A collection of awesome vision translation resources
If you think I have missed out on something (or) have any suggestions (papers, implementations and other resources), feel free to pull a request
Feedback and contributions are welcome!
- Surveys and Tutorials
- PyTorch Implementation Library
- Style Transfer
- Image2Image Translation
- Facial Makeup Transfer
Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation. CVPR Tutorial on GANs (2018)
On Image-to-Image Translation. Stanford, MIT, Facebook, CUHK, SNU (2017)
Neural Style Transfer: A Review Yongcheng Jing, Yezhou Yang, Zunlei Feng, Jingwen Ye, Yizhou Yu, and Mingli Song
AdaIN (ICCV 2017), WCT (NIPS 2017), LinearStyleTransfer (CVPR 2019), PhotoWCT (ECCV 2018)
Demystifying neural style transfer
Y. Li, N. Wang, J. Liu, X. Hou
IJCAI, 2017, [pdf]
Incorporating long-range consistency in cnn-based texture generation
G. Berger, R. Memisevic
ICLR 2017, [pdf]
Texture synthesis using convolutional neural networks
L. A. Gatys, A. S. Ecker, M. Bethge
NIPS 2015, [pdf]
A parametric texture model based on joint statistics of complex wavelet coefficients
J. Portilla, E. P. Simoncelli
International journal of computer vision, 2000 [pdf]
Pyramid-based texture analysis/synthesis
D. J. Heeger, J. R. Bergen
the 22nd annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, 1995 [pdf]
Visual pattern discrimination
B. Julesz
IRE transactions on Information Theory, 1962 [pdf]
Fast texture synthesis using treestructured vector quantization
L.-Y. Wei, M. Levoy
the 27th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, 2000 [pdf]
Texture synthesis by nonparametric sampling
A. A. Efros, T. K. Leung
ICCV, 1999, [pdf]
Visualizing deep convolutional neural networks using natural pre-images
IJCV, 2016 [pdf]
Understanding deep image representations by inverting them
A. Mahendran, A. Vedaldi
CVPR, 2015, [pdf]
Inverting visual representations with convolutional networks
A. Dosovitskiy, T. Brox
CVPR, 2016, [pdf]
Generating images with perceptual similarity metrics based on deep networks
Alexey Dosovitskiy, Thomas Brox
NIPS, 2016, [pdf]
Laplacian-steered neural style transfer
S. Li, X. Xu, L. Nie, T.-S. Chua
ACM MM, 2017, [pdf]
Stable and controllable neural texture synthesis and style transfer using histogram losses
E. Risser, P. Wilmot, C. Barnes
Arxiv, 2017, [pdf]
Demystifying neural style transfer
Y. Li, N. Wang, J. Liu, X. Hou
IJCAI, 2017, [pdf]
Image style transfer using convolutional neural networks
L. A. Gatys, A. S. Ecker, M. Bethge
CVPR, 2016, [pdf]
Combining markov random fields and convolutional neural networks for image synthesis
C. Li, M. Wand
CVPR, 2016, [pdf]
A neural algorithm of artistic style
L. A. Gatys, A. S. Ecker, M. Bethge
Arxiv, 2015, [pdf]
Improved texture networks: Maximizing quality and diversity in feed-forward stylization and texture synthesis
D. Ulyanov, A. Vedaldi, A. Vedaldi
CVPR, 2017, [pdf]
Perceptual losses for realtime style transfer and super-resolution
J. Johnson, A. Alahi, L. Fei-Fei
ECCV, 2016, [pdf]
Texture networks: Feed-forward synthesis of textures and stylized images
D. Ulyanov, V. Lebedev, A. Vedaldi, V. Lempitsky
ICML, 2016, [pdf]
Instance Normalization: The Missing Ingredient for Fast Stylization
Dmitry Ulyanov, Andrea Vedaldi, Victor Lempitsky
Arxiv, 2016, [pdf]
Precomputed real-time texture synthesis with markovian generative adversarial networks
C. Li, M. Wand
ECCV, 2016 [pdf]
A learned representation for artistic style
V. Dumoulin, J. Shlens, M. Kudlur
ICLR, 2017, [pdf]
Stylebank: An explicit representation for neural image style transfer
D. Chen, L. Yuan, J. Liao, N. Yu, G. Hua
CVPR, 2017, [pdf]
Diversified texture synthesis with feed-forward networks
Y. Li, F. Chen, J. Yang, Z. Wang, X. Lu, M.-H. Yang
CVPR, 2017, [pdf]
Multi-style generative network for realtime transfer
H. Zhang, K. Dana
Arxiv, 2017, [pdf]
Avatar-Net: Multi-scale Zero-shot Style Transfer by Feature Decoration
Lu Sheng, Ziyi Lin, Jing Shao, Xiaogang Wang
CVPR, 2018, [pdf] [code]
Universal style transfer via feature transforms
Y. Li, C. Fang, J. Yang, Z. Wang, X. Lu, M.-H. Yang
NIPS, 2017, [pdf] [code]
Arbitrary style transfer in real-time with adaptive instance normalization
X. Huang, S. Belongie
ICCV, 2017, [pdf] [code]
Exploring the structure of a real-time, arbitrary neural artistic stylization network
G. Ghiasi, H. Lee, M. Kudlur, V. Dumoulin, J. Shlens
BMVC, 2017, [pdf]
Fast patch-based style transfer of arbitrary style
T. Q. Chen, M. Schmidt
NIPS Workshop, 2016, [pdf]
The contextual loss for image transformation with non-aligned data
R. Mechrez, I. Talmi, L. Zelnik-Manor
ECCV, 2018, [pdf]
Decoder network over lightweight reconstructed feature for fast semantic
style transfer
M. Lu, H. Zhao, A. Yao, F. Xu, Y. Chen, L. Zhang
ICCV, 2017, [pdf]
Semantic style transfer and turning two-bit doodles into fine artworks
A. J. Champandard
Arxiv, 2016, [pdf]
Towards deep style transfer: A content-aware perspective
Y.-L. Chen, C.-T. Hsu
BMVC, 2016, [pdf]
Semantic style transfer and turning two-bit doodles into fine artworks
A. J. Champandard
Arxiv, 2016, [pdf]
Learning Linear Transformations for Fast Image and Video Style Transfer
Xueting Li, Sifei Liu, Jan Kautz, Ming-Hsuan Yang
CVPR, 2019, [pdf] [code]
Artistic style transfer for videos and spherical images
Manuel Ruder, Alexey Dosovitskiy, Thomas Brox
IJCV, 2018, [pdf]
Real-time neural style transfer for videos
H. Huang, H. Wang, W. Luo, L. Ma, W. Jiang, X. Zhu, Z. Li, W. Liu
CVPR, 2017, [pdf]
Characterizing and improving stability in neural style transfer
A. Gupta, J. Johnson, A. Alahi, L. Fei-Fei
ICCV, 2017, [pdf]
Coherent online video style transfer
D. Chen, J. Liao, L. Yuan, N. Yu, G. Hua
ICCV, 2017, [pdf]
Artistic style transfer for videos
M. Ruder, A. Dosovitskiy, T. Brox
GCPR, 2016, [pdf]
Multi-content gan for few-shot font style transfer
S. Azadi, M. Fisher, V. Kim, Z. Wang, E. Shechtman, T. Darrell
CVPR, 2018, [pdf] [code]
Neural font style transfer
G. Atarsaikhan, B. K. Iwana, A. Narusawa, K. Yanai, S. Uchida
the IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 2017, [pdf]
Awesome typography: Statistics-based text effects transfer
S. Yang, J. Liu, Z. Lian, Z. Guo
CVPR, 2017, [pdf] [code]
Learning Linear Transformations for Fast Image and Video Style Transfer
Xueting Li, Sifei Liu, Jan Kautz, Ming-Hsuan Yang
CVPR, 2019, [pdf] [code]
PairedCycleGAN: Asymmetric Style Transfer for Applying and Removing Makeup
Huiwen Chang, Jingwan Lu, Fisher Yu, Adam Finkelstein
CVPR, 2018, [pdf]
A Closed-form Solution to Photorealistic Image Stylization
Y. Li, M.-Y. Liu, X. Li, M.-H. Yang, J. Kautz
ECCV, 2018, [pdf] [code]
Style transfer for anime sketches with enhanced residual u-net and auxiliary classifier gan
L. Zhang, Y. Ji, X. Lin
ACPR, 2017, [pdf]
Deep photo style transfer
F. Luan, S. Paris, E. Shechtman, K. Bala
CVPR, 2017, [pdf]
Photorealistic style transfer with screened poisson equation
R. Mechrez, E. Shechtman, L. Zelnik-Manor
BMVC, 2017, [pdf]
Visual attribute transfer through deep image analogy
J. Liao, Y. Yao, L. Yuan, G. Hua, S. B. Kang
TOG, 2017, [pdf]
SwapNet: Image Based Garment Transfer
Amit Raj, Patsorn Sangkloy, Huiwen Chang, James Hays, Duygu Ceylan, Jingwan Lu
ECCV, 2018, [pdf]
Fashion style generator
S. Jiang, Y. Fu
IJCAI, 2017, [pdf]
Refer to Link
BeautyGlow: On-Demand Makeup Transfer Framework With Reversible Generative Network.
Hung-Jen Chen, Ka-Ming Hui, Szu-Yu Wang, Li-Wu Tsao, Hong-Han Shuai, Wen-Huang Cheng
CVPR 2019 [pdf]
BeautyGAN: Instance-level Facial Makeup Transfer with Deep Generative Adversarial Network.
Tingting Li, Ruihe Qian, Chao Dong, Si Liu, Qiong Yan, Wenwu Zhu, Liang Lin
ACM Multimedia 2018 [pdf]
PairedCycleGAN: Asymmetric Style Transfer for Applying and Removing Makeup
Huiwen Chang, Jingwan Lu, Fisher Yu, Adam Finkelstein
CVPR 2018 [pdf]