released this
21 Aug 13:38
34.1.0 (2024-08-21)
create the NodesPositions
exporter, exporting the position of every node (#3683 ) (e2b0938 )
Dependency updates
deps: update antlr4 to v4.13.2 (2b147b1 )
deps: update danysk/makepkg docker tag to v1.1.6 (5a0b8af )
deps: update danysk/makepkg docker tag to v1.1.7 (798fe61 )
deps: update dependency ch.qos.logback:logback-classic to v1.5.7 (c9d9809 )
deps: update dependency to v33.3.0-jre (ed7e4eb )
deps: update dependency commons-cli:commons-cli to v1.9.0 (eb30cf3 )
deps: update dependency gradle to v8.10 (ab2bf9b )
deps: update dependency io.github.classgraph:classgraph to v4.8.175 (d346852 )
deps: update dependency org.apache.commons:commons-lang3 to v3.16.0 (ae56f07 )
deps: update dependency org.danilopianini:jirf to v0.4.23 (d289216 )
deps: update dependency org.danilopianini:jirf to v0.4.24 (d0cb4c8 )
deps: update dependency org.mongodb:mongodb-driver-sync to v5.1.3 (5e5d6ba )
deps: update dependency org.slf4j:slf4j-api to v2.0.14 (34b4dee )
deps: update dependency org.slf4j:slf4j-api to v2.0.15 (1ca28f2 )
deps: update dependency org.slf4j:slf4j-api to v2.0.16 (56c4abd )
deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.96 (649bd2e )
deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.97 (2cd236f )
deps: update external-resources/learning-scafi-alchemist digest to 548a30f (d3f659e )
deps: update external-resources/learning-scafi-alchemist digest to e0fd730 (793cbd1 )
deps: update external-resources/learning-scafi-alchemist digest to ffa1f2a (e11cd72 )
deps: update gohugoio/hugo action to v0.132.0 (cf352e5 )
deps: update gohugoio/hugo action to v0.132.1 (e0399b8 )
deps: update gohugoio/hugo action to v0.132.2 (44af809 )
deps: update gohugoio/hugo action to v0.133.0 (86d6812 )
deps: update junit5 monorepo to v5.11.0 (c3db8e5 )
deps: update kotlin monorepo to v2.0.10 (831a0f1 )
deps: update plugin com.gradle.develocity to v3.18 (6ad22fa )
deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.65.1 (e135746 )
deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.65.2 (52136d5 )
deps: update plugin multijvmtesting to v1.2.3 (61a62ef )
deps: update plugin multijvmtesting to v1.2.4 (687cfea )
deps: update plugin org.danilopianini.gradle-pre-commit-git-hooks to v2.0.9 (4335aad )
deps: update plugin publishoncentral to v5.1.5 (a012198 )
deps: update plugin publishoncentral to v5.1.6 (b8ace41 )
deps: update protelis to v17.3.45 (ca81207 )
deps: update react to v18.3.1-pre.787 (a328adc )
deps: update react to v18.3.1-pre.788 (9703149 )
deps: update react to v18.3.1-pre.789 (8f7669b )
deps: update react to v18.3.1-pre.790 (012007a )
deps: update react to v18.3.1-pre.791 (a97cd56 )
deps: update react to v18.3.1-pre.792 (f1c9c40 )
deps: update react to v18.3.1-pre.793 (455a845 )
deps: update react to v18.3.1-pre.795 (f2b1a40 )
deps: update site/themes/hugo-theme-relearn digest to 5b8f83d (88dd316 )
Build and continuous integration
deps: update actions/upload-artifact action to v4.3.5 (c395973 )
deps: update actions/upload-artifact action to v4.3.6 (452f7f5 )
deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.5.2 (8f2974a )
deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v3.5.3 (20adbbe )
drop deprecated capitalized
function (4b31396 )
drop deprecated URL
constructor (8f72856 )
drop useless workaround for w: duplicate library name: org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlinx-atomicfu-runtime
(ea2564c )
improve the exclusion of generated sources from verification tasks (013726d )
scafi-tutorial: try to lock the submodule version to a tag (90342e1 )
web-renderer: configure the publication using the task avoidance API (c671160 )
website: try to lock the submodule version of hugo relearn to a tag (51982cb )
work around Task ':...:dokkaJavadoc' uses this output of task ':...:jar' without declaring an explicit or implicit dependency
(c96ef72 )
work around Task ':dokka...Collector' uses this output of task ':<subproject>:jar' without declaring an explicit or implicit dependency
(ee488c0 )
General maintenance
build: update the cache (f60a043 )
build: update the cache (276711a )
build: update the cache (2f79146 )
build: update the cache (ad549d3 )
build: update the cache (f6ae609 )
build: update the cache (113a63b )
build: update the cache (7676583 )
build: update the cache (bb15964 )
build: update the cache (eca00bf )
build: update the cache (0325fd1 )
build: update the cache (1447af0 )
build: update the cache (95e3cd0 )
build: update the cache (2b448a4 )
build: update the cache (239ed96 )
build: update the cache (a3bc5b9 )
build: update the cache (471d14b )
build: update the cache (f42b038 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.