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ROS+Gazebo Tasks

Set of tasks in ROS to control a pioneer3at. Base repository: p2os

Task 1

Create a world with bars in slalom and operate a pioneer3at with a camera. First from world view and then from first person view.

Execute ros+gazebo:

roslaunch p2os_urdf pioneer3at.gazebo.launch

Execute first person view with rqt:

rosrun rqt_gui rqt_gui

Operate robot with keyboard:

rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard

Task 2

Make the robot follow objects of a determined color.

Execute ros+gazebo:

roslaunch p2os_urdf pioneer3at.gazebo.launch

Make robot follow objects:

rosrun follow_color follow_color

Task 3

Make the robot follow a goal (Red ball) and avoid obstacles (Yellow and green balls) using potential fields method.

Execute ros+gazebo:

roslaunch p2os_urdf pioneer3at.gazebo.launch

Make robot follow objects:

rosrun potential_fields potential_fields

Task 4

Make the robot go accross a full room to create a map with odometry. Later, use that map to find shotest paths between two points, generate a set of commands and execute them.

Execute ros+gazebo:

roslaunch p2os_urdf pioneer3at.gazebo.launch

Make the robot follow the full map:

rosrun odometry_map odometry_map

Once has ended, the map has been created. Establish two points, origin and destiny with initial heading, and execute path finder and command genedator:

rosrun planning_trayectory planning_trayectory

It will generate a commands.txt with the commands that the robot has to follow. Put the robot in the starting position and execute the pilot to take the robot to its goal:

rosrun command_pilot pilot

Task 5

Make the robot use a map to find the shortest path between two points using A* algorithm and a map represented as an adjacency graph. The map was a screenshot from a building created in Gazebo, and later processed and converted into a gridmap using Quadtree+GridTree. Once the algorithm has the shortest path it creates a set of commands. It can be executed with the pilot of the previous task.

*Requisite have the files generated by Quadtree+GridTree in the ~/catkin_ws directory.

Execute ros+gazebo:

roslaunch p2os_urdf pioneer3at.gazebo.launch

Calculate path and commands with the algorithm A*:

rosrun a_star a_star

It will generate a command.txt with the commands that the robot has to follow. Put the robot in the starting position and execute the pilot to take the robot to its goal:

rosrun command_pilot pilot