset: Upload your dataset in CSV format. Data Exploration: Explore the uploaded dataset using D-Tale for data profiling. Automated Machine Learning: Run AutoML using PyCaret to find the best model for your data. Model Performance Visualization: Visualize the performance of different models in terms of Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Squared Error (MSE), and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE).
Technologies Used Streamlit: Web app framework for building the user interface. Pandas: Data manipulation and analysis library. PyCaret: Automated machine learning library for model training and selection. D-Tale: Interactive data visualization tool for data profiling. Matplotlib and Seaborn: Plotting libraries for data visualization.
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, feel free to open an issue or create a pull request.