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File metadata and controls

121 lines (100 loc) · 6.52 KB


Table of contents


This is my config for i3wm, the tiling window manager I have running on Ubuntu. Some of the config files, however, may be used on GNU/Linux systems that don't have i3wm, such as the compton config and the rofi config. Note

  • $mod key is Mod1 (Alt on most keyboards)
    • change this to Mod4 for Windows key on most keyboards
  • capslock is configured to act as backspace
    • delete line 221 in the config file if you don't want this admittedly odd configeration
  • the i3wm default j-k-l-; movement keys are configured to the more Vim-familiar h-j-k-l


Screenshot of window manager on dual screen setup


launching FireFox in rofi


Screenshot of terminal in the ~/documents/programming folder




  • Files for styling and key bindings
  • i3blocks config file


  • Composition manager config file
    • For screen tearing, window compositing, and blur/transparency effects


  • Mojave theme


  • Vim bundled with Vundle and YouCompleteMe autocomplete


  • Styled and key bindings
    • "c" command cd's into a directory and runs ls


The config file references the following programs:

  • i3blocks
    • a feed generator for status bars
      • required for the status bar
      • i3blocks.conf is the associated config file
  • Compton
    • a compositor for X11
      • required for blur effect on windows
      • bonus works well at fixing screen tearing issues
  • Rofi
    • a window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
      • required for launching applications The following programs are referenced in the config file as a shortcut
  • Ranger
    • file manager for the console
  • amixer
    • volume control
  • Firefox
  • Chrome

Key Bindings

Key Purpose
$mod + (1-9,0) Switch to workspaces with number 1-10
$mod + Shift + (1-9,0) Move the container to the workspaces with number 1-10
$mod + h (j, k, l) focus left (down, up, right) window
$mod + Shift + h (j, k, l) move focused window left (down, up, right)
$mod + r , (h, j, k, l) enter resize mode , (shrink width, grow width, shrink height, grow height)
$mod + Return terminal
$mod + Shift + r Restart I3 inplace
$mod + Shift + e exit i3 (logs you out of your X session)
$mod + r Activate resize mode
$mod + space Change focus between tiling and floating windows
$mod + Shift + space Toggle floating status of the focused container
$mod + a focus the parent container
$mod + d focus the child container
$mod + e Toggle the layout of the focused container
$mod + h Split the current container horizontally
$mod + v Split the current container vertically
$mod + f Fullscreen mode for the focused container
$mod + q Lock the system
Middle Mouse Button Kill the focused window
$mod + shift + q Kill the focused window
$mod + shift + x lock computer
$mod + i launch Firefox
$mod + m mute
$mod + , decrease volume
$mod + . increase volume
$mod + / max volume
$mod + Delete shutdown
$mod + End reboot
$mod + Page Down exit i3


Backup your existing i3 config :) Move the .config/ contents into the ~/.config folder.
Move .vim/ folder, .vimrc, and .bashrc into the home directory.

git clone
cd dotfiles/
mv .config/* ~/.config
mv .vim/ .vimrc .bashrc ~/

Install dependencies


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