Heroku link: https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/aqueous-brushlands-73679 Github Pages: https://alexkjones.github.io/Drink-Night-Client/
Backend API Repo: https://github.com/AlexKJones/Drink-Night
Wireframe: https://i.imgur.com/EgdvIwo.jpg
User Stories: I want to be able to sign up and have my own profile. I want to be able to sign into my account. I want to be able to change my password. I want to be able to sign out. I want to be able to add, update, view, and delete nights to my account I want to be able to add drinks to my nights.
Technologies Used: bootstrap, jquery, popper.js, babel-core, grunt, mocha, sass, handlebars, node, css, javascript, html, ajax, Github
What it Does: This is the front end of the Drink Night app it set ups the format, webpage, and visual, clickable buttons to communicate with the API so that a user can Sign up, in , out, or change their password this also gives forms and submition buttons to allow a user to view, create, destroy, and update events for their account that eventually will be populatable by drinks consumed during the events for tracking purposes.