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chore(release): 34.0.14 [skip ci]
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## [34.0.14](34.0.13...34.0.14) (2024-07-27)

### Dependency updates

* **core-deps:** update protelis to v17.3.38 ([02ac1d3](02ac1d3))
* **core-deps:** update protelis to v17.3.39 ([b5b3b64](b5b3b64))
* **deps:** update danysk/makepkg docker tag to v1.1.2 ([82b5369](82b5369))
* **deps:** update danysk/makepkg docker tag to v1.1.3 ([a874076](a874076))
* **deps:** update danysk/makepkg docker tag to v1.1.4 ([b18e033](b18e033))
* **deps:** update dependency com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-annotations to v4.8.6 ([fe581ed](fe581ed))
* **deps:** update dependency com.miglayout:miglayout-swing to v11.4 ([be3c6a4](be3c6a4))
* **deps:** update dependency commons-codec:commons-codec to v1.17.1 ([#3597](#3597)) ([5a2fcd0](5a2fcd0))
* **deps:** update dependency de.flapdoodle.embed:de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo to v4.14.0 ([b49b9db](b49b9db))
* **deps:** update dependency de.flapdoodle.embed:de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo to v4.15.0 ([9745a93](9745a93))
* **deps:** update dependency de.flapdoodle.embed:de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo to v4.16.2 ([c5db324](c5db324))
* **deps:** update dependency gradle to v8.9 ([#3587](#3587)) ([f381506](f381506))
* **deps:** update dependency io.github.classgraph:classgraph to v4.8.174 ([92ac029](92ac029))
* **deps:** update dependency org.apache.commons:commons-lang3 to v3.15.0 ([c72c0bb](c72c0bb))
* **deps:** update dependency org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-jsr223 to v3.0.22 ([e061ce9](e061ce9))
* **deps:** update dependency org.danilopianini:java-quadtree to v0.2.1 ([#3598](#3598)) ([90a0284](90a0284))
* **deps:** update dependency org.danilopianini:jirf to v0.4.22 ([#3599](#3599)) ([91bf8a7](91bf8a7))
* **deps:** update dependency org.danilopianini:thread-inheritable-resource-loader to v0.3.7 ([6fcc831](6fcc831))
* **deps:** update dependency org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit to v6.10.0.202406032230-r ([52e8ff0](52e8ff0))
* **deps:** update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json to v1.7.0 ([d285bf7](d285bf7))
* **deps:** update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json to v1.7.1 ([d3fee7c](d3fee7c))
* **deps:** update dependency org.mongodb:mongodb-driver-sync to v5.1.1 ([79aa149](79aa149))
* **deps:** update dependency org.mongodb:mongodb-driver-sync to v5.1.2 ([84613b3](84613b3))
* **deps:** update dependency scalafmt to v3.8.2 ([4519893](4519893))
* **deps:** update dependency scalafmt to v3.8.3 ([cd01088](cd01088))
* **deps:** update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.86 ([806bad1](806bad1))
* **deps:** update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.87 ([528980b](528980b))
* **deps:** update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.92 ([90b4dc5](90b4dc5))
* **deps:** update external-resources/learning-scafi-alchemist digest to 0e99d1c ([053f954](053f954))
* **deps:** update external-resources/learning-scafi-alchemist digest to 36d90d0 ([452a620](452a620))
* **deps:** update external-resources/learning-scafi-alchemist digest to 644b6df ([8fa5b1d](8fa5b1d))
* **deps:** update external-resources/learning-scafi-alchemist digest to 6a0707a ([40501c9](40501c9))
* **deps:** update external-resources/learning-scafi-alchemist digest to 6d46cf3 ([68ef63b](68ef63b))
* **deps:** update external-resources/learning-scafi-alchemist digest to 6e895ca ([9bbb5f9](9bbb5f9))
* **deps:** update external-resources/learning-scafi-alchemist digest to 861aafe ([a8ec2e7](a8ec2e7))
* **deps:** update external-resources/learning-scafi-alchemist digest to 968e7bf ([5043987](5043987))
* **deps:** update external-resources/learning-scafi-alchemist digest to ba9f8c3 ([3081ecd](3081ecd))
* **deps:** update external-resources/learning-scafi-alchemist digest to caef51a ([9e1c56b](9e1c56b))
* **deps:** update external-resources/learning-scafi-alchemist digest to cc2cbba ([9f8e16e](9f8e16e))
* **deps:** update external-resources/learning-scafi-alchemist digest to d125e81 ([0181c25](0181c25))
* **deps:** update external-resources/learning-scafi-alchemist digest to db7c58f ([#3592](#3592)) ([0e99bb8](0e99bb8))
* **deps:** update external-resources/learning-scafi-alchemist digest to e5ae2dc ([70f6c66](70f6c66))
* **deps:** update external-resources/learning-scafi-alchemist digest to fea5ca7 ([f0fe9e5](f0fe9e5))
* **deps:** update gohugoio/hugo action to v0.128.0 ([2e899a4](2e899a4))
* **deps:** update gohugoio/hugo action to v0.128.1 ([5b39ee8](5b39ee8))
* **deps:** update gohugoio/hugo action to v0.128.2 ([76828a8](76828a8))
* **deps:** update gohugoio/hugo action to v0.129.0 ([8f4d684](8f4d684))
* **deps:** update graphql to v7.1.4 ([#3588](#3588)) ([a57d6b1](a57d6b1))
* **deps:** update junit5 monorepo to v5.10.3 ([4b30d2b](4b30d2b))
* **deps:** update kotest to v5.9.1 ([2a8194e](2a8194e))
* **deps:** update ktor monorepo to v2.3.12 ([a861122](a861122))
* **deps:** update node.js to 20.15 ([d6c7050](d6c7050))
* **deps:** update npm to v10.8.2 ([a49e703](a49e703))
* **deps:** update plugin com.gradle.develocity to v3.17.5 ([9d1a172](9d1a172))
* **deps:** update plugin com.gradle.develocity to v3.17.6 ([#3604](#3604)) ([87ec6c9](87ec6c9))
* **deps:** update plugin hugo to v0.8.0 ([013c142](013c142))
* **deps:** update plugin java-qa to v1.53.0 ([0e793b6](0e793b6))
* **deps:** update plugin java-qa to v1.55.0 ([26b178e](26b178e))
* **deps:** update plugin java-qa to v1.57.1 ([dffd515](dffd515))
* **deps:** update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.63.0 ([748d863](748d863))
* **deps:** update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.64.0 ([b3ba515](b3ba515))
* **deps:** update plugin multijvmtesting to v1 ([620998b](620998b))
* **deps:** update plugin org.danilopianini.gradle-pre-commit-git-hooks to v2.0.8 ([1cdbde7](1cdbde7))
* **deps:** update plugin publishoncentral to v5.1.4 ([da30e58](da30e58))
* **deps:** update plugin tasktree to v4 ([9e80ea1](9e80ea1))
* **deps:** update react to v18.3.1-pre.755 ([e349d84](e349d84))
* **deps:** update react to v18.3.1-pre.757 ([35cbccb](35cbccb))
* **deps:** update react to v18.3.1-pre.758 ([f256180](f256180))
* **deps:** update react to v18.3.1-pre.760 ([348a06e](348a06e))
* **deps:** update react to v18.3.1-pre.761 ([a95eef7](a95eef7))
* **deps:** update react to v18.3.1-pre.762 ([3833557](3833557))
* **deps:** update react to v18.3.1-pre.763 ([173a50b](173a50b))
* **deps:** update react to v18.3.1-pre.764 ([86f561f](86f561f))
* **deps:** update react to v18.3.1-pre.765 ([a224ef2](a224ef2))
* **deps:** update react to v18.3.1-pre.766 ([1ed5d6a](1ed5d6a))
* **deps:** update react to v18.3.1-pre.767 ([1913eee](1913eee))
* **deps:** update react to v18.3.1-pre.768 ([bf7f831](bf7f831))
* **deps:** update react to v18.3.1-pre.769 ([83bd160](83bd160))
* **deps:** update react to v18.3.1-pre.770 ([7917d84](7917d84))
* **deps:** update react to v18.3.1-pre.771 ([a06d196](a06d196))
* **deps:** update react to v18.3.1-pre.772 ([b6d8b0a](b6d8b0a))
* **deps:** update react to v18.3.1-pre.781 ([eff4abb](eff4abb))
* **deps:** update react to v18.3.1-pre.782 ([057b655](057b655))
* **deps:** update site/themes/hugo-theme-relearn digest to 1b2e139 ([3406d97](3406d97))
* **deps:** update site/themes/hugo-theme-relearn digest to 7aec99b ([#3594](#3594)) ([2ae64f3](2ae64f3))
* **deps:** update site/themes/hugo-theme-relearn digest to 8894539 ([dc20ace](dc20ace))

### Build and continuous integration

* auto-retry the MSI installation on windows ([#3593](#3593)) ([51b8622](51b8622))
* **deps-dev:** bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 ([f93c2af](f93c2af))
* **deps:** update actions/checkout action to v4.1.7 ([2e904df](2e904df))
* **deps:** update actions/download-artifact action to v4.1.8 ([799a12a](799a12a))
* **deps:** update actions/setup-node action to v4.0.3 ([e6e275a](e6e275a))
* **deps:** update actions/upload-artifact action to v4.3.4 ([d00b137](d00b137))
* **deps:** update danysk/action-checkout action to v0.2.19 ([6ce6a68](6ce6a68))
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.4.21 ([f2a5d72](f2a5d72))
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.4.22 ([56a187a](56a187a))
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.4.23 ([08e1982](08e1982))
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.4.24 ([449b9d3](449b9d3))
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3 ([088570d](088570d))
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.1.0 ([d544ba5](d544ba5))
* **deps:** update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.1.1 ([0f4036f](0f4036f))
* migrate to dnf ([#3591](#3591)) ([496cb7c](496cb7c))
* provision a username for Central from the the GitHub Actions secrets ([3d161d1](3d161d1))
* **semantic-release:** update the syntax to ECMA 6 ([#3577](#3577)) ([85bc3b3](85bc3b3))
* use the token when publishing on codecov ([#3590](#3590)) ([0dfb670](0dfb670))

### General maintenance

* **build:** update the cache ([ec3aaed](ec3aaed))
* **build:** update the cache ([a1586ee](a1586ee))
* **build:** update the cache ([197fd35](197fd35))
* **build:** update the cache ([090fc24](090fc24))
* **build:** update the cache ([8ef5309](8ef5309))
* **build:** update the cache ([f82f417](f82f417))
* **build:** update the cache ([14f4ddb](14f4ddb))
* **build:** update the cache ([4dd92ad](4dd92ad))
* **build:** update the cache ([9363318](9363318))
* **build:** update the cache ([f30b0cc](f30b0cc))
* **build:** update the cache ([c77bc77](c77bc77))
* **build:** update the cache ([7ea5e5e](7ea5e5e))
* **build:** update the cache ([172f2dc](172f2dc))
* **build:** update the cache ([be2afe1](be2afe1))
* **build:** update the cache ([6d42686](6d42686))
  • Loading branch information
semantic-release-bot committed Jul 27, 2024
1 parent 8f4d684 commit ea53afc
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Showing 2 changed files with 620 additions and 89 deletions.

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