pip install amino.ed
import aminoed
async def main(client: aminoed.Client):
await client.login("email", "password")
from aminoed import *
bot = Client(prefix="!")
@bot.execute() # Runs in the background, after bot.start()
async def on_start():
print(f"Bot {bot.auth.user.nickname} working.")
@bot.command() # Comand name - function name
async def help(event: Event):
await event.send_message("[c]Comands\n" \
"?chatmembers - members count.")
@bot.command("chatmembers", "?") # Custom command and prefix
async def chatmembers(event: Event):
chat = await event.client.get_chat_thread(event.threadId)
await event.send_message(f"Chat members count: {chat.membersCount}.")
bot.start("email", "password")