Contact me:
LinkedIn: LinkedIn
🔭 I'm currently working on a Ruby on Rails project.
📫 How to reach me
🌱 I am currently learning Node.js, as well as responsive web design and accessibility.
👯 I'm looking to collaborate with people from all over the world, as it is crucial to effectively work with diverse teams.
😄 I speak French, English, and Spanish. Additionally, I am learning Chinese.
⚡ I have work experience as a developer, collaborating with people from various countries. For instance, I have worked with colleagues from Egypt, El Salvador, India, the USA, Nicaragua, China, Pakistan, Nigeria, the Netherlands, France, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela.
🏆 Notable achievements:
- Scrum Developer Professional Certificate - SDPC:
- HakerRank JavaScript (Basic) Certificate
- HakerRank SQL (Basic) Certificate
- HakerRank CSS Certificate
- Udacity's Intro to Programming
- Scrum Foundation Professional Certificate - SFPC™
- HTML/CSS Microverse
- JavaScript Microverse
Languages and tools: